bool PtzCameraExample::init() { // If the server has the "getCameraList" request, then it's using // ArServerHandlerCameraCollection, and migth have multiple PTZs/cameras each with // its own set of requests. So send a "getCameraList" request, and when its // reply is received, the handler will send "getCameraInfo" requests for each. // If the server does not have "getCameraList", it only has one PTZ camera, just // send "getCameraInfo". The handler for that will send various control // commands. // If the server does not have "getCameraInfo", then it doesn't provide any // access to PTZ cameras. if(myClient->dataExists("getCameraList")) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Server may have multiple cameras. Requesting list."); myClient->addHandler("getCameraList", &myCameraListReplyFunc); myClient->requestOnce("getCameraList"); } else if(myClient->dataExists("getCameraInfo")) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "Server does not support multiple cameras. Requesting info for its camera."); ArClientHandlerCamera *camClient = new ArClientHandlerCamera(myClient, ""); camClient->requestUpdates(100); mutex.lock(); myCameras.insert(camClient); mutex.unlock(); } else { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Error, server does not have any camera control requests. (Was the server run with video features enabled or video forwarding active?)"); return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "ariaClientDriverNode"); //ROS Initialization Aria::init(); //Aria Initialization ArClientBase client; //setup client ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); //command line argument handler ArClientSimpleConnector clientConnector(&parser); //connect to Arserver parser.loadDefaultArguments(); if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); exit(0); } if (!clientConnector.connectClient(&client)) { if (client.wasRejected()) printf("Server '%s' rejected connection, exiting\n", client.getHost()); else printf("Could not connect to server '%s', exiting\n", client.getHost()); exit(1); } printf("Connected to server.\n"); client.setRobotName(client.getHost()); // include server name in log messages ArKeyHandler keyHandler; Aria::setKeyHandler(&keyHandler); ArGlobalFunctor escapeCB(&escape); keyHandler.addKeyHandler(ArKeyHandler::ESCAPE, &escapeCB); client.runAsync(); if(!client.dataExists("ratioDrive") ) printf("Warning: server does not have ratioDrive command, can not use drive commands!\n"); else printf("Keys are:\nUP: Forward\nDOWN: Backward\nLEFT: Turn Left\nRIGHT: Turn Right\n"); printf("s: Enable safe drive mode (if supported).\nu: Disable safe drive mode (if supported).\nl: list all data requests on server\n\nDrive commands use 'ratioDrive'.\nt: logs the network tracking tersely\nv: logs the network tracking verbosely\nr: resets the network tracking\n\n"); AriaClientDriver ariaClientDriver(&client,&keyHandler,""); //while (ros::ok() && client.getRunningWithLock()) //the main loop while (client.getRunningWithLock()) //the main loop { keyHandler.checkKeys(); //addthis if teleop from node required ariaClientDriver.controlloop(); //Input output handling callback threads implemented in ariaClientDriver Class ArUtil::sleep(100); //noneed } client.disconnect(); Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
void InputHandler::sendInput(void) { /* This method is called by the main function to send a ratioDrive * request with our current velocity values. If the server does * not support the ratioDrive request, then we abort now: */ if(!myClient->dataExists("ratioDrive")) return; /* Construct a ratioDrive request packet. It consists * of three doubles: translation ratio, rotation ratio, and an overall scaling * factor. */ ArNetPacket packet; packet.doubleToBuf(myTransRatio); packet.doubleToBuf(myRotRatio); packet.doubleToBuf(50); // use half of the robot's maximum. packet.doubleToBuf(myLatRatio); if (myPrinting) printf("Sending\n"); myClient->requestOnce("ratioDrive", &packet); myTransRatio = 0; myRotRatio = 0; myLatRatio = 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Aria initialization: */ Aria::init(); //ArLog::init(ArLog::StdErr, ArLog::Verbose); /* Create our client object. This is the object which connects with a remote * server over the network, and which manages all of our communication with it * once connected by sending data "requests". Requests may be sent once, or * may be repeated at any frequency. Requests and replies to requsets contain * payload "packets", into which various data types may be packed (when making a * request), and from which they may also be extracted (when handling a reply). * See the InputHandler and OutputHandler classes above for * examples of making requests and reading/writing the data in packets. */ ArClientBase client; /* Aria components use this to get options off the command line: */ ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); /* This will be