예제 #1
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  // space for LHS/RHS
  const int lhsSize = sizeOfSystem_*sizeOfSystem_;
  const int rhsSize = sizeOfSystem_;
  std::vector<double> lhs(lhsSize);
  std::vector<double> rhs(rhsSize);
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes(1);

  // pointers
  double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
  double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];

  // supplemental algorithm size and setup
  const size_t supplementalAlgSize = supplementalAlg_.size();
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < supplementalAlgSize; ++i )

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()
    & stk::mesh::selectUnion(partVec_) 
    & !(stk::mesh::selectUnion(realm_.get_slave_part_vector()))
    & !(realm_.get_inactive_selector());

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& node_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::NODE_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = node_buckets.begin();
        ib != node_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // get node
      stk::mesh::Entity node = b[k];
      connected_nodes[0] = node;

      for ( int i = 0; i < lhsSize; ++i )
        p_lhs[i] = 0.0;
      for ( int i = 0; i < rhsSize; ++i )
        p_rhs[i] = 0.0;

      // call supplemental
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < supplementalAlgSize; ++i )
        supplementalAlg_[i]->node_execute( &lhs[0], &rhs[0], node);

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double small = 1.0e-16;

  // extract user advection options (allow to potentially change over time)
  const std::string dofName = "velocity";
  const double alpha = realm_.get_alpha_factor(dofName);
  const double alphaUpw = realm_.get_alpha_upw_factor(dofName);
  const double hoUpwind = realm_.get_upw_factor(dofName);
  const bool useLimiter = realm_.primitive_uses_limiter(dofName);

  // one minus flavor
  const double om_alpha = 1.0-alpha;
  const double om_alphaUpw = 1.0-alphaUpw;

  // space for LHS/RHS; always edge connectivity
  const int nodesPerEdge = 2;
  const int lhsSize = nDim*nodesPerEdge*nDim*nodesPerEdge;
  const int rhsSize = nDim*nodesPerEdge;
  std::vector<double> lhs(lhsSize);
  std::vector<double> rhs(rhsSize);
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes(2);

  // area vector; gather into
  std::vector<double> areaVec(nDim);

  // pointer for fast access
  double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
  double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
  double *p_areaVec = &areaVec[0];

  // space for dui/dxj. This variable is the modified gradient with NOC
  std::vector<double> duidxj(nDim*nDim);

  // extrapolated value from the L/R direction 
  std::vector<double> uIpL(nDim);
  std::vector<double> uIpR(nDim);
  // limiter values from the L/R direction, 0:1
  std::vector<double> limitL(nDim,1.0); 
  std::vector<double> limitR(nDim,1.0);
  // extrapolated gradient from L/R direction
  std::vector<double> duL(nDim);
  std::vector<double> duR(nDim);
  // pointers for fast access
  double *p_duidxj = &duidxj[0];
  double *p_uIpL = &uIpL[0];
  double *p_uIpR = &uIpR[0];
  double *p_limitL = &limitL[0];
  double *p_limitR = &limitR[0];
  double *p_duL = &duL[0];
  double *p_duR = &duR[0];

  // deal with state
  VectorFieldType &velocityNp1 = velocity_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()
    & stk::mesh::selectUnion(partVec_) 
    & !(realm_.get_inactive_selector());

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& edge_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::EDGE_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = edge_buckets.begin();
        ib != edge_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // pointer to edge area vector and mdot
    const double * av = stk::mesh::field_data(*edgeAreaVec_, b);
    const double * mdot = stk::mesh::field_data(*massFlowRate_, b);

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zeroing of lhs/rhs
      for ( int i = 0; i < lhsSize; ++i ) {
        p_lhs[i] = 0.0;
      for ( int i = 0; i < rhsSize; ++i ) {
        p_rhs[i] = 0.0;

      stk::mesh::Entity const * edge_node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);

      // pointer to edge area vector
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j )
        p_areaVec[j] = av[k*nDim+j];
      const double tmdot = mdot[k];

      // sanity check on number or nodes
      ThrowAssert( b.num_nodes(k) == 2 );

      // left and right nodes
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = edge_node_rels[0];
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = edge_node_rels[1];

      connected_nodes[0] = nodeL;
      connected_nodes[1] = nodeR;

