예제 #1
void JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error (const System& system,
                                         ErrorVector& error_per_cell,
                                         const NumericVector<Number>* solution_vector,
                                         bool estimate_parent_error)
  START_LOG("estimate_error()", "JumpErrorEstimator");

    Conventions for assigning the direction of the normal:

    - e & f are global element ids

    Case (1.) Elements are at the same level, e<f
    Compute the flux jump on the face and
    add it as a contribution to error_per_cell[e]
    and error_per_cell[f]

    |           |          |
    |           |    f     |
    |           |          |
    |    e      |---> n    |
    |           |          |
    |           |          |

    Case (2.) The neighbor is at a higher level.
    Compute the flux jump on e's face and
    add it as a contribution to error_per_cell[e]
    and error_per_cell[f]

    |     |     |          |
    |     |  e  |---> n    |
    |     |     |          |
    |-----------|    f     |
    |     |     |          |
    |     |     |          |
    |     |     |          |

  // The current mesh
  const MeshBase& mesh = system.get_mesh();

  // The number of variables in the system
  const unsigned int n_vars = system.n_vars();

  // The DofMap for this system
  const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

  // Resize the error_per_cell vector to be
  // the number of elements, initialize it to 0.
  error_per_cell.resize (mesh.max_elem_id());
  std::fill (error_per_cell.begin(), error_per_cell.end(), 0.);

  // Declare a vector of floats which is as long as
  // error_per_cell above, and fill with zeros.  This vector will be
  // used to keep track of the number of edges (faces) on each active
  // element which are either:
  // 1) an internal edge
  // 2) an edge on a Neumann boundary for which a boundary condition
  //    function has been specified.
  // The error estimator can be scaled by the number of flux edges (faces)
  // which the element actually has to obtain a more uniform measure
  // of the error.  Use floats instead of ints since in case 2 (above)
  // f gets 1/2 of a flux face contribution from each of his
  // neighbors
  std::vector<float> n_flux_faces;
  if (scale_by_n_flux_faces)
    n_flux_faces.resize(error_per_cell.size(), 0);

  // Prepare current_local_solution to localize a non-standard
  // solution vector if necessary
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number>* newsol =
      System &sys = const_cast<System&>(system);

  fine_context.reset(new FEMContext(system));
  coarse_context.reset(new FEMContext(system));

  // Loop over all the variables we've been requested to find jumps in, to
  // pre-request
  for (var=0; var<n_vars; var++)
      // Possibly skip this variable
      if (error_norm.weight(var) == 0.0) continue;

      // FIXME: Need to generalize this to vector-valued elements. [PB]
      FEBase* side_fe = NULL;

      const std::set<unsigned char>& elem_dims =

      for (std::set<unsigned char>::const_iterator dim_it =
             elem_dims.begin(); dim_it != elem_dims.end(); ++dim_it)
          const unsigned char dim = *dim_it;

          fine_context->get_side_fe( var, side_fe, dim );

          libmesh_assert_not_equal_to(side_fe->get_fe_type().family, SCALAR);



  // Iterate over all the active elements in the mesh
  // that live on this processor.
  MeshBase::const_element_iterator       elem_it  = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
  const MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

  for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
      // e is necessarily an active element on the local processor
      const Elem* e = *elem_it;
      const dof_id_type e_id = e->id();

      // See if the parent of element e has been examined yet;
      // if not, we may want to compute the estimator on it
      const Elem* parent = e->parent();

      // We only can compute and only need to compute on
      // parents with all active children
      bool compute_on_parent = true;
      if (!parent || !estimate_parent_error)
        compute_on_parent = false;
        for (unsigned int c=0; c != parent->n_children(); ++c)
          if (!parent->child(c)->active())
            compute_on_parent = false;

      if (compute_on_parent &&
          // Compute a projection onto the parent
          DenseVector<Number> Uparent;
            (*(system.solution), dof_map, parent, Uparent, false);

          // Loop over the neighbors of the parent
          for (unsigned int n_p=0; n_p<parent->n_neighbors(); n_p++)
              if (parent->neighbor(n_p) != NULL) // parent has a neighbor here
                  // Find the active neighbors in this direction
                  std::vector<const Elem*> active_neighbors;
                  // Compute the flux to each active neighbor
                  for (unsigned int a=0;
                       a != active_neighbors.size(); ++a)
                      const Elem *f = active_neighbors[a];
                      // FIXME - what about when f->level <
                      // parent->level()??
                      if (f->level() >= parent->level())
                          fine_context->pre_fe_reinit(system, f);
                          coarse_context->pre_fe_reinit(system, parent);
                          coarse_context->get_elem_solution() = Uparent;


                          // Loop over all significant variables in the system
                          for (var=0; var<n_vars; var++)
                            if (error_norm.weight(var) != 0.0)

                                error_per_cell[fine_context->get_elem().id()] +=
                                error_per_cell[coarse_context->get_elem().id()] +=

                          // Keep track of the number of internal flux
                          // sides found on each element
                          if (scale_by_n_flux_faces)
                              n_flux_faces[coarse_context->get_elem().id()] +=
              else if (integrate_boundary_sides)
                  fine_context->pre_fe_reinit(system, parent);
                  fine_context->get_elem_solution() = Uparent;
                  fine_context->side = n_p;

                  // If we find a boundary flux for any variable,
                  // let's just count it as a flux face for all
                  // variables.  Otherwise we'd need to keep track of
                  // a separate n_flux_faces and error_per_cell for
                  // every single var.
                  bool found_boundary_flux = false;

                  for (var=0; var<n_vars; var++)
                    if (error_norm.weight(var) != 0.0)
                        if (this->boundary_side_integration())
                            error_per_cell[fine_context->get_elem().id()] +=
                            found_boundary_flux = true;

                  if (scale_by_n_flux_faces && found_boundary_flux)
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR

      // If we do any more flux integration, e will be the fine element
      fine_context->pre_fe_reinit(system, e);

      // Loop over the neighbors of element e
      for (unsigned int n_e=0; n_e<e->n_neighbors(); n_e++)
          if ((e->neighbor(n_e) != NULL) ||
              fine_context->side = n_e;

          if (e->neighbor(n_e) != NULL) // e is not on the boundary
              const Elem* f           = e->neighbor(n_e);
              const dof_id_type f_id = f->id();

              // Compute flux jumps if we are in case 1 or case 2.
              if ((f->active() && (f->level() == e->level()) && (e_id < f_id))
                  || (f->level() < e->level()))
                  // f is now the coarse element
                  coarse_context->pre_fe_reinit(system, f);


                  // Loop over all significant variables in the system
                  for (var=0; var<n_vars; var++)
                    if (error_norm.weight(var) != 0.0)

                        error_per_cell[fine_context->get_elem().id()] +=
                        error_per_cell[coarse_context->get_elem().id()] +=

                  // Keep track of the number of internal flux
                  // sides found on each element
                  if (scale_by_n_flux_faces)
                      n_flux_faces[coarse_context->get_elem().id()] +=
                } // end if (case1 || case2)
            } // if (e->neigbor(n_e) != NULL)

          // Otherwise, e is on the boundary.  If it happens to
          // be on a Dirichlet boundary, we need not do anything.
          // On the other hand, if e is on a Neumann (flux) boundary
          // with grad(u).n = g, we need to compute the additional residual
          // (h * \int |g - grad(u_h).n|^2 dS)^(1/2).
          // We can only do this with some knowledge of the boundary
          // conditions, i.e. the user must have attached an appropriate
          // BC function.
          else if (integrate_boundary_sides)
              bool found_boundary_flux = false;

              for (var=0; var<n_vars; var++)
                if (error_norm.weight(var) != 0.0)
                  if (this->boundary_side_integration())
                      error_per_cell[fine_context->get_elem().id()] +=
                      found_boundary_flux = true;

              if (scale_by_n_flux_faces && found_boundary_flux)
            } // end if (e->neighbor(n_e) == NULL)
        } // end loop over neighbors
    } // End loop over active local elements

  // Each processor has now computed the error contribuions
  // for its local elements.  We need to sum the vector
  // and then take the square-root of each component.  Note
  // that we only need to sum if we are running on multiple
  // processors, and we only need to take the square-root
  // if the value is nonzero.  There will in general be many
  // zeros for the inactive elements.

  // First sum the vector of estimated error values
  this->reduce_error(error_per_cell, system.comm());

  // Compute the square-root of each component.
  for (std::size_t i=0; i<error_per_cell.size(); i++)
    if (error_per_cell[i] != 0.)
      error_per_cell[i] = std::sqrt(error_per_cell[i]);

  if (this->scale_by_n_flux_faces)
      // Sum the vector of flux face counts
      this->reduce_error(n_flux_faces, system.comm());

      // Sanity check: Make sure the number of flux faces is
      // always an integer value
#ifdef DEBUG
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_flux_faces.size(); ++i)
        libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_flux_faces[i], static_cast<float>(static_cast<unsigned int>(n_flux_faces[i])) );

      // Scale the error by the number of flux faces for each element
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_flux_faces.size(); ++i)
          if (n_flux_faces[i] == 0.0) // inactive or non-local element

          //libMesh::out << "Element " << i << " has " << n_flux_faces[i] << " flux faces." << std::endl;
          error_per_cell[i] /= static_cast<ErrorVectorReal>(n_flux_faces[i]);

  // If we used a non-standard solution before, now is the time to fix
  // the current_local_solution
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number>* newsol =
      System &sys = const_cast<System&>(system);

  STOP_LOG("estimate_error()", "JumpErrorEstimator");
예제 #2
void JumpErrorEstimator::estimate_error (const System& system,
					 ErrorVector& error_per_cell,
					 const NumericVector<Number>* solution_vector,
					 bool estimate_parent_error)
  START_LOG("estimate_error()", "JumpErrorEstimator");

  Conventions for assigning the direction of the normal:

  - e & f are global element ids

  Case (1.) Elements are at the same level, e<f
            Compute the flux jump on the face and
	    add it as a contribution to error_per_cell[e]
	    and error_per_cell[f]

		  |           |          |
		  |           |    f     |
		  |           |          |
		  |    e      |---> n    |
		  |           |          |
		  |           |          |

   Case (2.) The neighbor is at a higher level.
             Compute the flux jump on e's face and
	     add it as a contribution to error_per_cell[e]
	     and error_per_cell[f]

		  |     |     |          |
		  |     |  e  |---> n    |
		  |     |     |          |
		  |-----------|    f     |
		  |     |     |          |
		  |     |     |          |
		  |     |     |          |

  // The current mesh
  const MeshBase& mesh = system.get_mesh();

  // The dimensionality of the mesh
  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();

  // The number of variables in the system
  const unsigned int n_vars = system.n_vars();

  // The DofMap for this system
  const DofMap& dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

  // Resize the error_per_cell vector to be
  // the number of elements, initialize it to 0.
  error_per_cell.resize (mesh.max_elem_id());
  std::fill (error_per_cell.begin(), error_per_cell.end(), 0.);

