예제 #1
SolidAngle SolidAngle::fromCenterRadius(const Vector3<float>& to_center, float radius) {
    float to_center_len = to_center.length();
    if (to_center_len <= radius)
        return SolidAngle(MaxVal);

    float sin_alpha = radius / to_center_len;
    float cos_alpha = sqrtf(1 - sin_alpha*sin_alpha);
    return SolidAngle( 2.0f * Pi * (1.0f - cos_alpha) );
예제 #2
f32 Rectangle::IntegrateStructuredSampling( const vec3f & integrationPos, const vec3f & integrationNrm ) const
	// Solving E(n) = Int_lightArea [ Lin <n.l> dl ] == lightArea * Lin * Average[<n.l>]
	// With Average[<n.l>] approximated with the average of the 4 corners and center of the rect

	// unit space solid angle (== unit space area)
	f32 solidAngle = SolidAngle( integrationPos );

	// unit space vectors to the 5 sample points

	vec3f q0 = Normalize( p0 - integrationPos );
	vec3f q1 = Normalize( p1 - integrationPos );
	vec3f q2 = Normalize( p2 - integrationPos );
	vec3f q3 = Normalize( p3 - integrationPos );
	vec3f q4 = Normalize( position - integrationPos );

	// area * Average[<n.l>] (Lin is 1.0)
	return solidAngle * 0.2f * (
		std::max( 0.f, Dot( q0, integrationNrm ) ) +
		std::max( 0.f, Dot( q1, integrationNrm ) ) +
		std::max( 0.f, Dot( q2, integrationNrm ) ) +
		std::max( 0.f, Dot( q3, integrationNrm ) ) +
		std::max( 0.f, Dot( q4, integrationNrm ) )
예제 #3
	* Coord                                                                   *
	*                                                                         *
	* Compute the two coordinates (x1,x2) corresponding to a point in the     *
	* spherical triangle.  This is the inverse of "Chart".                    *
	*                                                                         *
	Vec2 SphericalTriangle::Coord( const Vec3 &P1 ) const
		Vec3 P = Unit( P1 );

		// Compute the new C vertex, which lies on the arc defined by B-P
		// and the arc defined by A-C.

		Vec3 C_new = Unit( ( B() ^ P ) ^ ( C() ^ A() ) );

		// Adjust the sign of C_new.  Make sure it's on the arc between A and C.

		if( C_new * ( A() + C() ) < 0.0 ) C_new = -C_new;

		// Compute x1, the area of the sub-triangle over the original area.

		float cos_beta  = CosDihedralAngle( A(), B(), C_new  );
		float cos_gamma = CosDihedralAngle( A(), C_new , B() );
		float sub_area  = Alpha() + acos( cos_beta ) + acos( cos_gamma ) - Pi;
		float x1        = sub_area / SolidAngle();

		// Now compute the second coordinate using the new C vertex.

		float z  = P * B();
		float x2 = ( 1.0 - z ) / ( 1.0 - C_new * B() );

		if( x1 < 0.0 ) x1 = 0.0;  if( x1 > 1.0 ) x1 = 1.0;
		if( x2 < 0.0 ) x2 = 0.0;  if( x2 > 1.0 ) x2 = 1.0;
		return Vec2( x1, x2 );
예제 #4
bool decodeSolidAngle(v8::Handle<v8::Value> toDecode, SolidAngle& toDecodeTo, String& errMsg)
    if (!NumericValidate(toDecode))
        errMsg += "  Error decoding solid angle.  Passed in parameter was not of numeric type";
        return false;
    toDecodeTo = SolidAngle(NumericExtract(toDecode));
    return true;
예제 #5
void ObjectFactory::generateRandomObjects(const BoundingBox3f& region, const Duration& duration, double forceRadius, int forceNumRandomObjects) {
    Time start(Time::null());
    Time end = start + duration;
    Vector3f region_extents = region.extents();

    uint32 nobjects              = GetOptionValue<uint32>(OBJECT_NUM_RANDOM);
    if (forceNumRandomObjects)
    if (nobjects == 0) return;
    bool simple                  =   GetOptionValue<bool>(OBJECT_SIMPLE);
    bool only_2d                 =       GetOptionValue<bool>(OBJECT_2D);
    std::string motion_path_type = GetOptionValue<String>(OBJECT_STATIC);
    float driftX                 = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_DRIFT_X);
    float driftY                 = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_DRIFT_Y);
    float driftZ                 = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_DRIFT_Z);

    float percent_queriers       = GetOptionValue<float>(OBJECT_QUERY_FRAC);

