bool EffectDtmf::Init() { // dialog will be passed values from effect // Effect retrieves values from saved config // Dialog will take care of using them to initialize controls // If there is a selection, use that duration, otherwise use // value from saved config: this is useful is user wants to // replace selection with dtmf sequence if (mT1 > mT0) { // there is a selection: let's fit in there... // MJS: note that this is just for the TTC and is independent of the track rate // but we do need to make sure we have the right number of samples at the project rate AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); double projRate = p->GetRate(); double quantMT0 = QUANTIZED_TIME(mT0, projRate); double quantMT1 = QUANTIZED_TIME(mT1, projRate); mDuration = quantMT1 - quantMT0; mIsSelection = true; } else { // retrieve last used values gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Effects/DtmfGen/SequenceDuration"), &mDuration, 1L); mIsSelection = false; } gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Effects/DtmfGen/String"), &dtmfString, wxT("audacity")); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Effects/DtmfGen/DutyCycle"), &dtmfDutyCycle, 550L); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Effects/DtmfGen/Amplitude"), &dtmfAmplitude, 0.8f); dtmfNTones = wxStrlen(dtmfString); return true; }
void Meter::StartMonitoring() { if (gAudioIO->IsMonitoring()) gAudioIO->StopStream(); else { #if WANT_METER_MENU if (mMeterDisabled){ wxCommandEvent dummy; OnDisableMeter(dummy); } #endif AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if (p) { gAudioIO->StartMonitoring(p->GetRate()); MeterToolBar *bar = p->GetMeterToolBar(); if (bar) { Meter *play, *record; bar->GetMeters(&play, &record); gAudioIO->SetMeters(record, play); } } } }
/* i18n-hint: WCAG2 is the 'Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0', see */ ContrastDialog::ContrastDialog(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString & title, const wxPoint & pos): wxDialogWrapper(parent, id, title, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) { SetName(GetTitle()); mT0 = 0.0; mT1 = 0.0; foregrounddB = 0.0; backgrounddB = 0.0; mForegroundIsDefined = false; mBackgroundIsDefined = false; // NULL out the control members until the controls are created. mForegroundStartT = NULL; mForegroundEndT = NULL; mBackgroundStartT = NULL; mBackgroundEndT = NULL; wxTextValidator vld(wxFILTER_NUMERIC); wxString number; AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); mProjectRate = p->GetRate(); ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating); S.SetBorder(5); S.StartHorizontalLay(wxCENTER, false); { /* i18n-hint: RMS abbreviates root mean square, a certain averaging method */ S.AddTitle(_("Contrast Analyzer, for measuring RMS volume differences between two selections of audio.")); } S.EndHorizontalLay(); S.StartStatic( _("Parameters") ); { S.StartMultiColumn(5, wxEXPAND); { // Headings S.AddFixedText( {} ); // spacer S.AddFixedText(_("Start")); S.AddFixedText(_("End")); S.AddFixedText( {} ); // spacer S.AddFixedText(_("Volume ")); const auto options = NumericTextCtrl::Options{} .AutoPos(true) .MenuEnabled(false) .ReadOnly(true); //Foreground S.AddFixedText(_("&Foreground:"), false); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mForegroundStartT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(this, ID_FOREGROUNDSTART_T, NumericConverter::TIME, _("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); mForegroundStartT->SetName(_("Foreground start time")); } S.AddWindow(mForegroundStartT); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mForegroundEndT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(this, ID_FOREGROUNDEND_T, NumericConverter::TIME, _("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); mForegroundEndT->SetName(_("Foreground end time")); } S.AddWindow(mForegroundEndT); m_pButton_UseCurrentF = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTF).AddButton(_("&Measure selection")); mForegroundRMSText=S.Id(ID_FOREGROUNDDB_TEXT).AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 17); mForegroundRMSText->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, OnChar); //Background S.AddFixedText(_("&Background:")); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mBackgroundStartT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(this, ID_BACKGROUNDSTART_T, NumericConverter::TIME, _("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); mBackgroundStartT->SetName(_("Background start time")); } S.AddWindow(mBackgroundStartT); if (S.GetMode() == eIsCreating) { mBackgroundEndT = safenew NumericTextCtrl(this, ID_BACKGROUNDEND_T, NumericConverter::TIME, _("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"), 0.0, mProjectRate, options); mBackgroundEndT->SetName(_("Background end time")); } S.AddWindow(mBackgroundEndT); m_pButton_UseCurrentB = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTB).AddButton(_("Mea&sure selection")); mBackgroundRMSText = S.Id(ID_BACKGROUNDDB_TEXT).AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 17); mBackgroundRMSText->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, OnChar); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); //Result S.StartStatic( _("Result") ); { S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxCENTER); { S.AddFixedText(_("Co&ntrast Result:")); mPassFailText = S.Id(ID_RESULTS_TEXT).AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 50); mPassFailText->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, OnChar); m_pButton_Reset = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_RESET).AddButton(_("R&eset")); S.AddFixedText(_("&Difference:")); mDiffText = S.Id(ID_RESULTSDB_TEXT).AddTextBox( {}, wxT(""), 50); mDiffText->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, OnChar); m_pButton_Export = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_EXPORT).AddButton(_("E&xport...")