예제 #1
bool VIA::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT box;
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    box.SetOrigin( GetStart() );
    box.Inflate( GetWidth() / 2 );

    if( aContained )
        return arect.Contains( box );
        return arect.Intersects( box );
bool DIMENSION::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    EDA_RECT rect = GetBoundingBox();
    if( aAccuracy )
        rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        return arect.Contains( rect );

    return arect.Intersects( rect );
void EDA_TEXT::TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
        SHAPE_POLY_SET* aCornerBuffer, int aClearanceValue ) const
    // Oh dear.  When in UTF-8 mode, wxString puts string iterators in a linked list, and
    // that linked list is not thread-safe.
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard( m_mutex );

    if( GetText().Length() == 0 )

    wxPoint  corners[4];    // Buffer of polygon corners

    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1 );
    rect.Inflate( aClearanceValue );
    corners[0].x = rect.GetOrigin().x;
    corners[0].y = rect.GetOrigin().y;
    corners[1].y = corners[0].y;
    corners[1].x = rect.GetRight();
    corners[2].x = corners[1].x;
    corners[2].y = rect.GetBottom();
    corners[3].y = corners[2].y;
    corners[3].x = corners[0].x;


    for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
        // Rotate polygon
        RotatePoint( &corners[ii].x, &corners[ii].y, GetTextPos().x, GetTextPos().y, GetTextAngle() );
        aCornerBuffer->Append( corners[ii].x, corners[ii].y );
예제 #4
const EDA_RECT LIB_BEZIER::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;
    int      xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;

    if( !GetCornerCount() )
        return rect;

    xmin = xmax = m_PolyPoints[0].x;
    ymin = ymax = m_PolyPoints[0].y;

    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < GetCornerCount(); ii++ )
        xmin = std::min( xmin, m_PolyPoints[ii].x );
        xmax = std::max( xmax, m_PolyPoints[ii].x );
        ymin = std::min( ymin, m_PolyPoints[ii].y );
        ymax = std::max( ymax, m_PolyPoints[ii].y );

    rect.SetOrigin( xmin, ymin );
    rect.SetEnd( xmax, ymax );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize()+1 ) / 2 );


    return rect;
 * Function TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon
 * Convert the text bounding box to a rectangular polygon
 * Used in filling zones calculations
 * Circles and arcs are approximated by segments
 * @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
 * @param aClearanceValue = the clearance around the text bounding box
void TEXTE_PCB::TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer,
                    int             aClearanceValue ) const
    if( GetText().Length() == 0 )

    wxPoint  corners[4];    // Buffer of polygon corners

    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1 );
    rect.Inflate( aClearanceValue );
    corners[0].x = rect.GetOrigin().x;
    corners[0].y = rect.GetOrigin().y;
    corners[1].y = corners[0].y;
    corners[1].x = rect.GetRight();
    corners[2].x = corners[1].x;
    corners[2].y = rect.GetBottom();
    corners[3].y = corners[2].y;
    corners[3].x = corners[0].x;


    for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
        // Rotate polygon
        RotatePoint( &corners[ii].x, &corners[ii].y, m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Orient );
        aCornerBuffer.Append( corners[ii].x, corners[ii].y );
/* Test if the module can be placed on the board.
 * Returns the value TstRectangle().
 * Module is known by its bounding box
int TstModuleOnBoard( BOARD* Pcb, MODULE* aModule, bool TstOtherSide )
    int side = TOP;
    int otherside = BOTTOM;

    if( aModule->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
        side = BOTTOM; otherside = TOP;

    EDA_RECT    fpBBox = aModule->GetFootprintRect();
    fpBBox.Move( -g_Offset_Module );

    int         diag = TstRectangle( Pcb, fpBBox, side );

    if( diag != FREE_CELL )
        return diag;

    if( TstOtherSide )
        diag = TstRectangle( Pcb, fpBBox, otherside );

        if( diag != FREE_CELL )
            return diag;

    int marge = ( RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting * aModule->GetPadCount() ) / GAIN;

    fpBBox.Inflate( marge );
    return CalculateKeepOutArea( fpBBox, side );
/* Place module on Routing matrix.
void genModuleOnRoutingMatrix( MODULE* Module )
    int         ox, oy, fx, fy;
    int         layerMask;
    D_PAD*      Pad;

    EDA_RECT    fpBBox = Module->GetBoundingBox();

    fpBBox.Inflate( RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting / 2 );
    ox  = fpBBox.GetX();
    fx  = fpBBox.GetRight();
    oy  = fpBBox.GetY();
    fy  = fpBBox.GetBottom();

    if( ox < RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetX() )
        ox = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetX();

    if( ox > RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetRight() )
        ox = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetRight();

    if( fx < RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetX() )
        fx = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetX();

    if( fx > RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetRight() )
        fx = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetRight();

    if( oy < RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetY() )
        oy = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetY();

    if( oy > RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetBottom() )
        oy = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetBottom();

    if( fy < RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetY() )
        fy = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetY();

    if( fy > RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetBottom() )
        fy = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetBottom();

    layerMask = 0;

    if( Module->GetLayer() == LAYER_N_FRONT )
        layerMask = LAYER_FRONT;

    if( Module->GetLayer() == LAYER_N_BACK )
        layerMask = LAYER_BACK;

