예제 #1
EDA_RECT SCH_FIELD::GetBoundingBox() const
    SCH_COMPONENT* parentComponent = (SCH_COMPONENT*) m_Parent;
    int linewidth = ( m_Thickness == 0 ) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_Thickness;

    // We must pass the effective text thickness to GetTextBox
    // when calculating the bounding box
    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );

    // Calculate the text bounding box:
    EDA_RECT rect;

    // a justification relative to the text itself
    // i.e. justification relative to an horizontal text
    // or to 1 to keep the initial behavior
    if( m_Orient == TEXT_ORIENT_VERT )
        // For vertical texts, exchange the horizontal and the vertical justification
        // The idea is to keep the justification always left or top for instance,
        // no matter the text orientation
        SCH_FIELD text( *this );    // Make a local copy to swap justifications
                                    // because GetBoundingBox() is const
        int tmp = (int)text.m_VJustify;
        NEGATE( tmp );
        text.m_VJustify  = (EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T)text.m_HJustify;
        text.m_HJustify = (EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T)tmp;
        rect = text.GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );
        rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );

    // Calculate the bounding box position relative to the component:
    wxPoint origin = parentComponent->GetPosition();
    wxPoint pos = m_Pos - origin;
    wxPoint begin = rect.GetOrigin() - origin;
    wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd() - origin;
    RotatePoint( &begin, pos, m_Orient );
    RotatePoint( &end, pos, m_Orient );

    // Due to the Y axis direction, we must mirror the bounding box,
    // relative to the text position:
    begin.y -= pos.y;
    end.y -= pos.y;
    NEGATE( begin.y );
    NEGATE( end.y );
    begin.y += pos.y;
    end.y += pos.y;

    // Now, apply the component transform (mirror/rot)
    begin = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( begin );
    end = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( end );
    rect.SetOrigin( begin);
    rect.SetEnd( end);
    rect.Move( origin );
    return rect;
예제 #2
const EDA_RECT SCH_TEXT::GetBoundingBox() const
    // We must pass the effective text thickness to GetTextBox
    // when calculating the bounding box
    int linewidth = GetThickness() == 0 ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : GetThickness();

    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, GetTextSize(), IsBold() );

    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );

    if( GetTextAngle() != 0 )      // Rotate rect
        wxPoint pos = rect.GetOrigin();
        wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd();

        RotatePoint( &pos, GetTextPos(), GetTextAngle() );
        RotatePoint( &end, GetTextPos(), GetTextAngle() );

        rect.SetOrigin( pos );
        rect.SetEnd( end );

    return rect;
예제 #3
int SCH_SCREEN::UpdatePickList()
    ITEM_PICKER picker;
    EDA_RECT area;
    unsigned count;

    area.SetOrigin( m_BlockLocate.GetOrigin() );
    area.SetSize( m_BlockLocate.GetSize() );

    for( SCH_ITEM* item = m_drawList.begin(); item; item = item->Next() )
        // An item is picked if its bounding box intersects the reference area.
        if( item->HitTest( area ) )
            picker.SetItem( item );
            m_BlockLocate.PushItem( picker );

    // if the block is composed of one item,
    // select it as the current item
    count =  m_BlockLocate.GetCount();
    if( count == 1 )
        SetCurItem( (SCH_ITEM*) m_BlockLocate.GetItem( 0 ) );
        SetCurItem( NULL );

    return count;
예제 #4
const EDA_RECT SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT box;

    box.SetOrigin( m_pos );
    box.SetEnd( m_End() );

    box.Inflate( GetPenSize() / 2 );

    return box;
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );
    EDA_RECT bbox = m_Poly->GetBoundingBox();

    if( aContained )
         return arect.Contains( bbox );
    else    // Test for intersection between aRect and the polygon
            // For a polygon, using its bounding box has no sense here
        // Fast test: if aRect is outside the polygon bounding box,
        // rectangles cannot intersect
        if( ! bbox.Intersects( arect ) )
            return false;

        // aRect is inside the polygon bounding box,
        // and can intersect the polygon: use a fine test.
        // aRect intersects the polygon if at least one aRect corner
        // is inside the polygon
        wxPoint corner = arect.GetOrigin();

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        corner.x = arect.GetEnd().x;

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        corner = arect.GetEnd();

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        corner.x = arect.GetOrigin().x;

        if( HitTestInsideZone( corner ) )
            return true;

