예제 #1
LTriangle2 LMesh::GetTriangle2(uint index)
    LTriangle2 f;
    LTriangle t = GetTriangle(index);
    f.vertices[0] = GetVertex(t.a);
    f.vertices[1] = GetVertex(t.b);
    f.vertices[2] = GetVertex(t.c);

    f.vertexNormals[0] = GetNormal(t.a);
    f.vertexNormals[1] = GetNormal(t.b);
    f.vertexNormals[2] = GetNormal(t.c);

    f.textureCoords[0] = GetUV(t.a);
    f.textureCoords[1] = GetUV(t.b);
    f.textureCoords[2] = GetUV(t.c);

    LVector3 a, b;

    a = SubtractVectors(_4to3(f.vertices[1]), _4to3(f.vertices[0]));
    b = SubtractVectors(_4to3(f.vertices[1]), _4to3(f.vertices[2]));

    f.faceNormal = CrossProduct(b, a);

    f.faceNormal = NormalizeVector(f.faceNormal);

    f.materialId = m_tris[index].materialId;

    return f;
예제 #2
파일: route_shape.cpp 프로젝트: rokuz/omim
void GenerateArrowsTriangles(glsl::vec4 const & pivot, vector<glsl::vec2> const & normals,
                             m2::RectF const & texRect, vector<glsl::vec2> const & uv,
                             bool normalizedUV, RouteShape::TArrowGeometryBuffer & joinsGeometry)
  size_t const trianglesCount = normals.size() / 3;
  for (int j = 0; j < trianglesCount; j++)
    joinsGeometry.push_back(RouteShape::AV(pivot, normals[3 * j],
                            normalizedUV ? GetUV(texRect, uv[3 * j]) : uv[3 * j]));
    joinsGeometry.push_back(RouteShape::AV(pivot, normals[3 * j + 1],
                            normalizedUV ? GetUV(texRect, uv[3 * j + 1]) : uv[3 * j + 1]));
    joinsGeometry.push_back(RouteShape::AV(pivot, normals[3 * j + 2],
                            normalizedUV ? GetUV(texRect, uv[3 * j + 2]) : uv[3 * j + 2]));
 * @brief CoordinateTransform::LongitudeLatitudeToUV
 * 将经纬度坐标转换成图像坐标
 * @param u_v
 * 传入图像坐标
 * @param local_longitude_latitude
 * @param dst_longitude_latitude
 * 转换成经纬度坐标
 * @param heading_angle
 * 航向角
void CoordinateTransform::LongitudeLatitudeToUV(cv::Point2d &u_v,cv::Point2d local_longitude_latitude,
                                                cv::Point2d dst_longitude_latitude,double heading_angle){

    lng_lat_dis_.x = (dst_longitude_latitude.x-local_longitude_latitude.x)*per_longitute_dis_*1000.0;
    lng_lat_dis_.y = (dst_longitude_latitude.y-local_longitude_latitude.y)*per_latitude_dis_*1000.0;

    lng_lat_dis_mat_.at<double>(0,0) = lng_lat_dis_.x;
    lng_lat_dis_mat_.at<double>(1,0) = lng_lat_dis_.y;

    if(heading_angle> 0)
        counter_clkwise_mat_ = init_counter_clkwise_mat(heading_angle);
        uv_dis_mat_ = counter_clkwise_mat_*lng_lat_dis_mat_;
        clkwise_mat_ = init_clkwise_mat(heading_angle);
        uv_dis_mat_ = clkwise_mat_*lng_lat_dis_mat_;
    uv_dis_.x = uv_dis_mat_.at<double>(0,0);
    uv_dis_.y = uv_dis_mat_.at<double>(1,0);
    //  std::cout<<"  uv_dis_.x = "<<  uv_dis_.x<< std::endl;
    // std::cout<<"  uv_dis_.y = "<<  uv_dis_.y<< std::endl;

    u_v.x=getPerspectiveUV(uv_dis_).x; //横向距离用透视法求像素位置
    u_v.y=GetUV(uv_dis_).y;            //纵向距离用标定法求像素位置

