/** * Load a text file to an FString. * Supports all combination of ANSI/Unicode files and platforms. * @param Result string representation of the loaded file * @param Filename name of the file to load * @param VerifyFlags flags controlling the hash verification behavior ( see EHashOptions ) */ bool FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( FString& Result, const TCHAR* Filename, uint32 VerifyFlags ) { FArchive* Reader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( Filename ); if( !Reader ) { return 0; } int32 Size = Reader->TotalSize(); uint8* Ch = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(Size); Reader->Serialize( Ch, Size ); bool Success = Reader->Close(); delete Reader; BufferToString( Result, Ch, Size ); // handle SHA verify of the file if( (VerifyFlags & EHashOptions::EnableVerify) && ( (VerifyFlags & EHashOptions::ErrorMissingHash) || FSHA1::GetFileSHAHash(Filename, NULL) ) ) { // kick off SHA verify task. this frees the buffer on close FBufferReaderWithSHA Ar( Ch, Size, true, Filename, false, true ); } else { // free manually since not running SHA task FMemory::Free(Ch); } return Success; }
void SVisualLogger::HandleSaveCommandExecute() { TArray<TSharedPtr<class STimeline> > OutTimelines; MainView->GetTimelines(OutTimelines, true); if (OutTimelines.Num() == 0) { MainView->GetTimelines(OutTimelines); } if (OutTimelines.Num()) { // Prompt the user for the filenames TArray<FString> SaveFilenames; IDesktopPlatform* DesktopPlatform = FDesktopPlatformModule::Get(); bool bSaved = false; if (DesktopPlatform) { void* ParentWindowWindowHandle = NULL; IMainFrameModule& MainFrameModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IMainFrameModule>(TEXT("MainFrame")); const TSharedPtr<SWindow>& MainFrameParentWindow = MainFrameModule.GetParentWindow(); if (MainFrameParentWindow.IsValid() && MainFrameParentWindow->GetNativeWindow().IsValid()) { ParentWindowWindowHandle = MainFrameParentWindow->GetNativeWindow()->GetOSWindowHandle(); } const FString DefaultBrowsePath = FString::Printf(TEXT("%slogs/"), *FPaths::GameSavedDir()); bSaved = DesktopPlatform->SaveFileDialog( ParentWindowWindowHandle, LOCTEXT("NewProjectBrowseTitle", "Choose a project location").ToString(), DefaultBrowsePath, TEXT(""), LogVisualizer::SaveFileTypes, EFileDialogFlags::None, SaveFilenames ); } if (bSaved) { if (SaveFilenames.Num() > 0) { TArray<FVisualLogDevice::FVisualLogEntryItem> FrameCache; for (auto CurrentItem : OutTimelines) { FrameCache.Append(CurrentItem->GetEntries()); } if (FrameCache.Num()) { FArchive* FileArchive = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*SaveFilenames[0]); FVisualLoggerHelpers::Serialize(*FileArchive, FrameCache); FileArchive->Close(); delete FileArchive; FileArchive = NULL; } } } } }
bool UParticleSystemAuditCommandlet::DumpSimpleSet(TSet<FString>& InSet, const TCHAR* InShortFilename, const TCHAR* InObjectClassName) { if (InSet.Num() > 0) { check(InShortFilename != NULL); check(InObjectClassName != NULL); FArchive* OutputStream = GetOutputFile(InShortFilename); if (OutputStream != NULL) { UE_LOG(LogParticleSystemAuditCommandlet, Log, TEXT("Dumping '%s' results..."), InShortFilename); OutputStream->Logf(TEXT("%s,..."), InObjectClassName); for (TSet<FString>::TIterator DumpIt(InSet); DumpIt; ++DumpIt) { FString ObjName = *DumpIt; OutputStream->Logf(TEXT("%s"), *ObjName); } OutputStream->Close(); delete OutputStream; } else { return false; } } return true; }
bool FBuildPatchAppManifest::SaveToFile(const FString& Filename, bool bUseBinary) { bool bSuccess = false; FArchive* FileOut = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*Filename); if (FileOut) { if (bUseBinary) { Data->ManifestFileVersion = EBuildPatchAppManifestVersion::GetLatestVersion(); FManifestWriter ManifestData; Serialize(ManifestData); ManifestData.Finalize(); if (!ManifestData.IsError()) { int32 DataSize = ManifestData.TotalSize(); TArray<uint8> TempCompressed; TempCompressed.AddUninitialized(DataSize); int32 CompressedSize = DataSize; bool bDataIsCompressed = FCompression::CompressMemory( static_cast<ECompressionFlags>(COMPRESS_ZLIB | COMPRESS_BiasMemory), TempCompressed.GetData(), CompressedSize, ManifestData.GetBytes().GetData(), DataSize); TempCompressed.SetNum(CompressedSize); TArray<uint8>& FileData = bDataIsCompressed ? TempCompressed : ManifestData.GetBytes(); FManifestFileHeader Header; *FileOut << Header; Header.HeaderSize = FileOut->Tell(); Header.StoredAs = bDataIsCompressed ? EManifestFileHeader::STORED_COMPRESSED : EManifestFileHeader::STORED_RAW; Header.DataSize = DataSize; Header.CompressedSize = bDataIsCompressed ? CompressedSize : 0; FSHA1::HashBuffer(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num(), Header.SHAHash.Hash); FileOut->Seek(0); *FileOut << Header; FileOut->Serialize(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num()); bSuccess = !FileOut->IsError(); } } else { Data->ManifestFileVersion = EBuildPatchAppManifestVersion::GetLatestJsonVersion(); FString JSONOutput; SerializeToJSON(JSONOutput); FTCHARToUTF8 JsonUTF8(*JSONOutput); FileOut->Serialize((UTF8CHAR*)JsonUTF8.Get(), JsonUTF8.Length() * sizeof(UTF8CHAR)); } FileOut->Close(); delete FileOut; FileOut = nullptr; } return bSuccess; }
/** * Write all the data mined from the minidump to a text file */ void FLinuxCrashContext::GenerateReport(const FString & DiagnosticsPath) const { FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*DiagnosticsPath); if (ReportFile != NULL) { FString Line; WriteLine(ReportFile, "Generating report for minidump"); WriteLine(ReportFile); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("Application version %d.%d.%d.0" ), FEngineVersion::Current().GetMajor(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetMinor(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetPatch()); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT(" ... built from changelist %d"), FEngineVersion::Current().GetChangelist()); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); WriteLine(ReportFile); utsname UnixName; if (uname(&UnixName) == 0) { Line = FString::Printf(TEXT( "OS version %s %s (network name: %s)" ), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(UnixName.sysname), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(UnixName.release), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(UnixName.nodename)); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Running %d %s processors (%d logical cores)" ), FPlatformMisc::NumberOfCores(), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(UnixName.machine), FPlatformMisc::NumberOfCoresIncludingHyperthreads()); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); } else { Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("OS version could not be determined (%d, %s)"), errno, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(strerror(errno))); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Running %d unknown processors" ), FPlatformMisc::NumberOfCores()); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); } Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("Exception was \"%s\""), SignalDescription); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); WriteLine(ReportFile); WriteLine(ReportFile, "<SOURCE START>"); WriteLine(ReportFile, "<SOURCE END>"); WriteLine(ReportFile); WriteLine(ReportFile, "<CALLSTACK START>"); WriteLine(ReportFile, MinidumpCallstackInfo); WriteLine(ReportFile, "<CALLSTACK END>"); WriteLine(ReportFile); WriteLine(ReportFile, "0 loaded modules"); WriteLine(ReportFile); Line = FString::Printf(TEXT("Report end!")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*Line)); ReportFile->Close(); delete ReportFile; } }
