예제 #1
CCMenuItemImage* Objects2dFactory::clickableRectangle(CCNode* scene, CCMenu* menu, ccColor3B color, float positionX, float positionY, float width, float height, 
	SEL_MenuHandler selector, void* selectorArg, AlignX alignX, AlignY alignY, GLubyte opacity, int zOrder)
	// Check arguments validity
	if(scene == NULL || menu == NULL || !selector)
		return NULL;

	// Create a button menu item
    CCMenuItemImage *button = CCMenuItemImage::create("TopQXResources/white.png", "TopQXResources/white.png", "TopQXResources/white.png", scene, selector);
		return NULL;

	// Set argument
	if (selectorArg != NULL)
	// Set color

	// Set opacity

    // Place the menu item in the given position
    button->setPosition(ccp(positionX, positionY));

	// Set anchor
	button->setAnchorPoint(ccp(Constants::getAnchorValue(alignX), Constants::getAnchorValue(alignY)));
	// Set menu item width
	float buttonWidth = button->boundingBox().size.width;
    button->setScaleX(width / buttonWidth);

	// Set menu item height
	float buttonHeight = button->boundingBox().size.height;
	button->setScaleY(height / buttonHeight);
	// Add button to the menu
	menu->addChild(button, zOrder);
	return button;