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); S.AddStandardButtons(eCloseButton |eHelpButton); #if 0 S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxEXPAND); { S.SetStretchyCol(1); m_pButton_GetURL = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_GETURL).AddButton(_("&Help")); S.AddFixedText(wxT(" ")); // spacer m_pButton_Close = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_CLOSE).AddButton(_("&Close")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); #endif Layout(); Fit(); SetMinSize(GetSize()); Center(); }
void ControlToolBar::OnRecord(wxCommandEvent &evt) { if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) { mRecord->PopUp(); return; } AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if( evt.GetInt() == 1 ) // used when called by keyboard shortcut. Default (0) ignored. mRecord->SetShift(true); if( evt.GetInt() == 2 ) mRecord->SetShift(false); SetRecord(true, mRecord->WasShiftDown()); if (p) { TrackList *t = p->GetTracks(); TrackListIterator it(t); if(it.First() == NULL) mRecord->SetShift(false); double t0 = p->GetSel0(); double t1 = p->GetSel1(); if (t1 == t0) t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) /* TODO: set up stereo tracks if that is how the user has set up * their preferences, and choose sample format based on prefs */ WaveTrackArray newRecordingTracks, playbackTracks; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT NoteTrackArray midiTracks; #endif bool duplex; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"), &duplex, true); if(duplex){ playbackTracks = t->GetWaveTrackArray(false); #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT midiTracks = t->GetNoteTrackArray(false); #endif } else { playbackTracks = WaveTrackArray(); #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT midiTracks = NoteTrackArray(); #endif } // If SHIFT key was down, the user wants append to tracks int recordingChannels = 0; bool shifted = mRecord->WasShiftDown(); if (shifted) { bool sel = false; double allt0 = t0; // Find the maximum end time of selected and all wave tracks // Find whether any tracks were selected. (If any are selected, // record only into them; else if tracks exist, record into all.) for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) { if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt); if (wt->GetEndTime() > allt0) { allt0 = wt->GetEndTime(); } if (tt->GetSelected()) { sel = true; if (wt->GetEndTime() > t0) { t0 = wt->GetEndTime(); } } } } // Use end time of all wave tracks if none selected if (!sel) { t0 = allt0; } // Pad selected/all wave tracks to make them all the same length // Remove recording tracks from the list of tracks for duplex ("overdub") // playback. for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) { if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && (tt->GetSelected() || !sel)) { WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt); if (duplex) playbackTracks.Remove(wt); t1 = wt->GetEndTime(); if (t1 < t0) { WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack(); newTrack->InsertSilence(0.0, t0 - t1); newTrack->Flush(); wt->Clear(t1, t0); bool bResult = wt->Paste(t1, newTrack); wxASSERT(bResult); // TO DO: Actually handle this. delete newTrack; } newRecordingTracks.Add(wt); } } t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) } else { recordingChannels = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/RecordChannels"), 2); for (int c = 0; c < recordingChannels; c++) { WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack(); newTrack->SetOffset(t0); if (recordingChannels > 2) newTrack->SetMinimized(true); if (recordingChannels == 2) { if (c == 0) { newTrack->SetChannel(Track::LeftChannel); newTrack->SetLinked(true); } else { newTrack->SetChannel(Track::RightChannel); } } else { newTrack->SetChannel( Track::MonoChannel ); } newRecordingTracks.Add(newTrack); } // msmeyer: StartStream calls a callback which triggers auto-save, so // we add the tracks where recording is done into now. We remove them // later if starting the stream fails for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++) t->Add(newRecordingTracks[i]); } //Automated Input Level Adjustment Initialization #ifdef AUTOMATED_INPUT_LEVEL_ADJUSTMENT gAudioIO->AILAInitialize(); #endif int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks, newRecordingTracks, #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT midiTracks, #endif t->GetTimeTrack(), p->GetRate(), t0, t1, p); bool success = (token != 0); if (success) { p->SetAudioIOToken(token); mBusyProject = p; } else { // msmeyer: Delete recently added tracks if opening stream fails if (!shifted) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++) { t->Remove(newRecordingTracks[i]); delete newRecordingTracks[i]; } } // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. Please check the recording device settings and the project sample rate."), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this); SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); } } }
