// Purpose: 
// Input  : origin - 
//			radius - 
//			list - 
void CFuncLadder::FindNearbyDismountPoints( const Vector& origin, float radius, CUtlVector< CInfoLadderDismountHandle >& list )
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	while ( (pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameWithin( pEntity, "info_ladder_dismount", origin, radius)) != NULL )
		CInfoLadderDismount *landingspot = static_cast< CInfoLadderDismount * >( pEntity );
		Assert( landingspot );

		// If spot has a target, then if the target is not this ladder, don't add to our list.
		if ( landingspot->m_target != NULL_STRING )
			if ( landingspot->GetNextTarget() != this )

		CInfoLadderDismountHandle handle;
		handle = landingspot;
		if ( list.Find( handle ) == list.InvalidIndex() )
			list.AddToTail( handle  );
// Purpose:
void CPointPlayerMoveConstraint::InputTurnOn( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	// Find all players within our radius and constraint them
	float flRadius = m_flRadius;
	// If we're in singleplayer, blow the radius a bunch
	if ( gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 )
		flRadius = MAX_COORD_RANGE;
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	while ( (pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameWithin( pEntity, "player", GetLocalOrigin(), flRadius)) != NULL )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pEntity );
		Assert( pPlayer );
		// Only add him if he's not already constrained
		if ( m_hConstrainedPlayers.Find( pPlayer ) == m_hConstrainedPlayers.InvalidIndex() )
			m_hConstrainedPlayers.AddToTail( pPlayer );

			pPlayer->ActivateMovementConstraint( this, GetAbsOrigin(), m_flRadius, m_flConstraintWidth, m_flSpeedFactor );

	// Only think if we found any
	if ( m_hConstrainedPlayers.Count() )
		SetThink( &CPointPlayerMoveConstraint::ConstraintThink );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
void CBuildModeDialogMgr::Add( BuildModeDialog *pDlg )
	if ( m_vecBuildDialogs.Find( pDlg ) == m_vecBuildDialogs.InvalidIndex() )
		m_vecBuildDialogs.AddToTail( pDlg );
예제 #4
void CClientLeafSystem::RemoveRenderable( ClientRenderHandle_t handle )
	// This can happen upon level shutdown
	if (!m_Renderables.IsValidIndex(handle))

	// Reset the render handle in the entity.
	IClientRenderable *pRenderable = m_Renderables[handle].m_pRenderable;
	Assert( handle == pRenderable->RenderHandle() );
	pRenderable->RenderHandle() = INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE;

	// Reemove the renderable from the dirty list
	if ( m_Renderables[handle].m_Flags & RENDER_FLAGS_HASCHANGED )
		// NOTE: This isn't particularly fast (linear search),
		// but I'm assuming it's an unusual case where we remove 
		// renderables that are changing or that m_DirtyRenderables usually
		// only has a couple entries
		int i = m_DirtyRenderables.Find( handle );
		Assert( i != m_DirtyRenderables.InvalidIndex() );
		m_DirtyRenderables.FastRemove( i ); 

	if ( IsViewModelRenderGroup( (RenderGroup_t)m_Renderables[handle].m_RenderGroup ) )
		RemoveFromViewModelList( handle );

	RemoveFromTree( handle );
	m_Renderables.Remove( handle );
예제 #5
// Purpose: Checks to see if a weapon is already known
// Input  : *pWeapon - weapon to check for
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CTriggerWeaponDissolve::HasWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
	if ( m_pWeapons.Find( pWeapon ) == m_pWeapons.InvalidIndex() )
		return false;

	return true;
예제 #6
// Purpose: If we've got a speaker, add ourselves to the list of microphones that want to listen
void CEnvMicrophone::ActivateSpeaker( void )
	// If we're enabled, set the dsp_speaker preset to my specified one
	if ( !m_bDisabled )
		ConVarRef dsp_speaker( "dsp_speaker" );
		if ( dsp_speaker.IsValid() )
			int iDSPPreset = m_iSpeakerDSPPreset;
			if ( !iDSPPreset )
				// Reset it to the default
				iDSPPreset = atoi( dsp_speaker.GetDefault() );
			DevMsg( 2, "Microphone %s set dsp_speaker to %d.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()), iDSPPreset);
			dsp_speaker.SetValue( m_iSpeakerDSPPreset );