    Vector3f driftVecDir(driftX,driftY,driftZ);

    for(uint32 i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) {
        UUID id = randomUUID();

        ObjectInputs* inputs = new ObjectInputs;

        Vector3f startpos = region.min() + Vector3f(randFloat()*region_extents.x, randFloat()*region_extents.y, (only_2d ? 0.5 : randFloat())*region_extents.z);

        double radval = forceRadius;
        if (!radval)
        float bounds_radius = (simple ? radval : (randFloat()*2*radval));
        //SILOG(oh,error,"Creating "<<id.toString()<<" radius "<<bounds_radius);
        inputs->localID = mLocalIDSource++;

        if (motion_path_type == "static")//static
            inputs->motion = new StaticMotionPath(start, startpos);
        else if (motion_path_type == "drift") //drift
          //   inputs->motion = new OSegTestMotionPath(start, end, startpos, 3, Duration::milliseconds((int64)1000), region, zfactor); // FIXME
          inputs->motion = new OSegTestMotionPath(start, end, startpos, 3, Duration::milliseconds((int64)1000), region, 0.5, driftVecDir); // FIXME
        else //random
            inputs->motion = new RandomMotionPath(start, end, startpos, 3, Duration::milliseconds((int64)1000), region, (only_2d ? 0.0 : 1.0)); // FIXME
        inputs->bounds = BoundingSphere3f( Vector3f(0, 0, 0), bounds_radius );
        inputs->registerQuery = (randFloat() <= percent_queriers);
        inputs->queryAngle = SolidAngle(SolidAngle::Max / 900.f); // FIXME how to set this? variability by objects?
        inputs->connectAt = Duration::seconds(0.f);

        inputs->startTimer = Network::IOTimer::create(mContext->ioService);

        mInputs[id] = inputs;
예제 #6
f32 Polygon::AxialMomentArvo( const vec3f & w, int order )
	f32 a = -BoundaryIntegralArvo( w, w, 0, order - 1 );

	if ( even( order ) )
		a += SolidAngle();

	return a / ( order + 1 );
예제 #7
f32 Rectangle::IntegrateMRP( const vec3f & integrationPos, const vec3f & integrationNrm ) const
	const vec3f d0p = -ez;
	const vec3f d1p = integrationNrm;

	const f32 nDotpN = std::max( 0.f, Dot( integrationNrm, ez ) );

	vec3f d0 = Normalize( d0p + integrationNrm * nDotpN );
	vec3f d1 = Normalize( d1p - ez * nDotpN );

	vec3f dh = Normalize( d0 + d1 );

	Plane rectPlane = { position, ez };
	vec3f pH = rectPlane.RayIntersection( integrationPos, dh );
	pH = rectPlane.ClampPointInRect( *this, pH );

	const f32 solidAngle = SolidAngle( integrationPos );

	vec3f rayDir = Normalize( pH - integrationPos );

	return solidAngle * std::max( 0.f, Dot( integrationNrm, rayDir ) );
예제 #8
void Polygon::AxialMoment( const vec3f &w, int order, std::vector<f32> &R ) const
	// Compute the Boundary Integral of the polygon
	BoundaryIntegral( w, w, order, R );

	// - boundary + solidangle for even orders
	f32 sA = SolidAngle();

	for ( u32 i = 0; i < R.size(); ++i )
		R[i] *= -1.f; // - boundary

		// add the solid angle for even orders
		if ( even( i ) )
			R[i] += sA;

