예제 #1
void Path::applyTransform (const AffineTransform& transform) noexcept
    bool firstPoint = true;
    float* d = data.elements;
    float* const end = d + numElements;

    while (d < end)
        const float type = *d++;

        if (type == moveMarker)
            transform.transformPoint (d[0], d[1]);

            if (firstPoint)
                firstPoint = false;
                bounds.reset (d[0], d[1]);
                bounds.extend (d[0], d[1]);

            d += 2;
        else if (type == lineMarker)
            transform.transformPoint (d[0], d[1]);
            bounds.extend (d[0], d[1]);
            d += 2;
        else if (type == quadMarker)
            transform.transformPoints (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
            bounds.extend (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
            d += 4;
        else if (type == cubicMarker)
            transform.transformPoints (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]);
            bounds.extend (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
            bounds.extend (d[4], d[5]);
            d += 6;
예제 #2
void Path::addPath (const Path& other,
                    const AffineTransform& transformToApply)
    size_t i = 0;
    const float* const d = other.data.elements;

    while (i < other.numElements)
        const float type = d [i++];

        if (type == closeSubPathMarker)
            float x = d[i++];
            float y = d[i++];
            transformToApply.transformPoint (x, y);

            if (type == moveMarker)
                startNewSubPath (x, y);
            else if (type == lineMarker)
                lineTo (x, y);
            else if (type == quadMarker)
                float x2 = d [i++];
                float y2 = d [i++];
                transformToApply.transformPoint (x2, y2);

                quadraticTo (x, y, x2, y2);
            else if (type == cubicMarker)
                float x2 = d [i++];
                float y2 = d [i++];
                float x3 = d [i++];
                float y3 = d [i++];
                transformToApply.transformPoints (x2, y2, x3, y3);

                cubicTo (x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3);
                // something's gone wrong with the element list!
예제 #3
    void drawRotarySlider (Graphics& g, int x, int y, int width, int height, float sliderPos,
                           float rotaryStartAngle, float rotaryEndAngle, Slider& slider) override
        const float diameter = jmin (width, height) - 4.0f;
        const float radius = (diameter / 2.0f) * std::cos (float_Pi / 4.0f);
        const float centreX = x + width * 0.5f;
        const float centreY = y + height * 0.5f;
        const float rx = centreX - radius;
        const float ry = centreY - radius;
        const float rw = radius * 2.0f;
        const float angle = rotaryStartAngle + sliderPos * (rotaryEndAngle - rotaryStartAngle);
        const bool isMouseOver = slider.isMouseOverOrDragging() && slider.isEnabled();

        const Colour baseColour (slider.isEnabled() ? slider.findColour (Slider::rotarySliderFillColourId).withAlpha (isMouseOver ? 0.8f : 1.0f)
                                                    : Colour (0x80808080));

        Rectangle<float> r (rx, ry, rw, rw);
        AffineTransform t (AffineTransform::rotation (angle, r.getCentreX(), r.getCentreY()));

        float x1 = r.getTopLeft().getX(), y1 = r.getTopLeft().getY(), x2 = r.getBottomLeft().getX(), y2 = r.getBottomLeft().getY();
        t.transformPoints (x1, y1, x2, y2);

        g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (baseColour, x1, y1,
                                           baseColour.darker (0.1f), x2, y2,

        Path knob;
        knob.addRectangle (r);
        g.fillPath (knob, t);

        Path needle;
        Rectangle<float> r2 (r * 0.1f);
        needle.addRectangle (r2.withPosition (Point<float> (r.getCentreX() - (r2.getWidth() / 2.0f), r.getY())));

        g.setColour (slider.findColour (Slider::rotarySliderOutlineColourId));
        g.fillPath (needle, AffineTransform::rotation (angle, r.getCentreX(), r.getCentreY()));