	if ( m_iszSpeakerName != NULL_STRING )
		// We've got a speaker to play heard sounds through. To do this, we need to add ourselves 
		// to the list of microphones who want to be told whenever a sound is played.
		if ( s_Microphones.Find(this) == -1 )
			s_Microphones.AddToTail( this );
예제 #7
// Purpose: Static method
// Input  : *event - 
//			soundlist - 
void CSceneCache::PrecacheSceneEvent( CChoreoEvent *event, CUtlVector< unsigned short >& soundlist )
	if ( !event || event->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::SPEAK )

	int idx = soundemitterbase->GetSoundIndex( event->GetParameters() );
	if ( idx != -1 )
		Assert( idx <= 65535 );
		soundlist.AddToTail( (unsigned short)idx );

	if ( event->GetCloseCaptionType() == CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER )
		char tok[ CChoreoEvent::MAX_CCTOKEN_STRING ];
		if ( event->GetPlaybackCloseCaptionToken( tok, sizeof( tok ) ) )
			int idx = soundemitterbase->GetSoundIndex( tok );
			if ( idx != -1 && soundlist.Find( idx ) == soundlist.InvalidIndex() )
				Assert( idx <= 65535 );
				soundlist.AddToTail( (unsigned short)idx );
	void Spawn( void )
		// add this element if it isn't already in the list
		if ( g_CaptureZones.Find( entindex() ) == -1 )
			g_CaptureZones.AddToTail( entindex() );
예제 #9
void CBullseyeList::RemoveFromList( CNPC_Bullseye *pBullseye )
	int index = m_list.Find( pBullseye );
	if ( index != m_list.InvalidIndex() )
		m_list.FastRemove( index );
void CSecobModportal1List::RemoveFromList( CNPC_SecobModportal1 *pSecobModportal1 )
	int index = m_list.Find( pSecobModportal1 );
	if ( index != m_list.InvalidIndex() )
		m_list.FastRemove( index );
예제 #11
static bool FindAndRemoveExecutionMarker( int iCode )
	int i = g_ExecutionMarkers.Find( iCode );
	if ( i == g_ExecutionMarkers.InvalidIndex() )
		return false;
	g_ExecutionMarkers.Remove( i );
	return true;
// Purpose: 
void C_TeamTrainWatcher::Spawn( void )

	if ( g_hTrainWatchers.Find( this ) == g_hTrainWatchers.InvalidIndex() )
		g_hTrainWatchers.AddToTail( this );
static int CC_asw_teleport_autocomplete( char const *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] )
	if ( !g_pGameRules )
		return 0;

	char const *cmdname = "asw_teleport";

	char *substring = (char *)partial;
	if ( Q_strstr( partial, cmdname ) )
		substring = (char *)partial + strlen( cmdname ) + 1;

	int checklen = Q_strlen( substring );
	CUtlSymbolTable entries( 0, 0, true );
	CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > symbols;

	CBaseEntity *pos = NULL;
	while ( ( pos = gEntList.NextEnt( pos ) ) != NULL )
		// Check target name against partial string
		if ( pos->GetEntityName() == NULL_STRING )

		if ( Q_strnicmp( STRING( pos->GetEntityName() ), substring, checklen ) )

		CUtlSymbol sym = entries.AddString( STRING( pos->GetEntityName() ) );

		int idx = symbols.Find( sym );
		if ( idx == symbols.InvalidIndex() )
			symbols.AddToTail( sym );

		// Too many
		if ( symbols.Count() >= COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS )

	// Now fill in the results
	for ( int i = 0; i < symbols.Count(); i++ )
		char const *name = entries.String( symbols[ i ] );

		char buf[ 512 ];
		Q_strncpy( buf, name, sizeof( buf ) );
		Q_strlower( buf );