used to connect our client to the server, including * various bits of handshaking (e.g. sending a password, retrieving a list * of data requests and commands...) * It will get the hostname from the -host command line argument: */ ArClientSimpleConnector clientConnector(&parser); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); /* Check for -help, and unhandled arguments: */ if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); exit(0); } /* Connect our client object to the remote server: */ if (!clientConnector.connectClient(&client)) { if (client.wasRejected()) printf("Server '%s' rejected connection, exiting\n", client.getHost()); else printf("Could not connect to server '%s', exiting\n", client.getHost()); exit(1); } printf("Connected to server.\n"); client.setRobotName(client.getHost()); // include server name in log messages /* Create a key handler and also tell Aria about it */ ArKeyHandler keyHandler; Aria::setKeyHandler(&keyHandler); /* Global escape-key handler to shut everythnig down */ ArGlobalFunctor escapeCB(&escape); keyHandler.addKeyHandler(ArKeyHandler::ESCAPE, &escapeCB); /* Now that we're connected, we can run the client in a background thread, * sending requests and receiving replies. When a reply to a request arrives, * or the server makes a request of the client, a handler functor is invoked. * The handlers for this program are registered with the client by the * InputHandler and OutputHandler classes (in their constructors, above) */ client.runAsync(); /* Create the InputHandler object and request safe-drive mode */ InputHandler inputHandler(&client, &keyHandler); inputHandler.safeDrive(); /* Use ArClientBase::dataExists() to see if the "ratioDrive" request is available on the * currently connected server. */ if(!client.dataExists("ratioDrive") ) printf("Warning: server does not have ratioDrive command, can not use drive commands!\n"); else printf("Keys are:\nUP: Forward\nDOWN: Backward\nLEFT: Turn Left\nRIGHT: Turn Right\n"); printf("s: Enable safe drive mode (if supported).\nu: Disable safe drive mode (if supported).\nl: list all data requests on server\n\nDrive commands use 'ratioDrive'.\nt: logs the network tracking tersely\nv: logs the network tracking verbosely\nr: resets the network tracking\n\n"); /* Create the OutputHandler object. It will begin printing out data from the * server. */ OutputHandler outputHandler(&client); /* Begin capturing keys into the key handler. Callbacks will be called * asyncrosously from this main thread when pressed. */ /* While the client is still running (getRunningWithLock locks the "running" * flag until it returns), check keys on the key handler (which will call * our callbacks), then tell the input handler to send drive commands. * Sleep a fraction of a second as well to avoid using * too much CPU time, and give other threads time to work. */ while (client.getRunningWithLock()) { keyHandler.checkKeys(); inputHandler.sendInput(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } /* The client stopped running, due to disconnection from the server, general * Aria shutdown, or some other reason. */ client.disconnect(); Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Initialize Aria and Arnl global information /* Aria initialization: */ Aria::init(); ArLog::init(ArLog::File, ArLog::Verbose,"c:\\temp\\AmbifluxRobot.log",true); ArLog::log(ArLog::Verbose, "Ambiflux Starting"); // Create the sound queue. ArSoundsQueue soundQueue; // Set WAV file callbacks soundQueue.setPlayWavFileCallback(ArSoundPlayer::getPlayWavFileCallback()); soundQueue.setInterruptWavFileCallback(ArSoundPlayer::getStopPlayingCallback()); // Notifications when the queue goes empty or non-empty. soundQueue.addQueueEmptyCallback(new ArGlobalFunctor(&queueNowEmpty)); soundQueue.addQueueNonemptyCallback(new ArGlobalFunctor(&queueNowNonempty)); // Run the sound queue in a new thread soundQueue.runAsync(); /* Pool de messages en provenance de la tablette Issu de l'implementation d'un modèle producteur/consommateur pour les messages entrants. Plusieurs thread y accèdent Tread-safe (mutex)*/ //Pool<Frame> messagePool; /* Pool de messages en provenance d'un client TCP Issu de l'implementation d'un modèle producteur/consommateur pour les messages entrants. Plusieurs thread y accèdent Tread-safe (mutex)*/ /*TODO : A remplacer par tcpReceivedPool */ //Pool<Frame> tcpMessagePool; /* Pool de messages en provenance d'un client TCP Issu de l'implementation d'un modèle producteur/consommateur pour les messages entrants. Plusieurs thread y accèdent Tread-safe (mutex)*/ Pool<TCPReceivedRequest> tcpReceivedPool; /*Create our thread to communicate with iPad Server start on port 7171 to receive requests from ipad A client is created on port 7474 to request iPad */ //IhmCommunicationThread ihm(7171, &messagePool); IhmCommunicationThread ihm(7171, &tcpReceivedPool); //On s'abonne à la réception de message par la classe IhmCommunicationThread //Todo : A supprimer ? //ArGlobalFunctor1<Frame> functMessageReceived(&CallbackIhmReceived); //ihm.setCallback(&functMessageReceived); ihm.runAsync(); //"c:\\temp\\let_me_out.wav"); //while(true); /* Create our client object. This is the object which connects with a remote * server over the network, and which manages all of our communication with it * once connected by sending data "requests". Requests may be sent once, or * may be repeated at any frequency. Requests and replies to requsets contain * payload "packets", into which various data types may be packed (when making a * request), and from which they may also be extracted (when handling a reply). * See the InputHandler and OutputHandler classes above for * examples of making requests and reading/writing the data in packets. */ ArClientBase client; /* Aria components use this to get options off the command line: */ ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); /* This will be used to connect our client to the server, including * various bits of handshaking (e.g. sending a password, retrieving a list * of data requests and commands...) * It will get the hostname from the -host command line argument: */ ArClientSimpleConnector clientConnector(&parser); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); /* Check for -help, and unhandled arguments: */ if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); exit(0); } /* Connect our client object to the remote server: */ if (!clientConnector.connectClient(&client)) { if (client.wasRejected()) printf("Server '%s' rejected connection, exiting\n", client.getHost()); else printf("Could not connect to server '%s', exiting\n", client.getHost()); exit(1); } printf("Connected to server.\n"); client.setRobotName(client.getHost()); // include server name in log messages ///* Create a key handler and also tell Aria about it */ ArKeyHandler keyHandler; Aria::setKeyHandler(&keyHandler); /* Global escape-key handler to shut everythnig down */ ArGlobalFunctor escapeCB(&escape); keyHandler.addKeyHandler(ArKeyHandler::ESCAPE, &escapeCB); /* Now that we're connected, we can run the client in a background thread, * sending requests and receiving replies. When a reply to a request arrives, * or the server makes a request of the client, a handler functor is invoked. * The handlers for this program are registered with the client by the * InputHandler and OutputHandler classes (in their constructors, above) */ client.runAsync(); ///* Create the InputHandler object and request safe-drive mode */ //InputHandler inputHandler(&client); //inputHandler.gotoGoal("215"); ////inputHandler.safeDrive(); // Mode goto if(!client.dataExists("gotoGoal") ) printf("Warning: Pas de mode goto!\n"); else printf("Mode goto accepte"); //ArFunctor1<ArNetPacket*> //client.addHandler("pathPlannerStatus",); /* Create the OutputHandler object. It will begin printing out data from the * server. */ OutputHandler outputHandler(&client); //On s'abonne à la réception de message par la classe IhmCommunicationThread //Todo : A supprimer ? //ArGlobalFunctor1<Frame> functMessageReceived(&CallbackIhmReceived); //ihm.setCallback(&functMessageReceived); //ihm.runAsync(); //pour tester IHM // ArUtil::sleep(1000); // ihm.testCommunication(); //SRMA object string strSRMA = DALRest::getResourceById("9"); SRMA srma(strSRMA,client, outputHandler, ihm, &soundQueue); //Loop du mode Ambiant MainLoop myLoop(srma, &tcpReceivedPool); myLoop.runAsync(); //Thread loop : TCP commands //Produces messages in tcpMessagePool //ServerLoop myServerLoop(srma, &tcpReceivedPool); //myServerLoop.runAsync(); //Traitement des requetes TCP //Consulmes messages in tcpMessagePool //TCPRequestsLoop myTCPRequestsLoop(srma, &tcpReceivedPool); //myTCPRequestsLoop.runAsync(); /* While the client is still running (getRunningWithLock locks the "running" * flag until it returns), check keys on the key handler (which will call * our callbacks), then tell the input handler to send drive commands. * Sleep a fraction of a second as well to avoid using * too much CPU time, and give other threads time to work. */ while (client.getRunningWithLock()) { //keyHandler.checkKeys(); //inputHandler.sendInput(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } /* The client stopped running, due to disconnection from the server, general * Aria shutdown, or some other reason. */ client.disconnect(); Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
