Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr RegistryI::setupAdminSessionFactory(const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& registryAdapter, const Ice::ObjectPtr& router, const IceGrid::LocatorPrx& locator) { Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = _communicator->getProperties(); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter; SessionServantManagerPtr servantManager; if(!properties->getProperty("IceGrid.Registry.AdminSessionManager.Endpoints").empty()) { adapter = _communicator->createObjectAdapter("IceGrid.Registry.AdminSessionManager"); servantManager = new SessionServantManager(adapter, _instanceName, false, getServerAdminCategory(), router, 0); adapter->addServantLocator(servantManager, ""); } assert(_reaper); _adminSessionFactory = new AdminSessionFactory(servantManager, _database, _reaper, this); if(servantManager) { Identity sessionMgrId; sessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "AdminSessionManager"; Identity sslSessionMgrId; sslSessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "AdminSSLSessionManager"; if(!_master) { += "-" + _replicaName; += "-" + _replicaName; } adapter->add(new AdminSessionManagerI(_adminSessionFactory), sessionMgrId); adapter->add(new AdminSSLSessionManagerI(_adminSessionFactory), sslSessionMgrId); _wellKnownObjects->add(adapter->createProxy(sessionMgrId), Glacier2::SessionManager::ice_staticId()); _wellKnownObjects->add(adapter->createProxy(sslSessionMgrId), Glacier2::SSLSessionManager::ice_staticId()); } if(adapter) { Ice::Identity dummy; = "dummy"; _wellKnownObjects->addEndpoint("AdminSessionManager", adapter->createDirectProxy(dummy)); } _adminVerifier = getPermissionsVerifier(registryAdapter, locator, "IceGrid.Registry.AdminPermissionsVerifier", properties->getProperty("IceGrid.Registry.AdminCryptPasswords")); _sslAdminVerifier = getSSLPermissionsVerifier(locator, "IceGrid.Registry.AdminSSLPermissionsVerifier"); return adapter; }
Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr RegistryI::setupClientSessionFactory(const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& registryAdapter, const IceGrid::LocatorPrx& locator) { Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = _communicator->getProperties(); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter; SessionServantManagerPtr servantManager; if(!properties->getProperty("IceGrid.Registry.SessionManager.Endpoints").empty()) { adapter = _communicator->createObjectAdapter("IceGrid.Registry.SessionManager"); servantManager = new SessionServantManager(adapter, _instanceName, false, "", 0, 0); adapter->addServantLocator(servantManager, ""); } assert(_reaper); _timer = new IceUtil::Timer(); // Used for for session allocation timeout. _clientSessionFactory = new ClientSessionFactory(servantManager, _database, _timer, _reaper); if(servantManager && _master) // Slaves don't support client session manager objects. { Identity sessionMgrId; sessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "SessionManager"; Identity sslSessionMgrId; sslSessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "SSLSessionManager"; adapter->add(new ClientSessionManagerI(_clientSessionFactory), sessionMgrId); adapter->add(new ClientSSLSessionManagerI(_clientSessionFactory), sslSessionMgrId); _wellKnownObjects->add(adapter->createProxy(sessionMgrId), Glacier2::SessionManager::ice_staticId()); _wellKnownObjects->add(adapter->createProxy(sslSessionMgrId), Glacier2::SSLSessionManager::ice_staticId()); } if(adapter) { Ice::Identity dummy; = "dummy"; _wellKnownObjects->addEndpoint("SessionManager", adapter->createDirectProxy(dummy)); } _clientVerifier = getPermissionsVerifier(registryAdapter, locator, "IceGrid.Registry.PermissionsVerifier", properties->getProperty("IceGrid.Registry.CryptPasswords")); _sslClientVerifier = getSSLPermissionsVerifier(locator, "IceGrid.Registry.SSLPermissionsVerifier"); return adapter; }
bool RegistryI::setupUserAccountMapper(const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& registryAdapter) { Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = _communicator->getProperties(); // // Setup file user account mapper object if the property is set. // string userAccountFileProperty = properties->getProperty("IceGrid.Registry.UserAccounts"); if(!userAccountFileProperty.empty()) { try { Identity mapperId; mapperId.category = _instanceName; = "RegistryUserAccountMapper"; if(!_master) { += "-" + _replicaName; } registryAdapter->add(new FileUserAccountMapperI(userAccountFileProperty), mapperId); _wellKnownObjects->add(registryAdapter->createProxy(mapperId), UserAccountMapper::ice_staticId()); } catch(const std::string& msg) { Error out(_communicator->getLogger()); out << msg; return false; } } return true; }
static ServerPrx idToProxy(int id, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr &adapter) { Ice::Identity ident; ident.category = "s"; = u8(QString::number(id)); return ServerPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->createProxy(ident)); }
void RegistryI::setupAdminSessionFactory(const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& registryAdapter, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& sessionManagerAdapter, const IceGrid::LocatorPrx& locator, bool nowarn) { assert(_reaper); _adminSessionFactory = new AdminSessionFactory(sessionManagerAdapter, _database, _reaper, this); if(sessionManagerAdapter) { Identity adminSessionMgrId; adminSessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "AdminSessionManager"; Identity sslAdmSessionMgrId; sslAdmSessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "AdminSSLSessionManager"; if(!_master) { += "-" + _replicaName; += "-" + _replicaName; } sessionManagerAdapter->add(new AdminSessionManagerI(_adminSessionFactory), adminSessionMgrId); sessionManagerAdapter->add(new AdminSSLSessionManagerI(_adminSessionFactory), sslAdmSessionMgrId); _wellKnownObjects->add(sessionManagerAdapter->createProxy(adminSessionMgrId), Glacier2::SessionManager::ice_staticId()); _wellKnownObjects->add(sessionManagerAdapter->createProxy(sslAdmSessionMgrId), Glacier2::SSLSessionManager::ice_staticId()); } Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = _communicator->getProperties(); _adminVerifier = getPermissionsVerifier(registryAdapter, locator, "IceGrid.Registry.AdminPermissionsVerifier", properties->getProperty("IceGrid.Registry.AdminCryptPasswords"), nowarn); _sslAdminVerifier = getSSLPermissionsVerifier(locator, "IceGrid.Registry.AdminSSLPermissionsVerifier", nowarn); }