		Q_snprintf( commands[ i ], COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH, "%s %s",
			cmdname, buf );

	return symbols.Count();
예제 #14
ClientCCHandle_t CColorCorrectionMgr::AddColorCorrectionVolume( C_ColorCorrectionVolume *pVolume, const char *pName, const char *pFileName )
	ClientCCHandle_t h = AddColorCorrection(pName, pFileName);
		Assert(g_ColorCorrectionVolumeList.Find(pVolume) == -1);
	return h;
예제 #15
// If the table's ID is -1, writes its info into the buffer and increments curID.
void DataTable_MaybeCreateReceiveTable( CUtlVector< SendTable * >& visited, SendTable *pTable, bool bNeedDecoder )
	// Already sent?
	if ( visited.Find( pTable ) != visited.InvalidIndex() )

	visited.AddToTail( pTable );

	DataTable_SetupReceiveTableFromSendTable( pTable, bNeedDecoder );
예제 #16
void CNPC_EnemyFinderCombineCannon::UpdateOnRemove() 

	// See if I'm in the list of Combine enemyfinders
	int index = s_ListEnemyfinders.Find(this);
	if( index != -1 )
예제 #17
void CNPC_EnemyFinderCombineCannon::Activate() 

	// See if I'm in the list of Combine enemyfinders
	// If not, add me.
	if( s_ListEnemyfinders.Find(this) == -1 )
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerPortal::DisableForIncomingEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
	EHANDLE hHandle;
	hHandle = pEntity;
	Assert( m_hDisabledForEntities.Find(hHandle) == m_hDisabledForEntities.InvalidIndex() );
	m_hDisabledForEntities.AddToTail( hHandle );

	// Start thinking, and remove the other as soon as it's not touching me.
	// Needs to be done in addition to EndTouch, because entities may move fast
	// enough through the portal to come out not touching the other portal.
	SetContextThink( &CTriggerPortal::DisabledThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1, TRIGGER_DISABLED_THINK );
예제 #19
// Purpose: Static method
// Input  : sounds - 
//			*soundname - 
void CModelSoundsCache::FindOrAddScriptSound( CUtlVector< unsigned short >& sounds, char const *soundname )
	int soundindex = soundemitterbase->GetSoundIndex( soundname );
	if ( soundindex != -1 )
		// Only add it once per model...
		if ( sounds.Find( soundindex ) == sounds.InvalidIndex() )
			sounds.AddToTail( soundindex );
void CPhysicsMotionController::RemoveCore( IVP_Core *pCore )
	int index = m_coreList.Find(pCore);
	if ( !m_coreList.IsValidIndex(index) )
		Msg("removed invalid core !!!\n");
	m_coreList.Remove( index );
	pCore->rem_core_controller( static_cast<IVP_Controller_Independent *>(this) );
예제 #21
void C_PlantedC4::SetDormant( bool bDormant )
	BaseClass::SetDormant( bDormant );
	// Remove us from the list of planted C4s.
	if ( bDormant )
		g_PlantedC4s.FindAndRemove( this );
		if ( g_PlantedC4s.Find( this ) == -1 )
			g_PlantedC4s.AddToTail( this );
예제 #22
// Helper for crawling events to determine sounds
void FindSoundsInEvent( CChoreoEvent *pEvent, CUtlVector< short >& soundList )
	if ( !pEvent || pEvent->GetType() != CChoreoEvent::SPEAK )

	unsigned short stringId = g_ChoreoStringPool.FindOrAddString( pEvent->GetParameters() );
	if ( soundList.Find( stringId ) == soundList.InvalidIndex() )
		soundList.AddToTail( stringId );

	if ( pEvent->GetCloseCaptionType() == CChoreoEvent::CC_MASTER )
		char tok[ CChoreoEvent::MAX_CCTOKEN_STRING ];
		if ( pEvent->GetPlaybackCloseCaptionToken( tok, sizeof( tok ) ) )
			stringId = g_ChoreoStringPool.FindOrAddString( tok );
			if ( soundList.Find( stringId ) == soundList.InvalidIndex() )
				soundList.AddToTail( stringId );
예제 #23
bool CASW_Location_Group::IsGroupLocked( CUtlVector<int> &completedMissions )
    if ( asw_unlock_all_locations.GetBool() )
        return false;

    if ( m_UnlockedBy.Count() <= 0 )
        return false;

    for ( int i = 0; i < m_UnlockedBy.Count(); i++ )
        if ( completedMissions.Find( m_UnlockedBy[i] ) != completedMissions.InvalidIndex() )	// this mission has been completed, so it won't make this group locked