    TraceFilledRectangle( ox, oy, fx, fy, layerMask,
                          CELL_is_MODULE, WRITE_OR_CELL );

    // Trace pads + clearance areas.
    for( Pad = Module->Pads(); Pad != NULL; Pad = Pad->Next() )
        int margin = (RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting / 2) + Pad->GetClearance();
        ::PlacePad( Pad, CELL_is_MODULE, margin, WRITE_OR_CELL );

    // Trace clearance.
    int margin = ( RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting * Module->GetPadCount() ) / GAIN;
    CreateKeepOutRectangle( ox, oy, fx, fy, margin, KEEP_OUT_MARGIN, layerMask );
예제 #8
bool SCH_SHEET_PIN::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPoint, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT rect = GetBoundingBox();

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    return rect.Contains( aPoint );
예제 #9
bool SCH_JUNCTION::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT rect = GetBoundingBox();

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    return rect.Contains( aPosition );
/* This function is used to extract a board outlines (3D view, automatic zones build ...)
 * Any closed outline inside the main outline is a hole
 * All contours should be closed, i.e. valid closed polygon vertices
bool BuildBoardPolygonOutlines( BOARD* aBoard, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutlines,
        wxString* aErrorText, unsigned int aTolerance, wxPoint* aErrorLocation )

    // Get all the DRAWSEGMENTS and module graphics into 'items',
    // then keep only those on layer == Edge_Cuts.
    static const KICAD_T  scan_graphics[] = { PCB_LINE_T, PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T, EOT };
    items.Collect( aBoard, scan_graphics );

    // Make a working copy of aSegList, because the list is modified during calculations
    std::vector< DRAWSEGMENT* > segList;

    for( int ii = 0; ii < items.GetCount(); ii++ )
        if( items[ii]->GetLayer() == Edge_Cuts )
            segList.push_back( static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( items[ii] ) );

    bool success = ConvertOutlineToPolygon( segList, aOutlines, aErrorText, aTolerance, aErrorLocation );

    if( !success || !aOutlines.OutlineCount() )
        // Creates a valid polygon outline is not possible.
        // So uses the board edge cuts bounding box to create a
        // rectangular outline
        // When no edge cuts items, build a contour
        // from global bounding box

        EDA_RECT bbbox = aBoard->GetBoardEdgesBoundingBox();

        // If null area, uses the global bounding box.
        if( ( bbbox.GetWidth() ) == 0 || ( bbbox.GetHeight() == 0 ) )
            bbbox = aBoard->ComputeBoundingBox();

        // Ensure non null area. If happen, gives a minimal size.
        if( ( bbbox.GetWidth() ) == 0 || ( bbbox.GetHeight() == 0 ) )
            bbbox.Inflate( Millimeter2iu( 1.0 ) );


        wxPoint corner;
        aOutlines.Append( bbbox.GetOrigin() );

        corner.x = bbbox.GetOrigin().x;
        corner.y = bbbox.GetEnd().y;
        aOutlines.Append( corner );

        aOutlines.Append( bbbox.GetEnd() );

        corner.x = bbbox.GetEnd().x;
        corner.y = bbbox.GetOrigin().y;
        aOutlines.Append( corner );

    return success;
예제 #11
EDA_RECT LIB_RECTANGLE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y * -1 );
    rect.SetEnd( m_End.x, m_End.y * -1 );
    rect.Inflate( (GetPenSize() / 2) + 1 );
    return rect;
예제 #12
EDA_RECT SCH_JUNCTION::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    rect.SetOrigin( m_pos );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize() + m_size.x ) / 2 );

    return rect;
예제 #13
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );
    CRect rect = m_Poly->GetBoundingBox();
    EDA_RECT bbox;

    bbox.SetOrigin( rect.left,  rect.bottom );
    bbox.SetEnd(    rect.right, rect.top    );

    if( aContained )
         return arect.Contains( bbox );
    else    // Test for intersection between aRect and the polygon
            // For a polygon, using its bounding box has no sense here
        // Fast test: if aRect is outside the polygon bounding box,
        // rectangles cannot intersect
        if( ! bbox.Intersects( arect ) )
            return false;

        // aRect is inside the polygon bounding box,
        // and can intersect the polygon: use a fine test.
        // aRect intersects the polygon if at least one aRect corner
        // is inside the polygon
        wxPoint corner = arect.GetOrigin();

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        corner.x = arect.GetEnd().x;

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        corner = arect.GetEnd();

