void LowLevelGraphicsPostScriptRenderer::clipToPath (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& transform)

    Path p (path);
    p.applyTransform (transform.translated ((float) stateStack.getLast()->xOffset, (float) stateStack.getLast()->yOffset));
    writePath (p);
    out << "clip\n";
예제 #2
void CtrlrTabsLF::drawTabButtonText (TabBarButton& button, Graphics& g, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)
    const Rectangle<float> area (button.getTextArea().toFloat());

    float length = area.getWidth();
    float depth  = area.getHeight();

    if (button.getTabbedButtonBar().isVertical())
        std::swap (length, depth);

    Font otherTabFont  = owner.getOwner().getOwner().getOwner().getFontManager().getFontFromString (owner.getProperty(Ids::uiTabsTabFont));
    Font activeTabFont = owner.getOwner().getOwner().getOwner().getFontManager().getFontFromString (owner.getProperty(Ids::uiTabsFrontTabFont));

    otherTabFont.setUnderline (button.hasKeyboardFocus (false));
    activeTabFont.setUnderline (button.hasKeyboardFocus (false));

    GlyphArrangement textLayout;
    textLayout.addFittedText (button.isFrontTab() ? activeTabFont : otherTabFont, button.getButtonText().trim(),
                              0.0f, 0.0f, (float) length, (float) depth,
                              jmax<int> (1, depth / 12));
    AffineTransform t;

    switch (button.getTabbedButtonBar().getOrientation())
    case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft:
        t = t.rotated (float_Pi * -0.5f).translated (area.getX(), area.getBottom());
    case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight:
        t = t.rotated (float_Pi *  0.5f).translated (area.getRight(), area.getY());
    case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop:
    case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom:
        t = t.translated (area.getX(), area.getY());

    Colour col;

    if (button.isFrontTab() && (button.isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId)
                                || isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId)))
        col = findColour (TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId);
    else if (button.isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId)
             || isColourSpecified (TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId))
        col = findColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId);
        col = button.getTabBackgroundColour().contrasting();

    const float alpha = button.isEnabled() ? ((isMouseOver || isMouseDown) ? 1.0f : 0.8f) : 0.3f;

    g.setColour (col.withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));
    textLayout.draw (g, t);
void LowLevelGraphicsPostScriptRenderer::fillPath (const Path& path, const AffineTransform& t)
    if (stateStack.getLast()->fillType.isColour())

        Path p (path);
        p.applyTransform (t.translated ((float) stateStack.getLast()->xOffset,
                                        (float) stateStack.getLast()->yOffset));
        writePath (p);

        writeColour (stateStack.getLast()->fillType.colour);

        out << "fill\n";
    else if (stateStack.getLast()->fillType.isGradient())
        // this doesn't work correctly yet - it could be improved to handle solid gradients, but
        // postscript can't do semi-transparent ones.
        notPossibleInPostscriptAssert   // you can disable this warning by setting the WARN_ABOUT_NON_POSTSCRIPT_OPERATIONS flag at the top of this file

        out << "gsave ";

            Path p (path);
            p.applyTransform (t.translated ((float) stateStack.getLast()->xOffset, (float) stateStack.getLast()->yOffset));
            writePath (p);
            out << "clip\n";

        const Rectangle<int> bounds (stateStack.getLast()->clip.getBounds());

        // ideally this would draw lots of lines or ellipses to approximate the gradient, but for the
        // time-being, this just fills it with the average colour..
        writeColour (stateStack.getLast()->fillType.gradient->getColourAtPosition (0.5f));
        out << bounds.getX() << ' ' << -bounds.getBottom() << ' ' << bounds.getWidth() << ' ' << bounds.getHeight() << " rectfill\n";

        out << "grestore\n";
예제 #4
    AffineTransform getTransform()
        const float hw = 0.5f * getWidth();
        const float hh = 0.5f * getHeight();

        AffineTransform t;

        if (controls.animateRotation.getToggleState())
            t = t.rotated (rotation.getValue() * float_Pi * 2.0f);

        if (controls.animateSize.getToggleState())
            t = t.scaled (0.3f + size.getValue() * 2.0f);

        if (controls.animatePosition.getToggleState())
            t = t.translated (hw + hw * (offsetX.getValue() - 0.5f),
                              hh + hh * (offsetY.getValue() - 0.5f));
            t = t.translated (hw, hh);

        if (controls.animateShear.getToggleState())
            t = t.sheared (shear.getValue() * 2.0f - 1.0f, 0.0f);

        return t;
예제 #5
AffineTransform PhaseChart::calcTransform ()
  const Rectangle<int> bounds = getLocalBounds ();
  const Rectangle<int> r = bounds.reduced (4, 4);

  AffineTransform t;

  // scale x from 0..1 to 0..getWidth(), and flip vertical
  t = AffineTransform::scale (float(r.getWidth()), -1.f);

  // move y down so 120 is at the top
  t = t.translated (0.f, 120.f);