        // one of our required missions is incomplete, so this group is locked
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #24
void CLuaInterface_Hooks::ErrorFromLua_H( const char *err, ... )
	ILuaInterface *luaInterface = (ILuaInterface *)this;

	// Construct error string
	char szBuf[512];
	va_list arg_ptr;
	va_start( arg_ptr, err );
	_vsntprintf( szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)-1, (char *)err, arg_ptr );
	va_end( arg_ptr );

	// Only call hook if the state has the module loaded
	if ( g_LuaInterfaces.Find( luaInterface ) == -1 )
		(this->*ErrorFromLua_T)( szBuf );


	// Call LuaError hook

	ILuaObject *hookTable = luaInterface->GetGlobal( "hook" );
	ILuaObject *hookCallFunction = hookTable->GetMember( "Call" );

	luaInterface->Push( "LuaError" );
	luaInterface->Push( szBuf );
	luaInterface->Call( 3, 1 );


	// Check return value

	ILuaObject *returnValue = luaInterface->GetReturn( 0 );

	// Call original if nothing is returned
	if ( returnValue->isNil() )
		(this->*ErrorFromLua_T)( szBuf );

예제 #25
// Call this when the renderable moves
void CClientLeafSystem::RenderableChanged( ClientRenderHandle_t handle )
	Assert( m_Renderables.IsValidIndex( handle ) );
	if ( !m_Renderables.IsValidIndex( handle ) )

	if ( (m_Renderables[handle].m_Flags & RENDER_FLAGS_HASCHANGED ) == 0 )
		m_Renderables[handle].m_Flags |= RENDER_FLAGS_HASCHANGED;
		m_DirtyRenderables.AddToTail( handle );
#if _DEBUG
		// It had better be in the list
		Assert( m_DirtyRenderables.Find( handle ) != m_DirtyRenderables.InvalidIndex() );
void CPhysicsMotionController::AttachObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject )
	// BUGBUG: Sometimes restore comes back with a NULL, REVISIT
	if ( !pObject || pObject->IsStatic() )

	CPhysicsObject *pPhys = static_cast<CPhysicsObject *>(pObject);
	IVP_Real_Object *pIVP = pPhys->GetObject();
	IVP_Core *pCore = pIVP->get_core();

	int index = m_coreList.Find(pCore);
	if ( m_coreList.IsValidIndex(index) )
		Msg("Attached core twice!!!\n");

	m_coreList.AddToTail( pCore );
	pCore->add_core_controller( (IVP_Controller *)this );
예제 #27
// Display portal error
static void DisplayPortalError( portal_t *p, int viscontents )
	char contents[3][1024];
	PrintBrushContentsToString( p->nodes[0]->contents, contents[0], sizeof( contents[0] ) );
	PrintBrushContentsToString( p->nodes[1]->contents, contents[1], sizeof( contents[1] ) );
	PrintBrushContentsToString( viscontents, contents[2], sizeof( contents[2] ) );

	Vector center;
	WindingCenter( p->winding, center );
	Warning( "\nFindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (%.1f %.1f %.1f)\n", center.x, center.y, center.z);
	Warning( "Leaf 0 contents: %s\n", contents[0] );
	Warning( "Leaf 1 contents: %s\n", contents[1] );
	Warning( "viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): %s\n", contents[2] );
	Warning( "This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has %s\n", contents[2] );
	Warning( "Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents %s\n", contents[2] );
	Warning( "Candidate brush IDs: " );

	CUtlVector<int> listed;
	for (int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++)
		node_t *n = p->nodes[j];
		for (bspbrush_t *bb=n->brushlist ; bb ; bb=bb->next)
			mapbrush_t *brush = bb->original;
			if ( brush->contents & viscontents )
				if ( listed.Find( brush->brushnum ) == -1 )
					listed.AddToTail( brush->brushnum );
					Warning( "Brush %d: ", brush->id );
	Warning( "\n\n" );
// Reload particle definitions
void CClientTools::ReloadParticleDefintions( const char *pFileName, const void *pBufData, int nLen )
	MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); // Copying particle attachment control points may end up needing to evaluate skeletons

