void client::closeSession() { IceUtil::RecMutex::Lock lock(mutex); __sf = NULL; Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr oldOa = __oa; __oa = Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr(); Ice::CommunicatorPtr oldIc = __ic; __ic = Ice::CommunicatorPtr(); // Only possible if improperly configured if (! oldIc) { return; // EARLY EXIT! } if (oldOa) { try { oldOa->deactivate(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { stringstream msg; msg << "While deactivating adapter : " << ex.what() << std::endl; oldIc->getLogger()->warning(msg.str()); } } __previous = Ice::InitializationData(); __previous.properties = oldIc->getProperties()->clone(); try { getRouter(oldIc)->destroySession(); } catch (const Glacier2::SessionNotExistException& snee) { // ok. We don't want it to exist oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const Ice::ConnectionLostException& cle) { // ok. Exception will always be thrown. oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const Ice::ConnectionRefusedException& cre) { // ok. Server probably went down oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const Ice::ConnectTimeoutException& cre) { // ok. Server probably went down oldIc->destroy(); } catch (const omero::ClientError& ce) { // This is called by getRouter() if a router is not configured. // If there isn't one, then we can't be connected. That's alright. // Most likely called during ~client oldIc->destroy(); } catch (...) { oldIc->destroy(); throw; } }
static PyObject* communicatorCreateObjectAdapterWithRouter(CommunicatorObject* self, PyObject* args) { PyObject* nameObj; PyObject* p; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, STRCAST("OO"), &nameObj, &p)) { return 0; } string name; if(!getStringArg(nameObj, "name", name)) { return 0; } Ice::ObjectPrx proxy; if(!getProxyArg(p, "createObjectAdapterWithRouter", "rtr", proxy, "Ice.RouterPrx")) { return 0; } Ice::RouterPrx router = Ice::RouterPrx::uncheckedCast(proxy); assert(self->communicator); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter; try { AllowThreads allowThreads; // Release Python's global interpreter lock to avoid a potential deadlock. adapter = (*self->communicator)->createObjectAdapterWithRouter(name, router); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { setPythonException(ex); return 0; } PyObject* obj = createObjectAdapter(adapter); if(!obj) { try { adapter->deactivate(); } catch(const Ice::Exception&) { } } return obj; }
static PyObject* communicatorCreateObjectAdapterWithEndpoints(CommunicatorObject* self, PyObject* args) { PyObject* nameObj; PyObject* endpointsObj; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, STRCAST("OO"), &nameObj, &endpointsObj)) { return 0; } string name; string endpoints; if(!getStringArg(nameObj, "name", name)) { return 0; } if(!getStringArg(endpointsObj, "endpoints", endpoints)) { return 0; } assert(self->communicator); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter; try { adapter = (*self->communicator)->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints(name, endpoints); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { setPythonException(ex); return 0; } PyObject* obj = createObjectAdapter(adapter); if(!obj) { try { adapter->deactivate(); } catch(const Ice::Exception&) { } } return obj; }
ThrowerPrx allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { cout << "testing ice_print()/what()... " << flush; { A a; string aMsg = "Test::A"; Ice::UnknownLocalException ule("thisFile", 99); string uleMsg = "thisFile:99: Ice::UnknownLocalException:\nunknown local exception"; // // Test ice_print(). // { stringstream str; a.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; ule.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test operator<<(). // { stringstream str; str << a; test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; str << ule; test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test what(). (Called twice because of lazy initialization in what().) // test(aMsg == a.what()); test(aMsg == a.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); { E ex("E"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::E"); test(ex.data == "E"); } // // Test custom ice_print // { F ex("F"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::F data:'F'"); test(ex.data == "F"); } { G ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::G")); test(ex.data == "G"); } { H ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "H"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::H data:'H'")); test(ex.data == "H"); } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object adapter registration exceptions... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr first; try { first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InitializationException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } string host = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv6", 0) == 0 ? "" : "\"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1\""; communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter0.Endpoints", "default -h " + host); first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TestAdapter0", "ssl -h foo -p 12011"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected. } first->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant registration exceptions... " << flush; { string host = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv6", 0) == 0 ? "" : "\"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1\""; communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter1.Endpoints", "default -h " + host); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter1"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj = new EmptyI; adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalIdentityException& ex) { test(ex.id.name == ""); if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(0, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalServantException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant locator registrations exceptions... " << flush; { string host = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.IPv6", 0) == 0 ? "" : "\"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1\""; communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter2.Endpoints", "default -h " + host); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter2"); Ice::ServantLocatorPtr loc = new ServantLocatorI; adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); try { adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object factory registration exception... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectFactoryPtr of = new ObjectFactoryI; communicator->addObjectFactory(of, "x"); try { communicator->addObjectFactory(of, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; string ref = "thrower:default -p 12010"; Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy(ref); test(base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; ThrowerPrx thrower = ThrowerPrx::checkedCast(base); test(thrower); test(thrower == base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAasA(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(-1); test(false); } catch(const D& ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Mod::A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.a2Mem == 2); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching base types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasA(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasB(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwUndeclaredA(1); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; cout << ex.ice_stackTrace() << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; } if(thrower->ice_getConnection()) { cout << "testing memory limit marshal exception..." << flush; try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq()); test(false); } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(20 * 1024)); // 20KB test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:default -p 12011")); try { thrower2->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(2 * 1024 * 1024)); // 2MB (no limits) } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } ThrowerPrx thrower3 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:default -p 12012")); try { thrower3->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(1024)); // 1KB limit test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception... " << flush; Ice::Identity id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); try { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower->ice_identity(id)); thrower2->throwAasA(1); // thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.id == id); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception... " << flush; try { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); try { thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.facet == "no such facet"); } } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception... " << flush; try { WrongOperationPrx thrower2 = WrongOperationPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower2->noSuchOperation(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.operation == "noSuchOperation"); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwLocalException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwNonIceException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing asynchronous exceptions... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAfterResponse(); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAfterException(); } catch(const A&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasA); thrower->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(-1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasB); thrower->begin_throwBasB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasC); thrower->begin_throwCasC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwModAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwModA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_ModA); thrower->begin_throwModA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasA); thrower->begin_throwBasA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasA); thrower->begin_throwCasA(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasB); thrower->begin_throwCasB(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredA); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredB); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredC); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower->ice_identity(id)); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback(communicator); Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAObjectNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAFacetNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperationPtr callback = newCallback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperation(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_noSuchOperation); WrongOperationPrx thrower4 = WrongOperationPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower4->begin_noSuchOperation(callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalException(callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotentPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwNonIceExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwNonIceException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_NonIceException); thrower->begin_throwNonIceException(callback); cb->check(); } cout << "ok" << endl; return thrower; }
GPrxPtr allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { #ifdef ICE_OS_UWP bool uwp = true; #else bool uwp = false; #endif cout << "testing Ice.Admin.Facets property... " << flush; test(communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsList("Ice.Admin.Facets").empty()); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.Admin.Facets", "foobar"); Ice::StringSeq facetFilter = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsList("Ice.Admin.Facets"); test(facetFilter.size() == 1 && facetFilter[0] == "foobar"); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.Admin.Facets", "foo\\'bar"); facetFilter = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsList("Ice.Admin.Facets"); test(facetFilter.size() == 1 && facetFilter[0] == "foo'bar"); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.Admin.Facets", "'foo bar' toto 'titi'"); facetFilter = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsList("Ice.Admin.Facets"); test(facetFilter.size() == 3 && facetFilter[0] == "foo bar" && facetFilter[1] == "toto" && facetFilter[2] == "titi"); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.Admin.Facets", "'foo bar\\' toto' 'titi'"); facetFilter = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsList("Ice.Admin.Facets"); test(facetFilter.size() == 2 && facetFilter[0] == "foo bar' toto" && facetFilter[1] == "titi"); // communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.Admin.Facets", "'foo bar' 'toto titi"); // facetFilter = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyAsList("Ice.Admin.Facets"); // test(facetFilter.size() == 0); communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("Ice.Admin.Facets", ""); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing facet registration exceptions... " << flush; string localOAEndpoint; { ostringstream ostr; if(communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") == "bt") { ostr << "default -a *"; } else { ostr << "default -h *"; } localOAEndpoint = ostr.str(); } communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("FacetExceptionTestAdapter.Endpoints", localOAEndpoint); if(uwp || (communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") != "ssl" && communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") != "wss")) { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("FacetExceptionTestAdapter"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(EmptyI); adapter->add(obj, Ice::stringToIdentity("d")); adapter->addFacet(obj, Ice::stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); try { adapter->addFacet(obj, Ice::stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } adapter->removeFacet(Ice::stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); try { adapter->removeFacet(Ice::stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing removeAllFacets... " << flush; Ice::ObjectPtr obj1 = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(EmptyI); Ice::ObjectPtr obj2 = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(EmptyI); adapter->addFacet(obj1, Ice::stringToIdentity("id1"), "f1"); adapter->addFacet(obj2, Ice::stringToIdentity("id1"), "f2"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj3 = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(EmptyI); adapter->addFacet(obj1, Ice::stringToIdentity("id2"), "f1"); adapter->addFacet(obj2, Ice::stringToIdentity("id2"), "f2"); adapter->addFacet(obj3, Ice::stringToIdentity("id2"), ""); Ice::FacetMap fm = adapter->removeAllFacets(Ice::stringToIdentity("id1")); test(fm.size() == 2); test(fm["f1"] == obj1); test(fm["f2"] == obj2); try { adapter->removeAllFacets(Ice::stringToIdentity("id1")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException&) { } fm = adapter->removeAllFacets(Ice::stringToIdentity("id2")); test(fm.size() == 3); test(fm["f1"] == obj1); test(fm["f2"] == obj2); test(fm[""] == obj3); cout << "ok" << endl; adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; string ref = "d:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 0); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr db = communicator->stringToProxy(ref); test(db); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing unchecked cast... " << flush; Ice::ObjectPrxPtr prx = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(Ice::ObjectPrx, db); test(prx->ice_getFacet().empty()); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING prx = Ice::uncheckedCast<Ice::ObjectPrx>(db, "facetABCD"); #else prx = Ice::ObjectPrx::uncheckedCast(db, "facetABCD"); #endif test(prx->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr prx2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(Ice::ObjectPrx, prx); test(prx2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING shared_ptr<Ice::ObjectPrx> prx3 = Ice::uncheckedCast<Ice::ObjectPrx>(prx, ""); #else Ice::ObjectPrx prx3 = Ice::ObjectPrx::uncheckedCast(prx, ""); #endif test(prx3->ice_getFacet().empty()); DPrxPtr d = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(Test::DPrx, db); test(d->ice_getFacet().empty()); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING shared_ptr<DPrx> df = Ice::uncheckedCast<Test::DPrx>(db, "facetABCD"); #else DPrx df = Test::DPrx::uncheckedCast(db, "facetABCD"); #endif test(df->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); DPrxPtr df2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(Test::DPrx, df); test(df2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING shared_ptr<DPrx> df3 = Ice::uncheckedCast<Test::DPrx>(df, ""); #else DPrx df3 = Test::DPrx::uncheckedCast(df, ""); #endif test(df3->ice_getFacet().empty()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; prx = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(Ice::ObjectPrx, db); test(prx->ice_getFacet().empty()); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING prx = Ice::checkedCast<Ice::ObjectPrx>(db, "facetABCD"); #else prx = Ice::ObjectPrx::checkedCast(db, "facetABCD"); #endif test(prx->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); prx2 = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(Ice::ObjectPrx, prx); test(prx2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING prx3 = Ice::checkedCast<Ice::ObjectPrx>(prx, ""); #else prx3 = Ice::ObjectPrx::checkedCast(prx, ""); #endif test(prx3->ice_getFacet().empty()); d = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(Test::DPrx, db); test(d->ice_getFacet().empty()); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING df = Ice::checkedCast<Test::DPrx>(db, "facetABCD"); #else df = Test::DPrx::checkedCast(db, "facetABCD"); #endif test(df->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); df2 = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(Test::DPrx, df); test(df2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING df3 = Ice::checkedCast<Test::DPrx>(df, ""); #else df3 = Test::DPrx::checkedCast(df, ""); #endif test(df3->ice_getFacet().empty()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing non-facets A, B, C, and D... " << flush; d = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(DPrx, db); test(d); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING test(Ice::targetEqualTo(d, db)); #else test(d == db); #endif test(d->callA() == "A"); test(d->callB() == "B"); test(d->callC() == "C"); test(d->callD() == "D"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing facets A, B, C, and D... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING df = Ice::checkedCast<DPrx>(d, "facetABCD"); #else df = DPrx::checkedCast(d, "facetABCD"); #endif test(df); test(df->callA() == "A"); test(df->callB() == "B"); test(df->callC() == "C"); test(df->callD() == "D"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing facets E and F... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto ff = Ice::checkedCast<FPrx>(d, "facetEF"); #else FPrx ff = FPrx::checkedCast(d, "facetEF"); #endif test(ff); test(ff->callE() == "E"); test(ff->callF() == "F"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing facet G... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto gf = Ice::checkedCast<GPrx>(ff, "facetGH"); #else GPrx gf = GPrx::checkedCast(ff, "facetGH"); #endif test(gf); test(gf->callG() == "G"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing whether casting preserves the facet... " << flush; HPrxPtr hf = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(HPrx, gf); test(hf); test(hf->callG() == "G"); test(hf->callH() == "H"); cout << "ok" << endl; return gf; }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const string& ref) { ServerManagerPrx manager = ServerManagerPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy(ref)); TestLocatorPrx locator = TestLocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->getDefaultLocator()); test(manager); TestLocatorRegistryPrx registry = TestLocatorRegistryPrx::checkedCast(locator->getRegistry()); test(registry); cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); Ice::ObjectPrx base2 = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); Ice::ObjectPrx base3 = communicator->stringToProxy("test"); Ice::ObjectPrx base4 = communicator->stringToProxy("ServerManager"); Ice::ObjectPrx base5 = communicator->stringToProxy("test2"); Ice::ObjectPrx base6 = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ ReplicatedAdapter"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing ice_locator and ice_getLocator... " << flush; test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), communicator->getDefaultLocator())); Ice::LocatorPrx anotherLocator = Ice::LocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("anotherLocator")); base = base->ice_locator(anotherLocator); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), anotherLocator)); communicator->setDefaultLocator(0); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(!base->ice_getLocator()); base = base->ice_locator(anotherLocator); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), anotherLocator)); communicator->setDefaultLocator(locator); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), communicator->getDefaultLocator())); // // We also test ice_router/ice_getRouter (perhaps we should add a // test/Ice/router test?) // test(!base->ice_getRouter()); Ice::RouterPrx anotherRouter = Ice::RouterPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("anotherRouter")); base = base->ice_router(anotherRouter); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getRouter(), anotherRouter)); Ice::RouterPrx router = Ice::RouterPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("dummyrouter")); communicator->setDefaultRouter(router); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getRouter(), communicator->getDefaultRouter())); communicator->setDefaultRouter(0); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(!base->ice_getRouter()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "starting server... " << flush; manager->startServer(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; TestIntfPrx obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base); test(obj); TestIntfPrx obj2 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base2); test(obj2); TestIntfPrx obj3 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base3); test(obj3); ServerManagerPrx obj4 = ServerManagerPrx::checkedCast(base4); test(obj4); TestIntfPrx obj5 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base5); test(obj5); TestIntfPrx obj6 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base6); test(obj6); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing id@AdapterId indirect proxy... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing id@ReplicaGroupId indirect proxy... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj6->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing identity indirect proxy... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj3->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } try { obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } try { obj3->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj3->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj5->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy with unknown identity... " << flush; try { base = communicator->stringToProxy("unknown/unknown"); base->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { test(ex.kindOfObject == "object"); test(ex.id == "unknown/unknown"); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy with unknown adapter... " << flush; try { base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapterUnknown"); base->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { test(ex.kindOfObject == "object adapter"); test(ex.id == "TestAdapterUnknown"); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing locator cache timeout... " << flush; int count = locator->getRequestCount(); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(1300)); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. count += 2; test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(1300)); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout count += 2; test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(-1)->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(-1)->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); test(communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(99)->ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout() == 99); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy from server... " << flush; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")); HelloPrx hello = obj->getHello(); test(hello->ice_getAdapterId() == "TestAdapter"); hello->sayHello(); hello = obj->getReplicatedHello(); test(hello->ice_getAdapterId() == "ReplicatedAdapter"); hello->sayHello(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing locator request queuing... " << flush; hello = obj->getReplicatedHello()->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_connectionCached(false); count = locator->getRequestCount(); hello->ice_ping(); test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); int i; list<Ice::AsyncResultPtr> results; AMICallbackPtr cb = new AMICallback; for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Ice::AsyncResultPtr result = hello->begin_sayHello( newCallback_Hello_sayHello(cb, &AMICallback::response1, &AMICallback::exception1)); results.push_back(result); } while(!results.empty()) { Ice::AsyncResultPtr result = results.front(); results.pop_front(); result->waitForCompleted(); } test(locator->getRequestCount() > count && locator->getRequestCount() < count + 999); if(locator->getRequestCount() > count + 800) { cout << "queuing = " << locator->getRequestCount() - count; } count = locator->getRequestCount(); hello = hello->ice_adapterId("unknown"); for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Ice::AsyncResultPtr result = hello->begin_sayHello( newCallback_Hello_sayHello(cb, &AMICallback::response2, &AMICallback::exception2)); results.push_back(result); } while(!results.empty()) { Ice::AsyncResultPtr result = results.front(); results.pop_front(); result->waitForCompleted(); } // Take into account the retries. test(locator->getRequestCount() > count && locator->getRequestCount() < count + 1999); if(locator->getRequestCount() > count + 800) { cout << "queuing = " << locator->getRequestCount() - count; } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing adapter locator cache... " << flush; try { communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter3")->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { test(ex.kindOfObject == "object adapter"); test(ex.id == "TestAdapter3"); } registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter3", locator->findAdapterById("TestAdapter")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter3")->ice_ping(); registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter3", communicator->stringToProxy("dummy:tcp")); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter3")->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } try { communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter3")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } try { communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter3")->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter3", locator->findAdapterById("TestAdapter")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter3")->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } cout << "ok" <<endl; cout << "testing well-known object locator cache... " << flush; registry->addObject(communicator->stringToProxy("test3@TestUnknown")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { test(ex.kindOfObject == "object adapter"); test(ex.id == "TestUnknown"); } registry->addObject(communicator->stringToProxy("test3@TestAdapter4")); // Update registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter4", communicator->stringToProxy("dummy:tcp")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter4", locator->findAdapterById("TestAdapter")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter4", communicator->stringToProxy("dummy:tcp")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } try { communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter4")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } try { communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter4")->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } try { communicator->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } registry->addObject(communicator->stringToProxy("test3@TestAdapter")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { test(false); } registry->addObject(communicator->stringToProxy("test4")); try { communicator->stringToProxy("test4")->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NoEndpointException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing locator cache background updates... " << flush; { Ice::InitializationData initData; initData.properties = communicator->getProperties()->clone(); initData.properties->setProperty("Ice.BackgroundLocatorCacheUpdates", "1"); Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic = Ice::initialize(initData); registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter5", locator->findAdapterById("TestAdapter")); registry->addObject(communicator->stringToProxy("test3@TestAdapter")); int count = locator->getRequestCount(); ic->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter5")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. ic->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. count += 3; test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); registry->setAdapterDirectProxy("TestAdapter5", 0); registry->addObject(communicator->stringToProxy("test3:tcp")); ic->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter5")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(10)->ice_ping(); // 10s timeout. ic->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(10)->ice_ping(); // 10s timeout. test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(1200)); // The following request should trigger the background updates but still use the cached endpoints // and therefore succeed. ic->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter5")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. ic->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. try { while(true) { ic->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter5")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(10)); } } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { // Expected to fail once they endpoints have been updated in the background. } try { while(true) { ic->stringToProxy("test3")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(10)); } } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { // Expected to fail once they endpoints have been updated in the background. } ic->destroy(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy from server after shutdown... " << flush; hello = obj->getReplicatedHello(); obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); hello->sayHello(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object migration... " << flush; hello = HelloPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("hello")); obj->migrateHello(); // TODO: enable after fixing ICE-5489 //hello->ice_getConnection()->close(false); hello->sayHello(); obj->migrateHello(); hello->sayHello(); obj->migrateHello(); hello->sayHello(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing locator encoding resolution... " << flush; hello = HelloPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("hello")); count = locator->getRequestCount(); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_encodingVersion(Ice::Encoding_1_1)->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter10")->ice_encodingVersion(Ice::Encoding_1_0)->ice_ping(); test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test -e 1.0@TestAdapter10-2")->ice_ping(); test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "shutdown server... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing whether server is gone... " << flush; try { obj2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } try { obj3->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } try { obj5->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing indirect proxies to collocated objects... " << flush; // // Set up test for calling a collocated object through an indirect, adapterless reference. // Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); properties->setProperty("Ice.PrintAdapterReady", "0"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Hello", "default"); adapter->setLocator(locator); Ice::Identity id; id.name = IceUtil::generateUUID(); registry->addObject(adapter->add(new HelloI, id)); adapter->activate(); try { HelloPrx helloPrx = HelloPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy(communicator->identityToString(id))); Ice::ConnectionPtr connection = helloPrx->ice_getConnection(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::CollocationOptimizationException&) { } adapter->deactivate(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "shutdown server manager... " << flush; manager->shutdown(); cout << "ok" << endl; }
