int main() { //main function int ch, b, x; char c; while(1){ system("clear"); home(); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch == 4) break; switch(ch) { case 1: x = elogin(); if(x == 0){ printf("\tWarning!! Incorrect Password or Username\n\n"); printf("press c to continue "); getchar(); scanf("%c", &c); break; } b = 1; maintry(b); break; case 2: ulogin(); break; case 3: create(); break; case 4: exit(0); ; break; default: printf("\nwrong choice"); break; } } }
static void xmore(char *s) { if(flags.toplin) { curs(tlx, tly); if(tlx + 8 > CO) putsym('\n'), tly++; } if(flags.standout) standoutbeg(); putstr("--More--"); if(flags.standout) standoutend(); xwaitforspace(s); if(flags.toplin && tly > 1) { home(); cl_end(); docorner(1, tly-1); } flags.toplin = 0; }
QString SSHPrivateIdentityFile() { QVariant value(Get("SSHPrivateIdentityFile")); if (!value.isNull()) return value.value<QString>(); QString home(QDir::homePath()); if (home.isEmpty()) return QString(); QString fileName(home + "/.ssh/id_rsa"); QFileInfo info(fileName); if (info.exists()) return fileName; fileName = home + "/.ssh/id_dsa"; info.setFile(fileName); if (info.exists()) return fileName; fileName = home + "/.ssh/identity"; info.setFile(fileName); if (info.exists()) return fileName; return QString(); }
void panic(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); if (panicking++) exit(1); /* avoid loops - this should never happen */ home(); puts(" Suddenly, the dungeon collapses."); fputs(" ERROR: ", stdout); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); #ifdef DEBUG #ifdef UNIX if (!fork()) abort(); /* generate core dump */ #endif /* UNIX */ #endif /* DEBUG */ more(); /* contains a fflush() */ done("panicked"); }
/* spaceflag: TRUE if space required */ void xmore(boolean spaceflag) { if(flags.topl != 0) { curs(tlx, tly); if((tlx + 8) > COLNO) { putsym('\n'); ++tly; } } putstr("--More--"); xwaitforspace(spaceflag); if((flags.topl != 0) && (tly > 1)) { home(); cl_end(); docorner(1, tly - 1); } flags.topl = 0; }
void SerialLCD::init () { delay(500); switch (g_interface) { case RS232: LCD_SERIAL.begin(g_baudrate); break; case I2C: Wire.begin(); break; case SPI: pinMode(g_sspin, OUTPUT); pinMode(g_sclk, OUTPUT); pinMode(g_mosi, OUTPUT); pinMode(g_miso, INPUT); digitalWrite(g_sspin, HIGH); break; } on(); clear(); blinkOff(); cursorOff(); home(); }
void gcWebControl::handleKeyEvent(int eventCode) { switch (eventCode) { case IDC_BACK: m_pChromeBrowser->back(); break; case IDC_FORWARD: m_pChromeBrowser->forward(); break; case IDC_DEV_TOOLS: break; case IDC_DEV_TOOLS_CONSOLE: break; case IDC_PRINT: m_pChromeBrowser->print(); break; case IDC_RELOAD: m_pChromeBrowser->refresh(); break; case IDC_RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE: m_pChromeBrowser->refresh(true); break; case IDC_HOME: home(); break; case IDC_STOP: m_pChromeBrowser->stop(); break; case IDC_VIEW_SOURCE: m_pChromeBrowser->viewSource(); break; case IDC_ZOOM_MINUS: m_pChromeBrowser->zoomOut(); break; case IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL: m_pChromeBrowser->zoomNormal(); break; case IDC_ZOOM_PLUS: m_pChromeBrowser->zoomIn(); break; case IDC_FIND: onFindEvent(); break; }; }
QString YaDayUse::uiPath() const { #ifdef Q_WS_WIN QString base = QDir::homePath(); WCHAR str[MAX_PATH+1] = { 0 }; if (SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(0, str, CSIDL_APPDATA, true)) base = QString::fromWCharArray(str); QDir uihome(base + "/Jabbin"); if(!uihome.exists()) { QDir home(base); home.mkdir("Jabbin"); } #else QDir uihome(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.jabbin"); if(!uihome.exists()) { QDir home = QDir::home(); home.mkdir(".jabbin"); chmod(QFile::encodeName(uihome.path()), 0700); } #endif return uihome.absoluteFilePath("ui"); }
void Log::EnsureOpen() { if (!handle) { char* log = getenv("ADR_LOG_FILE"); if (log && log[0]) { handle = fopen(log, "w"); } else { #ifdef WIN32 handle = fopen("C:/audiere_debug.log", "w"); #else std::string home(getenv("HOME")); handle = fopen((home + "/audiere_debug.log").c_str(), "w"); #endif } if (!handle) { handle = stderr; } atexit(Close); } }
static int ev_handler(struct mg_connection *conn, enum mg_event ev) { char buffer[Tbuffer]; buffer[0] = '\x0'; switch (ev) { case MG_AUTH: return MG_MORE; case MG_REQUEST: mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "text/html"); if(home(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == 0){ return MG_FALSE; } mg_printf_data(conn, buffer); return MG_TRUE; default: return MG_FALSE; } }
