Radio::Radio(Module &module) : once(false), net(NULL), qmp2Icon(QMPlay2Core.getQMPlay2Pixmap()), wlasneStacje(tr("Own radio stations")) { SetModule(module); setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); popupMenu.addAction(tr("Remove the radio station"), this, SLOT(removeStation())); dw = new DockWidget; dw->setWindowTitle(tr("Internet radios")); dw->setObjectName(RadioName); dw->setWidget(this); lW = new QListWidget; connect(lW, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(openLink())); lW->setHorizontalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel); lW->setResizeMode(QListView::Adjust); lW->setWrapping(true); lW->setIconSize(QSize(32, 32)); QAction *act = new QAction(lW); act->setShortcuts(QList<QKeySequence>() << QKeySequence("Return") << QKeySequence("Enter")); connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openLink())); act->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut); lW->addAction(act); infoL = new QLabel; progressB = new QProgressBar; QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(lW); layout->addWidget(infoL); layout->addWidget(progressB); progressB->hide(); connect(dw, SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(visibilityChanged(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(popup(const QPoint &))); addGroup(wlasneStacje); nowaStacjaLWI = new QListWidgetItem("-- " + tr("Add new radio station") + " --", lW); nowaStacjaLWI->setData(Qt::TextAlignmentRole, Qt::AlignCenter); Settings sets("Radio"); foreach (const QString &entry, sets.get("Radia").toStringList()) { const QStringList nazwa_i_adres = entry.split('\n'); if (nazwa_i_adres.count() == 2) addStation(nazwa_i_adres[0], nazwa_i_adres[1], wlasneStacje); } }
void OscController::addPanel(ofxPanel* panel){ addGroup(panel); panels.push_back(panel); // testing: parameter sync // a group can only have one parent // see: //ofParameterGroup & group = (ofParameterGroup&) panel->getParameter(); //cout << group.getParent() << endl; //ofAddListener(group.parameterChangedE, this, &OscController::parameterChanged); }
void DecalRoad::initPersistFields() { addGroup( "DecalRoad" ); addField( "material", TypeMaterialName, Offset( mMaterialName, DecalRoad ) ); addProtectedField( "textureLength", TypeF32, Offset( mTextureLength, DecalRoad ), &DecalRoad::ptSetTextureLength, &defaultProtectedGetFn, "" ); addProtectedField( "breakAngle", TypeF32, Offset( mBreakAngle, DecalRoad ), &DecalRoad::ptSetBreakAngle, &defaultProtectedGetFn, "Angle in degrees - DecalRoad will subdivided the spline if its curve is greater than this threshold." ); addField( "renderPriority", TypeS32, Offset( mRenderPriority, DecalRoad ), "DecalRoad(s) are rendered in descending renderPriority order" ); endGroup( "DecalRoad" ); addGroup( "Internal" ); addProtectedField( "node", TypeString, NULL, &addNodeFromField, &emptyStringProtectedGetFn, "" ); endGroup( "Internal" ); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void ProximityMineData::initPersistFields() { addGroup( "Arming" ); addField( "armingDelay", TypeF32, Offset(armingDelay, ProximityMineData), "Delay (in seconds) from when the mine is placed to when it becomes active." ); addField( "armingSound", TypeSFXTrackName, Offset(armingSound, ProximityMineData), "Sound to play when the mine is armed (starts at the same time as " "the <i>armed</i> sequence if defined)." ); endGroup( "Arming" ); addGroup( "Triggering" ); addField( "autoTriggerDelay", TypeF32, Offset(autoTriggerDelay, ProximityMineData), "@brief Delay (in seconds) from arming until the mine automatically " "triggers and explodes, even if no object has entered the trigger area.\n\n" "Set to 0 to disable." ); addField( "triggerOnOwner", TypeBool, Offset(triggerOnOwner, ProximityMineData), "@brief Controls whether the mine can be triggered by the object that owns it.