// Returns angle between 2 vectors in degrees double ViroManipulator::VecAngle(osg::Vec3d a, osg::Vec3d b){ double ang; a.normalize(); b.normalize(); ang = RadiansToDegrees( acos(a * b) ); return fabs( ang ); }
void CameraFlight::navigate(osg::Matrix destMat, osg::Vec3 destVec) { osg::Matrix objMat = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); switch(_flightMode) { case INSTANT:{ cout<<"USING INSTANT"<<endl; SceneManager::instance()->setObjectMatrix(destMat); break; } case SATELLITE: cout<<"USING SATELLITE"<<endl; t = 0.0; total = 0.0; objMat.decompose(trans2, rot2, scale2, so2); a = (maxHeight - trans2[1])/25.0; map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->convertLatLongHeightToXYZ( destVec.x(),destVec.y(),destVec.z(),toVec.x(),toVec.y(),toVec.z()); fromVec = origPlanetPoint; fromVec.normalize(); toVec.normalize(); origAngle = acos((fromVec * toVec)/((fromVec.length() * toVec.length()))); origAngle = RadiansToDegrees(origAngle); angle = origAngle; if(origAngle <= 10) { maxHeight = 6.5e+9; } else { maxHeight = 2.0e+10; } flagRot = true; break; case AIRPLANE: cout<<"USING AIRPLANE"<<endl; break; default: cout<<"PICK THE ALGORYTHM!!!!"<<endl; break; } }
/** * Simulate a track-ball. Project the points onto the virtual * trackball, then figure out the axis of rotation, which is the cross * product of P1 P2 and O P1 (O is the center of the ball, 0,0,0) * Note: This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center, * but is deformed into a hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the * center. This particular function was chosen after trying out * several variations. * * It is assumed that the arguments to this routine are in the range * (-1.0 ... 1.0) */ void OrbitManipulator::trackball( osg::Vec3d& axis, float& angle, float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y ) { /* * First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to * deformed sphere */ osg::Matrixd rotation_matrix(_rotation); osg::Vec3d uv = Vec3d(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f)*rotation_matrix; osg::Vec3d sv = Vec3d(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f)*rotation_matrix; osg::Vec3d lv = Vec3d(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f)*rotation_matrix; osg::Vec3d p1 = sv * p1x + uv * p1y - lv * tb_project_to_sphere(_trackballSize, p1x, p1y); osg::Vec3d p2 = sv * p2x + uv * p2y - lv * tb_project_to_sphere(_trackballSize, p2x, p2y); /* * Now, we want the cross product of P1 and P2 */ axis = p2^p1; axis.normalize(); /* * Figure out how much to rotate around that axis. */ float t = (p2 - p1).length() / ( /*2.0*/ 1.3 * _trackballSize); /* * Avoid problems with out-of-control values... */ if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0; if (t < -1.0) t = -1.0; angle = inRadians(asin(t)); }
void MorphologyViewerWidget::_get_transformation( unsigned int index , osg::Vec3d & eye , osg::Vec3d & center , double & distance , osg::Vec3d & up , osg::Vec3d & look , osg::Vec3d & side ) { osgViewer::View * view = _viewer -> getView(index); osgGA::TrackballManipulator * manipulator = dynamic_cast<osgGA::TrackballManipulator *>(view -> getCameraManipulator()); manipulator -> getTransformation(eye, center, up); up.normalize(); look = center - eye; distance = look.normalize(); side = look ^ up; side.normalize(); }
void ossimPlanetSceneView::getLookDirection(osg::Vec3d& direction)const { osg::Vec3 eyeTemp(0,0,0); osg::Vec3 center(0,0,0); osg::Vec3 up(0,0,0); (const_cast<ossimPlanetSceneView*>(this))->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eyeTemp, center, up); direction = (center-eyeTemp); direction.normalize(); }