    if(u_v.x<0 || u_v.x>1280 || u_v.y<0 || u_v.y>720)
	std::cout<<"Invalid geographical position!"<<std::endl;
	FVector GetPosition_Torus(const FVector2D& InUV) const
		const auto A = 1.0f;
		const auto B = 0.5f;
		const auto UV = GetUV(InUV);
		return FVector((A + B * FMath::Cos(UV.Y)) * FMath::Cos(UV.X), (A + B * FMath::Cos(UV.Y)) * FMath::Sin(UV.X), B * FMath::Sin(UV.Y));
	//!< FPrimitiveSceneProxy
	virtual void GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily, uint32 VisibilityMap, class FMeshElementCollector& Collector) const override
		FDynamicMeshBuilder MeshBuilder;

		const auto Num = 20;
		const auto DeltaUV = 1.0f / (Num - 1);
		TArray<FDynamicMeshVertex> Vertices;
		Vertices.Reserve(Num * Num);
		for (auto i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
			for (auto j = 0; j < Num; ++j)
				const auto UV = FVector2D(DeltaUV * j, DeltaUV * i);

				FDynamicMeshVertex Vertex;
				Vertex.Position = GetPosition(UV);
				Vertex.TextureCoordinate = GetUV(UV);
				const auto Edge01 = GetPosition(UV + FVector2D(0.01f, 0.0f)) - Vertex.Position;
				const auto Edge02 = GetPosition(UV - FVector2D(0.0f, 0.01f)) - Vertex.Position;
				Vertex.TangentX = Edge01.GetSafeNormal();
				Vertex.TangentZ = (Edge02 ^ Edge01).GetSafeNormal();
				Vertex.Color = FColor::Green;


		TArray<int32> Indices;
		Indices.Reserve((Num - 1) * (Num - 1) * 6);
		for (auto i = 0; i < Num - 1; ++i)
			for (auto j = 0; j < Num - 1; ++j)
				const auto Index = j + i * Num;
				Indices.Add(Index + Num);
				Indices.Add(Index + 1);

				Indices.Add(Index + 1);
				Indices.Add(Index + Num);
				Indices.Add(Index + Num + 1);

		auto MaterialRenderProxy = UMaterial::GetDefaultMaterial(MD_Surface)->GetRenderProxy(IsSelected());
		if (nullptr != MaterialInterface)
			MaterialRenderProxy = MaterialInterface->GetRenderProxy(false);
		if (Views[0]->Family->EngineShowFlags.Wireframe)
			MaterialRenderProxy = GEngine->WireframeMaterial->GetRenderProxy(IsSelected());
		MeshBuilder.GetMesh(GetLocalToWorld(), MaterialRenderProxy, 0, false, false, 0, Collector);
*    desc:  Set the frame ID from index
void CVisualComponent2d::SetFrameID( uint index )
        auto rGlyph = m_visualData.GetSpriteSheet().GetGlyph( index );
        m_glyphUV = rGlyph.GetUV();
        auto rSize = rGlyph.GetSize();
        m_quadVertScale.x = rSize.w;
        m_quadVertScale.y = rSize.h;
        m_textureID = m_visualData.GetTextureID( index );

}   // SetFrameID
예제 #7
    static void ImportVertex(MeshBuilder& builder, const Matrix4x4& transform, FbxMesh* mesh, int polyIndex, int vertIndex, std::vector<SkinWeight>& skinWeights)
        Vector3 normal;
        if (GetNormal(normal, transform, mesh, polyIndex, vertIndex))

            //Temporary hack to get around not supporting multiple vertex definitions
            Vector3 bitangent = Vector3::UP;
            if (normal == bitangent)
                bitangent = Vector3::FORWARD;
            Vector3 tangent = Vector3::Cross(bitangent, normal);
            bitangent = Vector3::Cross(normal, tangent);

        RGBA color;
        if (GetColor(color, mesh, polyIndex, vertIndex))

        Vector2 uv;
        if (GetUV(uv, mesh, polyIndex, vertIndex, 0))

        //Set Skin Weights
        int controlIndex = mesh->GetPolygonVertex(polyIndex, vertIndex);
        if (controlIndex < skinWeights.size())
            builder.SetBoneWeights(skinWeights[controlIndex].indices, skinWeights[controlIndex].weights);
            builder.RenormalizeSkinWeights(); //Just to be safe.