void SVisualLogger::HandleLoadCommandExecute() { FArchive Ar; TArray<FVisualLogDevice::FVisualLogEntryItem> RecordedLogs; TArray<FString> OpenFilenames; IDesktopPlatform* DesktopPlatform = FDesktopPlatformModule::Get(); bool bOpened = false; if (DesktopPlatform) { void* ParentWindowWindowHandle = NULL; IMainFrameModule& MainFrameModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IMainFrameModule>(TEXT("MainFrame")); const TSharedPtr<SWindow>& MainFrameParentWindow = MainFrameModule.GetParentWindow(); if (MainFrameParentWindow.IsValid() && MainFrameParentWindow->GetNativeWindow().IsValid()) { ParentWindowWindowHandle = MainFrameParentWindow->GetNativeWindow()->GetOSWindowHandle(); } const FString DefaultBrowsePath = FString::Printf(TEXT("%slogs/"), *FPaths::GameSavedDir()); bOpened = DesktopPlatform->OpenFileDialog( ParentWindowWindowHandle, LOCTEXT("OpenProjectBrowseTitle", "Open Project").ToString(), DefaultBrowsePath, TEXT(""), LogVisualizer::LoadFileTypes, EFileDialogFlags::None, OpenFilenames ); } if (bOpened && OpenFilenames.Num() > 0) { OnNewWorld(nullptr); for (int FilenameIndex = 0; FilenameIndex < OpenFilenames.Num(); ++FilenameIndex) { FString CurrentFileName = OpenFilenames[FilenameIndex]; const bool bIsBinaryFile = CurrentFileName.Find(TEXT(".bvlog")) != INDEX_NONE; if (bIsBinaryFile) { FArchive* FileAr = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*CurrentFileName); FVisualLoggerHelpers::Serialize(*FileAr, RecordedLogs); FileAr->Close(); delete FileAr; FileAr = NULL; for (FVisualLogDevice::FVisualLogEntryItem& CurrentItem : RecordedLogs) { OnNewLogEntry(CurrentItem); } } } } }
bool UJavascriptLibrary::WriteFile(UObject* Object, FString Filename) { FArchive* Writer = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*Filename); if (!Writer) { return false; } Writer->Serialize(FArrayBufferAccessor::GetData(), FArrayBufferAccessor::GetSize()); return Writer->Close(); }
uint8 FBuildPatchUtils::VerifyFile(const FString& FileToVerify, const FSHAHashData& Hash1, const FSHAHashData& Hash2, FBuildPatchFloatDelegate ProgressDelegate, FBuildPatchBoolRetDelegate ShouldPauseDelegate, double& TimeSpentPaused) { uint8 ReturnValue = 0; FArchive* FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*FileToVerify); ProgressDelegate.ExecuteIfBound(0.0f); if (FileReader != NULL) { FSHA1 HashState; FSHAHashData HashValue; const int64 FileSize = FileReader->TotalSize(); uint8* FileReadBuffer = new uint8[FileBufferSize]; while (!FileReader->AtEnd() && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError()) { // Pause if necessary const double PrePauseTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds(); double PostPauseTime = PrePauseTime; bool bShouldPause = ShouldPauseDelegate.IsBound() && ShouldPauseDelegate.Execute(); while (bShouldPause && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError()) { FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.1f); bShouldPause = ShouldPauseDelegate.Execute(); PostPauseTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds(); } // Count up pause time TimeSpentPaused += PostPauseTime - PrePauseTime; // Read file and update hash state const int64 SizeLeft = FileSize - FileReader->Tell(); const uint32 ReadLen = FMath::Min< int64 >(FileBufferSize, SizeLeft); FileReader->Serialize(FileReadBuffer, ReadLen); HashState.Update(FileReadBuffer, ReadLen); const double FileSizeTemp = FileSize; const float Progress = 1.0f - ((SizeLeft - ReadLen) / FileSizeTemp); ProgressDelegate.ExecuteIfBound(Progress); } delete[] FileReadBuffer; HashState.Final(); HashState.GetHash(HashValue.Hash); ReturnValue = (HashValue == Hash1) ? 1 : (HashValue == Hash2) ? 2 : 0; if (ReturnValue == 0) { GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildDataGenerator: Verify failed on %s"), *FPaths::GetCleanFilename(FileToVerify)); } FileReader->Close(); delete FileReader; } else { GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildDataGenerator: ERROR VerifyFile cannot open %s"), *FileToVerify); } ProgressDelegate.ExecuteIfBound(1.0f); return ReturnValue; }
/** * Creates (fake so far) minidump */ void GenerateMinidump(const FString & Path) { FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*Path); if (ReportFile != NULL) { // write BOM static uint32 Garbage = 0xDEADBEEF; ReportFile->Serialize(&Garbage, sizeof(Garbage)); ReportFile->Close(); delete ReportFile; } }
void G_UnSnapshotLevel (bool hubLoad) { if (level.info->snapshot == NULL) return; if (level.info->isValid()) { SaveVersion = level.info->snapshotVer; level.info->snapshot->Reopen (); FArchive arc (*level.info->snapshot); if (hubLoad) arc.SetHubTravel (); G_SerializeLevel (arc, hubLoad); arc.Close (); level.FromSnapshot = true; TThinkerIterator<APlayerPawn> it; APlayerPawn *pawn, *next; next = it.Next(); while ((pawn = next) != 0) { next = it.Next(); if (pawn->player == NULL || pawn->player->mo == NULL || !playeringame[pawn->player - players]) { int i; // If this isn't the unmorphed original copy of a player, destroy it, because it's extra. for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].morphTics && players[i].mo->tracer == pawn) { break; } } if (i == MAXPLAYERS) { pawn->Destroy (); } } } } // No reason to keep the snapshot around once the level's been entered. level.info->ClearSnapshot(); if (hubLoad) { // Unlock ACS global strings that were locked when the snapshot was made. FBehavior::StaticUnlockLevelVarStrings(); } }
void FDesktopPlatformLinux::EnumerateEngineInstallations(TMap<FString, FString> &OutInstallations) { EnumerateLauncherEngineInstallations(OutInstallations); FString UProjectPath = FString(FPlatformProcess::ApplicationSettingsDir()) / "Unreal.uproject"; FArchive* File = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*UProjectPath, FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly); if (File) { File->Close(); delete File; } else { SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Unable to write to Settings Directory", TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*UProjectPath), NULL); } FConfigFile ConfigFile; FString ConfigPath = FString(FPlatformProcess::ApplicationSettingsDir()) / FString(TEXT("UnrealEngine")) / FString(TEXT("Install.ini")); ConfigFile.Read(ConfigPath); FConfigSection &Section = ConfigFile.FindOrAdd(TEXT("Installations")); // @todo: currently we can enumerate only this installation FString EngineDir = FPaths::EngineDir(); FString EngineId; const FName* Key = Section.FindKey(EngineDir); if (Key) { EngineId = Key->ToString(); } else { if (!OutInstallations.FindKey(EngineDir)) { EngineId = FGuid::NewGuid().ToString(EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphens); Section.AddUnique(*EngineId, EngineDir); ConfigFile.Dirty = true; } } if (!EngineId.IsEmpty() && !OutInstallations.Find(EngineId)) { OutInstallations.Add(EngineId, EngineDir); } ConfigFile.Write(ConfigPath); IFileManager::Get().Delete(*UProjectPath); }
