inline void cvToCloud(const cv::Mat_<cv::Point3f>& points3d, pcl::PointCloud<PointT>& cloud, const cv::Mat& mask = cv::Mat()) { cloud.clear(); cloud.width = points3d.size().width; cloud.height = points3d.size().height; cv::Mat_<cv::Point3f>::const_iterator point_it = points3d.begin(), point_end = points3d.end(); const bool has_mask = !mask.empty(); cv::Mat_<uchar>::const_iterator mask_it; if (has_mask) mask_it = mask.begin<uchar>(); for (; point_it != point_end; ++point_it, (has_mask ? ++mask_it : mask_it)) { if (has_mask && !*mask_it) continue; cv::Point3f p = *point_it; if (p.x != p.x && p.y != p.y && p.z != p.z) //throw out NANs continue; PointT cp; cp.x = p.x; cp.y = p.y; cp.z = p.z; cloud.push_back(cp); } }
void load_pointcloud_from_file(char *filename, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr pointcloud) { int r, g, b; long int num_points; pcl::PointXYZRGB p3D; pointcloud->clear(); FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { carmen_warn("Error: The pointcloud '%s' not exists!\n", filename); return; } fscanf(f, "%ld\n", &num_points); for (long i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { fscanf(f, "%f %f %f %d %d %d\n", &p3D.x, &p3D.y, &p3D.z, &r, &g, &b ); p3D.r = (unsigned char) r; p3D.g = (unsigned char) g; p3D.b = (unsigned char) b; pointcloud->push_back(p3D); } fclose(f); }
void depthPointsHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& depthPoints2) { frameCount = (frameCount + 1) % 4; if (frameCount != 0) { return; } pcl::PointCloud<DepthPoint>::Ptr depthPointsCur = depthPoints[0]; depthPointsCur->clear(); pcl::fromROSMsg(*depthPoints2, *depthPointsCur); for (int i = 0; i < keyframeNum - 1; i++) { depthPoints[i] = depthPoints[i + 1]; depthPointsTime[i] = depthPointsTime[i + 1]; } depthPoints[keyframeNum - 1] = depthPointsCur; depthPointsTime[keyframeNum - 1] = depthPoints2->header.stamp.toSec(); keyframeCount++; if (keyframeCount >= keyframeNum && depthPointsTime[0] >= lastPubTime) { depthPointsStacked->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < keyframeNum; i++) { *depthPointsStacked += *depthPoints[i]; } sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 depthPoints3; pcl::toROSMsg(*depthPointsStacked, depthPoints3); depthPoints3.header.frame_id = "camera"; depthPoints3.header.stamp = depthPoints2->header.stamp; depthPointsPubPointer->publish(depthPoints3); lastPubTime = depthPointsTime[keyframeNum - 1]; } }
/** * \breif convert an opencv collection of points to a pcl::PoinCloud, your opencv mat should have NAN's for invalid points. * @param points3d opencv matrix of nx1 3 channel points * @param cloud output cloud * @param rgb the rgb, required, will color points * @param mask the mask, required, must be same size as rgb */ inline void cvToCloudXYZRGB(const cv::Mat_<cv::Point3f>& points3d, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>& cloud, const cv::Mat& rgb, const cv::Mat& mask, bool brg = true) { cloud.clear(); cv::Mat_<cv::Point3f>::const_iterator point_it = points3d.begin(), point_end = points3d.end(); cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3b>::const_iterator rgb_it = rgb.begin<cv::Vec3b>(); cv::Mat_<uchar>::const_iterator mask_it; if(!mask.empty()) mask_it = mask.begin<uchar>(); for (; point_it != point_end; ++point_it, ++rgb_it) { if(!mask.empty()) { ++mask_it; if (!*mask_it) continue; } cv::Point3f p = *point_it; if (p.x != p.x && p.y != p.y && p.z != p.z) //throw out NANs continue; pcl::PointXYZRGB cp; cp.x = p.x; cp.y = p.y; cp.z = p.z; cp.r = (*rgb_it)[2]; //expecting in BGR format. cp.g = (*rgb_it)[1]; cp.b = (*rgb_it)[0]; cloud.push_back(cp); } }
