// Purpose: Start playing personality VO list
void CPropGladosCore::TalkingThink( void )
	if ( m_speechEvents.Count() <= 0 || !m_speechEvents.IsValidIndex( m_iSpeechIter ) )
		SetThink ( NULL );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );

	// Loop the 'look around' animation after the first line.
	int iCurSequence = GetSequence();
	int iLookSequence = LookupSequence( STRING(m_iszLookAnimationName) );
	if ( iCurSequence != iLookSequence && m_iSpeechIter > 0 )
		ResetSequence( iLookSequence );

	int iPrevIter = m_iSpeechIter-1;
	if ( iPrevIter < 0 )
		iPrevIter = 0;

	StopSound( m_speechEvents[iPrevIter].ToCStr() );

	float flCurDuration = GetSoundDuration( m_speechEvents[m_iSpeechIter].ToCStr(), GLADOS_CORE_MODEL_NAME );

	EmitSound( m_speechEvents[m_iSpeechIter].ToCStr() );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flBetweenVOPadding + flCurDuration );

	// wrap if we hit the end of the list
	m_iSpeechIter = (m_iSpeechIter+1)%m_speechEvents.Count();
void CPropGladosCore::StartTalking( float flDelay )
	if ( m_speechEvents.IsValidIndex( m_iSpeechIter ) &&  m_speechEvents.Count() > 0 )
		StopSound( m_speechEvents[m_iSpeechIter].ToCStr() );

	m_iSpeechIter = 0;
	SetThink( &CPropGladosCore::TalkingThink );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flBetweenVOPadding + flDelay );
void CParticleSystemQuery::TraceAgainstRayTraceEnv( int envnumber, const FourRays &rays, fltx4 TMin, fltx4 TMax,
													  RayTracingResult *rslt_out, int32 skip_id ) const
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	if ( g_RayTraceEnvironments.IsValidIndex( envnumber ) )
		RayTracingEnvironment *RtEnv = g_RayTraceEnvironments.Element( envnumber );
		RtEnv->Trace4Rays( rays, TMin, TMax, rslt_out, skip_id );
void CPhysicsMotionController::RemoveCore( IVP_Core *pCore )
	int index = m_coreList.Find(pCore);
	if ( !m_coreList.IsValidIndex(index) )
		Msg("removed invalid core !!!\n");
	m_coreList.Remove( index );
	pCore->rem_core_controller( static_cast<IVP_Controller_Independent *>(this) );
// Purpose: Play panic vo and animations, then return to talking
// Output :
void CPropGladosCore::PanicThink ( void )
	if ( m_speechEvents.Count() <= 0 || !m_speechEvents.IsValidIndex( m_iSpeechIter ) || m_iszPanicSoundScriptName == NULL_STRING )
		SetThink ( NULL );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );

	StopSound( m_speechEvents[m_iSpeechIter].ToCStr() );
	EmitSound( m_iszPanicSoundScriptName.ToCStr() );
	float flCurDuration = GetSoundDuration(  m_iszPanicSoundScriptName.ToCStr(), GLADOS_CORE_MODEL_NAME );

	SetThink( &CPropGladosCore::TalkingThink );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flBetweenVOPadding + flCurDuration );
void CPhysicsMotionController::AttachObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject )
	// BUGBUG: Sometimes restore comes back with a NULL, REVISIT
	if ( !pObject || pObject->IsStatic() )

	CPhysicsObject *pPhys = static_cast<CPhysicsObject *>(pObject);
	IVP_Real_Object *pIVP = pPhys->GetObject();
	IVP_Core *pCore = pIVP->get_core();

	int index = m_coreList.Find(pCore);
	if ( m_coreList.IsValidIndex(index) )
		Msg("Attached core twice!!!\n");

	m_coreList.AddToTail( pCore );
	pCore->add_core_controller( (IVP_Controller *)this );
예제 #7
// Purpose: Searches for GameStartup*.mp3 files in the sound/ui folder and plays one
void CGameUI::PlayGameStartupSound()
#if defined( LEFT4DEAD )
	// L4D not using this path, L4D UI now handling with background menu movies

	if ( IsX360() )

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nostartupsound" ) )

	FileFindHandle_t fh;

	CUtlVector<char *> fileNames;

	char path[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "sound/ui/gamestartup*.mp3" );
	Q_FixSlashes( path );

	char const *fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirstEx( path, "MOD", &fh );
	if ( fn )
			char ext[ 10 ];
			Q_ExtractFileExtension( fn, ext, sizeof( ext ) );

			if ( !Q_stricmp( ext, "mp3" ) )
				char temp[ 512 ];
				Q_snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "ui/%s", fn );

				char *found = new char[ strlen( temp ) + 1 ];
				Q_strncpy( found, temp, strlen( temp ) + 1 );

				Q_FixSlashes( found );
				fileNames.AddToTail( found );
			fn = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( fh );

		} while ( fn );

		g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( fh );