bool FRuntimeAssetCacheBackend::PutCachedData(const FName Bucket, const TCHAR* CacheKey, TArray<uint8>& InData, FCacheEntryMetadata* Metadata) { bool bResult = false; FArchive* Ar = CreateWriteArchive(Bucket, CacheKey); if (!Ar) { return bResult; } *Ar << *Metadata; Ar->Serialize(InData.GetData(), InData.Num()); bResult = Ar->Close(); delete Ar; return bResult; }
bool UJavascriptLibrary::ReadFile(UObject* Object, FString Filename) { FArchive* Reader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*Filename); if (!Reader) { return false; } int32 Size = Reader->TotalSize(); if (Size != FArrayBufferAccessor::GetSize()) { return false; } Reader->Serialize(FArrayBufferAccessor::GetData(), Size); return Reader->Close(); }
bool FTextLocalizationManager::FLocalizationEntryTracker::ReadFromFile(const FString& FilePath) { FArchive* Reader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *FilePath ); if( !Reader ) { return false; } Reader->SetForceUnicode(true); ReadFromArchive(*Reader, FilePath); bool Success = Reader->Close(); delete Reader; return Success; }
/** * Load a binary file to a dynamic array. */ bool FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray( TArray<uint8>& Result, const TCHAR* Filename, uint32 Flags ) { FArchive* Reader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( Filename, Flags ); if( !Reader ) { if (!(Flags & FILEREAD_Silent)) { UE_LOG(LogStreaming,Warning,TEXT("Failed to read file '%s' error."),Filename); } return 0; } Result.Reset(); Result.AddUninitialized( Reader->TotalSize() ); Reader->Serialize(Result.GetData(), Result.Num()); bool Success = Reader->Close(); delete Reader; return Success; }
bool FPerfCounters::ReportUnplayableCondition(const FString& ConditionDescription) { FString UnplayableConditionFile(FPaths::Combine(*FPaths::GameSavedDir(), *FString::Printf(TEXT("UnplayableConditionForPid_%d.txt"), FPlatformProcess::GetCurrentProcessId()))); FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*UnplayableConditionFile); if (UNLIKELY(ReportFile == nullptr)) { return false; } // include description for debugging FTCHARToUTF8 Converter(*FString::Printf(TEXT("Unplayable condition encountered: %s\n"), *ConditionDescription)); ReportFile->Serialize(reinterpret_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *>(Converter.Get())), Converter.Length()); ReportFile->Close(); delete ReportFile; return true; }
FCacheEntryMetadata* FRuntimeAssetCacheBackend::GetCachedData(const FName Bucket, const TCHAR* CacheKey, TArray<uint8>& OutData) { FCacheEntryMetadata* Result = nullptr; FArchive* Ar = CreateReadArchive(Bucket, CacheKey); if (!Ar) { return Result; } Result = PreloadMetadata(Ar); int64 TotalSize = Ar->TotalSize(); int64 CurrentPosition = Ar->Tell(); int64 NumberOfBytesToSerialize = TotalSize - CurrentPosition; OutData.Reset(); OutData.AddUninitialized(NumberOfBytesToSerialize); Ar->Serialize(OutData.GetData(), NumberOfBytesToSerialize); Ar->Close(); delete Ar; return Result; }
virtual void UpdateADBPath() override { FScopeLock PathUpdateLock(&ADBPathCheckLock); TCHAR AndroidDirectory[32768] = { 0 }; FPlatformMisc::GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("ANDROID_HOME"), AndroidDirectory, 32768); FString ADBPath; #if PLATFORM_MAC if (AndroidDirectory[0] == 0) { // didn't find ANDROID_HOME, so parse the .bash_profile file on MAC FArchive* FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*FString([@"~/.bash_profile" stringByExpandingTildeInPath])); if (FileReader) { const int64 FileSize = FileReader->TotalSize(); ANSICHAR* AnsiContents = (ANSICHAR*)FMemory::Malloc(FileSize); FileReader->Serialize(AnsiContents, FileSize); FileReader->Close(); delete FileReader; TArray<FString> Lines; FString(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(AnsiContents)).ParseIntoArrayLines(&Lines); FMemory::Free(AnsiContents); for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Lines.Num(); Index++) { if (AndroidDirectory[0] == 0 && Lines[Index].StartsWith(TEXT("export ANDROID_HOME="))) { FString Directory; Lines[Index].Split(TEXT("="), NULL, &Directory); Directory = Directory.Replace(TEXT("\""), TEXT("")); FCString::Strcpy(AndroidDirectory, *Directory); setenv("ANDROID_HOME", TCHAR_TO_ANSI(AndroidDirectory), 1); } } } }
int32 UFixupRedirectsCommandlet::Main( const FString& Params ) { // Retrieve list of all packages in .ini paths. TArray<FString> PackageList; FEditorFileUtils::FindAllPackageFiles(PackageList); if( !PackageList.Num() ) { return 0; } // process the commandline FString Token; const TCHAR* CommandLine = *Params; bool bIsQuietMode = false; bool bIsTestOnly = false; bool bShouldRestoreProgress= false; bool bIsSCCDisabled = false; bool bUpdateEnginePackages = false; bool bDeleteRedirects = true; bool bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects = false; bool bAutoSubmit = false; bool bSandboxed = IFileManager::Get().IsSandboxEnabled(); while (FParse::Token(CommandLine, Token, 1)) { if (Token == TEXT("-nowarn")) { bIsQuietMode = true; } else if (Token == TEXT("-testonly")) { bIsTestOnly = true; } else if (Token == TEXT("-restore")) { bShouldRestoreProgress = true; } else if (Token == TEXT("-NoAutoCheckout")) { bIsSCCDisabled = true; } else if (Token == TEXT("-AutoSubmit")) { bAutoSubmit = true; } else if (Token == TEXT("-UpdateEnginePackages")) { bUpdateEnginePackages = true; } else if (Token == TEXT("-NoDelete")) { bDeleteRedirects = false; } else if (Token == TEXT("-NoDeleteUnreferenced")) { bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects = true; } else if ( Token.Left(1) != TEXT("-") ) { FPackageName::SearchForPackageOnDisk(Token, &GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup); } } if (bSandboxed) { UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Running in a sandbox.")); bIsSCCDisabled = true; bAutoSubmit = false; bDeleteRedirects = false; } bool bShouldSkipErrors = false; // Setup file Output log in the Saved Directory const FString ProjectDir = FPaths::GetPath(FPaths::GetProjectFilePath()); const FString LogFilename = FPaths::Combine(*ProjectDir, TEXT("Saved"), TEXT("FixupRedirect"), TEXT("FixupRedirect.log")); FArchive* LogOutputFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*LogFilename); LogOutputFile->Logf(TEXT("[Redirects]")); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Display any script code referenced redirects ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TArray<FString> UpdatePackages; TArray<FString> RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned; if (!bShouldRestoreProgress) { // load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them