bool PlaypenApp::processUnbufferedMouseInput(Ogre::Real dt) { // The following code checks how far the mouse has move since // the last poll. This data can be used to rotate the camera // around its X and Y axes (pitch and yaw, respectively). Ogre::Degree rotY = -mInputDevice->getMouseRelativeX() * mRotateSpeed; Ogre::Degree rotX = -mInputDevice->getMouseRelativeY() * mRotateSpeed; // Use the relative mouse motion to rotate the camera. mPhysicalCamera->yawRelative(rotY.valueDegrees()); mPhysicalCamera->pitchRelative(rotX.valueDegrees()); // Check mouse button states. if (true == mInputDevice->getMouseButton(0)) { // The left mouse button is down. mPhysicalCamera->grasp(); } else { // The left mouse button is up. mPhysicalCamera->release(); } // Return true to continue looping. return true; }
void XMLHelper::fillElementFromQuaternion(TiXmlElement& elem, const Ogre::Quaternion& quaternion) { //split the quaternion into an axis and a degree (our format allows us to store the angle element as a radian too, but I prefer degrees) Ogre::Degree degrees; Ogre::Vector3 axis; quaternion.ToAngleAxis(degrees, axis); fillElementFromVector3(elem, axis); elem.SetDoubleAttribute("degrees", degrees.valueDegrees()); }
TEST_F(TestDataProxyConverters, TestDegree) { Ogre::Degree res = mDataProxy.get<Ogre::Degree>("degree").first; ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(10.1, res.valueDegrees()); res = Ogre::Degree(50.5); mDataProxy.put("degree_m", res); ASSERT_EQ(mDataProxy.get<std::string>("degree_m").first, "50.500000"); }
void Astronomy::getHorizontalMoonPosition ( LongReal jday, Ogre::Degree longitude, Ogre::Degree latitude, Ogre::Degree &azimuth, Ogre::Degree &altitude) { LongReal az, al; getHorizontalMoonPosition(jday, longitude.valueDegrees (), latitude.valueDegrees (), az, al); azimuth = Ogre::Degree(az); altitude = Ogre::Degree(al); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TApplySetup_CameraUp::WorkFromThread_Ogre() { Ogre::Camera* pCamera = TModuleLogic::Get()->GetC()->pGraphicEngine->GetGE()->GetCamera(); nsMathTools::TVector3 point(0,0,0); pCamera->setPosition(point.x, point.y, point.z); pCamera->lookAt(mVCameraUp.x, mVCameraUp.y, mVCameraUp.z); Ogre::Degree degree; degree = 90; Ogre::Radian rad; rad = degree.valueRadians(); pCamera->pitch(rad); }
void LandVehicleSimulation::UpdateVehicle(Actor* vehicle, float seconds_since_last_frame) { if (vehicle->isBeingReset() || vehicle->ar_physics_paused || vehicle->ar_replay_mode) return; #ifdef USE_ANGELSCRIPT if (vehicle->ar_vehicle_ai && vehicle->ar_vehicle_ai->IsActive()) return; #endif // USE_ANGELSCRIPT EngineSim* engine = vehicle->ar_engine; if (engine && engine->HasStarterContact() && engine->GetAutoShiftMode() == SimGearboxMode::AUTO && engine->getAutoShift() != EngineSim::NEUTRAL) { Ogre::Vector3 dirDiff = vehicle->getDirection(); Ogre::Degree pitchAngle = Ogre::Radian(asin(dirDiff.dotProduct(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y))); if (std::abs(pitchAngle.valueDegrees()) > 2.0f) { if (engine->getAutoShift() > EngineSim::NEUTRAL && vehicle->ar_avg_wheel_speed < +0.02f && pitchAngle.valueDegrees() > 0.0f || engine->getAutoShift() < EngineSim::NEUTRAL && vehicle->ar_avg_wheel_speed > -0.02f && pitchAngle.valueDegrees() < 0.0f) { // anti roll back in SimGearboxMode::AUTO (DRIVE, TWO, ONE) mode // anti roll forth in SimGearboxMode::AUTO (REAR) mode float g = std::abs(App::GetSimTerrain()->getGravity()); float downhill_force = std::abs(sin(pitchAngle.valueRadians()) * vehicle->getTotalMass()) * g; float engine_force = std::abs(engine->GetTorque()) / vehicle->getAvgPropedWheelRadius(); float ratio = std::max(0.0f, 1.0f - (engine_force / downhill_force)); if (vehicle->ar_avg_wheel_speed * pitchAngle.valueDegrees() > 0.0f) { ratio *= sqrt((0.02f - vehicle->ar_avg_wheel_speed) / 0.02f); } vehicle->ar_brake = sqrt(ratio); } } else if (vehicle->ar_brake == 0.0f && !vehicle->ar_parking_brake && engine->GetTorque() == 0.0f) { float ratio = std::max(0.0f, 0.2f - std::abs(vehicle->ar_avg_wheel_speed)) / 0.2f; vehicle->ar_brake = ratio; } } if (vehicle->cc_mode) { LandVehicleSimulation::UpdateCruiseControl(vehicle, seconds_since_last_frame); } if (vehicle->sl_enabled) { LandVehicleSimulation::CheckSpeedLimit(vehicle, seconds_since_last_frame); } }
