예제 #1
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pEntity - 
//			&mins - 
//			&maxs - 
//			&origin - 
//			isStatic - 
// Output : static IPhysicsObject
IPhysicsObject *PhysModelCreateOBB( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const Vector &origin, const QAngle &angle, bool isStatic )
	int modelIndex = pEntity->GetModelIndex();
	const char *pSurfaceProps = "flesh";
	solid_t solid;
	PhysGetDefaultAABBSolid( solid );
	Vector dims = maxs - mins;
	solid.params.volume = dims.x * dims.y * dims.z;

	if ( modelIndex )
		const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelIndex );
		if ( model )
			CStudioHdr studioHdr( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ), mdlcache );
			if (studioHdr.IsValid()) 
				pSurfaceProps = Studio_GetDefaultSurfaceProps( &studioHdr );
	Q_strncpy( solid.surfaceprop, pSurfaceProps, sizeof( solid.surfaceprop ) );

	CPhysCollide *pCollide = PhysCreateBbox( mins, maxs );
	if ( !pCollide )
		return NULL;
	return PhysModelCreateCustom( pEntity, pCollide, origin, angle, STRING(pEntity->GetModelName()), isStatic, &solid );
// This creates a vphysics object with a shadow controller that follows the AI
IPhysicsObject *C_RagdollShadow::VPhysicsInitShadow( bool allowPhysicsMovement, bool allowPhysicsRotation )
	studiohdr_t *hdr = GetModelPtr();
	if ( !hdr )
		return NULL;

	// If this entity already has a physics object, then it should have been deleted prior to making this call.

	// make sure m_vecOrigin / m_vecAngles are correct
	const Vector &origin = GetAbsOrigin();
	QAngle angles = GetAbsAngles();
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = NULL;

	if ( GetSolid() == SOLID_BBOX )
		const char *pSurfaceProps = "flesh";
		if ( GetModelIndex() && modelinfo->GetModelType( GetModel() ) == mod_studio )
			pSurfaceProps = Studio_GetDefaultSurfaceProps( hdr );
		angles = vec3_angle;
		CPhysCollide *pCollide = PhysCreateBbox( WorldAlignMins(), WorldAlignMaxs() );
		if ( !pCollide )
			return NULL;
		pPhysicsObject = PhysModelCreateCustom( this, pCollide, origin, angles, pSurfaceProps );
		pPhysicsObject = PhysModelCreateRagdoll( this, GetModelIndex(), origin, angles );
	VPhysicsSetObject( pPhysicsObject );
	pPhysicsObject->SetShadow( Vector(1e4,1e4,1e4), AngularImpulse(1e4,1e4,1e4), allowPhysicsMovement, allowPhysicsRotation );
	pPhysicsObject->UpdateShadow( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), false, 0 );
//	PhysAddShadow( this );
	return pPhysicsObject;
예제 #3
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pEntity - 
//			&mins - 
//			&maxs - 
//			&origin - 
//			isStatic - 
// Output : static IPhysicsObject
IPhysicsObject *PhysModelCreateSphere( CBaseEntity *pEntity, float radius, const Vector &origin, bool isStatic )
	int modelIndex = pEntity->GetModelIndex();
	const char *pSurfaceProps = "flesh";
	solid_t solid;
	//PhysGetDefaultAABBSolid( solid );
	solid.params = g_PhysDefaultObjectParams;

	if ( modelIndex )
		const model_t *model = modelinfo->GetModel( modelIndex );
		if ( model )
			CStudioHdr studioHdr( modelinfo->GetStudiomodel( model ), mdlcache );
			if (studioHdr.IsValid()) 
				pSurfaceProps = Studio_GetDefaultSurfaceProps( &studioHdr );
	Q_strncpy( solid.surfaceprop, pSurfaceProps, sizeof( solid.surfaceprop ) );

	return PhysSphereCreate( pEntity, radius, origin, isStatic, solid );
예제 #4
// Purpose: 
void CPhysMagnet::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// Ignore triggers
	if ( pOther->IsSolidFlagSet( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) )

	m_bHasHitSomething = true;

	// Don't pickup if we're not active
	if ( !m_bActive )

	// Hit our maximum?
	if ( m_iMaxObjectsAttached && m_iMaxObjectsAttached <= GetNumAttachedObjects() )

	// Make sure it's made of metal
	trace_t tr = GetTouchTrace();
	char cTexType = TEXTURETYPE_Find( &tr );
	if ( cTexType != CHAR_TEX_METAL && cTexType != CHAR_TEX_COMPUTER )
		// See if the model is set to be metal
		if ( Q_strncmp( Studio_GetDefaultSurfaceProps( GetModelPtr() ), "metal", 5 ) )

	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pOther->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysics && pOther->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS && pPhysics->IsMoveable() )
		// Make sure we haven't already got this sucker on the magnet
		int iCount = m_MagnettedEntities.Count();
		for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
			if ( m_MagnettedEntities[i].hEntity == pOther )

		// We want to cast a long way to ensure our shadow shows up
		pOther->SetShadowCastDistance( 2048 );

		// Create a constraint between the magnet and this sucker
		IPhysicsObject *pMagnetPhysObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
		Assert( pMagnetPhysObject );

		magnetted_objects_t newEntityOnMagnet;
		newEntityOnMagnet.hEntity = pOther;

		// Use the right constraint
		if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_MAGNET_ALLOWROTATION ) )
			constraint_ballsocketparams_t ballsocket;
			ballsocket.constraint.forceLimit = lbs2kg(m_forceLimit);
			ballsocket.constraint.torqueLimit = lbs2kg(m_torqueLimit);

			pMagnetPhysObject->WorldToLocal( ballsocket.constraintPosition[0], tr.endpos );
			pPhysics->WorldToLocal( ballsocket.constraintPosition[1], tr.endpos );

			//newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateBallsocketConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, m_pConstraintGroup, ballsocket );
			newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateBallsocketConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, NULL, ballsocket );
			constraint_fixedparams_t fixed;
			fixed.InitWithCurrentObjectState( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics );
			fixed.constraint.forceLimit = lbs2kg(m_forceLimit);
			fixed.constraint.torqueLimit = lbs2kg(m_torqueLimit);

			// FIXME: Use the magnet's constraint group.
			//newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, m_pConstraintGroup, fixed );
			newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint = physenv->CreateFixedConstraint( pMagnetPhysObject, pPhysics, NULL, fixed );

		newEntityOnMagnet.pConstraint->SetGameData( (void *) this );
		m_MagnettedEntities.AddToTail( newEntityOnMagnet );

		m_flTotalMass += pPhysics->GetMass();

	DoMagnetSuck( pOther );

	m_OnMagnetAttach.FireOutput( this, this );