\n\n" "For example, a player could deploy mines that are only dangerous to other " "players and not himself." ); addField( "triggerRadius", TypeF32, Offset(triggerRadius, ProximityMineData), "Distance at which an activated mine will detect other objects and explode." ); addField( "triggerSpeed", TypeF32, Offset(triggerSpeed, ProximityMineData), "Speed above which moving objects within the trigger radius will trigger the mine" ); addField( "triggerDelay", TypeF32, Offset(triggerDelay, ProximityMineData), "Delay (in seconds) from when the mine is triggered until it explodes." ); addField( "triggerSound", TypeSFXTrackName, Offset(triggerSound, ProximityMineData), "Sound to play when the mine is triggered (starts at the same time as " "the <i>triggered</i> sequence if defined)." ); endGroup( "Triggering" ); addGroup( "Explosion" ); addField( "explosionOffset", TypeF32, Offset(explosionOffset, ProximityMineData), "@brief Offset from the mine's origin where the explosion emanates from." "Sometimes a thrown mine may be slightly sunk into the ground. This can be just " "enough to cause the explosion to occur under the ground, especially on flat " "ground, which can end up blocking the explosion. This offset along the mine's " "'up' normal allows you to raise the explosion origin to a better height."); endGroup( "Explosion" ); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void Ut_DBusInterfaceNotificationSink::init() { qDBusConnectionConnectService.clear(); qDBusConnectionConnectPath.clear(); qDBusConnectionConnectInterface.clear(); qDBusConnectionConnectName.clear(); qDBusConnectionConnectReceiver.clear(); qDBusConnectionConnectSlot.clear(); manager = new NotificationManager; sink = new DBusInterfaceNotificationSink(manager); connect(this, SIGNAL(addNotification(Notification)), sink, SLOT(addNotification(Notification))); connect(this, SIGNAL(addGroup(uint,NotificationParameters)), sink, SLOT(addGroup(uint,NotificationParameters))); connect(this, SIGNAL(removeNotification(uint)), sink, SLOT(removeNotification(uint))); connect(this, SIGNAL(removeGroup(uint)), sink, SLOT(removeGroup(uint))); gNotificationManagerStub->stubReset(); gNotificationGroupStub->stubReset(); gNotificationGroupStub->stubSetReturnValue<const NotificationParameters&>("parameters", fakeParams); }
AttackTask::AttackTask(AIClasses *_ai, int target, CGroup &group): ATask(_ai) { const UnitDef *eud = ai->cbc->GetUnitDef(target); this->t = TASK_ATTACK; this->target = target; this->pos = ai->cbc->GetUnitPos(target); if (eud) this->enemy = eud->humanName; targetAlt = -1; addGroup(group); }
void PxMaterial::initPersistFields() { Parent::initPersistFields(); addGroup("PxMaterial"); addField( "restitution", TypeF32, Offset( restitution, PxMaterial ) ); addField( "staticFriction", TypeF32, Offset( staticFriction, PxMaterial ) ); addField( "dynamicFriction", TypeF32, Offset( dynamicFriction, PxMaterial ) ); endGroup("PxMaterial"); }
void GameBaseData::initPersistFields() { addGroup("Scripting"); addField( "category", TypeCaseString, Offset( category, GameBaseData ), "The group that this datablock will show up in under the \"Scripted\" " "tab in the World Editor Library." ); endGroup("Scripting"); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void jRoster::constr() { TreeModelItem contact; contact.m_protocol_name = "Jabber"; contact.m_account_name = m_account_name; contact.m_parent_name = m_account_name; contact.m_item_name = m_account_name; contact.m_item_type = TreeModelItem::Account; emit addItemToContactList(contact, m_account_name); m_my_connections = new jBuddy(m_account_name, "My connections", m_path_to_avatars); addGroup("My connections"); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GuiColorPickerCtrl::initPersistFields() { addGroup("ColorPicker"); addField("BaseColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mBaseColor, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("PickColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mPickColor, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("SelectorGap", TypeS32, Offset(mSelectorGap, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("DisplayMode", TypeEnum, Offset(mDisplayMode, GuiColorPickerCtrl), 1, &gColorPickerModeTable ); addField("ActionOnMove", TypeBool,Offset(mActionOnMove, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("ShowReticle", TypeBool, Offset(mShowReticle, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); endGroup("ColorPicker"); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void GroundPlane::initPersistFields() { addGroup( "Plane" ); addField( "squareSize", TypeF32, Offset( mSquareSize, GroundPlane ) ); addField( "scaleU", TypeF32, Offset( mScaleU, GroundPlane ) ); addField( "scaleV", TypeF32, Offset( mScaleV, GroundPlane ) ); addField( "material", TypeMaterialName, Offset( mMaterialName, GroundPlane ) ); endGroup( "Plane" ); Parent::initPersistFields(); removeField( "scale" ); }
