bool GenericTab::initBinder(MapperRuleBinder* mapperBinderPtr) { // initialize rule binder and *connect* signals!! (on init()) //m_mapperBinderPtr=new MapperRuleBinder(m_ruleCheckerPtr, mapper); mapperBinderPtr->init(); //! This is are the signals of the rule binder we need to connect to: // addRecord, first stage record added and second stage record added (run and finish running post-triggers) // the pre triggers signals are connected in the binder classes; then we just need the stuff to show messages... // Default Rules connect(this, SIGNAL(addRecord()), mapperBinderPtr, SIGNAL(addRecord())); // Pre Submit Rules connect(this, SIGNAL(submit()), mapperBinderPtr, SIGNAL(submitRecord())); connect(mapperBinderPtr, SIGNAL(finishedPreSubmit(const bool)), this, SLOT(onPreSubmit(const bool))); // Messages connect(mapperBinderPtr, SIGNAL(showError(QString, const bool)), this, SIGNAL(showError(QString, const bool))); connect(mapperBinderPtr, SIGNAL(showStatus(QString)), this, SIGNAL(showStatus(QString))); return true; }
bool ChartEditorWindow::loadChartTable(){ bool ok; this->lvi.clear(); this->lvi << chartTable.loadChartTableFromXML(chartTableXMLFile, &ok); // TODO: doesn't show layer if it doesn't have level 0 if(!ok){ showStatus("Error loading " + chartTableXMLFile); return false; } showStatus("Loaded " + chartTableXMLFile); m_ui->actionSave->setEnabled(true); m_ui->actionSaveAs->setEnabled(true); // update selection list layerSelectionVector.clear(); QVectorIterator<LayerVisualInfo*> lviIt(lvi); while(lviIt.hasNext()){ LayerVisualInfo * tmpLVI =; if(tmpLVI->getSimpLevel() == 0){ LayerSelectionItem * selItem = new LayerSelectionItem(tmpLVI->getLayerId(), true); layerSelectionVector << selItem; } } showChartTable(); showLayers(); return true; }
void MainWin::on_call_state(pjsua_call_id call_id, pjsip_event *e) { pjsua_call_info ci; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(e); pjsua_call_get_info(call_id, &ci); if (currentCall_ == -1 && ci.state < PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED && ci.role == PJSIP_ROLE_UAC) { emit signalNewCall(call_id, false); } char status[80]; if (ci.state == PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "Call is %s (%s)", ci.state_text.ptr, ci.last_status_text.ptr); showStatus(status); emit signalCallReleased(); } else { snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "Call is %s", pjsip_inv_state_name(ci.state)); showStatus(status); } }
bool ChartEditorWindow::createChartTable(){ bool ok; QStringList selectedLayers; // create table using the currently selected layers for(int i=0; i < m_ui->tableWidgetSelect->rowCount(); i++){ QTableWidgetItem *item = m_ui->tableWidgetSelect->item(0, i); if(item->checkState() == Qt::Checked) selectedLayers << item->text(); } chartTable.setSettings(chartTableSettings); this->lvi = chartTable.generateLayerVisualInfoForAllTables(selectedLayers, &ok); if(!ok){ showStatus("Error creating chart table."); return false; } showChartTable(); //showLayers(); // don't update! must be selected before generation showStatus("Generated chart table"); m_ui->actionSave->setEnabled(true); m_ui->actionSaveAs->setEnabled(true); return true; }
void wavrChatWindow::init(User *pLocalUser, User *pRemoteUser, bool connected) { localId = pLocalUser->id; localName = pLocalUser->name; peerId = pRemoteUser->id; peerIds.insert(peerId, pRemoteUser->id); peerNames.insert(peerId, pRemoteUser->name); peerStatuses.insert(peerId, pRemoteUser->status); peerCaps.insert(peerId, pRemoteUser->caps); this->pLocalUser = pLocalUser; pMessageLog->localId = localId; pMessageLog->peerId = peerId; pMessageLog->peerName = pRemoteUser->name; // get the avatar image for the users pMessageLog->participantAvatars.insert(localId, pLocalUser->avatarPath); pMessageLog->participantAvatars.insert(peerId, pRemoteUser->avatarPath); createSmileyMenu(); createToolBar(); bConnected = connected; if(!bConnected) showStatus(IT_Disconnected, true); int index = wavrHelper::statusIndexFromCode(pRemoteUser->status); if(index != -1) { setWindowIcon(QIcon(statusPic[index])); if(statusType[index] == StatusTypeOffline) showStatus(IT_Offline, true); else if(statusType[index] == StatusTypeAway) showStatus(IT_Away, true); else if(statusType[index] == StatusTypeBusy) showStatus(IT_Busy, true); } pSettings = new wavrSettings(); showSmiley = pSettings->value(IDS_EMOTICON, IDS_EMOTICON_VAL).toBool(); pMessageLog->showSmiley = showSmiley; pMessageLog->autoFile = pSettings->value(IDS_AUTOFILE, IDS_AUTOFILE_VAL).toBool(); pMessageLog->messageTime = pSettings->value(IDS_MESSAGETIME, IDS_MESSAGETIME_VAL).toBool(); pMessageLog->messageDate = pSettings->value(IDS_MESSAGEDATE, IDS_MESSAGEDATE_VAL).toBool(); pMessageLog->allowLinks = pSettings->value(IDS_ALLOWLINKS, IDS_ALLOWLINKS_VAL).toBool(); pMessageLog->pathToLink = pSettings->value(IDS_PATHTOLINK, IDS_PATHTOLINK_VAL).toBool(); pMessageLog->trimMessage = pSettings->value(IDS_TRIMMESSAGE, IDS_TRIMMESSAGE_VAL).toBool(); clearOnClose = pSettings->value(IDS_CLEARONCLOSE, IDS_CLEARONCLOSE_VAL).toBool(); setUIText(); ui.txtMessage->setFocus(); QString themePath = pSettings->value(IDS_THEME, IDS_THEME_VAL).toString(); pMessageLog->initMessageLog(themePath); if(!clearOnClose) pMessageLog->restoreMessageLog(QDir(StdLocation::cacheDir()).absoluteFilePath("msg_" + peerId + ".tmp")); }
// mouseMove //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VehicleSelectionView::mouseMove(const iXY &prevPos, const iXY &newPos) { GameTemplateView::mouseMove(prevPos, newPos); if (highlightedButton >= 0) { showStatus(buttons[highlightedButton]->getToolTip()); } else { showStatus("Select a unit for production"); } } // end VehicleSelectionView::mouseMove
void UploaderThread::run() { if ( samba->connect( deviceKey ) != Samba::OK ) { mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( "Usb> Upload Failed - couldn't connect.") ); mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( " ** Check USB cable is plugged in.") ); mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( " ** Make sure you've erased the current program, reset the power, and try again.") ); Samba::Status disconnectStatus; disconnectStatus = samba->disconnect( ); return; } Samba::Status uploaderStatus = samba->flashUpload( bin_file ); if ( uploaderStatus != Samba::OK ) { showStatus( QString( "Usb> Upload Failed." ), 2000 ); switch ( uploaderStatus ) { case Samba::ERROR_INCORRECT_CHIP_INFO: mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( "Usb> Upload Failed - don't recognize the chip you're trying to program.") ); break; case Samba::ERROR_COULDNT_FIND_FILE: case Samba::ERROR_COULDNT_OPEN_FILE: mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( "Usb> Upload Failed - Couldn't find or open the specified .bin file.") ); break; case Samba::ERROR_SENDING_FILE: mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( "Usb> Upload Failed - Couldn't complete download.") ); mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( " ** Noisy power supply? Flakey USB connection?") ); break; default: mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( "Usb> Upload Failed - Unknown Error - %d.").arg(uploaderStatus) ); mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( " ** Note error number and consult the support forums.") ); break; } } // set up samba to actually boot from this file if ( samba->bootFromFlash( ) != Samba::OK ) mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( "Usb> Could not switch to boot from flash.") ); if ( samba->reset( ) != Samba::OK ) mainWindow->messageThreadSafe( QString( "Usb> Could not switch to boot from flash.") ); showStatus( QString( "Upload complete." ), 2000 ); progress( -1 ); monitor->deviceRemoved( deviceKey ); }
void ExcitationThread::run() { emit showStatus("Generating excitation..."); try { Excitation::generate( this->wrkDir, this->cfg); emit generated(); } catch(QLE e) { emit showCritical(e.msg); emit showStatus("Excitation generating failed!", 2000); return; } emit showStatus("Excitation and inverse filter are generated!", 2000); }