void convertFreenectFrameToPointCloud( libfreenect2::Registration* registration, libfreenect2::Frame* undistorted, libfreenect2::Frame* registered, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr &cloud) { cloud->clear(); float x, y, z, rgb; for (int c = 0; c < 512; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < 424; r++) { registration->getPointXYZRGB(undistorted, registered, r, c, x, y, z, rgb); if (std::isnan(x)) continue; pcl::PointXYZRGB point; point.x = x; point.y = y; point.z = z; point.rgb = rgb; cloud->points.push_back (point); } } }
/** * \breif convert an opencv collection of points to a pcl::PoinCloud, your opencv mat should have NAN's for invalid points. * @param points3d opencv matrix of nx1 3 channel points * @param cloud output cloud * @param rgb the rgb, required, will color points * @param mask the mask, required, must be same size as rgb */ inline void cvToCloudXYZRGBNormal(const cv::Mat& cvcloud, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal>& cloud) { std::size_t rows = cvcloud.rows; std::size_t cols = cvcloud.cols; cloud.clear(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i<rows; ++i) { pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal cp; cp.x =<float>(i,0); cp.y =<float>(i,1); cp.z =<float>(i,2); if (cols > 3) { cp.normal_x =<float>(i,3); cp.normal_y =<float>(i,4); cp.normal_z =<float>(i,5); } if (cols > 6) { cp.r =<float>(i,6); cp.g =<float>(i,7); cp.b =<float>(i,8); } cloud.push_back(cp); } }
void Triangulation::convertSurface2Vertices (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud, std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &vertices, unsigned resolution) { // copy knots if (nurbs.KnotCount (0) <= 1 || nurbs.KnotCount (1) <= 1) { printf ("[Triangulation::convertSurface2Vertices] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n"); return; } cloud->clear (); vertices.clear (); double x0 = nurbs.Knot (0, 0); double x1 = nurbs.Knot (0, nurbs.KnotCount (0) - 1); double w = x1 - x0; double y0 = nurbs.Knot (1, 0); double y1 = nurbs.Knot (1, nurbs.KnotCount (1) - 1); double h = y1 - y0; createVertices (cloud, float (x0), float (y0), 0.0f, float (w), float (h), resolution, resolution); createIndices (vertices, 0, resolution, resolution); for (auto &v : *cloud) { double point[9]; nurbs.Evaluate (v.x, v.y, 1, 3, point); v.x = static_cast<float> (point[0]); v.y = static_cast<float> (point[1]); v.z = static_cast<float> (point[2]); } }
template <typename VoxelT, typename WeightT> void pcl::TSDFVolume<VoxelT, WeightT>::convertToTsdfCloud (pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr &cloud) const { int sx = header_.resolution(0); int sy = header_.resolution(1); int sz = header_.resolution(2); const int step = 2; const int cloud_size = header_.getVolumeSize() / (step*step*step); cloud->clear(); cloud->reserve (std::min (cloud_size/10, 500000)); int volume_idx = 0, cloud_idx = 0; //#pragma omp parallel for // if used, increment over idx not possible! use index calculation for (int z = 0; z < sz; z+=step) for (int y = 0; y < sy; y+=step) for (int x = 0; x < sx; x+=step, ++cloud_idx) { volume_idx = sx*sy*z + sx*y + x; // pcl::PointXYZI &point = cloud->points[cloud_idx]; if (weights_->at(volume_idx) == 0 || volume_->at(volume_idx) > 0.98 ) continue; pcl::PointXYZI point; point.x = x; point.y = y; point.z = z;//*64; point.intensity = volume_->at(volume_idx); cloud->push_back (point); } // cloud->width = cloud_size; // cloud->height = 1; }
void SNA::cloud_cb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& cloud) { pcl::PCLPointCloud2 pcl_pc2; pcl_conversions::toPCL(*cloud,pcl_pc2); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> buffer_cloud; pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(pcl_pc2,buffer_cloud); pcl::PointXYZ temp; for(size_t i=0;i<buffer_cloud.size();i++) { temp.x = buffer_cloud.points[i].x; temp.y = buffer_cloud.points[i].y; temp.z = buffer_cloud.points[i].z; assembly_.push_back(temp); } pcl::toROSMsg(assembly_,output_); if(!is_moving_) { assembly_.clear(); } else { output_.header.frame_id = "/ChestLidar"; assembled_cloud_pub_.publish(output_); if(dxl_err_ < 0.01){ remap_ = output_; assembled_cloud_pub_.publish(remap_); } } }
void laserCloudLastHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& laserCloudLast2) { timeLaserCloudLast = laserCloudLast2->header.stamp.toSec(); laserCloudLast->clear(); pcl::fromROSMsg(*laserCloudLast2, *laserCloudLast); newLaserCloudLast = true; }
void SimpleCloudGrabber::copyCloud(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr &source, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr &dest) { dest->clear(); for (pcl::PointXYZ pt : source->points) { dest->points.push_back(pt); } dest->width = dest->points.size(); dest->height = 1; }
bool RegionGrowing::seedRegionGrowing( pcl::PointCloud<PointNormalT>::Ptr src_points, const PointT seed_point, const PointCloud::Ptr cloud, PointNormal::Ptr normals) { if (cloud->empty() || normals->size() != cloud->size()) { ROS_ERROR("- Region growing failed. Incorrect inputs sizes "); return false; } if (isnan(seed_point.x) || isnan(seed_point.y) || isnan(seed_point.z)) { ROS_ERROR("- Seed Point is Nan. Skipping"); return false; } this->kdtree_->setInputCloud(cloud); std::vector<int> neigbor_indices; this->getPointNeigbour<int>(neigbor_indices, seed_point, 1); int seed_index = neigbor_indices[0]; const int in_dim = static_cast<int>(cloud->size()); int *labels = reinterpret_cast<int*>(malloc(sizeof(int) * in_dim)); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(this->num_threads_) #endif for (int i = 0; i < in_dim; i++) { if (i == seed_index) { labels[i] = 1; } labels[i] = -1; } this->seedCorrespondingRegion(labels, cloud, normals, seed_index, seed_index); src_points->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < in_dim; i++) { if (labels[i] != -1) { PointNormalT pt; pt.x = cloud->points[i].x; pt.y = cloud->points[i].y; pt.z = cloud->points[i].z; pt.r = cloud->points[i].r; pt.g = cloud->points[i].g; pt.b = cloud->points[i].b; pt.normal_x = normals->points[i].normal_x; pt.normal_y = normals->points[i].normal_y; pt.normal_z = normals->points[i].normal_z; src_points->push_back(pt); } } free(labels); return true; }
void ldr_to_cloud(const Eigen::MatrixXf& ldr_data, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>& cloud) { cloud.clear(); cloud.is_dense = false; cloud.points.resize(ldr_data.rows()); for (int r=0; r < ldr_data.rows(); r++) { pcl::PointXYZ& p =; p.x = ldr_data(r, 0); p.y = ldr_data(r, 1); p.z = ldr_data(r, 2); } }
void computeGradient(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY> ¤t_2d_scan, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY> &gradient_scan) { unsigned int n_points = current_2d_scan.size(); gradient_scan.clear(); gradient_scan.resize(n_points); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_points; i++) { pcl::PointXY grad; grad.x = abs( current_2d_scan[i].x - prev_2d_scan[i].x ); // dx grad.y = abs( current_2d_scan[i].y - prev_2d_scan[i].y ); // dy gradient_scan[i] = grad; } };
int accumulate_clouds(carmen_velodyne_partial_scan_message *velodyne_message, char *velodyne_storage_dir) { static char cloud_name[1024]; static int first_iteraction = 1; static carmen_pose_3D_t zero_pose; static pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr source_pointcloud; static rotation_matrix *r_matrix_car_to_global; int current_point_cloud_index; carmen_vector_3D_t robot_velocity = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; double pose_timestamp = 0.0; double phi = 0.0; if (first_iteraction) { memset(&zero_pose, 0, sizeof(carmen_pose_3D_t)); source_pointcloud = boost::shared_ptr< pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> >(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>); r_matrix_car_to_global = compute_rotation_matrix(r_matrix_car_to_global, zero_pose.orientation); first_iteraction = 0; } accumulate_partial_scan(velodyne_message, &velodyne_params, &velodyne_data); if (two_complete_clouds_have_been_acquired()) { current_point_cloud_index = velodyne_data.point_cloud_index; velodyne_data.robot_pose[velodyne_data.point_cloud_index] = zero_pose; velodyne_data.robot_phi[velodyne_data.point_cloud_index] = phi; velodyne_data.robot_velocity[velodyne_data.point_cloud_index] = robot_velocity; velodyne_data.robot_timestamp[velodyne_data.point_cloud_index] = pose_timestamp; add_velodyne_spherical_points_to_pointcloud(source_pointcloud, &(velodyne_data.points[current_point_cloud_index]), velodyne_data.intensity[current_point_cloud_index], r_matrix_car_to_global, &zero_pose, &velodyne_params, &velodyne_data); sprintf(cloud_name, "%s/%lf.ply", velodyne_storage_dir, velodyne_message->timestamp); save_pointcloud_to_file(cloud_name, source_pointcloud); // DEBUG: // char cloud_name[1024]; // sprintf(cloud_name, "%s/CLOUDS-%lf.ply", velodyne_storage_dir, velodyne_message->timestamp); // pcl::io::savePLYFile(cloud_name, *source_pointcloud); source_pointcloud->clear(); return 1; } return 0; }
void Triangulation::convertCurve2PointCloud (const ON_NurbsCurve &curve, const ON_NurbsSurface &surf, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud, unsigned resolution) { // copy knots if (curve.m_knot_capacity <= 1) { printf ("[Triangulation::Convert] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n"); return; } cloud->clear (); if (resolution < 2) resolution = 2; int cp_red = curve.Order () - 2; // for each element of the nurbs curve for (int i = 1; i < curve.KnotCount () - 1 - cp_red; i++) { double dr = 1.0 / (resolution - 1); double xi0 = curve.m_knot[i]; double xid = (curve.m_knot[i + 1] - xi0); for (unsigned j = 0; j < resolution; j++) { pcl::PointXYZRGB pt; double xi = (xi0 + j * dr * xid); double p[3]; double pp[3]; curve.Evaluate (xi, 0, 2, pp); surf.Evaluate (pp[0], pp[1], 0, 3, p); pt.x = p[0]; pt.y = p[1]; pt.z = p[2]; pt.r = 255; pt.g = 0; pt.b = 0; cloud->push_back (pt); } } }
// Methods // Return a first list of points of objects which has a proper size void findCandidates(const kut_ugv_sensor_fusion::lidar_object_listConstPtr& object_list, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY> ¤t_2d_scan) { current_2d_scan.clear(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < object_list->object.size(); i++) { // Check the size of the object if( object_list->object[i].width > OBJECT_MIN_WIDTH && object_list->object[i].height > OBJECT_MIN_HEIGHT && object_list->object[i].width < OBJECT_MAX_WIDTH && object_list->object[i].height < OBJECT_MAX_HEIGHT) { pcl::PointXY p; p.x = object_list->object[i].centroid.x; p.y = object_list->object[i].centroid.y; current_2d_scan.push_back(p); } } }
void setTrackerTarget(){ initTracking(); Eigen::Vector4f c; Eigen::Affine3f trans = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity (); pcl::compute3DCentroid<PointT>(*object_to_track,c); trans.translation().matrix() = Eigen::Vector3f(c[0],c[1],c[2]); tracker_->setTrans (trans); pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr tmp_pc(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>); pcl::transformPointCloud<PointT> (*object_to_track, *tmp_pc, trans.inverse()); tracker_->setReferenceCloud(tmp_pc); tracker_->setInputCloud(cloud); tracked_object_centroid->clear(); tracked_object_centroid->push_back(PointT(c[0],c[1],c[2])); }
