예제 #1
void Compressor::process(int frames, float* ip, float *op)
      const float ga       = _attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(_attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float gr       = as[f_round(_release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float rs       = (_ratio - 1.0f) / _ratio;
      const float mug      = db2lin(_makeupGain);
      const float knee_min = db2lin(_threshold - _knee);
      const float knee_max = db2lin(_threshold + _knee);
      const float ef_a     = ga * 0.25f;
      const float ef_ai    = 1.0f - ef_a;

      for (int pos = 0; pos < frames; pos++) {
            const float la = fabs(ip[pos * 2]);
            const float ra = fabs(ip[pos * 2 + 1]);
            const float lev_in = f_max(la, ra);

            sum += lev_in * lev_in;
            if (amp > env_rms)
                  env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
                  env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
            if (lev_in > env_peak)
                  env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
                  env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
            if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
                  amp = rms.process(sum * 0.25f);
                  sum = 0.0f;
                  if (qIsNaN(env_rms))     // This can happen sometimes, but I don't know why
                        env_rms = 0.0f;
                  env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);
                  if (env <= knee_min)
                        gain_t = 1.0f;
                  else if (env < knee_max) {
                        const float x = -(_threshold - _knee - lin2db(env)) / _knee;
                        gain_t = db2lin(-_knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
                        gain_t = db2lin((_threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
            gain          = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
            op[pos * 2]   = ip[pos * 2] * gain * mug;
            op[pos * 2+1] = ip[pos * 2 + 1] * gain * mug;

//      printf("gain %f\n", gain);

//      amplitude = lin2db(env);
//      gain_red  = lin2db(gain);
예제 #2
파일: silentjack.c 프로젝트: l1n/silentjack
/* Read and reset the recent peak sample */
float read_peak()
	float peakdb = lin2db(peak);
	peak = 0.0f;

	return peakdb;
예제 #3
void CMixerFrame::VolChanged(int Value)
    ui->VolLabel->setText(QString::number(lin2db((float)Value*0.01),'f',2)+" dB");
    if (!Mixer)
예제 #4
파일: decibel.c 프로젝트: pcercuei/dcplaya
static void lin2db_table(FILE * out, int n, int s)
  int i;
  double v,db,stp;
  double dbmax;
  double sc;

  stp = 1.0 / (n+1);
  dbmax = -lin2db(stp); /* */
  sc = (double) s / dbmax;

  for (i=0, v=stp; i<n; ++i, v+=stp) {
	int r;
	db = (i==n-1) ? 0 : lin2db(v);
	r = ( (dbmax + db) * sc);
	fprintf(out,"%lf %d,\n", db, r);

예제 #5
CMixerFrame::CMixerFrame(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::CMixerFrame)
    ui->VolLabel->setText(QString::number(lin2db((float)ui->VolSlider->value()*0.01),'f',2)+" dB");
예제 #6
파일: sc4m_1916.c 프로젝트: rsenn/eXT2
static void runAddingSc4m(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc4m *plugin_data = (Sc4m *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* RMS/peak (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rms_peak = *(plugin_data->rms_peak);

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const input = plugin_data->input;

	/* Output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const output = plugin_data->output;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float env_peak = plugin_data->env_peak;
	float env_rms = plugin_data->env_rms;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	         const float lev_in = input[pos];
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env_rms) {
	    env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (lev_in > env_peak) {
	    env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
	  if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;

	    env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);

	    if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(output[pos], input[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->env_rms = env_rms;
	plugin_data->env_peak = env_peak;
	plugin_data->count = count;

