bool CBookmarksDialog::GetBookmark(const wxString &name, wxString &local_dir, CServerPath &remote_dir, bool &sync) { CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_GLOBALBOOKMARKS); CXmlFile file(wxGetApp().GetSettingsFile(_T("bookmarks"))); TiXmlElement* pDocument = file.Load(); if (!pDocument) { wxMessageBoxEx(file.GetError(), _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return false; } for (TiXmlElement *pBookmark = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Bookmark"); pBookmark; pBookmark = pBookmark->NextSiblingElement("Bookmark")) { wxString remote_dir_raw; if (name != GetTextElement(pBookmark, "Name")) continue; local_dir = GetTextElement(pBookmark, "LocalDir"); remote_dir_raw = GetTextElement(pBookmark, "RemoteDir"); if (!remote_dir_raw.empty()) { if (!remote_dir.SetSafePath(remote_dir_raw)) return false; } if (local_dir.empty() && remote_dir_raw.empty()) return false; if (local_dir.empty() || remote_dir_raw.empty()) sync = false; else sync = GetTextElementBool(pBookmark, "SyncBrowsing", false); return true; } return false; }
void CQueueStorage::Impl::ReadRemotePaths() { if (!selectRemotePathQuery_) return; int res; do { res = sqlite3_step(selectRemotePathQuery_); if (res == SQLITE_ROW) { int64_t id = GetColumnInt64(selectRemotePathQuery_, path_table_column_names::id); wxString remotePathRaw = GetColumnText(selectRemotePathQuery_, path_table_column_names::path); CServerPath remotePath; if (id > 0 && !remotePathRaw.empty() && remotePath.SetSafePath(remotePathRaw)) reverseRemotePaths_[id] = remotePath; } } while (res == SQLITE_BUSY || res == SQLITE_ROW); sqlite3_reset(selectRemotePathQuery_); }
bool CSiteManager::GetBookmarks(wxString sitePath, std::list<wxString> &bookmarks) { wxChar c = sitePath[0]; if (c != '0' && c != '1') return false; sitePath = sitePath.Mid(1); // We have to synchronize access to sitemanager.xml so that multiple processed don't write // to the same file or one is reading while the other one writes. CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_SITEMANAGER); CXmlFile file; TiXmlElement* pDocument = 0; if (c == '0') pDocument = file.Load(_T("sitemanager")); else { const wxString& defaultsDir = wxGetApp().GetDefaultsDir(); if (defaultsDir == _T("")) return false; pDocument = file.Load(wxFileName(defaultsDir, _T("fzdefaults.xml"))); } if (!pDocument) { wxMessageBox(file.GetError(), _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return false; } TiXmlElement* pElement = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Servers"); if (!pElement) return false; std::list<wxString> segments; if (!UnescapeSitePath(sitePath, segments)) { wxMessageBox(_("Site path is malformed."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } TiXmlElement* pChild = GetElementByPath(pElement, segments); if (pChild && !strcmp(pChild->Value(), "Bookmark")) pChild = pChild->Parent()->ToElement(); if (!pChild || strcmp(pChild->Value(), "Server")) return 0; // Bookmarks for (TiXmlElement* pBookmark = pChild->FirstChildElement("Bookmark"); pBookmark; pBookmark = pBookmark->NextSiblingElement("Bookmark")) { TiXmlHandle handle(pBookmark); wxString name = GetTextElement_Trimmed(pBookmark, "Name"); if (name.empty()) continue; wxString localPath; CServerPath remotePath; TiXmlText* localDir = handle.FirstChildElement("LocalDir").FirstChild().Text(); if (localDir) localPath = ConvLocal(localDir->Value()); TiXmlText* remoteDir = handle.FirstChildElement("RemoteDir").FirstChild().Text(); if (remoteDir) remotePath.SetSafePath(ConvLocal(remoteDir->Value())); if (localPath.empty() && remotePath.IsEmpty()) continue; bookmarks.push_back(name); } return true; }
CSiteManagerItemData_Site* CSiteManager::GetSiteByPath(wxString sitePath) { wxChar c = sitePath[0]; if (c != '0' && c != '1') { wxMessageBox(_("Site path has to begin with 0 or 1."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } sitePath = sitePath.Mid(1); // We have to synchronize access to sitemanager.xml so that multiple processed don't write // to the same file or one is reading while the other one writes. CInterProcessMutex mutex(MUTEX_SITEMANAGER); CXmlFile file; TiXmlElement* pDocument = 0; if (c == '0') pDocument = file.Load(_T("sitemanager")); else { const wxString& defaultsDir = wxGetApp().GetDefaultsDir(); if (defaultsDir == _T("")) { wxMessageBox(_("Site does not exist."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } wxFileName name(defaultsDir, _T("fzdefaults.xml")); pDocument = file.Load(name); } if (!pDocument) { wxMessageBox(file.GetError(), _("Error loading xml file"), wxICON_ERROR); return 0; } TiXmlElement* pElement = pDocument->FirstChildElement("Servers"); if (!pElement) { wxMessageBox(_("Site does not exist."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } std::list<wxString> segments; if (!UnescapeSitePath(sitePath, segments) || segments.empty()) { wxMessageBox(_("Site path is malformed."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } TiXmlElement* pChild = GetElementByPath(pElement, segments); if (!pChild) { wxMessageBox(_("Site does not exist."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } TiXmlElement* pBookmark; if (!strcmp(pChild->Value(), "Bookmark")) { pBookmark = pChild; pChild = pChild->Parent()->ToElement(); segments.pop_back(); } else pBookmark = 0; CSiteManagerItemData_Site* data = ReadServerElement(pChild); if (!data) { wxMessageBox(_("Could not read server item."), _("Invalid site path")); return 0; } if (pBookmark) { TiXmlHandle handle(pBookmark); wxString localPath; CServerPath remotePath; TiXmlText* localDir = handle.FirstChildElement("LocalDir").FirstChild().Text(); if (localDir) localPath = ConvLocal(localDir->Value()); TiXmlText* remoteDir = handle.FirstChildElement("RemoteDir").FirstChild().Text(); if (remoteDir) remotePath.SetSafePath(ConvLocal(remoteDir->Value())); if (!localPath.empty() && !remotePath.IsEmpty()) { data->m_sync = GetTextElementBool(pBookmark, "SyncBrowsing", false); } else data->m_sync = false; data->m_localDir = localPath; data->m_remoteDir = remotePath; } data->m_path = BuildPath( c, segments ); return data; }