void cloud_cb_ (const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::ConstPtr &cloud) { seconds++; boost::mutex::scoped_lock updateOnlineLock(updateOnlineMutex); onlineView->clear(); pcl::copyPointCloud(*cloud, *onlineView); updateOnline = true; updateOnlineLock.unlock(); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( updateCloudBMutex ); if(seconds % 5 == 0 && start && !stop) { PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr deep_copy (new PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>( *onlineView ) ); cloudB = deep_copy; capturedNew = true; noFrames++; condQ.notify_one(); } }
void Triangulation::convertCurve2PointCloud (const ON_NurbsCurve &nurbs, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud, unsigned resolution) { // copy knots if (nurbs.m_knot_capacity <= 1) { printf ("[Triangulation::convert] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n"); return; } cloud->clear (); if (resolution < 2) resolution = 2; int cp_red = nurbs.Order () - 2; // for each element in the nurbs curve for (int i = 1; i < nurbs.KnotCount () - 1 - cp_red; i++) { double dr = 1.0 / (resolution - 1); double xi0 = nurbs.m_knot[i]; double xid = (nurbs.m_knot[i + 1] - xi0); for (unsigned j = 0; j < resolution; j++) { double xi = (xi0 + j * dr * xid); pcl::PointXYZRGB p; double points[3]; nurbs.Evaluate (xi, 0, 3, points); p.x = static_cast<float> (points[0]); p.y = static_cast<float> (points[1]); p.z = static_cast<float> (points[2]); p.r = 255; p.g = 0; p.b = 0; cloud->push_back (p); } } }
/** * @brief Fills a point cloud with all the pixels in a collection of keyframes. */ void utils::generateCloud(const std::vector<KeyframeContainer>& frames,pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>& newCloud) { newCloud.clear(); for(uint f=0;f<frames.size();++f) { if(frames[f].projectionMatrix.rows>0 && frames[f].projectionMatrix.cols>0) { //calculate the extended projection matrix cv::Mat_<double> projective(4,4,0.0); for(int x=0;x<3;x++) for(int y=0;y<4;y++) projective(x,y)=frames[f].projectionMatrix(x,y); projective(3,3)=1; // all pixels in the current frame for(int x=0;x<frames[f].colorImg.image.cols;x++) for(int y=0;y<frames[f].colorImg.image.rows;y++) { float depth(frames[f]<float>(y,x)); //if the depth data is available and the pixel is inside the mask if (isnan(depth)==0 && frames[f].mask(y,x)>0) { //calculate 3D point from the image data cv::Vec<uint8_t,3> pixel(frames[f]<cv::Vec<uint8_t,3> >(y,x)); cv::Mat_<double> tmpPoint2D(2,1,0.0); tmpPoint2D(0,0)=(double)x; tmpPoint2D(1,0)=(double)y; cv::Mat_<double> tmpPointHomo3D=utils::reprojectImagePointTo3D(tmpPoint2D,frames[f].cameraCalibration,projective,depth); //convert to pcl format pcl::PointXYZRGB tmpPoint; tmpPoint.x=tmpPointHomo3D(0,0); tmpPoint.y=tmpPointHomo3D(1,0); tmpPoint.z=tmpPointHomo3D(2,0); tmpPoint.b=pixel.val[0]; tmpPoint.g=pixel.val[1]; tmpPoint.r=pixel.val[2]; //add to the cloud newCloud.push_back(tmpPoint); } } } } }
void UpdateCloud(const vector<Point3d>& point_cloud, const int r, const int g, const int b, bool clear) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock updateLock(update_pc_model_mutex); update_pc = true; if (clear) cloud_ptr->clear(); for (int i=0; i<point_cloud.size(); i++) { Vec3b rgbv(r, g, b); // Check for invalid points: if (point_cloud[i].x != point_cloud[i].x || point_cloud[i].y != point_cloud[i].y || point_cloud[i].z != point_cloud[i].z || isnan(point_cloud[i].x) || isnan(point_cloud[i].y) || isnan(point_cloud[i].z) || point_cloud[i].x > MAX_PC_VAL || point_cloud[i].y > MAX_PC_VAL || point_cloud[i].z > MAX_PC_VAL) { continue; } pcl::PointXYZRGB point; point.x = point_cloud[i].x * X_SCALE; point.y = point_cloud[i].y * Y_SCALE; point.z = point_cloud[i].z * Z_SCALE; uint32_t rgb = ((uint32_t)rgbv[2] << 16 | (uint32_t)rgbv[1] << 8 | (uint32_t)rgbv[0]); point.rgb = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&rgb); cloud_ptr->push_back(point); } cloud_ptr->width = (uint32_t) cloud_ptr->points.size(); cloud_ptr->height = 1; updateLock.unlock(); }