	// did we find any?
	if ( fileNames.Count() > 0 )
		SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
		GetSystemTime( &SystemTime );
		int index = SystemTime.wMilliseconds % fileNames.Count();

		if ( fileNames.IsValidIndex( index ) && fileNames[index] )
			char found[ 512 ];

			// escape chars "*#" make it stream, and be affected by snd_musicvolume
			Q_snprintf( found, sizeof( found ), "play *#%s", fileNames[index] );

			engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( found );

KeyValues *C_SoundscapeSystem::SoundscapeByIndex( int index )
	if ( m_soundscapes.IsValidIndex(index) )
		return m_soundscapes[index];
	return NULL;
// Look for vgui screens, returns true if it found one ...
C_BaseEntity *FindNearbyVguiScreen( const Vector &viewPosition, const QAngle &viewAngle, int nTeam )
	if ( IsX360() )
		// X360TBD: Turn this on if feature actually used
		return NULL;

	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	Assert( pLocalPlayer );

	if ( !pLocalPlayer )
		return NULL;

	// Get the view direction...
	Vector lookDir;
	AngleVectors( viewAngle, &lookDir );

	// Create a ray used for raytracing 
	Vector lookEnd;
	VectorMA( viewPosition, 2.0f * VGUI_SCREEN_MODE_RADIUS, lookDir, lookEnd );

	Ray_t lookRay;
	lookRay.Init( viewPosition, lookEnd );

#ifndef C17
	// Look for vgui screens that are close to the player
	CVGuiScreenEnumerator localScreens;
	partition->EnumerateElementsInSphere( PARTITION_CLIENT_NON_STATIC_EDICTS, viewPosition, VGUI_SCREEN_MODE_RADIUS, false, &localScreens );

	Vector vecOut, vecViewDelta;

	float flBestDist = 2.0f;
	C_VGuiScreen *pBestScreen = NULL;
#ifdef C17
	for (int i = 0; i < g_pVGUIScreens.Count(); i++)
		if (g_pVGUIScreens.IsValidIndex(i))
			C_VGuiScreen *pScreen = g_pVGUIScreens[i];
	for (int i = localScreens.GetScreenCount(); --i >= 0; )
		C_VGuiScreen *pScreen = localScreens.GetVGuiScreen(i);

		if (pScreen->IsAttachedToViewModel())

		// Don't bother with screens I'm behind...
		// Hax - don't cancel backfacing with viewmodel attached screens.
		// we can get prediction bugs that make us backfacing for one frame and
		// it resets the mouse position if we lose focus.
		if (pScreen->IsBackfacing(viewPosition))

		// Don't bother with screens that are turned off
		if (!pScreen->IsActive())

		// FIXME: Should this maybe go into a derived class of some sort?
		// Don't bother with screens on the wrong team
		if (!pScreen->IsVisibleToTeam(nTeam))

		if (!pScreen->AcceptsInput())

		if (pScreen->IsInputOnlyToOwner() && pScreen->GetPlayerOwner() != pLocalPlayer)

		// Test perpendicular distance from the screen...
		pScreen->GetVectors(NULL, NULL, &vecOut);
		VectorSubtract(viewPosition, pScreen->GetAbsOrigin(), vecViewDelta);
		float flPerpDist = DotProduct(vecViewDelta, vecOut);
		if ((flPerpDist < 0) || (flPerpDist > VGUI_SCREEN_MODE_RADIUS))

		// Perform a raycast to see where in barycentric coordinates the ray hits
		// the viewscreen; if it doesn't hit it, you're not in the mode
		float u, v, t;
		if (!pScreen->IntersectWithRay(lookRay, &u, &v, &t))

		// Barycentric test
		if ((u < 0) || (v < 0) || (u > 1) || (v > 1))

		if (t < flBestDist)
			flBestDist = t;
			pBestScreen = pScreen;
#ifdef C17
	return pBestScreen;

void ActivateVguiScreen( C_BaseEntity *pVguiScreenEnt )
	if (pVguiScreenEnt)
		Assert( dynamic_cast<C_VGuiScreen*>(pVguiScreenEnt) );
		C_VGuiScreen *pVguiScreen = static_cast<C_VGuiScreen*>(pVguiScreenEnt);
		pVguiScreen->GainFocus( );

void SetVGuiScreenButtonState( C_BaseEntity *pVguiScreenEnt, int nButtonState )
	if (pVguiScreenEnt)
		Assert( dynamic_cast<C_VGuiScreen*>(pVguiScreenEnt) );
		C_VGuiScreen *pVguiScreen = static_cast<C_VGuiScreen*>(pVguiScreenEnt);
		pVguiScreen->SetButtonState( nButtonState );

void DeactivateVguiScreen( C_BaseEntity *pVguiScreenEnt )
	if (pVguiScreenEnt)
		Assert( dynamic_cast<C_VGuiScreen*>(pVguiScreenEnt) );
		C_VGuiScreen *pVguiScreen = static_cast<C_VGuiScreen*>(pVguiScreenEnt);
		pVguiScreen->LoseFocus( );