        // No corner inside arect, but outlines can intersect arect
        // if one of outline corners is inside arect
        int count = m_Poly->GetCornersCount();
        for( int ii =0; ii < count; ii++ )
            if( arect.Contains( m_Poly->GetPos( ii ) ) )
                return true;

        return false;
예제 #6
EDA_RECT SCH_BUS_ENTRY::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT box;

    box.SetOrigin( m_pos );
    box.SetEnd( m_End() );

    int width = ( m_width == 0 ) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_width;
    box.Inflate( width / 2 );

    return box;
예제 #7
void EDA_RECT::Merge( const EDA_RECT& aRect )
    Normalize();        // ensure width and height >= 0
    EDA_RECT rect = aRect;
    rect.Normalize();   // ensure width and height >= 0
    wxPoint  end = GetEnd();
    wxPoint  rect_end = rect.GetEnd();

    // Change origin and size in order to contain the given rect
    m_Pos.x = std::min( m_Pos.x, rect.m_Pos.x );
    m_Pos.y = std::min( m_Pos.y, rect.m_Pos.y );
    end.x   = std::max( end.x, rect_end.x );
    end.y   = std::max( end.y, rect_end.y );
    SetEnd( end );
예제 #8
const EDA_RECT SCH_FIELD::GetBoundingBox() const
    SCH_COMPONENT* parentComponent = (SCH_COMPONENT*) m_Parent;
    int linewidth = ( m_Thickness == 0 ) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_Thickness;

    // We must pass the effective text thickness to GetTextBox
    // when calculating the bounding box
    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );

    // Calculate the text bounding box:
    EDA_RECT rect;

    if( m_id == REFERENCE )     // multi units have one letter or more added to reference
        SCH_FIELD text( *this );    // Make a local copy to change text
                                    // because GetBoundingBox() is const
        text.SetText( GetFullyQualifiedText() );
        rect = text.GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );
        rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );

    // Calculate the bounding box position relative to the component:
    wxPoint origin = parentComponent->GetPosition();
    wxPoint pos = m_Pos - origin;
    wxPoint begin = rect.GetOrigin() - origin;
    wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd() - origin;
    RotatePoint( &begin, pos, m_Orient );
    RotatePoint( &end, pos, m_Orient );

    // Due to the Y axis direction, we must mirror the bounding box,
    // relative to the text position:
    begin.y -= pos.y;
    end.y -= pos.y;
    NEGATE( begin.y );
    NEGATE( end.y );
    begin.y += pos.y;
    end.y += pos.y;

    // Now, apply the component transform (mirror/rot)
    begin = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( begin );
    end = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( end );
    rect.SetOrigin( begin);
    rect.SetEnd( end);
    rect.Move( origin );
    return rect;
const EDA_RECT DIMENSION::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT    bBox;
    int         xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;

    bBox    = m_Text.GetTextBox( -1 );
    xmin    = bBox.GetX();
    xmax    = bBox.GetRight();
    ymin    = bBox.GetY();
    ymax    = bBox.GetBottom();

    xmin    = std::min( xmin, m_crossBarO.x );
    xmin    = std::min( xmin, m_crossBarF.x );
    ymin    = std::min( ymin, m_crossBarO.y );
    ymin    = std::min( ymin, m_crossBarF.y );
    xmax    = std::max( xmax, m_crossBarO.x );
    xmax    = std::max( xmax, m_crossBarF.x );
    ymax    = std::max( ymax, m_crossBarO.y );
    ymax    = std::max( ymax, m_crossBarF.y );

    xmin    = std::min( xmin, m_featureLineGO.x );
    xmin    = std::min( xmin, m_featureLineGF.x );
    ymin    = std::min( ymin, m_featureLineGO.y );
    ymin    = std::min( ymin, m_featureLineGF.y );
    xmax    = std::max( xmax, m_featureLineGO.x );
    xmax    = std::max( xmax, m_featureLineGF.x );
    ymax    = std::max( ymax, m_featureLineGO.y );
    ymax    = std::max( ymax, m_featureLineGF.y );

    xmin    = std::min( xmin, m_featureLineDO.x );
    xmin    = std::min( xmin, m_featureLineDF.x );
    ymin    = std::min( ymin, m_featureLineDO.y );
    ymin    = std::min( ymin, m_featureLineDF.y );
    xmax    = std::max( xmax, m_featureLineDO.x );
    xmax    = std::max( xmax, m_featureLineDF.x );
    ymax    = std::max( ymax, m_featureLineDO.y );
    ymax    = std::max( ymax, m_featureLineDF.y );