void View::updateView(MyGUI::ResourceImageSetPtr _image) { MyGUI::EnumeratorWidgetPtr childs = mImageView->getEnumerator(); MyGUI::WidgetManager::getInstance().destroyWidgets(childs); MyGUI::IntSize size(0, 10); MyGUI::EnumeratorGroupImage groups = _image->getEnumerator(); while ( { addGroup(_image, groups.current(), size); } mImageView->setCanvasSize(size); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GuiGradientCtrl::initPersistFields() { addGroup("ColorPicker"); addField("baseColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mBaseColor, GuiGradientCtrl)); addField("pickColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mPickColor, GuiGradientCtrl)); addField("displayMode", TYPEID< PickMode >(), Offset(mDisplayMode, GuiGradientCtrl) ); addField("actionOnMove", TypeBool,Offset(mActionOnMove, GuiGradientCtrl)); addField("showReticle", TypeBool, Offset(mShowReticle, GuiGradientCtrl)); addField("swatchFactor", TypeS32, Offset(mSwatchFactor, GuiGradientCtrl)); endGroup("ColorPicker"); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void SimComponent::initPersistFields() { addGroup("Component"); addProtectedField( "Template", TypeBool, Offset(mTemplate, SimComponent), &setIsTemplate, &defaultProtectedGetFn, "Places the object in a component set for later use in new levels." ); endGroup("Component"); // Call Parent. Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void SFXEmitter::initPersistFields() { //[rene 07/04/09] // This entire profile/local profile split thing back from TGE-days is no good and should be removed. // The emitter should link to a single SFXProfile and there should be a separate means of creating/editing/managing // profiles as part of the standard editor toolset (datablock editor?). // // The way it is now, it is totally confusing, inconsistent, and difficult to handle in script (example: // what's the "is3D" supposed to mean? Nothing, if a profile is selected. So how do I determine whether // a profile is 3D? Hmmm, check for profile, it set, check it's description, if not, check the emitter...). addGroup("Media"); addField("profile", TypeSFXProfilePtr, Offset(mProfile, SFXEmitter)); addField("fileName", TypeStringFilename, Offset(mLocalProfile.mFilename, SFXEmitter)); endGroup("Media"); addGroup("Sound"); addField("playOnAdd", TypeBool, Offset(mPlayOnAdd, SFXEmitter)); addField("isLooping", TypeBool, Offset(mDescription.mIsLooping, SFXEmitter)); addField("isStreaming", TypeBool, Offset(mDescription.mIsStreaming, SFXEmitter)); addField("channel", TypeS32, Offset(mDescription.mChannel, SFXEmitter)); addField("volume", TypeF32, Offset(mDescription.mVolume, SFXEmitter)); addField("pitch", TypeF32, Offset(mDescription.mPitch, SFXEmitter)); addField("fadeInTime", TypeF32, Offset(mDescription.mFadeInTime, SFXEmitter)); addField("fadeOutTime", TypeF32, Offset(mDescription.mFadeOutTime, SFXEmitter)); endGroup("Sound"); addGroup("3D Sound"); addField("is3D", TypeBool, Offset(mDescription.mIs3D, SFXEmitter)); addField("referenceDistance", TypeF32, Offset(mDescription.mReferenceDistance, SFXEmitter)); addField("maxDistance", TypeF32, Offset(mDescription.mMaxDistance, SFXEmitter)); addField("coneInsideAngle", TypeS32, Offset(mDescription.mConeInsideAngle, SFXEmitter)); addField("coneOutsideAngle", TypeS32, Offset(mDescription.mConeOutsideAngle, SFXEmitter)); addField("coneOutsideVolume", TypeF32, Offset(mDescription.mConeOutsideVolume, SFXEmitter)); endGroup("3D Sound"); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void GuiBitmapCtrl::initPersistFields() { addGroup( "Bitmap" ); addProtectedField( "bitmap", TypeImageFilename, Offset( mBitmapName, GuiBitmapCtrl ), &setBitmapName, &defaultProtectedGetFn, "The bitmap file to display in the control." ); addField( "wrap", TypeBool, Offset( mWrap, GuiBitmapCtrl ), "If true, the bitmap is tiled inside the control rather than stretched to fit." ); endGroup( "Bitmap" ); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