CVGuiScreenPanel::CVGuiScreenPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName )
	: BaseClass( parent, panelName )
	m_hEntity = NULL;

CVGuiScreenPanel::CVGuiScreenPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, vgui::HScheme hScheme )
	: BaseClass( parent, panelName, hScheme )
	m_hEntity = NULL;

bool CVGuiScreenPanel::Init( KeyValues* pKeyValues, VGuiScreenInitData_t* pInitData )
	const char *pResFile = pKeyValues->GetString( "resfile" );
	if (pResFile[0] != 0)
		KeyValues *pCachedKeyValues = CacheKeyValuesForFile( pResFile );
		LoadControlSettings( pResFile, NULL, pCachedKeyValues );

	// Dimensions in pixels
	int nWidth, nHeight;
	nWidth = pKeyValues->GetInt( "pixelswide", 240 );
	nHeight = pKeyValues->GetInt( "pixelshigh", 160 );
	if ((nWidth <= 0) || (nHeight <= 0))
		return false;

	// If init data isn't specified, then we're just precaching.
	if ( pInitData )
		m_hEntity.Set( pInitData->m_pEntity );

		C_VGuiScreen *screen = dynamic_cast< C_VGuiScreen * >( pInitData->m_pEntity );
		if ( screen )
			bool acceptsInput = pKeyValues->GetInt( "acceptsinput", 1 ) ? true : false;
			screen->SetAcceptsInput( acceptsInput );

	SetBounds( 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight );

	return true;

vgui::Panel *CVGuiScreenPanel::CreateControlByName(const char *controlName)
	// Check the panel metaclass manager to make these controls...
	if (!Q_strncmp(controlName, "MaterialImage", 20))
		return new CBitmapPanel(NULL, "BitmapPanel");

	if (!Q_strncmp(controlName, "MaterialButton", 20))
		return new CBitmapButton(NULL, "BitmapButton", "");

	// Didn't find it? Just use the default stuff
	return BaseClass::CreateControlByName( controlName );

// Purpose: Called when the user presses a button
void CVGuiScreenPanel::OnCommand( const char *command)
	if ( Q_stricmp( command, "vguicancel" ) )
		engine->ClientCmd( const_cast<char *>( command ) );


DECLARE_VGUI_SCREEN_FACTORY( CVGuiScreenPanel, "vgui_screen_panel" );
예제 #10
// Look for vgui screens, returns true if it found one ...
C_BaseEntity *FindNearbyVguiScreen( const Vector &viewPosition, const QAngle &viewAngle, int nTeam )
	C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();


	if (!pLocalPlayer)
		return NULL;

	// Get the view direction...
	Vector lookDir;
	AngleVectors(viewAngle, &lookDir);

	// Create a ray used for raytracing 
	Vector lookEnd;
	VectorMA(viewPosition, 2.0f * VGUI_SCREEN_MODE_RADIUS, lookDir, lookEnd);

	Ray_t lookRay;
	lookRay.Init(viewPosition, lookEnd);

	Vector vecOut, vecViewDelta;

	float flBestDist = 2.0f;
	C_VGuiScreen *pBestScreen = NULL;

	for (int i = 0; i < g_pVGUIScreens.Count(); i++)
		if (g_pVGUIScreens.IsValidIndex(i))
			C_VGuiScreen *pScreen = g_pVGUIScreens[i];

			if (pScreen->IsAttachedToViewModel())

			// Don't bother with screens I'm behind...
			// Hax - don't cancel backfacing with viewmodel attached screens.
			// we can get prediction bugs that make us backfacing for one frame and
			// it resets the mouse position if we lose focus.
			if (pScreen->IsBackfacing(viewPosition))

			// Don't bother with screens that are turned off
			if (!pScreen->IsActive())

			// FIXME: Should this maybe go into a derived class of some sort?
			// Don't bother with screens on the wrong team
			if (!pScreen->IsVisibleToTeam(nTeam))

			if (!pScreen->AcceptsInput())

			if (pScreen->IsInputOnlyToOwner() && pScreen->GetPlayerOwner() != pLocalPlayer)

			// Test perpendicular distance from the screen...
			pScreen->GetVectors(NULL, NULL, &vecOut);
			VectorSubtract(viewPosition, pScreen->GetAbsOrigin(), vecViewDelta);
			float flPerpDist = DotProduct(vecViewDelta, vecOut);
			if ((flPerpDist < 0) || (flPerpDist > VGUI_SCREEN_MODE_RADIUS))

			// Perform a raycast to see where in barycentric coordinates the ray hits
			// the viewscreen; if it doesn't hit it, you're not in the mode
			float u, v, t;
			if (!pScreen->IntersectWithRay(lookRay, &u, &v, &t))

			// Barycentric test
			if ((u < 0) || (v < 0) || (u > 1) || (v > 1))

			if (t < flBestDist)
				flBestDist = t;
				pBestScreen = pScreen;

	return pBestScreen;