      // extract nodal fields
      const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL);
      const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR);

      const double * dudxL = stk::mesh::field_data(*dudx_, nodeL);
      const double * dudxR = stk::mesh::field_data(*dudx_, nodeR);

      const double * vrtmL = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, nodeL);
      const double * vrtmR = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, nodeR);

      const double * uNp1L = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, nodeL);
      const double * uNp1R = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, nodeR);

      const double densityL = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeL);
      const double densityR = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeR);

      const double viscosityL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, nodeL);
      const double viscosityR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, nodeR);

      // copy in extrapolated values
      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
        // extrapolated du
        p_duL[i] = 0.0;
        p_duR[i] = 0.0;
        const int offSet = nDim*i;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double dxj = 0.5*(coordR[j] - coordL[j]);
          p_duL[i] += dxj*dudxL[offSet+j];
          p_duR[i] += dxj*dudxR[offSet+j];

      // compute geometry
      double axdx = 0.0;
      double asq = 0.0;
      double udotx = 0.0;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        axdx += axj*dxj;
        asq += axj*axj;
        udotx += 0.5*dxj*(vrtmL[j] + vrtmR[j]);

      const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;

      // ip props
      const double viscIp = 0.5*(viscosityL + viscosityR);
      const double diffIp = 0.5*(viscosityL/densityL + viscosityR/densityR);

      // Peclet factor
      const double pecfac = pecletFunction_->execute(std::abs(udotx)/(diffIp+small));
      const double om_pecfac = 1.0-pecfac;

      // determine limiter if applicable
      if ( useLimiter ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const double dq = uNp1R[i] - uNp1L[i];
          const double dqMl = 2.0*2.0*p_duL[i] - dq;
          const double dqMr = 2.0*2.0*p_duR[i] - dq;
          p_limitL[i] = van_leer(dqMl, dq, small);
          p_limitR[i] = van_leer(dqMr, dq, small);

      // final upwind extrapolation; with limiter
      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
        p_uIpL[i] = uNp1L[i] + p_duL[i]*hoUpwind*p_limitL[i];
        p_uIpR[i] = uNp1R[i] - p_duR[i]*hoUpwind*p_limitR[i];

        form duidxj with over-relaxed procedure of Jasak:

        dui/dxj = GjUi +[(uiR - uiL) - GlUi*dxl]*Aj/AxDx
        where Gp is the interpolated pth nodal gradient for ui
      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

        // difference between R and L nodes for component i
        const double uidiff = uNp1R[i] - uNp1L[i];

        // offset into all forms of dudx
        const int offSetI = nDim*i;

        // start sum for NOC contribution
        double GlUidxl = 0.0;
        for ( int l = 0; l< nDim; ++l ) {
          const int offSetIL = offSetI+l;
          const double dxl = coordR[l] - coordL[l];
          const double GlUi = 0.5*(dudxL[offSetIL] + dudxR[offSetIL]);
          GlUidxl += GlUi*dxl;

        // form full tensor dui/dxj with NOC
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const int offSetIJ = offSetI+j;
          const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
          const double GjUi = 0.5*(dudxL[offSetIJ] + dudxR[offSetIJ]);
          p_duidxj[offSetIJ] = GjUi + (uidiff - GlUidxl)*axj*inv_axdx;

      // lhs diffusion; only -mu*dui/dxj*Aj contribution for now
      const double dlhsfac = -viscIp*asq*inv_axdx;

      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

        // 2nd order central
        const double uiIp = 0.5*(uNp1R[i] + uNp1L[i]);

        // upwind
        const double uiUpwind = (tmdot > 0) ? alphaUpw*p_uIpL[i] + om_alphaUpw*uiIp
          : alphaUpw*p_uIpR[i] + om_alphaUpw*uiIp;

        // generalized central (2nd and 4th order)
        const double uiHatL = alpha*p_uIpL[i] + om_alpha*uiIp;
        const double uiHatR = alpha*p_uIpR[i] + om_alpha*uiIp;
        const double uiCds = 0.5*(uiHatL + uiHatR);

        // total advection; pressure contribution in time term expression
        const double aflux = tmdot*(pecfac*uiUpwind + om_pecfac*uiCds);

        // divU
        double divU = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j)
          divU += p_duidxj[j*nDim+j];