    bBox.SetX( xmin );
    bBox.SetY( ymin );
    bBox.SetWidth( xmax - xmin + 1 );
    bBox.SetHeight( ymax - ymin + 1 );


    return bBox;
예제 #10
EDA_RECT LIB_TEXT::GetBoundingBox() const
    /* Y coordinates for LIB_ITEMS are bottom to top, so we must invert the Y position when
     * calling GetTextBox() that works using top to bottom Y axis orientation.
    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1, -1, true );

    wxPoint orig = rect.GetOrigin();
    wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd();
    NEGATE( orig.y);
    NEGATE( end.y);

    RotatePoint( &orig, m_Pos, -m_Orient );
    RotatePoint( &end, m_Pos, -m_Orient );
    rect.SetOrigin( orig );
    rect.SetEnd( end );

    return rect;
예제 #11
const EDA_RECT SCH_LABEL::GetBoundingBox() const
    int         linewidth = GetThickness() == 0 ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : GetThickness();
    EDA_RECT    rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );

    if( GetTextAngle() != 0.0 )
        // Rotate rect
        wxPoint pos = rect.GetOrigin();
        wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd();

        RotatePoint( &pos, GetTextPos(), GetTextAngle() );
        RotatePoint( &end, GetTextPos(), GetTextAngle() );

        rect.SetOrigin( pos );
        rect.SetEnd( end );


    return rect;
예제 #12
EDA_RECT SCH_TEXT::GetBoundingBox() const
    // We must pass the effective text thickness to GetTextBox
    // when calculating the bounding box
    int linewidth = ( m_Thickness == 0 ) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_Thickness;

    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );

    EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );

    if( m_Orient )                          // Rotate rect
        wxPoint pos = rect.GetOrigin();
        wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd();
        RotatePoint( &pos, m_Pos, m_Orient );
        RotatePoint( &end, m_Pos, m_Orient );
        rect.SetOrigin( pos );
        rect.SetEnd( end );

    return rect;
예제 #13
EDA_RECT EDA_TEXT::GetTextBox( int aLine, int aThickness, bool aInvertY ) const
    EDA_RECT       rect;
    wxPoint        pos;
    wxArrayString  strings;
    wxString       text = GetShownText();
    int            thickness = ( aThickness < 0 ) ? m_Thickness : aThickness;
    int            linecount = 1;

    if( m_MultilineAllowed )
        wxStringSplit( text, strings, '\n' );

        if ( strings.GetCount() )     // GetCount() == 0 for void strings
            if( aLine >= 0 && (aLine < (int)strings.GetCount()) )
                text = strings.Item( aLine );
                text = strings.Item( 0 );

            linecount = strings.GetCount();

    // calculate the H and V size
    int    dx = LenSize( text );
    int    dy = GetInterline( aThickness );

    // Creates bounding box (rectangle) for an horizontal text
    wxSize textsize = wxSize( dx, dy );

    if( aInvertY )
        rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos.x, -m_Pos.y );
        rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos );

    // extra dy interval for letters like j and y and ]
    int extra_dy = dy - m_Size.y;
    rect.Move( wxPoint( 0, -extra_dy / 2 ) ); // move origin by the half extra interval

    // for multiline texts and aLine < 0, merge all rectangles
    if( m_MultilineAllowed && aLine < 0 )
        for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < strings.GetCount(); ii++ )
            text = strings.Item( ii );
            dx   = LenSize( text );
            textsize.x  = std::max( textsize.x, dx );
            textsize.y += dy;

    rect.SetSize( textsize );

    /* Now, calculate the rect origin, according to text justification
     * At this point the rectangle origin is the text origin (m_Pos).
     * This is true only for left and top text justified texts (using top to bottom Y axis
     * orientation). and must be recalculated for others justifications
     * also, note the V justification is relative to the first line
    switch( m_HJustify )
        if( m_Mirror )
            rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - rect.GetWidth() );

        rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - (rect.GetWidth() / 2) );

        if( !m_Mirror )
            rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - rect.GetWidth() );

    dy = m_Size.y + thickness;

    switch( m_VJustify )

        rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - ( dy / 2) );

        rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - dy );

    if( linecount > 1 )
        int yoffset;
        linecount -= 1;

        switch( m_VJustify )
        case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP:

            yoffset = linecount * GetInterline() / 2;
            rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - yoffset );

            yoffset = linecount * GetInterline( aThickness );
            rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - yoffset );

    rect.Inflate( thickness / 2 );
    rect.Normalize();       // Make h and v sizes always >= 0

    return rect;
예제 #14
bool D_PAD::HitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContained, int aAccuracy ) const
    EDA_RECT arect = aRect;
    arect.Inflate( aAccuracy );

    wxPoint shapePos = ShapePos();