static void VscanCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &msg) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> vscan_raw; pcl::fromROSMsg(*msg, vscan_raw); _vscan.clear(); for (const auto &v : vscan_raw) { if (v.x == 0 && v.y == 0) continue; if (v.z > _detection_height_top || v.z < _detection_height_bottom) continue; _vscan.push_back(v); } if (_vscan_flag == false) { std::cout << "vscan subscribed" << std::endl; _vscan_flag = true; } }
void keyboardEventOccurred (const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent& event_, void* viewer_void) { pcl::visualization::CloudViewer* viewer = static_cast<pcl::visualization::CloudViewer *> (viewer_void); // cout << "event_.getKeySym () = " << event_.getKeySym () << " event_.keyDown () " << event_.keyDown () << endl; if ((event_.getKeySym () == "s" || event_.getKeySym () == "S") && event_.keyDown ()) { cout << "s clicked" << endl; cloud->clear(); copyPointCloud(*orig_cloud,*cloud); if (!sor_applied) { SORFilter(); sor_applied = true; } else { sor_applied = false; } show_cloud = true; } if ((event_.getKeySym ().compare("1") == 0) #ifndef WIN32 && event_.keyDown () #endif ) { show_cloud_A = true; show_cloud = true; } if ((event_.getKeySym ().compare("2") == 0) #ifndef WIN32 && event_.keyDown () #endif ) { show_cloud_A = false; show_cloud = true; } }
template <typename PointInT> void pcl::SurfaceReconstruction<PointInT>::reconstruct (pcl::PointCloud<PointInT> &points, std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons) { // Copy the header points.header = input_->header; if (!initCompute ()) { points.width = points.height = 0; points.clear (); polygons.clear (); return; } // Check if a space search locator was given if (check_tree_) { if (!tree_) { if (input_->isOrganized ()) tree_.reset (new pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<PointInT> ()); else tree_.reset (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointInT> (false)); } // Send the surface dataset to the spatial locator tree_->setInputCloud (input_, indices_); } // Set up the output dataset polygons.clear (); polygons.reserve (2 * indices_->size ()); /// NOTE: usually the number of triangles is around twice the number of vertices // Perform the actual surface reconstruction performReconstruction (points, polygons); deinitCompute (); }
void vectorToPCLPointCloud(const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d >& pc, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >& pcl_pc, double density) { pcl_pc.clear(); std::vector<bool> mask; unsigned sample_count = (unsigned)(density * pc.size()); if(density <= 0.0 || pc.size() == 0) { return; } else if(sample_count >= pc.size()) { mask.resize(pc.size(), true); } else { mask.resize(pc.size(), false); unsigned samples_drawn = 0; while(samples_drawn < sample_count) { unsigned index = rand() % pc.size(); if(mask[index] == false) { mask[index] = true; samples_drawn++; } } } for(unsigned i = 0; i < pc.size(); i++) { if(mask[i]) pcl_pc.push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(pc[i].x(), pc[i].y(), pc[i].z())); } }
void track(){ //pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloudWithNormals = addNormalsToPointCloud(cloud_input); tracker_->setInputCloud(cloud); tracker_->compute(); pcl::tracking::ParticleXYZRPY result = tracker_->getResult (); Eigen::Affine3f transformation = tracker_->toEigenMatrix (result); //transformation.translation () += Eigen::Vector3f (0.0f, 0.0f, -0.005f); Eigen::Affine3f transs = tracker_->getTrans(); pcl::transformPointCloud<PointT>(*(tracker_->getReferenceCloud ()),*tracked_object,transformation); particles = tracker_->getParticles (); Eigen::Vector4f c; pcl::compute3DCentroid<PointT>(*tracked_object,c); tracked_object_centroid->clear(); PointT pt; pt.x = c[0]; pt.y = c[1]; pt.z = c[2]; tracked_object_centroid->push_back(pt); retrieved_object = findNearestObject(); }
