// Update the MSAA sample count combo box for this format
void UpdateMSAASampleCounts( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, DXGI_FORMAT fmt )
    CDXUTComboBox* pComboBox = NULL;
    bool bResetSampleCount = false;
    UINT iHighestSampleCount = 0;

    pComboBox = g_SampleUI.GetComboBox( IDC_SAMPLE_COUNT );
    if( !pComboBox )


    WCHAR val[10];
    for( UINT i = 1; i <= D3D10_MAX_MULTISAMPLE_SAMPLE_COUNT; i++ )
        UINT Quality;
        if( SUCCEEDED( pd3dDevice->CheckMultisampleQualityLevels( fmt, i, &Quality ) ) &&
            Quality > 0 )
            swprintf_s( val, 10, L"%d", i );
            pComboBox->AddItem( val, IntToPtr( i ) );
            iHighestSampleCount = i;
        else if( g_MSAASampleCount == i )
            bResetSampleCount = true;

    if( bResetSampleCount )
        g_MSAASampleCount = iHighestSampleCount;

    pComboBox->SetSelectedByData( IntToPtr( g_MSAASampleCount ) );

예제 #2
// This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has been 
// created, which will happen during application initialization and windowed/full screen 
// toggles. This is the best location to create D3DPOOL_MANAGED resources since these 
// resources need to be reloaded whenever the device is destroyed. Resources created  
// here should be released in the OnDestroyDevice callback. 
HRESULT CALLBACK OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc,
                                 void* pUserContext )
    HRESULT hr;
    WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];

    V_RETURN( g_DialogResourceManager.OnD3D9CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    V_RETURN( g_SettingsDlg.OnD3D9CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );

    // Initialize the font
    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
                              L"Arial", &g_pFont ) );

    // Create the mesh and load it with data already gathered from a file
    V_RETURN( g_MeshLoader.Create( pd3dDevice, L"media\\cup.obj" ) );

    // Add the identified material subsets to the UI
    CDXUTComboBox* pComboBox = g_SampleUI.GetComboBox( IDC_SUBSET );
    pComboBox->AddItem( L"All", ( void* )( INT_PTR )-1 );

    for( UINT i = 0; i < g_MeshLoader.GetNumMaterials(); i++ )
        Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetMaterial( i );
        pComboBox->AddItem( pMaterial->strName, ( void* )( INT_PTR )i );

    // Define DEBUG_VS and/or DEBUG_PS to debug vertex and/or pixel shaders with the 
    // shader debugger. Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex 
    // processing, and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.  The 
    // D3DXSHADER_FORCE_*_SOFTWARE_NOOPT flag improves the debug experience in the 
    // shader debugger.  It enables source level debugging, prevents instruction 
    // reordering, prevents dead code elimination, and forces the compiler to compile 
    // against the next higher available software target, which ensures that the 
    // unoptimized shaders do not exceed the shader model limitations.  Setting these 
    // flags will cause slower rendering since the shaders will be unoptimized and 
    // forced into software.  See the DirectX documentation for more information about 
    // using the shader debugger.

#if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
    // Set the D3DXSHADER_DEBUG flag to embed debug information in the shaders.
    // Setting this flag improves the shader debugging experience, but still allows 
    // the shaders to be optimized and to run exactly the way they will run in 
    // the release configuration of this program.
    dwShaderFlags |= D3DXSHADER_DEBUG;

#ifdef DEBUG_VS
#ifdef DEBUG_PS

    // Read the D3DX effect file
    V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"MeshFromOBJ.fx" ) );

    // If this fails, there should be debug output as to 
    // they the .fx file failed to compile
    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pd3dDevice, str, NULL, NULL, dwShaderFlags,
                                        NULL, &g_pEffect, NULL ) );