		// normalize by order+1
		R[i] *= -1.f / (f32) ( i + 1 );
예제 #9
SolidAngle SolidAngle::operator-(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return SolidAngle( mSolidAngle - rhs.mSolidAngle );
예제 #10
namespace Sirikata {

const float SolidAngle::Pi = 3.1415926536f;
const float SolidAngle::MinVal = 0.0f;
const float SolidAngle::MaxVal = 4.0f*SolidAngle::Pi;
const SolidAngle SolidAngle::Min = SolidAngle(SolidAngle::MinVal);
const SolidAngle SolidAngle::Max = SolidAngle(SolidAngle::MaxVal);

 : mSolidAngle(MinVal)

SolidAngle::SolidAngle(float sa)
 : mSolidAngle(sa)

SolidAngle::SolidAngle(const SolidAngle& rhs)
 : mSolidAngle(rhs.mSolidAngle)

SolidAngle::~SolidAngle() {

float SolidAngle::asFloat() const {
    return mSolidAngle;

SolidAngle SolidAngle::fromCenterRadius(const Vector3<float>& to_center, float radius) {
    float to_center_len = to_center.length();
    if (to_center_len <= radius)
        return SolidAngle(MaxVal);

    float sin_alpha = radius / to_center_len;
    float cos_alpha = sqrtf(1 - sin_alpha*sin_alpha);
    return SolidAngle( 2.0f * Pi * (1.0f - cos_alpha) );

float SolidAngle::maxDistance(float obj_radius) const {
    float C = 1.f - mSolidAngle / (2.0f * SolidAngle::Pi);
    C = 1.f - C*C;
    return obj_radius / sqrtf(C);

SolidAngle SolidAngle::operator+(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return SolidAngle( mSolidAngle + rhs.mSolidAngle );

SolidAngle& SolidAngle::operator+=(const SolidAngle& rhs) {
    mSolidAngle += rhs.mSolidAngle;
    return *this;

SolidAngle SolidAngle::operator-(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return SolidAngle( mSolidAngle - rhs.mSolidAngle );

SolidAngle& SolidAngle::operator-=(const SolidAngle& rhs) {
    mSolidAngle -= rhs.mSolidAngle;
    return *this;

SolidAngle SolidAngle::operator*(float rhs) const {
    assert(rhs >= 0.f);
    return SolidAngle( mSolidAngle * rhs );

SolidAngle& SolidAngle::operator*=(float rhs) {
    assert(rhs >= 0.f);
    mSolidAngle *= rhs;
    return *this;

SolidAngle SolidAngle::operator/(float rhs) const {
    assert(rhs > 0.f);
    return SolidAngle( mSolidAngle / rhs );

SolidAngle& SolidAngle::operator/=(float rhs) {
    assert(rhs > 0.f);
    mSolidAngle /= rhs;
    return *this;

bool SolidAngle::operator<(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return (mSolidAngle < rhs.mSolidAngle);

bool SolidAngle::operator==(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return (mSolidAngle == rhs.mSolidAngle);

bool SolidAngle::operator<=(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return (mSolidAngle <= rhs.mSolidAngle);

bool SolidAngle::operator>(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return (mSolidAngle > rhs.mSolidAngle);

bool SolidAngle::operator>=(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return (mSolidAngle >= rhs.mSolidAngle);

bool SolidAngle::operator!=(const SolidAngle& rhs) const {
    return (mSolidAngle != rhs.mSolidAngle);

void SolidAngle::clamp() {
    if (mSolidAngle < MinVal) mSolidAngle = MinVal;
    if (mSolidAngle > MaxVal) mSolidAngle = MaxVal;

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Sirikata::SolidAngle& output) {
    os << output.asFloat() << "sr";
    return os;

} // namespace Sirikata
예제 #11
SolidAngle SolidAngle::operator/(float rhs) const {
    assert(rhs > 0.f);
    return SolidAngle( mSolidAngle / rhs );
예제 #12
SolidAngle SolidAngle::operator*(float rhs) const {
    assert(rhs >= 0.f);
    return SolidAngle( mSolidAngle * rhs );