        // diffusive flux; viscous tensor doted with area vector
        double dflux = 2.0/3.0*viscIp*divU*p_areaVec[i]*includeDivU_;
        const int offSetI = nDim*i;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const int offSetTrans = nDim*j+i;
          const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
          dflux += -viscIp*(p_duidxj[offSetI+j] + p_duidxj[offSetTrans])*axj;

        // residal for total flux
        const double tflux = aflux + dflux;
        const int indexL = i;
        const int indexR = i + nDim;

        // total flux left
        p_rhs[indexL] -= tflux;
        // total flux right
        p_rhs[indexR] += tflux;

        // setup for LHS
        const int rowL = indexL * nodesPerEdge*nDim;
        const int rowR = indexR * nodesPerEdge*nDim;

        // advection first
        const int rLiL = rowL+indexL;
        const int rLiR = rowL+indexR;
        const int rRiL = rowR+indexL;
        const int rRiR = rowR+indexR;

        // upwind advection (includes 4th); left node
        double alhsfac = 0.5*(tmdot+std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
          + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
        p_lhs[rLiL] += alhsfac;
        p_lhs[rRiL] -= alhsfac;

        // upwind advection (incldues 4th); right node
        alhsfac = 0.5*(tmdot-std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
          + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
        p_lhs[rRiR] -= alhsfac;
        p_lhs[rLiR] += alhsfac;

        // central; left; collect terms on alpha and alphaUpw
        alhsfac = 0.5*tmdot*(pecfac*om_alphaUpw + om_pecfac*om_alpha);
        p_lhs[rLiL] += alhsfac;
        p_lhs[rLiR] += alhsfac;
        // central; right
        p_lhs[rRiL] -= alhsfac;
        p_lhs[rRiR] -= alhsfac;

        // diffusion second
        const double axi = p_areaVec[i];

        //diffusion; row IL
        p_lhs[rLiL] -= dlhsfac;
        p_lhs[rLiR] += dlhsfac;

        // diffusion; row IR
        p_lhs[rRiL] += dlhsfac;
        p_lhs[rRiR] -= dlhsfac;

        // more diffusion; see theory manual
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double lhsfacNS = -viscIp*axi*p_areaVec[j]*inv_axdx;

          const int colL = j;
          const int colR = j + nDim;

          // first left; IL,IL; IL,IR
          p_lhs[rowL + colL] -= lhsfacNS;
          p_lhs[rowL + colR] += lhsfacNS;

          // now right, IR,IL; IR,IR
          p_lhs[rowR + colL] += lhsfacNS;
          p_lhs[rowR + colR] -= lhsfacNS;

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

예제 #3
파일: hosts.c 프로젝트: Haxe/gtk-gnutella
 * Periodic host heartbeat timer.
    guint count;
	int missing;
	host_addr_t addr;
	guint16 port;
	host_type_t htype;
	guint max_nodes;
	gboolean empty_cache = FALSE;

	if (in_shutdown || !GNET_PROPERTY(online_mode))

	max_nodes = settings_is_leaf() ?
		GNET_PROPERTY(max_ultrapeers) : GNET_PROPERTY(max_connections);
	count = node_count();			/* Established + connecting */
	missing = node_keep_missing();

	if (GNET_PROPERTY(host_debug) > 1)
		g_debug("host_timer - count %u, missing %u", count, missing);

	 * If we are not connected to the Internet, apparently, make sure to
	 * connect to at most one host, to avoid using all our hostcache.
	 * Also, we don't connect each time we are called.

	if (!GNET_PROPERTY(is_inet_connected)) {
		static time_t last_try;

		if (last_try && delta_time(tm_time(), last_try) < 20)
		last_try = tm_time();

		if (GNET_PROPERTY(host_debug))
			g_debug("host_timer - not connected, trying to connect");

	 * Allow more outgoing connections than the maximum amount of
	 * established Gnet connection we can maintain, but not more
	 * than quick_connect_pool_size   This is the "greedy mode".

	if (count >= GNET_PROPERTY(quick_connect_pool_size)) {
		if (GNET_PROPERTY(host_debug) > 1)
			g_debug("host_timer - count %u >= pool size %u",
				count, GNET_PROPERTY(quick_connect_pool_size));

	if (count < max_nodes)
		missing -= whitelist_connect();