osg::Quat FaceTransform::computeQuat(osg::Vec3d direction) { direction.normalize(); double zAngle = atan2(direction.y(), direction.x()); osg::Quat zRot(zAngle, osg::Vec3d(0,0,1)); osg::Vec3d yAxis = zRot * osg::Vec3d(0,1,0); double zLength = (direction - osg::Vec3d(0,0,direction.z())).length(); double yAngle = - atan2(direction.z(), zLength) + osg::PI/2; osg::Quat yRot(yAngle, yAxis); return zRot * yRot; }
// Computes all intersections in line segment (p1,p2) and returns the nearest impact point in // vResult and its associated surface normal. bool ViroManipulator::Intersect(osg::Vec3d p1,osg::Vec3d p2, osg::Vec3d& vResult,osg::Vec3d& vNorm){ osg::ref_ptr<osg::LineSegment> seg = new osg::LineSegment; seg->set(p1,p2); if ( !seg->valid() ) return false; osgUtil::IntersectVisitor iv; iv.setTraversalMode(osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::TRAVERSE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN); //Only visible children iv.setLODSelectionMode(osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::USE_SEGMENT_START_POINT_AS_EYE_POINT_FOR_LOD_LEVEL_SELECTION); iv.addLineSegment(seg.get()); iv.setEyePoint( _vEye ); _NODE->accept( iv ); bool hitfound = false; if (iv.hits()){ osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList = iv.getHitList(seg.get()); if (!hitList.empty()){ for(osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList::iterator hitr=hitList.begin(); hitr!=hitList.end(); ++hitr){ if( hitr->_geode.valid() && (hitr->_geode.get()->getName()!="Contraint_OutBox_Geode") && (hitr->_geode.get()->getName()!="environment")){ osg::Vec3d ip = hitr->getWorldIntersectPoint(); osg::Vec3d in = hitr->getWorldIntersectNormal(); if(!hitfound){ vResult = ip; vNorm = in; } else{ osg::Vec3d vLastIP = vResult; osg::Vec3d vCurrentIP = ip; double dPrev = Vec3d(_vEye - vLastIP).length(); double dCurrent = Vec3d(_vEye - vCurrentIP).length(); if( dCurrent < dPrev ){ vResult = ip; vNorm = in; } } hitfound = true; } } } } if (hitfound){ vNorm.normalize(); vNorm = RightNormal(vResult,vNorm); } return hitfound; }
void Manipulator::calcRotationArgs(osg::Vec3d& axis, float& angle, float p1x, float p1y,float p2x, float p2y) { osg::Matrixd rotation_matrix(_rotation); osg::Vec3d uv = osg::Vec3d(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f)*rotation_matrix; osg::Vec3d sv = osg::Vec3d(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f)*rotation_matrix; osg::Vec3d lv = osg::Vec3d(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f)*rotation_matrix; osg::Vec3d p1 = sv * p1x + uv * p1y - lv * tb_project_to_sphere(_trackball_size, p1x, p1y); osg::Vec3d p2 = sv * p2x + uv * p2y - lv * tb_project_to_sphere(_trackball_size, p2x, p2y); axis = p2^p1; axis.normalize(); float t = (p2 - p1).length() / (2.0 * _trackball_size); if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0; if (t < -1.0) t = -1.0; angle = osg::inRadians(asin(t)); //2014/4/28 //2014/10/26,0.1 angle = 0.02 * angle; }
CullPlaneCallback( const osg::Vec3d& planeNormal ) : _n(planeNormal) { _n.normalize(); }
bool CameraFlight::buttonEvent(int type/*, const osg::Matrix & mat*/) { // osg::Matrix curMatrix = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); // double curScale = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectScale(); // osg::Matrix w2o = SceneManager::instance()->getWorldToObjectTransform(); // osg::Matrix o2w = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectToWorldTransform(); if(type == 'p') { std::cerr<<"curMatrix"<<endl; printMat(curMatrix, curScale); cout<<"x = "<<latLonHeight.x()<<", y = "<<latLonHeight.y()<<", z = "<<latLonHeight.z()<<endl; // std::cerr<<"WorldToObject"<<endl; // printMat(w2o, curScale); // std::cerr<<"ObjectToWorld"<<endl; // printMat(o2w, curScale); } else if(type == 'd') { curMatrix.decompose(trans1, rot1, scale1, so1); std::cerr<<"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"<<endl; cout<<"Trans = "; printVec(trans1); cout<<"Scale = "; printVec(scale1); cout<<"Rotate = "; printQuat(rot1); cout<<"Scale Orient ="; printQuat(so1); std::cerr<<"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"<<endl; //osg::Matrix _trans = osg::Matrix::rotate(oldPos,currentPos) * osg::Matrix::translate(trans); //osg::Matrix rotMat = osg::Matrix::rotate(oldPos,currentPos); //osg::Matrix wr = o2w * rotMat* w2o; // osg::Matrix _tmp = w2o * osg::Matrix::rotate(oldPos,currentPos) * o2w; //osg::Matrix _scale = osg::Matrix::scale(scale); //osg::Matrix _temp = osg::Matrix::translate(-trans) * _scale * _trans; } else if(type == 't') { curMatrix.setTrans(osg::Vec3(0.0,1e+09/*6.41844e+09*/,0)); SceneManager::instance()->setObjectMatrix(curMatrix); } else if(type == 's') { _origMatrix = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); _origScale = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectScale(); } else if(type == 'z') { tstart = time(0); // zIn = 1e+10; // zOut = 1e+10; cout<<"zpressed"<<endl; if (flagZoom == false) flagZoom = true; } else if(type == 'r') { if (flagRot == false) { flagRot = true; } else { flagRot = false; } //cout<<"Old Matrix"<<endl; //curMatrix = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); //curScale = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectScale(); // printMat(curMatrix, curScale); /*osg::Matrix mat2 = */ osg::Matrix rotM; rotM.makeRotate(DegreesToRadians(1.0),osg::Vec3(0,1,0)); // printMat(rotM, curScale); curMatrix= o2w * rotM * w2o; // printMat(curMatrix, curScale); //curMatrix.setTrans(trans); //cout<<"New Matrix"<<endl; //printMat(curMatrix, curScale); cout<<"x = "<<origPlanetPoint[0]<<", y = "<<origPlanetPoint[1]<<", z = "<<origPlanetPoint[2]<<endl; osg::Matrix objMat = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); objMat.decompose(trans1,rot1,scale1,so1); _destMat1.decompose(trans2,rot2,scale2,so2); // cout<<"rotate from"<<endl; // printQuat(rot1); // cout<<"rotate to"<<endl; // printQuat(rot2); osg::Vec3 vect1, vect2; double ang1, ang2; rot1.getRotate(ang1, vect1); rot2.getRotate(ang2, vect2); osg::Vec3 vec1 = rot1.asVec3(); osg::Vec3 vec2 = rot2.asVec3(); printVec(vect1); printVec(vect2); osg::Quat rotQuat; rotQuat.makeRotate(vect1, vect2); // printQuat(rotQuat); rotM.makeRotate(rotQuat); osg::Matrix mat = objMat* rotM; mat.setTrans(trans1); SceneManager::instance()->setObjectMatrix(mat); } else if(type == 'q') { cout<<"Distance = "<<distanceToSurface<<endl; } else if(type == 'g') { flagOut = false; flagIn = false; flagRot = false; flagZoom = true; osg::Matrix objMat = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); /* osg::Matrix rotM8; rotM8.makeRotate(DegreesToRadians(10.0),osg::Vec3(0,1,0)); osg::Matrix mat9 = rotM8 * objMat; SceneManager::instance()->setObjectMatrix(mat9); */ objMat.decompose(trans2, rot2, scale2, so2); double LFD, PD, FS, PS; a = (maxHeight - trans2[1])/25.0; t = 0.0; total = 0.0; } else if(type == 'a') { SceneManager::instance()->setObjectMatrix(_origMatrix); } else if(type == 'm') { if(flagRot) { flagRot = false; } else { tstart = time(0); zIn = 1e+10; zOut = 1e+10; osg::Matrix objMat = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); osg::Vec3d tolatLon(0.573827, -2.04617,0); osg::Vec3d tolatLon1(0.622566, 2.43884, 0); osg::Vec3d