예제 #1
void run_test (FILE *data_stream, FILE *test_in, FILE *test_out)
	int num_of_request;
	unsigned short ordered_rids[100];
	char num_of_request_str[10];
	char target_key[20];
	struct page result;

	num_of_request = atoi (fget_num (num_of_request_str, 10, test_in));
	while (num_of_request--)
		init_page (&result, true);
		fget_num (target_key, 20, test_in);	// Get a request.
		if (search_by_key (target_key, &result, data_stream))  // sth worng here!!!
			sort_record_in_page (&result, 2, ordered_rids);
			put_result (&result, ordered_rids, test_out);
			fprintf (test_out, "%d\r\n", -1);
예제 #2
// this example demostrates a black-scholes option pricing kernel.
int main()
    // number of options
    const int N = 4000000;

    // black-scholes parameters
    const float risk_free_rate = 0.02f;
    const float volatility = 0.30f;

    // get default device and setup context
    compute::device gpu = compute::system::default_device();
    compute::context context(gpu);
    compute::command_queue queue(context, gpu);
    std::cout << "device: " << gpu.name() << std::endl;

    // initialize option data on host
    std::vector<float> stock_price_data(N);
    std::vector<float> option_strike_data(N);
    std::vector<float> option_years_data(N);

    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
        stock_price_data[i] = rand_float(5.0f, 30.0f);
        option_strike_data[i] = rand_float(1.0f, 100.0f);
        option_years_data[i] = rand_float(0.25f, 10.0f);

    // create memory buffers on the device
    compute::vector<float> call_result(N, context);
    compute::vector<float> put_result(N, context);
    compute::vector<float> stock_price(N, context);
    compute::vector<float> option_strike(N, context);
    compute::vector<float> option_years(N, context);

    // copy initial values to the device
    compute::copy_n(stock_price_data.begin(), N, stock_price.begin(), queue);
    compute::copy_n(option_strike_data.begin(), N, option_strike.begin(), queue);
    compute::copy_n(option_years_data.begin(), N, option_years.begin(), queue);

    // source code for black-scholes program
    const char source[] = BOOST_COMPUTE_STRINGIZE_SOURCE(
        // approximation of the cumulative normal distribution function
        float cnd(float d)
            const float A1 =  0.319381530f;
            const float A2 = -0.356563782f;
            const float A3 =  1.781477937f;
            const float A4 = -1.821255978f;
            const float A5 =  1.330274429f;
            const float RSQRT2PI = 0.39894228040143267793994605993438f;

            float K = 1.0f / (1.0f + 0.2316419f * fabs(d));
            float cnd =
                RSQRT2PI * exp(-0.5f * d * d) *
                (K * (A1 + K * (A2 + K * (A3 + K * (A4 + K * A5)))));

            if(d > 0){
                cnd = 1.0f - cnd;

            return cnd;

        // black-scholes option pricing kernel
        __kernel void black_scholes(__global float *call_result,
                                    __global float *put_result,
                                    __global const float *stock_price,
                                    __global const float *option_strike,
                                    __global const float *option_years,
                                    float risk_free_rate,
                                    float volatility)
            const uint opt = get_global_id(0);

            float S = stock_price[opt];
            float X = option_strike[opt];
            float T = option_years[opt];
            float R = risk_free_rate;
            float V = volatility;

            float sqrtT = sqrt(T);
            float d1 = (log(S / X) + (R + 0.5f * V * V) * T) / (V * sqrtT);
            float d2 = d1 - V * sqrtT;
            float CNDD1 = cnd(d1);
            float CNDD2 = cnd(d2);

            float expRT = exp(-R * T);
            call_result[opt] = S * CNDD1 - X * expRT * CNDD2;
            put_result[opt] = X * expRT * (1.0f - CNDD2) - S * (1.0f - CNDD1);