/*** PUBLIC ***/ br::GalleryToolBar::GalleryToolBar(QWidget *parent) : QToolBar("Gallery", parent) { lGallery.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); lGallery.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); tbOpenFile.setIcon(QIcon(":/glyphicons/png/[email protected]")); tbOpenFile.setToolTip("Load Photo"); tbOpenFolder.setIcon(QIcon(":/glyphicons/png/[email protected]")); tbOpenFolder.setToolTip("Load Photo Folder"); tbWebcam.setCheckable(true); tbWebcam.setIcon(QIcon(":/glyphicons/png/[email protected]")); tbWebcam.setToolTip("Load Webcam"); tbBack.setEnabled(false); tbBack.setIcon(QIcon(":/glyphicons/png/[email protected]")); tbBack.setToolTip("Back"); tbMean.setIcon(QIcon(":/glyphicons/png/[email protected]")); tbMean.setToolTip("Mean Image"); addWidget(&tbOpenFile); addWidget(&tbOpenFolder); addWidget(&tbWebcam); addSeparator(); addWidget(&lGallery); addSeparator(); addWidget(&tbBack); addWidget(&tbMean); setIconSize(QSize(20,20)); connect(&tbOpenFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openFile())); connect(&tbOpenFolder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openFolder())); connect(&tbBack, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(home())); connect(&tbMean, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(mean())); connect(&enrollmentWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(enrollmentFinished())); connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkWebcam())); timer.start(500); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch,i; char output[BUFSIZ]; grsim_init(); home(); gr(); text(); basic_htab(10); basic_vtab(10); basic_print("HELLO WORLD!\r\r"); for(i=0;i<128;i++) { sprintf(output,"%c",i); basic_print(output); } while(1) { grsim_update(); ch=grsim_input(); if (ch=='q') break; usleep(100000); } return 0; }
void nextword( unsigned int *x, unsigned int y ) { int i, j; i = *x + firstcol + 1; j = i; while ( !ISBLANK( workline.middle[i] ) && ( i != MAXCOL ) ) { i++; } while ( ISBLANK( workline.middle[i] ) && ( i != MAXCOL ) ) { i++; } if ( i != MAXCOL ) { i--; gocol( i, x ); } else { endline( x ); if ( ( *x + firstcol + 1 ) <= j ) { cursor_down( y ); home( x ); if ( ISBLANK( workline.middle[1] ) ) { nextword( x, y ); } } } }
/// PUBLIC HelpBrowser::HelpBrowser(QString strPath, QString strFileName, QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent) { pButtonBack = new QPushButton("<<"); pButtonHome = new QPushButton("Home"); pButtonForward = new QPushButton(">>"); textBrowser = new QTextBrowser(); connect(pButtonBack, SIGNAL(clicked()), textBrowser, SLOT(backward())); connect(pButtonHome, SIGNAL(clicked()), textBrowser, SLOT(home())); connect(pButtonForward, SIGNAL(clicked()), textBrowser, SLOT(forward())); connect(textBrowser, SIGNAL(backwardAvailable(bool)), pButtonBack, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(textBrowser, SIGNAL(forwardAvailable(bool)), pButtonForward, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); textBrowser->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QString(strPath + strFileName))); hBoxLayoutCommandButton = new QHBoxLayout; hBoxLayoutCommandButton->addWidget(pButtonBack); hBoxLayoutCommandButton->addWidget(pButtonHome); hBoxLayoutCommandButton->addWidget(pButtonForward); vBoxLayoutMain = new QVBoxLayout; vBoxLayoutMain->addLayout(hBoxLayoutCommandButton); vBoxLayoutMain->addWidget(textBrowser); setLayout(vBoxLayoutMain); }
bool GetHomeDirectory(std::string& HomeDirectory) { TDEBUG_ENTER("GetHomeDirectory"); std::string home(""); bool SuccessValue; // We usually recalculate home every time - so ignore the // value in the registry. The user can turn that off though! if (!GetBooleanPreference("Always Recalculate Home")) home = GetStringPreference("HOME"); if (home.empty() || !IsDirectory(home.c_str())) SuccessValue = GetCalculatedHomeDirectory(home); else SuccessValue = true; TDEBUG_TRACE("Home directory is " << home); SuccessValue = (SuccessValue && !home.empty() && IsDirectory(home.c_str())); if (SuccessValue) HomeDirectory = home; return SuccessValue; }
void main( ) { //main function system("clear"); start: home( ); int ch; scanf("%d", &ch); switch(ch) { case 1: ulogin( ); system("clear"); break; case 2:create( ); system("clear"); break; case 3: elogin( ); system("clear"); break; case 4:release( ); break; case 5:exit(0); default:printf("\nwrong choice"); goto start; } goto start; }
SortServiceModel::SortServiceModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { /* testing purpose */ QString testPath(getenv("SERVICES_PRIORITY")); if (!testPath.isEmpty()) { QDir testDir(testPath); QStringList testPriorityList = testDir.entryList(QDir::Files); foreach(QString filename, testPriorityList) createPriorities(testDir.filePath(filename)); } else { QDir etc(QDir::rootPath() + QLatin1String("/etc/accounts-ui/service-sorting.d")); QDir home(QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/.config/accounts-ui/service-sorting.d")); QStringList etcPriorityList = etc.entryList(QDir::Files); foreach(QString filename, etcPriorityList) createPriorities(etc.filePath(filename)); QStringList homePriorityList = home.entryList(QDir::Files); foreach(QString filename, homePriorityList) createPriorities(home.filePath(filename)); } }