  // Declare a vector of floats which is as long as
  // error_per_cell above, and fill with zeros.  This vector will be
  // used to keep track of the number of edges (faces) on each active
  // element which are either:
  // 1) an internal edge
  // 2) an edge on a Neumann boundary for which a boundary condition
  //    function has been specified.
  // The error estimator can be scaled by the number of flux edges (faces)
  // which the element actually has to obtain a more uniform measure
  // of the error.  Use floats instead of ints since in case 2 (above)
  // f gets 1/2 of a flux face contribution from each of his
  // neighbors
  std::vector<float> n_flux_faces (error_per_cell.size());

  // Prepare current_local_solution to localize a non-standard
  // solution vector if necessary
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number>* newsol =
      System &sys = const_cast<System&>(system);

  // Loop over all the variables in the system
  for (var=0; var<n_vars; var++)
      // Possibly skip this variable
      if (error_norm.weight(var) == 0.0) continue;

      // The type of finite element to use for this variable
      const FEType& fe_type = dof_map.variable_type (var);

      // Finite element objects for the same face from
      // different sides
      fe_fine = FEBase::build (dim, fe_type);
      fe_coarse = FEBase::build (dim, fe_type);

      // Build an appropriate Gaussian quadrature rule
      QGauss qrule (dim-1, fe_type.default_quadrature_order());

      // Tell the finite element for the fine element about the quadrature
      // rule.  The finite element for the coarse element need not know about it
      fe_fine->attach_quadrature_rule (&qrule);

      // By convention we will always do the integration
      // on the face of element e.  We'll need its Jacobian values and
      // physical point locations, at least

      // Our derived classes may want to do some initialization here
      this->initialize(system, error_per_cell, estimate_parent_error);

      // The global DOF indices for elements e & f
      std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices_fine;
      std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices_coarse;

      // Iterate over all the active elements in the mesh
      // that live on this processor.
      MeshBase::const_element_iterator       elem_it  = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
      const MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

      for (; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
	  // e is necessarily an active element on the local processor
	  const Elem* e = *elem_it;
	  const dof_id_type e_id = e->id();

          // See if the parent of element e has been examined yet;
          // if not, we may want to compute the estimator on it
          const Elem* parent = e->parent();

          // We only can compute and only need to compute on
          // parents with all active children
          bool compute_on_parent = true;
          if (!parent || !estimate_parent_error)
            compute_on_parent = false;
            for (unsigned int c=0; c != parent->n_children(); ++c)
              if (!parent->child(c)->active())
                compute_on_parent = false;

          if (compute_on_parent &&
              // Compute a projection onto the parent
              DenseVector<Number> Uparent;
                                           dof_map, parent, Uparent,
                                           var, false);

	      // Loop over the neighbors of the parent
	      for (unsigned int n_p=0; n_p<parent->n_neighbors(); n_p++)
	          if (parent->neighbor(n_p) != NULL) // parent has a neighbor here
                      // Find the active neighbors in this direction
                      std::vector<const Elem*> active_neighbors;
                      // Compute the flux to each active neighbor
                      for (unsigned int a=0;
                           a != active_neighbors.size(); ++a)
                          const Elem *f = active_neighbors[a];
                      // FIXME - what about when f->level <
                      // parent->level()??
                          if (f->level() >= parent->level())
                              fine_elem = f;
                              coarse_elem = parent;
                              Ucoarse = Uparent;

		              dof_map.dof_indices (fine_elem, dof_indices_fine, var);
		              const unsigned int n_dofs_fine =
				libmesh_cast_int<unsigned int>(dof_indices_fine.size());

			      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_dofs_fine; i++)
			        Ufine(i) = system.current_solution(dof_indices_fine[i]);

                              error_per_cell[fine_elem->id()] +=
                              error_per_cell[coarse_elem->id()] += 

                              // Keep track of the number of internal flux
                              // sides found on each element
                              n_flux_faces[coarse_elem->id()] += this->coarse_n_flux_faces_increment();
		  else if (integrate_boundary_sides)
                      fine_elem = parent;
                      Ufine = Uparent;

                      // Reinitialize shape functions on the fine element side
                      fe_fine->reinit (fine_elem, fine_side);

                      if (this->boundary_side_integration())
                          error_per_cell[fine_elem->id()] +=
#endif // #ifdef LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR

          // If we do any more flux integration, e will be the fine element
          fine_elem = e;

	  // Loop over the neighbors of element e
	  for (unsigned int n_e=0; n_e<e->n_neighbors(); n_e++)
              fine_side = n_e;

	      if (e->neighbor(n_e) != NULL) // e is not on the boundary
		  const Elem* f           = e->neighbor(n_e);
		  const dof_id_type f_id = f->id();

		  // Compute flux jumps if we are in case 1 or case 2.
		  if ((f->active() && (f->level() == e->level()) && (e_id < f_id))
		      || (f->level() < e->level()))
                      // f is now the coarse element
                      coarse_elem = f;

		      // Get the DOF indices for the two elements
		      dof_map.dof_indices (fine_elem, dof_indices_fine, var);
		      dof_map.dof_indices (coarse_elem, dof_indices_coarse, var);

		      // The number of DOFS on each element
		      const unsigned int n_dofs_fine = 
			libmesh_cast_int<unsigned int>(dof_indices_fine.size());
		      const unsigned int n_dofs_coarse =
			libmesh_cast_int<unsigned int>(dof_indices_coarse.size());

		      // The local solutions on each element
		      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_dofs_fine; i++)
			Ufine(i) = system.current_solution(dof_indices_fine[i]);
		      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_dofs_coarse; i++)
			Ucoarse(i) = system.current_solution(dof_indices_coarse[i]);


                      error_per_cell[fine_elem->id()] +=
                      error_per_cell[coarse_elem->id()] +=