void ChartEditorWindow::saveAsChartTable(){ bool ok; QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), chartTableXMLFile, tr("XML files (*.xml);;Any file (*)")); if(!fileName.isEmpty()){ chartTableXMLFile = fileName; ok = chartTable.saveChartTableToXML(this->lvi, chartTableXMLFile); if(ok) showStatus(tr("Saved ") + chartTableXMLFile); else showStatus(tr("Error saving ") + chartTableXMLFile); } }
void KJavaApplet::stateChange( const int newStateInt ) { AppletState newState = (AppletState)newStateInt; bool ok = false; if (d->failed) { return; } switch ( newState ) { case CLASS_LOADED: ok = (d->state == UNKNOWN); break; case INSTANCIATED: if (ok) { showStatus(i18n("Initializing Applet \"%1\"...").arg(appletName())); } ok = (d->state == CLASS_LOADED); break; case INITIALIZED: ok = (d->state == INSTANCIATED); if (ok) { showStatus(i18n("Starting Applet \"%1\"...").arg(appletName())); start(); } break; case STARTED: ok = (d->state == INITIALIZED || d->state == STOPPED); if (ok) { showStatus(i18n("Applet \"%1\" started").arg(appletName())); } break; case STOPPED: ok = (d->state == INITIALIZED || d->state == STARTED); if (ok) { showStatus(i18n("Applet \"%1\" stopped").arg(appletName())); } break; case DESTROYED: ok = true; break; default: break; } if (ok) { d->state = newState; } else { kdError(6100) << "KJavaApplet::stateChange : don't want to switch from state " << d->state << " to " << newState << endl; } }
void FrmSampling::insertRow() { if (!tSampLevels->insertRow(tSampLevels->rowCount())) emit showError(tr("Could not add a sampled level to the table!")); else emit showStatus(tr("Sampled level successfully initialized!")); }
bool FrmSampling::comitSamplingTechnique() { bool bError=false; int curIndex=mapper1->currentIndex(); if (curIndex==-1) return true; //there are no changes on this form!! (CAREFULL WITH THIS TEST) if (!mapper1->submit()){ if (tRefSampTec->lastError().type()!=QSqlError::NoError) emit showError(tRefSampTec->lastError().text()); else emit showError(tr("Could not submit mapper!")); bError=true; }else{ QModelIndex idx=tRefSampTec->index(tRefSampTec->rowCount()-1,8); if (!idx.isValid()) return false; if (!tRefSampTec->setData(idx,m_sample->frameTimeId)) return false; if (!tRefSampTec->submitAll()){ if (tRefSampTec->lastError().type()!=QSqlError::NoError) emit showError(tRefSampTec->lastError().text()); else emit showError(tr("Could not write Sampling Technique in the database!")); bError=true; }else emit showStatus(tr("Sampling Technique successfully written in the database!")); } mapper1->setCurrentIndex(curIndex); return !bError; }
bool FrmSampling::comitSampledLevels() { bool bError=false; int id; int ct=0; QModelIndex indexTechnique=tRefSampTec->index(tRefSampTec->rowCount()-1,0); if (!indexTechnique.isValid()) return false;; for (int i=0; i < tSampLevels->rowCount(); ++i) { QModelIndex indexId=tSampLevels->index(i,0); if (!indexId.isValid()) return false; if (tSampLevels->isDirty(indexId)){ QModelIndex indexFr=tSampLevels->index(i,7); if (!indexFr.isValid()) return false; if (!tSampLevels->setData(indexFr,id)) return false; ++ct; } } if (!tSampLevels->submitAll()){ if (tSampLevels->lastError().type()!=QSqlError::NoError){ emit showError(tSampLevels->lastError().text()); }else emit showError(tr("Could not write Sampling levels in the database!")); bError=true; }else{ emit showStatus(tr("Sampling Technique successfully written in the database!")); if (m_mode==CREATE)tSampLevels->setFilter("id_sampling_technique=" + QVariant(id).toString()); } return !bError; }
