// Services:
bool ROS_server::displayText_service(vrep_skeleton_msg_and_srv::displayText::Request &req,vrep_skeleton_msg_and_srv::displayText::Response &res)
	res.dialogHandle=simDisplayDialog("Message from a ROS node",req.textToDisplay.c_str(),sim_dlgstyle_message,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	return true;
예제 #2
// This is the plugin messaging routine (i.e. V-REP calls this function very often, with various messages):
VREP_DLLEXPORT void* v_repMessage(int message,int* auxiliaryData,void* customData,int* replyData)
{ // This is called quite often. Just watch out for messages/events you want to handle
	// Keep following 5 lines at the beginning and unchanged:
        //static bool refreshDlgFlag=true;
	int errorModeSaved;
	void* retVal=NULL;

	// Here we can intercept many messages from V-REP (actually callbacks). Only the most important messages are listed here.
	// For a complete list of messages that you can intercept/react with, search for "sim_message_eventcallback"-type constants
	// in the V-REP user manual.
	if (message==sim_message_eventcallback_mainscriptabouttobecalled)
	{ // The main script is about to be run (only called while a simulation is running (and not paused!))
	  //  main script is called every dynamics calculation. 
	if (message==sim_message_eventcallback_simulationabouttostart)
	{ // Simulation is about to start
	if (message == sim_message_eventcallback_menuitemselected) {
		simInt handle = auxiliaryData[0];
		simInt state = auxiliaryData[1];
		if (handle == robotItemHandle) {
			std::cout << "Robot Menu Selected" << std::endl;
			mainItemHandle = robotItemHandle;
			spawnRTCMethod = spawnRobotRTC;
			modelDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Robot Item", "Input Robot Model Name", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		else if (handle == rangeItemHandle) {
			std::cout << "Range Menu Selected" << std::endl;
			mainItemHandle = rangeItemHandle;
			spawnRTCMethod = spawnRangeRTC;
			modelDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Item", "Input Range Model Name", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		else if (handle == cameraItemHandle) {
			std::cout << "Camera Menu Selected" << std::endl;
			mainItemHandle = cameraItemHandle;
			spawnRTCMethod = spawnCameraRTC;
			modelDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Item", "Input Vision Sensor Model Name", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		else if (handle == accelItemHandle) {
			std::cout << "Acceleration Menu Selected" << std::endl;
			mainItemHandle = accelItemHandle;
			spawnRTCMethod = spawnAccelerometerRTC;
			modelDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Item", "Input Accel Sensor Model Name", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		else if (handle == gyroItemHandle) {
			std::cout << "Gyro Menu Selected" << std::endl;
			mainItemHandle = gyroItemHandle;
			spawnRTCMethod = spawnGyroRTC;
			modelDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Item", "Input Gyro Model Name", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		else if (handle == depthItemHandle) {
			std::cout << "Depth Menu Selected" << std::endl;
			mainItemHandle = depthItemHandle;
			spawnRTCMethod = spawnDepthRTC;
			modelDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Item", "Input Depth Model Name", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		else if (handle == objectItemHandle) {
			std::cout << "Object Menu Selected" << std::endl;
			mainItemHandle = objectItemHandle;
			spawnRTCMethod = spawnObjectRTC;
			modelDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Item", "Input Object Model Name", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);


	if (message == sim_message_eventcallback_refreshdialogs) {
		if (modelDlgHandle >= 0) {
			simInt ret = simGetDialogResult(modelDlgHandle);
			if (ret != sim_dlgret_still_open) {
				if (ret == sim_dlgret_ok) {
					char *buf = simGetDialogInput(modelDlgHandle);
					modelName = buf;
					std::cout << "Model Name is " << buf << std::endl;

					argDlgHandle = simDisplayDialog("Input Argument of RTC", "Input Argument of createComponent method", sim_dlgstyle_input, "", NULL, NULL, NULL);
					modelDlgHandle = -1;
		} else if (argDlgHandle >= 0) {
			simInt ret = simGetDialogResult(argDlgHandle);
			if (ret != sim_dlgret_still_open) {
				if (ret == sim_dlgret_ok) {
					char *buf = simGetDialogInput(argDlgHandle);
					argument = buf;
					std::cout << "createComponent Argument is " << buf << std::endl;
					argDlgHandle = -1;
					spawnRTCMethod(modelName, argument);

	if (message==sim_message_eventcallback_simulationended)
	{ // Simulation just ended
	// Keep following unchanged:
	simSetIntegerParameter(sim_intparam_error_report_mode,errorModeSaved); // restore previous settings