예제 #1
void BorderFilter::pattern(DImg& src, DImg& dest, int borderWidth,
                           const DColor& firstColor, const DColor& secondColor,
                           int firstWidth, int secondWidth)
    // Original image with the first solid border around.
    DImg tmp;
    solid(src, tmp, firstColor, firstWidth);

    // Border tiled image using pattern with second solid border around.
    int width, height;

    if (d->settings.orgWidth > d->settings.orgHeight)
        height = tmp.height() + borderWidth * 2;
        width  = (int)(height * d->orgRatio);
        width  = tmp.width() + borderWidth * 2;
        height = (int)(width / d->orgRatio);

    DImg tmp2(width, height, tmp.sixteenBit(), tmp.hasAlpha());
    qCDebug(DIGIKAM_DIMG_LOG) << "Border File:" << d->settings.borderPath;
    DImg border(d->settings.borderPath);

    if (border.isNull())


    for (int x = 0 ; x < width ; x += border.width())
        for (int y = 0 ; y < height ; y += border.height())
            tmp2.bitBltImage(&border, x, y);

    solid(tmp2, dest, secondColor, secondWidth);

    // Merge both images to one.
    if (d->settings.orgWidth > d->settings.orgHeight)
        dest.bitBltImage(&tmp, (dest.width() - tmp.width()) / 2, borderWidth);
        dest.bitBltImage(&tmp, borderWidth, (dest.height() - tmp.height()) / 2);
예제 #2
void BorderFilter::solid2(DImg& src, DImg& dest, const DColor& fg, int borderWidth)
    dest = DImg(src.width() + borderWidth * 2, src.height() + borderWidth * 2,
                src.sixteenBit(), src.hasAlpha());
    dest.bitBltImage(&src, borderWidth, borderWidth);
예제 #3
void BorderFilter::solid(DImg& src, DImg& dest, const DColor& fg, int borderWidth)
    if (d->settings.orgWidth > d->settings.orgHeight)
        int height = src.height() + borderWidth * 2;
        dest       = DImg((int)(height * d->orgRatio), height, src.sixteenBit(), src.hasAlpha());
        dest.bitBltImage(&src, (dest.width() - src.width()) / 2, borderWidth);
        int width = src.width() + borderWidth * 2;
        dest      = DImg(width, (int)(width / d->orgRatio), src.sixteenBit(), src.hasAlpha());
        dest.bitBltImage(&src, borderWidth, (dest.height() - src.height()) / 2);
예제 #4
void BorderFilter::bevel2(DImg& src, DImg& dest, const DColor& topColor,
                          const DColor& btmColor, int borderWidth)
    int x, y;
    int wc;

    dest = DImg(src.width() + borderWidth * 2,
                src.height() + borderWidth * 2,
                src.sixteenBit(), src.hasAlpha());

    // top

    for (y = 0, wc = (int)dest.width() - 1; y < borderWidth; ++y, --wc)
        for (x = 0; x < wc; ++x)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, topColor);

        for (; x < (int)dest.width(); ++x)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // left and right

    for (; y < (int)dest.height() - borderWidth; ++y)
        for (x = 0; x < borderWidth; ++x)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, topColor);

        for (x = (int)dest.width() - 1; x > (int)dest.width() - borderWidth - 1; --x)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // bottom

    for (wc = borderWidth; y < (int)dest.height(); ++y, --wc)
        for (x = 0; x < wc; ++x)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, topColor);

        for (; x < (int)dest.width(); ++x)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    dest.bitBltImage(&src, borderWidth, borderWidth);
예제 #5
void BorderFilter::pattern2(DImg& src, DImg& dest, int borderWidth,
                            const DColor& firstColor, const DColor& secondColor,
                            int firstWidth, int secondWidth)
    // Border tile.

    int w = d->settings.orgWidth + borderWidth * 2;
    int h = d->settings.orgHeight + borderWidth * 2;

    qCDebug(DIGIKAM_DIMG_LOG) << "Border File:" << d->settings.borderPath;
    DImg border(d->settings.borderPath);

    if (border.isNull())

    DImg borderImg(w, h, src.sixteenBit(), src.hasAlpha());

    for (int x = 0 ; x < w ; x += border.width())
        for (int y = 0 ; y < h ; y += border.height())
            borderImg.bitBltImage(&border, x, y);

    // First line around the pattern tile.
    DImg tmp = borderImg.smoothScale(src.width() + borderWidth * 2,
                                     src.height() + borderWidth * 2);

    solid2(tmp, dest, firstColor, firstWidth);

    // Second line around original image.
    solid2(src, tmp, secondColor, secondWidth);

    // Copy original image.
    dest.bitBltImage(&tmp, borderWidth, borderWidth);
예제 #6
void BorderFilter::bevel(DImg& src, DImg& dest, const DColor& topColor,
                         const DColor& btmColor, int borderWidth)
    int width, height;

    if (d->settings.orgWidth > d->settings.orgHeight)
        height = src.height() + borderWidth * 2;
        width  = (int)(height * d->orgRatio);
        width  = src.width() + borderWidth * 2;
        height = (int)(width / d->orgRatio);

    dest = DImg(width, height, src.sixteenBit(), src.hasAlpha());

    QPolygon btTriangle(3);
    btTriangle.setPoint(0, width, 0);
    btTriangle.setPoint(1, 0,     height);
    btTriangle.setPoint(2, width, height);
    QRegion btRegion(btTriangle);

    // paint upper right corner
    QPoint upperRightCorner((width - ((width - src.width()) / 2) - 2),
                            ((0 + (height - src.height())) / 2 + 2)

    for (int x = upperRightCorner.x(); x < width; ++x)
        for (int y = 0; y < upperRightCorner.y(); ++y)
            if (btRegion.contains(QPoint(x, y)))
                dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // paint right border
    for (int x = upperRightCorner.x(); x < width; ++x)
        for (int y = upperRightCorner.y(); y < height; ++y)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // paint lower left corner
    QPoint lowerLeftCorner((0 + ((width - src.width()) / 2) + 2),
                           (height - ((height - src.height()) / 2) - 2)

    for (int x = 0; x < lowerLeftCorner.x(); ++x)
        for (int y = lowerLeftCorner.y(); y < height; ++y)
            if (btRegion.contains(QPoint(x, y)))
                dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    // paint bottom border
    for (int x = lowerLeftCorner.x(); x < width; ++x)
        for (int y = lowerLeftCorner.y(); y < height; ++y)
            dest.setPixelColor(x, y, btmColor);

    if (d->settings.orgWidth > d->settings.orgHeight)
        dest.bitBltImage(&src, (dest.width() - src.width()) / 2, borderWidth);
        dest.bitBltImage(&src, borderWidth, (dest.height() - src.height()) / 2);