HRESULT URLParser::GetVideoInfoURL(URLParser::VIDEO_URL_PARSER eVideoURLParser, std::wstring& wstrURL, std::wstring& wstrVideoURL) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; int iVdoIDStart = -1; int iVdoIDEnd = -1; std::wstring wstrVideoID; if(std::wstring::npos != (iVdoIDStart = wstrURL.find(L"v="))) { iVdoIDStart += wcslen(L"v="); iVdoIDEnd = wstrURL.find(L"&", iVdoIDStart); if(std::wstring::npos != iVdoIDEnd) { // pick start to end wstrVideoID = wstrURL.substr(iVdoIDStart, (iVdoIDEnd - iVdoIDStart)); } else { // pick the entire string wstrVideoID = wstrURL.substr(iVdoIDStart, (wstrURL.length() - iVdoIDStart)); } } if(0 != wstrVideoID.length()) { wstrVideoURL.clear(); wstrVideoURL.assign(PRE_VIDEO_ID_URL_STRING); wstrVideoURL.append(wstrVideoID); wstrVideoURL.append(POST_VIDEO_ID_URL_STRING); hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
/* ** Copies files and folders from one location to another. ** */ bool System::CopyFiles(std::wstring from, std::wstring to, bool bMove) { // If given "from" path ends with path separator, remove it (Workaround for XP: error code 1026) size_t len; while (len = from.size(), len > 0 && PathUtil::IsSeparator(from[len - 1])) { from.resize(len - 1); } // The strings must end with double \0 from.append(1, L'\0'); to.append(1, L'\0'); SHFILEOPSTRUCT fo = { nullptr, bMove ? FO_MOVE : FO_COPY, from.c_str(), to.c_str(), FOF_NO_UI | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_ALLOWUNDO }; int result = SHFileOperation(&fo); if (result != 0) { LogErrorF(L"Copy error: From %s to %s (%i)", from.c_str(), to.c_str(), result); return false; } return true; }
HRESULT FormatPointer( IValueBinder* binder, const DataObject& objVal, std::wstring& outStr ) { _ASSERT( objVal._Type->IsPointer() ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; RefPtr<Type> pointed = objVal._Type->AsTypeNext()->GetNext(); hr = FormatAddress( objVal.Value.Addr, objVal._Type, outStr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; if ( pointed->IsChar() ) { bool foundTerm = false; outStr.append( L" \"" ); FormatString( binder, objVal.Value.Addr, pointed->GetSize(), false, 0, outStr, foundTerm ); // don't worry about an error here, we still want to show the address if ( foundTerm ) outStr.append( 1, L'"' ); } return S_OK; }
bool UTF8Charset::decode(std::wstring &result, const std::string &bytes, int offset, int length) { result.clear(); unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4; for (int i = 0; i < length; ) { b1 = bytes[i++] & 0xFF; switch (UTF8_BYTES[b1]) { case 1: result.append(1, b1); break; case 2: b2 = bytes[i++]; result.append(1, ((b1 & 0x1f) << 6) | (b2 & 0x3f)); break; case 3: b2 = bytes[i++]; b3 = bytes[i++]; result.append(1, ((b1 & 0x1f) << 12) | ((b2 & 0x3f) << 6) | (b3 & 0x3f)); break; case 4: b2 = bytes[i++]; b3 = bytes[i++]; b4 = bytes[i++]; result.append(1, (((b1 & 0x1f) << 18) | ((b2 & 0x3f) << 12) | ((b3 & 0x1f) << 6) | (b4 & 0x1f) - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xd800); break; } } return true; }
HRESULT EEDEnumPointer::EvaluateNext( const EvalOptions& options, EvalResult& result, std::wstring& name, std::wstring& fullName ) { if ( mCountDone >= GetCount() ) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; RefPtr<IEEDParsedExpr> parsedExpr; name.clear(); fullName.clear(); fullName.append( L"*(" ); fullName.append( mParentExprText ); fullName.append( 1, L')' ); hr = ParseText( fullName.c_str(), mTypeEnv, mStrTable, parsedExpr.Ref() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; hr = parsedExpr->Bind( options, mBinder ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; hr = parsedExpr->Evaluate( options, mBinder, result ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; mCountDone++; return S_OK; }