GlobalActions::GlobalActions(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { TRACE_OBJ // TODO: Put resource path in misc class QString resourcePath = QLatin1String(":/trolltech/assistant/images/"); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC resourcePath.append(QLatin1String("mac")); #else resourcePath.append(QLatin1String("win")); #endif CentralWidget *centralWidget = CentralWidget::instance(); m_backAction = new QAction(tr("&Back"), parent); m_backAction->setEnabled(false); m_backAction->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Back); m_backAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/previous.png"))); connect(m_backAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(backward())); m_actionList << m_backAction; m_nextAction = new QAction(tr("&Forward"), parent); m_nextAction->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); m_nextAction->setEnabled(false); m_nextAction->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Forward); m_nextAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/next.png"))); connect(m_nextAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(forward())); m_actionList << m_nextAction; setupNavigationMenus(m_backAction, m_nextAction, centralWidget); m_homeAction = new QAction(tr("&Home"), parent); m_homeAction->setShortcut(tr("ALT+Home")); m_homeAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/home.png"))); connect(m_homeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(home())); m_actionList << m_homeAction; QAction *separator = new QAction(parent); separator->setSeparator(true); m_actionList << separator; m_zoomInAction = new QAction(tr("Zoom &in"), parent); m_zoomInAction->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); m_zoomInAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/zoomin.png"))); m_zoomInAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence::ZoomIn); connect(m_zoomInAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(zoomIn())); m_actionList << m_zoomInAction; m_zoomOutAction = new QAction(tr("Zoom &out"), parent); m_zoomOutAction->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); m_zoomOutAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/zoomout.png"))); m_zoomOutAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence::ZoomOut); connect(m_zoomOutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(zoomOut())); m_actionList << m_zoomOutAction; separator = new QAction(parent); separator->setSeparator(true); m_actionList << separator; m_copyAction = new QAction(tr("&Copy selected Text"), parent); m_copyAction->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); m_copyAction->setIconText("&Copy"); m_copyAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/editcopy.png"))); m_copyAction->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Copy); m_copyAction->setEnabled(false); connect(m_copyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(copy())); m_actionList << m_copyAction; m_printAction = new QAction(tr("&Print..."), parent); m_printAction->setPriority(QAction::LowPriority); m_printAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/print.png"))); m_printAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Print); connect(m_printAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(print())); m_actionList << m_printAction; m_findAction = new QAction(tr("&Find in Text..."), parent); m_findAction->setIconText(tr("&Find")); m_findAction->setIcon(QIcon(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/find.png"))); m_findAction->setShortcuts(QKeySequence::Find); connect(m_findAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), centralWidget, SLOT(showTextSearch())); m_actionList << m_findAction; #ifdef Q_WS_X11 m_backAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-previous" , m_backAction->icon())); m_nextAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-next" , m_nextAction->icon())); m_zoomInAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("zoom-in" , m_zoomInAction->icon())); m_zoomOutAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("zoom-out" , m_zoomOutAction->icon())); m_copyAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-copy" , m_copyAction->icon())); m_findAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-find" , m_findAction->icon())); m_homeAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("go-home" , m_homeAction->icon())); m_printAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("document-print" , m_printAction->icon())); #endif }
void WoLineEdit::sParse() { if (!_parsed) { if (text().stripWhiteSpace().length() == 0) setId(-1); else if (_useQuery) { XSqlQuery wo; wo.prepare(_sql); wo.exec(); if (wo.findFirst("wonumber", text().stripWhiteSpace().upper()) != -1) { setId(wo.value("wo_id").toInt()); return; } } else if (text().contains('-')) { int soNumber = text().left(text().find('-')).toInt(); int subNumber = text().right(text().length() - text().find('-') - 1).toInt(); // bool statusCheck = FALSE; QString sql = QString( "SELECT wo_id " "FROM wo " "WHERE ((wo_number=%1)" " AND (wo_subnumber=%2)" ) .arg(soNumber) .arg(subNumber); // Add in the Status checks QStringList statuses; if (_woType & cWoOpen) statuses << "(wo_status='O')"; if (_woType & cWoExploded) statuses << "(wo_status='E')"; if (_woType & cWoReleased) statuses << "(wo_status='R')"; if (_woType & cWoIssued) statuses << "(wo_status='I')"; if (_woType & cWoClosed) statuses << "(wo_status='C')"; if(!statuses.isEmpty()) sql += " AND (" + statuses.join(" OR ") + ")"; sql += ")"; XSqlQuery wo(sql); if (wo.first()) setId(wo.value("wo_id").toInt()); else setId(-1); } else { bool statusCheck = FALSE; QString sql = QString( "SELECT wo_id, wo_number " "FROM wo " "WHERE ((wo_number=%1)") .arg(text().toInt()); // Add in the Status checks if (_woType) { sql += " AND ("; if (_woType & cWoOpen) { sql += "(wo_status='O')"; statusCheck = TRUE; } if (_woType & cWoExploded) { if (statusCheck) sql += " OR "; sql += "(wo_status='E')"; statusCheck = TRUE; } if (_woType & cWoReleased) { if (statusCheck) sql += " OR "; sql += "(wo_status='R')"; statusCheck = TRUE; } if (_woType & cWoIssued) { if (statusCheck) sql += " OR "; sql += "(wo_status='I')"; statusCheck = TRUE; } if (_woType & cWoClosed) { if (statusCheck) sql += " OR "; sql += "(wo_status='C')"; } sql += ")"; } sql += ");"; XSqlQuery wo(sql); if (wo.first()) { if (wo.size() == 1) setId(wo.value("wo_id").toInt()); else { setId(-1); setText(wo.value("wo_number").toString() + "-"); focusNextPrevChild(FALSE); home(FALSE); end(FALSE); } } else setId(-1); } } }
void Screen::clear() { clearEntireScreen(); home(); }
/* * Print out the contents of the file f, one screenful at a time. */ void screen(FILE *f, int num_lines) { int ch; int nchars; int length; /* length of current line */ static int prev_len = 1; /* length of previous line */ for (;;) { while (num_lines > 0 && !Pause) { if ((nchars = get_line(f, &length)) == EOF) { if (clreol) clreos(); return; } if (ssp_opt && length == 0 && prev_len == 0) continue; prev_len = length; if (bad_so || (Senter && *Senter == ' ' && promptlen > 0)) erasep(0); /* * Must clear before drawing line since tabs on some * terminals do not erase what they tab over. */ if (clreol) cleareol(); prbuf(Line, length); if (nchars < promptlen) { /* erasep() sets promptlen to 0 */ erasep(nchars); } else promptlen = 0; #if 0 /* XXX - is this needed? */ if (clreol) { /* must clear again in case we wrapped * */ cleareol(); } #endif if (nchars < Mcol || !fold_opt) { /* will turn off UL if necessary */ prbuf("\n", 1); } if (nchars == STOP) break; num_lines--; } if (pstate) { tputs(ULexit, 1, putch); pstate = 0; } fflush(stdout); if ((ch = Getc(f)) == EOF) { if (clreol) clreos(); return; } if (Pause && clreol) clreos(); Ungetc(ch, f); Pause = 0; startup = 0; if ((num_lines = command(NULL, f)) == 0) return; if (hard && promptlen > 0) erasep(0); if (noscroll && num_lines >= dlines) { if (clreol) home(); else doclear(); } /* * XXX - should store the *first* line on the screen, * not the last (but we don't know the file position). * Fixing this requires keeping an arry of dline off_ts * and updating each one when a new line is started. */ screen_start.line = Currline; screen_start.chrctr = Ftell(f); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE * volatile f; char *s; volatile int left; volatile off_t initline; volatile int prnames = 0; volatile int initopt = 0; volatile int srchopt = 0; int clearit = 0; int ch; char initbuf[80]; if (pledge("stdio rpath tty", NULL) == -1) { perror("pledge"); exit(1); } setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* all signals just use a stub handler and interrupt syscalls */ sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; sa.sa_handler = onsignal; nfiles = argc; fnames = argv; initterm(); nscroll = Lpp/2 - 1; if (nscroll <= 0) nscroll = 1; if ((s = getenv("MORE")) != NULL && *s != '\0') argscan(s); while (--nfiles > 0) { if ((ch = (*++fnames)[0]) == '-') argscan(*fnames + 1); else if (ch == '+') { s = *fnames; if (*++s == '/') { srchopt++; (void)strlcpy(initbuf, ++s, sizeof(initbuf)); } else { initopt++; for (initline = 0; *s != '\0'; s++) { if (isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) initline = initline * 10 + *s - '0'; } --initline; } } else break; } /* * Allow clreol only if Home and eraseln and EodClr strings are * defined, and in that case, make sure we are in noscroll mode. */ if (clreol) { if (Home == NULL || *Home == '\0' || eraseln == NULL || *eraseln == '\0' || EodClr == NULL || *EodClr == '\0') clreol = 0; else noscroll = 1; } if (dlines == 0) dlines = Lpp - 1; left = dlines; if (nfiles > 1) prnames++; if (!no_intty && nfiles == 0) usage(); else f = stdin; if (!no_tty) { struct sigaction osa; (void)sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, NULL); if (sigaction(SIGTSTP, &osa, NULL) == 0 && osa.sa_handler == SIG_DFL) { (void)sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGTTIN, &sa, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGTTOU, &sa, NULL); catch_susp++; } set_tty(); } if (no_intty) { if (no_tty) copy_file(stdin); else { if ((ch = Getc(f)) == '\f') doclear(); else { Ungetc(ch, f); if (noscroll && ch != EOF) { if (clreol) home(); else doclear(); } } if (srchopt) { if (search(initbuf, stdin, 1) == 0 && noscroll) left--; } else if (initopt) skiplns(initline, stdin); screen(stdin, left); } no_intty = 