예제 #1
uint64_t Cache::access(MemReq& req) {
    uint64_t respCycle = req.cycle;
    bool skipAccess = cc->startAccess(req); //may need to skip access due to races (NOTE: may change req.type!)
	if( skipAccess)
		std::cout<<"skip access"<<std::endl;
    if (likely(!skipAccess)) {
        bool updateReplacement = (req.type == GETS) || (req.type == GETX);
        int32_t lineId = array->lookup(req.lineAddr, &req, updateReplacement);
        respCycle += accLat;

        if (lineId == -1 && cc->shouldAllocate(req)) {
            //Make space for new line
            Address wbLineAddr;
            lineId = array->preinsert(req.lineAddr, &req, &wbLineAddr); //find the lineId to replace
            trace(Cache, "[%s] Evicting 0x%lx", name.c_str(), wbLineAddr);

            //Evictions are not in the critical path in any sane implementation -- we do not include their delays
            //NOTE: We might be "evicting" an invalid line for all we know. Coherence controllers will know what to do
            cc->processEviction(req, wbLineAddr, lineId, respCycle); //1. if needed, send invalidates/downgrades to lower level

            array->postinsert(req.lineAddr, &req, lineId); //do the actual insertion. NOTE: Now we must split insert into a 2-phase thing because cc unlocks us.
        respCycle = cc->processAccess(req, lineId, respCycle);
    assert_msg(respCycle >= req.cycle, "[%s] resp < req? 0x%lx type %s childState %s, respCycle %ld reqCycle %ld",
            name.c_str(), req.lineAddr, AccessTypeName(req.type), MESIStateName(*req.state), respCycle, req.cycle);
    return respCycle;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    InitLog(""); //no log header
    if (argc != 2) {
        info("Prints an access trace");
        info("Usage: %s <trace>", argv[0]);

    gm_init(32<<20 /*32 MB, should be enough*/);

    AccessTraceReader tr(argv[1]);

    info("%12s %6s %6s %20s %10s", "Cycle", "Src", "Type", "LineAddr", "Latency");
    while(!tr.empty()) {
        AccessRecord acc = tr.read();
        info("%12ld %6d   %s %20p %10d", acc.reqCycle, acc.childId, AccessTypeName(acc.type), (uint64_t*)acc.lineAddr, acc.latency);

    return 0;
예제 #3
uint64_t MESIBottomCC::processNonInclusiveWriteback(Address lineAddr, AccessType type, uint64_t cycle, MESIState* state, uint32_t srcId, uint32_t flags) {
    if (!nonInclusiveHack) panic("Non-inclusive %s on line 0x%lx, this cache should be inclusive", AccessTypeName(type), lineAddr);

    //info("Non-inclusive wback, forwarding");
    MemReq req = {lineAddr, type, selfId, state, cycle, &ccLock, *state, srcId, flags | MemReq::NONINCLWB};
    uint64_t respCycle = parents[getParentId(lineAddr)]->access(req);
    return respCycle;
예제 #4
// TODO(dsm): This is copied verbatim from Cache. We should split Cache into different methods, then call those.
uint64_t TimingCache::access(MemReq& req) {
    EventRecorder* evRec = zinfo->eventRecorders[req.srcId];
    assert_msg(evRec, "TimingCache is not connected to TimingCore");
    uint32_t initialRecords = evRec->numRecords();

    bool hasWritebackRecord = false;
    TimingRecord writebackRecord;
    bool hasAccessRecord = false;
    TimingRecord accessRecord;
    uint64_t evDoneCycle = 0;
    uint64_t respCycle = req.cycle;
    bool skipAccess = cc->startAccess(req); //may need to skip access due to races (NOTE: may change req.type!)
    if (likely(!skipAccess)) {
        bool updateReplacement = (req.type == GETS) || (req.type == GETX);
        int32_t lineId = array->lookup(req.lineAddr, &req, updateReplacement);
        respCycle += accLat;

        if (lineId == -1 /*&& cc->shouldAllocate(req)*/) {
            assert(cc->shouldAllocate(req)); //dsm: for now, we don't deal with non-inclusion in TimingCache

            //Make space for new line
            Address wbLineAddr;
            lineId = array->preinsert(req.lineAddr, &req, &wbLineAddr); //find the lineId to replace
            trace(Cache, "[%s] Evicting 0x%lx", name.c_str(), wbLineAddr);

            //Evictions are not in the critical path in any sane implementation -- we do not include their delays
            //NOTE: We might be "evicting" an invalid line for all we know. Coherence controllers will know what to do
            evDoneCycle = cc->processEviction(req, wbLineAddr, lineId, respCycle); //if needed, send invalidates/downgrades to lower level, and wb to upper level

            array->postinsert(req.lineAddr, &req, lineId); //do the actual insertion. NOTE: Now we must split insert into a 2-phase thing because cc unlocks us.

            if (evRec->numRecords() > initialRecords) {
                assert_msg(evRec->numRecords() == initialRecords + 1, "evRec records on eviction %ld", evRec->numRecords());
                writebackRecord = evRec->getRecord(initialRecords);
                hasWritebackRecord = true;

        uint64_t getDoneCycle = respCycle;
        respCycle = cc->processAccess(req, lineId, respCycle, &getDoneCycle);

        if (evRec->numRecords() > initialRecords) {
            assert_msg(evRec->numRecords() == initialRecords + 1, "evRec records %ld", evRec->numRecords());
            accessRecord = evRec->getRecord(initialRecords);
            hasAccessRecord = true;