    // Cache the effect handles
    g_hAmbient = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Ambient" );
    g_hDiffuse = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Diffuse" );
    g_hSpecular = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Specular" );
    g_hOpacity = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Opacity" );
    g_hSpecularPower = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "SpecularPower" );
    g_hLightColor = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "LightColor" );
    g_hLightPosition = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "LightPosition" );
    g_hCameraPosition = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "CameraPosition" );
    g_hTexture = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Texture" );
    g_hTime = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Time" );
    g_hWorld = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "World" );
    g_hWorldViewProjection = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "WorldViewProjection" );

    // Setup the camera's view parameters
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecEye( 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecAt ( 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f );
    g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vecEye, &vecAt );

    return S_OK;
예제 #3
// Create any D3D10 resources that aren't dependant on the back buffer
HRESULT CALLBACK OnD3D10CreateDevice( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, const DXGI_SURFACE_DESC* pBufferSurfaceDesc,
                                     void* pUserContext )
    HRESULT hr;

    V_RETURN( g_DialogResourceManager.OnD3D10CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    V_RETURN( g_SettingsDlg.OnD3D10CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    V_RETURN( D3DX10CreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
                                L"Arial", &g_pFont10 ) );
    V_RETURN( D3DX10CreateSprite( pd3dDevice, 512, &g_pSprite10 ) );
    g_pTxtHelper = new CDXUTTextHelper( NULL, NULL, g_pFont10, g_pSprite10, 15 );

    // Read the D3DX effect file
    WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];
    V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"MeshFromOBJ10.fx" ) );
#if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
    // Set the D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG flag to embed debug information in the shaders.
    // Setting this flag improves the shader debugging experience, but still allows
    // the shaders to be optimized and to run exactly the way they will run in
    // the release configuration of this program.
    dwShaderFlags |= D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG;
    V_RETURN( D3DX10CreateEffectFromFile( str, NULL, NULL, "fx_4_0", dwShaderFlags, 0, pd3dDevice, NULL,
                                              NULL, &g_pEffect10, NULL, NULL ) );

    // Obtain the technique
    g_pTechnique = g_pEffect10->GetTechniqueByName( "NoSpecular" );
    g_ptxDiffuseVariable = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_MeshTexture" )->AsShaderResource();    
    g_pAmbient = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vMaterialAmbient" )->AsVector();
    g_pDiffuse = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vMaterialDiffuse" )->AsVector();
    g_pSpecular = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vMaterialSpecular" )->AsVector();
    g_pOpacity = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_fMaterialAlpha" )->AsScalar();
    g_pSpecularPower = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_nMaterialShininess" )->AsScalar();
    g_pLightColor = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vLightColor" )->AsVector();
    g_pLightPosition = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vLightPosition" )->AsVector();
    g_pCameraPosition = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vCameraPosition" )->AsVector();
    g_pTime = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_fTime" )->AsScalar();
    g_pWorld = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_mWorld" )->AsMatrix();
    g_pWorldViewProjection = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_mWorldViewProjection" )->AsMatrix();

    // Define the input layout
    const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC layout[] =
        { "POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 0, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
        { "NORMAL", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 12, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
        { "TEXCOORD", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT, 0, 24, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
    } ;
    UINT numElements = sizeof( layout ) / sizeof( layout[0] );

    // Create the input layout
    D3D10_PASS_DESC PassDesc;
    g_pTechnique->GetPassByIndex( 0 )->GetDesc( &PassDesc );
    V_RETURN( pd3dDevice->CreateInputLayout( layout, numElements, PassDesc.pIAInputSignature,
                                             PassDesc.IAInputSignatureSize, &g_pVertexLayout ) );

    pd3dDevice->IASetInputLayout( g_pVertexLayout );

    // Load the mesh
    V_RETURN( g_MeshLoader.Create( pd3dDevice, MESHFILEPATH ) );

