예제 #1
void UavcanNode::fill_node_info()
	/* software version */
	uavcan::protocol::SoftwareVersion swver;

	// Extracting the first 8 hex digits of GIT_VERSION and converting them to int
	char fw_git_short[9] = {};
	std::memmove(fw_git_short, px4_git_version, 8);
	assert(fw_git_short[8] == '\0');
	char *end = nullptr;
	swver.vcs_commit = std::strtol(fw_git_short, &end, 16);
	swver.optional_field_flags |= swver.OPTIONAL_FIELD_FLAG_VCS_COMMIT;

	warnx("SW version vcs_commit: 0x%08x", unsigned(swver.vcs_commit));


	/* hardware version */
	uavcan::protocol::HardwareVersion hwver;
예제 #2
void UavcanNode::fill_node_info()
	/* software version */
	uavcan::protocol::SoftwareVersion swver;

	// Extracting the first 8 hex digits of the git hash and converting them to int
	char fw_git_short[9] = {};
	std::memmove(fw_git_short, px4_firmware_version_string(), 8);
	char *end = nullptr;
	swver.vcs_commit = std::strtol(fw_git_short, &end, 16);
	swver.optional_field_flags |= swver.OPTIONAL_FIELD_FLAG_VCS_COMMIT;

	// Too verbose for normal operation
	//warnx("SW version vcs_commit: 0x%08x", unsigned(swver.vcs_commit));


	/* hardware version */
	uavcan::protocol::HardwareVersion hwver;