예제 #1
void rampart_bitmap_render(mame_bitmap *bitmap, const rectangle *cliprect)
	int x, y;

	/* update any dirty scanlines */
	for (y = 0; y < ydim; y++)
		if (pfdirty[y])
			const UINT16 *src = &rampart_bitmap[256 * y];
			UINT8 scanline[512];
			UINT8 *dst = scanline;

			/* regenerate the line */
			for (x = 0; x < xdim / 2; x++)
				int bits = *src++;
				*dst++ = bits >> 8;
				*dst++ = bits;
			pfdirty[y] = 0;

			/* draw it */
			draw_scanline8(pfbitmap, 0, y, xdim, scanline, Machine->pens, -1);

	/* copy the cached bitmap */
	copybitmap(bitmap, pfbitmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, cliprect, TRANSPARENCY_NONE, 0);
예제 #2
void apexc_state::apexc_teletyper_linefeed()
	UINT8 buf[teletyper_window_width];
	int y;

	for (y=teletyper_window_offset_y; y<teletyper_window_offset_y+teletyper_window_height-teletyper_scroll_step; y++)
		extract_scanline8(*m_bitmap, teletyper_window_offset_x, y+teletyper_scroll_step, teletyper_window_width, buf);
		draw_scanline8(*m_bitmap, teletyper_window_offset_x, y, teletyper_window_width, buf, m_palette->pens());

	m_bitmap->fill(0, teletyper_scroll_clear_window);
예제 #3
static void pdp1_typewriter_linefeed(void)
	UINT8 buf[typewriter_window_width];
	int y;

	for (y=0; y<typewriter_window_height-typewriter_scroll_step; y++)
		extract_scanline8(typewriter_bitmap, 0, y+typewriter_scroll_step, typewriter_window_width, buf);
		draw_scanline8(typewriter_bitmap, 0, y, typewriter_window_width, buf, Machine->pens, -1);

	fillbitmap(typewriter_bitmap, Machine->pens[pen_typewriter_bg], &typewriter_scroll_clear_window);
예제 #4
void tx0_state::tx0_typewriter_linefeed()
	UINT8 buf[typewriter_window_width];
	int y;

	for (y=0; y<typewriter_window_height-typewriter_scroll_step; y++)
		extract_scanline8(m_typewriter_bitmap, 0, y+typewriter_scroll_step, typewriter_window_width, buf);
		draw_scanline8(m_typewriter_bitmap, 0, y, typewriter_window_width, buf, m_palette->pens());

	const rectangle typewriter_scroll_clear_window(0, typewriter_window_width-1, typewriter_window_height-typewriter_scroll_step, typewriter_window_height-1);
	m_typewriter_bitmap.fill(pen_typewriter_bg, typewriter_scroll_clear_window);
예제 #5
파일: balsente.cpp 프로젝트: MASHinfo/mame
uint32_t balsente_state::screen_update_balsente(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	const pen_t *pens = &m_palette->pen(m_palettebank_vis * 256);
	int y, i;

	/* draw scanlines from the VRAM directly */
	for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
		draw_scanline8(bitmap, 0, y, 256, &m_expanded_videoram[(y - BALSENTE_VBEND) * 256], pens);

	/* draw the sprite images */
	for (i = 0; i < 40; i++)
		draw_one_sprite(bitmap, cliprect, &m_spriteram[(0xe0 + i * 4) & 0xff]);

	return 0;
예제 #6
파일: tx0.c 프로젝트: kleopatra999/mess-svn
static void tx0_typewriter_linefeed(running_machine &machine)
	tx0_state *state = machine.driver_data<tx0_state>();
	UINT8 buf[typewriter_window_width];
	int y;

	for (y=0; y<typewriter_window_height-typewriter_scroll_step; y++)
		extract_scanline8(state->m_typewriter_bitmap, 0, y+typewriter_scroll_step, typewriter_window_width, buf);
		draw_scanline8(state->m_typewriter_bitmap, 0, y, typewriter_window_width, buf, machine.pens);

