Blob RippleAddress::accountPrivateSign (Blob const& message) const { if (vchData.size() == 33 && vchData[0] == 0xED) { uint8_t const* secretKey = &vchData[1]; ed25519_public_key publicKey; Blob signature (sizeof (ed25519_signature)); ed25519_publickey (secretKey, publicKey); ed25519_sign (, message.size(), secretKey, publicKey, &signature[0]); assert (isCanonicalEd25519Signature (; return signature; } Blob result = ECDSASign( sha512Half(makeSlice(message)), getAccountPrivate()); bool const ok = !result.empty(); CondLog (!ok, lsWARNING, RippleAddress) << "accountPrivateSign: Signing failed."; return result; }
bool PublicKey::checkSignature(const Blob& data, const Blob& signature) const { if (!pk) return false; const gnutls_datum_t sig {(uint8_t*), (unsigned)signature.size()}; const gnutls_datum_t dat {(uint8_t*), (unsigned)data.size()}; int rc = gnutls_pubkey_verify_data2(pk, GNUTLS_SIGN_RSA_SHA512, 0, &dat, &sig); return rc >= 0; }
Blob CngKey::Export(CngKeyBlobFormat format) const { EVP_PKEY* key = ToKey(_self); Blob r; int size; byte *buf; switch (format) { case CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPrivateBlob: SslCheck((size = ::i2d_PrivateKey(key, 0)) >= 0); r.Size = size; SslCheck(::i2d_PrivateKey(key, &(buf = == size); break; case CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPrivateBignum: { const BIGNUM *bn = ::EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key->; SslCheck(bn); r.Size = BN_num_bytes(bn); if (::BN_bn2bin(bn, != r.Size) Throw(E_FAIL); } break; case CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPublicBlob: // SslCheck(size = ::i2o_ECPublicKey(key, 0)); SslCheck((size = ::i2d_PublicKey(key, 0)) >= 0); r.Size = size; // SslCheck(::i2o_ECPublicKey(key, &(buf = == size); SslCheck(::i2d_PublicKey(key, &(buf = == size); break; case CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPublicCompressedBlob: { CngKey tmp = _self; key = ToKey(tmp); ::EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key->, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED); r = tmp.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPublicBlob); } break; case CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPublicUncompressedBlob: { CngKey tmp = _self; key = ToKey(tmp); ::EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key->, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED); r = tmp.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPublicBlob); } break; case CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPrivateCompressedBlob: { CngKey tmp = _self; key = ToKey(tmp); ::EC_KEY_set_conv_form(key->, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED); r = tmp.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat::OSslEccPrivateBlob); } break; default: Throw(E_INVALIDARG); } return r; }
void Blob::SetData(Blob &source) { if (data_) data_ = nullptr; shape_ = source.shape(); count_ = num() * channels() * height() * width(); data_ =; }
Mat* MyImage::getOpenCVMat(){ if(mat == NULL) { try { Mat orig; getMagickImage(); magick.magick("BGR"); Blob blb ; magick.write(&blb); mat = new Mat(); orig = Mat(magick.size().height(), magick.size().width(), CV_8UC3, (void *); cvtColor(orig, *mat, CV_RGB2HSV); magick.magick("RGB"); } catch (Magick::Exception &e) { cout << "Caught a magick exception: " << e.what() << endl; throw e; } } return mat; }
Blob::Blob(const Blob &source) { if (data_) data_ = nullptr; shape_ = source.shape(); count_ = source.count(); data_ =; }
void PreparedStatement::setBlob(int column, const Blob &value) { locker l(d->mutex); if (!d->prepared) { return; } sqlite3_bind_blob(d->stmt, column,, value.size(), SQLITE_STATIC); }
void setBlob(MYSQL_BIND& bind, unsigned long& length, const Blob& data) { length = data.size(); reserve(bind, length); memcpy(static_cast<char*>(bind.buffer),, length); bind.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING; bind.is_null = 0; bind.length = &length; }
bool RippleAddress::verifySignature(uint256 const& hash, Blob const& vchSig) const { if (vchData.size() != crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES || vchSig.size () != crypto_sign_BYTES) throw std::runtime_error("bad inputs to verifySignature"); bool verified = crypto_sign_verify_detached(,, hash.bytes, == 0; bool canonical = signatureIsCanonical (vchSig); return verified && canonical; }
static uint160 Hash160 (Blob const& vch) { uint256 hash1; SHA256 ( (), vch.size (), ()); uint160 hash2; RIPEMD160 ( (), hash1.size (), ()); return hash2; }