GRedirectCollector.ResolveStringAssetReference(); for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++) { FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex]; UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Boot redirector can't be cleaned: %s(%s) -> %s(%s)"), *Redir.RedirectorName, *Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename, *Redir.DestinationObjectName, *Redir.PackageFilename); RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned.AddUnique(Redir.RedirectorName); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build a list of packages that need to be updated ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Generating list of tasks:")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("-------------------------")); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); int32 GCIndex = 0; // process script code first pass, then everything else for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ ) { const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex]; // already loaded code, skip them, and skip autosave packages if (Filename.StartsWith(AutoSaveUtils::GetAutoSaveDir(), ESearchCase::IgnoreCase)) { continue; } UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Looking for redirects in %s..."), *Filename); // Assert if package couldn't be opened so we have no chance of messing up saving later packages. UPackage* Package = Cast<UPackage>(LoadPackage(NULL, *Filename, 0)); // load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them GRedirectCollector.ResolveStringAssetReference(); if (!Package) { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_RED); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... failed to open %s"), *Filename); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); // if we are not in quiet mode, and the user wants to continue, go on const FText Message = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("Unreal", "PackageFailedToOpen", "The package '{0}' failed to open. Should this commandlet continue operation, ignoring further load errors? Continuing may have adverse effects (object references may be lost)."), FText::FromString( Filename ) ); if (bShouldSkipErrors || (!bIsQuietMode && GWarn->YesNof( Message ))) { bShouldSkipErrors = true; continue; } else { return 1; } } // all notices here about redirects get this color SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_DARK_GREEN); // look for any redirects that were followed that are referenced by this package // (may have been loaded earlier if this package was loaded by script code) // any redirectors referenced by script code can't be cleaned up for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++) { FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex]; if (Redir.PackageFilename == Filename) { UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... references %s [-> %s]"), *Redir.RedirectorName, *Redir.DestinationObjectName); // put the source and dest packages in the list to be updated UpdatePackages.AddUnique(Redir.PackageFilename); UpdatePackages.AddUnique(Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename); } } // clear the flag for needing to collect garbage bool bNeedToCollectGarbage = false; // if this package has any redirectors, make sure we update it if (!GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup.Len() || GRedirectCollector.FileToFixup == FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename)) { TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter; GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter); for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ ) { UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index]; UObjectRedirector* Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj); if (Redir) { // make sure this package is in the list of packages to update UpdatePackages.AddUnique(Filename); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... has redirect %s [-> %s]"), *Redir->GetPathName(), *Redir->DestinationObject->GetFullName()); LogOutputFile->Logf(TEXT("%s = %s"), *Redir->GetPathName(), *Redir->DestinationObject->GetFullName()); // make sure we GC if we found a redirector bNeedToCollectGarbage = true; } } } CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); // collect garbage every N packages, or if there was any redirectors in the package // (to make sure that redirectors get reloaded properly and followed by the callback) // also, GC after loading a map package, to make sure it's unloaded so that we can track // other packages loading a map package as a dependency if (((++GCIndex) % 50) == 0 || bNeedToCollectGarbage || Package->ContainsMap()) { // collect garbage to close the package CollectGarbage(RF_Native); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC...")); // reset our counter GCIndex = 0; } } // save off restore point FArchive* Ar = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*(FPaths::GameSavedDir() + TEXT("Fixup.bin"))); *Ar << GRedirectCollector.Redirections; *Ar << UpdatePackages; *Ar << RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned; delete Ar; } else { // load restore point FArchive* Ar = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*(FPaths::GameSavedDir() + TEXT("Fixup.bin"))); if( Ar != NULL ) { *Ar << GRedirectCollector.Redirections; *Ar << UpdatePackages; *Ar << RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned; delete Ar; } } // unregister the callback so we stop getting redirections added FCoreUObjectDelegates::RedirectorFollowed.RemoveAll(&GRedirectCollector); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Explain to user what is happening ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_YELLOW); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Files that need to fixed up:")); SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_DARK_YELLOW); // print out the working set of packages for (int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++) { UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" %s"), *UpdatePackages[PackageIndex]); } UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); // if we are only testing, just just quiet before actually doing anything if (bIsTestOnly) { LogOutputFile->Close(); delete LogOutputFile; LogOutputFile = NULL; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Find redirectors that are referenced by packages we cant check out ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned = false; ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider(); // initialize source control if it hasn't been initialized yet if(!bIsSCCDisabled) { SourceControlProvider.Init(); //Make sure we can check out all packages - update their state first SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>(), UpdatePackages); } for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++ ) { const FString& Filename = UpdatePackages[PackageIndex]; bool bCanEdit = true; if(!bIsSCCDisabled) { FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate); if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit()) { bCanEdit = false; } } else if(IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*Filename)) { bCanEdit = false; } if(!bCanEdit) { const bool bAllowCheckout = bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ); if (!bIsSCCDisabled && bAllowCheckout) { FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename)); FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate); if (SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->CanCheckout()) { SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckOut>(), SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(PackageName)); FSourceControlStatePtr NewSourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(Filename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate); bCanEdit = NewSourceControlState.IsValid() && NewSourceControlState->CanEdit(); } } // if the checkout failed for any reason, we can't clean it up if (bAllowCheckout && !bCanEdit) { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_RED); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't check out/edit %s..."), *Filename); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); // load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them GRedirectCollector.ResolveStringAssetReference(); // any redirectors that are pointed to by this read-only package can't be fixed up for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < GRedirectCollector.Redirections.Num(); RedirIndex++) { FRedirection& Redir = GRedirectCollector.Redirections[RedirIndex]; // any redirectors pointed to by this file we don't clean if (Redir.PackageFilename == Filename) { RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned.AddUnique(Redir.RedirectorName); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... can't fixup references to %s"), *Redir.RedirectorName); // if this redirector is in an Engine package, we need to alert the user, because // Engine packages are shared between games, so if one game still needs the redirector // to be valid, then we can't check in Engine packages after another game has // run that could if (!bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned) { FString PackagePath; FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename, NULL, &PackagePath); if (PackagePath.StartsWith(FPaths::EngineDir())) { bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned = true; } } } // any redirectors in this file can't be deleted else if (Redir.RedirectorPackageFilename == Filename) { RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned.AddUnique(Redir.RedirectorName); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... can't delete %s"), *Redir.RedirectorName); } } } else { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_DARK_GREEN); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Checked out %s..."), *Filename); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); } } } // warn about an engine package that can't be cleaned up (may want to revert engine packages) if (bEngineRedirectorCantBeCleaned) { UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Engine package redirectors are referenced by packages that can't be cleaned. If you have multiple games, it's recommended you revert any checked out Engine packages.")); bUpdateEnginePackages=false; } UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load and save packages to save out the proper fixed up references ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Fixing references to point to proper objects:")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("---------------------------------------------")); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); // keep a list of all packages that have ObjectRedirects in them. This is not needed if we aren't deleting redirects TArray<bool> PackagesWithRedirects; // Delete these packages entirely because they are empty TArray<bool> EmptyPackagesToDelete; if ( bDeleteRedirects ) { PackagesWithRedirects.AddZeroed(UpdatePackages.Num()); EmptyPackagesToDelete.AddZeroed(PackageList.Num()); } bool bSCCEnabled = ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled(); // Iterate over all packages, loading and saving to remove all references to ObjectRedirectors (can't delete the Redirects yet) for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < UpdatePackages.Num(); PackageIndex++ ) { const FString& Filename = UpdatePackages[PackageIndex]; // we can't do anything with packages that are read-only or cant be edited due to source control (we don't want to fixup the redirects) if(bSCCEnabled) { FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate); if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit()) { continue; } } else if(IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly(*Filename)) { continue; } // Assert if package couldn't be opened so we have no chance of messing up saving later packages. UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Cleaning %s"), *Filename); UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *Filename, LOAD_NoVerify ); // load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them GRedirectCollector.ResolveStringAssetReference(); // if it failed to open, we have already dealt with quitting if we are going to, so just skip it if (!Package) { continue; } if ( bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && bDeleteRedirects ) { TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter; GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter); for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ ) { UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index]; UObjectRedirector* Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj); if (Redir) { PackagesWithRedirects[PackageIndex] = 1; break; } } } // Don't save packages in the engine directory if we did not opt to update engine packages if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) ) { // save out the package UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(Package); GEditor->SavePackage( Package, World, World ? RF_NoFlags : RF_Standalone, *Filename, GWarn ); } // collect garbage to close the package UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Collecting Garbage...")); CollectGarbage(RF_Native); } UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); if ( bDeleteRedirects ) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delete all redirects that are no longer referenced ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting redirector objects:")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------")); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); const TArray<FString>& PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects = bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects ? UpdatePackages : PackageList; int32 GCIndex = 0; // Again, iterate over all packages, loading and saving to and this time deleting all for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects.Num(); PackageIndex++ ) { const FString& Filename = PackagesToCleaseOfRedirects[PackageIndex]; if (bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && PackagesWithRedirects[PackageIndex] == 0) { continue; } // The file should