void lmcBroadcastWindow::init(bool connected) { createToolBar(); setWindowIcon(QIcon(IDR_APPICON)); ui.splitter->setStyleSheet("QSplitter::handle { image: url("IDR_HGRIP"); }"); ui.tvUserList->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); ui.tvUserList->header()->setSectionsMovable(false); ui.tvUserList->header()->setStretchLastSection(false); ui.tvUserList->header()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch); ui.tvUserList->setCheckable(true); // load settings pSettings = new lmcSettings(); restoreGeometry(pSettings->value(IDS_WINDOWBROADCAST).toByteArray()); ui.splitter->restoreState(pSettings->value(IDS_SPLITTERBROADCAST).toByteArray()); showSmiley = pSettings->value(IDS_EMOTICON, IDS_EMOTICON_VAL).toBool(); sendKeyMod = pSettings->value(IDS_SENDKEYMOD, IDS_SENDKEYMOD_VAL).toBool(); fontSizeVal = pSettings->value(IDS_FONTSIZE, IDS_FONTSIZE_VAL).toInt(); pFontGroup->actions()[fontSizeVal]->setChecked(true); int viewType = pSettings->value(IDS_USERLISTVIEW, IDS_USERLISTVIEW_VAL).toInt(); ui.tvUserList->setView((UserListView)viewType); // show a message if not connected bConnected = connected; ui.btnSend->setEnabled(bConnected); if(!bConnected) showStatus(IT_Disconnected, true); setUIText(); ui.txtMessage->setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { " + fontStyle[fontSizeVal] + " }"); ui.txtMessage->setFocus(); }
void postMessage(const byte deviceIdx) { if (DEBUG_MEMORY) printMem("Post "); if (client_send.connect(vlosite, 80)) { if (DEBUG_WEB) dbg.println("NewC"); int len = 0; printP(COMMAND_IO_SEND, TXTPOST); len = printResponse(COMMAND_IO_SEND, deviceIdx, true); client_send.println(len); if (DEBUG_WEB) dbg.println(len); client_send.println(); if (DEBUG_WEB) dbg.println(); printResponse(COMMAND_IO_SEND, deviceIdx, false); client_send.println(); delay (3); while (client_send.available()) { char c =; if (DEBUG_WEB) dbg.print(c); } } else { if (DEBUG_WEB) dbg.println("Fail"); showStatus(NET_ERROR, 0); Reset_AVR(); } delay(1); if (DEBUG_WEB) dbg.println("Disc"); client_send.stop(); }
//============================================================================== int performCommandLine (const String& commandLine) { StringArray args; args.addTokens (commandLine, true); args.trim(); String command (args[0]); try { if (matchArgument (command, "help")) { showHelp(); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "h")) { showHelp(); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "resave")) { resaveProject (args, false); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "resave-resources")) { resaveProject (args, true); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "set-version")) { setVersion (args); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "bump-version")) { bumpVersion (args); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "git-tag-version")) { gitTag (args); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "buildmodule")) { buildModules (args, false); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "buildallmodules")) { buildModules (args, true); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "status")) { showStatus (args); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "trim-whitespace")) { cleanWhitespace (args, false); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "remove-tabs")) { cleanWhitespace (args, true); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "tidy-divider-comments")) { tidyDividerComments (args); return 0; } if (matchArgument (command, "fix-broken-include-paths")) { fixRelativeIncludePaths (args); return 0; } } catch (const CommandLineError& error) { std::cout << error.message << std::endl << std::endl; return 1; } return commandLineNotPerformed; }
void lmcChatRoomWindow::setUIText(void) { ui.retranslateUi(this); setWindowTitle(getWindowTitle()); QTreeWidgetItem* pGroupItem = getGroupItem(&GroupId); pGroupItem->setText(0, tr("Participants")); userChatAction->setText(tr("&Conversation")); userFileAction->setText(tr("Send &File")); userInfoAction->setText(tr("Get &Information")); pbtnSmiley->setToolTip(tr("Insert Smiley")); pSaveAction->setText(tr("&Save As...")); pSaveAction->setToolTip(tr("Save this conversation")); pFontAction->setText(tr("Change Font...")); pFontAction->setToolTip(tr("Change message font")); pFontColorAction->setText(tr("Change Color...")); pFontColorAction->setToolTip(tr("Change message text color")); if(groupMode) { addContactAction->setText(tr("&Add Contacts...")); addContactAction->setToolTip(tr("Add people to this conversation")); } showStatus(IT_Ok, true); // this will force the info label to retranslate }