	 * If we are under the number of connections wanted, we add hosts
	 * to the connection list

	htype = HOST_ULTRA;

	if (
        settings_is_ultra() &&
        GNET_PROPERTY(node_normal_count) < GNET_PROPERTY(normal_connections) &&
        GNET_PROPERTY(node_ultra_count) >=
			(GNET_PROPERTY(up_connections) - GNET_PROPERTY(normal_connections))
	) {
		htype = HOST_ANY;

	if (hcache_size(htype) == 0)
		htype = HOST_ANY;

	if (hcache_size(htype) == 0)
		empty_cache = TRUE;

	if (GNET_PROPERTY(host_debug) && missing > 0)
		g_debug("host_timer - missing %d host%s%s",
			missing, missing == 1 ? "" : "s",
			empty_cache ? " [empty caches]" : "");

    if (!GNET_PROPERTY(stop_host_get)) {
        if (missing > 0) {
			static time_t last_try;
            unsigned fan, max_pool, to_add;

            max_pool = MAX(GNET_PROPERTY(quick_connect_pool_size), max_nodes);
            fan = (missing * GNET_PROPERTY(quick_connect_pool_size))/ max_pool;
			fan = MAX(1, fan);
            to_add = GNET_PROPERTY(is_inet_connected) ? fan : (guint) missing;

			 * Every so many calls, attempt to ping all our neighbours to
			 * get fresh pongs, in case our host cache is not containing
			 * sufficiently fresh hosts and we keep getting connection failures.

			if (
				0 == last_try ||
				delta_time(tm_time(), last_try) >= HOST_PINGING_PERIOD
			) {
				last_try = tm_time();

             * Make sure that we never use more connections then the
             * quick pool or the maximum number of hosts allow.
            if (to_add + count > max_pool)
                to_add = max_pool - count;

            if (GNET_PROPERTY(host_debug) > 2) {
                g_debug("host_timer - connecting - "
					"add: %d fan:%d miss:%d max_hosts:%d count:%d extra:%d",
					 to_add, fan, missing, max_nodes, count,

            missing = to_add;

			if (missing > 0 && (0 == connected_nodes() || host_low_on_pongs)) {
				gnet_host_t host[HOST_DHT_MAX];
				int hcount;
				int i;

				hcount = dht_fill_random(host,
					MIN(UNSIGNED(missing), G_N_ELEMENTS(host)));

				missing -= hcount;

				for (i = 0; i < hcount; i++) {
					addr = gnet_host_get_addr(&host[i]);
					port = gnet_host_get_port(&host[i]);
					if (!hcache_node_is_bad(addr)) {
						if (GNET_PROPERTY(host_debug) > 3) {
							g_debug("host_timer - UHC pinging and connecting "
								"to DHT node at %s",
								host_addr_port_to_string(addr, port));
						/* Try to use the host as an UHC before connecting */
						udp_send_ping(NULL, addr, port, TRUE);
						if (!host_gnutella_connect(addr, port)) {
							missing++;	/* Did not use entry */
					} else {
						missing++;	/* Did not use entry */

			while (hcache_size(htype) && missing-- > 0) {
				if (hcache_get_caught(htype, &addr, &port)) {
					if (!(hostiles_check(addr) || hcache_node_is_bad(addr))) {
						if (!host_gnutella_connect(addr, port)) {
							missing++;	/* Did not use entry */
					} else {
						missing++;	/* Did not use entry */

			if (missing > 0 && (empty_cache || host_cache_allow_bypass())) {
				if (!uhc_is_waiting()) {
					if (GNET_PROPERTY(host_debug))
						g_debug("host_timer - querying UDP host cache");
					uhc_get_hosts();	/* Get new hosts from UHCs */

	} else if (GNET_PROPERTY(use_netmasks)) {
		/* Try to find better hosts */
		if (hcache_find_nearby(htype, &addr, &port)) {
			if (node_remove_worst(TRUE))
				node_add(addr, port, 0);
				hcache_add_caught(htype, addr, port, "nearby host");
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // extract current ordinate direction
  std::vector<double> Sk(nDim,0.0);
  const double *p_Sk = &Sk[0];
  intensity_ = radEqSystem_->get_intensity();