                      // Keep track of the number of internal flux
                      // sides found on each element
                      n_flux_faces[coarse_elem->id()] += this->coarse_n_flux_faces_increment();
		    } // end if (case1 || case2)
		} // if (e->neigbor(n_e) != NULL)

	      // Otherwise, e is on the boundary.  If it happens to
	      // be on a Dirichlet boundary, we need not do anything.
	      // On the other hand, if e is on a Neumann (flux) boundary
	      // with grad(u).n = g, we need to compute the additional residual
	      // (h * \int |g - grad(u_h).n|^2 dS)^(1/2).
	      // We can only do this with some knowledge of the boundary
	      // conditions, i.e. the user must have attached an appropriate
	      // BC function.
		  if (integrate_boundary_sides)
                      // Reinitialize shape functions on the fine element side
                      fe_fine->reinit (fine_elem, fine_side);

		      // Get the DOF indices
		      dof_map.dof_indices (fine_elem, dof_indices_fine, var);

		      // The number of DOFS on each element
		      const unsigned int n_dofs_fine =
			libmesh_cast_int<unsigned int>(dof_indices_fine.size());

                      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_dofs_fine; i++)
                        Ufine(i) = system.current_solution(dof_indices_fine[i]);

                      if (this->boundary_side_integration())
                          error_per_cell[fine_elem->id()] +=
                    } // end if _bc_function != NULL
		} // end if (e->neighbor(n_e) == NULL)
	    } // end loop over neighbors
	} // End loop over active local elements
    } // End loop over variables

  // Each processor has now computed the error contribuions
  // for its local elements.  We need to sum the vector
  // and then take the square-root of each component.  Note
  // that we only need to sum if we are running on multiple
  // processors, and we only need to take the square-root
  // if the value is nonzero.  There will in general be many
  // zeros for the inactive elements.

  // First sum the vector of estimated error values

  // Compute the square-root of each component.
  for (std::size_t i=0; i<error_per_cell.size(); i++)
    if (error_per_cell[i] != 0.)
      error_per_cell[i] = std::sqrt(error_per_cell[i]);

  if (this->scale_by_n_flux_faces)
      // Sum the vector of flux face counts

      // Sanity check: Make sure the number of flux faces is
      // always an integer value
#ifdef DEBUG
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_flux_faces.size(); ++i)
	libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_flux_faces[i], static_cast<float>(static_cast<unsigned int>(n_flux_faces[i])) );

      // Scale the error by the number of flux faces for each element
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_flux_faces.size(); ++i)
	  if (n_flux_faces[i] == 0.0) // inactive or non-local element

	  //libMesh::out << "Element " << i << " has " << n_flux_faces[i] << " flux faces." << std::endl;
	  error_per_cell[i] /= static_cast<ErrorVectorReal>(n_flux_faces[i]);

  // If we used a non-standard solution before, now is the time to fix
  // the current_local_solution
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number>* newsol =
      System &sys = const_cast<System&>(system);

  STOP_LOG("estimate_error()", "JumpErrorEstimator");
예제 #3
void ExactErrorEstimator::estimate_error (const System & system,
                                          ErrorVector & error_per_cell,
                                          const NumericVector<Number> * solution_vector,
                                          bool estimate_parent_error)
  // Ignore the fact that this variable is unused when !LIBMESH_ENABLE_AMR

  // The current mesh
  const MeshBase & mesh = system.get_mesh();

  // The dimensionality of the mesh
  const unsigned int dim = mesh.mesh_dimension();

  // The number of variables in the system
  const unsigned int n_vars = system.n_vars();

  // The DofMap for this system
  const DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

  // Resize the error_per_cell vector to be
  // the number of elements, initialize it to 0.
  error_per_cell.resize (mesh.max_elem_id());
  std::fill (error_per_cell.begin(), error_per_cell.end(), 0.);

  // Prepare current_local_solution to localize a non-standard
  // solution vector if necessary
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number> * newsol =
        const_cast<NumericVector<Number> *>(solution_vector);
      System & sys = const_cast<System &>(system);

  // Loop over all the variables in the system
  for (unsigned int var=0; var<n_vars; var++)
      // Possibly skip this variable
      if (error_norm.weight(var) == 0.0) continue;

      // The (string) name of this variable
      const std::string & var_name = system.variable_name(var);

      // The type of finite element to use for this variable
      const FEType & fe_type = dof_map.variable_type (var);

      UniquePtr<FEBase> fe (FEBase::build (dim, fe_type));

      // Build an appropriate Gaussian quadrature rule
      UniquePtr<QBase> qrule =
        fe_type.default_quadrature_rule (dim,

      fe->attach_quadrature_rule (qrule.get());

      // Prepare a global solution and a MeshFunction of the fine system if we need one
      UniquePtr<MeshFunction> fine_values;
      UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > fine_soln = NumericVector<Number>::build(system.comm());
      if (_equation_systems_fine)
          const System & fine_system = _equation_systems_fine->get_system(system.name());

          std::vector<Number> global_soln;
          // FIXME - we're assuming that the fine system solution gets
          // used even when a different vector is used for the coarse
          // system
            (cast_int<numeric_index_type>(global_soln.size()), true,
          (*fine_soln) = global_soln;

          fine_values = UniquePtr<MeshFunction>
            (new MeshFunction(*_equation_systems_fine,
        } else {
        // Initialize functors if we're using them
        for (unsigned int i=0; i != _exact_values.size(); ++i)
          if (_exact_values[i])

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != _exact_derivs.size(); ++i)
          if (_exact_derivs[i])

        for (unsigned int i=0; i != _exact_hessians.size(); ++i)
          if (_exact_hessians[i])