// New current line bool DebuggerManager::setActiveLine (const QString& file, int line ) { //Get local filename QString filename = file; // Remove old active line mark setMark(m_currentFile, m_currentLine, false, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType05); // Update vars with active line m_currentFile = filename; m_currentLine = line; // No new current position if(filename.isEmpty() || quantaApp->previewVisible()) return true; // Find new position in editor if(ViewManager::ref()->isOpened(filename) || QExtFileInfo::exists(filename, true, 0L)) quantaApp->gotoFileAndLine(filename, line, 0); else { showStatus(i18n("Unable to open file %1, check your basedirs and mappings.").arg(filename), true); } // Add new active line mark setMark(filename, line, true, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::markType05); return true; }
void MSWindowsClientTaskBarReceiver::onStatusChanged() { if (IsWindowVisible(m_window)) { showStatus(); } }
void GeneratorWithPressureSensor::loop() { tps.update(); led.update(); tps.smooth(analogRead(pressurePin), &pressure, 4); tps.smooth(analogRead(cellTemperaturePin), &cellTemperature, 4); tps.smooth(analogRead(mosfetTemperaturePin), &mosfetTemperature, 4); tps.smooth(analogRead(ambientTemperaturePin), &ambientTemperature, 4); tempCurrent = analogRead(currentPin); if (tempCurrent > currentMinThreshold) { currentTPS.update(); currentTPS.smooth(tempCurrent, ¤t, 4); } processReader(); if (maxPressure < pressure) maxPressure = pressure; if (maxCurrent < current) maxCurrent = current; if (checkThresholdsExceeded()) { // turn off noTone(mosfetPin); led.playBlink(BLINK_FAST, 0); if (isPlaying) { isPlaying = false; showStatus(true); } } }
void Driver::stop() { while (car_.speed() != 0) car_.brake(); showStatus(); }
void MainWin::on_reg_state(pjsua_acc_id acc_id) { pjsua_acc_info info; pjsua_acc_get_info(acc_id, &info); char reg_status[80]; char status[120]; if (!info.has_registration) { pj_ansi_snprintf(reg_status, sizeof(reg_status), "%.*s", (int)info.status_text.slen, info.status_text.ptr); } else { pj_ansi_snprintf(reg_status, sizeof(reg_status), "%d/%.*s (expires=%d)", info.status, (int)info.status_text.slen, info.status_text.ptr, info.expires); } snprintf(status, sizeof(status), "%.*s: %s\n", (int)info.acc_uri.slen, info.acc_uri.ptr, reg_status); showStatus(status); }
void CMSWindowsPortableTaskBarReceiver::onStatusChanged() { if (IsWindowVisible(m_window)) { showStatus(); } }
void SyntroCVCamConsole::runConsole() { struct termios ctty; tcgetattr(fileno(stdout), &ctty); ctty.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON); tcsetattr(fileno(stdout), TCSANOW, &ctty); while (m_running) { printf("\nEnter option: "); switch (toupper(getchar())) { case 'H': showHelp(); break; case 'S': showStatus(); break; case 'X': printf("\nExiting\n"); m_running = false; break; case '\n': continue; } } }
int GenericTab::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: lockControls((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< QList<QWidget*>(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 1: forward((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: gotPar(); break; case 3: navigate((*reinterpret_cast< const bool(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const int(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 4: hideFrameDetails((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 5: showFrameDetails((*reinterpret_cast< const FrmFrameDetails::Mode(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const FrmFrameDetails::Persistence(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< Sample*(*)>(_a[3])),(*reinterpret_cast< QList<int>(*)>(_a[4])),(*reinterpret_cast< const FrmFrameDetails::Options(*)>(_a[5]))); break; case 6: showFrameDetails((*reinterpret_cast< const FrmFrameDetails::Mode(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const FrmFrameDetails::Persistence(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< Sample*(*)>(_a[3])),(*reinterpret_cast< QList<int>(*)>(_a[4]))); break; case 