ThrowerPrxPtr allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { cout << "testing ice_print()/what()... " << flush; { A a; string aMsg = "Test::A"; Ice::UnknownLocalException ule("thisFile", 99); string uleMsg = "thisFile:99: Ice::UnknownLocalException:\nunknown local exception"; // // Test ice_print(). // { stringstream str; a.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; ule.ice_print(str); test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test operator<<(). // { stringstream str; str << a; test(str.str() == aMsg); } { stringstream str; str << ule; test(str.str() == uleMsg); } // // Test what(). (Called twice because of lazy initialization in what().) // test(aMsg == a.what()); test(aMsg == a.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); test(uleMsg == ule.what()); { E ex("E"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::E"); test(ex.data == "E"); } // // Test custom ice_print // { F ex("F"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(os.str() == "Test::F data:'F'"); test(ex.data == "F"); } { G ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::G")); test(ex.data == "G"); } { H ex(__FILE__, __LINE__, "H"); ostringstream os; ex.ice_print(os); test(endsWith(os.str(), "Test::H data:'H'")); test(ex.data == "H"); } } cout << "ok" << endl; string localOAEndpoint; { ostringstream ostr; if(communicator->getProperties()->getProperty("Ice.Default.Protocol") == "bt") { ostr << "default -a *"; } else { ostr << "default -h *"; } localOAEndpoint = ostr.str(); } cout << "testing object adapter registration exceptions... " << flush; { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr first; try { first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::InitializationException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter0.Endpoints", localOAEndpoint); first = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter0"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected } try { Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr second = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TestAdapter0", "ssl -h foo -p 12011"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } // Expected. } first->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant registration exceptions... " << flush; { communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter1.Endpoints", localOAEndpoint); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter1"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(EmptyI); adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalIdentityException& ex) { test(ex.id.name == ""); if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } try { adapter->add(0, communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); } catch(const Ice::IllegalServantException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); try { adapter->remove(communicator->stringToIdentity("x")); test(false); } catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { if(printException) { Ice::Print printer(communicator->getLogger()); printer << ex; } } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing servant locator registrations exceptions... " << flush; { communicator->getProperties()->setProperty("TestAdapter2.Endpoints", localOAEndpoint); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("TestAdapter2"); Ice::ServantLocatorPtr loc = ICE_MAKE_SHARED(ServantLocatorI); adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); try { adapter->addServantLocator(loc, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } adapter->deactivate(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing value factory registration exception... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING communicator->addValueFactory( [](const std::string&) { return nullptr; }, "x"); try { communicator->addValueFactory( [](const std::string&) { return nullptr; }, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } #else Ice::ValueFactoryPtr vf = new ValueFactoryI; communicator->addValueFactory(vf, "x"); try { communicator->addValueFactory(vf, "x"); test(false); } catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; string ref = "thrower:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 0); Ice::ObjectPrxPtr base = communicator->stringToProxy(ref); test(base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; ThrowerPrxPtr thrower = ICE_CHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, base); test(thrower); #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING test(Ice::targetEquals(thrower, base)); #else test(thrower == base); #endif cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAasA(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(1); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAorDasAorD(-1); test(false); } catch(const D& ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Mod::A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.a2Mem == 2); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching base types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwModA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types... " << flush; try { thrower->throwBasA(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasA(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwCasB(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwUndeclaredA(1); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; cout << ex.ice_stackTrace() << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredB(1, 2); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; } if(thrower->ice_getConnection()) { cout << "testing memory limit marshal exception..." << flush; try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq()); test(false); } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(20 * 1024)); // 20KB test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 1))); try { thrower2->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(2 * 1024 * 1024)); // 2MB (no limits) } catch(const Ice::MemoryLimitException&) { } ThrowerPrxPtr thrower3 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, communicator->stringToProxy("thrower:" + getTestEndpoint(communicator, 2))); try { thrower3->throwMemoryLimitException(Ice::ByteSeq(1024)); // 1KB limit test(false); } catch(const Ice::ConnectionLostException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception... " << flush; Ice::Identity id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); try { ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(ThrowerPrx, thrower->ice_identity(id)); thrower2->throwAasA(1); // thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.id == id); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception... " << flush; try { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = Ice::uncheckedCast<ThrowerPrx>(thrower, "no such facet"); #else ThrowerPrxPtr thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); #endif try { thrower2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.facet == "no such facet"); } } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception... " << flush; try { WrongOperationPrxPtr thrower2 = ICE_UNCHECKED_CAST(WrongOperationPrx, thrower); thrower2->noSuchOperation(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.operation == "noSuchOperation"); } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwLocalException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception... " << flush; try { thrower->throwNonIceException(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing asynchronous exceptions... " << flush; try { thrower->throwAfterResponse(); } catch(...) { test(false); } try { thrower->throwAfterException(); } catch(const A&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching exact types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwAasA_async(1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::Exception&) { test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(-1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const D& ex) { test(ex.dMem == -1); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwBasB_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwCasC_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwModA_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); } catch(const A& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { // // This operation is not supported in Java. // } catch(...) { test(false); } } // // repeat with callback API and no exception callback // { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwAasA_async(1, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(1, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwAorDasAorD_async(-1, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwBasB_async(1, 2, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwCasC_async(1, 2, 3, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } { promise<bool> sent; thrower->throwModA_async(1, 2, []() { test(false); }, nullptr, [&](bool value) { sent.set_value(value); }); sent.get_future().get(); // Wait for sent } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasA); thrower->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorDPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAorDasAorD(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AorDasAorD); thrower->begin_throwAorDasAorD(-1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasB); thrower->begin_throwBasB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasC); thrower->begin_throwCasC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwModAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwModA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_ModA); thrower->begin_throwModA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching derived types with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwBasA_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); } catch(const B& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwCasA_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwCasB_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); } catch(const C& ex) { test(ex.aMem == 1); test(ex.bMem == 2); test(ex.cMem == 3); } catch(...) { test(false); } } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwBasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwBasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_BasA); thrower->begin_throwBasA(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasA); thrower->begin_throwCasA(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwCasBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwCasB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_CasB); thrower->begin_throwCasB(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; if(thrower->supportsUndeclaredExceptions()) { cout << "catching unknown user exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwUndeclaredA_async(1); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cout << ex << endl; cout << ex.ice_stackTrace() << endl; test(false); } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwUndeclaredB_async(1, 2); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwUndeclaredC_async(1, 2, 3); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::UnknownUserException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredA); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredA(1, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredBPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredB(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredB); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredB(1, 2, callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredCPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwUndeclaredC(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_UndeclaredC); thrower->begin_throwUndeclaredC(1, 2, 3, callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; } cout << "catching object not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); shared_ptr<ThrowerPrx> thrower2 = Ice::uncheckedCast<ThrowerPrx>(thrower->ice_identity(id)); auto f = thrower2->throwAasA_async(1); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::ObjectNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.id == id); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else id = communicator->stringToIdentity("does not exist"); ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower->ice_identity(id)); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback(communicator); Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAObjectNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching facet not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING shared_ptr<ThrowerPrx> thrower2 = Ice::uncheckedCast<ThrowerPrx>(thrower, "no such facet"); auto f = thrower2->throwAasA_async(1); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::FacetNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.facet == "no such facet"); } #else ThrowerPrx thrower2 = ThrowerPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower, "no such facet"); CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwAasAPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwAasA(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_AasAFacetNotExist); thrower2->begin_throwAasA(1, callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching operation not exist exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING shared_ptr<WrongOperationPrx> thrower4 = Ice::uncheckedCast<WrongOperationPrx>(thrower); auto f = thrower4->noSuchOperation_async(); try { f.get(); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException& ex) { test(ex.operation == "noSuchOperation"); } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperationPtr callback = newCallback_WrongOperation_noSuchOperation(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_noSuchOperation); WrongOperationPrx thrower4 = WrongOperationPrx::uncheckedCast(thrower); thrower4->begin_noSuchOperation(callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown local exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING { auto f = thrower->throwLocalException_async(); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } { auto f = thrower->throwLocalExceptionIdempotent_async(); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownLocalException&) { } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } } #else { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalException(callback); cb->check(); } { CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotentPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_LocalException); thrower->begin_throwLocalExceptionIdempotent(callback); cb->check(); } #endif cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "catching unknown non-Ice exception with new AMI mapping... " << flush; { #ifdef ICE_CPP11_MAPPING auto f = thrower->throwNonIceException_async(); try { f.get(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::UnknownException&) { } catch(...) { test(false); } #else CallbackPtr cb = new Callback; Callback_Thrower_throwNonIceExceptionPtr callback = newCallback_Thrower_throwNonIceException(cb, &Callback::response, &Callback::exception_NonIceException); thrower->begin_throwNonIceException(callback); cb->check(); #endif } cout << "ok" << endl; return thrower; }