  // space for LHS/RHS; always nodesPerEdge*nodesPerEdge and nodesPerEdge
  std::vector<double> lhs(4);
  std::vector<double> rhs(2);
  std::vector<int> scratchIds(2);
  std::vector<double> scratchVals(2);
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes(2);

  // area vector; gather into
  std::vector<double> areaVec(nDim);

  // pointers for fast access
  double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
  double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
  double *p_areaVec = &areaVec[0];

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& edge_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::EDGE_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = edge_buckets.begin();
        ib != edge_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const size_t length   = b.size();

    // pointer to edge area vector
    const double * av = stk::mesh::field_data(*edgeAreaVec_, b);

    for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // set ordinal for edge
      unsigned edge_ordinal = k;
      // sanity check on number or nodes
      ThrowAssert( b.num_nodes(edge_ordinal) == 2 );

      stk::mesh::Entity const * edge_node_rels = b.begin_nodes(edge_ordinal);

      // pointer to edge area vector
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j )
        p_areaVec[j] = av[k*nDim+j];

      // left and right nodes
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = edge_node_rels[0];
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = edge_node_rels[1];

      connected_nodes[0] = nodeL;
      connected_nodes[1] = nodeR;

      // extract nodal fields
      const double intensityL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*intensity_, nodeL);
      const double intensityR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*intensity_, nodeR);

      // compute sj*njdS
      double sjaj = 0.0;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        sjaj += p_Sk[j]*p_areaVec[j];

      // upwind; left node
      double lhsfac = 0.5*(sjaj+std::abs(sjaj));
      p_lhs[0] = +lhsfac;
      p_lhs[2] = -lhsfac;

      // upwind; right node
      lhsfac = 0.5*(sjaj-std::abs(sjaj));
      p_lhs[3] = -lhsfac;
      p_lhs[1] = +lhsfac;

      // residual
      const double intensityIp = (sjaj > 0.0) ? intensityL : intensityR;
      p_rhs[0] = -sjaj*intensityIp;
      p_rhs[1] = +sjaj*intensityIp;
      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // extract noc
  const std::string dofName = "pressure";
  const double nocFac
    = (realm_.get_noc_usage(dofName) == true) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

  // time step
  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();
  const double gamma1 = realm_.get_gamma1();
  const double projTimeScale = dt/gamma1;

  // deal with interpolation procedure
  const double interpTogether = realm_.get_mdot_interp();
  const double om_interpTogether = 1.0-interpTogether;
  // space for LHS/RHS; always nodesPerEdge*nodesPerEdge and nodesPerEdge
  std::vector<double> lhs(4);
  std::vector<double> rhs(2);
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes(2);

  // area vector; gather into
  std::vector<double> areaVec(nDim);

  // pointers for fast access
  double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
  double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
  double *p_areaVec = &areaVec[0];

  // mesh motion
  std::vector<double> vrtmL(nDim);
  std::vector<double> vrtmR(nDim);
  double * p_vrtmL = &vrtmL[0];
  double * p_vrtmR = &vrtmR[0];

  // deal with state
  VectorFieldType &velocityNp1 = velocity_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& edge_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::EDGE_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = edge_buckets.begin();
        ib != edge_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // pointer to edge area vector
    const double * av = stk::mesh::field_data(*edgeAreaVec_, b);

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // sanity check on number or nodes
      ThrowAssert( b.num_nodes(k) == 2 );

      stk::mesh::Entity const * edge_node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);

      // pointer to edge area vector
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j )
        p_areaVec[j] = av[k*nDim+j];

      // left and right nodes
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = edge_node_rels[0];
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = edge_node_rels[1];

      connected_nodes[0] = nodeL;
      connected_nodes[1] = nodeR;

      // extract nodal fields
      const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL);
      const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR);

      const double * GpdxL = stk::mesh::field_data(*Gpdx_, nodeL);
      const double * GpdxR = stk::mesh::field_data(*Gpdx_, nodeR);

      const double * velocityNp1L = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, nodeL);
      const double * velocityNp1R = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, nodeR);

      const double pressureL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*pressure_, nodeL);
      const double pressureR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*pressure_, nodeR);

      const double densityL = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeL);
      const double densityR = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeR);

      // copy to velcoity relative to mesh
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        p_vrtmL[j] = velocityNp1L[j];
        p_vrtmR[j] = velocityNp1R[j];