groups *doGroups(icqInfo *details_pointer, groups *groups_pointer) { if(details_pointer == NULL) { printf("weird error!\n"); } else { while(details_pointer) { if(!foundGroup(groups_pointer, details_pointer->group)) { groups_pointer = addGroup(groups_pointer, details_pointer->group); } details_pointer=details_pointer->link; } } return groups_pointer; }
void Forest::initPersistFields() { Parent::initPersistFields(); addField( "dataFile", TypeFilename, Offset( mDataFileName, Forest ), "The source forest data file." ); addGroup( "Lod" ); addField( "lodReflectScalar", TypeF32, Offset( mReflectionLodScalar, Forest ), "Scalar applied to the farclip distance when Forest renders into a reflection." ); endGroup( "Lod" ); }
void ForestBrushElement::initPersistFields() { Parent::initPersistFields(); addGroup( "ForestBrushElement" ); addField( "forestItemData", TYPEID< ForestItemData >(), Offset( mData, ForestBrushElement ), "The type of ForestItem this element holds placement parameters for." ); addField( "probability", TypeF32, Offset( mProbability, ForestBrushElement ), "The probability that this element will be created during an editor brush stroke " "is the sum of all element probabilities in the brush divided by the probability " "of this element." ); addField( "rotationRange", TypeF32, Offset( mRotationRange, ForestBrushElement ), "The max rotation in degrees that items will be placed." ); addField( "scaleMin", TypeF32, Offset( mScaleMin, ForestBrushElement ), "The minimum random size for each item." ); addField( "scaleMax", TypeF32, Offset( mScaleMax, ForestBrushElement ), "The maximum random size of each item." ); addField( "scaleExponent", TypeF32, Offset( mScaleExponent, ForestBrushElement ), "An exponent used to bias between the minimum and maximum random sizes." ); addField( "sinkMin", TypeF32, Offset( mSinkMin, ForestBrushElement ), "Min variation in the sink radius." ); addField( "sinkMax", TypeF32, Offset( mSinkMax, ForestBrushElement ), "Max variation in the sink radius." ); addField( "sinkRadius", TypeF32, Offset( mSinkRadius, ForestBrushElement ), "This is the radius used to calculate how much to sink the trunk at " "its base and is used to sink the tree into the ground when its on a slope." ); addField( "slopeMin", TypeF32, Offset( mSlopeMin, ForestBrushElement ), "The min surface slope in degrees this item will be placed on." ); addField( "slopeMax", TypeF32, Offset( mSlopeMax, ForestBrushElement ), "The max surface slope in degrees this item will be placed on." ); addField( "elevationMin", TypeF32, Offset( mElevationMin, ForestBrushElement ), "The min world space elevation this item will be placed." ); addField( "elevationMax", TypeF32, Offset( mElevationMax, ForestBrushElement ), "The max world space elevation this item will be placed." ); endGroup( "ForestBrushElement" ); }
void TriggerData::initPersistFields() { addGroup("Callbacks"); addField( "tickPeriodMS", TypeS32, Offset( tickPeriodMS, TriggerData ), "@brief Time in milliseconds between calls to onTickTrigger() while at least one object is within a Trigger's bounds.\n\n" "@see onTickTrigger()\n"); addField( "clientSide", TypeBool, Offset( isClientSide, TriggerData ), "Forces Trigger callbacks to only be called on clients."); endGroup("Callbacks"); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void GuiColorPickerCtrl::initPersistFields() { addGroup("ColorPicker"); addField("baseColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mBaseColor, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("pickColor", TypeColorF, Offset(mPickColor, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("useSRGB", TypeBool, Offset(mUseSRGB, GuiColorPickerCtrl), "Render using sRGB scale"); addField("selectorGap", TypeS32, Offset(mSelectorGap, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("displayMode", TYPEID< PickMode >(), Offset(mDisplayMode, GuiColorPickerCtrl) ); addField("actionOnMove", TypeBool,Offset(mActionOnMove, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); addField("showReticle", TypeBool, Offset(mShowReticle, GuiColorPickerCtrl)); endGroup("ColorPicker"); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