int NestedClient::run(int argc, char*[]) { if(argc > 1) { cerr << appName() << ": too many arguments" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } NestedPrx nested = NestedPrx::checkedCast(communicator()->propertyToProxy("Nested.Proxy")); if(!nested) { cerr << appName() << ": invalid proxy" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // // Ensure the invocation times out if the nesting level is too // high and there are no more threads in the thread pool to // dispatch the call. // nested = nested->ice_invocationTimeout(5000); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("Nested.Client"); NestedPrx self = NestedPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->createProxy(communicator()->stringToIdentity("nestedClient"))); NestedPtr servant = new NestedI(self); adapter->add(servant, communicator()->stringToIdentity("nestedClient")); adapter->activate(); cout << "Note: The maximum nesting level is sz * 2, with sz being\n" << "the maximum number of threads in the server thread pool. if\n" << "you specify a value higher than that, the application will\n" << "block or timeout.\n" << endl; string s; do { try { cout << "enter nesting level or 'x' for exit: "; cin >> s; int level = atoi(s.c_str()); if(level > 0) { nested->nestedCall(level, self); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } } while(cin.good() && s != "x"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
virtual void initialize(const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& adptr, const Ice::Identity& identity, const string& /*facet*/, const Ice::ObjectPtr& servant) { CasinoStore::PersistentPlayerPrx prx = CasinoStore::PersistentPlayerPrx::uncheckedCast(adptr->createProxy(identity)); PlayerI* player = dynamic_cast<PlayerI*>(servant.get()); player->init(prx, _server._playerEvictor, _server._bankPrx); }
void RegistryI::setupClientSessionFactory(const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& registryAdapter, const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& sessionManagerAdapter, const IceGrid::LocatorPrx& locator, bool nowarn) { _waitQueue = new WaitQueue(); // Used for for session allocation timeout. _waitQueue->start(); assert(_reaper); _clientSessionFactory = new ClientSessionFactory(sessionManagerAdapter, _database, _waitQueue, _reaper); if(sessionManagerAdapter && _master) // Slaves don't support client session manager objects. { Identity clientSessionMgrId; clientSessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "SessionManager"; Identity sslClientSessionMgrId; sslClientSessionMgrId.category = _instanceName; = "SSLSessionManager"; sessionManagerAdapter->add(new ClientSessionManagerI(_clientSessionFactory), clientSessionMgrId); sessionManagerAdapter->add(new ClientSSLSessionManagerI(_clientSessionFactory), sslClientSessionMgrId); _wellKnownObjects->add(sessionManagerAdapter->createProxy(clientSessionMgrId), Glacier2::SessionManager::ice_staticId()); _wellKnownObjects->add(sessionManagerAdapter->createProxy(sslClientSessionMgrId), Glacier2::SSLSessionManager::ice_staticId()); } Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = _communicator->getProperties(); _clientVerifier = getPermissionsVerifier(registryAdapter, locator, "IceGrid.Registry.PermissionsVerifier", properties->getProperty("IceGrid.Registry.CryptPasswords"), nowarn); _sslClientVerifier = getSSLPermissionsVerifier(locator, "IceGrid.Registry.SSLPermissionsVerifier", nowarn); }
vector<CasinoStore::PersistentBetPrx> BankI::getBets(const Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr& adapter) const { vector<CasinoStore::PersistentBetPrx> result; Freeze::EvictorIteratorPtr p = _betEvictor->getIterator("", 100); while(p->hasNext()) { Ice::Identity ident = p->next(); result.push_back(CasinoStore::PersistentBetPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->createProxy(ident))); } return result; }
int NestedServer::run(int argc, char*[]) { if(argc > 1) { cerr << appName() << ": too many arguments" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("Nested.Server"); NestedPrx self = NestedPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->createProxy(communicator()->stringToIdentity("nestedServer"))); NestedPtr servant = new NestedI(self); adapter->add(servant, communicator()->stringToIdentity("nestedServer")); adapter->activate(); communicator()->waitForShutdown(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int run(int, char**, const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const Ice::InitializationData& initData) { // // Register the server manager. The server manager creates a new // 'server' (a server isn't a different process, it's just a new // communicator and object adapter). // Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); properties->setProperty("Ice.ThreadPool.Server.Size", "2"); properties->setProperty("ServerManager.Endpoints", getTestEndpoint(communicator, 0) + ":udp"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("ServerManager"); // // We also register a sample server locator which implements the // locator interface, this locator is used by the clients and the // 'servers' created with the server manager interface. // ServerLocatorRegistryPtr registry = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(ServerLocatorRegistry); registry->addObject(adapter->createProxy(Ice::stringToIdentity("ServerManager"))); Ice::ObjectPtr object = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(ServerManagerI, registry, initData); adapter->add(object, Ice::stringToIdentity("ServerManager")); Ice::LocatorRegistryPrxPtr registryPrx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(Ice::LocatorRegistryPrx, adapter->add(registry, Ice::stringToIdentity("registry"))); Ice::LocatorPtr locator = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(ServerLocator, registry, registryPrx); adapter->add(locator, Ice::stringToIdentity("locator")); adapter->activate(); TEST_READY communicator->waitForShutdown(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int run(int argc, char* argv[], const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const Ice::InitializationData& initData) { // // Register the server manager. The server manager creates a new // 'server' (a server isn't a different process, it's just a new // communicator and object adapter). // Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); properties->setProperty("Ice.ThreadPool.Server.Size", "2"); properties->setProperty("ServerManager.Endpoints", "default -p 12010:udp"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("ServerManager"); // // We also register a sample server locator which implements the // locator interface, this locator is used by the clients and the // 'servers' created with the server manager interface. // ServerLocatorRegistryPtr registry = new ServerLocatorRegistry(); registry->addObject(adapter->createProxy(communicator->stringToIdentity("ServerManager"))); Ice::ObjectPtr object = new ServerManagerI(adapter, registry, initData); adapter->add(object, communicator->stringToIdentity("ServerManager")); Ice::LocatorRegistryPrx registryPrx = Ice::LocatorRegistryPrx::uncheckedCast(adapter->add(registry, communicator->stringToIdentity("registry"))); Ice::LocatorPtr locator = new ServerLocator(registry, registryPrx); adapter->add(locator, communicator->stringToIdentity("locator")); adapter->activate(); communicator->waitForShutdown(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void ServiceI::start( const string& name, const CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const StringSeq& /*args*/) { PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); validateProperties(name, properties, communicator->getLogger()); int id = properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(name + ".NodeId", -1); // If we are using a replicated deployment and if the topic // manager thread pool max size is not set then ensure it is set // to some suitably high number. This ensures no deadlocks in the // replicated case due to call forwarding from replicas to // coordinators. if(id != -1 && properties->getProperty(name + ".TopicManager.ThreadPool.SizeMax").empty()) { properties->setProperty(name + ".TopicManager.ThreadPool.SizeMax", "100"); } Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr topicAdapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter(name + ".TopicManager"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr publishAdapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter(name + ".Publish"); // // We use the name of the service for the name of the database environment. // string instanceName = properties->getPropertyWithDefault(name + ".InstanceName", "IceStorm"); Identity topicManagerId; topicManagerId.category = instanceName; = "TopicManager"; if(properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(name+ ".Transient", 0) > 0) { _instance = new Instance(instanceName, name, communicator, publishAdapter, topicAdapter, 0); try { TransientTopicManagerImplPtr manager = new TransientTopicManagerImpl(_instance); _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->add(manager, topicManagerId)); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { _instance = 0; LoggerOutputBase s; s << "exception while starting IceStorm service " << name << ":\n"; s << ex; IceBox::FailureException e(__FILE__, __LINE__); e.reason = s.str(); throw e; } topicAdapter->activate(); publishAdapter->activate(); return; } if(id == -1) // No replication. { _instance = new Instance(instanceName, name, communicator, publishAdapter, topicAdapter); try { _manager = new TopicManagerImpl(_instance); _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->add(_manager->getServant(), topicManagerId)); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { _instance = 0; LoggerOutputBase s; s << "exception while starting IceStorm service " << name << ":\n"; s << ex; IceBox::FailureException e(__FILE__, __LINE__); e.reason = s.str(); throw e; } } else { // Here we want to create a map of id -> election node // proxies. map<int, NodePrx> nodes; string topicManagerAdapterId = properties->getProperty(name + ".TopicManager.AdapterId"); // We support two possible deployments. The first is a manual // deployment, the second is IceGrid. // // Here we check for the manual deployment const string prefix = name + ".Nodes."; Ice::PropertyDict props = properties->getPropertiesForPrefix(prefix); if(!props.empty()) { for(Ice::PropertyDict::const_iterator p = props.begin(); p != props.end(); ++p) { int nodeid = atoi(p->first.substr(prefix.size()).c_str()); nodes[nodeid] = NodePrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->propertyToProxy(p->first)); } } else { // If adapter id's are defined for the topic manager or // node adapters then we consider this an IceGrid based // deployment. string nodeAdapterId = properties->getProperty(name + ".Node.AdapterId"); // Validate first that the adapter ids match for the node // and the topic manager otherwise some other deployment // is being used. const string suffix = ".TopicManager"; if(topicManagerAdapterId.empty() || nodeAdapterId.empty() || topicManagerAdapterId.replace( topicManagerAdapterId.find(suffix), suffix.size(), ".Node") != nodeAdapterId) { Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger()); error << "deployment error: `" << topicManagerAdapterId << "' prefix does not match `" << nodeAdapterId << "'"; throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "IceGrid deployment is incorrect"); } // Determine the set of node id and node proxies. // // This is determined by locating all topic manager // replicas, and then working out the node for that // replica. // // We work out the node id by removing the instance // name. The node id must follow. // IceGrid::LocatorPrx locator = IceGrid::LocatorPrx::checkedCast(communicator->getDefaultLocator()); assert(locator); IceGrid::QueryPrx query = locator->getLocalQuery(); Ice::ObjectProxySeq replicas = query->findAllReplicas( communicator->stringToProxy(instanceName + "/TopicManager")); for(Ice::ObjectProxySeq::const_iterator p = replicas.begin(); p != replicas.end(); ++p) { string adapterid = (*p)->ice_getAdapterId(); // Replace TopicManager with the node endpoint. adapterid = adapterid.replace(adapterid.find(suffix), suffix.size(), ".Node"); // The adapter id must start with the instance name. if(adapterid.find(instanceName) != 0) { Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger()); error << "deployment error: `" << adapterid << "' does not start with `" << instanceName << "'"; throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "IceGrid deployment is incorrect"); } // The node id follows. We find the first digit (the // start of the node id, and then the end of the // digits). string::size_type start = instanceName.size(); while(start < adapterid.size() && !IceUtilInternal::isDigit(adapterid[start])) { ++start; } string::size_type end = start; while(end < adapterid.size() && IceUtilInternal::isDigit(adapterid[end])) { ++end; } if(start == end) { // We must have at least one digit, otherwise there is // some sort of deployment error. Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger()); error << "deployment error: node id does not follow instance name. instance name:" << instanceName << " adapter id: " << adapterid; throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "IceGrid deployment is incorrect"); } int nodeid = atoi(adapterid.substr(start, end-start).c_str()); ostringstream os; os << "node" << nodeid; Ice::Identity id; id.category = instanceName; = os.str(); nodes[nodeid] = NodePrx::uncheckedCast((*p)->ice_adapterId(adapterid)->ice_identity(id)); } } if(nodes.size() < 3) { Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger()); error << "Replication requires at least 3 Nodes"; throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Replication requires at least 3 Nodes"); } try { // If the node thread pool size is not set then initialize // to the number of nodes + 1 and disable thread pool size // warnings. if(properties->getProperty(name + ".Node.ThreadPool.Size").empty()) { ostringstream os; os << nodes.size() + 1; properties->setProperty(name + ".Node.ThreadPool.Size", os.str()); properties->setProperty(name + ".Node.ThreadPool.SizeWarn", "0"); } if(properties->getProperty(name + ".Node.MessageSizeMax").empty()) { properties->setProperty(name + ".Node.MessageSizeMax", "0"); // No limit on data exchanged internally } Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr nodeAdapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter(name + ".Node"); _instance = new Instance(instanceName, name, communicator, publishAdapter, topicAdapter, nodeAdapter, nodes[id]); _instance->observers()->setMajority(static_cast<unsigned int>(nodes.size())/2); // Trace replication information. TraceLevelsPtr traceLevels = _instance->traceLevels(); if(traceLevels->election > 0) { Ice::Trace out(traceLevels->logger, traceLevels->electionCat); out << "I am node " << id << "\n"; for(map<int, NodePrx>::const_iterator p = nodes.begin(); p != nodes.end(); ++p) { out << "\tnode: " << p->first << " proxy: " << p->second->ice_toString() << "\n"; } } if(topicManagerAdapterId.empty()) { // We're not using an IceGrid deployment. Here we need // a proxy which is used to create proxies to the // replicas later. _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->createProxy(topicManagerId)); } else { // If we're using IceGrid deployment we need to create // indirect proxies. _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->createIndirectProxy(topicManagerId)); } _manager = new TopicManagerImpl(_instance); topicAdapter->add(_manager->getServant(), topicManagerId); ostringstream os; // The node object identity. os << "node" << id; Ice::Identity nodeid; nodeid.category = instanceName; = os.str(); NodeIPtr node = new NodeI(_instance, _manager, _managerProxy, id, nodes); _instance->setNode(node); nodeAdapter->add(node, nodeid); nodeAdapter->activate(); node->start(); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { _instance = 0; LoggerOutputBase s; s << "exception while starting IceStorm service " << name << ":\n"; s << ex; IceBox::FailureException e(__FILE__, __LINE__); e.reason = s.str(); throw e; } } topicAdapter->add(new FinderI(TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->createProxy(topicManagerId))), communicator->stringToIdentity("IceStorm/Finder")); topicAdapter->activate(); publishAdapter->activate(); }
int CallbackClient::run(int argc, char* argv[]) { // // Since this is an interactive demo we want the custom interrupt // callback to be called when the process is interrupted. // callbackOnInterrupt(); CallbackSenderPrx twoway = CallbackSenderPrx::checkedCast( communicator()->propertyToProxy("Callback.CallbackServer")-> ice_twoway()->ice_timeout(-1)->ice_secure(false)); if(!twoway) { cerr << appName() << ": invalid proxy" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } CallbackSenderPrx oneway = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(twoway->ice_oneway()); CallbackSenderPrx batchOneway = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(twoway->ice_batchOneway()); CallbackSenderPrx datagram = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(twoway->ice_datagram()); CallbackSenderPrx batchDatagram = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(twoway->ice_batchDatagram()); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("Callback.Client"); adapter->add(new CallbackReceiverI, communicator()->stringToIdentity("callbackReceiver")); adapter->activate(); CallbackReceiverPrx twowayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast( adapter->createProxy(communicator()->stringToIdentity("callbackReceiver"))); CallbackReceiverPrx onewayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(twowayR->ice_oneway()); CallbackReceiverPrx datagramR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(twowayR->ice_datagram()); bool secure = false; string secureStr = ""; menu(); char c; do { try { cout << "==> "; cin >> c; if(c == 't') { twoway->initiateCallback(twowayR); } else if(c == 'o') { oneway->initiateCallback(onewayR); } else if(c == 'O') { batchOneway->initiateCallback(onewayR); } else if(c == 'd') { if(secure) { cout << "secure datagrams are not supported" << endl; } else { datagram->initiateCallback(datagramR); } } else if(c == 'D') { if(secure) { cout << "secure datagrams are not supported" << endl; } else { batchDatagram->initiateCallback(datagramR); } } else if(c == 'f') { communicator()->flushBatchRequests(); } else if(c == 'S') { secure = !secure; secureStr = secure ? "s" : ""; twoway = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(twoway->ice_secure(secure)); oneway = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(oneway->ice_secure(secure)); batchOneway = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(batchOneway->ice_secure(secure)); datagram = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(datagram->ice_secure(secure)); batchDatagram = CallbackSenderPrx::uncheckedCast(batchDatagram->ice_secure(secure)); twowayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(twowayR->ice_secure(secure)); onewayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(onewayR->ice_secure(secure)); datagramR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast(datagramR->ice_secure(secure)); if(secure) { cout << "secure mode is now on" << endl; } else { cout << "secure mode is now off" << endl; } } else if(c == 's') { twoway->shutdown(); } else if(c == 'x') { // Nothing to do } else if(c == '?') { menu(); } else { cout << "unknown command `" << c << "'" << endl; menu(); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } } while(cin.good() && c != 'x'); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int run(int argc, char* argv[], const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { if(argc > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); const char* proxyProperty = "CallbackSender.Proxy"; string proxy = properties->getProperty(proxyProperty); if(proxy.empty()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: property `%s' not set\n", argv[0], proxyProperty); return EXIT_FAILURE; } Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy(proxy); CallbackSenderPrx twoway = CallbackSenderPrx::checkedCast(base->ice_twoway()->ice_timeout(-1)); if(!twoway) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid proxy\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } CallbackSenderPrx oneway = twoway->ice_oneway(); #ifdef ICEE_HAS_BATCH CallbackSenderPrx batchOneway = twoway->ice_batchOneway(); #endif Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("Callback.Client"); CallbackReceiverPtr cr = new CallbackReceiverI; adapter->add(cr, communicator->stringToIdentity("callbackReceiver")); adapter->activate(); CallbackReceiverPrx twowayR = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast( adapter->createProxy(communicator->stringToIdentity("callbackReceiver"))); CallbackReceiverPrx onewayR = twowayR->ice_oneway(); menu(); char c = EOF; do { try { printf("==> "); fflush(stdout); do { c = getchar(); } while(c != EOF && c == '\n'); if(c == 't') { twoway->initiateCallback(twowayR); } else if(c == 'o') { oneway->initiateCallback(onewayR); } #ifdef ICEE_HAS_BATCH else if(c == 'O') { batchOneway->initiateCallback(onewayR); } else if(c == 'f') { batchOneway->ice_flushBatchRequests(); } #endif else if(c == 's') { twoway->shutdown(); } else if(c == 'x') { // Nothing to do } else if(c == '?') { menu(); } else { printf("unknown command `%c'\n", c); menu(); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ex.toString().c_str()); } } while(c != EOF && c != 'x'); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int CallbackClient::run(int argc, char*[]) { if(argc > 1) { cerr << appName() << ": too many arguments" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } CallbackSenderPrx sender = CallbackSenderPrx::checkedCast( communicator()->propertyToProxy("CallbackSender.Proxy")->ice_twoway()->ice_timeout(-1)->ice_secure(false)); if(!sender) { cerr << appName() << ": invalid proxy" << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator()->createObjectAdapter("Callback.Client"); CallbackReceiverPtr cr = new CallbackReceiverI; adapter->add(cr, communicator()->stringToIdentity("callbackReceiver")); adapter->activate(); CallbackReceiverPrx receiver = CallbackReceiverPrx::uncheckedCast( adapter->createProxy(communicator()->stringToIdentity("callbackReceiver"))); menu(); char c = 'x'; do { try { cout << "==> "; cin >> c; if(c == 't') { sender->initiateCallback(receiver); } else if(c == 's') { sender->shutdown(); } else if(c == 'x') { // Nothing to do } else if(c == '?') { menu(); } else { cout << "unknown command `" << c << "'" << endl; menu(); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } } while(cin.good() && c != 'x'); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { string ref = "communicator:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 0); RemoteCommunicatorPrxPtr com = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(RemoteCommunicatorPrx, communicator->stringToProxy(ref)); RandomNumberGenerator rng; cout << "testing binding with single endpoint... " << flush; { RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr adapter = com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter", "default"); TestIntfPrxPtr test1 = adapter->getTestIntf(); TestIntfPrxPtr test2 = adapter->getTestIntf(); test(test1->ice_getConnection() == test2->ice_getConnection()); test1->ice_ping(); test2->ice_ping(); com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter); TestIntfPrxPtr test3 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test1); test(test3->ice_getConnection() == test1->ice_getConnection()); test(test3->ice_getConnection() == test2->ice_getConnection()); try { test3->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectFailedException&) { } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing binding with multiple endpoints... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter11", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter12", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter13", "default")); // // Ensure that when a connection is opened it's reused for new // proxies and that all endpoints are eventually tried. // set<string> names; names.insert("Adapter11"); names.insert("Adapter12"); names.insert("Adapter13"); while(!names.empty()) { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adpts = adapters; TestIntfPrxPtr test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1->ice_getConnection() == test2->ice_getConnection()); test(test2->ice_getConnection() == test3->ice_getConnection()); names.erase(test1->getAdapterName()); test1->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } // // Ensure that the proxy correctly caches the connection (we // always send the request over the same connection.) // { for(vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr>::const_iterator p = adapters.begin(); p != adapters.end(); ++p) { (*p)->getTestIntf()->ice_ping(); } TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); string name = test->getAdapterName(); const int nRetry = 10; int i; for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == name; i++); test(i == nRetry); for(vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr>::const_iterator q = adapters.begin(); q != adapters.end(); ++q) { (*q)->getTestIntf()->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapters. // com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.insert("Adapter12"); names.insert("Adapter13"); while(!names.empty()) { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adpts = adapters; TestIntfPrxPtr test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1->ice_getConnection() == test2->ice_getConnection()); test(test2->ice_getConnection() == test3->ice_getConnection()); names.erase(test1->getAdapterName()); test1->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapter. // com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter12"); deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing binding with multiple random endpoints... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom11", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom12", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom13", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom14", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterRandom15", "default")); #ifdef _WIN32 int count = 60; #else int count = 20; #endif int adapterCount = static_cast<int>(adapters.size()); while(--count > 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 if(count == 10) { com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[4]); --adapterCount; } vector<TestIntfPrxPtr> proxies; proxies.resize(10); #else if(count < 60 && count % 10 == 0) { com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[count / 10 - 1]); --adapterCount; } vector<TestIntfPrxPtr> proxies; proxies.resize(40); #endif unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < proxies.size(); ++i) { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adpts; adpts.resize(IceUtilInternal::random(static_cast<int>(adapters.size()))); if(adpts.empty()) { adpts.resize(1); } for(vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr>::iterator p = adpts.begin(); p != adpts.end(); ++p) { *p = adapters[IceUtilInternal::random(static_cast<int>(adapters.size()))]; } proxies[i] = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); } for(i = 0; i < proxies.size(); i++) { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING proxies[i]->getAdapterName_async(); #else proxies[i]->begin_getAdapterName(); #endif } for(i = 0; i < proxies.size(); i++) { try { proxies[i]->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } } set<Ice::ConnectionPtr> connections; for(i = 0; i < proxies.size(); i++) { if(proxies[i]->ice_getCachedConnection()) { connections.insert(proxies[i]->ice_getCachedConnection()); } } test(static_cast<int>(connections.size()) <= adapterCount); for(vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr>::const_iterator q = adapters.begin(); q != adapters.end(); ++q) { try { (*q)->getTestIntf()->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { // Expected if adapter is down. } } } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing binding with multiple endpoints and AMI... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI11", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI12", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI13", "default")); // // Ensure that when a connection is opened it's reused for new // proxies and that all endpoints are eventually tried. // set<string> names; names.insert("AdapterAMI11"); names.insert("AdapterAMI12"); names.insert("AdapterAMI13"); while(!names.empty()) { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adpts = adapters; TestIntfPrxPtr test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1->ice_getConnection() == test2->ice_getConnection()); test(test2->ice_getConnection() == test3->ice_getConnection()); names.erase(getAdapterNameWithAMI(test1)); test1->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } // // Ensure that the proxy correctly caches the connection (we // always send the request over the same connection.) // { for(vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr>::const_iterator p = adapters.begin(); p != adapters.end(); ++p) { (*p)->getTestIntf()->ice_ping(); } TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); string name = getAdapterNameWithAMI(test); const int nRetry = 10; int i; for(i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(test) == name; i++); test(i == nRetry); for(vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr>::const_iterator q = adapters.begin(); q != adapters.end(); ++q) { (*q)->getTestIntf()->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapters. // com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.insert("AdapterAMI12"); names.insert("AdapterAMI13"); while(!names.empty()) { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adpts = adapters; TestIntfPrxPtr test1 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test2 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); random_shuffle(adpts.begin(), adpts.end(), rng); TestIntfPrxPtr test3 = createTestIntfPrx(adpts); test(test1->ice_getConnection() == test2->ice_getConnection()); test(test2->ice_getConnection() == test3->ice_getConnection()); names.erase(test1->getAdapterName()); test1->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } // // Deactivate an adapter and ensure that we can still // establish the connection to the remaining adapter. // com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(test->getAdapterName() == "AdapterAMI12"); deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing random endpoint selection... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter21", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter22", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter23", "default")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(test->ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice::Random); set<string> names; names.insert("Adapter21"); names.insert("Adapter22"); names.insert("Adapter23"); while(!names.empty()) { names.erase(test->getAdapterName()); test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_endpointSelection(Ice::Random)); test(test->ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice::Random); names.insert("Adapter21"); names.insert("Adapter22"); names.insert("Adapter23"); while(!names.empty()) { names.erase(test->getAdapterName()); test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing ordered endpoint selection... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter31", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter32", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter33", "default")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_endpointSelection(Ice::Ordered)); test(test->ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice::Ordered); const int nRetry = 5; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter31"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 if(i != nRetry) { test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter31"; i++); } #endif test(i == nRetry); com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter32"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 if(i != nRetry) { test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter32"; i++); } #endif test(i == nRetry); com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter33"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 if(i != nRetry) { test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter33"; i++); } #endif test(i == nRetry); com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { test->getAdapterName(); } catch(const Ice::ConnectFailedException&) { } Ice::EndpointSeq endpoints = test->ice_getEndpoints(); adapters.clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter36", endpoints[2]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter36"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 if(i != nRetry) { test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter36"; i++); } #endif test(i == nRetry); test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter35", endpoints[1]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter35"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 if(i != nRetry) { test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter35"; i++); } #endif test(i == nRetry); test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter34", endpoints[0]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter34"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 if(i != nRetry) { test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter34"; i++); } #endif test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing per request binding with single endpoint... " << flush; { RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr adapter = com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter41", "default"); TestIntfPrxPtr test1 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, adapter->getTestIntf()->ice_connectionCached(false)); TestIntfPrxPtr test2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, adapter->getTestIntf()->ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!test1->ice_isConnectionCached()); test(!test2->ice_isConnectionCached()); test(test1->ice_getConnection() == test2->ice_getConnection()); test1->ice_ping(); com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapter); TestIntfPrxPtr test3 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test1); try { test(test3->ice_getConnection() == test1->ice_getConnection()); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectFailedException&) { } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing per request binding with multiple endpoints... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter51", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter52", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter53", "default")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, createTestIntfPrx(adapters)->ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!test->ice_isConnectionCached()); set<string> names; names.insert("Adapter51"); names.insert("Adapter52"); names.insert("Adapter53"); while(!names.empty()) { names.erase(test->getAdapterName()); } com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.insert("Adapter52"); names.insert("Adapter53"); while(!names.empty()) { names.erase(test->getAdapterName()); } com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); test(test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter52"); deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing per request binding with multiple endpoints and AMI... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI51", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI52", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI53", "default")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, createTestIntfPrx(adapters)->ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!test->ice_isConnectionCached()); set<string> names; names.insert("AdapterAMI51"); names.insert("AdapterAMI52"); names.insert("AdapterAMI53"); while(!names.empty()) { names.erase(getAdapterNameWithAMI(test)); } com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); names.insert("AdapterAMI52"); names.insert("AdapterAMI53"); while(!names.empty()) { names.erase(getAdapterNameWithAMI(test)); } com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); test(test->getAdapterName() == "AdapterAMI52"); deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing per request binding and ordered endpoint selection... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter61", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter62", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter63", "default")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_endpointSelection(Ice::Ordered)); test(test->ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice::Ordered); test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!test->ice_isConnectionCached()); const int nRetry = 5; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter61"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter62"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter63"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { test->getAdapterName(); } catch(const Ice::ConnectFailedException&) { } Ice::EndpointSeq endpoints = test->ice_getEndpoints(); adapters.clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter66", endpoints[2]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter66"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter65", endpoints[1]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter65"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter64", endpoints[0]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter64"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing per request binding and ordered endpoint selection and AMI... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI61", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI62", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI63", "default")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_endpointSelection(Ice::Ordered)); test(test->ice_getEndpointSelection() == Ice::Ordered); test = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_connectionCached(false)); test(!test->ice_isConnectionCached()); const int nRetry = 5; int i; // // Ensure that endpoints are tried in order by deactiving the adapters // one after the other. // for(i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(test) == "AdapterAMI61"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(test) == "AdapterAMI62"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(test) == "AdapterAMI63"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[2]); try { test->getAdapterName(); } catch(const Ice::ConnectFailedException&) { } Ice::EndpointSeq endpoints = test->ice_getEndpoints(); adapters.clear(); // // Now, re-activate the adapters with the same endpoints in the opposite // order. // adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI66", endpoints[2]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(test) == "AdapterAMI66"; i++); #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE > 0 test(i >= nRetry - 1); // WORKAROUND: for connection establishment hang. #else test(i == nRetry); #endif adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI65", endpoints[1]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(test) == "AdapterAMI65"; i++); test(i == nRetry); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterAMI64", endpoints[0]->toString())); for(i = 0; i < nRetry && getAdapterNameWithAMI(test) == "AdapterAMI64"; i++); test(i == nRetry); deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing endpoint mode filtering... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter71", "default")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter72", "udp")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); test(test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter71"); TestIntfPrxPtr testUDP = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_datagram()); test(test->ice_getConnection() != testUDP->ice_getConnection()); try { testUDP->getAdapterName(); } catch(const Ice::TwowayOnlyException&) { } catch(const IceUtil::IllegalArgumentException&) { } } cout << "ok" << endl; if(!communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Plugin.IceSSL").empty() && communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") == "ssl") { cout << "testing unsecure vs. secure endpoints... " << flush; { vector<RemoteObjectAdapterPrxPtr> adapters; adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter81", "ssl")); adapters.push_back(com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter82", "tcp")); TestIntfPrxPtr test = createTestIntfPrx(adapters); int i; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter82"); test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } TestIntfPrxPtr testSecure = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_secure(true)); test(testSecure->ice_isSecure()); testSecure = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_secure(false)); test(!testSecure->ice_isSecure()); testSecure = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(TestIntfPrx, test->ice_secure(true)); test(testSecure->ice_isSecure()); test(test->ice_getConnection() != testSecure->ice_getConnection()); com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[1]); for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter81"); test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } com->createObjectAdapter("Adapter83", (test->ice_getEndpoints()[1])->toString()); // Reactive tcp OA. for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { test(test->getAdapterName() == "Adapter83"); test->ice_getConnection()->close(false); } com->deactivateObjectAdapter(adapters[0]); try { testSecure->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectFailedException&) { } deactivate(com, adapters); } cout << "ok" << endl; } { cout << "testing ipv4 & ipv6 connections... " << flush; Ice::PropertiesPtr ipv4 = Ice::createProperties(); ipv4->setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); ipv4->setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "0"); ipv4->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); Ice::PropertiesPtr ipv6 = Ice::createProperties(); ipv6->setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "0"); ipv6->setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); ipv6->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); Ice::PropertiesPtr bothPreferIPv4 = Ice::createProperties(); bothPreferIPv4->setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); bothPreferIPv4->setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); bothPreferIPv4->setProperty("Ice.PreferIPv6Address", "0"); bothPreferIPv4->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); Ice::PropertiesPtr