예제 #1
void MODULE::Flip( const wxPoint& aCentre )
    // Move module to its final position:
    wxPoint finalPos = m_Pos;

    finalPos.y  = aCentre.y - ( finalPos.y - aCentre.y );     /// Mirror the Y position

    SetPosition( finalPos );

    // Flip layer
    SetLayer( FlipLayer( GetLayer() ) );

    // Reverse mirror orientation.
    NEGATE( m_Orient );
    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( m_Orient );

    // Mirror pads to other side of board about the x axis, i.e. vertically.
    for( D_PAD* pad = m_Pads; pad; pad = pad->Next() )
        pad->Flip( m_Pos );

    // Mirror reference.
    m_Reference->FlipWithModule( m_Pos.y );

    // Mirror value.
    m_Value->FlipWithModule( m_Pos.y );

    // Reverse mirror module graphics and texts.
    for( EDA_ITEM* item = m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T:
            ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->Flip( m_Pos );

        case PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T:
            static_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( item )->FlipWithModule( m_Pos.y );

            wxMessageBox( wxT( "MODULE::Flip() error: Unknown Draw Type" ) );

예제 #2
int MODULE_TOOLS::PlacePad( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    m_frame->SetToolID( ID_MODEDIT_PAD_TOOL, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _( "Add pads" ) );

    assert( m_board->m_Modules );

    D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( m_board->m_Modules );
    m_frame->Import_Pad_Settings( pad, false );     // use the global settings for pad

    VECTOR2I cursorPos = m_controls->GetCursorPosition();
    pad->SetPosition( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );

    // Add a VIEW_GROUP that serves as a preview for the new item
    KIGFX::VIEW_GROUP preview( m_view );
    preview.Add( pad );
    m_view->Add( &preview );

    m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true );
    m_controls->ShowCursor( true );
    m_controls->SetSnapping( true );


    // Main loop: keep receiving events
    while( OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt = Wait() )
        cursorPos = m_controls->GetCursorPosition();

        if( evt->IsMotion() )
            pad->SetPosition( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );
            m_view->Update( &preview );

        else if( evt->Category() == TC_COMMAND )
            if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::rotate ) )
                pad->Rotate( pad->GetPosition(), m_frame->GetRotationAngle() );
                m_view->Update( &preview );
            else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::flip ) )
                pad->Flip( pad->GetPosition() );
                m_view->Update( &preview );
            else if( evt->IsCancel() || evt->IsActivate() )
                delete pad;

        else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) )
            BOARD_COMMIT commit( m_frame );
            commit.Add( pad );

            m_board->m_Status_Pcb = 0;    // I have no clue why, but it is done in the legacy view

            // Take the next available pad number
            pad->IncrementPadName( true, true );

            // Handle the view aspect
            preview.Remove( pad );
            commit.Push( _( "Add a pad" ) );

            // Start placing next pad
            pad = new D_PAD( m_board->m_Modules );
            m_frame->Import_Pad_Settings( pad, false );
            pad->SetPosition( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );
            preview.Add( pad );

    m_controls->ShowCursor( false );
    m_controls->SetSnapping( false );
    m_controls->SetAutoPan( false );
    m_view->Remove( &preview );

    m_frame->SetToolID( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, wxCURSOR_DEFAULT, wxEmptyString );

    return 0;
예제 #3
void MODULE::Flip( const wxPoint& aCentre )
    TEXTE_MODULE* text;

    // Move module to its final position:
    wxPoint finalPos = m_Pos;

    finalPos.y  = aCentre.y - ( finalPos.y - aCentre.y );     /// Mirror the Y position

    SetPosition( finalPos );

    // Flip layer
    SetLayer( FlipLayer( GetLayer() ) );

    // Reverse mirror orientation.
    NEGATE( m_Orient );
    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( m_Orient );

    // Mirror pads to other side of board about the x axis, i.e. vertically.
    for( D_PAD* pad = m_Pads; pad; pad = pad->Next() )
        pad->Flip( m_Pos );

    // Mirror reference.
    text = m_Reference;
    text->m_Pos.y -= m_Pos.y;
    NEGATE( text->m_Pos.y );
    text->m_Pos.y += m_Pos.y;
    text->SetLayer( FlipLayer( text->GetLayer() ) );
    text->m_Mirror = IsBackLayer( GetLayer() );

    // Mirror value.
    text = m_Value;
    text->m_Pos.y -= m_Pos.y;
    NEGATE( text->m_Pos.y );
    text->m_Pos.y += m_Pos.y;
    NEGATE( text->m_Pos0.y );
    text->SetLayer( FlipLayer( text->GetLayer() ) );
    text->m_Mirror = IsBackLayer( GetLayer() );

    // Reverse mirror module graphics and texts.
    for( EDA_ITEM* item = m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T:
                EDGE_MODULE* em = (EDGE_MODULE*) item;

                wxPoint s = em->GetStart();
                s.y -= m_Pos.y;
                s.y  = -s.y;
                s.y += m_Pos.y;
                em->SetStart( s );

                wxPoint e = em->GetEnd();
                e.y -= m_Pos.y;
                e.y  = -e.y;
                e.y += m_Pos.y;
                em->SetEnd( e );

                NEGATE( em->m_Start0.y );
                NEGATE( em->m_End0.y );

                if( em->GetShape() == S_ARC )
                    em->SetAngle( -em->GetAngle() );

                em->SetLayer( FlipLayer( em->GetLayer() ) );

        case PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T:
            text = (TEXTE_MODULE*) item;
            text->m_Pos.y -= m_Pos.y;
            NEGATE( text->m_Pos.y );
            text->m_Pos.y += m_Pos.y;
            NEGATE( text->m_Pos0.y );
            NEGATE_AND_NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( text->m_Orient );
            text->SetLayer( FlipLayer( text->GetLayer() ) );
            text->m_Mirror = IsBackLayer( GetLayer() );

            wxMessageBox( wxT( "MODULE::Flip() error: Unknown Draw Type" ) );