void TypeAArray::ToString( std::wstring& str ) { Next->ToString( str ); str.append( L"[" ); Index->ToString( str ); str.append( L"]" ); }
/* ** Appends "key=value\0" to given string. ** */ inline void AppendStatsValue(std::wstring& data, const WCHAR* key, size_t key_len, const WCHAR* value, size_t value_len) { data.append(key, key_len); data += L'='; data.append(value, value_len); data += L'\0'; }
HRESULT FormatSArray( IValueBinder* binder, Address addr, Type* type, int radix, std::wstring& outStr ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( radix ); _ASSERT( type->IsSArray() ); ITypeSArray* arrayType = type->AsTypeSArray(); if ( arrayType == NULL ) return E_FAIL; if ( arrayType->GetElement()->IsChar() ) { bool foundTerm = true; outStr.append( L"\"" ); FormatString( binder, addr, arrayType->GetElement()->GetSize(), true, arrayType->GetLength(), outStr, foundTerm ); outStr.append( 1, L'"' ); } return S_OK; }
// // This routine appends the given argument to a command line such that CommandLineToArgvW will return the argument string unchanged. // Arguments in a command line should be separated by spaces; this function does not add these spaces. // Argument - Supplies the argument to encode. // CommandLine - Supplies the command line to which we append the encoded argument string. static void quote_argv_winapi(const std::wstring &argument, std::wstring &commmand_line_out) { // Don't quote unless we actually need to do so --- hopefully avoid problems if programs won't parse quotes properly. if (argument.empty() == false && argument.find_first_of(L" \t\n\v\"") == argument.npos) commmand_line_out.append(argument); else { commmand_line_out.push_back(L'"'); for (auto it = argument.begin(); ; ++ it) { unsigned number_backslashes = 0; while (it != argument.end() && *it == L'\\') { ++ it; ++ number_backslashes; } if (it == argument.end()) { // Escape all backslashes, but let the terminating double quotation mark we add below be interpreted as a metacharacter. commmand_line_out.append(number_backslashes * 2, L'\\'); break; } else if (*it == L'"') { // Escape all backslashes and the following double quotation mark. commmand_line_out.append(number_backslashes * 2 + 1, L'\\'); commmand_line_out.push_back(*it); } else { // Backslashes aren't special here. commmand_line_out.append(number_backslashes, L'\\'); commmand_line_out.push_back(*it); } } commmand_line_out.push_back(L'"'); } }
void CSalsitaExtensionHelper::ResourcesDirMakeUrl(const wchar_t *resourcesDir, const wchar_t *relativeUrl, std::wstring &pageUrl) { pageUrl.assign(L"file:///"); pageUrl.append(resourcesDir); ResourcesDirNormalize(pageUrl); pageUrl.append(relativeUrl); std::replace(pageUrl.begin(), pageUrl.end(), L'\\', L'/'); }
//Get infomation of service size_t __stdcall GetServiceInfo() { //Get service information SC_HANDLE SCM = nullptr, Service = nullptr; DWORD nResumeHandle = 0; if((SCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS)) == nullptr) return EXIT_FAILURE; Service = OpenService(SCM, LOCALSERVERNAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if(Service == nullptr) return EXIT_FAILURE; LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG ServicesInfo = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG)LocalAlloc(LPTR, PACKET_MAXSIZE*4); //Max buffer of QueryServiceConfig() is 8KB/8192 Bytes. if (ServicesInfo == nullptr) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (QueryServiceConfig(Service, ServicesInfo, PACKET_MAXSIZE*4, &nResumeHandle) == FALSE) { LocalFree(ServicesInfo); return