bool process::create(const std::wstring& command_line, const boost::filesystem::path& current_directory) { if (statue_ == PROCESS_STATUE_READY) { if (command_line.empty()) { if (!detail::create_process( nullptr, nullptr, inherit_handle_, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, boost::filesystem::exists(current_directory) ? current_directory.c_str(): nullptr, &si_, &pi_, inject_dll_ )) { return false; } } else { std::dynarray<wchar_t> command_line_buffer(command_line.size()+1); wcscpy_s(, command_line_buffer.size(), command_line.c_str()); if (!detail::create_process( nullptr,, inherit_handle_, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, boost::filesystem::exists(current_directory) ? current_directory.c_str(): nullptr, &si_, &pi_, inject_dll_ )) { return false; } } statue_ = PROCESS_STATUE_RUNNING; return true; } return false; }
uri::uri(const std::wstring &url) : raw_(url) { URL_COMPONENTS components = { 0 }; components.dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS); components.dwSchemeLength = (DWORD)-1; components.dwHostNameLength = (DWORD)-1; components.dwUrlPathLength = (DWORD)-1; components.dwExtraInfoLength = (DWORD)-1; WinHttpCrackUrl( url.c_str(), (DWORD)url.size(), 0, &components); hostName_ = std::wstring(components.lpszHostName, components.dwHostNameLength); port_ = components.nPort; urlPath_ = components.lpszUrlPath; }
void CEquationEditorWindow::DrawString( const std::wstring& text, const CRect& textRect, bool isSelected ) { RECT rect; rect.bottom = textRect.Bottom(); = textRect.Top(); rect.left = textRect.Left(); rect.right = textRect.Right(); HFONT font = getFont( textRect.GetHeight() ); HGDIOBJ oldObject = ::SelectObject( hdc, font ); if( isSelected ) { ::SetTextColor( hdc, symbolSelectedColorref ); ::SetBkColor( hdc, bkSelectedColorref ); } else { ::SetTextColor( hdc, symbolUnselectedColorref ); ::SetBkColor( hdc, bkUnselectedColorref ); } ::DrawText( hdc, text.c_str(), text.size(), &rect, DT_LEFT ); ::SelectObject( hdc, oldObject ); }
void WriteString(std::ofstream& fileStream, const std::wstring& str) { const char* tempPtr = nullptr; uint32_t size = 0; uint32_t sizeToWrite = 0; //size of name size = (uint32_t)str.size(); tempPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&size); sizeToWrite = sizeof(uint32_t); fileStream.write(tempPtr, sizeToWrite); if(size != 0) { //Name tempPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str.c_str()); sizeToWrite = sizeof(wchar_t) * size; fileStream.write(tempPtr, sizeToWrite); } }
void SearchReplace(std::wstring& str, const std::wstring& toreplace, const std::wstring& replacewith) { std::wstring result; std::wstring::size_type pos = 0; for (;;) // while (true) { std::wstring::size_type next = str.find(toreplace, pos); result.append(str, pos, next-pos); if (next != std::string::npos) { result.append(replacewith); pos = next + toreplace.size(); } else { break; // exit loop } } str.swap(result); }
std::wstring Trim(const std::wstring& wstr) { if (wstr.empty()) return wstr; int i = 0, iSize = wstr.size(); while (i < iSize && (wstr[i] == L' ' || wstr[i] == L'\t' || wstr[i] == L'\n' || wstr[i] == L'\r')) i++; if (i >= iSize) return L""; int iMax = iSize - 1; while (iMax >= i && (wstr[iMax] == L' ' || wstr[iMax] == L'\t' || wstr[iMax] == L'\n' || wstr[iMax] == L'\r')) iMax--; std::wstring wstrRet; for (; i <= iMax; ++i) wstrRet.push_back(wstr[i]); return wstrRet; }