Blob PrivateKey::sign(const Blob& data) const { if (!key) throw CryptoException("Can't sign data: no private key set !"); gnutls_datum_t sig; const gnutls_datum_t dat {(unsigned char*), (unsigned)data.size()}; if (gnutls_privkey_sign_data(key, GNUTLS_DIG_SHA512, 0, &dat, &sig) != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) throw CryptoException("Can't sign data !"); Blob ret(,; gnutls_free(; return ret; }
void prepare(svector<iovec>& v, void* ptr, const int sender=-1) { Task<Image> * task = (Task<Image> *) ptr; Blob* blob = task->getBlob(); task->get()->magick("BMP"); task->get()->write(blob); struct iovec iov={const_cast<void*>(blob->data()),blob->length()}; v.push_back(iov); setCallbackArg(ptr); const char * imagename = task->name().c_str(); struct iovec iov2={const_cast<char*>(imagename),strlen(imagename)+1}; v.push_back(iov2); setCallbackArg(nullptr); }
void PublicKey::unpack(Blob::const_iterator& begin, Blob::const_iterator& end) { Blob tmp = deserialize<Blob>(begin, end); if (pk) gnutls_pubkey_deinit(pk); gnutls_pubkey_init(&pk); const gnutls_datum_t dat {(uint8_t*), (unsigned)tmp.size()}; int err = gnutls_pubkey_import(pk, &dat, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) err = gnutls_pubkey_import(pk, &dat, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER); if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) throw CryptoException(std::string("Could not read public key: ") + gnutls_strerror(err)); }
bool Base58::decodeWithCheck (const char* psz, Blob& vchRet, Alphabet const& alphabet) { if (!decode (psz, vchRet, alphabet)) return false; auto size = vchRet.size (); if (size < 4) { vchRet.clear (); return false; } uint256 hash = SHA256Hash ( (), () + size - 4); if (memcmp (&hash, &vchRet.end ()[-4], 4) != 0) { vchRet.clear (); return false; } vchRet.resize (size - 4); return true; }
// create from a base58 encoded seed bool PaysharesPrivateKey::fromString(std::string& base58seed) { Blob vchTemp; Base58::decodeWithCheck(base58seed.c_str(), vchTemp, Base58::getRippleAlphabet()); if (vchTemp.empty() && vchTemp.size() == crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES + 1 && vchTemp[0] == RippleAddress::VER_SEED) { return(false); } mSeed.resize(crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES); memcpy(&mSeed[0], + 1, crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES); mPair.setSeed(mSeed); return(true); }
NodeObject::Ptr DecodedBlob::createObject () { bassert (m_success); NodeObject::Ptr object; if (m_success) { Blob data (m_dataBytes); memcpy ( (), m_objectData, m_dataBytes); object = NodeObject::createObject ( m_objectType, m_ledgerIndex, data, uint256::fromVoid (m_key)); } return object; }
static char* read_file(const char *fname) { Blob blob; size_t data_size; char *dib; try { Image image(fname); preprocess_image(image); // Write to BLOB in BMP format image.write(&blob, "DIB"); } catch(Exception &error_) { cerr << error_.what() << "\n"; return NULL; } data_size = blob.length(); dib = new char[data_size]; memcpy(dib,, data_size); return dib; }
void displayer_png::display(const buffer & b, ostream & out) { Geometry size(b.get_width(), b.get_height()); Color background(0, 0, 0, 0); Image image(size, background); for (unsigned int h=0; h<b.get_height(); h++) { for (unsigned int w=0; w<b.get_width(); w++) { unsigned int c = (unsigned int)(MaxRGB * b(h,w)); Color color(c, c, c); image.pixelColor(w, h, color); } } Blob blob; image.magick("PNG"); image.write(&blob); out.write((const char *), (long unsigned int)blob.length()); }
Blob Scrypt(const ConstBuf& password, const ConstBuf& salt, int n, int r, int p, size_t dkLen) { HmacPseudoRandomFunction<SHA256> prf; const size_t mfLen = r*128; Blob bb = PBKDF2(prf, password, salt, 1, p*mfLen); AlignedMem am((n+1)*r*128, 128); uint32_t *v = (uint32_t*)am.get(); SalsaBlockPtr tmp = (SalsaBlockPtr)alloca(r*128); for (int i=0; i<p; ++i) { SalsaBlockPtr x = (SalsaBlockPtr)(*mfLen); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { memcpy(&v[i * 32 * r], x, 2*r * sizeof(x[0])); VectorMix(Salsa20Core, x, tmp, r, 8); } for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { int j = 32*r * (x[2 * r - 1][0] & (n - 1)); VectorXor(x[0], &v[j], 2*r*16); VectorMix(Salsa20Core, x, tmp, r, 8); } } return PBKDF2(prf, password, bb, 1, dkLen); }
bool RippleAddress::accountPublicVerify ( Blob const& message, Blob const& vucSig, ECDSA fullyCanonical) const { if (vchData.size() == 33 && vchData[0] == 0xED) { if (vucSig.size() != 64) { return false; } uint8_t const* publicKey = &vchData[1]; uint8_t const* signature = &vucSig[0]; return !ed25519_sign_open (, message.size(), publicKey, signature) && isCanonicalEd25519Signature (signature); } return verifySignature (getAccountPublic(), sha512Half(makeSlice(message)), vucSig, fullyCanonical); }