      // deal with mesh motion
      if ( meshMotion_ ) {
        const double * meshVelocityL = stk::mesh::field_data(*meshVelocity_, nodeL );
        const double * meshVelocityR = stk::mesh::field_data(*meshVelocity_, nodeR );
        for (int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_vrtmL[j] -= meshVelocityL[j];
          p_vrtmR[j] -= meshVelocityR[j];

      // compute geometry
      double axdx = 0.0;
      double asq = 0.0;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        asq += axj*axj;
        axdx += axj*dxj;

      const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;
      const double rhoIp = 0.5*(densityR + densityL);

      //  mdot
      double tmdot = -projTimeScale*(pressureR - pressureL)*asq*inv_axdx;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        const double kxj = axj - asq*inv_axdx*dxj; // NOC
        const double rhoUjIp = 0.5*(densityR*p_vrtmR[j] + densityL*p_vrtmL[j]);
        const double ujIp = 0.5*(p_vrtmR[j] + p_vrtmL[j]);
        const double GjIp = 0.5*(GpdxR[j] + GpdxL[j]);
        tmdot += (interpTogether*rhoUjIp + om_interpTogether*rhoIp*ujIp + projTimeScale*GjIp)*axj 
          - projTimeScale*kxj*GjIp*nocFac;

      const double lhsfac = -asq*inv_axdx;

        lhs[0] = IL,IL; lhs[1] = IL,IR; IR,IL; IR,IR

      // first left
      p_lhs[0] = -lhsfac;
      p_lhs[1] = +lhsfac;
      p_rhs[0] = -tmdot/projTimeScale;

      // now right
      p_lhs[2] = +lhsfac;
      p_lhs[3] = -lhsfac;
      p_rhs[1] = tmdot/projTimeScale;

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double small = 1.0e-16;

  // extract user advection options (allow to potentially change over time)
  const std::string dofName = scalarQ_->name();
  const double hybridFactor = realm_.get_hybrid_factor(dofName);
  const double alpha = realm_.get_alpha_factor(dofName);
  const double alphaUpw = realm_.get_alpha_upw_factor(dofName);
  const double hoUpwind = realm_.get_upw_factor(dofName);
  const bool useLimiter = realm_.primitive_uses_limiter(dofName);

  // one minus flavor
  const double om_alpha = 1.0-alpha;
  const double om_alphaUpw = 1.0-alphaUpw;

  // space for LHS/RHS; always edge connectivity
  const int nodesPerEdge = 2;
  const int lhsSize = nodesPerEdge*nodesPerEdge;
  const int rhsSize = nodesPerEdge;
  std::vector<double> lhs(lhsSize);
  std::vector<double> rhs(rhsSize);
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes(2);

  // area vector; gather into
  std::vector<double> areaVec(nDim);

  // pointer for fast access
  double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
  double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
  double *p_areaVec = &areaVec[0];

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &scalarQNp1  = scalarQ_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()
    & stk::mesh::selectUnion(partVec_) 
    & !(realm_.get_inactive_selector());

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& edge_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::EDGE_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = edge_buckets.begin();
        ib != edge_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // pointer to edge area vector and mdot
    const double * av = stk::mesh::field_data(*edgeAreaVec_, b);
    const double * mdot = stk::mesh::field_data(*massFlowRate_, b);

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zeroing of lhs/rhs
      for ( int i = 0; i < lhsSize; ++i ) {
        p_lhs[i] = 0.0;
      for ( int i = 0; i < rhsSize; ++i ) {
        p_rhs[i] = 0.0;

      // get edge
      stk::mesh::Entity edge = b[k];

      stk::mesh::Entity const * edge_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(edge);

      // sanity check on number or nodes
      ThrowAssert( bulk_data.num_nodes(edge) == 2 );

      // pointer to edge area vector
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j )
        p_areaVec[j] = av[k*nDim+j];
      const double tmdot = mdot[k];

      // left and right nodes
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = edge_node_rels[0];
      stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = edge_node_rels[1];

      connected_nodes[0] = nodeL;
      connected_nodes[1] = nodeR;