	const rectangle typewriter_scroll_clear_window(0, typewriter_window_width-1, typewriter_window_height-typewriter_scroll_step, typewriter_window_height-1);
	state->m_typewriter_bitmap.fill(pen_typewriter_bg, typewriter_scroll_clear_window);
예제 #7
파일: a2disp.cpp 프로젝트: Dagarman/mame
//! update the internal frame buffer and draw the scanline segment if changed
void alto2_cpu_device::update_framebuf_word(uint16_t* framebuf, int x, int y, uint16_t word)
	int xpword = (m_dsp.xpreg ^ 01777) / 16;
	// mixing with the cursor
	if (x == xpword++)
		word ^= (m_dsp.csr << (m_dsp.xpreg % 16)) >> 16;
	if (x == xpword)
		word ^= (m_dsp.csr << (m_dsp.xpreg % 16)) & 0xffff;
	// no change?
	if (word == framebuf[x])
	framebuf[x] = word;
	draw_scanline8(*m_dsp.bitmap, x * 16, y, 16, m_dsp.patterns + 16 * word, nullptr);
예제 #8
파일: toypop.c 프로젝트: broftkd/mess-cvs
static void draw_background(mame_bitmap *bitmap)
	register int offs, x, y;
	UINT8 scanline[288];

	// copy the background image from RAM (0x190200-0x19FDFF) to bitmap
	if (bitmapflip)
		offs = 0xFDFE/2;
		for (y = 0; y < 224; y++)
			for (x = 0; x < 288; x+=2)
				UINT16 data = toypop_bg_image[offs];
				scanline[x]   = data;
				scanline[x+1] = data >> 8;
			draw_scanline8(bitmap, 0, y, 288, scanline, &Machine->pens[0x60 + 0x80*palettebank], -1);
예제 #9
파일: gridlee.cpp 프로젝트: Robbbert/store1
uint32_t gridlee_state::screen_update_gridlee(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	const pen_t *pens = &m_palette->pen(m_palettebank_vis * 32);
	uint8_t *gfx;
	int x, y, i;

	/* draw scanlines from the VRAM directly */
	for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
		/* non-flipped: draw directly from the bitmap */
		if (!m_cocktail_flip)
			draw_scanline8(bitmap, 0, y, 256, &m_local_videoram[(y - GRIDLEE_VBEND) * 256], pens + 16);

		/* flipped: x-flip the scanline into a temp buffer and draw that */
			int srcy = GRIDLEE_VBSTART - 1 - y;
			uint8_t temp[256];
			int xx;

			for (xx = 0; xx < 256; xx++)
				temp[xx] = m_local_videoram[srcy * 256 + 255 - xx];
			draw_scanline8(bitmap, 0, y, 256, temp, pens + 16);

	/* draw the sprite images */
	gfx = memregion("gfx1")->base();
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		uint8_t *sprite = m_spriteram + i * 4;
		uint8_t *src;
		int image = sprite[0];
		int ypos = sprite[2] + 17 + GRIDLEE_VBEND;
		int xpos = sprite[3];

		/* get a pointer to the source image */
		src = &gfx[64 * image];

		/* loop over y */
		for (y = 0; y < 16; y++, ypos = (ypos + 1) & 255)
			int currxor = 0;

			/* adjust for flip */
			if (m_cocktail_flip)
				ypos = 271 - ypos;
				currxor = 0xff;

			if (ypos >= (16 + GRIDLEE_VBEND) && ypos >= cliprect.min_y && ypos <= cliprect.max_y)
				int currx = xpos;

				/* loop over x */
				for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
					int ipixel = *src++;
					int left = ipixel >> 4;
					int right = ipixel & 0x0f;

					/* left pixel */
					if (left && currx >= 0 && currx < 256)
						bitmap.pix16(ypos, currx ^ currxor) = pens[left];

					/* right pixel */
					if (right && currx >= 0 && currx < 256)
						bitmap.pix16(ypos, currx ^ currxor) = pens[right];
				src += 4;

			/* de-adjust for flip */
			if (m_cocktail_flip)
				ypos = 271 - ypos;