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        corner.x = arect.GetOrigin().x;

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        // No corner inside arect, but outlines can intersect arect
        // if one of outline corners is inside arect
        int count = m_Poly->GetCornersCount();
        for( int ii =0; ii < count; ii++ )
            if( arect.Contains( m_Poly->GetPos( ii ) ) )
                return true;

        return false;
예제 #14
bool MODULE::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        return arect.Contains( m_BoundaryBox );
        return m_BoundaryBox.Intersects( arect );
예제 #15
bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const wxPoint& aPoint, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1 );   // Get the full text area.
    wxPoint location = aPoint;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );
    RotatePoint( &location, m_Pos, -m_Orient );

    return rect.Contains( location );
예제 #16
bool PCB_TARGET::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        return arect.Contains( GetBoundingBox() );
        return GetBoundingBox().Intersects( arect );
/** Prefill in black an area a little bigger than the board to prepare for the
 *  negative plot */
static void FillNegativeKnockout( PLOTTER *aPlotter, const EDA_RECT &aBbbox )
    const int margin = 5 * IU_PER_MM;   // Add a 5 mm margin around the board
    aPlotter->SetNegative( true );
    aPlotter->SetColor( WHITE );       // Which will be plotted as black
    EDA_RECT area = aBbbox;
    area.Inflate( margin );
    aPlotter->Rect( area.GetOrigin(), area.GetEnd(), FILLED_SHAPE );
    aPlotter->SetColor( BLACK );
예제 #18
const EDA_RECT LIB_CIRCLE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos.x - m_Radius, ( m_Pos.y - m_Radius ) * -1 );
    rect.SetEnd( m_Pos.x + m_Radius, ( m_Pos.y + m_Radius ) * -1 );
    rect.Inflate( m_Width / 2, m_Width / 2 );

    return rect;
예제 #19
bool SCH_TEXT::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        return aRect.Contains( bBox );

    return aRect.Intersects( bBox );
예제 #20
EDA_RECT BITMAP_BASE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    wxSize   size = GetSize();

    rect.Inflate( size.x / 2, size.y / 2 );

    return rect;
예제 #21
const EDA_RECT SCH_NO_CONNECT::GetBoundingBox() const
    int      delta = ( GetPenSize() + m_size.x ) / 2;
    EDA_RECT box;

    box.SetOrigin( m_pos );
    box.Inflate( delta );

    return box;
void LIB_POLYLINE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                                EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                                const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint  pos1;
    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );
    wxPoint* buffer = NULL;

    if( aColor < 0 )                // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    buffer = new wxPoint[ m_PolyPoints.size() ];

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_PolyPoints.size(); ii++ )
        buffer[ii] = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_PolyPoints[ii] ) + aOffset;

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor >= 0 )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR )
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
                (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE  )
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
                color, color );
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 0, GetPenSize(),
                color, color );

    delete[] buffer;

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around polyline to validate
     * bounding box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox.Inflate( m_Thickness + 1, m_Thickness + 1 );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox.GetOrigin().x, bBox.GetOrigin().y,
            bBox.GetEnd().x, bBox.GetEnd().y, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
예제 #23
bool SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT rect = aRect;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        return rect.Contains( GetBoundingBox() );

    return rect.Intersects( GetBoundingBox() );
예제 #24
bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContains, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT rect = aRect;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContains )
        return rect.Contains( GetTextBox( -1 ) );

    return rect.Intersects( GetTextBox( -1 ) );
bool TEXTE_MODULE::TextHitTest( const wxPoint& aPoint, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1 );
    wxPoint location = aPoint;

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    RotatePoint( &location, GetTextPos(), -GetDrawRotation() );

    return rect.Contains( location );
예제 #26
bool TRACK::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    if( aContained )
        /* Tracks are a special case:
         * they are considered inside the rect if one end is inside the rect */
        return arect.Contains( GetStart() ) || arect.Contains( GetEnd() );
        return arect.Intersects( GetStart(), GetEnd() );
예제 #27
const EDA_RECT SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT box;

    box.SetOrigin( m_pos );
    box.SetEnd( m_End() );

    box.Inflate( GetPenSize() / 2 );

    return box;
예제 #28
bool SCH_FIELD::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosition, int aAccuracy ) const
    // Do not hit test hidden or empty fields.
    if( !IsVisible() || IsVoid() )
        return false;

    EDA_RECT rect = GetBoundingBox();

    rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    return rect.Contains( aPosition );
예제 #29
const EDA_RECT LIB_RECTANGLE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos );
    rect.SetEnd( m_End );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize()+1 ) / 2 );


    return rect;
예제 #30
const EDA_RECT LIB_CIRCLE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect;

    rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos.x - m_Radius, m_Pos.y - m_Radius );
    rect.SetEnd( m_Pos.x + m_Radius, m_Pos.y + m_Radius );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize()+1 ) / 2 );


    return rect;