//virtual QVariant AbstractGroupItem::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { if (change == ItemPositionChange && scene()) { // calculate new position. const int trackHeight = KdenliveSettings::trackheight(); QPointF start = sceneBoundingRect().topLeft(); QPointF newPos = value.toPointF(); //kDebug()<<"REAL:"<<start.x()<<", PROPOSED:"<<(int)(start.x() - pos().x() + newPos.x()); int xpos = projectScene()->getSnapPointForPos((int)(start.x() + newPos.x() - pos().x()), KdenliveSettings::snaptopoints()); xpos = qMax(xpos, 0); //kDebug()<<"GRP XPOS:"<<xpos<<", START:"<<start.x()<<",NEW:"<<newPos.x()<<"; SCENE:"<<scenePos().x()<<",POS:"<<pos().x(); newPos.setX((int)(pos().x() + xpos - (int) start.x())); //int startTrack = (start.y() + trackHeight / 2) / trackHeight; int realTrack = (start.y() + newPos.y() - pos().y()) / trackHeight; int proposedTrack = newPos.y() / trackHeight; int correctedTrack = qMin(realTrack, projectScene()->tracksCount() - (int)(boundingRect().height() + 5) / trackHeight); correctedTrack = qMax(correctedTrack, 0); proposedTrack += (correctedTrack - realTrack); // Check if top item is a clip or a transition int offset = 0; int topTrack = -1; QList<QGraphicsItem *> children = childItems(); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); i++) { int currentTrack = (int)(children.at(i)->scenePos().y() / trackHeight); if (children.at(i)->type() == AVWIDGET) { if (topTrack == -1 || currentTrack <= topTrack) { offset = 0; topTrack = currentTrack; } } else if (children.at(i)->type() == TRANSITIONWIDGET) { if (topTrack == -1 || currentTrack < topTrack) { offset = (int)(trackHeight / 3 * 2 - 1); topTrack = currentTrack; } } } newPos.setY((int)((proposedTrack) * trackHeight) + offset); //if (newPos == start) return start; /*if (newPos.x() < 0) { // If group goes below 0, adjust position to 0 return QPointF(pos().x() - start.x(), pos().y()); }*/ QPainterPath shape = groupShape(newPos - pos()); QList<QGraphicsItem*> collindingItems = scene()->items(shape, Qt::IntersectsItemShape); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); i++) { collindingItems.removeAll(children.at(i)); } if (collindingItems.isEmpty()) return newPos; else { bool forwardMove = xpos > start.x(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < collindingItems.count(); i++) { QGraphicsItem *collision = collindingItems.at(i); if (collision->type() == AVWIDGET) { // Collision //kDebug()<<"// COLLISION WIT:"<<collision->sceneBoundingRect(); if (newPos.y() != pos().y()) { // Track change results in collision, restore original position return pos(); } AbstractClipItem *item = static_cast <AbstractClipItem *>(collision); if (forwardMove) { // Moving forward, determine best pos QPainterPath clipPath; clipPath.addRect(item->sceneBoundingRect()); QPainterPath res = shape.intersected(clipPath); offset = qMax(offset, (int)(res.boundingRect().width() + 0.5)); } else { // Moving backward, determine best pos QPainterPath clipPath; clipPath.addRect(item->sceneBoundingRect()); QPainterPath res = shape.intersected(clipPath); offset = qMax(offset, (int)(res.boundingRect().width() + 0.5)); } } } if (offset > 0) { if (forwardMove) { newPos.setX(newPos.x() - offset); } else { newPos.setX(newPos.x() + offset); } // If there is still a collision after our position adjust, restore original pos collindingItems = scene()->items(groupShape(newPos - pos()), Qt::IntersectsItemShape); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); i++) { collindingItems.removeAll(children.at(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < collindingItems.count(); i++) if (collindingItems.at(i)->type() == AVWIDGET) return pos(); } return newPos; } } return QGraphicsItemGroup::itemChange(change, value); }
//virtual QVariant AbstractGroupItem::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { if (change == QGraphicsItem::ItemSelectedChange) { if (value.toBool()) setZValue(3); else setZValue(1); } CustomTrackScene *scene = NULL; if (change == ItemPositionChange && parentItem() == 0) { scene = projectScene(); } if (scene) { // calculate new position. if (scene->isZooming) { // For some reason, mouse wheel on selected itm sometimes triggered // a position change event corrupting timeline, so discard it return pos(); } // calculate new position. const int trackHeight = KdenliveSettings::trackheight(); QPointF start = sceneBoundingRect().topLeft(); QPointF newPos = value.toPointF(); int xpos = projectScene()->getSnapPointForPos((int)(start.x() + newPos.x() - pos().x()), KdenliveSettings::snaptopoints()); xpos = qMax(xpos, 0); ////qDebug()<<"GRP XPOS:"<<xpos<<", START:"<<start.x()<<",NEW:"<<newPos.x()<<"; SCENE:"<<scenePos().x()<<",POS:"<<pos().x(); newPos.setX((int)(pos().x() + xpos - (int) start.x())); QStringList lockedTracks = property("locked_tracks").toStringList(); int proposedTrack = trackForPos(property("y_absolute").toInt() + newPos.y()); // Check if top item is a clip or a transition int offset = 0; int topTrack = -1; QList<int> groupTracks; QList<QGraphicsItem *> children = childItems(); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i) { int currentTrack = 0; if (children.at(i)->type() == AVWidget || children.at(i)->type() == TransitionWidget) { currentTrack = static_cast <AbstractClipItem*> (children.at(i))->track(); if (!groupTracks.contains(currentTrack)) groupTracks.append(currentTrack); } else if (children.at(i)->type() == GroupWidget) { currentTrack = static_cast <AbstractGroupItem*> (children.at(i))->track(); } else continue; if (children.at(i)->type() == AVWidget) { if (topTrack == -1 || currentTrack >= topTrack) { offset = 0; topTrack = currentTrack; } } else if (children.at(i)->type() == TransitionWidget) { if (topTrack == -1 || currentTrack > topTrack) { offset = (int)(trackHeight / 3 * 2 - 1); topTrack = currentTrack; } } else if (children.at(i)->type() == GroupWidget) { QList<QGraphicsItem *> subchildren = children.at(i)->childItems(); bool clipGroup = false; for (int j = 0; j < subchildren.count(); ++j) { if (subchildren.at(j)->type() == AVWidget || subchildren.at(j)->type() == TransitionWidget) { int subTrack = static_cast <AbstractClipItem*> (subchildren.at(j))->track(); if (!groupTracks.contains(subTrack)) groupTracks.append(subTrack); clipGroup = true; } } if (clipGroup) { if (topTrack == -1 || currentTrack >= topTrack) { offset = 0; topTrack = currentTrack; } } else { if (topTrack == -1 || currentTrack > topTrack) { offset = (int)(trackHeight / 3 * 2 - 1); topTrack = currentTrack; } } } } // Check no clip in the group goes outside of existing tracks int maximumTrack = projectScene()->tracksCount(); int groupHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < groupTracks.count(); ++i) { int offset = groupTracks.at(i) - topTrack; if (offset > groupHeight) groupHeight = offset; } maximumTrack -= groupHeight; proposedTrack = qMin(proposedTrack, maximumTrack); proposedTrack = qMax(proposedTrack, groupTracks.count()); int groupOffset = proposedTrack - topTrack; if (!lockedTracks.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < groupTracks.count(); ++i) { if (lockedTracks.contains(QString::number(groupTracks.at(i) + groupOffset))) { return pos(); } } } newPos.setY(posForTrack(proposedTrack) + offset); //if (newPos == start) return start; /*if (newPos.x() < 0) { // If group goes below 0, adjust position to 0 return QPointF(pos().x() - start.x(), pos().y()); }*/ QList<QGraphicsItem*> collidingItems; QPainterPath shape; if (projectScene()->editMode() == NormalEdit) { shape = clipGroupShape(newPos - pos()); collidingItems = scene->items(shape, Qt::IntersectsItemShape); collidingItems.removeAll(this); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i) { if (children.at(i)->type() == GroupWidget) { QList<QGraphicsItem *> subchildren = children.at(i)->childItems(); for (int j = 0; j < subchildren.count(); ++j) { collidingItems.removeAll(subchildren.at(j)); } } collidingItems.removeAll(children.at(i)); } } if (!collidingItems.isEmpty()) { bool forwardMove = xpos > start.x(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < collidingItems.count(); ++i) { QGraphicsItem *collision = collidingItems.at(i); if (collision->type() == AVWidget) { // Collision if (newPos.y() != pos().y()) { // Track change results in collision, restore original position return pos(); } AbstractClipItem *item = static_cast <AbstractClipItem *>(collision); // Determine best pos QPainterPath clipPath; clipPath.addRect(item->sceneBoundingRect()); QPainterPath res = shape.intersected(clipPath); offset = qMax(offset, (int)(res.boundingRect().width() + 0.5)); } } if (offset > 0) { if (forwardMove) { newPos.setX(newPos.x() - offset); } else { newPos.setX(newPos.x() + offset); } // If there is still a collision after our position adjust, restore original pos collidingItems = scene->items(clipGroupShape(newPos - pos()), Qt::IntersectsItemShape); collidingItems.removeAll(this); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i) { if (children.at(i)->type() == GroupWidget) { QList<QGraphicsItem *> subchildren = children.at(i)->childItems(); for (int j = 0; j < subchildren.count(); ++j) { collidingItems.removeAll(subchildren.at(j)); } } collidingItems.removeAll(children.at(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < collidingItems.count(); ++i) if (collidingItems.at(i)->type() == AVWidget) return pos(); } } if (projectScene()->editMode() == NormalEdit) { shape = transitionGroupShape(newPos - pos()); collidingItems = scene->items(shape, Qt::IntersectsItemShape); collidingItems.removeAll(this); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i) { if (children.at(i)->type() == GroupWidget) { QList<QGraphicsItem *> subchildren = children.at(i)->childItems(); for (int j = 0; j < subchildren.count(); ++j) { collidingItems.removeAll(subchildren.at(j)); } } collidingItems.removeAll(children.at(i)); } } if (collidingItems.isEmpty()) return newPos; else { bool forwardMove = xpos > start.x(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < collidingItems.count(); ++i) { QGraphicsItem *collision = collidingItems.at(i); if (collision->type() == TransitionWidget) { // Collision if (newPos.y() != pos().y()) { // Track change results in collision, restore original position return pos(); } AbstractClipItem *item = static_cast <AbstractClipItem *>(collision); // Determine best pos QPainterPath clipPath; clipPath.addRect(item->sceneBoundingRect()); QPainterPath res = shape.intersected(clipPath); offset = qMax(offset, (int)(res.boundingRect().width() + 0.5)); } } if (offset > 0) { if (forwardMove) { newPos.setX(newPos.x() - offset); } else { newPos.setX(newPos.x() + offset); } // If there is still a collision after our position adjust, restore original pos collidingItems = scene->items(transitionGroupShape(newPos - pos()), Qt::IntersectsItemShape); for (int i = 0; i < children.count(); ++i) { collidingItems.removeAll(children.at(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < collidingItems.count(); ++i) if (collidingItems.at(i)->type() == TransitionWidget) return pos(); } } return newPos; } return QGraphicsItemGroup::itemChange(change, value); }