std::wstring TextFile::preInsert(Coord &cursor, const std::wstring &value) { if (value.size() != 1 || value[0] != '\n') return value; else { auto &line = (*this)[cursor.y]; std::wstring spaces; int c = 0; for (auto ch: line) if (ch == L' ') ++c; else break; for (size_t x = cursor.x; x < line.size() && line[x] == ' '; ++x, --c); for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) spaces += L' '; return L'\n' + spaces; } }
void render(sdl_surface& screen, int x, int y, const std::wstring& text) { SDL_Rect dest = {Sint16(x), Sint16(y)}; for (unsigned i = 0; i != text.size(); ++i) { std::map<wchar_t, char_info>::iterator ci = m_chars.find(text[i]); if (ci != m_chars.end()) { char_info& c = ci->second; if (i != 0) { // Kerning auto ki = m_kern.find(std::make_pair(text[i], text[i - 1])); if (ki != m_kern.end()) { dest.x += ki->second; } } SDL_Rect glyph_dest = {Sint16(dest.x + c.xoffset), Sint16(dest.y + c.yoffset)}; SDL_BlitSurface(m_bmp, &c.src, screen, &glyph_dest); dest.x += c.xadvance; } } }
std::wstring checkLabel(std::wstring& str, bool AllLocal) { int pos = 0; while (pos < (int)str.size() && str[pos] != ' ' && str[pos] != 0) { if (str[pos] == ':') { std::wstring name = str.substr(0,pos); if (AllLocal == true && Global.symbolTable.isGlobalSymbol(name)) name = L"@@" + name; addAssemblerLabel(name); return str.substr(pos+1); } pos++; } return str; }
/*------ マルチバイト文字列 --> ワイド文字文字列 ------*/ void igs::resource::mbs_to_wcs(const std::string &mbs, std::wstring &wcs, const UINT code_page) { /* 第4引数で -1 指定により終端文字を含む大きさを返す */ /* int MultiByteToWideChar( UINT CodePage ,DWORD dwFlags ,LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr ,int cbMultiByte ,LPWSTR lpWideCharStr ,int cchWideChar ); */ int length = ::MultiByteToWideChar(code_page, 0, mbs.c_str(), -1, 0, 0); if (length <= 1) { return; } /* 終端以外の文字がないなら何もしない */ /*** std::vector<wchar_t> buf(length); length = ::MultiByteToWideChar( code_page ,0 ,mbs.c_str() ,-1 ,& ,static_cast<int>(buf.size()) );***/ wcs.resize(length); length = ::MultiByteToWideChar(code_page, 0, mbs.c_str(), -1, const_cast<LPWSTR>(, static_cast<int>(wcs.size())); if (0 == length) { switch (::GetLastError()) { case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: throw std::domain_error("MultiByteToWideChar():insufficient buffer"); case ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS: throw std::domain_error("MultiByteToWideChar():invalid flags"); case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: throw std::domain_error("MultiByteToWideChar():invalid parameter"); case ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION: throw std::domain_error("MultiByteToWideChar():no unicode translation"); } } // wcs = std::wstring(buf.begin() ,buf.end()-1); /* 終端以外を */ wcs.erase(wcs.end() - 1); /* 終端文字を消す。end()は終端より先位置 */ }
std::string ws2s( const std::wstring& ws ) { #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM std::string curLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); // curLocale = "C"; setlocale(LC_ALL, "chs"); const wchar_t* _Source = ws.c_str(); size_t _Dsize = 2 * ws.size() + 1; char *_Dest = new char[_Dsize]; memset(_Dest,0,_Dsize); wcstombs(_Dest,_Source,_Dsize); std::string result = _Dest; delete []_Dest; setlocale(LC_ALL, curLocale.c_str()); return result; #else std::string val = ""; if(!ws.c_str()) { return val; } //size_t size= wcslen(pw)*sizeof(wchar_t); size_t size= ws.length() * sizeof(wchar_t); char *pc = NULL; if ( !(pc = (char*)malloc(size)) ) { return val; } size_t destlen = wcstombs(pc,ws.c_str(),size); /*转换不为空时,返回值为-1。如果为空,返回值0*/ if ( destlen == (size_t)(0) ) { return val; } val = pc; free(pc); return val; #endif }