      // Request the data we'll need to compute with

      // If we compute on parent elements, we'll want to do so only
      // once on each, so we need to keep track of which we've done.
      std::vector<bool> computed_var_on_parent;

      if (estimate_parent_error)
        computed_var_on_parent.resize(error_per_cell.size(), false);

      // TODO: this ought to be threaded (and using subordinate
      // MeshFunction objects in each thread rather than a single
      // master)

      // Iterate over all the active elements in the mesh
      // that live on this processor.
        elem_it  = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
      const MeshBase::const_element_iterator
        elem_end = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

      for (;elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
          // e is necessarily an active element on the local processor
          const Elem * elem = *elem_it;
          const dof_id_type e_id = elem->id();

          // See if the parent of element e has been examined yet;
          // if not, we may want to compute the estimator on it
          const Elem * parent = elem->parent();

          // We only can compute and only need to compute on
          // parents with all active children
          bool compute_on_parent = true;
          if (!parent || !estimate_parent_error)
            compute_on_parent = false;
            for (unsigned int c=0; c != parent->n_children(); ++c)
              if (!parent->child_ptr(c)->active())
                compute_on_parent = false;

          if (compute_on_parent &&
              computed_var_on_parent[parent->id()] = true;

              // Compute a projection onto the parent
              DenseVector<Number> Uparent;
                                           dof_map, parent, Uparent,
                                           var, false);

              error_per_cell[parent->id()] +=
                (find_squared_element_error(system, var_name,
                                            parent, Uparent,

          // Get the local to global degree of freedom maps
          std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;
          dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices, var);
          const unsigned int n_dofs =
            cast_int<unsigned int>(dof_indices.size());
          DenseVector<Number> Uelem(n_dofs);
          for (unsigned int i=0; i != n_dofs; ++i)
            Uelem(i) = system.current_solution(dof_indices[i]);

          error_per_cell[e_id] +=
            (find_squared_element_error(system, var_name, elem,
                                        Uelem, fe.get(),

        } // End loop over active local elements
    } // End loop over variables

  // Each processor has now computed the error contribuions
  // for its local elements.  We need to sum the vector
  // and then take the square-root of each component.  Note
  // that we only need to sum if we are running on multiple
  // processors, and we only need to take the square-root
  // if the value is nonzero.  There will in general be many
  // zeros for the inactive elements.

  // First sum the vector of estimated error values
  this->reduce_error(error_per_cell, system.comm());

  // Compute the square-root of each component.
    LOG_SCOPE("std::sqrt()", "ExactErrorEstimator");
    for (dof_id_type i=0; i<error_per_cell.size(); i++)
      if (error_per_cell[i] != 0.)
          libmesh_assert_greater (error_per_cell[i], 0.);
          error_per_cell[i] = std::sqrt(error_per_cell[i]);

  // If we used a non-standard solution before, now is the time to fix
  // the current_local_solution
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number> * newsol =
        const_cast<NumericVector<Number> *>(solution_vector);
      System & sys = const_cast<System &>(system);
예제 #4
void AdjointRefinementEstimator::estimate_error (const System & _system,
                                                 ErrorVector & error_per_cell,
                                                 const NumericVector<Number> * solution_vector,
                                                 bool /*estimate_parent_error*/)
  // We have to break the rules here, because we can't refine a const System
  System & system = const_cast<System &>(_system);

  // An EquationSystems reference will be convenient.
  EquationSystems & es = system.get_equation_systems();

  // The current mesh
  MeshBase & mesh = es.get_mesh();

  // Get coarse grid adjoint solutions.  This should be a relatively
  // quick (especially with preconditioner reuse) way to get a good
  // initial guess for the fine grid adjoint solutions.  More
  // importantly, subtracting off a coarse adjoint approximation gives
  // us better local error indication, and subtracting off *some* lift
  // function is necessary for correctness if we have heterogeneous
  // adjoint Dirichlet conditions.

  // Solve the adjoint problem(s) on the coarse FE space
  // Only if the user didn't already solve it for us
  if (!system.is_adjoint_already_solved())

  // Loop over all the adjoint problems and, if any have heterogenous
  // Dirichlet conditions, get the corresponding coarse lift
  // function(s)
  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      // Skip this QoI if it is not in the QoI Set or if there are no
      // heterogeneous Dirichlet boundaries for it
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j) &&
          std::ostringstream liftfunc_name;
          liftfunc_name << "adjoint_lift_function" << j;
          NumericVector<Number> & liftvec =

            (system, &liftvec, true);

  // We'll want to back up all coarse grid vectors
  std::map<std::string, NumericVector<Number> *> coarse_vectors;
  for (System::vectors_iterator vec = system.vectors_begin(); vec !=
         system.vectors_end(); ++vec)
      // The (string) name of this vector
      const std::string & var_name = vec->first;

      coarse_vectors[var_name] = vec->second->clone().release();
  // Back up the coarse solution and coarse local solution
  NumericVector<Number> * coarse_solution =
  NumericVector<Number> * coarse_local_solution =

  // And we'll need to temporarily change solution projection settings
  bool old_projection_setting;
  old_projection_setting = system.project_solution_on_reinit();

  // Make sure the solution is projected when we refine the mesh
  system.project_solution_on_reinit() = true;

  // And it'll be best to avoid any repartitioning
  UniquePtr<Partitioner> old_partitioner(mesh.partitioner().release());

  // And we can't allow any renumbering
  const bool old_renumbering_setting = mesh.allow_renumbering();

  // Use a non-standard solution vector if necessary
  if (solution_vector && solution_vector != system.solution.get())
      NumericVector<Number> * newsol =
        const_cast<NumericVector<Number> *> (solution_vector);