    EDA_RECT shapeRect;

    int r;

    EDA_RECT bb = GetBoundingBox();

    wxPoint endCenter;
    int radius;

    if( !arect.Intersects( bb ) )
        return false;

    // This covers total containment for all test cases
    if( arect.Contains( bb ) )
        return true;

    switch( GetShape() )
        return arect.IntersectsCircle( GetPosition(), GetBoundingRadius() );
    case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
        shapeRect.SetOrigin( shapePos );
        shapeRect.Inflate( m_Size.x / 2, m_Size.y / 2 );
        return arect.Intersects( shapeRect, m_Orient );
    case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:

        // Circlular test if dimensions are equal
        if( m_Size.x == m_Size.y )
            return arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos, GetBoundingRadius() );

        shapeRect.SetOrigin( shapePos );

        // Horizontal dimension is greater
        if( m_Size.x > m_Size.y )
            radius = m_Size.y / 2;

            shapeRect.Inflate( m_Size.x / 2 - radius, radius );

            endCenter = wxPoint( m_Size.x / 2 - radius, 0 );
            RotatePoint( &endCenter, m_Orient );

            // Test circular ends
            if( arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos + endCenter, radius ) ||
                arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos - endCenter, radius ) )
                return true;
            radius = m_Size.x / 2;

            shapeRect.Inflate( radius, m_Size.y / 2 - radius );

            endCenter = wxPoint( 0, m_Size.y / 2 - radius );
            RotatePoint( &endCenter, m_Orient );

            // Test circular ends
            if( arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos + endCenter, radius ) ||
                arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos - endCenter, radius ) )
                return true;

        // Test rectangular portion between rounded ends
        if( arect.Intersects( shapeRect, m_Orient ) )
            return true;

        /* Trapezoid intersection tests:
         * A) Any points of rect inside trapezoid
         * B) Any points of trapezoid inside rect
         * C) Any sides of trapezoid cross rect

        wxPoint poly[4];
        BuildPadPolygon( poly, wxSize( 0, 0 ), 0 );

        wxPoint corners[4];

        corners[0] = wxPoint( arect.GetLeft(),  arect.GetTop() );
        corners[1] = wxPoint( arect.GetRight(), arect.GetTop() );
        corners[2] = wxPoint( arect.GetRight(), arect.GetBottom() );
        corners[3] = wxPoint( arect.GetLeft(),  arect.GetBottom() );

        for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
            RotatePoint( &poly[i], m_Orient );
            poly[i] += shapePos;

        for( int ii=0; ii<4; ii++ )
            if( TestPointInsidePolygon( poly, 4, corners[ii] ) )
                return true;

            if( arect.Contains( poly[ii] ) )
                return true;

            if( arect.Intersects( poly[ii], poly[(ii+1) % 4] ) )
                return true;

        return false;

        /* RoundRect intersection can be broken up into simple tests:
         * a) Test intersection of horizontal rect
         * b) Test intersection of vertical rect
         * c) Test intersection of each corner

        r = GetRoundRectCornerRadius();

        /* Test A - intersection of horizontal rect */
        shapeRect.SetSize( 0, 0 );
        shapeRect.SetOrigin( shapePos );
        shapeRect.Inflate( m_Size.x / 2, m_Size.y / 2 - r );

        // Short-circuit test for zero width or height
        if( shapeRect.GetWidth() > 0 && shapeRect.GetHeight() > 0 &&
            arect.Intersects( shapeRect, m_Orient ) )
            return true;

        /* Test B - intersection of vertical rect */
        shapeRect.SetSize( 0, 0 );
        shapeRect.SetOrigin( shapePos );
        shapeRect.Inflate( m_Size.x / 2 - r, m_Size.y / 2 );

        // Short-circuit test for zero width or height
        if( shapeRect.GetWidth() > 0 && shapeRect.GetHeight() > 0 &&
            arect.Intersects( shapeRect, m_Orient ) )
            return true;