	// Find any systems that depend on any system in the buffer
	// slow, but necessary if we want live reloads to work - and doesn't happen too often
	CUtlVector<CUtlString> systemNamesToReload;

	g_pParticleSystemMgr->GetParticleSystemsInBuffer( CUtlBuffer(pBufData, nLen, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY), &systemNamesToReload );

	CUtlVector<CNewParticleEffect*> toReplaceEffects;
	CUtlVector<CUtlString> toReplaceNames;

	for( CNewParticleEffect *pEffect = ParticleMgr()->FirstNewEffect(); pEffect; pEffect = ParticleMgr()->NextNewEffect(pEffect) )
		for( int i = 0; i < systemNamesToReload.Count(); ++i )
			if ( pEffect->DependsOnSystem( systemNamesToReload[i] ) )
				// only reload a given effect once
				if ( -1 == toReplaceEffects.Find(pEffect) )
					toReplaceNames.AddToTail( pEffect->GetName() );
					toReplaceEffects.AddToTail( pEffect );

	CUtlVector<CNonDrawingParticleSystem*> toReplaceEffectsNonDrawing;
	CUtlVector<CUtlString> toReplaceNamesNonDrawing;
	for( CNonDrawingParticleSystem *i = ParticleMgr()->m_NonDrawingParticleSystems.Head(); i ; i = i->m_pNext )
		for( int j = 0; j < systemNamesToReload.Count(); ++j )
			if ( i->Get()->DependsOnSystem( systemNamesToReload[j] ) )
				if ( -1 == toReplaceEffectsNonDrawing.Find( i ) )
					toReplaceNamesNonDrawing.AddToTail( i->Get()->GetName() );
					toReplaceEffectsNonDrawing.AddToTail( i );

	// Load the data and stomp the old definitions
	g_pParticleSystemMgr->ReadParticleConfigFile( CUtlBuffer(pBufData, nLen, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY), true );

	// Now replace all of the systems with their new versions
	Assert( toReplaceEffects.Count() == toReplaceNames.Count() );

	for( int i = 0; i < toReplaceNames.Count(); ++i )
		CNewParticleEffect *pEffect = toReplaceEffects[i];
		pEffect->ReplaceWith( toReplaceNames[i] );

	// update all the non-drawings ones
	for( int i = 0; i < toReplaceNamesNonDrawing.Count(); i++ )
		CNonDrawingParticleSystem *pEffect = toReplaceEffectsNonDrawing[i];
		delete pEffect->m_pSystem;
		pEffect->m_pSystem = g_pParticleSystemMgr->CreateParticleCollection( toReplaceNamesNonDrawing[i] );
예제 #29
// Invokes methods on all installed game systems
bool IGameSystem::InitAllSystems()
	int i;

		// first add any auto systems to the end
		CAutoGameSystem *pSystem = s_pSystemList;
		while ( pSystem )
			if ( s_GameSystems.Find( pSystem ) == s_GameSystems.InvalidIndex() )
				Add( pSystem );
				DevWarning( 1, "AutoGameSystem already added to game system list!!!\n" );
			pSystem = pSystem->m_pNext;
		s_pSystemList = NULL;

		CAutoGameSystemPerFrame *pSystem = s_pPerFrameSystemList;
		while ( pSystem )
			if ( s_GameSystems.Find( pSystem ) == s_GameSystems.InvalidIndex() )
				Add( pSystem );
				DevWarning( 1, "AutoGameSystem already added to game system list!!!\n" );

			pSystem = pSystem->m_pNext;
		s_pSystemList = NULL;
	// Now remember that we are initted so new CAutoGameSystems will add themselves automatically.
	s_bSystemsInitted = true;

	for ( i = 0; i < s_GameSystems.Count(); ++i )

		IGameSystem *sys = s_GameSystems[i];

#if defined( _X360 )
		char sz[128];
		Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->Init():Start", sys->Name() );
		XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
		bool valid = sys->Init();

