예제 #1
bool CBookmarksDialog::AddBookmark(const wxString &name, const wxString &local_dir, const CServerPath &remote_dir, bool sync)
	if (local_dir.empty() && remote_dir.empty())
		return false;
	if ((local_dir.empty() || remote_dir.empty()) && sync)
		return false;

	CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_GLOBALBOOKMARKS);

	CXmlFile file(wxGetApp().GetSettingsFile(_T("bookmarks")));
	TiXmlElement* pDocument = file.Load();
	if (!pDocument) {
		wxString msg = file.GetError() + _T("\n\n") + _("The bookmark could not be added.");
		wxMessageBoxEx(msg, _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR);

		return false;

	TiXmlElement *pInsertBefore = 0;
	TiXmlElement *pBookmark;
	for (pBookmark = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Bookmark"); pBookmark; pBookmark = pBookmark->NextSiblingElement("Bookmark")) {
		wxString remote_dir_raw;

		wxString old_name = GetTextElement(pBookmark, "Name");

		if (!name.CmpNoCase(old_name)) {
			wxMessageBoxEx(_("Name of bookmark already exists."), _("New bookmark"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
			return false;
		if (name < old_name && !pInsertBefore)
			pInsertBefore = pBookmark;

	if (pInsertBefore)
		pBookmark = pDocument->InsertBeforeChild(pInsertBefore, TiXmlElement("Bookmark"))->ToElement();
		pBookmark = pDocument->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("Bookmark"))->ToElement();
	AddTextElement(pBookmark, "Name", name);
	if (!local_dir.empty())
		AddTextElement(pBookmark, "LocalDir", local_dir);
	if (!remote_dir.empty())
		AddTextElement(pBookmark, "RemoteDir", remote_dir.GetSafePath());
	if (sync)
		AddTextElementRaw(pBookmark, "SyncBrowsing", "1");

	if (!file.Save(false)) {
		wxString msg = wxString::Format(_("Could not write \"%s\", the bookmark could not be added: %s"), file.GetFileName(), file.GetError());
		wxMessageBoxEx(msg, _("Error writing xml file"), wxICON_ERROR);
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #2
파일: queue.cpp 프로젝트: idgaf/FileZilla3
CFolderScanItem::CFolderScanItem(CServerItem* parent, bool queued, bool download, const wxString& localPath, const CServerPath& remotePath)
	m_parent = parent;

	m_download = download;
	m_localPath = localPath;
	m_remotePath = remotePath;
	m_queued = queued;
	m_remove = false;
	m_active = false;
	m_count = 0;
	t_dirPair pair;
	pair.localPath = localPath.c_str();

	m_defaultFileExistsAction = CFileExistsNotification::unknown;
예제 #3
파일: state.cpp 프로젝트: idgaf/FileZilla3
bool CState::Connect(const CServer& server, bool askBreak, const CServerPath& path /*=CServerPath()*/)
	if (!m_pEngine)
		return false;
	if (m_pEngine->IsConnected() || m_pEngine->IsBusy() || !m_pCommandQueue->Idle())
		if (askBreak)
			if (wxMessageBox(_("Break current connection?"), _T("FileZilla"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION) != wxYES)
				return false;

	m_pCommandQueue->ProcessCommand(new CConnectCommand(server));
	m_pCommandQueue->ProcessCommand(new CListCommand(path));
	COptions::Get()->SetOption(OPTION_LASTSERVERPATH, path.GetSafePath());

	m_pMainFrame->SetTitle(server.FormatServer() + _T(" - FileZilla"));

	return true;
예제 #4
int64_t CQueueStorage::Impl::SaveRemotePath(const CServerPath& path)
	wxString const& safePath = path.GetSafePath();
	std::unordered_map<wxString, int64_t, wxStringHash>::const_iterator it = remotePaths_.find(safePath);
	if (it != remotePaths_.end())
		return it->second;

	Bind(insertRemotePathQuery_, path_table_column_names::path, safePath);

	int res;
	do {
		res = sqlite3_step(insertRemotePathQuery_);
	} while (res == SQLITE_BUSY);


	if (res == SQLITE_DONE) {
		int64_t id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db_);
		remotePaths_[safePath] = id;
		return id;

	return -1;
예제 #5
bool CSiteManager::AddBookmark(wxString sitePath, const wxString& name, const wxString &local_dir, const CServerPath &remote_dir, bool sync)
	if (local_dir.empty() && remote_dir.IsEmpty())
		return false;

	if (sitePath[0] != '0')
		return false;

	sitePath = sitePath.Mid(1);

	// We have to synchronize access to sitemanager.xml so that multiple processed don't write
	// to the same file or one is reading while the other one writes.
	CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_SITEMANAGER);

	CXmlFile file;
	TiXmlElement* pDocument = file.Load(_T("sitemanager"));

	if (!pDocument)
		wxString msg = file.GetError() + _T("\n") + _("The bookmark could not be added.");
		wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR);

		return false;

	TiXmlElement* pElement = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Servers");
	if (!pElement)
		return false;

	std::list<wxString> segments;
	if (!UnescapeSitePath(sitePath, segments))
		wxMessageBox(_("Site path is malformed."), _("Invalid site path"));
		return 0;

	TiXmlElement* pChild = GetElementByPath(pElement, segments);
	if (!pChild || strcmp(pChild->Value(), "Server"))
		wxMessageBox(_("Site does not exist."), _("Invalid site path"));
		return 0;

	// Bookmarks
	TiXmlElement *pInsertBefore = 0;
	TiXmlElement* pBookmark;
	for (pBookmark = pChild->FirstChildElement("Bookmark"); pBookmark; pBookmark = pBookmark->NextSiblingElement("Bookmark"))
		TiXmlHandle handle(pBookmark);

		wxString old_name = GetTextElement_Trimmed(pBookmark, "Name");
		if (old_name.empty())

		if (name == old_name)
			wxMessageBox(_("Name of bookmark already exists."), _("New bookmark"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
			return false;
		if (name < old_name && !pInsertBefore)
			pInsertBefore = pBookmark;

	if (pInsertBefore)
		pBookmark = pChild->InsertBeforeChild(pInsertBefore, TiXmlElement("Bookmark"))->ToElement();
		pBookmark = pChild->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlElement("Bookmark"))->ToElement();
	AddTextElement(pBookmark, "Name", name);
	if (!local_dir.empty())
		AddTextElement(pBookmark, "LocalDir", local_dir);
	if (!remote_dir.IsEmpty())
		AddTextElement(pBookmark, "RemoteDir", remote_dir.GetSafePath());
	if (sync)
		AddTextElementRaw(pBookmark, "SyncBrowsing", "1");

	wxString error;
	if (!file.Save(&error))
		if (COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_DEFAULT_KIOSKMODE) == 2)
			return true;

		wxString msg = wxString::Format(_("Could not write \"%s\", the selected sites could not be exported: %s"), file.GetFileName().GetFullPath().c_str(), error.c_str());
		wxMessageBox(msg, _("Error writing xml file"), wxICON_ERROR);

	return true;