void createPC() { if(!cloud->empty()) cloud->clear(); for( int y=0; y<480; y++) { for( int x=0; x<640; x++) { Scalar intensity =<uchar>(y,x); if (intensity.val[0]==255) { float d=(float)<ushort>(y,x); Vec3b color =<Vec3b>(y,x); Vector4f temp; temp << x*d,y*d,d,1.0; Vector4f point = t_mat*temp; pcl::PointXYZRGBA result; result.x = point(0); result.y = point(1); result.z = point(2); result.r = color.val[2]; result.g = color.val[1]; result.b = color.val[0]; cloud->points.push_back(result); } } } }
void Triangulation::convertSurface2Vertices (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud, std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &vertices, unsigned resolution) { // copy knots if (nurbs.m_knot_capacity[0] <= 1 || nurbs.m_knot_capacity[1] <= 1) { printf ("[Triangulation::convert] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n"); return; } cloud->clear (); vertices.clear (); double x0 = nurbs.Knot (0, 0); double x1 = nurbs.Knot (0, nurbs.m_knot_capacity[0] - 1); double w = x1 - x0; double y0 = nurbs.Knot (1, 0); double y1 = nurbs.Knot (1, nurbs.m_knot_capacity[1] - 1); double h = y1 - y0; createVertices (cloud, x0, y0, 0.0, w, h, resolution, resolution); createIndices (vertices, 0, resolution, resolution); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cloud->size (); i++) { pcl::PointXYZ &v = cloud->at (i); double point[9]; nurbs.Evaluate (v.x, v.y, 1, 3, point); v.x = static_cast<float> (point[0]); v.y = static_cast<float> (point[1]); v.z = static_cast<float> (point[2]); } }
bool filtering::averageFilter(pcl::PointCloud<PointType>& base_cloud){ //get the cloud dimensions if (cloud_width_ == 0 || cloud_height_ == 0){ cloud_width_ = cloud_vector_[0].width; cloud_height_ = cloud_vector_[0].height; cloud_size_ = cloud_width_ * cloud_height_; } pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> unorganized_cloud; for (int k = 0; k < number_of_average_clouds_; ++k) { //iterate over points for (int i = 0; i < cloud_width_; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cloud_height_; j++) { pcl::PointXYZRGB point_base_cloud = base_cloud(i,j); pcl::PointXYZRGB point_new_cloud = cloud_vector_[k + number_of_median_clouds_](i,j); if (point_base_cloud.z != 0 && point_new_cloud.z != 0 && std::abs(point_base_cloud.z - point_new_cloud.z) < z_threshold_) { point_base_cloud.x = (point_base_cloud.x * (k) + point_new_cloud.x)/(k+1); point_base_cloud.y = (point_base_cloud.y * (k) + point_new_cloud.y)/(k+1); point_base_cloud.z = (point_base_cloud.z * (k) + point_new_cloud.z)/(k+1); point_base_cloud.r = (point_base_cloud.r * (k) + point_new_cloud.r)/(k+1); point_base_cloud.g = (point_base_cloud.g * (k) + point_new_cloud.g)/(k+1); point_base_cloud.b = (point_base_cloud.b * (k) + point_new_cloud.b)/(k+1); } // else if (point_new_cloud.z != 0 && point_base_cloud.z == 0) // { // point_base_cloud.x = point_new_cloud.x; // point_base_cloud.y = point_new_cloud.y; // point_base_cloud.z = point_new_cloud.z; // point_base_cloud.r = point_new_cloud.r; // point_base_cloud.g = point_new_cloud.g; // point_base_cloud.b = point_new_cloud.b; // } base_cloud(i,j) = point_base_cloud; bool ispartofcloud = point_base_cloud.x >= xmin_ && point_base_cloud.x <= xmax_ && point_base_cloud.y >= ymin_ && point_base_cloud.y <= ymax_ && point_base_cloud.z >= zmin_ && point_base_cloud.z <= zmax_; if (k == number_of_average_clouds_-1 && ispartofcloud) { unorganized_cloud.push_back(point_base_cloud); } } } } // write unorganized cloud base_cloud.clear(); base_cloud = unorganized_cloud; std::cout << "Averaged with " << number_of_average_clouds_ << " clouds." << std::endl; std::cout << "Reduced cloud by clipping to " << base_cloud.size() << " points." << std::endl; return true; }