void ControlToolBar::PlayPlayRegion(double t0, double t1, bool looped /* = false */, bool cutpreview /* = false */, TimeTrack *timetrack /* = NULL */, const double *pStartTime /* = NULL */) { SetPlay(true, looped, cutpreview); if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) { SetPlay(false); return; } if (cutpreview && t0==t1) { SetPlay(false); return; /* msmeyer: makes no sense */ } AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if (!p) { SetPlay(false); return; // Should never happen, but... } TrackList *t = p->GetTracks(); if (!t) { mPlay->PopUp(); return; // Should never happen, but... } bool hasaudio = false; TrackListIterator iter(t); for (Track *trk = iter.First(); trk; trk = iter.Next()) { if (trk->GetKind() == Track::Wave #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT || trk->GetKind() == Track::Note #endif ) { hasaudio = true; break; } } if (!hasaudio) { SetPlay(false); return; // No need to continue without audio tracks } double maxofmins,minofmaxs; #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SEEK_BEHIND_CURSOR) double init_seek = 0.0; #endif // JS: clarified how the final play region is computed; if (t1 == t0) { // msmeyer: When playing looped, we play the whole file, if // no range is selected. Otherwise, we play from t0 to end if (looped) { // msmeyer: always play from start t0 = t->GetStartTime(); } else { // move t0 to valid range if (t0 < 0) { t0 = t->GetStartTime(); } else if (t0 > t->GetEndTime()) { t0 = t->GetEndTime(); } #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SEEK_BEHIND_CURSOR) else { init_seek = t0; //AC: init_seek is where playback will 'start' t0 = t->GetStartTime(); } #endif } // always play to end t1 = t->GetEndTime(); } else { // always t0 < t1 right? // the set intersection between the play region and the // valid range maximum of lower bounds if (t0 < t->GetStartTime()) maxofmins = t->GetStartTime(); else maxofmins = t0; // minimum of upper bounds if (t1 > t->GetEndTime()) minofmaxs = t->GetEndTime(); else minofmaxs = t1; // we test if the intersection has no volume if (minofmaxs <= maxofmins) { // no volume; play nothing return; } else { t0 = maxofmins; t1 = minofmaxs; } } // Can't play before 0...either shifted or latencey corrected tracks if (t0 < 0.0) { t0 = 0.0; } bool success = false; if (t1 > t0) { int token; if (cutpreview) { double beforeLen, afterLen; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/CutPreviewBeforeLen"), &beforeLen, 2.0); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/CutPreviewAfterLen"), &afterLen, 1.0); double tcp0 = t0-beforeLen; double tcp1 = (t1+afterLen) - (t1-t0); SetupCutPreviewTracks(tcp0, t0, t1, tcp1); if (mCutPreviewTracks) { token = gAudioIO->StartStream( mCutPreviewTracks->GetWaveTrackArray(false), WaveTrackArray(), #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT NoteTrackArray(), #endif timetrack, p->GetRate(), tcp0, tcp1, p, false, t0, t1-t0, pStartTime); } else { // Cannot create cut preview tracks, clean up and exit SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); return; } } else { if (!timetrack) { timetrack = t->GetTimeTrack(); } token = gAudioIO->StartStream(t->GetWaveTrackArray(false), WaveTrackArray(), #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT t->GetNoteTrackArray(false), #endif timetrack, p->GetRate(), t0, t1, p, looped, 0, 0, pStartTime); } if (token != 0) { success = true; p->SetAudioIOToken(token); mBusyProject = p; #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SEEK_BEHIND_CURSOR) //AC: If init_seek was set, now's the time to make it happen. gAudioIO->SeekStream(init_seek); #endif } else { // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened wxMessageBox( #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) _("Error while opening sound device. " "Please check the playback device settings and the project sample rate."), #else _("Error while opening sound device. " wxT("Please check the playback device settings and the project sample rate.")), #endif _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this); } } if (!success) { SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); } }
/* i18n-hint: WCAG2 is the 'Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0', see */ ContrastDialog::ContrastDialog(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString & title, const wxPoint & pos): wxDialog(parent, id, title, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ) { foregrounddB = 1234.0; backgrounddB = 1234.0; // NULL out the control members until the controls are created. mForegroundStartT = NULL; mForegroundEndT = NULL; mBackgroundStartT = NULL; mBackgroundEndT = NULL; wxTextValidator vld(wxFILTER_NUMERIC); wxString number; AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); mProjectRate = p->GetRate(); ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating); S.SetBorder(5); S.StartHorizontalLay(wxCENTER, false); { S.AddTitle(_("Contrast Analyzer, for measuring rms volume differences between two selections of audio.")); } S.EndHorizontalLay(); S.StartStatic( _("Parameters") ); { S.StartMultiColumn(5, wxEXPAND); { // Headings S.AddFixedText(wxT("")); // spacer S.AddFixedText(_("Start")); S.AddFixedText(_("End")); S.AddFixedText(wxT("")); // spacer S.AddFixedText(_("Volume ")); //Foreground S.AddFixedText(_("Foreground:"), false); if (mForegroundStartT == NULL) { mForegroundStartT = new TimeTextCtrl(this, ID_FOREGROUNDSTART_T, wxT(""), 