TEST(CPath, DefaultConstructor) { CPath tmp; ASSERT_FALSE(tmp.IsOk()); ASSERT_EQUALS(tmp, CPath()); ASSERT_FALSE(tmp.FileExists()); ASSERT_FALSE(tmp.DirExists()); ASSERT_EQUALS(wxEmptyString, tmp.GetRaw()); ASSERT_EQUALS(wxEmptyString, tmp.GetPrintable()); ASSERT_EQUALS(CPath(), tmp.GetPath()); ASSERT_EQUALS(CPath(), tmp.GetFullName()); }
void CDownloadQueue::LoadMetFiles(const CPath& path) { AddLogLineNS(CFormat(_("Loading temp files from %s.")) % path.GetPrintable()); std::vector<CPath> files; // Locate part-files to be loaded CDirIterator TempDir(path); CPath fileName = TempDir.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::File, wxT("*.part.met")); while (fileName.IsOk()) { files.push_back(path.JoinPaths(fileName)); fileName = TempDir.GetNextFile(); } // Loading in order makes it easier to figure which // file is broken in case of crashes, or the like. std::sort(files.begin(), files.end()); // Load part-files for ( size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++ ) { AddLogLineNS(CFormat(_("Loading PartFile %u of %u")) % (i + 1) % files.size()); fileName = files[i].GetFullName(); CPartFile *toadd = new CPartFile(); bool result = toadd->LoadPartFile(path, fileName) != 0; if (!result) { // Try from backup result = toadd->LoadPartFile(path, fileName, true) != 0; } if (result && !IsFileExisting(toadd->GetFileHash())) { { wxMutexLocker lock(m_mutex); m_filelist.push_back(toadd); } NotifyObservers(EventType(EventType::INSERTED, toadd)); Notify_DownloadCtrlAddFile(toadd); } else { wxString msg; if (result) { msg << CFormat(wxT("WARNING: Duplicate partfile with hash '%s' found, skipping: %s")) % toadd->GetFileHash().Encode() % fileName; } else { // If result is false, then reading of both the primary and the backup .met failed AddLogLineN(_("ERROR: Failed to load backup file. Search http://forum.amule.org for .part.met recovery solutions.")); msg << CFormat(wxT("ERROR: Failed to load PartFile '%s'")) % fileName; } AddLogLineCS(msg); // Delete the partfile object in the end. delete toadd; } } AddLogLineNS(_("All PartFiles Loaded.")); if ( GetFileCount() == 0 ) { AddLogLineN(_("No part files found")); } else { AddLogLineN(CFormat(wxPLURAL("Found %u part file", "Found %u part files", GetFileCount())) % GetFileCount()); DoSortByPriority(); CheckDiskspace( path ); Notify_ShowUpdateCatTabTitles(); } }
wxString StringFrom(const CPath& prt) { return prt.GetPrintable(); }