// Return true if the line is successfully processed without errors // If cont is true, then groupName must be set to the continuation group name bool AclReader::processGroupLine(tokList& toks, const bool cont) { const unsigned toksSize = toks.size(); if (contFlag) { gmCitr citr = groups.find(groupName); for (unsigned i = 0; i < toksSize; i++) { if (isValidGroupName(toks[i])) { if (toks[i] == groupName) { QPID_LOG(debug, "ACL: Line: " << lineNumber << ", Ignoring recursive sub-group \"" << toks[i] << "\"."); continue; } else if (groups.find(toks[i]) == groups.end()) { errorStream << ACL_FORMAT_ERR_LOG_PREFIX << "Line : " << lineNumber << ", Sub-group \"" << toks[i] << "\" not defined yet."; return false; } } else if (!isValidUserName(toks[i])) return false; addName(toks[i], citr->second); } } else { const unsigned minimumSize = (cont ? 2 : 3); if (toksSize < minimumSize) { errorStream << ACL_FORMAT_ERR_LOG_PREFIX << "Line : " << lineNumber << ", Insufficient tokens for group definition."; return false; } if (!isValidGroupName(toks[1])) { errorStream << ACL_FORMAT_ERR_LOG_PREFIX << "Line : " << lineNumber << ", Group name \"" << toks[1] << "\" contains illegal characters."; return false; } gmCitr citr = addGroup(toks[1]); if (citr == groups.end()) return false; for (unsigned i = 2; i < toksSize; i++) { if (isValidGroupName(toks[i])) { if (toks[i] == groupName) { QPID_LOG(debug, "ACL: Line: " << lineNumber << ", Ignoring recursive sub-group \"" << toks[i] << "\"."); continue; } else if (groups.find(toks[i]) == groups.end()) { errorStream << ACL_FORMAT_ERR_LOG_PREFIX << "Line : " << lineNumber << ", Sub-group \"" << toks[i] << "\" not defined yet."; return false; } } else if (!isValidUserName(toks[i])) return false; addName(toks[i], citr->second); } } return true; }
bool StandardContactList::load_groups(const QDomElement& groups) { QDomNodeList list = groups.elementsByTagName("group"); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { QDomElement el =; int id = el.attribute("id").toInt(); GroupPtr gr = createGroup(id); if(!gr->deserialize(el)) return false; addGroup(gr); } return true; }
void updateFile(ObjFile* file, const char* line) { // counts the number of groups, objectes, faces, positions, normals, // texcoords // TODO: trim [line] if (line[0] == 'v' && line[1] == ' ') { addPosition(file, line); return; } if (line[0] == 'v' && line[1] == 'n' && line[2] == ' ') { addNormal(file, line); return; } if (line[0] == 'v' && line[1] == 't' && line[2] == ' ') { addTexCoord(file, line); return; } if (line[0] == 'o' && line[1] == ' ') { addObject(file, line); return; } if (line[0] == 'g' && line[1] == ' ') { addGroup(file, line); return; } if (line[0] == 'f' && line[1] == ' ') { addFace(file, line); return; } if (strstr(line, "usemtl") == line) { setCurrentMaterial(file, line); return; } }
void Portal::initPersistFields() { addGroup( "Zoning" ); addProtectedField( "frontSidePassable", TypeBool, Offset( mPassableSides[ FrontSide ], Portal ), &_setFrontSidePassable, &defaultProtectedGetFn, "Whether one can view through the front-side of the portal." ); addProtectedField( "backSidePassable", TypeBool, Offset( mPassableSides[ BackSide ], Portal ), &_setBackSidePassable, &defaultProtectedGetFn, "Whether one can view through the back-side of the portal." ); endGroup( "Zoning" ); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void ADOU::performEntry(ADEntry* entry) { if (entry->dnKeys.size() == 0) { return; } else if (entry->dnKeys[entry->dnKeys.size() - 1] == _T("OU")) { CString strLastValue = entry->popKeyValue(); findOU(strLastValue, entry->getOUDN())->performEntry(entry); } else if (entry->type == _T("computer")) { ADComputer *computer = addComputer(entry->cn, entry->dn, domain); computer->infos = entry->infos; } else if (entry->type == _T("user")) { ADUser *user = addUser(entry->cn, entry->dn); user->infos = entry->infos; } else if (entry->type == _T("localgroup")) { ADGroup *group = addGroup(entry->cn, entry->dn, domain, _T("local")); group->infos = entry->infos; } else if (entry->type == _T("globalgroup")) { ADGroup *group = addGroup(entry->cn, entry->dn, domain, _T("global")); group->infos = entry->infos; } else { MyMessageBox_Error(_T("performEntry Error"), _T("Error")); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Lightning::initPersistFields() { addGroup( "Strikes" ); addField( "strikesPerMinute", TypeS32, Offset(strikesPerMinute, Lightning), "@brief Number of lightning strikes to perform per minute.