EXIT_FAILURE; } Path = ServicesInfo->lpBinaryPathName; LocalFree(ServicesInfo); //Path process size_t Index = Path.rfind(_T("\\")); static const WCHAR wBackslash[] = _T("\\"); Path.erase(Index + 1, Path.length()); for (Index = 0;Index < Path.length();Index++) { if (Path[Index] == _T('\\')) { Path.insert(Index, wBackslash); Index++; } } //Get path of error log file and delete the old one ErrorLogPath.append(Path); ErrorLogPath.append(_T("Error.log")); DeleteFile(ErrorLogPath.c_str()); Parameter.PrintError = true; //Winsock initialization WSADATA WSAData = {0}; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WSAData) != 0 || LOBYTE(WSAData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(WSAData.wVersion) != 2) { PrintError(Winsock_Error, _T("Winsock initialization failed"), WSAGetLastError(), NULL); WSACleanup(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void GenerateSearchNameWild(const std::wstring& aFileName, std::wstring& aSearchNameWild) { std::wstring unadornedFileName; GetUnadornedFileName(aFileName, unadornedFileName); aSearchNameWild = StringUtils::Name(unadornedFileName); aSearchNameWild.append(KAdornedWildCharString); aSearchNameWild.append(StringUtils::Ext(unadornedFileName)); }
void StorageClassToString( StorageClass storage, std::wstring& str ) { if ( (storage & STCconst) != 0 ) str.append( L"const " ); if ( (storage & STCimmutable) != 0 ) str.append( L"immutable " ); if ( (storage & STCshared) != 0 ) str.append( L"shared " ); if ( (storage & STCin) != 0 ) str.append( L"in " ); if ( (storage & STCout) != 0 ) str.append( L"out " ); // it looks like ref is preferred over inout if ( (storage & STCref) != 0 ) str.append( L"ref " ); if ( (storage & STClazy) != 0 ) str.append( L"lazy " ); if ( (storage & STCscope) != 0 ) str.append( L"scope " ); if ( (storage & STCfinal) != 0 ) str.append( L"final " ); // TODO: any more storage classes? }
HRESULT FormatDArray( IValueBinder* binder, DArray array, Type* type, int radix, std::wstring& outStr ) { _ASSERT( type->IsDArray() ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; ITypeDArray* arrayType = type->AsTypeDArray(); if ( arrayType == NULL ) return E_FAIL; outStr.append( L"{length=" ); hr = FormatInt( array.Length, arrayType->GetLengthType(), radix, outStr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; if ( !arrayType->GetElement()->IsChar() ) { outStr.append( L" ptr=" ); hr = FormatAddress( array.Addr, arrayType->GetPointerType(), outStr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; } if ( arrayType->GetElement()->IsChar() ) { bool foundTerm = true; uint32_t len = MaxStringLen; // cap it somewhere under the range of a long // do it this way, otherwise only truncating could leave us with a tiny array // which would not be useful if ( array.Length < MaxStringLen ) len = (uint32_t) array.Length; outStr.append( L" \"" ); FormatString( binder, array.Addr, arrayType->GetElement()->GetSize(), true, len, outStr, foundTerm ); outStr.append( 1, L'"' ); } outStr.append( 1, L'}' ); return S_OK; }
HRESULT FormatBool( const DataObject& objVal, std::wstring& outStr ) { if ( objVal.Value.UInt64Value == 0 ) { outStr.append( L"false" ); } else { outStr.append( L"true" ); } return S_OK; }
bool EEDEnumStruct::NameBaseClass( Declaration* decl, std::wstring& name, std::wstring& fullName ) { RefPtr<Type> baseType; RefPtr<Declaration> baseDecl; if ( !decl->GetType( baseType.Ref() ) ) return false; baseDecl = baseType->GetDeclaration(); if ( baseDecl == NULL ) return false; name.append( baseDecl->GetName() ); if ( !mSkipHeadRef ) fullName.append( L"*" ); fullName.append( L"cast(" ); fullName.append( name ); if ( mSkipHeadRef ) fullName.append( L")(" ); else fullName.append( L"*)&(" ); fullName.append( mParentExprText ); fullName.append( L")" ); return true; }