7: showFrameDetails((*reinterpret_cast< const FrmFrameDetails::Mode(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const FrmFrameDetails::Persistence(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< Sample*(*)>(_a[3]))); break; case 8: showStatus((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 9: showError((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const bool(*)>(_a[2]))); break; case 10: showError((*reinterpret_cast< QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 11: fillHeader((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 12: onShowForm(); break; case 13: { bool _r = next(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 14: goBack(); break; case 15: goForward(); break; case 16: onLockControls((*reinterpret_cast< bool(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< QList<QWidget*>(*)>(_a[2]))); break; default: ; } _id -= 17; } return _id; }
void forward( int rotations, int power ){ resetEncoders(); //Resets the motor encoder readings. while( (nMotorEncoder[leftWheel1] < rotations) && (nMotorEncoder[rightWheel1] < rotations) && (nMotorEncoder[leftWheel2]) < rotations && (nMotorEncoder[rightWheel2] < rotations)){ showStatus(rotations, power); motor[leftWheel1] = power; motor[rightWheel1] = power; motor[leftWheel2] = power; motor[rightWheel2] = power; }//goes forward until one of the two sides has rotated enough stopMotors(); if( ( nMotorEncoder[leftWheel1] + nMotorEncoder[leftWheel2] ) - ( nMotorEncoder[rightWheel1] + nMotorEncoder[rightWheel2] ) > 100){ //if shifted to face left while( nMotorEncoder[leftWheel1] - nMotorEncoder[rightWheel1] > 0 ){ motor[rightWheel1] = power / 5;//turns to be straight } stopMotors(); resetEncoders(); } if( ( nMotorEncoder[rightWheel1] + nMotorEncoder[rightWheel2] ) - ( nMotorEncoder[leftWheel1] + nMotorEncoder[leftWheel2] ) > 100 ){ //if shifted to face right while( nMotorEncoder[rightWheel1] - nMotorEncoder[leftWheel1] > 0 ){ motor[leftWheel1] = power/5;//turns to be straight } } stopMotors(); resetEncoders(); }//forward function
static int uiStopCb(Ihandle *ih) { int ix; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ih); // try stopping IupSetAttribute(filterButton, "ACTIVE", "NO"); IupFlush(); // flush to show disabled state divertStop(); IupSetAttribute(filterText, "ACTIVE", "YES"); IupSetAttribute(filterButton, "TITLE", "Start"); IupSetAttribute(filterButton, "ACTIVE", "YES"); IupSetCallback(filterButton, "ACTION", uiStartCb); // stop timer and clean up icons IupSetAttribute(timer, "RUN", "NO"); for (ix = 0; ix < MODULE_CNT; ++ix) { modules[ix]->processTriggered = 0; // use = here since is threads already stopped IupSetAttribute(modules[ix]->iconHandle, "IMAGE", "none_icon"); } sendState = SEND_STATUS_NONE; IupSetAttribute(stateIcon, "IMAGE", "none_icon"); showStatus("Successfully stoped. Edit criteria and click Start to begin again."); return IUP_DEFAULT; }
void ChartEditorWindow::onActionGenerateTriggered(){ generatorSettingsDialog->setChartTableSettings(this->chartTableSettings); int confirm = generatorSettingsDialog->exec(); if(confirm) createChartTable(); else showStatus(""); }
static int uiStartCb(Ihandle *ih) { char buf[MSG_BUFSIZE]; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ih); if (divertStart(IupGetAttribute(filterText, "VALUE"), buf) == 0) { showStatus(buf); return IUP_DEFAULT; } // successfully started showStatus("Started filtering. Enable functionalities to take effect."); IupSetAttribute(filterText, "ACTIVE", "NO"); IupSetAttribute(filterButton, "TITLE", "Stop"); IupSetCallback(filterButton, "ACTION", uiStopCb); IupSetAttribute(timer, "RUN", "YES"); return IUP_DEFAULT; }
void MainWin::showError(const char *title, pj_status_t status) { char errmsg[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE]; char errline[120]; pj_strerror(status, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)); snprintf(errline, sizeof(errline), "%s error: %s", title, errmsg); showStatus(errline); }