        // At this point we have all the info we need to hammer out the timing record
        TimingRecord tr = {req.lineAddr << lineBits, req.cycle, respCycle, req.type, NULL, NULL}; //note the end event is the response, not the wback

        if (getDoneCycle - req.cycle == accLat) {
            // Hit
            uint64_t hitLat = respCycle - req.cycle; // accLat + invLat
            HitEvent* ev = new (evRec) HitEvent(this, hitLat, domain);
            tr.startEvent = tr.endEvent = ev;
        } else {
            assert_msg(getDoneCycle == respCycle, "gdc %ld rc %ld", getDoneCycle, respCycle);

            // Miss events:
            // MissStart (does high-prio lookup) -> getEvent || evictionEvent || replEvent (if needed) -> MissWriteback

            MissStartEvent* mse = new (evRec) MissStartEvent(this, accLat, domain);
            MissResponseEvent* mre = new (evRec) MissResponseEvent(this, mse, domain);
            MissWritebackEvent* mwe = new (evRec) MissWritebackEvent(this, mse, accLat, domain);

            mwe->setMinStartCycle(MAX(evDoneCycle, getDoneCycle));

            // Tie two events to an optional timing record
            // TODO: Promote to evRec if this is more generally useful
            auto connect = [evRec](const TimingRecord* r, TimingEvent* startEv, TimingEvent* endEv, uint64_t startCycle, uint64_t endCycle) {
                assert_msg(startCycle <= endCycle, "start > end? %ld %ld", startCycle, endCycle);
                if (r) {
                    assert_msg(startCycle <= r->reqCycle, "%ld / %ld", startCycle, r->reqCycle);
                    assert_msg(r->respCycle <= endCycle, "%ld %ld %ld %ld", startCycle, r->reqCycle, r->respCycle, endCycle);
                    uint64_t upLat = r->reqCycle - startCycle;
                    uint64_t downLat = endCycle - r->respCycle;

                    if (upLat) {
                        DelayEvent* dUp = new (evRec) DelayEvent(upLat);
                        startEv->addChild(dUp, evRec)->addChild(r->startEvent, evRec);
                    } else {
                        startEv->addChild(r->startEvent, evRec);

                    if (downLat) {
                        DelayEvent* dDown = new (evRec) DelayEvent(downLat);
                        r->endEvent->addChild(dDown, evRec)->addChild(endEv, evRec);
                    } else {
                        r->endEvent->addChild(endEv, evRec);
                } else {
                    if (startCycle == endCycle) {
                        startEv->addChild(endEv, evRec);
                    } else {
                        DelayEvent* dEv = new (evRec) DelayEvent(endCycle - startCycle);
                        startEv->addChild(dEv, evRec)->addChild(endEv, evRec);

            // Get path
            connect(hasAccessRecord? &accessRecord : NULL, mse, mre, req.cycle + accLat, getDoneCycle);
            mre->addChild(mwe, evRec);

            // Eviction path
            if (evDoneCycle) {
                connect(hasWritebackRecord? &writebackRecord : NULL, mse, mwe, req.cycle + accLat, evDoneCycle);

            // Replacement path
            if (evDoneCycle && cands > ways) {
                uint32_t replLookups = (cands + (ways-1))/ways - 1; // e.g., with 4 ways, 5-8 -> 1, 9-12 -> 2, etc.

                uint32_t fringeAccs = ways - 1;
                uint32_t accsSoFar = 0;

                TimingEvent* p = mse;

                // Candidate lookup events
                while (accsSoFar < replLookups) {
                    uint32_t preDelay = accsSoFar? 0 : tagLat;
                    uint32_t postDelay = tagLat - MIN(tagLat - 1, fringeAccs);
                    uint32_t accs = MIN(fringeAccs, replLookups - accsSoFar);
                    //info("ReplAccessEvent rl %d fa %d preD %d postD %d accs %d", replLookups, fringeAccs, preDelay, postDelay, accs);
                    ReplAccessEvent* raEv = new (evRec) ReplAccessEvent(this, accs, preDelay, postDelay, domain);
                    raEv->setMinStartCycle(req.cycle /*lax...*/);
                    accsSoFar += accs;
                    p->addChild(raEv, evRec);
                    p = raEv;
                    fringeAccs *= ways - 1;

                // Swap events -- typically, one read and one write work for 1-2 swaps. Exact number depends on layout.
                ReplAccessEvent* rdEv = new (evRec) ReplAccessEvent(this, 1, tagLat, tagLat, domain);
                rdEv->setMinStartCycle(req.cycle /*lax...*/);
                ReplAccessEvent* wrEv = new (evRec) ReplAccessEvent(this, 1, 0, 0, domain);
                wrEv->setMinStartCycle(req.cycle /*lax...*/);

                p->addChild(rdEv, evRec)->addChild(wrEv, evRec)->addChild(mwe, evRec);

            tr.startEvent = mse;
            tr.endEvent = mre; // note the end event is the response, not the wback


    assert_msg(respCycle >= req.cycle, "[%s] resp < req? 0x%lx type %s childState %s, respCycle %ld reqCycle %ld",
            name.c_str(), req.lineAddr, AccessTypeName(req.type), MESIStateName(*req.state), respCycle, req.cycle);
    return respCycle;