bool ResolveFromCommandLine(std::wstring &path) { if (path.empty()) { return false; } path = Path::ExpandEnvStrings(path); if (path[0] == L'\"') { std::wstring unescaped; unescaped.reserve(path.size()); std::wstring::iterator endOfUnescape = CmdLineToArgvWUnescape(path.begin(), path.end(), std::back_inserter(unescaped)); if (boost::istarts_with(unescaped, GetRundll32Path())) { std::wstring::iterator startOfArgument = std::find(endOfUnescape, path.end(), L'\"'); if (startOfArgument != path.end()) { unescaped.push_back(L' '); CmdLineToArgvWUnescape(startOfArgument, path.end(), std::back_inserter(unescaped)); // Unescape the argument RundllCheck(unescaped); } } path = unescaped; ExpandShortPath(path); Prettify(path.begin(), path.end()); return SystemFacades::File::IsExclusiveFile(path); } else { NativePathToWin32Path(path); bool status = StripArgumentsFromPath(path); if (status) { ExpandShortPath(path); Prettify(path.begin(), path.end()); } return status; } }
std::wstring getAppInstallPath(std::wstring extra) { #ifdef NIX #if defined(USE_XDG_DIRS) std::string installPath = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); installPath.append("/desura"); #elif defined(USE_SINGLE_HOME_DIR) std::string installPath = getenv("HOME"); installPath.append("/.desura/games"); #elif defined(USE_PORTABLE_DIR) std::string installPath = UTIL::STRING::toStr(getCurrentDir(L"games")); #endif if (extra.size() > 0) extra.insert(0, DIRS_WSTR); return UTIL::STRING::toWStr(installPath) + extra; #else #error NOT IMPLEMENTED #endif }
bool WStrToUtf8(const std::wstring& wstr, std::string& utf8str) { try { std::string utf8str2; utf8str2.resize(wstr.size() * 4); // allocate for most long case auto end = utf8::utf16to8(wstr.cbegin(), wstr.cend(), utf8str2.begin()); if (end != utf8str2.end()) utf8str2.erase(end, utf8str2.end()); utf8str = utf8str2; } catch (const std::exception&) { utf8str = ""; return false; } return true; }
int get_width(const std::wstring& text, unsigned chars = unsigned(-1)) { chars = std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(text.size()), chars); int width = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i != chars; ++i) { std::map<wchar_t, char_info>::iterator ci = m_chars.find(text[i]); if (ci != m_chars.end()) { char_info& c = ci->second; if (i != 0) { std::map<kern_pair, int>::iterator ki = m_kern.find(std::make_pair(text[i], text[i - 1])); if (ki != m_kern.end()) width += ki->second; } width += c.xadvance; } } return width; }
const std::string CNESCsvResult::getStr(const std::wstring & str) { std::vector<wchar_t> buf; buf.reserve(str.size() + 2); buf.push_back(L'\"'); for (auto c : str) { if (c == L'\"') { buf.push_back(L'\\'); buf.push_back(L'\"'); } else { buf.push_back(c); } } buf.push_back(L'\"'); return scilab::UTF8::toUTF8(std::wstring(buf.begin(), buf.end())); }
bool writePipe(const std::filesystem::path &pipe, const std::wstring &data, bool wait) { HANDLE hPipe = CreateFile(pipe.wstring().c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr); if (hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD written; const DWORD toWrite = static_cast<DWORD>(data.size() * sizeof(wchar_t)); WriteFile(hPipe, data.c_str(), toWrite, &written, nullptr); const bool success = written == toWrite; tLog << (success ? L"Wrote: " : L"Failed to write: ") << data << " to " << pipe; WriteFile(hPipe, nullptr, sizeof(wchar_t), &written, nullptr); CloseHandle(hPipe); return success; } else if (wait) { // wait and retry Sleep(20000); return writePipe(pipe, data); } tLog << L"Failed to open pipe: " << pipe << L" data: " << data; return false; }