0.0, mProjectRate, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, true); mForegroundStartT->SetName(_("Foreground start time")); mForegroundStartT->SetFormatString(mForegroundStartT->GetBuiltinFormat(_("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"))); mForegroundStartT->EnableMenu(false); } S.AddWindow(mForegroundStartT); if (mForegroundEndT == NULL) { mForegroundEndT = new TimeTextCtrl(this, ID_FOREGROUNDEND_T, wxT(""), 0.0, mProjectRate, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, true); mForegroundEndT->SetName(_("Foreground end time")); mForegroundEndT->SetFormatString(mForegroundEndT->GetBuiltinFormat(_("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"))); mForegroundEndT->EnableMenu(false); } S.AddWindow(mForegroundEndT); m_pButton_UseCurrentF = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTF).AddButton(_("Measure selection")); mForegroundRMSText=S.Id(ID_FOREGROUNDDB_TEXT).AddTextBox(wxT(""), wxT(""), 12); mForegroundRMSText->Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(ContrastDialog::OnChar)); //Background S.AddFixedText(_("Background:")); if (mBackgroundStartT == NULL) { mBackgroundStartT = new TimeTextCtrl(this, ID_BACKGROUNDSTART_T, wxT(""), 0.0, mProjectRate, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, true); mBackgroundStartT->SetName(_("Background start time")); mBackgroundStartT->SetFormatString(mBackgroundStartT->GetBuiltinFormat(_("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"))); mBackgroundStartT->EnableMenu(false); } S.AddWindow(mBackgroundStartT); if (mBackgroundEndT == NULL) { mBackgroundEndT = new TimeTextCtrl(this, ID_BACKGROUNDEND_T, wxT(""), 0.0, mProjectRate, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, true); mBackgroundEndT->SetName(_("Background end time")); mBackgroundEndT->SetFormatString(mBackgroundEndT->GetBuiltinFormat(_("hh:mm:ss + hundredths"))); mBackgroundEndT->EnableMenu(false); } S.AddWindow(mBackgroundEndT); m_pButton_UseCurrentB = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_USECURRENTB).AddButton(_("Measure selection")); mBackgroundRMSText = S.Id(ID_BACKGROUNDDB_TEXT).AddTextBox(wxT(""), wxT(""), 12); mBackgroundRMSText->Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(ContrastDialog::OnChar)); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); //Result S.StartStatic( _("Result") ); { S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxCENTER); { S.AddFixedText(_("Contrast Result:")); mPassFailText = S.Id(ID_RESULTS_TEXT).AddTextBox(wxT(""), wxT(""), 40); mPassFailText->Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(ContrastDialog::OnChar)); m_pButton_Reset = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_RESET).AddButton(_("Reset")); S.AddFixedText(_("Difference:")); mDiffText = S.Id(ID_RESULTSDB_TEXT).AddTextBox(wxT(""), wxT(""), 30); mDiffText->Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(ContrastDialog::OnChar)); m_pButton_Export = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_EXPORT).AddButton(_("Export")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); } S.EndStatic(); S.StartMultiColumn(3, wxEXPAND); { S.SetStretchyCol(1); m_pButton_GetURL = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_GETURL).AddButton(_("WCAG 2 Help")); S.AddFixedText(wxT(" ")); // spacer m_pButton_Close = S.Id(ID_BUTTON_CLOSE).AddButton(_("Close")); } S.EndMultiColumn(); Layout(); Fit(); SetMinSize(GetSize()); Center(); }
void ControlToolBar::OnRecord(wxCommandEvent &evt) { if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) { mRecord->PopUp(); return; } AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if( evt.GetInt() == 1 ) // used when called by keyboard shortcut. Default (0) ignored. mRecord->SetShift(true); if( evt.GetInt() == 2 ) mRecord->SetShift(false); SetRecord(true, mRecord->WasShiftDown()); if (p) { TrackList *trackList = p->GetTracks(); TrackListIterator it(trackList); if(it.First() == NULL) mRecord->SetShift(false); double t0 = p->GetSel0(); double t1 = p->GetSel1(); if (t1 == t0) t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) /* TODO: set up stereo tracks if that is how the user has set up * their preferences, and choose sample format based on prefs */ WaveTrackArray newRecordingTracks, playbackTracks; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT NoteTrackArray midiTracks; #endif bool duplex; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"), &duplex, true); if(duplex){ playbackTracks = trackList->GetWaveTrackArray(false); #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT midiTracks = trackList->GetNoteTrackArray(false); #endif } else { playbackTracks = WaveTrackArray(); #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT midiTracks = NoteTrackArray(); #endif } // If SHIFT key was down, the user wants append to tracks int recordingChannels = 0; TrackList tracksCopy{}; bool tracksCopied = false; bool shifted = mRecord->WasShiftDown(); if (shifted) { bool sel = false; double allt0 = t0; // Find the maximum end time of selected and all wave tracks // Find whether any tracks were selected. (If any are selected, // record only into them; else if tracks exist, record into all.) for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) { if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt); if (wt->GetEndTime() > allt0) { allt0 = wt->GetEndTime(); } if (tt->GetSelected()) { sel = true; if (wt->GetEndTime() > t0) { t0 = wt->GetEndTime(); } } } } // Use