CEntity* CEntityFactory::createEntityByTypeTransform(const std::string &type, Matrix4 transform, CMap *map) { //solo hacemos creamos algo a partir de un arquetipo así que nos aseguramos de que exista ArchetypeMap::iterator find = _archetypes.find(type); if( find == _archetypes.end()) { return NULL; } //nos aseguramos de construir un nombre unico //int id = EntityID::_nextId; std::string uniqueName = type; //Hacer un new para que no se desreferencie en el futuro Map::CEntity *entityInfo = new Map::CEntity(uniqueName); //El tipo entityInfo->setType(type); //La posicion Vector3 pos; Vector3 scale; Quaternion quat; transform.decomposition(pos, scale, quat); std::string string = std::to_string(pos.x)+','+std::to_string(pos.y)+','+std::to_string(pos.z); entityInfo->setAttribute("position", string ); //El nombre unico entityInfo->setName(entityInfo->getName()+std::to_string(EntityID::_nextId)); //La orientacion Vector3 axis; Ogre::Degree angle; quat.ToAngleAxis(angle, axis); string = std::to_string(axis.x) +","+std::to_string(axis.y)+","+std::to_string(axis.z); entityInfo->setAttribute("orientation",string); //std::cout<<string<<std::endl; string = std::to_string(angle.valueDegrees()); //std::cout<<string<<std::endl; entityInfo->setAttribute("orientation_angle", string); //meterlo en la cola de entidades del parser para que se borren al recargar mapas Map::CMapParser::getSingletonPtr()->addEntityInfo(entityInfo); return createEntity(entityInfo, map); }
void Entity::SetRotation( const Ogre::Degree& rotation ) { assert( m_model_root_node ); float angle = rotation.valueDegrees() - Ogre::Math::Floor( rotation.valueDegrees() / 360.0f ) * 360.0f; if( angle < 0 ) { angle = 360 + angle; } Ogre::Quaternion q; Ogre::Vector3 vec = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z; q.FromAngleAxis( Ogre::Radian( Ogre::Degree( angle ) ), vec ); m_model_root_node->setOrientation( q ); m_DirectionNode->setOrientation( q ); }
void QuaternionAdapter::updateGui(const Ogre::Quaternion& quaternion) { mSelfUpdate = true; if (&quaternion) { Ogre::Vector3 axis; Ogre::Degree angle; quaternion.ToAngleAxis( angle, axis); mVectorAdapter.updateGui(axis); if (mDegreeWindow) { mDegreeWindow->setText(Ogre::StringConverter::toString(angle.valueDegrees())); } } else { mVectorAdapter.updateGui(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO); if (mDegreeWindow) { mDegreeWindow->setText(""); } } mSelfUpdate = false; }
void PointStarfield::setObserverLongitude (Ogre::Degree value) { if (!Math::RealEqual ( mObserverLongitude.valueDegrees (), value.valueDegrees (), this->getObserverPositionRebuildDelta ().valueDegrees ())) { mObserverLongitude = value; invalidateGeometry (); } }