have already been checked out/be writable // If it is read only that means the checkout failed or we are not using source control and we can not write this file. if(bSCCEnabled) { FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate); if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->CanEdit()) { UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Skipping file: source control says we cant edit the file %s..."), *Filename); continue; } } else if( IFileManager::Get().IsReadOnly( *Filename )) { UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Skipping read-only file %s..."), *Filename); continue; } UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Wiping %s..."), *Filename); UPackage* Package = LoadPackage( NULL, *Filename, 0 ); // load all string asset reference targets, and add fake redirectors for them GRedirectCollector.ResolveStringAssetReference(); // if it failed to open, we have already dealt with quitting if we are going to, so just skip it if (!Package) { continue; } // assume that all redirs in this file are still-referenced bool bIsDirty = false; // see if this package is completely empty other than purged redirectors and metadata bool bIsEmpty = true; // delete all ObjectRedirects now TArray<UObjectRedirector*> Redirs; // find all redirectors, put into an array so delete doesn't mess up the iterator TArray<UObject *> ObjectsInOuter; GetObjectsWithOuter(Package, ObjectsInOuter); for( int32 Index = 0; Index < ObjectsInOuter.Num(); Index++ ) { UObject* Obj = ObjectsInOuter[Index]; UObjectRedirector *Redir = Cast<UObjectRedirector>(Obj); if (Redir) { int32 Dummy; // if the redirector was marked as uncleanable, skip it if (RedirectorsThatCantBeCleaned.Find(Redir->GetFullName(), Dummy)) { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_DARK_RED); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... skipping still-referenced %s"), *Redir->GetFullName()); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); bIsEmpty = false; continue; } bIsDirty = true; SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_DARK_GREEN); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... deleting %s"), *Redir->GetFullName()); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); Redirs.Add(Redir); } else if ( (!Obj->IsA(UMetaData::StaticClass()) && !Obj->IsA(UField::StaticClass())) || Obj->IsA(UUserDefinedEnum::StaticClass())) // UserDefinedEnum should not be deleted { // This package has a real object bIsEmpty = false; } } if (bIsEmpty && !bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects) { EmptyPackagesToDelete[PackageIndex] = 1; } // mark them for deletion. for (int32 RedirIndex = 0; RedirIndex < Redirs.Num(); RedirIndex++) { UObjectRedirector* Redirector = Redirs[RedirIndex]; // Remove standalone flag and mark as pending kill. Redirector->ClearFlags( RF_Standalone | RF_Public ); // We don't need redirectors in the root set, the references should already be fixed up if ( Redirector->IsRooted() ) { Redirector->RemoveFromRoot(); } Redirector->MarkPendingKill(); } Redirs.Empty(); if (bIsDirty) { // Don't save packages in the engine directory if we did not opt to update engine packages if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) ) { // save the package UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(Package); GEditor->SavePackage( Package, World, World ? RF_NoFlags : RF_Standalone, *Filename, GWarn ); } } // collect garbage every N packages, or if there was any redirectors in the package if (((++GCIndex) % 50) == 0 || bIsDirty || Package->ContainsMap()) { // collect garbage to close the package CollectGarbage(RF_Native); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("GC...")); // reset our counter GCIndex = 0; } } UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); } else { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Not deleting any redirector objects:")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("----------------------------")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("")); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clean up any unused trash ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_WHITE); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting empty and unused packages:")); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("---------------------------------------")); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); LogOutputFile->Logf(TEXT("")); LogOutputFile->Logf(TEXT("[Deleted]")); // Iterate over packages, attempting to delete unreferenced packages for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ ) { bool bDelete = false; const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex]; FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename)); const bool bAllowDelete = bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ); if (bDeleteRedirects && !bDeleteOnlyReferencedRedirects && EmptyPackagesToDelete[PackageIndex] && bAllowDelete) { // this package is completely empty, delete it bDelete = true; } if (bDelete == true) { struct Local { static bool DeleteFromDisk(const FString& InFilename, const FString& InMessage) { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_GREEN); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *InMessage); if (!IFileManager::Get().Delete(*InFilename, false, true)) { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_RED); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT(" ... failed to delete from disk."), *InFilename); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); return false; } CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); return true; } }; if (!bIsSCCDisabled) { // get file SCC status FString FileName = SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(PackageName); FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(FileName, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate); if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && (SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->IsAdded()) ) { UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Revert '%s' from source control..."), *Filename); SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FRevert>(), FileName); SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_GREEN); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting '%s' from source control..."), *Filename); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FDelete>(), FileName); } else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->CanCheckout()) { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_GREEN); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Deleting '%s' from source control..."), *Filename); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FDelete>(), FileName); } else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->IsCheckedOutOther()) { SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_RED); UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't delete '%s' from source control, someone has it checked out, skipping..."), *Filename); CLEAR_WARN_COLOR(); } else