Ref<Material> Material::read(RenderContext& context, const std::string& name) { initializeMaps(); if (Material* cached = context.cache().find<Material>(name)) return cached; const Path path = context.cache().findFile(name); if (path.isEmpty()) { logError("Failed to find material %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } pugi::xml_document document; const pugi::xml_parse_result result = document.load_file(; if (!result) { logError("Failed to load material %s: %s", name.c_str(), result.description()); return nullptr; } pugi::xml_node root = document.child("material"); if (!root || root.attribute("version").as_uint() != MATERIAL_XML_VERSION) { logError("Material file format mismatch in %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } Ref<Material> material = Material::create(ResourceInfo(context.cache(), name, path), context); for (auto pn : root.children("pass")) { const std::string phaseName(pn.attribute("phase").value()); if (!phaseMap.hasKey(phaseName)) { logError("Invalid render phase %s in material %s", phaseName.c_str(), name.c_str()); return nullptr; } if (!parsePass(context, material->pass(phaseMap[phaseName]), pn)) { logError("Failed to parse pass for material %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } } return material; }
wex::log::log(const pugi::xml_parse_result& r, level_t level) : m_level(level) { if (r.status != pugi::xml_parse_status::status_ok) { m_ss << "xml parse result:" << S() << r.description() << S() << "at offset:" << S() << r.offset; } else { m_level = VERBOSE; m_separator = false; } }
Ref<Font> Font::read(RenderContext& context, const std::string& name) { if (Font* cached = context.cache().find<Font>(name)) return cached; const Path path = context.cache().findFile(name); if (path.isEmpty()) { logError("Failed to find font %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } pugi::xml_document document; const pugi::xml_parse_result result = document.load_file(; if (!result) { logError("Failed to load font %s: %s", name.c_str(), result.description()); return nullptr; } pugi::xml_node root = document.child("font"); if (!root || root.attribute("version").as_uint() != FONT_XML_VERSION) { logError("Font file format mismatch in %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } const std::string faceName(root.attribute("face").value()); if (faceName.empty()) { logError("No typeface specified for font %s", faceName.c_str()); return nullptr; } const uint height = root.attribute("height").as_uint(); Ref<Face> face = Face::read(context.cache(), faceName); if (!face) return nullptr; return create(ResourceInfo(context.cache(), name, path), context, *face, height); }
Ref<Font> FontReader::read(const String& name, const Path& path) { std::ifstream stream(; if ( { logError("Failed to open font %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } pugi::xml_document document; const pugi::xml_parse_result result = document.load(stream); if (!result) { logError("Failed to load font %s: %s", name.c_str(), result.description()); return nullptr; } pugi::xml_node root = document.child("font"); if (!root || root.attribute("version").as_uint() != FONT_XML_VERSION) { logError("Font file format mismatch in %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } const String faceName(root.attribute("face").value()); if (faceName.empty()) { logError("No typeface specified for font %s", faceName.c_str()); return nullptr; } const uint height = root.attribute("height").as_uint(); Ref<Face> face = Face::read(cache, faceName); if (!face) return nullptr; return Font::create(ResourceInfo(cache, name, path), *m_pool, *face, height); }
int LoadConfig(const char* filename) { m_system_config = m_system_doc.load_file(filename); cout << "xml loaded: "<<filename<<" -> "<<m_system_config.description()<<endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void PugiXMLParseResultPrettifier ( const pugi::xml_parse_result& aLoadResult , const boost::filesystem::path& aPath , const std::vector<uint8_t>& aFile ) { log ( Error() , "Failed to parse file " , aPath.c_str() , ". PugiXML returned the following description " , Quote ( aLoadResult.description() ) , "." ); std::size_t lLineCounter ( 1 ); std::vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator lIt0 ( aFile.begin() ); std::vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator lIt1 ( aFile.begin() + aLoadResult.offset ); std::vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator lIt2 ( lIt1 ); for ( ; lIt0!=lIt1 ; ++lIt0 ) { if ( *lIt0 == '\n' ) { lLineCounter++; } } for ( ; lIt1 != aFile.begin() ; --lIt1 ) { if ( *lIt1 == '\n' ) { ++lIt1; break; } } for ( ; lIt2 != aFile.end() ; ++lIt2 ) { if ( *lIt2 == '\n' ) { --lIt2; break; } } std::size_t lDist0 ( lIt0 - lIt1 ); std::size_t lDist1 ( lIt2 - lIt0 ); std::string lLine; lLine.reserve ( lIt2 - lIt1 ); for ( ; lIt1 != lIt2 ; ++lIt1 ) { if ( isprint ( *lIt1 ) || *lIt1==10 ) { lLine += *lIt1; } else { lLine += '#'; } } log ( Error() , "Error occured at line number " , Integer ( lLineCounter ) , ", character " , Integer ( lDist0+1 ) , "\n" "LINE : " , lLine , "\n" "ERROR LOCATION : " , std::string ( lDist0 , '_' ) , "^" , std::string ( lDist1 , '_' ) ); }