예제 #1
// Load settings from the [screensavername].xml configuration file
// the name of the screensaver (filename) is used as the name of
// the xml file - this is sent to us by XBMC when the Init func is called.
void	CConfig::LoadSettings()
	XmlNode node, childNode; //, grandChild;
	CXmlDocument doc;
	char szXMLFile[1024];
#ifdef _TEST
	strcpy(szXMLFile, "MatrixTrails.xml");
	strcpy(szXMLFile, "Q:\\screensavers\\");
	strcat(szXMLFile, gScrName);
	strcat(szXMLFile, ".xml");

	// Load the config file
	if (doc.Load(szXMLFile) >= 0)
		node = doc.GetNextNode(XML_ROOT_NODE);
		while(node > 0)
			if (strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"screensaver"))
				node = doc.GetNextNode(node);

			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"CharDelayMin"))	m_CharDelayMin	= (f32)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"CharDelayMax"))	m_CharDelayMax	= (f32)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"FadeSpeedMin"))	m_FadeSpeedMin	= (f32)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"FadeSpeedMax"))	m_FadeSpeedMax	= (f32)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));

			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"NumColumns"))	m_NumColumns	= atoi(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"NumRows"))		m_NumRows		= atoi(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));

			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"CharCol"))		sscanf(doc.GetNodeText(childNode), "%f %f %f", &m_CharCol.r, &m_CharCol.g, &m_CharCol.b);

			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"NumChars"))		m_NumChars	= atoi(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));

			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"CharSizeTexX"))	m_CharSizeTex.x	= (f32)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode))/TEXTURESIZE;
			if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"CharSizeTexY"))	m_CharSizeTex.y	= (f32)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode))/TEXTURESIZE;

			node = doc.GetNextNode(node);
예제 #2
//-- LoadSettings -------------------------------------------------------------
void ShadeWorm_c::LoadSettings(const char* name)
	XmlNode node;
	CXmlDocument doc;
	int colId;
	int index;
	int col;

	// Set up the defaults
	m_numWorms = 16;
	m_drawTime = 8;
	m_numColMaps = 0;
	m_randomColMap = false;

	char szXMLFile[1024];
	strcpy(szXMLFile, "Q:\\screensavers\\");
	strcat(szXMLFile, name);
	strcat(szXMLFile, ".xml");

	// Load the config file
	if (doc.Load(szXMLFile) >= 0)
		node = doc.GetNextNode(XML_ROOT_NODE);
		while(node > 0)
			if (!strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"NumWorms"))
				m_numWorms = atoi(doc.GetNodeText(node));
				Clamp(1, 32, m_numWorms);
			else if (!strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"DrawTime"))
				m_drawTime = atoi(doc.GetNodeText(node));
				Clamp(1, 10, m_drawTime);
			else if (!strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"RandomColMap"))
				m_randomColMap = !strcmpi(doc.GetNodeText(node),"true");
			else if (!strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"Map"))
				node = doc.GetNextNode(node);

				if (m_numColMaps < MAX_COLMAPS)

					colId = 0;
					m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_numCols = 0;
					m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_colMap = new ColMapEntry_t[256];

					while (node>0)
						if (!strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"Col"))
							if (colId < 256)
								char* txt = doc.GetNodeText(node);

								sscanf(txt, "%d %x\n", &index, &col);
								if (index > 255) index = 255;
								if (index < 0) index = 0;

								m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_colMap[colId].m_index = index;
								m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_colMap[colId].m_col = col;
						else if (!strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"/Map"))
							m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_numCols = colId;

						node = doc.GetNextNode(node);

			node = doc.GetNextNode(node);

} // LoadSettings
예제 #3
//-- LoadSettings -------------------------------------------------------------
void ShadeWorm_c::LoadSettings(const char* name)
	int colId;
	int index;
	int col;

	// Set up the defaults
	m_numWorms = 16;
	m_drawTime = 8;
	m_numColMaps = 0;
	m_randomColMap = false;

	XmlNode node;
	CXmlDocument doc;

	char contentPath[MAX_PATH];

	char szXMLFile[MAX_PATH];
	sprintf((char*)&szXMLFile, "%s\\%s", contentPath, "Resources\\Config.xml");