0; dup2(STDERR_FILENO, STDIN_FILENO); /* stderr is a tty */ prnames++; firstf = 0; } while (fnum < nfiles) { if ((f = checkf(fnames[fnum], &clearit)) != NULL) { context.line = context.chrctr = 0; Currline = 0; restart: if (firstf) { firstf = 0; if (srchopt) { if (search(initbuf, f, 1) < 0) goto restart; if (noscroll) left--; } else if (initopt) skiplns(initline, f); } else if (fnum < nfiles && !no_tty) left = command(fnames[fnum], f); if (left != 0) { if ((noscroll || clearit) && (file_size != LONG_MAX)) { if (clreol) home(); else doclear(); } if (prnames) { if (bad_so) erasep(0); if (clreol) cleareol(); fputs("::::::::::::::", stdout); if (promptlen > 14) erasep(14); putchar('\n'); if (clreol) cleareol(); printf("%s\n", fnames[fnum]); if (clreol) cleareol(); fputs("::::::::::::::\n", stdout); if (left > Lpp - 4) left = Lpp - 4; } if (no_tty) copy_file(f); else { within++; screen(f, left); within = 0; } } fflush(stdout); fclose(f); screen_start.line = screen_start.chrctr = 0L; context.line = context.chrctr = 0L; } fnum++; firstf = 0; } reset_tty(); exit(0); }
/* * Search for nth occurrence of regular expression contained in buf in the file */ int search(char *buf, FILE *file, int n) { off_t startline = Ftell(file); off_t line1 = startline; off_t line2 = startline; off_t line3 = startline; off_t saveln; int lncount, rv; char ebuf[BUFSIZ]; static regex_t reg; static int initialized; context.line = saveln = Currline; context.chrctr = startline; lncount = 0; if (buf != NULL && *buf != '\0') { if ((rv = regcomp(®, buf, REG_NOSUB)) != 0) { initialized = 0; regerror(rv, ®, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf)); regfree(®); error(ebuf); return (-1); } initialized = 1; } else if (!initialized) { error("No previous regular expression"); return (-1); } while (!feof(file)) { line3 = line2; line2 = line1; line1 = Ftell(file); rdline(file); lncount++; if ((rv = regexec(®, Line, 0, NULL, 0)) == 0) { if (--n == 0) { if (lncount > 3 || (lncount > 1 && no_intty)) { putchar('\n'); if (clreol) cleareol(); fputs("...skipping\n", stdout); } if (!no_intty) { Currline -= (lncount >= 3 ? 3 : lncount); Fseek(file, line3); if (noscroll) { if (clreol) { home(); cleareol(); } else doclear(); } } else { kill_line(); if (noscroll) { if (clreol) { home(); cleareol(); } else doclear(); } fputs(Line, stdout); putchar('\n'); } break; } } else if (rv != REG_NOMATCH) { regerror(rv, ®, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf)); error(ebuf); return (-1); } } if (feof(file)) { if (!no_intty) { Currline = saveln; Fseek(file, startline); } else { fputs("\nPattern not found\n", stdout); end_it(); } error("Pattern not found"); return (-1); } return (0); }
void posicionEstadoCorriente(const myrabot_arm_base::ReadServos& pec) { ros::NodeHandle n; ros::Publisher move_pub_=n.advertise<myrabot_arm_base::WriteServos>("move_arm", 1); ros::Publisher hand_pub_=n.advertise<myrabot_arm_base::WriteServos>("hand_arm", 1); myrabot_arm_base::Servos p = pec.posicion; ::pg = pec.posicion; ::cg = pec.corriente; myrabot_arm_base::Servos e = pec.estado; myrabot_arm_base::Servos c = pec.corriente; if (::cont == 0) { ::punto_0 = home(p, c); ::punto_1 = ::punto_0; ::cont = ::cont+1; ::pinza.pinza = p.pinza; } if (::punto_0.x != ::punto_1.x || ::punto_0.y != ::punto_1.y || ::punto_0.z != ::punto_1.z ) { if (::cont_1 == 0) { ::move = acercar(::punto_0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::cont_1 = ::cont_1+1; } if (((p.base-15) < ::move.posicion.base && ::move.posicion.base < (p.base+15)) && ((p.arti1-15) < ::move.posicion.arti1 && ::move.posicion.arti1 < (p.arti1+15)) && ((p.arti2-15) < ::move.posicion.arti2 && ::move.posicion.arti2 < (p.arti2+15)) && ((p.arti3-15) < ::move.posicion.arti3 && ::move.posicion.arti3 < (p.arti3+15))) { if (::cont_2 == 0) { ::move = inversa(::punto_0, ::inclinacion_pinza, p, 0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::cont_2 = ::cont_2+1; } else { if (((p.base-15) < ::move.posicion.base && ::move.posicion.base < (p.base+15)) && ((p.arti1-15) < ::move.posicion.arti1 && ::move.posicion.arti1 < (p.arti1+15)) && ((p.arti2-15) < ::move.posicion.arti2 && ::move.posicion.arti2 < (p.arti2+15)) && ((p.arti3-15) < ::move.posicion.arti3 && ::move.posicion.arti3 < (p.arti3+15))) { if(::pin.posicion.pinza != p.pinza) { std::cout<<c.pinza<<std::endl; ::pinza.pinza = ::pinza.pinza + 20; ::pin = controlPinza(::pinza, p, c); hand_pub_.publish(::pin); } else { std::cout<<"Agarrado"<<std::endl; ::move = levantarAcercar(::punto_0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::punto_1 = ::punto_0; ::cont_1 = 0; ::cont_2 = 0; } } } } else { std::cout<<"En movimiento"<<std::endl; } } }
