bool CWinSystemX11::CreateNewWindow(const CStdString& name, bool fullScreen, RESOLUTION_INFO& res, PHANDLE_EVENT_FUNC userFunction)
  RESOLUTION_INFO& desktop = g_settings.m_ResInfo[RES_DESKTOP];

  if (fullScreen &&
      (res.iWidth != desktop.iWidth || res.iHeight != desktop.iHeight ||
       res.fRefreshRate != desktop.fRefreshRate || res.iScreen != desktop.iScreen))
    //on the first call to SDL_SetVideoMode, SDL stores the current displaymode
    //SDL restores the displaymode on SDL_QUIT(), if we change the displaymode
    //before the first call to SDL_SetVideoMode, SDL changes the displaymode back
    //to the wrong mode on exit

    CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "CWinSystemX11::CreateNewWindow initializing to desktop resolution first");
    if (!SetFullScreen(true, desktop, false))
      return false;

  if(!SetFullScreen(fullScreen, res, false))
    return false;

  CTexture iconTexture;

  SDL_WM_SetIcon(SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(iconTexture.GetPixels(), iconTexture.GetWidth(), iconTexture.GetHeight(), 32, iconTexture.GetPitch(), 0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xff000000L), NULL);
  SDL_WM_SetCaption("XBMC Media Center", NULL);

  m_bWindowCreated = true;
  return true;
예제 #2
bool CPicture::CreateTiledThumb(const std::vector<std::string> &files, const std::string &thumb)
  if (!files.size())
    return false;

  unsigned int num_across = (unsigned int)ceil(sqrt((float)files.size()));
  unsigned int num_down = (files.size() + num_across - 1) / num_across;

  unsigned int tile_width = g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize / num_across;
  unsigned int tile_height = g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize / num_down;
  unsigned int tile_gap = std::max(1,g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize / 512);

  // create a buffer for the resulting thumb
  uint32_t *buffer = (uint32_t *)calloc(g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize * g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize, 4);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i)
    int x = i % num_across;
    int y = i / num_across;
    // load in the image
    CTexture texture;
    unsigned int width = tile_width - 2*tile_gap, height = tile_height - 2*tile_gap;
    if (texture.LoadFromFile(files[i], width, height, g_guiSettings.GetBool("pictures.useexifrotation")) && texture.GetWidth() && texture.GetHeight())
      GetScale(texture.GetWidth(), texture.GetHeight(), width, height);

      // scale appropriately
      uint32_t *scaled = new uint32_t[width * height];
      if (ScaleImage(texture.GetPixels(), texture.GetWidth(), texture.GetHeight(), texture.GetPitch(),
                     (uint8_t *)scaled, width, height, width * 4))
        if (!texture.GetOrientation() || OrientateImage(scaled, width, height, texture.GetOrientation()))
          // drop into the texture
          unsigned int posX = x*tile_width + (tile_width - width)/2;
          unsigned int posY = y*tile_height + (tile_height - height)/2;
          uint32_t *dest = buffer + posX + posY*g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize;
          uint32_t *src = scaled;
          for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
            memcpy(dest, src, width*4);
            dest += g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize;
            src += width;
      delete[] scaled;
  // now save to a file
  bool ret = CreateThumbnailFromSurface((uint8_t *)buffer, g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize, g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize,
                                        g_advancedSettings.m_thumbSize * 4, thumb);
  return ret;
예제 #3
bool CWinSystemEGL::CreateNewWindow(const CStdString& name, bool fullScreen, RESOLUTION_INFO& res, PHANDLE_EVENT_FUNC userFunction)
  if(!SetFullScreen(fullScreen, res, false))
	return false;

  CTexture iconTexture;

  SDL_WM_SetIcon(SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(iconTexture.GetPixels(), iconTexture.GetWidth(), iconTexture.GetHeight(), BPP, iconTexture.GetPitch(), 0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xff000000L), NULL);
  SDL_WM_SetCaption("XBMC Media Center", NULL);

  m_bWindowCreated = true;

  m_eglext  = " ";
  m_eglext += eglQueryString(m_eglDisplay, EGL_EXTENSIONS);
  m_eglext += " ";

  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "EGL_EXTENSIONS:%s", m_eglext.c_str());

  return true;
예제 #4
bool CTextureDDSJob::DoWork()
  CTexture texture;
  if (URIUtils::GetExtension(m_original).Equals(".dds"))
    return false;
  if (texture.LoadFromFile(m_original))
  { // convert to DDS
    CDDSImage dds;
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Creating DDS version of: %s", m_original.c_str());
    return dds.Create(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(m_original, ".dds"), texture.GetWidth(), texture.GetHeight(), texture.GetPitch(), texture.GetPixels(), 40);
  return false;