bool blockMeleeAttack(const MWWorld::Ptr &attacker, const MWWorld::Ptr &blocker, const MWWorld::Ptr &weapon, float damage) { if (!blocker.getClass().hasInventoryStore(blocker)) return false; if (blocker.getClass().getCreatureStats(blocker).getKnockedDown() || blocker.getClass().getCreatureStats(blocker).getHitRecovery()) return false; MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = blocker.getClass().getInventoryStore(blocker); MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator shield = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); if (shield == inv.end() || shield->getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::Armor).name()) return false; Ogre::Degree angle = signedAngle (Ogre::Vector3(attacker.getRefData().getPosition().pos) - Ogre::Vector3(blocker.getRefData().getPosition().pos), blocker.getRefData().getBaseNode()->getOrientation().yAxis(), Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1)); const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting>& gmst = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>(); if (angle.valueDegrees() < gmst.find("fCombatBlockLeftAngle")->getFloat()) return false; if (angle.valueDegrees() > gmst.find("fCombatBlockRightAngle")->getFloat()) return false; MWMechanics::CreatureStats& blockerStats = blocker.getClass().getCreatureStats(blocker); if (blockerStats.getDrawState() == DrawState_Spell) return false; MWMechanics::CreatureStats& attackerStats = attacker.getClass().getCreatureStats(attacker); float blockTerm = blocker.getClass().getSkill(blocker, ESM::Skill::Block) + 0.2 * blockerStats.getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Agility).getModified() + 0.1 * blockerStats.getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Luck).getModified(); float enemySwing = attackerStats.getAttackStrength(); float swingTerm = enemySwing * gmst.find("fSwingBlockMult")->getFloat() + gmst.find("fSwingBlockBase")->getFloat(); float blockerTerm = blockTerm * swingTerm; if (blocker.getClass().getMovementSettings(blocker).mPosition[1] <= 0) blockerTerm *= gmst.find("fBlockStillBonus")->getFloat(); blockerTerm *= blockerStats.getFatigueTerm(); float attackerSkill = attacker.getClass().getSkill(attacker, weapon.getClass().getEquipmentSkill(weapon)); float attackerTerm = attackerSkill + 0.2 * attackerStats.getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Agility).getModified() + 0.1 * attackerStats.getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Luck).getModified(); attackerTerm *= attackerStats.getFatigueTerm(); int x = int(blockerTerm - attackerTerm); int iBlockMaxChance = gmst.find("iBlockMaxChance")->getInt(); int iBlockMinChance = gmst.find("iBlockMinChance")->getInt(); x = std::min(iBlockMaxChance, std::max(iBlockMinChance, x)); int roll = std::rand()/ (static_cast<double> (RAND_MAX) + 1) * 100; // [0, 99] if (roll < x) { // Reduce shield durability by incoming damage if (shield->getCellRef().mCharge == -1) shield->getCellRef().mCharge = shield->getClass().getItemMaxHealth(*shield); shield->getCellRef().mCharge -= std::min(shield->getCellRef().mCharge, int(damage)); if (!shield->getCellRef().mCharge) inv.unequipItem(*shield, blocker); // Reduce blocker fatigue const float fFatigueBlockBase = gmst.find("fFatigueBlockBase")->getFloat(); const float fFatigueBlockMult = gmst.find("fFatigueBlockMult")->getFloat(); const float fWeaponFatigueBlockMult = gmst.find("fWeaponFatigueBlockMult")->getFloat(); MWMechanics::DynamicStat<float> fatigue = blockerStats.getFatigue(); float normalizedEncumbrance = blocker.getClass().getEncumbrance(blocker) / blocker.getClass().getCapacity(blocker); normalizedEncumbrance = std::min(1.f, normalizedEncumbrance); float fatigueLoss = fFatigueBlockBase + normalizedEncumbrance * fFatigueBlockMult; fatigueLoss += weapon.getClass().getWeight(weapon) * attackerStats.getAttackStrength() * fWeaponFatigueBlockMult; fatigue.setCurrent(fatigue.getCurrent() - fatigueLoss); blockerStats.setFatigue(fatigue); blockerStats.setBlock(true); if (blocker.getClass().isNpc()) blocker.getClass().skillUsageSucceeded(blocker, ESM::Skill::Block, 0); return true; } return false; }