end time of all wave tracks if none selected if (!sel) { t0 = allt0; } // Pad selected/all wave tracks to make them all the same length // Remove recording tracks from the list of tracks for duplex ("overdub") // playback. for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) { if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && (tt->GetSelected() || !sel)) { WaveTrack *wt = static_cast<WaveTrack *>(tt); if (duplex) { auto end = playbackTracks.end(); auto it = std::find(playbackTracks.begin(), end, wt); if (it != end) playbackTracks.erase(it); } t1 = wt->GetEndTime(); if (t1 < t0) { if (!tracksCopied) { tracksCopied = true; tracksCopy = *trackList; } auto newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack(); newTrack->InsertSilence(0.0, t0 - t1); newTrack->Flush(); wt->Clear(t1, t0); bool bResult = wt->Paste(t1, newTrack.get()); wxASSERT(bResult); // TO DO: Actually handle this. wxUnusedVar(bResult); } newRecordingTracks.push_back(wt); } } t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) } else { bool recordingNameCustom, useTrackNumber, useDateStamp, useTimeStamp; wxString defaultTrackName, defaultRecordingTrackName; int numTracks = 0; for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) { if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && !tt->GetLinked()) numTracks++; } numTracks++; recordingChannels = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/RecordChannels"), 2); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/RecordingNameCustom"), &recordingNameCustom, false); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/TrackNumber"), &useTrackNumber, false); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/DateStamp"), &useDateStamp, false); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/TimeStamp"), &useTimeStamp, false); /* i18n-hint: The default name for an audio track. */ gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/DefaultTrackName"),&defaultTrackName, _("Audio Track")); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/GUI/TrackNames/RecodingTrackName"), &defaultRecordingTrackName, defaultTrackName); wxString baseTrackName = recordingNameCustom? defaultRecordingTrackName : defaultTrackName; for (int c = 0; c < recordingChannels; c++) { auto newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack(); newTrack->SetOffset(t0); wxString nameSuffix = wxString(wxT("")); if (useTrackNumber) { nameSuffix += wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), numTracks + c); } if (useDateStamp) { if (!nameSuffix.IsEmpty()) { nameSuffix += wxT("_"); } nameSuffix += wxDateTime::Now().FormatISODate(); } if (useTimeStamp) { if (!nameSuffix.IsEmpty()) { nameSuffix += wxT("_"); } nameSuffix += wxDateTime::Now().FormatISOTime(); } // ISO standard would be nice, but ":" is unsafe for file name. nameSuffix.Replace(wxT(":"), wxT("-")); if (baseTrackName.IsEmpty()) { newTrack->SetName(nameSuffix); } else if (nameSuffix.IsEmpty()) { newTrack->SetName(baseTrackName); } else { newTrack->SetName(baseTrackName + wxT("_") + nameSuffix); } if (recordingChannels > 2) newTrack->SetMinimized(true); if (recordingChannels == 2) { if (c == 0) { newTrack->SetChannel(Track::LeftChannel); newTrack->SetLinked(true); } else { newTrack->SetChannel(Track::RightChannel); } } else { newTrack->SetChannel( Track::MonoChannel ); } // Let the list hold the track, and keep a pointer to it newRecordingTracks.push_back( static_cast<WaveTrack*>( trackList->Add( std::move(newTrack)))); } } //Automated Input Level Adjustment Initialization #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_AUTOMATED_INPUT_LEVEL_ADJUSTMENT gAudioIO->AILAInitialize(); #endif AudioIOStartStreamOptions options(p->GetDefaultPlayOptions()); int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks, newRecordingTracks, #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT midiTracks, #endif p->GetRate(), t0, t1, options); bool success = (token != 0); if (success) { p->SetAudioIOToken(token); mBusyProject = p; } else { if (shifted) { // Restore the tracks to remove any inserted silence if (tracksCopied) *trackList = std::move(tracksCopy); } else { // msmeyer: Delete recently added tracks if opening stream fails for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.size(); i++) { trackList->Remove(newRecordingTracks[i]); } } // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. Please check the recording device settings and the project sample rate."), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this); SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); } } UpdateStatusBar(GetActiveProject()); }
int ControlToolBar::PlayPlayRegion(const SelectedRegion &selectedRegion, const AudioIOStartStreamOptions &options, PlayMode mode, PlayAppearance appearance, /* = PlayOption::Straight */ bool backwards, /* = false */ bool playWhiteSpace /* = false */) { if (!CanStopAudioStream()) return -1; // Uncomment this for laughs! // backwards = true; double t0 = selectedRegion.t0(); double t1 = selectedRegion.t1(); // SelectedRegion guarantees t0 <= t1, so we need another boolean argument // to indicate backwards play. const bool looped = options.playLooped; if (backwards) std::swap(t0, t1); SetPlay(true, appearance); if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) { SetPlay(false); return -1; } const bool cutpreview = appearance == PlayAppearance::CutPreview; if (cutpreview && t0==t1) { SetPlay(false); return -1; /* msmeyer: makes no sense */ } AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if (!p) { SetPlay(false); return -1; // Should never happen, but... } TrackList *t = p->GetTracks(); if (!t) { mPlay->PopUp(); return -1; // Should never happen, but... } p->mLastPlayMode = mode; bool hasaudio = false; TrackListIterator iter(t); for (Track *trk = iter.First(); trk; trk = iter.Next()) { if (trk->GetKind() == Track::Wave #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT || trk->GetKind() == Track::Note #endif ) { hasaudio = true; break; } } double latestEnd = (playWhiteSpace)? t1 : t->GetEndTime(); if (!hasaudio) { SetPlay(false); return -1; // No need to continue without audio tracks } #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SEEK_BEHIND_CURSOR) double init_seek = 0.0; #endif if (t1 == t0) { if (looped) { // play selection if there is one, otherwise // set start of play region to project start, // and loop the project from current play position. if ((t0 > p->GetSel0()) && (t0 < p->GetSel1())) { t0 = p->GetSel0(); t1 = p->GetSel1(); } else { // loop the entire project t0 = t->GetStartTime(); t1 = t->GetEndTime(); } } else { // move t0 to valid range if (t0 < 0) { t0 = t->GetStartTime(); } else if (t0 > t->GetEndTime()) { t0 = t->GetEndTime(); } #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SEEK_BEHIND_CURSOR) else { init_seek = t0; //AC: init_seek is where playback will 'start' t0 = t->GetStartTime(); } #endif } t1 = t->GetEndTime(); } else { // maybe t1 < t0, with backwards scrubbing for instance if (backwards) std::swap(t0, t1); t0 = std::max(0.0, std::min(t0, latestEnd)); t1 = std::max(0.0, std::min(t1, latestEnd)); if (backwards) std::swap(t0, t1); } int token = -1; bool success = false; if (t1 != t0) { if (cutpreview) { const double tless = std::min(t0, t1); const double tgreater = std::max(t0, t1); double beforeLen, afterLen; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/CutPreviewBeforeLen"), &beforeLen, 2.0); gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/CutPreviewAfterLen"), &afterLen, 1.0); double tcp0 = tless-beforeLen; double diff = tgreater - tless; double tcp1 = (tgreater+afterLen) - diff; SetupCutPreviewTracks(tcp0, tless, tgreater, tcp1); if (backwards) std::swap(tcp0, tcp1); if (mCutPreviewTracks) { AudioIOStartStreamOptions myOptions = options; myOptions.cutPreviewGapStart = t0; myOptions.cutPreviewGapLen = t1 - t0; token = gAudioIO->StartStream( mCutPreviewTracks->GetWaveTrackArray(false), WaveTrackArray(), #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT NoteTrackArray(), #endif p->GetRate(), tcp0, tcp1, myOptions); } else { // Cannot create cut preview tracks, clean up and exit SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); return -1; } } else { // Lifted the following into AudacityProject::GetDefaultPlayOptions() /* if (!timetrack) { timetrack = t->GetTimeTrack(); } */ token = gAudioIO->StartStream(t->GetWaveTrackArray(false), WaveTrackArray(), #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT t->GetNoteTrackArray(false), #endif p->GetRate(), t0, t1, options); } if (token != 0) { success = true; p->SetAudioIOToken(token); mBusyProject = p; #if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SEEK_BEHIND_CURSOR) //AC: If init_seek was set, now's the time to make it happen. gAudioIO->SeekStream(init_seek); #endif } else { // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened wxMessageBox( _("Error while opening sound device. " "Please check the playback device settings and the project sample rate."), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this); } } if (!success) { SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); return -1; } // Let other UI update appearance if (p) p->GetRulerPanel()->HideQuickPlayIndicator(); return token; }
SnapManager::SnapManager(TrackList *tracks, TrackClipArray *exclusions, double zoom, int pixelTolerance, bool noTimeSnap) { int i; // Grab time-snapping prefs (unless otherwise requested) mSnapToTime = false; AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); wxASSERT(p); if (p) { // Look up the format string if (p->GetSnapTo() && !noTimeSnap) { mSnapToTime = true; mConverter.SetSampleRate(p->GetRate()); mConverter.SetFormatName(p->GetSelectionFormat()); } } mSnapPoints = new SnapPointArray(CompareSnapPoints); if (zoom > 0 && pixelTolerance > 0) mTolerance = pixelTolerance / zoom; else { // This shouldn't happen, but we don't want to crash if we get // illegal values. The net effect of this is to never snap. mTolerance = 0.0; } // Two time points closer than this are considered the same mEpsilon = 1 / 44100.0; // Add a SnapPoint at t=0 mSnapPoints->Add(new SnapPoint(0.0, NULL)); TrackListIterator iter(tracks); Track *track = iter.First(); while (track) { if (track->GetKind() == Track::Label) { LabelTrack *labelTrack = (LabelTrack *)track; for(i = 0; i < labelTrack->GetNumLabels(); i++) { const LabelStruct *label = labelTrack->GetLabel(i); CondListAdd(label->t, labelTrack); if (label->t1 != label->t) { CondListAdd(label->t1, labelTrack); } } } else if (track->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { WaveTrack *waveTrack = (WaveTrack *)track; WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it; for (it=waveTrack->GetClipIterator(); it; it=it->GetNext()) { WaveClip *clip = it->GetData(); if (exclusions) { bool skip = false; for(int j=0; j<(int)exclusions->GetCount(); j++) { if ((*exclusions)[j].track == waveTrack && (*exclusions)[j].clip == clip) skip = true; } if (skip) continue; } CondListAdd(clip->GetStartTime(), waveTrack); CondListAdd(clip->GetEndTime(), waveTrack); } } #ifdef USE_MIDI else if (track->GetKind() == Track::Note) { CondListAdd(track->GetStartTime(), track); CondListAdd(track->GetEndTime(), track); } #endif track = iter.Next(); } }