bothPreferIPv6 = Ice::createProperties(); bothPreferIPv6->setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); bothPreferIPv6->setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); bothPreferIPv6->setProperty("Ice.PreferIPv6Address", "1"); bothPreferIPv6->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h localhost"); vector<Ice::PropertiesPtr> clientProps; clientProps.push_back(ipv4); clientProps.push_back(ipv6); clientProps.push_back(bothPreferIPv4); clientProps.push_back(bothPreferIPv6); Ice::PropertiesPtr anyipv4 = ipv4->clone(); anyipv4->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -p 12012"); anyipv4->setProperty("Adapter.PublishedEndpoints", "tcp -h -p 12012"); Ice::PropertiesPtr anyipv6 = ipv6->clone(); anyipv6->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -p 12012"); anyipv6->setProperty("Adapter.PublishedEndpoints", "tcp -h \"::1\" -p 12012"); Ice::PropertiesPtr anyboth = Ice::createProperties(); anyboth->setProperty("Ice.IPv4", "1"); anyboth->setProperty("Ice.IPv6", "1"); anyboth->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -p 12012"); anyboth->setProperty("Adapter.PublishedEndpoints", "tcp -h \"::1\" -p 12012:tcp -h -p 12012"); Ice::PropertiesPtr localipv4 = ipv4->clone(); localipv4->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h"); Ice::PropertiesPtr localipv6 = ipv6->clone(); localipv6->setProperty("Adapter.Endpoints", "tcp -h \"::1\""); vector<Ice::PropertiesPtr> serverProps = clientProps; serverProps.push_back(anyipv4); serverProps.push_back(anyipv6); serverProps.push_back(anyboth); serverProps.push_back(localipv4); serverProps.push_back(localipv6); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(ICE_OS_WINRT) OSVERSIONINFO ver; ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); # if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800 # pragma warning (disable : 4996) # endif GetVersionEx(&ver); # if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800 # pragma warning (default : 4996) # endif const bool dualStack = ver.dwMajorVersion >= 6; // Windows XP IPv6 doesn't support dual-stack #else const bool dualStack = true; #endif bool ipv6NotSupported = false; for(vector<Ice::PropertiesPtr>::const_iterator p = serverProps.begin(); p != serverProps.end(); ++p) { Ice::InitializationData serverInitData; = *p; Ice::CommunicatorPtr serverCommunicator = Ice::initialize(serverInitData); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr oa; try { oa = serverCommunicator->createObjectAdapter("Adapter"); oa->activate(); } catch(const Ice::DNSException&) { serverCommunicator->destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } catch(const Ice::SocketException&) { if(*p == ipv6) { ipv6NotSupported = true; } serverCommunicator->destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } // Ensure the published endpoints are actually valid. On // Fedora, binding to "localhost" with IPv6 only works but // resolving localhost don't return the IPv6 adress. Ice::ObjectPrxPtr prx = oa->createProxy(serverCommunicator->stringToIdentity("dummy")); try { prx->ice_collocationOptimized(false)->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { serverCommunicator->destroy(); continue; // IP version not supported. } string strPrx = prx->ice_toString(); for(vector<Ice::PropertiesPtr>::const_iterator q = clientProps.begin(); q != clientProps.end(); ++q) { Ice::InitializationData clientInitData; = *q; Ice::CommunicatorHolder clientCommunicator = Ice::initialize(clientInitData); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr prx = clientCommunicator->stringToProxy(strPrx); try { prx->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { // Expected, no object registered. } catch(const Ice::DNSException&) { // Expected if no IPv4 or IPv6 address is // associated to localhost or if trying to connect // to an any endpoint with the wrong IP version, // e.g.: resolving an IPv4 address when only IPv6 // is enabled fails with a DNS exception. } catch(const Ice::SocketException&) { test((*p == ipv4 && *q == ipv6) || (*p == ipv6 && *q == ipv4) || (*p == bothPreferIPv4 && *q == ipv6) || (*p == bothPreferIPv6 && *q == ipv4) || (*p == bothPreferIPv6 && *q == ipv6 && ipv6NotSupported) || (*p == anyipv4 && *q == ipv6) || (*p == anyipv6 && *q == ipv4) || (*p == anyboth && *q == ipv4 && !dualStack) || (*p == localipv4 && *q == ipv6) || (*p == localipv6 && *q == ipv4) || (*p == ipv6 && *q == bothPreferIPv4) || (*p == ipv6 && *q == bothPreferIPv6) || (*p == bothPreferIPv6 && *q == ipv6)); } } serverCommunicator->destroy(); } cout << "ok" << endl; } com->shutdown(); }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr oa = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("MyOA", "tcp -h localhost"); oa->activate(); Ice::ObjectPtr servant = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(MyObjectI); // // Register default servant with category "foo" // oa->addDefaultServant(servant, "foo"); // // Start test // cout << "testing single category... " << flush; Ice::ObjectPtr r = oa->findDefaultServant("foo"); test(r == servant); r = oa->findDefaultServant("bar"); test(r == 0); Ice::Identity identity; identity.category = "foo"; string names[] = { "foo", "bar", "x", "y", "abcdefg" }; int idx; for(idx = 0; idx < 5; ++idx) { = names[idx]; MyObjectPrxPtr prx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(MyObjectPrx, oa->createProxy(identity)); prx->ice_ping(); test(prx->getName() == names[idx]); } = "ObjectNotExist"; MyObjectPrxPtr prx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(MyObjectPrx, oa->createProxy(identity)); try { prx->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { // Expected } try { prx->getName(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { // Expected } = "FacetNotExist"; prx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(MyObjectPrx, oa->createProxy(identity)); try { prx->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException&) { // Expected } try { prx->getName(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException&) { // Expected } identity.category = "bar"; for(idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++) { = names[idx]; prx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(MyObjectPrx, oa->createProxy(identity)); try { prx->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { // Expected } try { prx->getName(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { // Expected } } oa->removeDefaultServant("foo"); identity.category = "foo"; prx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(MyObjectPrx, oa->createProxy(identity)); try { prx->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException&) { // Expected } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing default category... " << flush; oa->addDefaultServant(servant, ""); r = oa->findDefaultServant("bar"); test(r == 0); r = oa->findDefaultServant(""); test(r == servant); for(idx = 0; idx < 5; ++idx) { = names[idx]; prx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(MyObjectPrx, oa->createProxy(identity)); prx->ice_ping(); test(prx->getName() == names[idx]); } cout << "ok" << endl; }