void PropertiesWindow::addPropertyQuaternion(const Property& prop, CEGUI::MultiColumnList* table, const CeGuiString& key) { // Check column count // if count = 3 | MainTable // if count = 2 | Array table int colCount = table->getColumnCount(); int rowCount = table->getRowCount(); Ogre::Quaternion quat = prop.toQuaternion(); Ogre::Degree angle; Ogre::Vector3 axis; quat.ToAngleAxis( angle, axis ); char buf_angle [50]; sprintf(buf_angle, "%1.2f", angle.valueDegrees()); char buf_v1 [50]; sprintf(buf_v1, "%1.2f", axis.x); char buf_v2 [50]; sprintf(buf_v2, "%1.2f", axis.y); char buf_v3 [50]; sprintf(buf_v3, "%1.2f", axis.z); // Table has the three columns Key, Type, Value if ( colCount == 3 ) { // Add row for the first IntTriple value table->addRow(rowCount); table->setItem(new ListboxTextItem(key + " "), 0, rowCount); table->setItem(new ListboxTextItem("Quaternion "), 1, rowCount); table->setItem(new ListboxTextItem("Axis: ( " + CEGUI::String(buf_v1) + ", " + CEGUI::String(buf_v2) + ", " + CEGUI::String(buf_v3) + " )"), 2, rowCount); // Add second for the second IntTriple value table->addRow(rowCount + 1); table->setItem(new ListboxTextItem("Degree: " + CEGUI::String(buf_angle)), 2, rowCount + 1); } // Table has the two columns Type, Value else if ( colCount == 2 ) { table->addRow(rowCount); table->setItem(new ListboxTextItem("Quaternion "), 0, rowCount); table->setItem(new ListboxTextItem("Axis: ( " + CEGUI::String(buf_v1) + ", " + CEGUI::String(buf_v2) + ", " + CEGUI::String(buf_v3) + " )"), 2, rowCount); // Add second for the second IntTriple value table->addRow(rowCount + 1); table->setItem(new ListboxTextItem("Degree " + CEGUI::String(buf_angle)), 2, rowCount + 1); } }
void handleInput(Ogre::Real elapsedRealTime) { // This variable can be used to keep keys from repeating too fast. static Ogre::Real toggleTimer = 0; if (toggleTimer >= 0) { toggleTimer -= elapsedRealTime; } OIS::Keyboard* keyboard = gEngine.getKeyboard(); if (keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_W)) { gCar->forward(); } else if (keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_S)) { gCar->reverse(); } else { gCar->idle(); } if (keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_A)) { gCar->setSteering(-1); } else if (keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_D)) { gCar->setSteering(1); } else { gCar->setSteering(0); } // If available, get data from the game controller. if (gGamePad) { // Update the game controller state. SDL_JoystickUpdate(); Ogre::Real joy0X = (Ogre::Real)SDL_JoystickGetAxis(gGamePad, 0) / (Ogre::Real)32768; Ogre::Real joy0Y = (Ogre::Real)SDL_JoystickGetAxis(gGamePad, 1) / (Ogre::Real)32768; Ogre::Real joy1X = (Ogre::Real)SDL_JoystickGetAxis(gGamePad, 4) / (Ogre::Real)32768; Ogre::Real joy1Y = (Ogre::Real)SDL_JoystickGetAxis(gGamePad, 3) / (Ogre::Real)32768; if (fabs(joy0Y) > 0.1) { gCar->setThrottle(-joy0Y); } else { gCar->idle(); } if (fabs(joy0X) > 0.1) { gCar->setSteering(joy0X); } else { gCar->setSteering(0); } if (joy1X > 0.2 || joy1X < -0.2) { Ogre::Degree rotAroundY = -Ogre::Degree(joy1X); gEngine.getCamera()->yawRelative(rotAroundY.valueDegrees()); } if (joy1Y > 0.2 || joy1Y < -0.2) { Ogre::Degree rotAroundX = -Ogre::Degree(joy1Y); gEngine.getCamera()->pitchRelative(rotAroundX.valueDegrees()); } } // Toggle GUI. if (keyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_G) && toggleTimer <= 0) { Ogre::Overlay* debugOverlay = Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton(). getByName("Verve/Debug"); if (debugOverlay->isVisible()) { debugOverlay->hide(); gAgentDebugger->setDisplayEnabled(false); } else { debugOverlay->show(); gAgentDebugger->setDisplayEnabled(true); } toggleTimer = 0.5; } }
void RenderedCompassImpl::rotate(const Ogre::Degree& degree) { auto rotation = CEGUI::Quaternion::axisAngleDegrees(CEGUI::Vector3f(0, 0, 1), degree.valueDegrees() + 45.0f); mPointerElement->setRotation(rotation); }