toVec1, toVec2; map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->convertLatLongHeightToXYZ( tolatLon.x(),tolatLon.y(),tolatLon.z(), toVec1.x(),toVec1.y(),toVec1.z()); // map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->convertLatLongHeightToXYZ( // tolatLon1.x(),tolatLon1.y(),tolatLon1.z(), // toVec2.x(),toVec2.y(),toVec2.z()); fromVec = origPlanetPoint; toVec1.normalize(); // toVec2.normalize(); fromVec.normalize(); /* osg::Vec3 offset(0.0,1.0,0.0); offset = offset - fromVec; fromVec = fromVec + offset; toVec1 = toVec1 + offset; toVec2 = toVec2 + offset; printVec(fromVec); printVec(toVec1); printVec(toVec2); */ cout<<endl; toVec = toVec1; double dot = fromVec * toVec; angle = acos(dot/((fromVec.length() * toVec.length()))); angle = RadiansToDegrees(angle); rotAngle = angle/100.0; cout<<angle<<endl; flagRot = true; } // osg::Vec3 crsVec = toVec1^toVec2; // crsVec.normalize(); // cout<<"Where you at"<<endl; // printVec(fromVec); // cout<<"UCSD"<<endl; // printVec(toVec1); // cout<<"Tokyo"<<endl; // printVec(toVec2); //osg::Vec3 rotVec = (fromVec ^ toVec); //rotVec.normalize(); //origPlanetPoint.normalize(); //latLonHeight.normalize(); // printVec(crsVec); // osg::Matrix rotM; // rotM.makeRotate(DegreesToRadians(1.0),crsVec); //printVec(origPlanetPoint); // printVec(origPlanetPoint); // printVec(latLonHeight); // printMat(rotM, curScale); //objMat.decompose(trans1,rot1,scale1,so1); //osg::Vec3 vect1, vect2; //double ang1, ang2; //rot1.getRotate(ang1, vect1); //printVec(vect1); // osg::Matrix mat = objMat* rotM; // mat.setTrans(trans1); // SceneManager::instance()->setObjectMatrix(mat); } else if(type == 'x') { cout<<"DRAWlING"<<endl; osgEarth::MapNode* outMapNode = MapNode::findMapNode(SceneManager::instance()->getObjectsRoot()); outputMap = outMapNode->getMap(); double lat = 0.0; double lon = -1.5708; double hght = 0.0; osg::Matrix objMat = SceneManager::instance()->getObjectTransform()->getMatrix(); osg::Vec3d tolatLon(0.573827, -2.04617,0); osg::Vec3d tolatLon1(0.622566, 2.43884, 0); osg::Vec3d toVec1, toVec2; map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->convertLatLongHeightToXYZ( lat,lon,hght, toVec1.x(),toVec1.y(),toVec1.z()); osg::Matrixd output, output2; map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->computeLocalToWorldTransformFromXYZ( toVec1.x(), toVec1.y(), toVec1.z(), output); map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->computeLocalToWorldTransformFromXYZ( lat, lon, hght, output2); printMat(output,10.0); printMat(output2,10.0); osg::Geode * geode = new osg::Geode(); osg::Vec3 centerVec(0.0,0.0,-20000.0); osg::ShapeDrawable* shape = new osg::ShapeDrawable( new osg::Cylinder(centerVec,10000.0, 2000000.0)); geode->addDrawable(shape); osg::MatrixTransform * mat1 = new osg::MatrixTransform(); mat1->setMatrix(output); mat1->addChild(geode); SceneManager::instance()->getObjectsRoot()->addChild(mat1); map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->convertLatLongHeightToXYZ( tolatLon.x(),tolatLon.y(),tolatLon.z(), toVec2.x(),toVec2.y(),toVec2.z()); osg::Matrixd output1; // lat = 0.573827; // lon = -2.04617; map->getProfile()->getSRS()->getEllipsoid()->computeLocalToWorldTransformFromXYZ( toVec2.x(), toVec2.y(), toVec2.z(), output1); osg::Geode * geode1 = new osg::Geode(); osg::Vec3 centerVec1(0.0,0.0,-20000.0); osg::ShapeDrawable* shape1 = new osg::ShapeDrawable( new osg::Cylinder(centerVec1,10000.0, 2000000.0)); geode1->addDrawable(shape1); osg::MatrixTransform * mat2 = new osg::MatrixTransform(); mat2->setMatrix(output1); mat2->addChild(geode1); SceneManager::instance()->getObjectsRoot()->addChild(mat2); //geode->addDrawable(shape1); } return false; }