	*(plugin_data->amplitude) = lin2db(env);
	*(plugin_data->gain_red) = lin2db(gain);
예제 #7
파일: plugin.c 프로젝트: moddevices/swh-lv2
static void runSc3(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count)
  Sc3 *plugin_data = (Sc3 *)instance;

  const float attack = *(plugin_data->attack);
  const float release = *(plugin_data->release);
  const float threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);
  const float ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);
  const float knee = *(plugin_data->knee);
  const float makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);
  const float chain_bal = *(plugin_data->chain_bal);
  const float * const sidechain = plugin_data->sidechain;
  const float * const left_in = plugin_data->left_in;
  const float * const right_in = plugin_data->right_in;
  float * const left_out = plugin_data->left_out;
  float * const right_out = plugin_data->right_out;
  rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
  float * as = plugin_data->as;
  float sum = plugin_data->sum;
  float amp = plugin_data->amp;
  float gain = plugin_data->gain;
  float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
  float env = plugin_data->env;
  unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
      unsigned long pos;

      const float ga = as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
      const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
      const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
      const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
      const float chain_bali = 1.0f - chain_bal;
      const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
      const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

      for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	const float lev_in = chain_bali * (left_in[pos] + right_in[pos]) * 0.5f
			     + chain_bal * sidechain[pos];
        sum += lev_in * lev_in;

        if (amp > env) {
          env = env * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
        } else {
          env = env * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
        if (count++ % 4 == 3) {
          amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
          sum = 0.0f;
	  if (isnan(env)) {
	    // This can happen sometimes, but I dont know why
	    env = 0.0f;
	  } else if (env <= knee_min) {
            gain_t = 1.0f;
	  } else if (env < knee_max) {
	    const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	    gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
          } else {
            gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
        gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
        buffer_write(left_out[pos], left_in[pos] * gain * mug);
        buffer_write(right_out[pos], right_in[pos] * gain * mug);
      plugin_data->sum = sum;
      plugin_data->amp = amp;
      plugin_data->gain = gain;
      plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
      plugin_data->env = env;
      plugin_data->count = count;
예제 #8
파일: sc3_1427.c 프로젝트: Cubiicle/lmms
static void runAddingSc3(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc3 *plugin_data = (Sc3 *)instance;
	LADSPA_Data run_adding_gain = plugin_data->run_adding_gain;

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Chain balance (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data chain_bal = *(plugin_data->chain_bal);

	/* Sidechain (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const sidechain = plugin_data->sidechain;

	/* Left input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const left_in = plugin_data->left_in;

	/* Right input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const right_in = plugin_data->right_in;

	/* Left output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const left_out = plugin_data->left_out;

	/* Right output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const right_out = plugin_data->right_out;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

#line 49 "sc3_1427.xml"
	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float chain_bali = 1.0f - chain_bal;
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  const float lev_in = chain_bali * (left_in[pos] + right_in[pos]) * 0.5f
	                       + chain_bal * sidechain[pos];
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env) {
	    env = env * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env = env * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (count++ % 4 == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;
	    if (isnan(env)) {
	      // This can happen sometimes, but I dont know why
	      env = 0.0f;
	    } else if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(left_out[pos], left_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	  buffer_write(right_out[pos], right_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->count = count;
예제 #9
파일: sc4_1434.so.c 프로젝트: forart/ayemux
static void runSc4(LADSPA_Handle instance, unsigned long sample_count) {
	Sc4 *plugin_data = (Sc4 *)instance;

	/* RMS/peak (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data rms_peak = *(plugin_data->rms_peak);

	/* Attack time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data attack = *(plugin_data->attack);

	/* Release time (ms) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data release = *(plugin_data->release);

	/* Threshold level (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);

	/* Ratio (1:n) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);

	/* Knee radius (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data knee = *(plugin_data->knee);

	/* Makeup gain (dB) (float value) */
	const LADSPA_Data makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);

	/* Left input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const left_in = plugin_data->left_in;

	/* Right input (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	const LADSPA_Data * const right_in = plugin_data->right_in;

	/* Left output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const left_out = plugin_data->left_out;

	/* Right output (array of floats of length sample_count) */
	LADSPA_Data * const right_out = plugin_data->right_out;
	float amp = plugin_data->amp;
	float * as = plugin_data->as;
	unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
	float env = plugin_data->env;
	float env_peak = plugin_data->env_peak;
	float env_rms = plugin_data->env_rms;
	float gain = plugin_data->gain;
	float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
	rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
	float sum = plugin_data->sum;