if(SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled()) { if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("'%s' is not in source control, attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename))) { LogOutputFile->Logf(*Filename); } } else { if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("'%s' is in an unknown source control state, attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename))) { LogOutputFile->Logf(*Filename); } } } else { if(Local::DeleteFromDisk(Filename, FString::Printf(TEXT("source control disabled while deleting '%s', attempting to delete from disk..."), *Filename))) { LogOutputFile->Logf(*Filename); } } } } LogOutputFile->Close(); delete LogOutputFile; LogOutputFile = NULL; if (!bIsSCCDisabled && bAutoSubmit) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Submit the results to source control ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UE_LOG(LogFixupRedirectsCommandlet, Display, TEXT("Submiting the results to source control")); // Work out the list of file to check in TArray <FString> FilesToSubmit; for( int32 PackageIndex = 0; PackageIndex < PackageList.Num(); PackageIndex++ ) { const FString& Filename = PackageList[PackageIndex]; FString PackageName(FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename)); FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Filename), EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate); if( SourceControlState.IsValid() && (SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->IsAdded() || SourceControlState->IsDeleted()) ) { // Only submit engine packages if we're requested to if( bUpdateEnginePackages || !Filename.StartsWith( FPaths::EngineDir() ) ) { FilesToSubmit.Add(*PackageName); } } } // Check in all changed files const FText Description = NSLOCTEXT("FixupRedirectsCmdlet", "ChangelistDescription", "Fixed up Redirects"); TSharedRef<FCheckIn, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> CheckInOperation = ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckIn>(); CheckInOperation->SetDescription( Description ); SourceControlProvider.Execute(CheckInOperation, SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(FilesToSubmit)); // toss the SCC manager ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider().Close(); } return 0; }
bool FBuildPatchFileConstructor::ConstructFileFromChunks( const FString& Filename, bool bResumeExisting ) { const bool bIsFileData = BuildManifest->IsFileDataManifest(); bResumeExisting = bResumeExisting && !bIsFileData; bool bSuccess = true; FString ErrorString; FString NewFilename = StagingDirectory / Filename; // Calculate the hash as we write the data FSHA1 HashState; FSHAHashData HashValue; // First make sure we can get the file manifest const FFileManifestData* FileManifest = BuildManifest->GetFileManifest(Filename); bSuccess = FileManifest != nullptr; if( bSuccess ) { if( !FileManifest->SymlinkTarget.IsEmpty() ) { #if PLATFORM_MAC bSuccess = symlink(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*FileManifest->SymlinkTarget), TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename)) == 0; #else const bool bSymlinkNotImplemented = false; check(bSymlinkNotImplemented); bSuccess = false; #endif return bSuccess; } // Check for resuming of existing file int64 StartPosition = 0; int32 StartChunkPart = 0; if( bResumeExisting ) { // We have to read in the existing file so that the hash check can still be done. FArchive* NewFileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *NewFilename ); if( NewFileReader != NULL ) { // Read buffer uint8* ReadBuffer = new uint8[ FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ]; // Reuse a certain amount of the file StartPosition = FMath::Max<int64>( 0, NewFileReader->TotalSize() - NUM_BYTES_RESUME_IGNORE ); // We'll also find the correct chunkpart to start writing from int64 ByteCounter = 0; for( int32 ChunkPartIdx = StartChunkPart; ChunkPartIdx < FileManifest->FileChunkParts.Num() && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ChunkPartIdx ) { const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart = FileManifest->FileChunkParts[ ChunkPartIdx ]; const int64 NextBytePosition = ByteCounter + ChunkPart.Size; if( NextBytePosition <= StartPosition ) { // Read data for hash check NewFileReader->Serialize( ReadBuffer, ChunkPart.Size ); HashState.Update( ReadBuffer, ChunkPart.Size ); // Count bytes read from file ByteCounter = NextBytePosition; // Set to resume from next chunk part StartChunkPart = ChunkPartIdx + 1; // Inform the chunk cache of the chunk part skip FBuildPatchChunkCache::Get().SkipChunkPart( ChunkPart ); // Wait if paused BuildProgress->WaitWhilePaused(); } else { // No more parts on disk break; } } // Set start position to the byte we got up to StartPosition = ByteCounter; // Clean read buffer delete[] ReadBuffer; // Close file NewFileReader->Close(); delete NewFileReader; } } // Now we can make sure the chunk cache knows to start downloading chunks if( !bIsFileData && !bIsDownloadStarted && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() ) { bIsDownloadStarted = true; FBuildPatchChunkCache::Get().BeginDownloads(); } // Attempt to create the file FArchive* NewFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *NewFilename, bResumeExisting ? EFileWrite::FILEWRITE_Append : 0 ); bSuccess = NewFile != NULL; if( bSuccess ) { // Whenever we start writing again, there's no more resuming to be done BuildProgress->SetStateProgress( EBuildPatchProgress::Resuming, 1.0f ); // Seek to file write position NewFile->Seek( StartPosition ); // For each chunk, load it, and place it's data into the file for( int32 ChunkPartIdx = StartChunkPart; ChunkPartIdx < FileManifest->FileChunkParts.Num() && bSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ChunkPartIdx ) { const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart = FileManifest->FileChunkParts[ChunkPartIdx]; if( bIsFileData ) { bSuccess = InsertFileData( ChunkPart, *NewFile, HashState ); } else { bSuccess = InsertChunkData( ChunkPart, *NewFile, HashState ); } if( bSuccess ) { CountBytesProcessed( ChunkPart.Size ); // Wait if paused BuildProgress->WaitWhilePaused(); } else { ErrorString = TEXT( "Failed to construct file " ); ErrorString += Filename; ErrorString += TEXT( " because of chunk " ); ErrorString += ChunkPart.Guid.ToString(); GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchFileConstructor: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString ); FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString ); } } // Close the file writer NewFile->Close(); delete NewFile; } else { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(), TEXT( "Could Not Create File" ) ); ErrorString = TEXT( "Could not create new file " ); ErrorString += Filename; GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchFileConstructor: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString ); FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString ); } } else { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "Missing File Manifest" ) ); ErrorString = TEXT( "Build manifest