      // extract nodal fields
      const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL);
      const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR);

      const double * dqdxL = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, nodeL);
      const double * dqdxR = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, nodeR);

      const double * vrtmL = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, nodeL);
      const double * vrtmR = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, nodeR);

      const double qNp1L = *stk::mesh::field_data(scalarQNp1, nodeL);
      const double qNp1R = *stk::mesh::field_data(scalarQNp1, nodeR);

      const double densityL = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeL);
      const double densityR = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeR);

      const double diffFluxCoeffL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*diffFluxCoeff_, nodeL);
      const double diffFluxCoeffR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*diffFluxCoeff_, nodeR);

      // compute geometry
      double axdx = 0.0;
      double asq = 0.0;
      double udotx = 0.0;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        asq += axj*axj;
        axdx += axj*dxj;
        udotx += 0.5*dxj*(vrtmL[j] + vrtmR[j]);

      const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;

      // ip props
      const double viscIp = 0.5*(diffFluxCoeffL + diffFluxCoeffR);
      const double diffIp = 0.5*(diffFluxCoeffL/densityL + diffFluxCoeffR/densityR);

      // Peclet factor
      double pecfac = hybridFactor*udotx/(diffIp+small);
      pecfac = pecfac*pecfac/(5.0 + pecfac*pecfac);
      const double om_pecfac = 1.0-pecfac;

      // left and right extrapolation; add in diffusion calc
      double dqL = 0.0;
      double dqR = 0.0;
      double nonOrth = 0.0;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        dqL += 0.5*dxj*dqdxL[j];
        dqR += 0.5*dxj*dqdxR[j];
        // now non-orth (over-relaxed procedure of Jasek)
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        const double kxj = axj - asq*inv_axdx*dxj;
        const double GjIp = 0.5*(dqdxL[j] + dqdxR[j]);
        nonOrth += -viscIp*kxj*GjIp;

      // add limiter if appropriate
      double limitL = 1.0;
      double limitR = 1.0;
      const double dq = qNp1R - qNp1L;
      if ( useLimiter ) {
        const double dqMl = 2.0*2.0*dqL - dq;
        const double dqMr = 2.0*2.0*dqR - dq;
        limitL = van_leer(dqMl, dq, small);
        limitR = van_leer(dqMr, dq, small);
      // extrapolated; for now limit
      const double qIpL = qNp1L + dqL*hoUpwind*limitL;
      const double qIpR = qNp1R - dqR*hoUpwind*limitR;

      // diffusive flux
      double lhsfac = -viscIp*asq*inv_axdx;
      double diffFlux = lhsfac*(qNp1R - qNp1L) + nonOrth;

      // first left
      p_lhs[0] = -lhsfac;
      p_lhs[1] = +lhsfac;
      p_rhs[0] = -diffFlux;

      // now right
      p_lhs[2] = +lhsfac;
      p_lhs[3] = -lhsfac;
      p_rhs[1] = diffFlux;

      // advective flux

      // 2nd order central
      const double qIp = 0.5*( qNp1L + qNp1R );

      // upwind
      const double qUpwind = (tmdot > 0) ? alphaUpw*qIpL + om_alphaUpw*qIp
          : alphaUpw*qIpR + om_alphaUpw*qIp;

      // generalized central (2nd and 4th order)
      const double qHatL = alpha*qIpL + om_alpha*qIp;
      const double qHatR = alpha*qIpR + om_alpha*qIp;
      const double qCds = 0.5*(qHatL + qHatR);

      // total advection
      const double aflux = tmdot*(pecfac*qUpwind + om_pecfac*qCds);

      // upwind advection (includes 4th); left node
      double alhsfac = 0.5*(tmdot+std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
        + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
      p_lhs[0] += alhsfac;
      p_lhs[2] -= alhsfac;

      // upwind advection; right node
      alhsfac = 0.5*(tmdot-std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
        + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
      p_lhs[3] -= alhsfac;
      p_lhs[1] += alhsfac;

      // central; left; collect terms on alpha and alphaUpw
      alhsfac = 0.5*tmdot*(pecfac*om_alphaUpw + om_pecfac*om_alpha);
      p_lhs[0] += alhsfac;
      p_lhs[1] += alhsfac;
      // central; right; collect terms on alpha and alphaUpw
      p_lhs[2] -= alhsfac;
      p_lhs[3] -= alhsfac;

      // total flux left
      p_rhs[0] -= aflux;
      // total flux right
      p_rhs[1] += aflux;

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);