PrivateKey::PrivateKey(const Blob& import) { if (gnutls_global_init() != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) throw CryptoException("Can't initialize GnuTLS."); int err = gnutls_x509_privkey_init(&x509_key); if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) throw CryptoException("Can't initialize private key !"); const gnutls_datum_t dt {(uint8_t*), static_cast<unsigned>(import.size())}; err = gnutls_x509_privkey_import2(x509_key, &dt, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM, nullptr, GNUTLS_PKCS_PLAIN); if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) err = gnutls_x509_privkey_import2(x509_key, &dt, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER, nullptr, GNUTLS_PKCS_PLAIN); if (err != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) { gnutls_x509_privkey_deinit(x509_key); throw CryptoException("Can't load private key !"); } gnutls_privkey_init(&key); if (gnutls_privkey_import_x509(key, x509_key, GNUTLS_PRIVKEY_IMPORT_COPY) != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) { throw CryptoException("Can't load generic private key !"); } }
void SparseMatrixServerTable<T>::UpdateAddState(int worker_id, Blob keys_blob) { size_t keys_size = keys_blob.size<integer_t>(); integer_t* keys = reinterpret_cast<integer_t*>(; // add all values if (keys_size == 1 && keys[0] == -1) { for (auto id = 0; id < workers_nums_; ++id) { if (id == worker_id) continue; for (auto local_row_id = 0; local_row_id < this->my_num_row_; ++local_row_id) { // if other worker doesn't update the row, we can marked it as the updated. up_to_date_[id][local_row_id] = false; } } } else { for (auto id = 0; id < workers_nums_; ++id) { if (id == worker_id) continue; for (auto i = 0; i < keys_size; ++i) { // if other worker doesn't update the row, we can marked it as the updated. auto local_row_id = GetPhysicalRow(keys[i]); up_to_date_[id][local_row_id] = false; } } } }
void STObject::setFieldVL (SField const& field, Blob const& v) { setFieldUsingSetValue <STBlob> (field, Buffer( (), v.size ())); }
void Blob<Dtype>::ShareData(const Blob& other) { CHECK_EQ(count_, other.count()); data_ =; // 赋值操作共享other中的资源,并停止对原有资源的共享 }
const Field & operator=(int v) {; _modified = true; return *this; }
// change the shared_ptr object and will recycle the memory if need void shareData(const Blob& blob) { CHECK_EQ(count(), blob.count()); data_ =; }
void Blob<Dtype>::ShareData(const Blob& other) { CHECK_EQ(count_, other.count()); data_ =; }
msgpack::unpacked unpackMsg(Blob b) { return msgpack::unpack((const char*), b.size()); }
void ClusterImpl::addBlob(const Blob& blob) { log_debug1("addBlob(ptr, " << blob.size() << ')'); data.insert(data.end(),, blob.end()); offsets.push_back(data.size()); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int rank, size; int radius = atoi(argv[2]); float weight = atof(argv[3]); MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); InitializeMagick(argv[0]); Image image; try { // Read a file into image object if(rank==0){ argv[1] ); int nx = image.columns(); int ny = image.rows(); Image im0(image); im0.crop(Geometry(nx/size, ny, 0, 0)); for(int ip=1;ip<size;ip++){ Image im(image); im.crop(Geometry(nx/size, ny, (nx/size)*ip, 0)); Blob blob; im.write(&blob); int l = blob.length(); MPI_Send(&l, 1, MPI_INT, ip, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send((void*), blob.length(), MPI_CHAR, ip, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } im0.blur(radius, weight); image.draw(DrawableCompositeImage(0,0,im0)); for(int ip=1;ip<size;ip++){ int l; MPI_Recv(&l, 1, MPI_INT, ip, ip, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); void* d = malloc(l); MPI_Recv(d, l, MPI_CHAR, ip, ip, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); Blob blob_(d, l); Image im(blob_); image.draw(DrawableCompositeImage((nx/size)*ip,0,im)); free(d); } } if(rank>0){ int l; MPI_Recv(&l, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); void* d = malloc(l); MPI_Recv(d, l, MPI_CHAR, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); Blob blob(d, l); Image im(blob); im.blur(radius, weight); im.write(&blob); MPI_Send(&l, 1, MPI_INT, 0, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Send((void*), blob.length(), MPI_CHAR, 0, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } if(rank==0){ image.write( argv[2] ); } } catch( Exception &error_ ) { cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl; } MPI_Finalize(); return 0; }