void qGoBoardReviewInterface::sendMoveToInterface(StoneColor c, int x, int y) { if (x > 8) x++; char c1 = x - 1 + 'A'; //int c2 = gd.size + 1 - y; int c2 = boardwindow->getBoardSize() + 1 - y; // if (ExtendedTeachingGame && IamPupil) // emit signal_sendcommand("kibitz " + QString::number(id) + " " + QString(c1) + QString::number(c2), false); QString id = ""; // if (gsName == IGS) id = game_Id; /* Where and why would we get the number here, is 0 okay for now ??? FIXME */ boardwindow->getBoardDispatch()->sendMove(new MoveRecord(0, x, y, c)); emit signal_sendCommandFromBoard(QString(c1) + QString::number(c2) + " " + id, false); }
/* * sends a "pass" move to the server */ void qGoBoardReviewInterface::sendPassToInterface(StoneColor /*c*/) { /* What really is this doing in the review interface ??? */ emit signal_sendCommandFromBoard("pass", false); boardwindow->getBoardDispatch()->sendMove(new MoveRecord(MoveRecord::PASS)); }
/* * 'resign button pressed */ void qGoBoardMatchInterface::slotReviewPressed() { #ifdef OLD emit signal_sendCommandFromBoard("review create_prevgame", FALSE); #endif //OLD }