http::doc urlhandle(const std::string &url, const std::string &querystr, const uint32_t remoteip) { //std::cout << url << "\n"; const uint32_t localip = util::str2ip(""); // TODO Make this configurable std::vector<std::string> path = util::strsplit(url, '/'); if (path.size() && path[0] == "") path.erase(path.begin()); for (std::string &elem : path) elem = util::urldecode(elem); std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> query{}; if (querystr.size() > 0) for (const std::string &qu : util::strsplit(querystr, '&')) { std::string::size_type idx = qu.find("="); if (idx == qu.npos) query[util::urldecode(qu)] = ""; else query[util::urldecode(qu.substr(0, idx), true)] = util::urldecode(qu.substr(idx + 1), true); } try { if (path.size() == 0 || path[0] == "") return home(remoteip == localip); if (path[0] == "search" || path[0] == "view" || path[0] == "content" || path[0] == "complete" || path[0] == "titles" || path[0] == "shuffle") { if (path.size() < 2) return error("Bad Request", "Missing volume ID"); if (! volumes.check(path[1])) return error("Not Found", "No volume with ID “" + path[1] + "” exists"); std::string input{}; std::string::const_iterator start = util::find_nth(url.begin(), url.end(), '/', 3) + 1; if (start > url.end()) input = ""; else input = util::urldecode(std::string{start, url.end()}); std::string input_qstr = input + (querystr.size() ? "?" + querystr : ""); if (path[0] == "search") return search(volumes.get(path[1]), input_qstr); else if (path[0] == "view") return content(volumes.get(path[1]), input, true); else if (path[0] == "complete") return complete(volumes.get(path[1]), input_qstr); else if (path[0] == "titles") return titles(volumes.get(path[1]), input_qstr); else if (path[0] == "shuffle") return shuffle(volumes.get(path[1])); else return content(volumes.get(path[1]), input); } else if (path[0] == "load" || path[0] == "unload") { if (path.size() < 2) return error("Bad Request", "Missing category name"); if (path[0] == "load") return loadcat(path[1]); else return unloadcat(path[1]); } else if (path[0] == "external") { if (path.size() < 2) return error("Bad Request", "Missing external path"); if (remoteip != localip) return error("Denied", "You do not have permission to access this functionality"); return http::doc{"text/plain", volumes.load_external(path[1])}; } else if (path[0] == "pref") return pref(); else if (path[0] == "rsrc") return rsrc(util::strjoin(path, '/', 1)); else if (path[0] == "add") return http::doc{resource("html/add.html")}; else if (path[0] == "action") { if (path.size() < 2) return error("Bad Request", "No action selected"); if (remoteip != localip) return error("Denied", "You do not have permission to access this functionality"); return action(path[1], query); } else throw handle_error{"Unknown action “" + path[0] + "”"}; } catch (std::exception &e) { return error("Error", e.what()); } }
void TRACKS() { sky(); tree_one(); tree_one_body(); tree_two(); tree_two_body(); wall(); platform(); //quad(); woman(); resting(); home(); /*body_one(); window_one(); c_one(); body_two(); window_two(); door_one(); c_two(); body_three(); window_three(); door_two(); c_three(); body_four(); window_four(); door_three();*/ // glBegin(GL_LINES);// samner lomba line glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex2f(0,85); glVertex2f(999,85); glVertex2f(999,84); glVertex2f(0,84); glVertex2f(0,82); glVertex2f(999,82); glVertex2f(999,78); glVertex2f(0,78); glVertex2f(0,147); glVertex2f(999,147); glVertex2f(999,148); glVertex2f(0,148); glVertex2f(0,152); glVertex2f(999,152); glVertex2f(0,150); glVertex2f(999,150); glEnd(); quad(); /** boundery strt **/ /* glBegin(GL_LINES);// samner boundery glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex2f(0,300); glVertex2f(1000,300); glVertex2f(0,297); glVertex2f(1000,297); glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0);//boundery samner glVertex2f(0,295); glVertex2f(1000,295); glVertex2f(0,293); glVertex2f(1000,293); glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); glVertex2f(0,400); glVertex2f(1000,400); glVertex2f(0,397); glVertex2f(1000,397); glColor3f(.1111,.10,.0); glVertex2f(0,395); glVertex2f(1000,395); glVertex2f(0,393); glVertex2f(1000,393); glColor3f(.1111,.10,.0); glVertex2f(0,304); glVertex2f(1000,304); glVertex2f(0,305); glVertex2f(1000,305);// samner railline shes // sliper while(c!=1000) { glVertex2f(c,d); glVertex2f(c,d+120); c+=10; } glEnd();*/ /** boundery finish **/ }
int main() { char keyboard_input[100]; XColor black_col,white_col,red_col,green_col,blue_col,yellow_col,magenta_col,cyan_col; Colormap colormap; char black_bits[] = "#000000"; char white_bits[] = "#FFFFFF"; // Mix red, green and blue to get white char red_bits[] = "#FF0000"; char green_bits[] = "#00FF00"; char blue_bits[] = "#0000FF"; char yellow_bits[] = "#FFFF00"; // Mix red and green to get yellow char magenta_bits[] = "#FF00FF"; // A sort of purple color char cyan_bits[] = "#00FFFF"; // A blue-green color //Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NIL); dpy = XOpenDisplay(NIL); assert(dpy); // Open the display // Define the colors we want to use colormap = DefaultColormap(dpy, 0); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, black_bits, &black_col); XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &black_col); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, white_bits, &white_col); XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &white_col); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, red_bits, &red_col); XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &red_col); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, green_bits, &green_col);XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &green_col); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, blue_bits, &blue_col);XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &blue_col); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, yellow_bits, &yellow_col);XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &yellow_col); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, magenta_bits, &magenta_col);XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &magenta_col); XParseColor(dpy, colormap, cyan_bits, &cyan_col);XAllocColor(dpy, colormap, &cyan_col); // Create the window The numbers are the x and y locations on the screen, the width and height, // border width (which is usually zero) w = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0, window_width, window_height, 0, black_col.pixel, black_col.pixel); XSelectInput(dpy, w, StructureNotifyMask); // We want to get MapNotify events XMapWindow(dpy, w); // "Map" the window (that is, make it appear on the screen) for(;;){XEvent e; XNextEvent(dpy,&e); if(e.type == MapNotify) break;} //Wait for the MapNotify event // which means that the window has appeared on the screen. gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w, 0, NIL); // Create a "Graphics Context" get_pen(white_col); // We are finally ready to do some drawing! Whew! // ................ Students: you put your beautiful code HERE: ....................... int i; home(); // Send the turtle to the middle of the window. That's its "home" get_pen(green_col); for (i=0; i<36; i++) { forward(250); //printf("1 x=%g y=%g heading=%g\n",turtle_x,turtle_y,turtle_heading); //Optional: use for debugging right(170); //usleep(100000); XFlush(dpy); // Optional: use this to see the lines being drawn, one-by-one } pen_up(); home(); left(90); pen_down(); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { get_pen(cyan_col); forward(200); //printf("2 x=%g y=%g heading=%g\n",turtle_x,turtle_y,turtle_heading); //Optional: use for debugging left(90); } XFlush(dpy); // Tell the graphics server that it should really show us the results now. sleep(1); // Wait for 1 second printf("Press enter when done.\n"); fgets (keyboard_input,100,stdin); return(0); }
int aboutMenu() { aboutBg = sf2d_create_texture_mem_RGBA8(about_img.pixel_data, about_img.width, about_img.height, TEXFMT_RGBA8, SF2D_PLACE_RAM); highlight = sf2d_create_texture_mem_RGBA8(highlight_img.pixel_data, highlight_img.width, highlight_img.height, TEXFMT_RGBA8, SF2D_PLACE_RAM); sf2d_set_clear_color(RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 0)); while (aptMainLoop()) { hidScanInput(); u32 kDown = hidKeysDown(); sf2d_start_frame(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT); sf2d_draw_texture(aboutBg, 0, 0); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 68, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "%s", lang_settingsAbout[language][0]); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 83, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "%s", lang_settingsAbout[language][1]); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 116, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "%s", lang_settingsAbout[language][2]); //sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 132, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "Model = NULL"); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 168, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "%s", lang_settingsAbout[language][5]); //sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 183, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "NinjaHax version: NULL"); if (touch.px >= 0 && touch.px <= 480 && >= 58 && <= 105) { sf2d_draw_texture(highlight, 0, 56); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 68, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "Cyanogen3DS Updates"); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 83, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "Click for, view or isntall available updates"); } else if (touch.px >= 0 && touch.px <= 480 && >= 106 && <= 157) { sf2d_draw_texture(highlight, 0, 105); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 116, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "Cyanogen3DS version: 0.01-20151019-UNOFFICIAL"); sftd_draw_textf(roboto, 20, 132, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 255), 12, "Model = NULL"); } digitalTime(350, 2); batteryStatus(316, 2); androidQuickSettings(); cursorController(); sf2d_end_frame(); navbarControls(1); if (kDown & KEY_Y) powerMenu(); if (kDown & KEY_L) lockScreen(); if (kDown & KEY_B) { sf2d_free_texture(aboutBg); sf2d_free_texture(highlight); settingsMenu(); } if ((touch.px >= 44 && touch.px <= 119 && >= 201 && <= 240) && (kDown & KEY_A)) { sf2d_free_texture(aboutBg); sf2d_free_texture(highlight); settingsMenu(); } else if ((touch.px >= 120 && touch.px <= 195 && >= 201 && <= 240) && (kDown & KEY_A)) { sf2d_free_texture(aboutBg); sf2d_free_texture(highlight); home(); } sf2d_swapbuffers(); } sf2d_free_texture(aboutBg); sf2d_free_texture(highlight); return 0; }