    // Add the identified subsets to the UI
    CDXUTComboBox* pComboBox = g_SampleUI.GetComboBox( IDC_SUBSET );
    pComboBox->AddItem( L"All", ( void* )( INT_PTR )-1 );

    for ( UINT subset = 0; subset < g_MeshLoader.GetNumSubsets(); ++subset )
        Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetSubsetMaterial( subset );
        pComboBox->AddItem( pMaterial->strName, ( void* )( INT_PTR )subset );

    // Store the correct technique for each material
    for ( UINT i = 0; i < g_MeshLoader.GetNumMaterials(); ++i )
        Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetMaterial( i );

        const char* strTechnique = "";

        if( pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "TexturedSpecular";
        else if( pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && !pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "TexturedNoSpecular";
        else if( !pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "Specular";
        else if( !pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && !pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "NoSpecular";

        pMaterial->pTechnique = g_pEffect10->GetTechniqueByName( strTechnique );


	// Load the mesh into dump
	g_DumpMesh = new DumpMesh(pd3dDevice, g_MeshLoader.GetMesh());

	// Construct the mesh 
	g_AABBConstructor = new txAABBConstructor(pd3dDevice,g_DumpMesh->GetVertexCache(),g_DumpMesh->GetIndexCache());

	g_FunctionDraw = new txFunctionMeshDisplay(pd3dDevice);
	// Create a cube
	//g_pBox = new Box();
	//g_pBox->init(pd3dDevice, 1.0f);
	//g_pBox->customizeInit(pd3dDevice, D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f));

	g_Parabola = new txFunctionUVBase(-2.0,2.0,-2.0,2.0,2,2);
	g_ParabolaDis = new txFunctionDrawor(g_Parabola->GetVList(), g_Parabola->M(), g_Parabola->N(),pd3dDevice);

	//g_UVImport = new txUVSurfaceImport();
	//g_UVFileDisp = new txFunctionDrawor(g_UVImport->GetVList(), g_UVImport->M(), g_UVImport->N(),pd3dDevice);

	std::vector<txVec3> temv;

	txSurface surface(temv, g_Parabola->M(), g_Parabola->N());

	txICollisionshapeMesh meshmodel(surface);

	txPlane plane0(0,0,1,10);
	std::vector<txPlane> planes;

	txPlaneCollisionShape  planecoll(planes);


	const size_t AABBLevelCount = g_AABBConstructor->GetAABBLevelCount();
	// Add the AABB Levels
    CDXUTComboBox* pLevelComboBox = g_SampleUI.GetComboBox( IDC_AABBSUBLEVEL );

	wchar_t sz[32];
	for (size_t i=0; i<AABBLevelCount-1; i++){
		pLevelComboBox->AddItem( sz, ( void* )( UINT64 )i );

    // Setup the camera's view parameters
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecEye( 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecAt ( 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f );
    g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vecEye, &vecAt );

	D3D10_BLEND_DESC blendDesc = {0};
	blendDesc.AlphaToCoverageEnable = false;
	blendDesc.BlendEnable[0] = true;
	blendDesc.SrcBlend       = D3D10_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
	blendDesc.DestBlend      = D3D10_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA;
	blendDesc.BlendOp        = D3D10_BLEND_OP_ADD;
	blendDesc.SrcBlendAlpha  = D3D10_BLEND_ONE;
	blendDesc.DestBlendAlpha = D3D10_BLEND_ZERO;
	blendDesc.BlendOpAlpha   = D3D10_BLEND_OP_ADD;
	blendDesc.RenderTargetWriteMask[0] = D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_ALL;

	HR(pd3dDevice->CreateBlendState(&blendDesc, &g_TransparentBS));

    return S_OK;
예제 #4
// Create any D3D10 resources that aren't dependant on the back buffer
HRESULT CALLBACK OnD3D10CreateDevice( ID3D10Device* pd3dDevice, const DXGI_SURFACE_DESC* pBufferSurfaceDesc,
                                     void* pUserContext )
    HRESULT hr;

