SRNode(const ros::NodeHandle& nh): nh_(nh), it_d_(nh), it_i_(nh), it_c_(nh) { signal(SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_handler); info_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>("camera_info", 1); image_pub_d_ = it_d_.advertise("distance/image_raw", 1); image_pub_i_ = it_i_.advertise("intensity/image_raw", 1); image_pub_c_ = it_c_.advertise("confidence/image_raw", 1); image_pub_d16_ = it_c_.advertise("distance/image_raw16", 1); cloud_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud>("pointcloud_raw", 1); cloud_pub2_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("pointcloud2_raw", 1); // set reconfigurable parameter defaults (all to automatic) // None right now try { dev_ = new sr::SR(use_filter_); } catch (sr::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Exception thrown while constructing camera driver: " << e.what ()); nh_.shutdown(); return; } getInitParams(); }
void readLineInput(char input[30]) { std::cin.getline(input, 30); std::string inputStr(input); if (boost::iequals(inputStr, "q")) { rosNode.shutdown(); std::exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }
void LoopbackControllerManager::fini() { ROS_DEBUG("calling LoopbackControllerManager::fini"); //pr2_hardware_interface::ActuatorMap::const_iterator it; //for (it = hw_.actuators_.begin(); it != hw_.actuators_.end(); ++it) // delete it->second; // why is this causing double free corrpution? cm_->~ControllerManager(); rosnode_->shutdown(); ros_spinner_thread_->join(); }
UsbCamNode() : node_("~") { // specify settings for images and camera for Realsense camera image_width_ = 640; image_height_ = 480; framerate_ = 30; // advertise the main image topic image_transport::ImageTransport it(node_); image_pub_ = it.advertiseCamera("image_raw", 1); // grab the parameters node_.param("video_device", video_device_name_, std::string("/dev/video0")); // possible values: mmap, read, userptr node_.param("io_method", io_method_name_, std::string("mmap")); // load the camera info node_.param("camera_frame_id", img_.header.frame_id, std::string("realsense_camera")); node_.param("camera_name", camera_name_, std::string("realsense_camera")); node_.param("camera_info_url", camera_info_url_, std::string("")); cinfo_.reset(new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(node_, camera_name_, camera_info_url_)); // check for default camera info if (camera_info_url_.size() == 0) { cinfo_->setCameraName(video_device_name_); sensor_msgs::CameraInfo camera_info; camera_info.header.frame_id = img_.header.frame_id; camera_info.width = image_width_; camera_info.height = image_height_; cinfo_->setCameraInfo(camera_info); } ROS_INFO("Starting '%s' (%s) at %dx%d, %i FPS", camera_name_.c_str(), video_device_name_.c_str(), image_width_, image_height_, framerate_); // set the IO method UsbCam::io_method io_method = UsbCam::io_method_from_string(io_method_name_); if(io_method == UsbCam::IO_METHOD_UNKNOWN) { ROS_FATAL("Unknown IO method '%s'", io_method_name_.c_str()); node_.shutdown(); return; } // start the camera cam_.start(video_device_name_.c_str(), io_method, image_width_, image_height_, framerate_); }
bool TaskInverseKinematics::init(hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface *robot, ros::NodeHandle &n) { nh_ = n; // get URDF and name of root and tip from the parameter server std::string robot_description, root_name, tip_name; if (!ros::param::search(n.getNamespace(),"robot_description", robot_description)) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("TaskInverseKinematics: No robot description (URDF) found on parameter server ("<<n.getNamespace()<<"/robot_description)"); return false; } if (!nh_.getParam("root_name", root_name)) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("TaskInverseKinematics: No root name found on parameter server ("<<n.getNamespace()<<"/root_name)"); return false; } if (!nh_.getParam("tip_name", tip_name)) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("TaskInverseKinematics: No tip name found on parameter server ("<<n.getNamespace()<<"/tip_name)"); return false; } ROS_INFO("robot_description: %s",robot_description.c_str()); ROS_INFO("root_name: %s",root_name.c_str()); ROS_INFO("tip_name: %s",tip_name.c_str()); // Get the gravity vector (direction and magnitude) KDL::Vector gravity_ = KDL::Vector::Zero(); gravity_(2) = -9.81; // Construct an URDF model from the xml string std::string xml_string; if (n.hasParam(robot_description)) n.getParam(robot_description.c_str(), xml_string); else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter %s not set, shutting down node...", robot_description.c_str()); n.shutdown(); return false; } if (xml_string.size() == 0) { ROS_ERROR("Unable to load robot model from parameter %s",robot_description.c_str()); n.shutdown(); return false; } ROS_DEBUG("%s content\n%s", robot_description.c_str(), xml_string.c_str()); // Get urdf model out of robot_description urdf::Model model; if (!model.initString(xml_string)) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file"); n.shutdown(); return false; } ROS_DEBUG("Successfully parsed urdf file"); KDL::Tree kdl_tree_; if (!kdl_parser::treeFromUrdfModel(model, kdl_tree_)) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to construct kdl tree"); n.shutdown(); return false; } // Populate the KDL chain if(!kdl_tree_.getChain(root_name, tip_name, kdl_chain_)) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Failed to get KDL chain from tree: "); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" "<<root_name<<" --> "<<tip_name); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" Tree has "<<kdl_tree_.getNrOfJoints()<<" joints"); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" Tree has "<<kdl_tree_.getNrOfSegments()<<" segments"); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" The segments are:"); KDL::SegmentMap segment_map = kdl_tree_.getSegments(); KDL::SegmentMap::iterator it; for( it=segment_map.begin(); it != segment_map.end(); it++ ) ROS_ERROR_STREAM( " "<<(*it).first); return false; } ROS_DEBUG("Number of segments: %d", kdl_chain_.getNrOfSegments()); ROS_DEBUG("Number of joints in chain: %d", kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints()); // Parsing joint limits from urdf model boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Link> link_ = model.getLink(tip_name); boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Joint> joint_; joint_limits_.min.resize(kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints()); joint_limits_.max.resize(kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints());; int index; std::cout<< "kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints(): " << kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints() << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints() && link_; i++) { joint_ = model.getJoint(link_->parent_joint->name); index = kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints() - i - 1; joint_limits_.min(index) = joint_->limits->lower; joint_limits_.max(index) = joint_->limits->upper; = (joint_limits_.min(index) + joint_limits_.max(index))/2; link_ = model.getLink(link_->getParent()->name); } ROS_INFO("Successfully parsed joint limits"); // Get joint handles for all of the joints in the chain for(std::vector<KDL::Segment>::const_iterator it = kdl_chain_.segments.begin()+1; it != kdl_chain_.segments.end(); ++it) { joint_handles_.push_back(robot->getHandle(it->getJoint().getName())); ROS_DEBUG("%s", it->getJoint().getName().c_str() ); } ROS_DEBUG(" Number of joints in handle = %lu", joint_handles_.size() ); PIDs_.resize(kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints()); // Parsing PID gains from YAML std::string pid_ = ("pid_"); for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); ++i) { if (!PIDs_[i].init(ros::NodeHandle(n, pid_ + joint_handles_[i].getName()))) { ROS_ERROR("Error initializing the PID for joint %d",i); return false; } } jnt_to_jac_solver_.reset(new KDL::ChainJntToJacSolver(kdl_chain_)); id_solver_.reset(new KDL::ChainDynParam(kdl_chain_,gravity_)); fk_pos_solver_.reset(new KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(kdl_chain_)); ik_vel_solver_.reset(new KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv(kdl_chain_)); ik_pos_solver_.reset(new KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL(kdl_chain_,joint_limits_.min,joint_limits_.max,*fk_pos_solver_,*ik_vel_solver_)); joint_msr_states_.resize(kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints()); joint_des_states_.resize(kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints()); tau_cmd_.resize(kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints()); J_.resize(kdl_chain_.getNrOfJoints()); sub_command_ = nh_.subscribe("command_configuration", 1, &TaskInverseKinematics::command_configuration, this); return true; }
void shutdown(){ timer_dsa.stop(); timer_publish.stop(); timer_diag.stop(); nh_.shutdown(); }