void posicionEstadoCorriente(const myrabot_arm_base_b::ReadServos& pec) { ros::NodeHandle n; ros::Publisher move_pub_=n.advertise<myrabot_arm_base_b::WriteServos>("move_arm", 1); p = pec.posicion; c = pec.corriente; if (start == 0 || (((p.base-15) < ::move.posicion.base && ::move.posicion.base < (p.base+15)) && ((p.arti1-15) < ::move.posicion.arti1 && ::move.posicion.arti1 < (p.arti1+15)) && ((p.arti2-15) < ::move.posicion.arti2 && ::move.posicion.arti2 < (p.arti2+15)) && ((p.arti3-15) < ::move.posicion.arti3 && ::move.posicion.arti3 < (p.arti3+15)))) { if (::cont == 0) { ::punto = home(p, c); ::move = inversa(::punto, ::inclinacion_pinza, p, 0); ::cont = 1; ::start = 1; sleep(2); } else if (::cont_1 == 0) { ::punto.x = 0; ::punto.z = 0; ::punto.y = 265; ::move = inversa(::punto, ::inclinacion_pinza, p, 0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::cont_1 = 1; } else if (::cont_2 == 0) { ::punto.x = 260; ::punto.z = 0; ::punto.y = 50; ::move = inversa(::punto, ::inclinacion_pinza, p, 0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::cont_2 = 1; sleep(2); } else if (::cont_3 == 0) { ::punto.x = 0; ::punto.z = 205; ::punto.y = 60; ::move = inversa(::punto, ::inclinacion_pinza, p, 0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::cont_3 = 1; sleep(2); } else if (::cont_4 == 0) { ::punto.x = -260; ::punto.z = 0; ::punto.y = 50; ::move = inversa(::punto, ::inclinacion_pinza, p, 0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::cont_4 = 1; sleep(2); } else { ::punto.x = 0; ::punto.z = 0; ::punto.y = 265; ::move = inversa(::punto, ::inclinacion_pinza, p, 0); move_pub_.publish(::move); ::cont = 0; ::cont_1 = 0; ::cont_2 = 0; ::cont_3 = 0; ::cont_4 = 0; ::start = 0; sleep(2); } } }
/** * Edit a stream * @param console_in stream to read console from * @param console_out stream to write console to * @param stream stream to read/write file to */ void muon_edit(handle_t console_in, handle_t console_out, const char *title, handle_t stream) { int rc; int i; editor_t *ed = (editor_t *) neutron_malloc(sizeof(editor_t)); memset(ed, 0, sizeof(editor_t)); ed->console_in = console_in; ed->console_out = console_out; ed->title = title; ed->anchor = -1; rc = load_file(ed, stream); get_console_size(ed); bool done = false; int key; ed->refresh = 1; while (!done) { if (ed->refresh) { draw_screen(ed); draw_full_statusline(ed); ed->refresh = 0; ed->lineupdate = 0; } else if (ed->lineupdate) { update_line(ed); ed->lineupdate = 0; draw_statusline(ed); } else { draw_statusline(ed); } position_cursor(ed); key = getkey(ed); if (key >= ' ' && key <= 0x7F) { insert_char(ed, (char) key); } else { switch (key) { case KEY_F1: help(ed); break; case KEY_F5: redraw_screen(ed); break; case KEY_UP: up(ed, 0); break; case KEY_DOWN: down(ed, 0); break; case KEY_LEFT: left(ed, 0); break; case KEY_RIGHT: right(ed, 0); break; case KEY_HOME: home(ed, 0); break; case KEY_END: end(ed, 0); break; case KEY_PGUP: pageup(ed, 0); break; case KEY_PGDN: pagedown(ed, 0); break; case KEY_CTRL_RIGHT: wordright(ed, 0); break; case KEY_CTRL_LEFT: wordleft(ed, 0); break; case KEY_CTRL_HOME: top(ed, 0); break; case KEY_CTRL_END: bottom(ed, 0); break; case KEY_SHIFT_UP: up(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_DOWN: down(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_LEFT: left(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_RIGHT: right(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_PGUP: pageup(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_PGDN: pagedown(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_HOME: home(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_END: end(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_CTRL_RIGHT: wordright(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_CTRL_LEFT: wordleft(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_CTRL_HOME: top(ed, 1); break; case KEY_SHIFT_CTRL_END: bottom(ed, 1); break; case ctrl('a'): select_all(ed); break; case ctrl('c'): copy_selection(ed); break; case ctrl('f'): find_text(ed, 0); break; case ctrl('l'): goto_line(ed); break; case ctrl('g'): find_text(ed, 1); break; case KEY_TAB: indent(ed, INDENT); break; case KEY_SHIFT_TAB: unindent(ed, INDENT); break; case KEY_ENTER: newline(ed); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: backspace(ed); break; case KEY_DEL: del(ed); break; case ctrl('x'): cut_selection(ed); break; case ctrl('z'): undo(ed); break; case ctrl('r'): redo(ed); break; case ctrl('v'): paste_selection(ed); break; case ctrl('s'): save_editor(ed); break; case ctrl('q'): done = close_editor(ed); break; } } } gotoxy(ed, 0, ed->lines + 1); outstr(ed, RESET_COLOR CLREOL); if (ed->clipboard) neutron_free(ed->clipboard); if (ed->search) neutron_free(ed->search); if (ed->linebuf) neutron_free(ed->linebuf); clear_undo(ed); neutron_free(ed); }