\n\n" "Automatically invokes strikeRandomPoint() at regular intervals." ); addField( "strikeWidth", TypeF32, Offset(strikeWidth, Lightning), "Width of a lightning bolt." ); addField( "strikeRadius", TypeF32, Offset(strikeRadius, Lightning), "@brief Horizontal size (XY plane) of the search box used to find and " "damage Player or Vehicle objects within range of the strike.\n\n" "Only the object at highest altitude with a clear line of sight to the " "bolt will be hit." ); endGroup( "Strikes" ); addGroup( "Colors" ); addField( "color", TypeColorF, Offset(color, Lightning), "Color to blend the strike texture with." ); addField( "fadeColor", TypeColorF, Offset(fadeColor, Lightning), "@brief Color to blend the strike texture with when the bolt is fading away.\n\n" "Bolts fade away automatically shortly after the strike occurs." ); endGroup( "Colors" ); addGroup( "Bolts" ); addField( "chanceToHitTarget", TypeF32, Offset(chanceToHitTarget, Lightning), "Percentage chance (0-1) that a given lightning bolt will hit something." ); addField( "boltStartRadius", TypeF32, Offset(boltStartRadius, Lightning), "@brief Radial distance from the center of the Lightning object for the " "start point of the bolt.\n\n" "The actual start point will be a random point within this radius." ); addField( "useFog", TypeBool, Offset(useFog, Lightning), "Controls whether lightning bolts are affected by fog when they are rendered." ); endGroup( "Bolts" ); Parent::initPersistFields(); }
void WindowsManager::createScene (const char* sceneNameCorba) { std::string sceneName (sceneNameCorba); if (nodes_.find (sceneName) != nodes_.end ()) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "A scene with name, \"" << sceneName << "\" already exists."; throw std::runtime_error (oss.str ()); } else { mtx_.lock(); GroupNodePtr_t mainNode = GroupNode::create (sceneName); addGroup (sceneName, mainNode); mtx_.unlock(); } }
/** * Default constructor. * @param "CModel *" pModel */ CSensProblem::CSensProblem(const CCopasiContainer * pParent): CCopasiProblem(CCopasiTask::sens, pParent), mpSubTaskType(NULL), mpTargetFunctions(NULL), mpVariablesGroup(NULL), mpResultAnnotation(NULL), mpScaledResultAnnotation(NULL), mpCollapsedResultAnnotation(NULL) { addParameter("SubtaskType", CCopasiParameter::UINT, (unsigned C_INT32) 0); mpSubTaskType = (CSensProblem::SubTaskType*)getValue("SubtaskType").pUINT; //--------------------------------------------------- addGroup("TargetFunctions"); mpTargetFunctions = dynamic_cast<CCopasiParameterGroup*>(getParameter("TargetFunctions")); createParametersInGroup(mpTargetFunctions); //--------------------------------------------------- addGroup("ListOfVariables"); mpVariablesGroup = dynamic_cast<CCopasiParameterGroup*>(getParameter("ListOfVariables")); //create a useful default problem setSubTaskType(SteadyState); CSensItem item; item.setListType(CObjectLists::NON_CONST_METAB_CONCENTRATIONS); changeTargetFunctions(item); item.setListType(CObjectLists::ALL_PARAMETER_VALUES); addVariables(item); // initDebugProblem(); initObjects(); CONSTRUCTOR_TRACE; }
void Ut_DBusInterfaceNotificationSink::testNothingCalledWhenNothingRegistered() { Notification n; NotificationParameters np; emit addNotification(n); emit addGroup(0, np); emit removeNotification(0); emit removeGroup(0); QCOMPARE(gAddNotificationProxies.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(gAddGroupProxies.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(gRemoveNotificationProxies.count(), 0); QCOMPARE(gRemoveGroupProxies.count(), 0); }