  // Resize the error_per_cell vector to be
  // the number of elements, initialized to 0.
  error_per_cell.resize (mesh.max_elem_id(), 0.);

#ifndef NDEBUG
  // n_coarse_elem is only used in an assertion later so
  // avoid declaring it unless asserts are active.
  const dof_id_type n_coarse_elem = mesh.n_elem();

  // Uniformly refine the mesh
  MeshRefinement mesh_refinement(mesh);

  libmesh_assert (number_h_refinements > 0 || number_p_refinements > 0);

  // FIXME: this may break if there is more than one System
  // on this mesh but estimate_error was still called instead of
  // estimate_errors
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_h_refinements; ++i)

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_p_refinements; ++i)

  // Copy the projected coarse grid solutions, which will be
  // overwritten by solve()
  std::vector<NumericVector<Number> *> coarse_adjoints;
  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j))
          NumericVector<Number> * coarse_adjoint =

          // Can do "fast" init since we're overwriting this in a sec
                               /* fast = */ true);

          *coarse_adjoint = system.get_adjoint_solution(j);

        coarse_adjoints.push_back(static_cast<NumericVector<Number> *>(libmesh_nullptr));

  // Rebuild the rhs with the projected primal solution
  (dynamic_cast<ImplicitSystem &>(system)).assembly(true, false);
  NumericVector<Number> & projected_residual = (dynamic_cast<ExplicitSystem &>(system)).get_vector("RHS Vector");

  // Solve the adjoint problem(s) on the refined FE space

  // Now that we have the refined adjoint solution and the projected primal solution,
  // we first compute the global QoI error estimate

  // Resize the computed_global_QoI_errors vector to hold the error estimates for each QoI

  // Loop over all the adjoint solutions and get the QoI error
  // contributions from all of them.  While we're looping anyway we'll
  // pull off the coarse adjoints
  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      // Skip this QoI if not in the QoI Set
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j))
          // If the adjoint solution has heterogeneous dirichlet
          // values, then to get a proper error estimate here we need
          // to subtract off a coarse grid lift function.  In any case
          // we can get a better error estimate by separating off a
          // coarse representation of the adjoint solution, so we'll
          // use that for our lift function.
          system.get_adjoint_solution(j) -= *coarse_adjoints[j];

          computed_global_QoI_errors[j] = projected_residual.dot(system.get_adjoint_solution(j));

  // Done with the global error estimates, now construct the element wise error indicators

  // We ought to account for 'spill-over' effects while computing the
  // element error indicators This happens because the same dof is
  // shared by multiple elements, one way of mitigating this is to
  // scale the contribution from each dof by the number of elements it
  // belongs to We first obtain the number of elements each node
  // belongs to

  // A map that relates a node id to an int that will tell us how many elements it is a node of
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_MAP<dof_id_type, unsigned int>shared_element_count;

  // To fill this map, we will loop over elements, and then in each element, we will loop
  // over the nodes each element contains, and then query it for the number of coarse
  // grid elements it was a node of

  // Keep track of which nodes we have already dealt with
  LIBMESH_BEST_UNORDERED_SET<dof_id_type> processed_node_ids;

  // We will be iterating over all the active elements in the fine mesh that live on
  // this processor
    MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_it = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
    const MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

    // Start loop over elems
    for(; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
        // Pointer to this element
        const Elem * elem = *elem_it;

        // Loop over the nodes in the element
        for(unsigned int n=0; n != elem->n_nodes(); ++n)
            // Get a reference to the current node
            const Node & node = elem->node_ref(n);

            // Get the id of this node
            dof_id_type node_id = node.id();

            // If we havent already processed this node, do so now
            if(processed_node_ids.find(node_id) == processed_node_ids.end())
                // Declare a neighbor_set to be filled by the find_point_neighbors
                std::set<const Elem *> fine_grid_neighbor_set;

                // Call find_point_neighbors to fill the neighbor_set
                elem->find_point_neighbors(node, fine_grid_neighbor_set);

                // A vector to hold the coarse grid parents neighbors
                std::vector<dof_id_type> coarse_grid_neighbors;

                // Iterators over the fine grid neighbors set
                std::set<const Elem *>::iterator fine_neighbor_it = fine_grid_neighbor_set.begin();
                const std::set<const Elem *>::iterator fine_neighbor_end = fine_grid_neighbor_set.end();

                // Loop over all the fine neighbors of this node
                for(; fine_neighbor_it != fine_neighbor_end ; ++fine_neighbor_it)
                    // Pointer to the current fine neighbor element
                    const Elem * fine_elem = *fine_neighbor_it;

                    // Find the element id for the corresponding coarse grid element
                    const Elem * coarse_elem = fine_elem;
                    for (unsigned int j = 0; j != number_h_refinements; ++j)
                        libmesh_assert (coarse_elem->parent());

                        coarse_elem = coarse_elem->parent();

                    // Loop over the existing coarse neighbors and check if this one is
                    // already in there
                    const dof_id_type coarse_id = coarse_elem->id();
                    std::size_t j = 0;
                    for (; j != coarse_grid_neighbors.size(); j++)
                        // If the set already contains this element break out of the loop
                        if(coarse_grid_neighbors[j] == coarse_id)

                    // If we didn't leave the loop even at the last element,
                    // this is a new neighbour, put in the coarse_grid_neighbor_set
                    if(j == coarse_grid_neighbors.size())

                  } // End loop over fine neighbors

                // Set the shared_neighbour index for this node to the
                // size of the coarse grid neighbor set
                shared_element_count[node_id] =
                  cast_int<unsigned int>(coarse_grid_neighbors.size());