std::wstring getCommonProgramFilesPath(std::wstring extra) { #ifdef WIN32 wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; getSystemPath(CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON, path); std::wstring out(path); out += L"\\Desura"; if (extra.size() > 0) { out += L"\\"; out += extra; } return out; #else //TODO LINUX return L""; #endif }
bool process::create(const std::wstring& command_line) { if (statue_ == PROCESS_STATUE_READY) { if (command_line.empty()) { if (!detail::create_process( nullptr, nullptr, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nullptr, &si_, &pi_, inject_dll_ )) { return false; } } else { std::dynarray<wchar_t> command_line_buffer(command_line.size()+1); wcscpy_s(, command_line_buffer.size(), command_line.c_str()); if (!detail::create_process( nullptr,, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nullptr, &si_, &pi_, inject_dll_ )) { return false; } } statue_ = PROCESS_STATUE_RUNNING; return true; } return false; }
void VerifyParse(const std::wstring& refToParse, const vector<wstring>& expectedResults) { const wchar_t *pStart = refToParse.c_str(); const wchar_t *pEnd = pStart + refToParse.size(); vector<wstring> actualResults; bool parseSucceeded = lex::tokenize_and_phrase_parse(pStart, pEnd, g_lexer, g_parser, g_skipper, actualResults); if(!parseSucceeded) { wcout << L"Parsing failed with '" << refToParse << L"'." << endl; } BOOST_CHECK( parseSucceeded ); const bool resultCountMatchesExpectedCount = (expectedResults.size() == actualResults.size()); if(!resultCountMatchesExpectedCount) { wcout << L"Different number of results than expected." << endl << endl << L"Expected:" << endl; copy(expectedResults.begin(), expectedResults.end(), ostream_iterator<wstring, wchar_t>(wcout, L"\n")); wcout << endl << endl << L"Actual:" << endl; copy(actualResults.begin(), actualResults.end(), ostream_iterator<wstring, wchar_t>(wcout, L"\n")); } BOOST_CHECK( resultCountMatchesExpectedCount ); //avoid annoying signed/unsigned mismatch or relying on the fact that ::size_type is == size_t typedef decltype(actualResults.size()) IndexType; for(IndexType i = 0 ; i < actualResults.size() ; ++i) { auto actual = actualResults[i]; auto expected = expectedResults[i]; const bool areEqual = (actual == expected); if(!areEqual) { wcout << L"Expected '" << expected << L"', but got '" << actual << L"'." << endl; } BOOST_CHECK( areEqual ); } }
void OnSpeechEvent() { SPEVENT event; while (S_OK == cpVoice->GetEvents(1, &event, NULL)) { if (event.ulStreamNum != stream_number_) continue; switch (event.eEventId) { case SPEI_START_INPUT_STREAM: std::cout << "SPEI_START_INPUT_STREAM" << endl; break; case SPEI_END_INPUT_STREAM: char_position_ = utterance_.size(); std::cout << "SPEI_END_INPUT_STREAM " << char_position_ << endl; break; case SPEI_TTS_BOOKMARK: break; case SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY: char_position_ = static_cast<ULONG>(event.lParam) - prefix_len_; std::cout << "SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY" << endl; SPVOICESTATUS eventStatus; cpVoice->GetStatus(&eventStatus, NULL); ULONG start, end; start = eventStatus.ulInputWordPos; end = eventStatus.ulInputWordLen; std::cout << "start " << start << " end " << start + end - 1 << " status " << eventStatus.dwRunningState << endl; break; case SPEI_SENTENCE_BOUNDARY: char_position_ = static_cast<ULONG>(event.lParam) - prefix_len_; std::cout << "SPEI_SENTENCE_BOUNDARY" << endl; cpVoice->GetStatus(&eventStatus, NULL); start = eventStatus.ulInputSentPos; end = eventStatus.ulInputSentLen; std::cout << "start " << start << " end " << start + end - 1 << " status " << eventStatus.dwRunningState << endl; break; } } }
void GetPublicDocuments(std::wstring& out_PublicDocumentsPath) throw (isis::application_exception) { //need a wchar_t* because that's what SHGetKnownFolderPath takes wchar_t* path = 0; SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_PublicDocuments, 0, NULL, &path); //need wstringstream to convert to wstring std::wstringstream stream; stream << path; //need this to clean up memory for wchar_t* ::CoTaskMemFree(static_cast<void*>(path)); //populate output parameter out_PublicDocumentsPath = stream.str(); if ( out_PublicDocumentsPath.size() == 0 ) { std::stringstream errorString; errorString << "Function - GetPublicDocuments, did not find the public document folder."; throw isis::application_exception(errorString.str()); } }
void CCandidateWindow::_SetText(const std::wstring &text, BOOL fixed, BOOL showcandlist, BOOL showreg) { //CTextService -> CCandidateList -> CCandidateWindow で入力文字列をもらう if(_pCandidateWindow != NULL && !_preEnd) { _pCandidateWindow->_SetText(text, fixed, showcandlist, showreg); return; } if(showreg) { _CreateNext(TRUE); } if(showcandlist) { _CreateNext(FALSE); } regwordfixed = fixed; if(fixed) { comptext.clear(); regwordtext.insert(regwordtextpos, text); regwordtextpos += text.size(); } else { comptext = text; if(comptext.empty()) { regwordfixed = TRUE; } } _Update(); }
bool ArmParser::decodeAddressingMode(const std::wstring& text, size_t& pos, unsigned char& dest) { if (pos+2 > text.size()) return false; wchar_t c1 = text[pos+0]; wchar_t c2 = text[pos+1]; if (c1 == 'i' && c2 == 'b') dest = ARM_AMODE_IB; else if (c1 == 'i' && c2 == 'a') dest = ARM_AMODE_IA; else if (c1 == 'd' && c2 == 'b') dest = ARM_AMODE_DB; else if (c1 == 'd' && c2 == 'a') dest = ARM_AMODE_DA; else if (c1 == 'e' && c2 == 'd') dest = ARM_AMODE_ED; else if (c1 == 'f' && c2 == 'd') dest = ARM_AMODE_FD; else if (c1 == 'e' && c2 == 'a') dest = ARM_AMODE_EA; else if (c1 == 'f' && c2 == 'a') dest = ARM_AMODE_FA; else return false; pos += 2; return true; }
std::wstring getTempInternetPath(std::wstring extra) { #ifdef WIN32 wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; getSystemPath(CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE, path); std::wstring out(path); out += L"\\"; out += COMMONAPP_PATH_W; if (extra.size() > 0) { out += L"\\"; out += extra; } return out; #else //TODO LINUX return L""; #endif }
std::wstring getLocalAppDataPath(std::wstring extra) { #ifdef WIN32 wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; getSystemPath(CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, path); std::wstring out(path); out += L"\\"; out += COMMONAPP_PATH_W; if (extra.size() > 0) { out += L"\\"; out += extra; } return out; #else //TODO LINUX return L""; #endif }