#if defined( _X360 )
		Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->Init():Finish", sys->Name() );
		XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
		if ( !valid )
			return false;

	return true;
예제 #30
// Purpose: Upon touching a non-filtered entity, CTriggerPortal teleports them to it's
//			remote portal location.
// Input  : *pOther - 
void CTriggerPortal::Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// If we are enabled, and allowed to react to the touched entity
	if ( PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) )
		// If we somehow lost our pointer to the remote portal, get a new one
		if ( m_hRemotePortal == NULL )

		bool bDebug = portal_debug.GetBool();
		if ( bDebug )
			Msg("%s TOUCH: for %s\n", GetDebugName(), pOther->GetDebugName() );

		// Don't touch entities that came through us and haven't left us yet.
		EHANDLE hHandle;
		hHandle = pOther;
		if ( m_hDisabledForEntities.Find(hHandle) != m_hDisabledForEntities.InvalidIndex() )
			Msg("    IGNORED\n", GetDebugName(), pOther->GetDebugName() );

		Pickup_ForcePlayerToDropThisObject( pOther );

		// de-ground this entity
        pOther->SetGroundEntity( NULL );

		// Build a this --> remote transformation
		VMatrix matMyModelToWorld, matMyInverse;
		matMyModelToWorld = this->EntityToWorldTransform();
		MatrixInverseGeneral ( matMyModelToWorld, matMyInverse );

		// Teleport our object
		VMatrix matRemotePortalTransform = m_hRemotePortal->EntityToWorldTransform();
		Vector ptNewOrigin, vLook, vRight, vUp, vNewLook;
		pOther->GetVectors( &vLook, &vRight, &vUp );

		// Move origin
		ptNewOrigin = matMyInverse * pOther->GetAbsOrigin();
		ptNewOrigin = matRemotePortalTransform * Vector( ptNewOrigin.x, -ptNewOrigin.y, ptNewOrigin.z );

		// Re-aim camera
		vNewLook	= matMyInverse.ApplyRotation( vLook );
		vNewLook	= matRemotePortalTransform.ApplyRotation( Vector( -vNewLook.x, -vNewLook.y, vNewLook.z ) );

		// Reorient the physics
	 	Vector vVelocity, vOldVelocity;
		pOther->GetVelocity( &vOldVelocity );
		vVelocity = matMyInverse.ApplyRotation( vOldVelocity );
		vVelocity = matRemotePortalTransform.ApplyRotation( Vector( -vVelocity.x, -vVelocity.y, vVelocity.z ) );

		QAngle qNewAngles;
		VectorAngles( vNewLook, qNewAngles );
		if ( pOther->IsPlayer() )

		Vector vecOldPos = pOther->WorldSpaceCenter();
		if ( bDebug )
			NDebugOverlay::Box( pOther->GetAbsOrigin(), pOther->WorldAlignMins(), pOther->WorldAlignMaxs(), 255,0,0, 8, 20 );
			NDebugOverlay::Axis( pOther->GetAbsOrigin(), pOther->GetAbsAngles(), 10.0f, true, 50 );

		// place player at the new destination
		CTriggerPortal *pPortal = m_hRemotePortal.Get();
		pPortal->DisableForIncomingEntity( pOther );
		pOther->Teleport( &ptNewOrigin, &qNewAngles, &vVelocity );

		if ( bDebug )
			NDebugOverlay::Box( pOther->GetAbsOrigin(), pOther->WorldAlignMins(), pOther->WorldAlignMaxs(), 0,255,0, 8, 20 );
			NDebugOverlay::Line( vecOldPos, pOther->WorldSpaceCenter(), 0,255,0, true, 20 );
			NDebugOverlay::Axis( pOther->GetAbsOrigin(), pOther->GetAbsAngles(), 10.0f, true, 50 );

			Msg("%s TELEPORTED: %s\n", GetDebugName(), pOther->GetDebugName() );

		// test collision on the new teleport location
		Vector vMin, vMax, vCenter;
		pOther->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vMin, &vMax );
		vCenter = (vMin + vMax) * 0.5f;
		vMin -= vCenter;
		vMax -= vCenter;

		Vector vStart, vEnd;
		vStart	= ptNewOrigin;
		vEnd	= ptNewOrigin;

		Ray_t ray;
		ray.Init( vStart, vEnd, vMin, vMax );
		trace_t tr;
		pPortal->TestCollision( ray, pOther->PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity(), tr );

		// Teleportation caused us to hit something, deal with it.
		if ( tr.DidHit() )