  // scale y from phase to 0..1 bounds in r
  t = t.scaled (1.f, 1.f/(maxPhase - -maxPhase));

  // scale y from 0..1 to getHeight()
  t = t.scaled (1.f, float(r.getHeight()));

  // translate
  t = t.translated (float(r.getX()), float(r.getY()));

  return t;
예제 #6
AffineTransform BrickWallChart::calcTransform ()
  const Rectangle<int> bounds = getLocalBounds ();
  const Rectangle<int> r = bounds.reduced (4, 4);

  AffineTransform t;

  // scale x from 0..1 to 0..getWidth(), and flip vertical
  t = AffineTransform::scale (float(r.getWidth()), -1.f);

  // scale y from gain to 0..1 bounds in r
  t = t.scaled (1.f, m_scale_y);

  // scale y from 0..1 to getHeight()
  t = t.scaled (1.f, float(r.getHeight()));

  // translate
  t = t.translated (float(r.getX()), float(r.getBottom()));

  return t;
void LowLevelGraphicsPostScriptRenderer::drawImage (const Image& sourceImage, const AffineTransform& transform)
    const int w = sourceImage.getWidth();
    const int h = sourceImage.getHeight();


    out << "gsave ";
    writeTransform (transform.translated ((float) stateStack.getLast()->xOffset, (float) stateStack.getLast()->yOffset)
                             .scaled (1.0f, -1.0f));

    RectangleList imageClip;
    sourceImage.createSolidAreaMask (imageClip, 0.5f);

    out << "newpath ";
    int itemsOnLine = 0;

    for (RectangleList::Iterator i (imageClip); i.next();)
        if (++itemsOnLine == 6)
            out << '\n';
            itemsOnLine = 0;

        const Rectangle<int>& r = *i.getRectangle();

        out << r.getX() << ' ' << r.getY() << ' ' << r.getWidth() << ' ' << r.getHeight() << " pr ";

    out << " clip newpath\n";

    out << w << ' ' << h << " scale\n";
    out << w << ' ' << h << " 8 [" << w << " 0 0 -" << h << ' ' << (int) 0 << ' ' << h << " ]\n";

    writeImage (sourceImage, 0, 0, w, h);

    out << "false 3 colorimage grestore\n";
    needToClip = true;
void CtrlrLuaMethodEditorTabsLF::drawTabButton (TabBarButton& button, Graphics& g, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)
	const Rectangle<int> activeArea (button.getActiveArea());

    const TabbedButtonBar::Orientation o = button.getTabbedButtonBar().getOrientation();

    const Colour bkg (button.getTabBackgroundColour());

    if (button.getToggleState())
        g.setColour (bkg);
        Point<int> p1, p2;

        switch (o)
            case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom:   p1 = activeArea.getBottomLeft(); p2 = activeArea.getTopLeft();    break;
            case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop:      p1 = activeArea.getTopLeft();    p2 = activeArea.getBottomLeft(); break;
            case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight:    p1 = activeArea.getTopRight();   p2 = activeArea.getTopLeft();    break;
            case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft:     p1 = activeArea.getTopLeft();    p2 = activeArea.getTopRight();   break;
            default:                              jassertfalse; break;

        g.setGradientFill (ColourGradient (bkg.brighter (0.2f), (float) p1.x, (float) p1.y,
                                           bkg.darker (0.1f),   (float) p2.x, (float) p2.y, false));

    g.fillRect (activeArea);

    g.setColour (button.findColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId));

    Rectangle<int> r (activeArea);

    if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom)   g.fillRect (r.removeFromTop (1));
    if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop)      g.fillRect (r.removeFromBottom (1));
    if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight)    g.fillRect (r.removeFromLeft (1));
    if (o != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft)     g.fillRect (r.removeFromRight (1));

    const float alpha = button.isEnabled() ? ((isMouseOver || isMouseDown) ? 1.0f : 0.8f) : 0.3f;

    Colour col (bkg.contrasting().withMultipliedAlpha (alpha));

    if (TabbedButtonBar* bar = button.findParentComponentOfClass<TabbedButtonBar>())
        TabbedButtonBar::ColourIds colID = button.isFrontTab() ? TabbedButtonBar::frontTextColourId
                                                               : TabbedButtonBar::tabTextColourId;

        if (bar->isColourSpecified (colID))
            col = bar->findColour (colID);
        else if (isColourSpecified (colID))
            col = findColour (colID);

    const Rectangle<float> area (button.getTextArea().toFloat());

    float length = area.getWidth();
    float depth  = area.getHeight();

    if (button.getTabbedButtonBar().isVertical())
        std::swap (length, depth);

    TextLayout textLayout;
    createTabTextLayout (button, length, depth, col, textLayout);