UsbCamNode() : node_("~") { // advertise the main image topic image_transport::ImageTransport it(node_); image_pub_ = it.advertiseCamera("image_raw", 1); // grab the parameters node_.param("video_device", video_device_name_, std::string("/dev/video0")); node_.param("brightness", brightness_, -1); //0-255, -1 "leave alone" node_.param("contrast", contrast_, -1); //0-255, -1 "leave alone" node_.param("saturation", saturation_, -1); //0-255, -1 "leave alone" node_.param("sharpness", sharpness_, -1); //0-255, -1 "leave alone" // possible values: mmap, read, userptr node_.param("io_method", io_method_name_, std::string("mmap")); node_.param("image_width", image_width_, 800); node_.param("image_height", image_height_, 600); node_.param("framerate", framerate_, 20); // possible values: yuyv, uyvy, mjpeg, yuvmono10, rgb24 node_.param("pixel_format", pixel_format_name_, std::string("yuyv")); // enable/disable autofocus node_.param("autofocus", autofocus_, false); node_.param("focus", focus_, -1); //0-255, -1 "leave alone" // enable/disable autoexposure node_.param("autoexposure", autoexposure_, true); node_.param("exposure", exposure_, 100); node_.param("gain", gain_, -1); //0-100?, -1 "leave alone" // enable/disable auto white balance temperature node_.param("auto_white_balance", auto_white_balance_, true); node_.param("white_balance", white_balance_, 4000); // load the camera info node_.param("camera_frame_id", img_.header.frame_id, std::string("head_camera")); node_.param("camera_name", camera_name_, std::string("head_camera")); node_.param("camera_info_url", camera_info_url_, std::string("")); cinfo_.reset(new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(node_, camera_name_, camera_info_url_)); // check for default camera info if (!cinfo_->isCalibrated()) { cinfo_->setCameraName(video_device_name_); sensor_msgs::CameraInfo camera_info; camera_info.header.frame_id = img_.header.frame_id; camera_info.width = image_width_; camera_info.height = image_height_; cinfo_->setCameraInfo(camera_info); } ROS_INFO("Starting '%s' (%s) at %dx%d via %s (%s) at %i FPS", camera_name_.c_str(), video_device_name_.c_str(), image_width_, image_height_, io_method_name_.c_str(), pixel_format_name_.c_str(), framerate_); // set the IO method UsbCam::io_method io_method = UsbCam::io_method_from_string(io_method_name_); if(io_method == UsbCam::IO_METHOD_UNKNOWN) { ROS_FATAL("Unknown IO method '%s'", io_method_name_.c_str()); node_.shutdown(); return; } // set the pixel format UsbCam::pixel_format pixel_format = UsbCam::pixel_format_from_string(pixel_format_name_); if (pixel_format == UsbCam::PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { ROS_FATAL("Unknown pixel format '%s'", pixel_format_name_.c_str()); node_.shutdown(); return; } // start the camera cam_.start(video_device_name_.c_str(), io_method, pixel_format, image_width_, image_height_, framerate_); // set camera parameters if (brightness_ >= 0) { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("brightness", brightness_); } if (contrast_ >= 0) { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("contrast", contrast_); } if (saturation_ >= 0) { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("saturation", saturation_); } if (sharpness_ >= 0) { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("sharpness", sharpness_); } if (gain_ >= 0) { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("gain", gain_); } // check auto white balance if (auto_white_balance_) { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("white_balance_temperature_auto", 1); } else { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("white_balance_temperature_auto", 0); cam_.set_v4l_parameter("white_balance_temperature", white_balance_); } // check auto exposure if (!autoexposure_) { // turn down exposure control (from max of 3) cam_.set_v4l_parameter("exposure_auto", 1); // change the exposure level cam_.set_v4l_parameter("exposure_absolute", exposure_); } // check auto focus if (autofocus_) { cam_.set_auto_focus(1); cam_.set_v4l_parameter("focus_auto", 1); } else { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("focus_auto", 0); if (focus_ >= 0) { cam_.set_v4l_parameter("focus_absolute", focus_); } } }
