예제 #1
void tapdev_init(void)

예제 #2
* Function Name  : ENET_Init
* Description    : ENET MAC, PHY and DMA initializations
* Input          : None
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void ENET_Init ()

  vu32 regValue;
  ENET_MACConfig *MAC_Config;
  ENET_MACConfig config;
  u32 macAddrLow, macAddrHigh;

  /* De-assert the SRESET bit of ENET + MAC devices */
  MAC_Config =&config;
  /* Initialize MAC control register with common values */
  MAC_Config->ReceiveALL = DISABLE;
  if (SCU_GetHCLKFreqValue() > 50000)
  MAC_Config->MIIPrescaler = MIIPrescaler_2;
  MAC_Config->LoopbackMode = DISABLE;
  MAC_Config->AddressFilteringMode = MAC_Perfect_Multicast_Perfect;
  MAC_Config->PassWrongFrame = DISABLE;
  MAC_Config->LateCollision = DISABLE;
  MAC_Config->BroadcastFrameReception = ENABLE;
  MAC_Config->PacketRetry = ENABLE;
  MAC_Config->RxFrameFiltering = ENABLE;
  MAC_Config->AutomaticPadRemoval = ENABLE;
  MAC_Config->DeferralCheck = ENABLE;

    /* Configure MAC control register */

  /* DMA initialization */
  /* Read the ENET DMA Status and Control Register */
  regValue = ENET_DMA->SCR;

  /* Setup Tx Max burst size */
  regValue &= ~(u32)DMA_SCR_TX_MAX_BURST_SZ;
  regValue |= (u32)DMA_SCR_TX_MAX_BURST_SZ_VAL;

  /* Setup Rx Max Burst size */
  regValue &= ~(u32)DMA_SCR_RX_MAX_BURST_SZ;
  regValue |= (u32)DMA_SCR_RX_MAX_BURST_SZ_VAL;

  /* Write Tx & Rx burst size to the ENET status and control register */
  ENET_DMA->SCR = regValue;

  /* Put the PHY in reset mode */
  ENET_MIIWriteReg(0x0,MAC_MII_REG_XCR, 0x8000);

  /* Delay to assure PHY reset */
  vTaskDelay( 3000 );

  /* initialize the opearting mode */
  while( ENET_SetOperatingMode() == pdFAIL )
  	vTaskDelay( 3000 );

  /*set MAC physical*/
  macAddrLow  = (MAC_ADDR3<<24) + (MAC_ADDR2<<16) + \
                (MAC_ADDR1<<8) + MAC_ADDR0;

  // Higher MAC address
  macAddrHigh = (MAC_ADDR5<<8) + MAC_ADDR4;

  /* Initialize Rx and Tx descriptors in memory */
예제 #3
* Function Name  : ENET_Init
* Description    : ENET MAC, DMA and PHY device initializations
* Input          : None
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void ENET_Init (ENET_MACConfig *MAC_Config)

  u32 i;
  u32 regValue;
  u32 macAddrLow, macAddrHigh;
  /* MAC initialization ------------------------------------------------------*/
  /* De-assert the SRESET bit of ENET + MAC devices */
  /* Configure MAC control register */
  /* MAC address low setting */
  macAddrLow  = (MAC_ADDR3 << 24) + (MAC_ADDR2 << 16) + \
                (MAC_ADDR1 << 8) + MAC_ADDR0;
  /* MAC address high setting */                    
  macAddrHigh = (MAC_ADDR5 << 8) + MAC_ADDR4;
  /* Write the MAC address Low Register */
  ENET_MAC->MAH = macAddrHigh;                  
  /* Write the MAC address High Register */ 
  ENET_MAC->MAL = macAddrLow;
  /* Multicast address low setting */
  macAddrLow  = (MCAST_ADDR3 << 24) + (MCAST_ADDR2 << 16) + \
                (MCAST_ADDR1 << 8) + MCAST_ADDR0;
  /* Multicast address high setting */                    
  macAddrHigh = (MCAST_ADDR5 << 8) + MCAST_ADDR4;
  /* Write the Multicast address Low Register */
  ENET_MAC->MCHA = macAddrHigh;                  
  /* Write the Multicast address High Register */ 
  ENET_MAC->MCLA = macAddrLow;
  /* VLAN initialization */
  ENET_MAC->VL1 = (VLANID1 << 16) | VLANTAG1;
  ENET_MAC->VL2 = (VLANID2 << 16) | VLANTAG2;
  /* ENET DMA initialisation -------------------------------------------------*/ 
  /* Read the ENET DMA Status and Control Register */
  regValue = ENET_DMA->SCR;

  /* Setup Tx Max burst size */
  regValue &= ~(u32)ENET_SCR_TX_MAX_BURST_SZ;
  regValue |= (u32)ENET_SCR_TX_MAX_BURST_SZ_VAL;

  /* Setup Rx Max Burst size */
  regValue &= ~(u32)ENET_SCR_RX_MAX_BURST_SZ;
  regValue |= (u32)ENET_SCR_RX_MAX_BURST_SZ_VAL;

  /* Write Tx & Rx burst size to the ENET status and control register */
  ENET_DMA->SCR = regValue;

  /* Initialize Rx and Tx descriptors in memory */
  /* PHY DEVICE initialization and OPERATING MODE setting --------------------*/
  /* Put the PHY in reset mode */

  /* Delay to assure PHY reset */
  for(i=PHY_ResetDelay; i!=0; i--)
    regValue = (u32) i;
