TypePtr ObjectPropertyExpression::inferTypes(AnalysisResultPtr ar,
                                             TypePtr type, bool coerce) {
  m_valid = false;

  ConstructPtr self = shared_from_this();
  TypePtr objectType = m_object->inferAndCheck(ar, NEW_TYPE(Object), false);

  if (!m_property->is(Expression::KindOfScalarExpression)) {
    // if dynamic property or method, we have nothing to find out
    if (ar->isFirstPass()) {
      ar->getCodeError()->record(self, CodeError::UseDynamicProperty, self);
    m_property->inferAndCheck(ar, Type::String, false);

    // we also lost track of which class variable an expression is about, hence
    // any type inference could be wrong. Instead, we just force variants on
    // all class variables.
    if (m_context & (LValue | RefValue)) {

    return Type::Variant; // we have to use a variant to hold dynamic value

  ScalarExpressionPtr exp = dynamic_pointer_cast<ScalarExpression>(m_property);
  string name = exp->getString();

  m_property->inferAndCheck(ar, Type::String, false);

  ClassScopePtr cls;
  if (objectType && !objectType->getName().empty()) {
    // what object-> has told us
    cls = ar->findExactClass(objectType->getName());
  } else {
    // what ->property has told us
    cls = ar->findClass(name, AnalysisResult::PropertyName);
    if (cls) {
      objectType =
        m_object->inferAndCheck(ar, Type::CreateObjectType(cls->getName()),
    if ((m_context & LValue) &&
        objectType && !objectType->is(Type::KindOfObject) &&
                      !objectType->is(Type::KindOfVariant) &&
                      !objectType->is(Type::KindOfSome) &&
                      !objectType->is(Type::KindOfAny)) {
      m_object->inferAndCheck(ar, NEW_TYPE(Object), true);

  if (!cls) {
    if (m_context & (LValue | RefValue)) {
    return Type::Variant;

  const char *accessorName = hasContext(DeepAssignmentLHS) ? "__set" :
    hasContext(ExistContext) ? "__isset" :
    hasContext(UnsetContext) ? "__unset" : "__get";
  if (!cls->implementsAccessor(ar, accessorName)) clearEffect(AccessorEffect);

  // resolved to this class
  int present = 0;
  if (m_context & RefValue) {
    type = Type::Variant;
    coerce = true;

  // use $this inside a static function
  if (m_object->isThis()) {
    FunctionScopePtr func = ar->getFunctionScope();
    if (func->isStatic()) {
      if (ar->isFirstPass()) {
        ar->getCodeError()->record(self, CodeError::MissingObjectContext,
      m_actualType = Type::Variant;
      return m_actualType;

  TypePtr ret;
  if (!cls->derivesFromRedeclaring()) { // Have to use dynamic.
    ret = cls->checkProperty(name, type, coerce, ar, self, present);
    // Private only valid if in the defining class
    if (present && (getOriginalScope(ar) == cls ||
                    !(present & VariableTable::VariablePrivate))) {
      m_valid = true;
      m_static = present & VariableTable::VariableStatic;
      if (m_static) {
      m_class = cls;

  // get() will return Variant
  if (!m_valid || !m_object->getType()->isSpecificObject()) {
    m_actualType = Type::Variant;
    return m_actualType;


  if (ar->getPhase() == AnalysisResult::LastInference) {
    if (!(m_context & ObjectContext)) {
  return ret;
TypePtr ObjectPropertyExpression::inferTypes(AnalysisResultPtr ar,
                                             TypePtr type, bool coerce) {
  m_valid = false;

  ConstructPtr self = shared_from_this();
  TypePtr objectType = m_object->inferAndCheck(ar, Type::Some, false);

  if (!m_property->is(Expression::KindOfScalarExpression)) {
    m_property->inferAndCheck(ar, Type::String, false);

    // we also lost track of which class variable an expression is about, hence
    // any type inference could be wrong. Instead, we just force variants on
    // all class variables.
    if (m_context & (LValue | RefValue)) {
      ar->forceClassVariants(getOriginalClass(), false);

    return Type::Variant; // we have to use a variant to hold dynamic value

  ScalarExpressionPtr exp = dynamic_pointer_cast<ScalarExpression>(m_property);
  string name = exp->getString();

  m_property->inferAndCheck(ar, Type::String, false);

  ClassScopePtr cls;
  if (objectType && !objectType->getName().empty()) {
    // what object-> has told us
    cls = ar->findExactClass(shared_from_this(), objectType->getName());
  } else {
    if ((m_context & LValue) && objectType &&
        !objectType->is(Type::KindOfObject) &&
        !objectType->is(Type::KindOfVariant) &&
        !objectType->is(Type::KindOfSome) &&
        !objectType->is(Type::KindOfAny)) {
      m_object->inferAndCheck(ar, Type::Object, true);

  if (!cls) {
    if (m_context & (LValue | RefValue | DeepReference | UnsetContext)) {
      ar->forceClassVariants(name, getOriginalClass(), false);
    return Type::Variant;

  int prop = hasContext(AssignmentLHS) ? ClassScope::MayHaveUnknownPropSetter :
    hasContext(ExistContext) ? ClassScope::MayHaveUnknownPropTester :
    hasContext(UnsetContext) && hasContext(LValue) ?
    ClassScope::MayHavePropUnsetter : ClassScope::MayHaveUnknownPropGetter;
  if ((m_context & (AssignmentLHS|OprLValue)) ||
      !cls->implementsAccessor(prop)) {

  // resolved to this class
  if (m_context & RefValue) {
    type = Type::Variant;
    coerce = true;

  // use $this inside a static function
  if (m_object->isThis()) {
    FunctionScopePtr func = m_object->getOriginalFunction();
    if (!func || func->isStatic()) {
      if (getScope()->isFirstPass()) {
        Compiler::Error(Compiler::MissingObjectContext, self);
      m_actualType = Type::Variant;
      return m_actualType;

  if (!m_propSym || cls != m_objectClass.lock()) {
    m_objectClass = cls;
    ClassScopePtr parent;
    m_propSym = cls->findProperty(parent, name, ar, self);
    if (!parent) {
      parent = cls;
    m_propSymValid = m_propSym->isPresent() &&
      (!m_propSym->isPrivate() ||
       getOriginalClass() == parent) &&

    if (m_propSymValid) {
      parent->addUse(getScope(), BlockScope::UseKindNonStaticRef);

  TypePtr ret;
  if (m_propSymValid && (!cls->derivesFromRedeclaring() ||
                         m_propSym->isPrivate())) {
    ret = cls->checkProperty(m_propSym, type, coerce, ar);
    m_valid = true;

    return ret;
  } else {
    m_actualType = Type::Variant;
    return m_actualType;