void NavigationClient::Main() { std::cout << "Navigation client started" << std::endl; int argsNumber; argsNumber = 3; char *arguments[argsNumber]; arguments[0]="./arg_test"; arguments[1]="-host"; //arguments[2]=""; //se puede poner también patrolbot arguments[2]=""; int robotCase, counter; ArClientBase client; ArPose pose(0, 0, 0); ArPose GoToPose(3000.0, 0.0, -90.0); ArNetPacket posePacket, directGoToPosePacket; ArArgumentParser parser(&argsNumber, arguments);posePacket.empty(); ArClientSimpleConnector clientConnector(&parser); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); headingsForBedroom.push_back(45); headingsForBedroom.push_back(25); headingsForBedroom.push_back(0); headingsForLiving.push_back(-20); headingsForLiving.push_back(-55); headingsForLiving.push_back(-80); headingsForLiving.push_back(-110); headingsForLiving.push_back(-140); openDoor = false; if (!clientConnector.parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { clientConnector.logOptions(); exit(0); } printf("Connecting...\n"); if (!clientConnector.connectClient(&client)) { if (client.wasRejected()) printf("Server rejected connection, exiting\n"); else printf("Could not connect to server, exiting\n"); exit(1); } printf("Connected to server.\n"); client.addHandler("pathPlannerStatus", new ArGlobalFunctor1<ArNetPacket*>(&handlePathPlannerStatus)); client.addHandler("update", new ArGlobalFunctor1<ArNetPacket*>(&handleRobotUpdate)); client.addHandler("goalName", new ArGlobalFunctor1<ArNetPacket*>(&handleGoalName)); client.addHandler("getGoals", new ArGlobalFunctor1<ArNetPacket*>(&handleGoalList)); client.addHandler("getSensorCurrent", new ArGlobalFunctor1<ArNetPacket*>(&handleSensorCurrent)); client.addHandler("getSensorList", new ArGlobalFunctor1<ArNetPacket*>(&handleSensorList)); client.addHandler("getLocState", new ArGlobalFunctor1<ArNetPacket*>(&handleLocState)); client.runAsync(); client.requestOnce("getGoals"); client.requestOnce("getSensorList"); client.requestOnceWithString("getSensorCurrent", "lms2xx_1"); // client.request("pathPlannerStatus", 5000); client.request("goalName", 1000); client.request("update", 1000); client.requestOnce("getLocState"); sleep(2); int cont =0; while (!openDoor) { cont++; ArUtil::sleep(2000); client.requestOnceWithString("getSensorCurrent", "lms2xx_1"); } printf("*** Door has been OPENED *** \n"); sleep(2); if (client.dataExists("localizeToPose")) { printf(".. Server does have \"localizeToPose\" request.\n"); posePacket.byte4ToBuf(sharedMemory->getInstance().getLocalizationRobotPosition().get_X()); posePacket.byte4ToBuf(sharedMemory->getInstance().getLocalizationRobotPosition().get_Y()); posePacket.byte4ToBuf(sharedMemory->getInstance().getLocalizationRobotPosition().get_Angle()); client.requestOnce("localizeToPose", &posePacket); ArUtil::sleep(1500); } else printf(".. Server doesn't have that request.\n"); for(;;){ string action = sharedMemory->getInstance().getAction(); if (action=="navigate"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << "STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("turn"); }if (action=="navigateToParty"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << "STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); sleep(6); sharedMemory->getInstance().startDownToRotations=false; sharedMemory->getInstance().sintetizer.set_Phrase("If you need something please wave your hand to my bottom kinect"); sleep(8); indexHeading=0; sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("turn"); } else if (action=="navigateBackToEmergency"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << "STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); // sharedMemory->sintetizer.set_Phrase("Emergency Situation resolved"); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("createReport"); }else if (action=="navigateToEntrance"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << "STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; sharedMemory->getInstance().sintetizer.set_Phrase("Do not worry, I have called the ambulance"); sleep(2); sharedMemory->getInstance().sintetizer.set_Phrase("Please wait a moment, I willl wait for them"); sleep(2); navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("waitForAmbulance"); } else if (action=="navigateCloseTo"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << "STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("requestEmergencyObjects"); } else if (action=="navigateToHome"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("requestCommand"); } else if (action=="navigateToQuestions"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("requestQuestions"); } else if (action=="navigateToObject"){ //solo es utilizado por cocktail Party //Si se quita la indicación de lugar en requestOptions aqui debe mandarse el destino predefinido (kitchen?) cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("recognizeObject"); } else if (action=="navigateToObjectCategory"){ //considera que la posición de la categoria de un objeto (en pick and place) es la misma posición que la de donde esta el objeto en emergencia. cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; //por default ahorita esta dining como el la categoria del objeto navigateTo(sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination(), &client); if (sharedMemory->getInstance().getTestRunning()=="pick and