std::wstring getCachePath(std::wstring extra) { #ifdef NIX #if defined(USE_XDG_DIRS) std::string cachePath = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); cachePath.append("/desura"); #elif defined(USE_SINGLE_HOME_DIR) std::string cachePath = getenv("HOME"); cachePath.append("/.desura/cache"); #elif defined(USE_PORTABLE_DIR) std::string cachePath = UTIL::STRING::toStr(getCurrentDir(L"cache")); #endif if (extra.size() > 0) extra.insert(0, DIRS_WSTR); return UTIL::STRING::toWStr(cachePath) + extra; #else return L""; // #error NOT IMPLEMENTED #endif }
bool Cx_TextUtil::GetFileContent(std::wstring& content, BYTE* buf, long size, UINT codepage) { bool bRet = true; if (0xFF == buf[0] && 0xFE == buf[1]) // UTF-16 (little-endian) { content.resize((size - 2) / 2); memcpy((LPVOID)content.c_str(), buf + 2, content.size() * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else // ANSI/ASCII { bRet = (buf[0] != 0xFE || buf[0] != 0xFF); if (size > 3 && (0xEF == buf[0] && 0xBB == buf[1] && 0xBF == buf[2])) { codepage = CP_UTF8; } content = std::a2w((LPCSTR)buf, codepage); } return bRet; }
// サブテキストの初期化(テキストフォーマット、テキストレイアウト、テキストメトリックス) HRESULT ui::UIListBoxItem::__InitializeSubText(graphics::D3DInteropHelper *pD3DInteropHelper, const std::wstring &text, const graphics::FontAttribute &fontAttribute, CComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> &textFormat, CComPtr<IDWriteTextLayout> &textLayout, DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS &textMetrics, UIRectangle &textRect) { #ifdef DEBUG_UILISTBOXITEM LOG_ENTER(SEVERITY_LEVEL_DEBUG); #endif // text format textFormat = nullptr; CHK_FATAL_HRESULT(pD3DInteropHelper->GetDWriteFactory()->CreateTextFormat( fontAttribute.fontFamilyName.c_str(), nullptr, fontAttribute.GetFontWeight(), fontAttribute.GetFontStyle(), fontAttribute.GetFontStretch(), fontAttribute.fontSize, L"", &textFormat)); textRect.width = m_textLayoutRect.width; // text layout textLayout = nullptr; CHK_FATAL_HRESULT(pD3DInteropHelper->GetDWriteFactory()->CreateTextLayout( text.c_str(), static_cast<UINT>(text.size()), textFormat, m_preferredTextAreaSize.width, std::numeric_limits<FLOAT>::max(), &textLayout)); // trimming sign CComPtr<IDWriteInlineObject> inlineObject; CHK_FATAL_HRESULT(pD3DInteropHelper->GetDWriteFactory()->CreateEllipsisTrimmingSign(textLayout, &inlineObject)); DWRITE_TRIMMING trimming = {DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY_CHARACTER, 0, 0}; textLayout->SetTrimming(&trimming, inlineObject); textLayout->SetWordWrapping(DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING_NO_WRAP); // text metrics CHK_FATAL_HRESULT(textLayout->GetMetrics(&textMetrics)); #ifdef DEBUG_UILISTBOXITEM graphics::DirectWriteUtil::DumpMetrics(SEVERITY_LEVEL_DEBUG, L"m_subTextLayout", textLayout); LOG_LEAVE(SEVERITY_LEVEL_DEBUG); #endif return S_OK; }
void CustomHudPatch::set_text(const std::wstring& text) { if(!is_valid) return; size_t text_len = text.size()*sizeof(wchar_t); if(text_len > allocated_size) { bool reinitiate = false; if(this->is_active()) { this->_undo(); reinitiate = true; } size_t target = (size_t)std::pow(2, 1 + (int)(std::log(text_len)/std::log(2))); spel->release(allocated); allocated = NULL; allocated_size = 0; allocated = spel->allocate(target); if(allocated == NULL) { is_valid = false; return; } allocated_size = target; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE std::cout << "Reallocated string space at " << allocated << std::endl; #endif if(reinitiate) { this->_perform(); } } wchar_t end_bytes = 0; spel->write_mem(allocated, text.c_str(), text_len); spel->write_mem(allocated+text_len, &end_bytes, sizeof(wchar_t)); }