        Vector3 position;
        if (GetPosition(&position, transform, mesh, polyIndex, vertIndex))
예제 #8
void proFont::FillVertChar(peUint color, peFloat x, peFloat y, peChar character, peChar *pBuffer)
	proVertHeader &tempHeader = m_vertBuff.GetHeader();
	peFloat baseUV[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
	peFloat tempUV[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
	proVec3f tempPos = Vec3fZ();	
	GetUV(character, &baseUV[0], &baseUV[1]);

	tempPos = Vec3f(x, y, 0.0f);
	tempUV[0] = baseUV[0];
	tempUV[1] = baseUV[1];
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_UINT_COLOR, &color, sizeof(color));	
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_TU, &tempUV[0], sizeof(tempUV));	
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_XYZ, &tempPos, sizeof(tempPos));

	pBuffer += tempHeader.GetHeaderSize();
	tempPos = Vec3f(x+m_quadWidth, y, 0.0f);	
	tempUV[0] = baseUV[0] + sc_fPageCharacterWidth/sc_fPageWidth;
	tempUV[1] = baseUV[1];
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_UINT_COLOR, &color, sizeof(color));	
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_TU, &tempUV[0], sizeof(tempUV));	
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_XYZ, &tempPos, sizeof(tempPos));
	pBuffer += tempHeader.GetHeaderSize();
	tempPos = Vec3f(x, y-m_quadHeight, 0.0f);
	tempUV[0] = baseUV[0];
	tempUV[1] = baseUV[1] + sc_fPageCharacterHeight/sc_fPageHeight;
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_UINT_COLOR, &color, sizeof(color));
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_TU, &tempUV[0], sizeof(tempUV));
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_XYZ, &tempPos, sizeof(tempPos));
	pBuffer += tempHeader.GetHeaderSize();	
	tempUV[0] = baseUV[0];
	tempUV[1] = baseUV[1] + sc_fPageCharacterHeight/sc_fPageHeight;
	tempPos = Vec3f(x, y-m_quadHeight, 0.0f);
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_UINT_COLOR, &color, sizeof(color));	
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_TU, &tempUV[0], sizeof(tempUV));
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_XYZ, &tempPos, sizeof(tempPos));	
	pBuffer += tempHeader.GetHeaderSize();
	tempPos = Vec3f(x+m_quadWidth, y, 0.0f);	
	tempUV[0] = baseUV[0] + sc_fPageCharacterWidth/sc_fPageWidth;	
	tempUV[1] = baseUV[1];
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_UINT_COLOR, &color, sizeof(color));	
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_TU, &tempUV[0], sizeof(tempUV));
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_XYZ, &tempPos, sizeof(tempPos));	
	pBuffer += tempHeader.GetHeaderSize();
	tempPos = Vec3f(x+m_quadWidth, y-m_quadHeight, 0.0f);
	tempUV[0] = baseUV[0] + sc_fPageCharacterWidth/sc_fPageWidth;
	tempUV[1] = baseUV[1] + sc_fPageCharacterHeight/sc_fPageHeight;
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_UINT_COLOR, &color, sizeof(color));
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_TU, &tempUV[0], sizeof(tempUV));
	tempHeader.PackData(PVV_XYZ, &tempPos, sizeof(tempPos));
	FVector GetPosition_Snail(const FVector2D& InUV) const
		const auto UV = GetUV(InUV);
		return FVector(UV.X * FMath::Cos(UV.Y) * FMath::Sin(UV.X), UV.X * FMath::Cos(UV.X) * FMath::Cos(UV.Y), -UV.X * FMath::Sin(UV.Y));
	FVector GetPosition_Pillow(const FVector2D& InUV) const
		const auto A = 0.5f;
		const auto UV = GetUV(InUV);
		return FVector(FMath::Cos(UV.X), FMath::Cos(UV.Y), A * FMath::Sin(UV.X) * FMath::Sin(UV.Y));
예제 #11
파일: route_shape.cpp 프로젝트: rokuz/omim
glsl::vec2 GetUV(m2::RectF const & texRect, glsl::vec2 const & uv)
  return GetUV(texRect, uv.x, uv.y);