#line 51 "sc4_1434.xml"
	unsigned long pos;

	const float ga = attack < 2.0f ? 0.0f : as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
	const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
	const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
	const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
	const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
	const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
	const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

	for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
	  const float la = fabs(left_in[pos]);
	  const float ra = fabs(right_in[pos]);
	  const float lev_in = f_max(la, ra);
	  sum += lev_in * lev_in;

	  if (amp > env_rms) {
	    env_rms = env_rms * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_rms = env_rms * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
	  if (lev_in > env_peak) {
	    env_peak = env_peak * ga + lev_in * (1.0f - ga);
	  } else {
	    env_peak = env_peak * gr + lev_in * (1.0f - gr);
	  if ((count++ & 3) == 3) {
	    amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
	    sum = 0.0f;
	    if (isnan(env_rms)) {
	      // This can happen sometimes, but I don't know why
	      env_rms = 0.0f;

	    env = LIN_INTERP(rms_peak, env_rms, env_peak);

	    if (env <= knee_min) {
	      gain_t = 1.0f;
	    } else if (env < knee_max) {
	      const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	      gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
	    } else {
	      gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
	  gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
	  buffer_write(left_out[pos], left_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	  buffer_write(right_out[pos], right_in[pos] * gain * mug);
	plugin_data->sum = sum;
	plugin_data->amp = amp;
	plugin_data->gain = gain;
	plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
	plugin_data->env = env;
	plugin_data->env_rms = env_rms;
	plugin_data->env_peak = env_peak;
	plugin_data->count = count;

	*(plugin_data->amplitude) = lin2db(env);
	*(plugin_data->gain_red) = lin2db(gain);
예제 #10
파일: plugin.c 프로젝트: moddevices/swh-lv2
static void runSc2(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count)
  Sc2 *plugin_data = (Sc2 *)instance;

  const float attack = *(plugin_data->attack);
  const float release = *(plugin_data->release);
  const float threshold = *(plugin_data->threshold);
  const float ratio = *(plugin_data->ratio);
  const float knee = *(plugin_data->knee);
  const float makeup_gain = *(plugin_data->makeup_gain);
  const float * const sidechain = plugin_data->sidechain;
  const float * const input = plugin_data->input;
  float * const output = plugin_data->output;
  rms_env * rms = plugin_data->rms;
  float * as = plugin_data->as;
  float sum = plugin_data->sum;
  float amp = plugin_data->amp;
  float gain = plugin_data->gain;
  float gain_t = plugin_data->gain_t;
  float env = plugin_data->env;
  unsigned int count = plugin_data->count;
      unsigned long pos;

      const float ga = as[f_round(attack * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float gr = as[f_round(release * 0.001f * (float)(A_TBL-1))];
      const float rs = (ratio - 1.0f) / ratio;
      const float mug = db2lin(makeup_gain);
      const float knee_min = db2lin(threshold - knee);
      const float knee_max = db2lin(threshold + knee);
      const float ef_a = ga * 0.25f;
      const float ef_ai = 1.0f - ef_a;

      for (pos = 0; pos < sample_count; pos++) {
        sum += sidechain[pos] * sidechain[pos];

        if (amp > env) {
          env = env * ga + amp * (1.0f - ga);
        } else {
          env = env * gr + amp * (1.0f - gr);
        if (count++ % 4 == 3) {
          amp = rms_env_process(rms, sum * 0.25f);
          sum = 0.0f;
          if (env <= knee_min) {
            gain_t = 1.0f;
	  } else if (env < knee_max) {
	    const float x = -(threshold - knee - lin2db(env)) / knee;
	    gain_t = db2lin(-knee * rs * x * x * 0.25f);
          } else {
            gain_t = db2lin((threshold - lin2db(env)) * rs);
        gain = gain * ef_a + gain_t * ef_ai;
        buffer_write(output[pos], input[pos] * gain * mug);
      plugin_data->sum = sum;
      plugin_data->amp = amp;
      plugin_data->gain = gain;
      plugin_data->gain_t = gain_t;
      plugin_data->env = env;
      plugin_data->count = count;