    V_RETURN( g_DialogResourceManager.OnD3D10CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    V_RETURN( g_SettingsDlg.OnD3D10CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    V_RETURN( D3DX10CreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
                                L"Arial", &g_pFont10 ) );
    V_RETURN( D3DX10CreateSprite( pd3dDevice, 512, &g_pSprite10 ) );
    g_pTxtHelper = new CDXUTTextHelper( NULL, NULL, g_pFont10, g_pSprite10, 15 );

    // Read the D3DX effect file
    WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];
    V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"MeshFromOBJ10.fx" ) );
#if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
    // Set the D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG flag to embed debug information in the shaders.
    // Setting this flag improves the shader debugging experience, but still allows
    // the shaders to be optimized and to run exactly the way they will run in
    // the release configuration of this program.
    dwShaderFlags |= D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG;
    V_RETURN( D3DX10CreateEffectFromFile( str, NULL, NULL, "fx_4_0", dwShaderFlags, 0, pd3dDevice, NULL,
                                              NULL, &g_pEffect10, NULL, NULL ) );

    // Obtain the technique
    g_pTechnique = g_pEffect10->GetTechniqueByName( "NoSpecular" );
    g_ptxDiffuseVariable = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_MeshTexture" )->AsShaderResource();    
    g_pAmbient = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vMaterialAmbient" )->AsVector();
    g_pDiffuse = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vMaterialDiffuse" )->AsVector();
    g_pSpecular = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vMaterialSpecular" )->AsVector();
    g_pOpacity = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_fMaterialAlpha" )->AsScalar();
    g_pSpecularPower = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_nMaterialShininess" )->AsScalar();
    g_pLightColor = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vLightColor" )->AsVector();
    g_pLightPosition = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vLightPosition" )->AsVector();
    g_pCameraPosition = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_vCameraPosition" )->AsVector();
    g_pTime = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_fTime" )->AsScalar();
    g_pWorld = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_mWorld" )->AsMatrix();
    g_pWorldViewProjection = g_pEffect10->GetVariableByName( "g_mWorldViewProjection" )->AsMatrix();

    // Define the input layout
    const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC layout[] =
        { "POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 0, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
        { "NORMAL", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 12, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
        { "TEXCOORD", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT, 0, 24, D3D10_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
    } ;
    UINT numElements = sizeof( layout ) / sizeof( layout[0] );

    // Create the input layout
    D3D10_PASS_DESC PassDesc;
    g_pTechnique->GetPassByIndex( 0 )->GetDesc( &PassDesc );
    V_RETURN( pd3dDevice->CreateInputLayout( layout, numElements, PassDesc.pIAInputSignature,
                                             PassDesc.IAInputSignatureSize, &g_pVertexLayout ) );

    pd3dDevice->IASetInputLayout( g_pVertexLayout );

    // Load the mesh
    V_RETURN( g_MeshLoader.Create( pd3dDevice, L"media\\cup.obj" ) );

    // Add the identified subsets to the UI
    CDXUTComboBox* pComboBox = g_SampleUI.GetComboBox( IDC_SUBSET );
    pComboBox->AddItem( L"All", ( void* )( INT_PTR )-1 );

    for ( UINT subset = 0; subset < g_MeshLoader.GetNumSubsets(); ++subset )
        Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetSubsetMaterial( subset );
        pComboBox->AddItem( pMaterial->strName, ( void* )( INT_PTR )subset );

    // Store the correct technique for each material
    for ( UINT i = 0; i < g_MeshLoader.GetNumMaterials(); ++i )
        Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetMaterial( i );

        const char* strTechnique = "";

        if( pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "TexturedSpecular";
        else if( pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && !pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "TexturedNoSpecular";
        else if( !pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "Specular";
        else if( !pMaterial->pTextureRV10 && !pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "NoSpecular";

        pMaterial->pTechnique = g_pEffect10->GetTechniqueByName( strTechnique );

    // Setup the camera's view parameters
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecEye( 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecAt ( 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f );
    g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vecEye, &vecAt );

    return S_OK;