void ControlToolBar::PlayPlayRegion(double t0, double t1, bool looped /* = false */) { if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) { mPlay->PopUp(); #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_THINKLABS) mLoopPlay->PopUp(); #elif (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) mPlay->Show(); mPause->Hide(); this->EnablePauseCommand(false); #endif return; } mStop->Enable(); mRewind->Disable(); mRecord->Disable(); mFF->Disable(); mPause->Enable(); this->EnablePauseCommand(true); AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if (p) { TrackList *t = p->GetTracks(); double maxofmins,minofmaxs; // JS: clarified how the final play region is computed; if (t1 == t0) { // msmeyer: When playing looped, we play the whole file, if // no range is selected. Otherwise, we play from t0 to end if (looped) { // msmeyer: always play from start t0 = t->GetStartTime(); } else { // move t0 to valid range if (t0 < 0) t0 = t->GetStartTime(); if (t0 > t->GetEndTime()) t0 = t->GetEndTime(); } // always play to end t1 = t->GetEndTime(); } else { // always t0 < t1 right? // the set intersection between the play region and the // valid range maximum of lower bounds if (t0 < t->GetStartTime()) maxofmins = t->GetStartTime(); else maxofmins = t0; // minimum of upper bounds if (t1 > t->GetEndTime()) minofmaxs = t->GetEndTime(); else minofmaxs = t1; // we test if the intersection has no volume if (minofmaxs <= maxofmins) { // no volume; play nothing return; } else { t0 = maxofmins; t1 = minofmaxs; } } bool success = false; if (t1 > t0) { int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(t->GetWaveTrackArray(false), WaveTrackArray(), t->GetTimeTrack(), p->GetRate(), t0, t1, looped); if (token != 0) { success = true; p->SetAudioIOToken(token); mBusyProject = p; SetVUMeters(p); } else { // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. Please check the output " "device settings and the project sample rate."), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this); } } if (!success) { SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); } #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) if (success) { mPlay->Hide(); mPause->Show(); this->EnablePauseCommand(true); this->SetBackgroundColour(*wxGREEN); // green for Playing this->Refresh(); } #endif } }
void ControlToolBar::OnRecord(wxCommandEvent &evt) { if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) { #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) if (mIsLocked) // Stop only if in locked mode. { this->StopPlaying(); // Stop recording. mRecord->PopUp(); } else { //v evt.GetClassInfo(); } #else mRecord->PopUp(); #endif return; } mPlay->Disable(); #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_THINKLABS) mLoopPlay->Disable(); #endif #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) mStop->SetEnabled(mIsLocked); #else mStop->Enable(); #endif mRewind->Disable(); mFF->Disable(); #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) mPause->SetEnabled(mIsLocked); this->EnablePauseCommand(mIsLocked); this->SetRecord(mIsLocked); // If locked, push Record down, else up. #else mPause->Enable(); mRecord->PushDown(); #endif AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if (p) { TrackList *t = p->GetTracks(); // Don't do this for Audiotouch. Not necessary. The performance hit is in the track being recorded, below. #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_THINKLABS) // For versions that default to dual wave/spectrum display, // switch all tracks to WaveformDisplay on Record, for performance. TrackListIterator iter(t); for (Track* pTrack = iter.First(); pTrack; pTrack = iter.Next()) if (pTrack->GetKind() == Track::Wave) ((WaveTrack*)pTrack)->SetDisplay(WaveTrack::WaveformDisplay); #endif double t0 = p->GetSel0(); double t1 = p->GetSel1(); if (t1 == t0) t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) if (p->m_bWantAppendRecording) { t0 = t->GetEndTime(); t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) } gAudioIO->SetWantLatencyCorrection(!p->m_bWantAppendRecording); #endif /* TODO: set up stereo tracks if that is how the user has set up * their preferences, and choose sample format based on prefs */ WaveTrackArray newRecordingTracks, playbackTracks; bool duplex; gPrefs->Read("/AudioIO/Duplex", &duplex, true); int recordingChannels = gPrefs->Read("/AudioIO/RecordChannels", 1); if( duplex ) playbackTracks = t->GetWaveTrackArray(false); else playbackTracks = WaveTrackArray(); for( int c = 0; c < recordingChannels; c++ ) { WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack(); newTrack->SetOffset(t0); newTrack->SetRate(p->GetRate()); //v for performance newTrack->SetDisplay(WaveTrack::WaveformAndSpectrumDisplay); newTrack->SetDisplay(WaveTrack::WaveformDisplay); if( recordingChannels == 2 ) { if( c == 0 ) { newTrack->SetChannel(Track::LeftChannel); newTrack->SetLinked(true); } else newTrack->SetChannel(Track::RightChannel); } else { newTrack->SetChannel( Track::MonoChannel ); } newRecordingTracks.Add(newTrack); } int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks, newRecordingTracks, t->GetTimeTrack(), p->GetRate(), t0, t1); bool