place" || sharedMemory->getInstance().getTestRunning()=="Emergency" ) sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("deliverObject"); else sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("userRecognize"); }else if (action=="navigateToPoint"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; //TODO verificar que esto limpia el objeto posePacket.empty(); posePacket.byte4ToBuf(sharedMemory->getInstance().lastObjective->getObjetivePosition().get_X()); posePacket.byte4ToBuf(sharedMemory->getInstance().lastObjective->getObjetivePosition().get_Y()); posePacket.byte4ToBuf(sharedMemory->getInstance().lastObjective->getObjetivePosition().get_Angle()); cout << "Enviando punto a navegación: "<< sharedMemory->getInstance().lastObjective->getObjetivePosition().get_X() << "," << sharedMemory->getInstance().lastObjective->getObjetivePosition().get_Y() << "," << sharedMemory->getInstance().lastObjective->getObjetivePosition().get_Angle()<<endl; client.requestOnce("gotoPose", &posePacket); sleep(10); printf("Before while Navigation"); while (strncmp(textData, "Arrived at", 10) != 0){ sleep(10); } printf("Navigation ended"); if (sharedMemory->getInstance().getTestRunning()=="CocktailParty") sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("userLearn"); else sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("requestEmergencyObjects"); }else if (action=="navigateForward"){ stringstream command; cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; command<<"8 " << sharedMemory->getInstance().getGestureDepthPosition(); cout<< "****** AVANZA "<<command.str().c_str()<<" mm"<<endl; client.requestOnceWithString("MicroControllerMotionCommand",command.str().c_str()); sleep(10); printf("Before while Navigation"); while (strncmp(textData, "Stopped", 10) != 0){ sleep(10); } sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("turn"); }else if (action=="turn"){ int heading=0; stringstream command; cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; if (sharedMemory->getInstance().startDownToRotations==false){ if (sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination()=="bedroom"){ cout<<"Entrando BEDROOM 1"<<endl; if (indexHeading < headingsForBedroom.size()){ heading=headingsForBedroom[indexHeading]; indexHeading++; cout<<"Entrando a If UNO bedroom"<<endl; }else{ sharedMemory->getInstance().startDownToRotations=true; indexHeading=headingsForBedroom.size()-2; heading=(-1000);//valor dado para detectar que no se obtuvo un valor válido para el heading, dado que se cambia la forma en como se recorre el arreglo cout<<"Entrando a else UNO bedroom"<<endl; } }else {//if (sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination()=="living"){ cout<<"Entrando a LIVING 1"<<endl; if (indexHeading < headingsForLiving.size()){ heading=headingsForLiving[indexHeading]; indexHeading++; cout<<"Entrando a If UNO living"<<endl; }else{ sharedMemory->getInstance().startDownToRotations=true; indexHeading=headingsForLiving.size()-2;//no menos uno porque ya el proceso anterior permition visitar este indice heading=(-1000); cout<<"Entrando a else UNO Living"<<endl; } } }else{ if (sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination()=="bedroom"){ cout<<"Entrando BEDROoM 2"<<endl; if (indexHeading >= 0){ heading=headingsForBedroom[indexHeading]; indexHeading--; cout<<"Entrando a if DOS bedroom"<<endl; }else{ sharedMemory->getInstance().startDownToRotations=false; indexHeading=1; heading=(-1000); cout<<"Entrando a else DOS bedroom"<<endl; } }else {//if (sharedMemory->getInstance().getStringDestination()=="living"){ cout<<"Entrando a LIVING 2"<<endl; if (indexHeading>= 0){ heading=headingsForLiving[indexHeading]; indexHeading--; cout<<"Entrando a if DOS living"<<endl; }else{ sharedMemory->getInstance().startDownToRotations=false; indexHeading=1;//no 0 porque ya el proceso anterior permitió visitar este indice heading=(-1000); cout<<"Entrando a else DOS living"<<endl; } } } if (heading>(-1000)){ command<<"12 " << heading; cout<< "****** ROTAR "<<command.str().c_str()<<" grades con INDEXHEADING: "<<indexHeading<<"valorArray"<< headingsForLiving[indexHeading]<<endl; client.requestOnceWithString("MicroControllerMotionCommand",command.str().c_str()); //sharedMemory->getInstance().sintetizer.set_Phrase("If you need something, please wave your hand to my bottom kinect"); sleep(1); cout<<"*INVERSA al hacer el heading: "<< sharedMemory->getInstance().startDownToRotations << endl; sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("payAttention"); } }else if (action=="navigateToExit"){ //éste estado solo llamarlo para terminar la prueba cout<<"Starting: "<< action << "STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; navigateTo("Exit", &client); sharedMemory->getInstance().setAction("turnOff");; } else if (action=="turnOff"){ cout<<"Starting: "<< action << " STATE in NavigationClient"<<endl; //ArUtil::sleep(60000); printf("Server disconnected.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); } } return ; }