                // Add this node to processed_node_ids vector

              } // End if not processed node

          } // End loop over nodes

      }  // End loop over elems

  // Get a DoF map, will be used to get the nodal dof_indices for each element
  DofMap & dof_map = system.get_dof_map();

  // The global DOF indices, we will use these later on when we compute the element wise indicators
  std::vector<dof_id_type> dof_indices;

  // Localize the global rhs and adjoint solution vectors (which might be shared on multiple processsors) onto a
  // local ghosted vector, this ensures each processor has all the dof_indices to compute an error indicator for
  // an element it owns
  UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > localized_projected_residual = NumericVector<Number>::build(system.comm());
  localized_projected_residual->init(system.n_dofs(), system.n_local_dofs(), system.get_dof_map().get_send_list(), false, GHOSTED);
  projected_residual.localize(*localized_projected_residual, system.get_dof_map().get_send_list());

  // Each adjoint solution will also require ghosting; for efficiency we'll reuse the same memory
  UniquePtr<NumericVector<Number> > localized_adjoint_solution = NumericVector<Number>::build(system.comm());
  localized_adjoint_solution->init(system.n_dofs(), system.n_local_dofs(), system.get_dof_map().get_send_list(), false, GHOSTED);

  // We will loop over each adjoint solution, localize that adjoint
  // solution and then loop over local elements
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != system.qoi.size(); i++)
      // Skip this QoI if not in the QoI Set
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(i))
          // Get the weight for the current QoI
          Real error_weight = _qoi_set.weight(i);

          (system.get_adjoint_solution(i)).localize(*localized_adjoint_solution, system.get_dof_map().get_send_list());

          // Loop over elements
          MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_it = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
          const MeshBase::const_element_iterator elem_end = mesh.active_local_elements_end();

          for(; elem_it != elem_end; ++elem_it)
              // Pointer to the element
              const Elem * elem = *elem_it;

              // Go up number_h_refinements levels up to find the coarse parent
              const Elem * coarse = elem;

              for (unsigned int j = 0; j != number_h_refinements; ++j)
                  libmesh_assert (coarse->parent());

                  coarse = coarse->parent();

              const dof_id_type e_id = coarse->id();

              // Get the local to global degree of freedom maps for this element
              dof_map.dof_indices (elem, dof_indices);

              // We will have to manually do the dot products.
              Number local_contribution = 0.;

              for (unsigned int j=0; j != dof_indices.size(); j++)
                  // The contribution to the error indicator for this element from the current QoI
                  local_contribution += (*localized_projected_residual)(dof_indices[j]) * (*localized_adjoint_solution)(dof_indices[j]);

              // Multiply by the error weight for this QoI
              local_contribution *= error_weight;

              // FIXME: we're throwing away information in the
              // --enable-complex case
              error_per_cell[e_id] += static_cast<ErrorVectorReal>

            } // End loop over elements

        } // End if belong to QoI set

    } // End loop over QoIs

  for (unsigned int j=0; j != system.qoi.size(); j++)
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(j))
          delete coarse_adjoints[j];

  // Don't bother projecting the solution; we'll restore from backup
  // after coarsening
  system.project_solution_on_reinit() = false;

  // Uniformly coarsen the mesh, without projecting the solution
  libmesh_assert (number_h_refinements > 0 || number_p_refinements > 0);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_h_refinements; ++i)
      // FIXME - should the reinits here be necessary? - RHS

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != number_p_refinements; ++i)

  // We should be back where we started
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_coarse_elem, mesh.n_elem());

  // Restore old solutions and clean up the heap
  system.project_solution_on_reinit() = old_projection_setting;

  // Restore the coarse solution vectors and delete their copies
  *system.solution = *coarse_solution;
  delete coarse_solution;
  *system.current_local_solution = *coarse_local_solution;
  delete coarse_local_solution;

  for (System::vectors_iterator vec = system.vectors_begin(); vec !=
         system.vectors_end(); ++vec)
      // The (string) name of this vector
      const std::string & var_name = vec->first;

      // If it's a vector we already had (and not a newly created
      // vector like an adjoint rhs), we need to restore it.
      std::map<std::string, NumericVector<Number> *>::iterator it =
      if (it != coarse_vectors.end())
          NumericVector<Number> * coarsevec = it->second;
          system.get_vector(var_name) = *coarsevec;

          delete coarsevec;

  // Restore old partitioner and renumbering settings

  // Fiinally sum the vector of estimated error values.
  this->reduce_error(error_per_cell, system.comm());

  // We don't take a square root here; this is a goal-oriented
  // estimate not a Hilbert norm estimate.
} // end estimate_error function
void AdjointResidualErrorEstimator::estimate_error (const System & _system,
                                                    ErrorVector & error_per_cell,
                                                    const NumericVector<Number> * solution_vector,
                                                    bool estimate_parent_error)
  LOG_SCOPE("estimate_error()", "AdjointResidualErrorEstimator");

  // The current mesh
  const MeshBase & mesh = _system.get_mesh();

  // Resize the error_per_cell vector to be
  // the number of elements, initialize it to 0.
  error_per_cell.resize (mesh.max_elem_id());
  std::fill (error_per_cell.begin(), error_per_cell.end(), 0.);

  // Get the number of variables in the system
  unsigned int n_vars = _system.n_vars();

  // We need to make a map of the pointer to the solution vector
  std::map<const System *, const NumericVector<Number> *>solutionvecs;
  solutionvecs[&_system] = _system.solution.get();