bool EEDEnumStruct::NameRegularMember( Declaration* decl, std::wstring& name, std::wstring& fullName ) { name.append( decl->GetName() ); fullName.append( L"(" ); fullName.append( mParentExprText ); fullName.append( L")." ); fullName.append( name ); return true; }
void append_richtext_line (std::wstring &text, RichTextLineList &lst, PaletteID id, const wchar_t *text_a, const std::wstring &text_b) { size_t len_a = wcslen (text_a); RichTextLine tmp_line = { text.length (), len_a + text_b.length (), id, ucs_width (text_a, len_a) + ucs_width (text_b) }; lst.push_back (tmp_line); text.append (text_a, len_a); text.append (text_b); }
void TypeSArray::ToString( std::wstring& str ) { // we're using space for a ulong's digits, but we only need that for a uint const int UlongDigits = 20; wchar_t numStr[ UlongDigits + 1 ] = L""; errno_t err = 0; err = _ultow_s( Length, numStr, 10 ); _ASSERT( err == 0 ); Next->ToString( str ); str.append( L"[" ); str.append( numStr ); str.append( L"]" ); }
void CFunctionProfiler::AddRuntimeGenericParts(ULONG32 numArgs, ClassID * classArgs, std::wstring& name) { if (numArgs > 0) { name.append(L"<"); for (ULONG32 i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { if (i > 0) name.append(L", "); std::wstring className; GetRuntimeClassSignature(classArgs[i], className); name.append(className); } name.append(L">"); } }
HRESULT FormatChar( const DataObject& objVal, int radix, std::wstring& outStr ) { // object replacement char U+FFFC // replacement character U+FFFD const wchar_t ReplacementChar = L'\xFFFD'; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = FormatInt( objVal, radix, outStr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr; outStr.append( L" '" ); switch ( objVal._Type->GetSize() ) { case 1: { uint8_t c = (uint8_t) objVal.Value.UInt64Value; wchar_t wc = ReplacementChar; if ( c < 0x80 ) wc = (wchar_t) c; outStr.append( 1, wc ); } break; case 2: { wchar_t wc = (wchar_t) objVal.Value.UInt64Value; if ( (wc >= 0xD800) && (wc <= 0xDFFF) ) wc = ReplacementChar; outStr.append( 1, wc ); } break; case 4: AppendChar32( outStr, (dchar_t) objVal.Value.UInt64Value ); break; } outStr.append( 1, L'\'' ); return S_OK; }
bool naStringFormatV( std::wstring& rstrOutput, const wchar_t* format, va_list ap) { wchar_t wszLocalBuffer[256]; va_list vaClone; va_copy(vaClone, ap); int nOutputSize = _vsnwprintf(wszLocalBuffer, sizeof(wszLocalBuffer)/sizeof(wszLocalBuffer[0]), format, vaClone); va_end(vaClone); if( nOutputSize < 0 ) return false; if( nOutputSize < (sizeof(wszLocalBuffer)/sizeof(wszLocalBuffer[0]))) { rstrOutput.assign( wszLocalBuffer, nOutputSize ); return true; } wchar_t* szDynamicBuffer = new wchar_t[nOutputSize+1]; va_copy(vaClone, ap); nOutputSize = _vsnwprintf(szDynamicBuffer, nOutputSize+1, format, vaClone); va_end(vaClone); if( nOutputSize < 0 ) { delete[] szDynamicBuffer; return false; } rstrOutput.append( szDynamicBuffer, nOutputSize ); delete[] szDynamicBuffer; return true; }
