コード例 #1
        SimulatorReport nonlinearIteration(const int iteration,
                                           const SimulatorTimerInterface& timer,
                                           NonlinearSolverType& nonlinear_solver)
            SimulatorReport report;
            failureReport_ = SimulatorReport();
            Dune::Timer perfTimer;

            if (iteration == 0) {
                // For each iteration we store in a vector the norms of the residual of
                // the mass balance for each active phase, the well flux and the well equations.
                current_relaxation_ = 1.0;
                dx_old_ = 0.0;
                convergence_reports_.push_back({timer.reportStepNum(), timer.currentStepNum(), {}});

            report.total_linearizations = 1;

            try {
                report += assembleReservoir(timer, iteration);
                report.assemble_time += perfTimer.stop();
            catch (...) {
                report.assemble_time += perfTimer.stop();
                failureReport_ += report;
                // todo (?): make the report an attribute of the class
                throw; // continue throwing the stick

            std::vector<double> residual_norms;
            // the step is not considered converged until at least minIter iterations is done
                auto convrep = getConvergence(timer, iteration,residual_norms);
                report.converged = convrep.converged()  && iteration > nonlinear_solver.minIter();;
                ConvergenceReport::Severity severity = convrep.severityOfWorstFailure();

                // Throw if any NaN or too large residual found.
                if (severity == ConvergenceReport::Severity::NotANumber) {
                    OPM_THROW(Opm::NumericalIssue, "NaN residual found!");
                } else if (severity == ConvergenceReport::Severity::TooLarge) {
                    OPM_THROW(Opm::NumericalIssue, "Too large residual found!");

             // checking whether the group targets are converged
             if (wellModel().wellCollection().groupControlActive()) {
                  report.converged = report.converged && wellModel().wellCollection().groupTargetConverged(wellModel().wellState().wellRates());

            report.update_time += perfTimer.stop();
            if (!report.converged) {
                report.total_newton_iterations = 1;

                // enable single precision for solvers when dt is smaller then 20 days
                //residual_.singlePrecision = (unit::convert::to(dt, unit::day) < 20.) ;

                // Compute the nonlinear update.
                const int nc = UgGridHelpers::numCells(grid_);
                BVector x(nc);

                // apply the Schur compliment of the well model to the reservoir linearized
                // equations

                // Solve the linear system.
                linear_solve_setup_time_ = 0.0;
                try {
                    report.linear_solve_setup_time += linear_solve_setup_time_;
                    report.linear_solve_time += perfTimer.stop();
                    report.total_linear_iterations += linearIterationsLastSolve();
                catch (...) {
                    report.linear_solve_setup_time += linear_solve_setup_time_;
                    report.linear_solve_time += perfTimer.stop();
                    report.total_linear_iterations += linearIterationsLastSolve();

                    failureReport_ += report;
                    throw; // re-throw up


                // handling well state update before oscillation treatment is a decision based
                // on observation to avoid some big performance degeneration under some circumstances.
                // there is no theorectical explanation which way is better for sure.

                if (param_.use_update_stabilization_) {
                    // Stabilize the nonlinear update.
                    bool isOscillate = false;
                    bool isStagnate = false;
                    nonlinear_solver.detectOscillations(residual_norms_history_, iteration, isOscillate, isStagnate);
                    if (isOscillate) {
                        current_relaxation_ -= nonlinear_solver.relaxIncrement();
                        current_relaxation_ = std::max(current_relaxation_, nonlinear_solver.relaxMax());
                        if (terminalOutputEnabled()) {
                            std::string msg = "    Oscillating behavior detected: Relaxation set to "
                                    + std::to_string(current_relaxation_);
                    nonlinear_solver.stabilizeNonlinearUpdate(x, dx_old_, current_relaxation_);

                // Apply the update, with considering model-dependent limitations and
                // chopping of the update.

                report.update_time += perfTimer.stop();

            return report;
コード例 #2
ファイル: dumux_test.cpp プロジェクト: rolk/dune-cornerpoint
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    try {
        // define the problem dimensions
        const int dim=2;

        // create a grid object
        typedef double NumberType;
        typedef Dune::SGrid<dim,dim> GridType;

        Dune::FieldVector<GridType::ctype,dim> L(0);
        Dune::FieldVector<GridType::ctype,dim> R(300);
        Dune::FieldVector<int,dim> N(2);
        GridType grid(N,L,R);
        typedef GridType::LevelGridView GridView;
        GridView gridView(grid.levelView(0));

        //Uniform mat;
        Dune::Uniform mat;

        Dune::HomogeneousSoil<GridType, NumberType> soil;
//        Dune::HeterogeneousSoil<GridType, NumberType> soil(grid, "permeab.dat", true);
//        printvector(std::cout, *(soil.permeability), "permeability", "row", 200, 1);
//        soil.permeability.vtkout("permeability", grid);

        Dune::TwoPhaseRelations<GridType, NumberType> materialLaw(soil, mat, mat);

        typedef Dune::VariableClass<GridView, NumberType> VC;

        double initsat = 0.8;

//        VC variables(gridView,initsat);
        //for fe discretisation -> pressure on the nodes!
        VC variables(gridView, dim, initsat);

        Dune::UniformProblem<GridView, NumberType, VC> problem(variables, mat, mat, soil, materialLaw, R);

        Dune::Timer timer;
//        Dune::LeafFEPressure2P<GridView, NumberType, VC> diffusion(gridView, problem);
        Dune::FVWettingPhaseVelocity2P<GridView, NumberType, VC> diffusion(gridView, problem, "pw","Sw");
//        Dune::MimeticPressure2P<GridView, NumberType, VC> diffusion(gridView, problem);

        std::cout << "pressure calculation took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds" << std::endl;
        printvector(std::cout, variables.pressure(), "pressure", "row", 200, 1, 3);
        variables.vtkout("fv", 0);

        printvector(std::cout, variables.velocity(), "velocity", "row", 4, 1, 3);

        return 0;
    catch (Dune::Exception &e) {
        std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl;
    catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown!" << std::endl;