success = (token != 0); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++ ) if (success) t->Add(newRecordingTracks[i]); else delete newRecordingTracks[i]; if (success) { p->SetAudioIOToken(token); mBusyProject = p; SetVUMeters(p); #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) this->SetBackgroundColour(*wxRED); // red for Recording this->Refresh(); #endif } else { // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. Please check the input " "device settings and the project sample rate."), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this); SetPlay(false); #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) mStop->Enable(); // In case it was disabled above, based on mIsLocked. #endif SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); } #if (AUDACITY_BRANDING == BRAND_AUDIOTOUCH) p->OnZoomFitV(); #endif } }
void ControlToolBar::OnRecord(wxCommandEvent &evt) { if (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) { mRecord->PopUp(); return; } AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject(); if (p && p->GetCleanSpeechMode()) { size_t numProjects = gAudacityProjects.Count(); bool tracks = (p && !p->GetTracks()->IsEmpty()); if (tracks || (numProjects > 1)) { wxMessageBox(_("Recording in CleanSpeech mode is not possible when a track, or more than one project, is already open."), _("Recording not permitted"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this); mRecord->PopUp(); mRecord->Disable(); return; } } if( evt.GetInt() == 1 ) // used when called by keyboard shortcut. Default (0) ignored. mRecord->SetShift(true); if( evt.GetInt() == 2 ) mRecord->SetShift(false); SetRecord(true); if (p) { TrackList *t = p->GetTracks(); TrackListIterator it(t); if(it.First() == NULL) mRecord->SetShift(false); double t0 = p->GetSel0(); double t1 = p->GetSel1(); if (t1 == t0) t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) /* TODO: set up stereo tracks if that is how the user has set up * their preferences, and choose sample format based on prefs */ WaveTrackArray newRecordingTracks, playbackTracks; /* REQUIRES PORTMIDI */ // NoteTrackArray midiTracks; bool duplex; gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/Duplex"), &duplex, true); if(duplex){ playbackTracks = t->GetWaveTrackArray(false); /* REQUIRES PORTMIDI */ // midiTracks = t->GetNoteTrackArray(false); } else { playbackTracks = WaveTrackArray(); /* REQUIRES PORTMIDI */ // midiTracks = NoteTrackArray(); } // If SHIFT key was down, the user wants append to tracks int recordingChannels = 0; bool shifted = mRecord->WasShiftDown(); if (shifted) { TrackListIterator it(t); WaveTrack *wt; bool sel = false; double allt0 = t0; // Find the maximum end time of selected and all wave tracks for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) { if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave) { wt = (WaveTrack *)tt; if (wt->GetEndTime() > allt0) { allt0 = wt->GetEndTime(); } if (tt->GetSelected()) { sel = true; if (duplex) playbackTracks.Remove(wt); if (wt->GetEndTime() > t0) { t0 = wt->GetEndTime(); } } } } // Use end time of all wave tracks if none selected if (!sel) { t0 = allt0; } // Pad selected/all wave tracks to make them all the same length for (Track *tt = it.First(); tt; tt = it.Next()) { if (tt->GetKind() == Track::Wave && (tt->GetSelected() || !sel)) { wt = (WaveTrack *)tt; t1 = wt->GetEndTime(); if (t1 < t0) { WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack(); newTrack->InsertSilence(0.0, t0 - t1); newTrack->Flush(); wt->Clear(t1, t0); wt->Paste(t1, newTrack); delete newTrack; } newRecordingTracks.Add(wt); } } t1 = 1000000000.0; // record for a long, long time (tens of years) } else { recordingChannels = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/RecordChannels"), 2); for (int c = 0; c < recordingChannels; c++) { WaveTrack *newTrack = p->GetTrackFactory()->NewWaveTrack(); int initialheight = newTrack->GetHeight(); newTrack->SetOffset(t0); if (recordingChannels <= 2) { newTrack->SetHeight(initialheight/recordingChannels); } else { newTrack->SetMinimized(true); } if (recordingChannels == 2) { if (c == 0) { newTrack->SetChannel(Track::LeftChannel); newTrack->SetLinked(true); } else { newTrack->SetChannel(Track::RightChannel); newTrack->SetTeamed(true); } } else { newTrack->SetChannel( Track::MonoChannel ); } newRecordingTracks.Add(newTrack); } // msmeyer: StartStream calls a callback which triggers auto-save, so // we add the tracks where recording is done into now. We remove them // later if starting the stream fails for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++) t->Add(newRecordingTracks[i]); } int token = gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks, newRecordingTracks, /* REQUIRES PORTMIDI */ // midiTracks, t->GetTimeTrack(), p->GetRate(), t0, t1, p); bool success = (token != 0); if (success) { p->SetAudioIOToken(token); mBusyProject = p; SetVUMeters(p); } else { // msmeyer: Delete recently added tracks if opening stream fails if (!shifted) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < newRecordingTracks.GetCount(); i++) { t->Remove(newRecordingTracks[i]); delete newRecordingTracks[i]; } } // msmeyer: Show error message if stream could not be opened wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. " wxT("Please check the input device settings and the project sample rate.")), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this); SetPlay(false); SetStop(false); SetRecord(false); } } }