/*! * \brief Gets parameters from the robot_description and configures the powercube_chain. */ void getRobotDescriptionParameters() { unsigned int DOF = pc_params_->GetDOF(); std::vector<std::string> JointNames = pc_params_->GetJointNames(); /// Get robot_description from ROS parameter server std::string param_name = "robot_description"; std::string full_param_name; std::string xml_string; n_.searchParam(param_name, full_param_name); if (n_.hasParam(full_param_name)) { n_.getParam(full_param_name.c_str(), xml_string); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter %s not set, shutting down node...", full_param_name.c_str()); n_.shutdown(); } if (xml_string.size() == 0) { ROS_ERROR("Unable to load robot model from parameter %s",full_param_name.c_str()); n_.shutdown(); } ROS_DEBUG("%s content\n%s", full_param_name.c_str(), xml_string.c_str()); /// Get urdf model out of robot_description urdf::Model model; if (!model.initString(xml_string)) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file"); n_.shutdown(); } ROS_DEBUG("Successfully parsed urdf file"); /// Get max velocities out of urdf model std::vector<double> MaxVelocities(DOF); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { MaxVelocities[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->limits->velocity; } /// Get lower limits out of urdf model std::vector<double> LowerLimits(DOF); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { LowerLimits[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->limits->lower; } // Get upper limits out of urdf model std::vector<double> UpperLimits(DOF); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { UpperLimits[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->limits->upper; } /// Get offsets out of urdf model std::vector<double> Offsets(DOF); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { Offsets[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->calibration->rising.get()[0]; } /// Set parameters pc_params_->SetMaxVel(MaxVelocities); pc_params_->SetLowerLimits(LowerLimits); pc_params_->SetUpperLimits(UpperLimits); pc_params_->SetOffsets(Offsets); }
/*! * \brief Gets parameters from the ROS parameter server and configures the powercube_chain. */ void getROSParameters() { /// get CanModule std::string CanModule; if (n_.hasParam("can_module")) { n_.getParam("can_module", CanModule); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter can_module not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } /// get CanDevice std::string CanDevice; if (n_.hasParam("can_device")) { n_.getParam("can_device", CanDevice); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter can_device not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } /// get CanBaudrate int CanBaudrate; if (n_.hasParam("can_baudrate")) { n_.getParam("can_baudrate", CanBaudrate); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter can_baudrate not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } /// get Modul IDs XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue ModulIDsXmlRpc; std::vector<int> ModulIDs; if (n_.hasParam("modul_ids")) { n_.getParam("modul_ids", ModulIDsXmlRpc); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter modul_ids not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } /// get force_use_movevel bool UseMoveVel; if (n_.hasParam("force_use_movevel")) { n_.getParam("force_use_movevel", UseMoveVel); ROS_INFO("Parameter force_use_movevel set, using moveVel"); } else { ROS_INFO("Parameter force_use_movevel not set, using moveStep"); UseMoveVel = false; } pc_params_->SetUseMoveVel(UseMoveVel); /// Resize and assign of values to the ModulIDs ModulIDs.resize(ModulIDsXmlRpc.size()); for (int i = 0; i < ModulIDsXmlRpc.size(); i++) { ModulIDs[i] = (int)ModulIDsXmlRpc[i]; } /// Initialize parameters pc_params_->Init(CanModule, CanDevice, CanBaudrate, ModulIDs); /// Get joint names XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue JointNamesXmlRpc; std::vector<std::string> JointNames; if (n_.hasParam("joint_names")) { n_.getParam("joint_names", JointNamesXmlRpc); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter joint_names not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } /// Resize and assign of values to the JointNames JointNames.resize(JointNamesXmlRpc.size()); for (int i = 0; i < JointNamesXmlRpc.size(); i++) { JointNames[i] = (std::string)JointNamesXmlRpc[i]; } /// Check dimension with with DOF if ((int)JointNames.size() != pc_params_->GetDOF()) { ROS_ERROR("Wrong dimensions of parameter joint_names, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } pc_params_->SetJointNames(JointNames); /// Get max accelerations XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc; std::vector<double> MaxAccelerations; if (n_.hasParam("max_accelerations")) { n_.getParam("max_accelerations", MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter max_accelerations not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } /// Resize and assign of values to the MaxAccelerations MaxAccelerations.resize(MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc.size()); for (int i = 0; i < MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc.size(); i++) { MaxAccelerations[i] = (double)MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc[i]; } /// Check dimension with with DOF if ((int)MaxAccelerations.size() != pc_params_->GetDOF()) { ROS_ERROR("Wrong dimensions of parameter max_accelerations, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } pc_params_->SetMaxAcc(MaxAccelerations); /// Get horizon double Horizon; if (n_.hasParam("horizon")) { n_.getParam("horizon", Horizon); } else { /// Horizon in sec Horizon = 0.05; ROS_WARN("Parameter horizon not available, setting to default value: %f sec", Horizon); } pc_ctrl_->setHorizon(Horizon); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~OculusDb() { ROS_ASSERT(shutdown_oculusdb()); nh.shutdown(); }
UsbCamNode() : node_("~") { image_transport::ImageTransport it(node_); image_pub_ = it.advertiseCamera("image_raw", 1); node_.param("video_device", video_device_name_, std::string("/dev/video0")); node_.param("io_method", io_method_name_, std::string("mmap")); // possible values: mmap, read, userptr node_.param("image_width", image_width_, 640); node_.param("image_height", image_height_, 480); node_.param("framerate", framerate_, 30); node_.param("pixel_format", pixel_format_name_, std::string("mjpeg")); // possible values: yuyv, uyvy, mjpeg node_.param("autofocus", autofocus_, false); // enable/disable autofocus node_.param("camera_frame_id", img_.header.frame_id, std::string("head_camera")); node_.param("camera_name", camera_name_, std::string("head_camera")); node_.param("camera_info_url", camera_info_url_, std::string("")); cinfo_.reset(new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(node_, camera_name_, camera_info_url_)); ROS_INFO("Camera name: %s", camera_name_.c_str()); ROS_INFO("Camera info url: %s", camera_info_url_.c_str()); ROS_INFO("usb_cam video_device set to [%s]\n", video_device_name_.c_str()); ROS_INFO("usb_cam io_method set to [%s]\n", io_method_name_.c_str()); ROS_INFO("usb_cam image_width set to [%d]\n", image_width_); ROS_INFO("usb_cam image_height set to [%d]\n", image_height_); ROS_INFO("usb_cam pixel_format set to [%s]\n", pixel_format_name_.c_str()); ROS_INFO("usb_cam auto_focus set to [%d]\n", autofocus_); usb_cam_io_method io_method; if(io_method_name_ == "mmap") io_method = IO_METHOD_MMAP; else if(io_method_name_ == "read") io_method = IO_METHOD_READ; else if(io_method_name_ == "userptr") io_method = IO_METHOD_USERPTR; else { ROS_FATAL("Unknown io method."); node_.shutdown(); return; } usb_cam_pixel_format pixel_format; if(pixel_format_name_ == "yuyv") pixel_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_YUYV; else if(pixel_format_name_ == "uyvy") pixel_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_UYVY; else if(pixel_format_name_ == "mjpeg") { pixel_format = PIXEL_FORMAT_MJPEG; } else { ROS_FATAL("Unknown pixel format."); node_.shutdown(); return; } camera_image_ = usb_cam_camera_start(video_device_name_.c_str(), io_method, pixel_format, image_width_, image_height_, framerate_); if(autofocus_) { usb_cam_camera_set_auto_focus(1); } next_time_ = ros::Time::now(); count_ = 0; }
/*! * \brief Gets parameters from the ROS parameter server and configures the powercube_chain. */ void getROSParameters() { // get CanModule std::string CanModule; if (n_.hasParam("can_module")) { n_.getParam("can_module", CanModule); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter can_module not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } // get CanDevice std::string CanDevice; if (n_.hasParam("can_device")) { n_.getParam("can_device", CanDevice); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter can_device not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } // get CanBaudrate int CanBaudrate; if (n_.hasParam("can_baudrate")) { n_.getParam("can_baudrate", CanBaudrate); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter can_baudrate not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } // get modul ids XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue ModulIDsXmlRpc; std::vector<int> ModulIDs; if (n_.hasParam("modul_ids")) { n_.getParam("modul_ids", ModulIDsXmlRpc); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter modul_ids not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } ModulIDs.resize(ModulIDsXmlRpc.size()); for (int i = 0; i < ModulIDsXmlRpc.size(); i++) { ModulIDs[i] = (int)ModulIDsXmlRpc[i]; } // init parameters pc_params_->Init(CanModule, CanDevice, CanBaudrate, ModulIDs); // get joint names XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue JointNamesXmlRpc; std::vector<std::string> JointNames; if (n_.hasParam("joint_names")) { n_.getParam("joint_names", JointNamesXmlRpc); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter joint_names not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } JointNames.resize(JointNamesXmlRpc.size()); for (int i = 0; i < JointNamesXmlRpc.size(); i++) { JointNames[i] = (std::string)JointNamesXmlRpc[i]; } // check dimension with with DOF if ((int)JointNames.size() != pc_params_->GetDOF()) { ROS_ERROR("Wrong dimensions of parameter joint_names, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } pc_params_->SetJointNames(JointNames); // get max accelerations XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc; std::vector<double> MaxAccelerations; if (n_.hasParam("max_accelerations")) { n_.getParam("max_accelerations", MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter max_accelerations not set, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } MaxAccelerations.resize(MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc.size()); for (int i = 0; i < MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc.size(); i++) { MaxAccelerations[i] = (double)MaxAccelerationsXmlRpc[i]; } // check dimension with with DOF if ((int)MaxAccelerations.size() != pc_params_->GetDOF()) { ROS_ERROR("Wrong dimensions of parameter max_accelerations, shutting down node..."); n_.shutdown(); } pc_params_->SetMaxAcc(MaxAccelerations); // get horizon double Horizon; if (n_.hasParam("horizon")) { n_.getParam("horizon", Horizon); } else { Horizon = 0.025; //Hz ROS_WARN("Parameter horizon not available, setting to default value: %f sec", Horizon); } pc_ctrl_->setHorizon(Horizon); }
/*! * \brief Initializes node to get parameters, subscribe and publish to topics. */ bool init() { // initialize member variables isInitialized_ = false; isDSAInitialized_ = false; hasNewGoal_ = false; // implementation of topics to publish topicPub_JointState_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 1); topicPub_ControllerState_ = nh_.advertise<pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryControllerState>("state", 1); topicPub_TactileSensor_ = nh_.advertise<schunk_sdh::TactileSensor>("tactile_data", 1); // pointer to sdh sdh_ = new SDH::cSDH(false, false, 0); //(_use_radians=false, bool _use_fahrenheit=false, int _debug_level=0) // implementation of service servers srvServer_Init_ = nh_.advertiseService("init", &SdhNode::srvCallback_Init, this); srvServer_Stop_ = nh_.advertiseService("stop", &SdhNode::srvCallback_Stop, this); srvServer_Recover_ = nh_.advertiseService("recover", &SdhNode::srvCallback_Recover, this); srvServer_SetOperationMode_ = nh_.advertiseService("set_operation_mode", &SdhNode::srvCallback_SetOperationMode, this); // getting hardware parameters from parameter server nh_.param("sdhdevicetype", sdhdevicetype_, std::string("PCAN")); nh_.param("sdhdevicestring", sdhdevicestring_, std::string("/dev/pcan0")); nh_.param("sdhdevicenum", sdhdevicenum_, 0); nh_.param("dsadevicestring", dsadevicestring_, std::string("/dev/ttyS0")); nh_.param("dsadevicenum", dsadevicenum_, 0); nh_.param("baudrate", baudrate_, 1000000); nh_.param("timeout", timeout_, (double)0.04); nh_.param("id_read", id_read_, 43); nh_.param("id_write", id_write_, 42); // get joint_names from parameter server ROS_INFO("getting joint_names from parameter server"); XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue joint_names_param; if (nh_.hasParam("joint_names")) { nh_.getParam("joint_names", joint_names_param); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter joint_names not set, shutting down node..."); nh_.shutdown(); return false; } DOF_ = joint_names_param.size(); joint_names_.resize(DOF_); for (int i = 0; i<DOF_; i++ ) { joint_names_[i] = (std::string)joint_names_param[i]; } std::cout << "joint_names = " << joint_names_param << std::endl; // define axes to send to sdh axes_.resize(DOF_); for(int i=0; i<DOF_; i++) { axes_[i] = i; } ROS_INFO("DOF = %d",DOF_); state_.resize(axes_.size()); return true; }