    AffineTransform t;

    switch (o)
        case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft:   t = t.rotated (float_Pi * -0.5f).translated (area.getX(), area.getBottom()); break;
        case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight:  t = t.rotated (float_Pi *  0.5f).translated (area.getRight(), area.getY()); break;
        case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop:
        case TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom: t = t.translated (area.getX(), area.getY()); break;
        default:                            jassertfalse; break;

    g.addTransform (t);
    textLayout.draw (g, Rectangle<float> (length, depth));
예제 #9
    void paint (Graphics& g)
        const TwindyTabbedComponent* const t = (const TwindyTabbedComponent*) getParentComponent();

        if (t != 0)
            const Rectangle<int> thisBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
            const Rectangle thisBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i)
                TwindyTabbedComponentBasicTab* const c = (TwindyTabbedComponentBasicTab*) getChildComponent (i);

                if (c != (TwindyTabbedComponentBasicTab*)t->tabList [t->currentTab])
                    const float indent = 2.0f;

                    float x1 = (float)c->getX();
                    float y1 = (float)c->getY();
                    float x2 = x1 + c->getWidth();
                    float y2 = y1 + c->getHeight();

                    if (c->getBounds().intersects (thisBounds))
                        if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtTop)
                            y1 += indent;
                            y2 += 100.0f;
                        else if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtBottom)
                            y2 -= indent;
                            y1 -= 100.0f;
                        else if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtLeft)
                            x1 += indent;
                            x2 += 100.0f;
                        else if (t->orientation == TwindyTabbedComponent::TabsAtRight)
                            x2 -= indent;
                            x1 -= 100.0f;

                        Path p;
                        p.addRoundedRectangle (x1 + t->normalOutlineThickness,
                                               y1 + t->normalOutlineThickness,
                                               x2 - x1 - t->normalOutlineThickness* 2.0f,
                                               y2 - y1 - t->normalOutlineThickness * 2.0f,

                        g.setColour (t->deselectedTabCol);
                        g.fillPath (p);

                        g.setColour (t->normalOutlineCol);
                        g.strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (t->normalOutlineThickness));

            AffineTransform trans;
            trans = trans.translated ((float)t->getScreenX() - getScreenX(),
                                      (float)t->getScreenY() - getScreenY());

            g.setColour (t->fillCol);
            g.fillPath (t->outlineShape, trans);

            g.setColour (t->selectedOutlineCol);
            g.fillPath (t->strokedOutline, trans);
예제 #10
void PoleZeroChart::paintContents (Graphics& g)
  Colour cPole (0xd0ff0000);
  Colour cZero (0xd02020ff);
  Rectangle<int> bounds = getLocalBounds();

  short size = short ((jmin (getWidth(), getHeight()) + 2) / 3);

  // scale the graph down if the pole/zeroes lie outside the unit disc
  AffineTransform t = AffineTransform::identity;

    float margin = 0.2f;
    if (m_max > 1 + margin)
      t = t.scaled (float(1/(m_max-margin)), float(1/(m_max-margin)));

  t = t.scaled (float(size), -float(size));
  t = t.translated (float(bounds.getCentreX()), float(bounds.getCentreY()));

	g.setColour (m_cAxis);
    Point<float> p = Point<float>(100000, 0).transformedBy (t);
    g.drawLine (-p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getX(), p.getY(), 1);
    Point<float> p = Point<float>(0, 100000).transformedBy (t);
    g.drawLine (p.getX(), -p.getY(), p.getX(), p.getY(), 1);
    Point<float> p0 = Point<float>(-1, -1).transformedBy (t);
    Point<float> p1 = Point<float>( 1,  1).transformedBy (t);
    g.drawEllipse (p0.getX(), p0.getY(),
                   p1.getX()-p0.getX(), p1.getY()-p0.getY(), 1);

  const float r = 3.5f;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vpz.size(); ++i)
    const Dsp::PoleZeroPair& pzp = m_vpz[i];

    if (!pzp.is_nan())
        Point<float> p (float(pzp.poles.first.real()),
        p = p.transformedBy (t);
        g.setColour (cPole);
        g.drawLine (p.getX()-r, p.getY()-r, p.getX()+r, p.getY()+r);
        g.drawLine (p.getX()+r, p.getY()-r, p.getX()-r, p.getY()+r);

        Point<float> p (float(pzp.zeros.first.real()),
        p = p.transformedBy (t);
        g.setColour (cZero);
    	  g.drawEllipse (p.getX()-r, p.getY()-r, 2*r, 2*r, 1);

      if (!pzp.isSinglePole())
          Point<float> p (float(pzp.poles.second.real()),
          p = p.transformedBy (t);
          g.setColour (cPole);
          g.drawLine (p.getX()-r, p.getY()-r, p.getX()+r, p.getY()+r);
          g.drawLine (p.getX()+r, p.getY()-r, p.getX()-r, p.getY()+r);

          Point<float> p (float(pzp.zeros.second.real()),
          p = p.transformedBy (t);
          g.setColour (cZero);
    	    g.drawEllipse (p.getX()-r, p.getY()-r, 2*r, 2*r, 1);