void CMirageManager::invokeMirageInstaller(std::wstring currentDir) { HANDLE hProcess = ProcessExaminer::isProgramRunning(sMirageInst); if (NULL != hProcess) return; // Append the Mirage Driver directory to currentDir; currentDir.append(sMirageDirectory); std::wstring command(currentDir); command.append(_T("\\mirage105.exe")); std::wstring data(_T("Launching Mirage Driver installation using ")); data.append(command); CMirageManager::WriteDiagnostics(data); ::ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), command.c_str(), NULL, currentDir.c_str(), SW_HIDE); unsigned int iCount = 0; DISPLAY_DEVICE deviceInfo; DWORD deviceNumber; HANDLE mirageTimer = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, _T("mirageTimer")); while (true) { if (TRUE == CMirageManager::LookupDisplayDevices(deviceInfo, deviceNumber, false) || iCount >= 15) { CMirageManager::WriteDiagnostics(_T("Detected Mirage Driver")); break; } ::WaitForSingleObject(mirageTimer, 500); iCount += 1; } CloseHandle(mirageTimer); }
bool iconv::operator()(const string& inbuf, std::wstring& outbuf) { int outbuf_w_len = MultiByteToWideChar( fromcode, 0, inbuf.c_str(), inbuf.size(), NULL, 0 ); if (outbuf_w_len > 0) { wchar_t* outbuf_w = new wchar_t[outbuf_w_len]; outbuf_w_len = MultiByteToWideChar( fromcode, 0, inbuf.c_str(), inbuf.size(), outbuf_w, outbuf_w_len ); if (outbuf_w_len > 0) { outbuf.append(outbuf_w, outbuf_w_len); delete [] outbuf_w; return true; } else { delete [] outbuf_w; } } return false; }
void append_richtext_line (std::wstring &text, RichTextLineList &lst, PaletteID id, unsigned repeat, wchar_t ch) { RichTextLine tmp_line = { text.length (), repeat, id, repeat * ucs_width (ch) }; lst.push_back (tmp_line); text.append (repeat, ch); }
void InstallationManager::mapToArchive(const DirectoryTree::Node *node, std::wstring path, FileData * const *data) { if (path.length() > 0) { // when using a long windows path (starting with \\?\) we apparently can have redundant // . components in the path. This wasn't a problem with "regular" path names. if (path == L".") { path.clear(); } else { path.append(L"\\"); } } for (DirectoryTree::const_leaf_iterator iter = node->leafsBegin(); iter != node->leafsEnd(); ++iter) { std::wstring temp = path + iter->getName().toStdWString(); data[iter->getIndex()]->addOutputFileName(temp.c_str()); } for (DirectoryTree::const_node_iterator iter = node->nodesBegin(); iter != node->nodesEnd(); ++iter) { std::wstring temp = path + (*iter)->getData().name.toStdWString(); if ((*iter)->getData().index != -1) { data[(*iter)->getData().index]->addOutputFileName(temp.c_str()); } mapToArchive(*iter, temp, data); } }
// 程序进入点 int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow){ //MessageBox(NULL, L"调试时用于附加进程!", L"消息", 0); int argc = 0; LPTSTR * args = CommandLineToArgvW(szCmdLine, &argc); if (argc == 0){ MessageBox(NULL, L"创建IPC时必须在启动参数上指定服务端的名称!", L"消息", 0); return -1; } serverName.append(args[0]); if (argc > 1){ blockSize = jw::parseLong(args[1]); if (blockSize == 0){ MessageBox(NULL, L"创建IPC时指定的块大小应大于0!", L"消息", 0); return -1; } } if (client.create(serverName, blockSize) != 0){ MessageBox(NULL, L"创建IPC客户端失败!", L"消息", 0); return -1; } if (server.create(fastipc::genServerName(serverName),blockSize) != 0){ MessageBox(NULL, L"在IPC客户端创建新的服务器失败!", L"消息", 0); return -1; } return createWin(hInstance); }
inline void convert(const wchar_t* from, const wchar_t* from_end, std::wstring & to) { BOOST_ASSERT(from); BOOST_ASSERT(from_end); to.append(from, from_end); }
HRESULT FormatInt( uint64_t number, Type* type, int radix, std::wstring& outStr ) { // 18446744073709551616 wchar_t buf[20 + 9 + 1] = L""; if ( radix == 16 ) { int width = type->GetSize() * 2; swprintf_s( buf, L"0x%0*I64X", width, number ); } else // it's 10, or make it 10 { if ( type->IsSigned() ) { swprintf_s( buf, L"%I64d", number ); } else { swprintf_s( buf, L"%I64u", number ); } } outStr.append( buf ); return S_OK; }
void CSalsitaExtensionHelper::ResourcesDirNormalize(std::wstring &resourcesDir) { if (resourcesDir.size() && != L'\\') { resourcesDir.append(L"\\"); } }