LPSTR CPicture::GetContentXML()
    LPSTR pszXML = NULL;

    CXmlDocument xmlDoc;

    CXmlElement* pBody = xmlDoc.AddElement(L"body");
    CXmlElement* pContent = pBody->AddElement(L"content");
        pContent->AddAttribute(L"id", m_contentID);
        pContent->AddAttribute(L"title", m_pwszFile);
        CXmlElement* pImage = pContent->AddElement(L"img");
            pImage->AddAttribute(L"align", L"c");
            pImage->AddAttribute(L"fit", L"screen");
            pImage->AddAttribute(L"alt", m_pwszFile);
            // The Image ID is the CONTENT_ID of the raw image bytes;
            // that is the same as this content ID, offset by
            pImage->AddAttribute(L"id", m_contentID + (CID_RAWIMAGE_FIRST - CID_XMLIMAGE_FIRST));

        CXmlElement* pLeftBtn = pContent->AddElement(L"btn");
            pLeftBtn->AddAttribute(L"key", L"left");
            pLeftBtn->AddAttribute(L"target", m_prevId);

        CXmlElement* pRightBtn = pContent->AddElement(L"btn");
            pRightBtn->AddAttribute(L"key", L"right");
            pRightBtn->AddAttribute(L"target", m_nextId);

    BSTR bstrXml;

    // The device handles UTF8 encoded strings, so the XML
    // needs to be converted from unicode to UTF8.
    pszXML = AllocTaskUtf8String(bstrXml);

    delete pBody;
    delete pContent;
    delete pImage;
    delete pLeftBtn;
    delete pRightBtn;

    return pszXML;
예제 #2
LPSTR CTask::GetContentXML()
    LPSTR pszXML = NULL;

    CXmlDocument xmlDoc;

    CXmlElement* pBody = xmlDoc.AddElement(L"body");
    CXmlElement* pContent = pBody->AddElement(L"content");
        pContent->AddAttribute(L"id", GetID());
        pContent->AddAttribute(L"title", GetName());
        CXmlElement* pCategory = pContent->AddElement(L"txt");
        CXmlElement* pDetails = pContent->AddElement(L"txt");
        CXmlElement* pDueTime = pContent->AddElement(L"txt");

        CXmlElement* pLeftBtn = pContent->AddElement(L"btn");
            pLeftBtn->AddAttribute(L"key", L"left");
            pLeftBtn->AddAttribute(L"target", m_prevId);

        CXmlElement* pRightBtn = pContent->AddElement(L"btn");
            pRightBtn->AddAttribute(L"key", L"right");
            pRightBtn->AddAttribute(L"target", m_nextId);

    BSTR bstrXml;

    printf("Sending Content: \n%ws\n\n", bstrXml);

    // The device handles UTF8 encoded strings, so the XML
    // needs to be converted from unicode to UTF8.
    pszXML = AllocTaskUtf8String(bstrXml);


    return pszXML;