        /* Test C - intersection of each corner */

        endCenter = wxPoint( m_Size.x / 2 - r, m_Size.y / 2 - r );
        RotatePoint( &endCenter, m_Orient );

        if( arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos + endCenter, r ) ||
            arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos - endCenter, r ) )
            return true;

        endCenter = wxPoint( m_Size.x / 2 - r, -m_Size.y / 2 + r );
        RotatePoint( &endCenter, m_Orient );

        if( arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos + endCenter, r ) ||
            arect.IntersectsCircle( shapePos - endCenter, r ) )
            return true;


    return false;
const EDA_RECT DRAWSEGMENT::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT bbox;

    bbox.SetOrigin( m_Start );

    switch( m_Shape )
    case S_SEGMENT:
        bbox.SetEnd( m_End );

    case S_CIRCLE:
        bbox.Inflate( GetRadius() );

    case S_ARC:
            bbox.Merge( m_End );
            wxPoint end = m_End;
            RotatePoint( &end, m_Start, -m_Angle );
            bbox.Merge( end );

    case S_POLYGON:
            wxPoint p_end;
            MODULE* module = GetParentModule();

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_PolyPoints.size(); ii++ )
                wxPoint pt = m_PolyPoints[ii];

                if( module ) // Transform, if we belong to a module
                    RotatePoint( &pt, module->GetOrientation() );
                    pt += module->GetPosition();

                if( ii == 0 )
                    p_end = pt;

                bbox.SetX( std::min( bbox.GetX(), pt.x ) );
                bbox.SetY( std::min( bbox.GetY(), pt.y ) );
                p_end.x   = std::max( p_end.x, pt.x );
                p_end.y   = std::max( p_end.y, pt.y );

            bbox.SetEnd( p_end );


    bbox.Inflate( ((m_Width+1) / 2) + 1 );

    return bbox;
const EDA_RECT DRAWSEGMENT::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT bbox;

    bbox.SetOrigin( m_Start );

    switch( m_Shape )
    case S_SEGMENT:
        bbox.SetEnd( m_End );

    case S_CIRCLE:
        bbox.Inflate( GetRadius() );

    case S_ARC:
            bbox.Merge( m_End );
            wxPoint end = m_End;
            RotatePoint( &end, m_Start, -m_Angle );
            bbox.Merge( end );

            // Determine the starting quarter
            // 0 right-bottom
            // 1 left-bottom
            // 2 left-top
            // 3 right-top
            unsigned int quarter = 0;       // assume right-bottom

            if( m_End.y < m_Start.y )       // change to left-top
                quarter |= 3;

            if( m_End.x < m_Start.x )       // for left side, the LSB is 2nd bit negated
                quarter ^= 1;

            int radius = GetRadius();
            int angle = (int) GetArcAngleStart() % 900 + m_Angle;
            bool directionCW = ( m_Angle > 0 );      // Is the direction of arc clockwise?

            if( !directionCW )
                angle = 900 - angle;
                quarter = ( quarter + 3 ) % 4;       // -1 modulo arithmetic

            while( angle > 900 )
                switch( quarter )
                case 0:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x, m_Start.y + radius ) );     // down

                case 1:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x - radius, m_Start.y ) );     // left

                case 2:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x, m_Start.y - radius ) );     // up

                case 3:
                    bbox.Merge( wxPoint( m_Start.x + radius, m_Start.y ) );     // right

                if( directionCW )
                    quarter += 3;       // -1 modulo arithmetic

                quarter %= 4;
                angle -= 900;

    case S_POLYGON:
            wxPoint p_end;
            MODULE* module = GetParentModule();

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_PolyPoints.size(); ii++ )
                wxPoint pt = m_PolyPoints[ii];

                if( module ) // Transform, if we belong to a module
                    RotatePoint( &pt, module->GetOrientation() );
                    pt += module->GetPosition();

                if( ii == 0 )
                    p_end = pt;

                bbox.SetX( std::min( bbox.GetX(), pt.x ) );
                bbox.SetY( std::min( bbox.GetY(), pt.y ) );
                p_end.x   = std::max( p_end.x, pt.x );
                p_end.y   = std::max( p_end.y, pt.y );

            bbox.SetEnd( p_end );


    bbox.Inflate( ((m_Width+1) / 2) + 1 );

    return bbox;