GPrx allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { tprintf("testing facet registration exceptions... "); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter("FacetExceptionTestAdapter"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj = new EmptyI; adapter->add(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("d")); adapter->addFacet(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); try { adapter->addFacet(obj, communicator->stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); test(false); } catch(Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException&) { } adapter->removeFacet(communicator->stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); try { adapter->removeFacet(communicator->stringToIdentity("d"), "facetABCD"); test(false); } catch(Ice::NotRegisteredException&) { } tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing removeAllFacets... "); Ice::ObjectPtr obj1 = new EmptyI; Ice::ObjectPtr obj2 = new EmptyI; adapter->addFacet(obj1, communicator->stringToIdentity("id1"), "f1"); adapter->addFacet(obj2, communicator->stringToIdentity("id1"), "f2"); Ice::ObjectPtr obj3 = new EmptyI; adapter->addFacet(obj1, communicator->stringToIdentity("id2"), "f1"); adapter->addFacet(obj2, communicator->stringToIdentity("id2"), "f2"); adapter->addFacet(obj3, communicator->stringToIdentity("id2"), ""); Ice::FacetMap fm = adapter->removeAllFacets(communicator->stringToIdentity("id1")); test(fm.size() == 2); test(fm["f1"] == obj1); test(fm["f2"] == obj2); try { adapter->removeAllFacets(communicator->stringToIdentity("id1")); test(false); } catch(Ice::NotRegisteredException&) { } fm = adapter->removeAllFacets(communicator->stringToIdentity("id2")); test(fm.size() == 3); test(fm["f1"] == obj1); test(fm["f2"] == obj2); test(fm[""] == obj3); tprintf("ok\n"); adapter->deactivate(); tprintf("testing stringToProxy... "); string ref = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyWithDefault("Facets.Proxy", "d:default -p 12010 -t 10000"); Ice::ObjectPrx db = communicator->stringToProxy(ref); test(db); tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing unchecked cast... "); Ice::ObjectPrx prx = Ice::ObjectPrx::uncheckedCast(db); test(prx->ice_getFacet().empty()); prx = Ice::ObjectPrx::uncheckedCast(db, "facetABCD"); test(prx->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); Ice::ObjectPrx prx2 = Ice::ObjectPrx::uncheckedCast(prx); test(prx2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); Ice::ObjectPrx prx3 = Ice::ObjectPrx::uncheckedCast(prx, ""); test(prx3->ice_getFacet().empty()); DPrx d = Test::DPrx::uncheckedCast(db); test(d->ice_getFacet().empty()); DPrx df = Test::DPrx::uncheckedCast(db, "facetABCD"); test(df->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); DPrx df2 = Test::DPrx::uncheckedCast(df); test(df2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); DPrx df3 = Test::DPrx::uncheckedCast(df, ""); test(df3->ice_getFacet().empty()); tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing checked cast... "); prx = Ice::ObjectPrx::checkedCast(db); test(prx->ice_getFacet().empty()); prx = Ice::ObjectPrx::checkedCast(db, "facetABCD"); test(prx->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); prx2 = Ice::ObjectPrx::checkedCast(prx); test(prx2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); prx3 = Ice::ObjectPrx::checkedCast(prx, ""); test(prx3->ice_getFacet().empty()); d = Test::DPrx::checkedCast(db); test(d->ice_getFacet().empty()); df = Test::DPrx::checkedCast(db, "facetABCD"); test(df->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); df2 = Test::DPrx::checkedCast(df); test(df2->ice_getFacet() == "facetABCD"); df3 = Test::DPrx::checkedCast(df, ""); test(df3->ice_getFacet().empty()); tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing non-facets A, B, C, and D... "); d = DPrx::checkedCast(db); test(d); test(d == db); test(d->callA() == "A"); test(d->callB() == "B"); test(d->callC() == "C"); test(d->callD() == "D"); tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing facets A, B, C, and D... "); df = DPrx::checkedCast(d, "facetABCD"); test(df); test(df->callA() == "A"); test(df->callB() == "B"); test(df->callC() == "C"); test(df->callD() == "D"); tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing facets E and F... "); FPrx ff = FPrx::checkedCast(d, "facetEF"); test(ff); test(ff->callE() == "E"); test(ff->callF() == "F"); tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing facet G... "); GPrx gf = GPrx::checkedCast(ff, "facetGH"); test(gf); test(gf->callG() == "G"); tprintf("ok\n"); tprintf("testing whether casting preserves the facet... "); HPrx hf = HPrx::checkedCast(gf); test(hf); test(hf->callG() == "G"); test(hf->callH() == "H"); tprintf("ok\n"); return gf; }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator) { cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing IceGrid.Locator is present... " << flush; IceGrid::LocatorPrx locator = IceGrid::LocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(base); test(locator); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; TestIntfPrx obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base); test(obj); test(obj == base); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "pinging server... " << flush; obj->ice_ping(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing locator finder... " << flush; Ice::Identity finderId; finderId.category = "Ice"; finderId.name = "LocatorFinder"; Ice::LocatorFinderPrx finder = Ice::LocatorFinderPrx::checkedCast( communicator->getDefaultLocator()->ice_identity(finderId)); test(finder->getLocator()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing discovery... " << flush; { // Add test well-known object IceGrid::RegistryPrx registry = IceGrid::RegistryPrx::checkedCast( communicator->stringToProxy(communicator->getDefaultLocator()->ice_getIdentity().category + "/Registry")); test(registry); IceGrid::AdminSessionPrx session = registry->createAdminSession("foo", "bar"); session->getAdmin()->addObjectWithType(base, "::Test"); session->destroy(); // // Ensure the IceGrid discovery locator can discover the // registries and make sure locator requests are forwarded. // Ice::InitializationData initData; initData.properties = communicator->getProperties()->clone(); initData.properties->setProperty("Ice.Default.Locator", ""); initData.properties->setProperty("Ice.Plugin.IceLocatorDiscovery", "IceLocatorDiscovery:createIceLocatorDiscovery"); #ifdef __APPLE__ if(initData.properties->getPropertyAsInt("Ice.PreferIPv6Address") > 0) { initData.properties->setProperty("IceLocatorDiscovery.Interface", "::1"); } #endif initData.properties->setProperty("AdapterForDiscoveryTest.AdapterId", "discoveryAdapter"); initData.properties->setProperty("AdapterForDiscoveryTest.Endpoints", "default"); Ice::CommunicatorPtr com = Ice::initialize(initData); test(com->getDefaultLocator()); com->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter")->ice_ping(); com->stringToProxy("test")->ice_ping(); test(com->getDefaultLocator()->getRegistry()); test(IceGrid::LocatorPrx::checkedCast(com->getDefaultLocator())); test(IceGrid::LocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(com->getDefaultLocator())->getLocalRegistry()); test(IceGrid::LocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(com->getDefaultLocator())->getLocalQuery()); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterForDiscoveryTest"); adapter->activate(); adapter->deactivate(); com->destroy(); // // Now, ensure that the IceGrid discovery locator correctly // handles failure to find a locator. Also test // Ice::registerIceLocatorDiscovery() // Ice::registerIceLocatorDiscovery(); initData.properties->setProperty("Ice.Plugin.IceLocatorDiscovery", ""); initData.properties->setProperty("IceLocatorDiscovery.InstanceName", "unknown"); initData.properties->setProperty("IceLocatorDiscovery.RetryCount", "1"); initData.properties->setProperty("IceLocatorDiscovery.Timeout", "100"); com = Ice::initialize(initData); test(com->getDefaultLocator()); try { com->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter")->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::NoEndpointException&) { } try { com->stringToProxy("test")->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::NoEndpointException&) { } test(!com->getDefaultLocator()->getRegistry()); test(!IceGrid::LocatorPrx::checkedCast(com->getDefaultLocator())); try { test(IceGrid::LocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(com->getDefaultLocator())->getLocalQuery()); } catch(const Ice::OperationNotExistException&) { } adapter = com->createObjectAdapter("AdapterForDiscoveryTest"); adapter->activate(); adapter->deactivate(); com->destroy(); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "shutting down server... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); cout << "ok" << endl; }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& communicator, const string& ref) { ServerManagerPrx manager = ServerManagerPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy(ref)); TestLocatorPrx locator = TestLocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->getDefaultLocator()); test(manager); cout << "testing stringToProxy... " << flush; Ice::ObjectPrx base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); Ice::ObjectPrx base2 = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); Ice::ObjectPrx base3 = communicator->stringToProxy("test"); Ice::ObjectPrx base4 = communicator->stringToProxy("ServerManager"); Ice::ObjectPrx base5 = communicator->stringToProxy("test2"); Ice::ObjectPrx base6 = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ ReplicatedAdapter"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing ice_locator and ice_getLocator... " << flush; test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), communicator->getDefaultLocator())); Ice::LocatorPrx anotherLocator = Ice::LocatorPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("anotherLocator")); base = base->ice_locator(anotherLocator); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), anotherLocator)); communicator->setDefaultLocator(0); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(!base->ice_getLocator()); base = base->ice_locator(anotherLocator); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), anotherLocator)); communicator->setDefaultLocator(locator); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getLocator(), communicator->getDefaultLocator())); // // We also test ice_router/ice_getRouter (perhaps we should add a // test/Ice/router test?) // test(!base->ice_getRouter()); Ice::RouterPrx anotherRouter = Ice::RouterPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("anotherRouter")); base = base->ice_router(anotherRouter); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getRouter(), anotherRouter)); Ice::RouterPrx router = Ice::RouterPrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("dummyrouter")); communicator->setDefaultRouter(router); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(Ice::proxyIdentityEqual(base->ice_getRouter(), communicator->getDefaultRouter())); communicator->setDefaultRouter(0); base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapter"); test(!base->ice_getRouter()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "starting server... " << flush; manager->startServer(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing checked cast... " << flush; TestIntfPrx obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("test @TestAdapter")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("test@ TestAdapter")); test(obj); TestIntfPrx obj2 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base2); test(obj2); TestIntfPrx obj3 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base3); test(obj3); ServerManagerPrx obj4 = ServerManagerPrx::checkedCast(base4); test(obj4); TestIntfPrx obj5 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base5); test(obj5); TestIntfPrx obj6 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base6); test(obj6); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing id@AdapterId indirect proxy... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base2); obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing id@ReplicaGroupId indirect proxy... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj6 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base6); obj6->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing identity indirect proxy... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj3 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base3); obj3->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } try { obj2 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base2); obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base2); obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } try { obj3 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base3); obj3->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base2); obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj3 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base3); obj3->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj2 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base2); obj2->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); try { obj5 = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(base5); obj5->ice_ping(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy with unknown identity... " << flush; try { base = communicator->stringToProxy("unknown/unknown"); base->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { test(ex.kindOfObject == "object"); test(ex.id == "unknown/unknown"); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy with unknown adapter... " << flush; try { base = communicator->stringToProxy("test @ TestAdapterUnknown"); base->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch (const Ice::NotRegisteredException& ex) { test(ex.kindOfObject == "object adapter"); test(ex.id == "TestAdapterUnknown"); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing locator cache timeout... " << flush; int count = locator->getRequestCount(); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(1200)); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout. test(++count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(0)->ice_ping(); // No locator cache. count += 2; test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(1200)); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(1)->ice_ping(); // 1s timeout count += 2; test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(-1)->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(-1)->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test@TestAdapter")->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_ping(); test(count == locator->getRequestCount()); test(communicator->stringToProxy("test")->ice_locatorCacheTimeout(99)->ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout() == 99); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy from server... " << flush; HelloPrx hello = obj->getHello(); test(hello->ice_getAdapterId() == "TestAdapter"); hello->sayHello(); hello = obj->getReplicatedHello(); test(hello->ice_getAdapterId() == "ReplicatedAdapter"); hello->sayHello(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing proxy from server after shutdown... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); manager->startServer(); hello->sayHello(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object migration... " << flush; hello = HelloPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy("hello")); obj->migrateHello(); hello->sayHello(); obj->migrateHello(); hello->sayHello(); obj->migrateHello(); hello->sayHello(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "shutdown server... " << flush; obj->shutdown(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing whether server is gone... " << flush; try { obj2->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } try { obj3->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } try { obj5->ice_ping(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing indirect proxies to collocated objects... " << flush; // // Set up test for calling a collocated object through an indirect, adapterless reference. // Ice::PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties(); properties->setProperty("Ice.PrintAdapterReady", "0"); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Hello", "default"); adapter->setLocator(locator); TestLocatorRegistryPrx registry = TestLocatorRegistryPrx::checkedCast(locator->getRegistry()); test(registry); Ice::Identity id; id.name = IceUtil::generateUUID(); registry->addObject(adapter->add(new HelloI, id)); adapter->activate(); try { HelloPrx helloPrx = HelloPrx::checkedCast(communicator->stringToProxy(communicator->identityToString(id))); Ice::ConnectionPtr connection = helloPrx->ice_getConnection(); test(false); } catch(const Ice::CollocationOptimizationException&) { } adapter->deactivate(); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "shutdown server manager... " << flush; manager->shutdown(); cout << "ok" << endl; }