  // Solve the dual problem if we have to
  if (!_system.is_adjoint_already_solved())
      // FIXME - we'll need to change a lot of APIs to make this trick
      // work with a const System...
      System &  system = const_cast<System &>(_system);

  // Flag to check whether we have not been asked to weight the variable error contributions in any specific manner
  bool error_norm_is_identity = error_norm.is_identity();

  // Create an ErrorMap/ErrorVector to store the primal, dual and total_dual variable errors
  ErrorMap primal_errors_per_cell;
  ErrorMap dual_errors_per_cell;
  ErrorMap total_dual_errors_per_cell;
  // Allocate ErrorVectors to this map if we're going to use it
  if (!error_norm_is_identity)
    for(unsigned int v = 0; v < n_vars; v++)
        primal_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)] = new ErrorVector;
        dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)] = new ErrorVector;
        total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)] = new ErrorVector;
  ErrorVector primal_error_per_cell;
  ErrorVector dual_error_per_cell;
  ErrorVector total_dual_error_per_cell;

  // Have we been asked to weight the variable error contributions in any specific manner
  if(!error_norm_is_identity) // If we do
      // Estimate the primal problem error for each variable
        (_system.get_equation_systems(), primal_errors_per_cell, &solutionvecs, estimate_parent_error);
  else // If not
      // Just get the combined error estimate
        (_system, primal_error_per_cell, solution_vector, estimate_parent_error);

  // Sum and weight the dual error estimate based on our QoISet
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i != _system.qoi.size(); ++i)
      if (_qoi_set.has_index(i))
          // Get the weight for the current QoI
          Real error_weight = _qoi_set.weight(i);

          // We need to make a map of the pointer to the adjoint solution vector
          std::map<const System *, const NumericVector<Number> *>adjointsolutionvecs;
          adjointsolutionvecs[&_system] = &_system.get_adjoint_solution(i);

          // Have we been asked to weight the variable error contributions in any specific manner
          if(!error_norm_is_identity) // If we have
                (_system.get_equation_systems(), dual_errors_per_cell, &adjointsolutionvecs,
          else // If not
              // Just get the combined error estimate
                (_system, dual_error_per_cell, &(_system.get_adjoint_solution(i)), estimate_parent_error);

          std::size_t error_size;

          // Get the size of the first ErrorMap vector; this will give us the number of elements
          if(!error_norm_is_identity) // If in non default weights case
              error_size = dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, 0)]->size();
          else // If in the standard default weights case
              error_size = dual_error_per_cell.size();

          // Resize the ErrorVector(s)
              // Loop over variables
              for(unsigned int v = 0; v < n_vars; v++)
                  libmesh_assert(!total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)]->size() ||
                                 total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)]->size() == error_size) ;
                  total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)]->resize(error_size);
              libmesh_assert(!total_dual_error_per_cell.size() ||
                             total_dual_error_per_cell.size() == error_size);

          for (std::size_t e = 0; e != error_size; ++e)
              // Have we been asked to weight the variable error contributions in any specific manner
              if(!error_norm_is_identity) // If we have
                  // Loop over variables
                  for(unsigned int v = 0; v < n_vars; v++)
                      // Now fill in total_dual_error ErrorMap with the weight
                      (*total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)])[e] +=
                        (error_weight *
                         (*dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)])[e]);
              else // If not
                  total_dual_error_per_cell[e] +=
                    static_cast<ErrorVectorReal>(error_weight * dual_error_per_cell[e]);

  // Do some debugging plots if requested
  if (!error_plot_suffix.empty())
      if(!error_norm_is_identity) // If we have
          // Loop over variables
          for(unsigned int v = 0; v < n_vars; v++)
              std::ostringstream primal_out;
              std::ostringstream dual_out;
              primal_out << "primal_" << error_plot_suffix << ".";
              dual_out << "dual_" << error_plot_suffix << ".";

              primal_out << std::setw(1)
                         << std::setprecision(0)
                         << std::setfill('0')
                         << std::right
                         << v;

              dual_out << std::setw(1)
                       << std::setprecision(0)
                       << std::setfill('0')
                       << std::right
                       << v;

              (*primal_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)]).plot_error(primal_out.str(), _system.get_mesh());
              (*total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)]).plot_error(dual_out.str(), _system.get_mesh());

      else // If not
          std::ostringstream primal_out;
          std::ostringstream dual_out;
          primal_out << "primal_" << error_plot_suffix ;
          dual_out << "dual_" << error_plot_suffix ;

          primal_error_per_cell.plot_error(primal_out.str(), _system.get_mesh());
          total_dual_error_per_cell.plot_error(dual_out.str(), _system.get_mesh());


  // Weight the primal error by the dual error using the system norm object
  // FIXME: we ought to thread this
  for (unsigned int i=0; i != error_per_cell.size(); ++i)
      // Have we been asked to weight the variable error contributions in any specific manner
      if(!error_norm_is_identity) // If we do
          // Create Error Vectors to pass to calculate_norm
          std::vector<Real> cell_primal_error;
          std::vector<Real> cell_dual_error;

          for(unsigned int v = 0; v < n_vars; v++)
              cell_primal_error.push_back((*primal_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)])[i]);
              cell_dual_error.push_back((*total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)])[i]);

          error_per_cell[i] =
            (error_norm.calculate_norm(cell_primal_error, cell_dual_error));
      else // If not
          error_per_cell[i] = primal_error_per_cell[i]*total_dual_error_per_cell[i];

  // Deallocate the ErrorMap contents if we allocated them earlier
  if (!error_norm_is_identity)
    for(unsigned int v = 0; v < n_vars; v++)
        delete primal_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)];
        delete dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)];
        delete total_dual_errors_per_cell[std::make_pair(&_system, v)];