int main() { // SET single LED port DDRC |= _BV(LED_PIN); PORTC ^= _BV(LED_PIN); // 1s pull up of LED Strip pins */ apa102_DDRREG &= ~_BV(apa102_data); apa102_DDRREG &= ~_BV(apa102_clk); apa102_PORTREG |= _BV(apa102_data); apa102_PORTREG |= _BV(apa102_clk); _delay_ms(900); // Disable pull ups apa102_PORTREG &= ~_BV(apa102_data); apa102_PORTREG &= ~_BV(apa102_clk); apa102_DDRREG |= _BV(apa102_data); apa102_DDRREG |= _BV(apa102_clk); _delay_ms(100); PORTC ^= _BV(LED_PIN); // Clear LEDs in the strip clear_all_leds(); // Init ROS nh.initNode(); nh.subscribe(set_sub); nh.subscribe(set_led_sub); ack_led(); // Wait for Server side to start while (!nh.connected()) { nh.spinOnce(); // LUFA functions that need to be called frequently to keep USB alive CDC_Device_USBTask(&Atmega32u4Hardware::VirtualSerial_CDC_Interface); USB_USBTask(); _delay_ms(10); } ack_led(); // Publish some debug information snprintf(log_str, MAX_MSG_SIZE, "V:%s", GIT_VERSION); nh.loginfo(log_str); snprintf(log_str, MAX_MSG_SIZE, "FM:%d", get_free_ram()); nh.loginfo(log_str); while(1) { nh.spinOnce(); // LUFA functions that need to be called frequently to keep USB alive CDC_Device_USBTask(&Atmega32u4Hardware::VirtualSerial_CDC_Interface); USB_USBTask(); } return 0; }
void setup() { nh.initNode(); last_time =; current_time =; //Serial.begin(38400); //#####delay(1000); rlog = new RosLogger(nh); //#####quadratureEncoder = new QuadratureEncoder(); // lineSensor = new LineSensor(); // lineSensor->calibrate(); nh.advertise(odom_pub); motor = new Motor(nh); /* Motor::Command c; c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::BACKWARD; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::FORWARD; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::RIGHT_TURN; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::BACKWARD; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::LEFT_TURN; motor->enqueue(c); c.direction = Motor::STOP; motor->enqueue(c); */ nh.subscribe(Motor::sub); while (!nh.connected()) { nh.spinOnce(); } rlog->info("START UP..."); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // These following lines are used to Make sure that command lline args are correct if(argc<5) // if number of args are less than 5 { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <socket> <left_motor_port> <right_motor_port> <sensor_port> <hz>" << endl; return 1; } int milliseconds = 100; if(argc==6) milliseconds = 1000/atoi(argv[5]); // cout<<"milliseconds"<<milliseconds; string left_motor_port(argv[2]); string right_motor_port(argv[3]); string sensor_port(argv[4]); // if(left_motor_port<1||left_motor_port>4||right_motor_port<1||right_motor_port>4||left_motor_port==right_motor_port) // { // cerr << "Invalid motor port numbers. Must be 1, 2, 3 or 4 and distinct." << endl; // return 1; // } // TODO: Check if both are of same type left_motor = motor(left_motor_port); right_motor = motor(right_motor_port); s = sensor(sensor_port); if(s.type()!="ev3-uart-30") // sensor object s will not be used hereafter { cerr << "Invalid sensor type. Must be EV3 ultrasonic. Given sensor is of type " << s.type() << endl; return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Check if both were initialised left_motor.reset(); left_motor.set_position(0); left_motor.set_run_mode("time");// changed from forever mode to time left_motor.set_stop_mode("brake"); left_motor.set_regulation_mode("on"); right_motor.reset(); right_motor.set_position(0); right_motor.set_run_mode("time"); right_motor.set_stop_mode("brake"); right_motor.set_regulation_mode("on"); nav_msgs::Odometry odom_msg;// msg object for the publisher ros::Publisher odom_pub("/robot3/odom"/*topic name*/, &odom_msg); nh.advertise(odom_pub); // advertises that odom_pub is the publisher name tf::TransformBroadcaster odom_broadcaster; //broadcaster msg for the odometry tf::TransformBroadcaster scan_broadcaster; // broadcaster for the ultrasonic sensor nh.subscribe(pose_sub); ros::Time current_time, last_time; current_time =; last_time =; nh.initNode(argv[1]); odom_broadcaster.init(nh); //nh.advertiseService(server1); nh.advertiseService(server2); while(!nh.connected()) {nh.spinOnce();} // JUST TO KNOW IF THE NODE IS ALIVE cout<<"1. Gostraight service\n2.Trace an arc service"<<endl; while(1) { // check for incoming messages current_time =; geometry_msgs::Quaternion odom_quat = tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(t); // odom_quat stores Quaternion cretaed from yaw // cout<<" Calculated quat: "<<endl; //first, we'll publish the transform over tf geometry_msgs::TransformStamped odom_trans;//message object odom_trans.header.stamp = current_time; odom_trans.header.frame_id = map_name;//map_name is just given as map const char base_link_name[18] = "/robot3/base_link"; odom_trans.child_frame_id = base_link_name; // cout<<" constructed header"<<endl; // loading the message object with data odom_trans.transform.translation.x = x; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = y; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0;// as we are dealing with xy plane odom_trans.transform.rotation = odom_quat;// this is quaternion created from yaw angle t // cout<<" Constructed full message"<<endl; //send the transform odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); //next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS odom_msg.header.stamp = current_time; odom_msg.header.frame_id = map_name; //set the position odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = x; odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = y; odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0; odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = odom_quat; //set the velocity odom_msg.child_frame_id = base_link_name; odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = vx; odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = 0; odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = wt; // cout<<" sizeof "<<sizeof(odom_msg)<<endl; //publish the message odom_pub.publish(&odom_msg); cout<<"Services are being advertised. Waiting for request"<<endl; nh.spinOnce(); sleep(1); } return 0; }