	// Load the config file
	if (doc.Load(szXMLFile) >= 0)
		node = doc.GetNextNode(XML_ROOT_NODE);
		while(node > 0)
			if (!_strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"NumWorms"))
				m_numWorms = atoi(doc.GetNodeText(node));
				Clamp(1, 32, m_numWorms);
			else if (!_strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"DrawTime"))
				m_drawTime = atoi(doc.GetNodeText(node));
				Clamp(1, 10, m_drawTime);
			else if (!_strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"RandomColMap"))
				m_randomColMap = !_strcmpi(doc.GetNodeText(node),"true");
			else if (!_strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"Map"))
				node = doc.GetNextNode(node);

				if (m_numColMaps < MAX_COLMAPS)

					colId = 0;
					m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_numCols = 0;
					m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_colMap = new ColMapEntry_t[256];

					while (node>0)
						if (!_strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"Col"))
							if (colId < 256)
								char* txt = doc.GetNodeText(node);

								sscanf(txt, "%d %x\n", &index, &col);
								if (index > 255) index = 255;
								if (index < 0) index = 0;

								m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_colMap[colId].m_index = index;
								m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_colMap[colId].m_col = col;
						else if (!_strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"/Map"))
							m_colMaps[m_numColMaps].m_numCols = colId;

						node = doc.GetNextNode(node);

			node = doc.GetNextNode(node);

} // LoadSettings
예제 #4
// Load settings from the [screensavername].xml configuration file
// the name of the screensaver (filename) is used as the name of
// the xml file - this is sent to us by XBMC when the Init func
// is called.
void LoadSettings()
    XmlNode node, childNode;
    CXmlDocument doc;

    char szXMLFile[1024];
    strcpy(szXMLFile, "Q:\\screensavers\\");
    strcat(szXMLFile, m_szScrName);
    strcat(szXMLFile, ".xml");

    OutputDebugString("Loading XML: ");
    float xmin = -10.0f,
          xmax = 10.0f,
          ymin = -10.0f,
          ymax = 10.0f,
          height = 0.0f,
          elasticity = 0.5f,
          viscosity = 0.05f,
          tension = 1.0f,
          blendability = 0.04f;

    int xdivs = 50;
    int ydivs = 50;
    int divs = 50;


    g_lightDir = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f,0.6f,-0.8f);
    // Load the config file
    if (doc.Load(szXMLFile) >= 0)
        node = doc.GetNextNode(XML_ROOT_NODE);
        while(node > 0)
            if (strcmpi(doc.GetNodeTag(node),"screensaver"))
                node = doc.GetNextNode(node);
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"wireframe")) {
                world.isWireframe = strcmp(doc.GetNodeText(childNode),"true") == 0;
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"elasticity")) {
                elasticity = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"viscosity")) {
                viscosity = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"tension")) {
                tension = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"blendability")) {
                tension = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"xmin")) {
                xmin = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"xmax")) {
                xmax = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"ymin")) {
                ymin = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"ymax")) {
                ymax = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"lightx")) {
                g_lightDir.x = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"lighty")) {
                g_lightDir.y = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"lightz")) {
                g_lightDir.z = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"shininess")) {
                g_shininess = (float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"texturefolder")) {
                strcpy(world.szTextureSearchPath, doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"texturemode")) {
                world.isTextureMode = strcmp(doc.GetNodeText(childNode),"true") == 0;
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"nexttexture")) {
                world.nextTextureTime = (int)(30*(float)atof(doc.GetNodeText(childNode)));
            if (childNode = doc.GetChildNode(node,"quality")) {
                divs = atoi(doc.GetNodeText(childNode));
            node = doc.GetNextNode(node);
    float scaleRatio = (xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin);
    int totalPoints = (int)(divs * divs * scaleRatio);
    //world.scaleX = 0.5f;
    xdivs = (int)sqrt(totalPoints * scaleRatio / world.scaleX);
    ydivs = totalPoints / xdivs;
    //xdivs = 144; ydivs= 90;
    world.waterField = new WaterField(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xdivs, ydivs, height, elasticity, viscosity, tension, blendability, world.isTextureMode);