does not contain a file manifest for " ); ErrorString += Filename; FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString ); } // Verify the hash for the file that we created if( bSuccess ) { HashState.Final(); HashState.GetHash( HashValue.Hash ); bSuccess = HashValue == FileManifest->FileHash; if( !bSuccess ) { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "Serialised Verify Fail" ) ); ErrorString = TEXT( "Verify failed after constructing file " ); ErrorString += Filename; GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildDataGenerator: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString ); FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString ); } } #if PLATFORM_MAC if( bSuccess && FileManifest->bIsUnixExecutable ) { // Enable executable permission bit struct stat FileInfo; if (stat(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename), &FileInfo) == 0) { bSuccess = chmod(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename), FileInfo.st_mode | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) == 0; } } #endif // Delete the staging file if unsuccessful by means of construction fail (i.e. keep if canceled or download issue) if( !bSuccess && FBuildPatchInstallError::GetErrorState() == EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail ) { IFileManager::Get().Delete( *NewFilename, false, true ); } return bSuccess; }
const bool FChunkWriter::FQueuedChunkWriter::WriteChunkData(const FString& ChunkFilename, FChunkFile* ChunkFile, const FGuid& ChunkGuid) { // Chunks are saved with GUID, so if a file already exists it will never be different. // Skip with return true if already exists if( FPaths::FileExists( ChunkFilename ) ) { const int64 ChunkFilesSize = IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*ChunkFilename); ChunkFileSizesCS.Lock(); ChunkFileSizes.Add(ChunkGuid, ChunkFilesSize); ChunkFileSizesCS.Unlock(); return true; } FArchive* FileOut = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *ChunkFilename ); bool bSuccess = FileOut != NULL; if( bSuccess ) { // Setup to handle compression bool bDataIsCompressed = true; uint8* ChunkDataSource = ChunkFile->ChunkData; int32 ChunkDataSourceSize = FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize; TArray< uint8 > TempCompressedData; TempCompressedData.Empty( ChunkDataSourceSize ); TempCompressedData.AddUninitialized( ChunkDataSourceSize ); int32 CompressedSize = ChunkDataSourceSize; // Compressed can increase in size, but the function will return as failure in that case // we can allow that to happen since we would not keep larger compressed data anyway. bDataIsCompressed = FCompression::CompressMemory( static_cast< ECompressionFlags >( COMPRESS_ZLIB | COMPRESS_BiasMemory ), TempCompressedData.GetData(), CompressedSize, ChunkFile->ChunkData, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ); // If compression succeeded, set data vars if( bDataIsCompressed ) { ChunkDataSource = TempCompressedData.GetData(); ChunkDataSourceSize = CompressedSize; } // Setup Header FChunkHeader& Header = ChunkFile->ChunkHeader; *FileOut << Header; Header.HeaderSize = FileOut->Tell(); Header.StoredAs = bDataIsCompressed ? FChunkHeader::STORED_COMPRESSED : FChunkHeader::STORED_RAW; Header.DataSize = ChunkDataSourceSize; Header.HashType = FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING; // Write out files FileOut->Seek( 0 ); *FileOut << Header; FileOut->Serialize( ChunkDataSource, ChunkDataSourceSize ); const int64 ChunkFilesSize = FileOut->TotalSize(); FileOut->Close(); ChunkFileSizesCS.Lock(); ChunkFileSizes.Add(ChunkGuid, ChunkFilesSize); ChunkFileSizesCS.Unlock(); bSuccess = !FileOut->GetError(); delete FileOut; } // Log errors if( !bSuccess ) { GLog->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchServices: Error: Could not save out generated chunk file %s" ), *ChunkFilename ); } return bSuccess; }
bool FBuildPatchInstaller::RunBackupAndMove() { GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: Running backup and stage relocation")); // If there's no error, move all complete files bool bMoveSuccess = FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() == false; if (bMoveSuccess) { // First handle files that should be removed for patching TArray< FString > FilesToRemove; if (CurrentBuildManifest.IsValid()) { FBuildPatchAppManifest::GetRemovableFiles(CurrentBuildManifest.ToSharedRef(), NewBuildManifest, FilesToRemove); } // Add to build stats ThreadLock.Lock(); BuildStats.NumFilesToRemove = FilesToRemove.Num(); ThreadLock.Unlock(); for (const FString& OldFilename : FilesToRemove) { BackupFileIfNecessary(OldFilename); const bool bDeleteSuccess = IFileManager::Get().Delete(*(InstallDirectory / OldFilename), false, true, true); const uint32 LastError = FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(); GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: Removed (%u,%u) %s"), bDeleteSuccess ? 1 : 0, LastError, *OldFilename); } // Now handle files that have been constructed bool bSavedMoveMarkerFile = false; TArray< FString > ConstructionFiles; NewBuildManifest->GetFileList(ConstructionFiles); BuildProgress.SetStateProgress(EBuildPatchProgress::MovingToInstall, 0.0f); const float NumConstructionFilesFloat = ConstructionFiles.Num(); for (auto ConstructionFilesIt = ConstructionFiles.CreateConstIterator(); ConstructionFilesIt && bMoveSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ConstructionFilesIt) { const FString& ConstructionFile = *ConstructionFilesIt; const FString SrcFilename = InstallStagingDir / ConstructionFile; const FString DestFilename = InstallDirectory / ConstructionFile; const float FileIndexFloat = ConstructionFilesIt.GetIndex(); // Skip files not constructed if (!FPaths::FileExists(SrcFilename)) { BuildProgress.SetStateProgress(EBuildPatchProgress::MovingToInstall, FileIndexFloat / NumConstructionFilesFloat); continue; } // Create the move marker file if (!bSavedMoveMarkerFile) { bSavedMoveMarkerFile = true; GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: Create MM")); FArchive* MoveMarkerFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*PreviousMoveMarker, FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly); if (MoveMarkerFile != NULL) { MoveMarkerFile->Close(); delete MoveMarkerFile; } // Make sure we have some progress if we do some work if (BuildProgress.GetStateWeight(EBuildPatchProgress::MovingToInstall) <= 0.0f) { BuildProgress.SetStateWeight(EBuildPatchProgress::MovingToInstall, 0.1f); } } // Backup file if need be BackupFileIfNecessary(ConstructionFile); // Move the file to the installation directory int32 MoveRetries = NUM_FILE_MOVE_RETRIES; bMoveSuccess = IFileManager::Get().Move(*DestFilename, *SrcFilename, true, true); uint32 ErrorCode = FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(); while (!bMoveSuccess && MoveRetries > 0) { --MoveRetries; FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError(ConstructionFile, ErrorCode, TEXT("Failed To Move")); GWarn->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: ERROR: Failed to move file %s (%d), trying copy"), *ConstructionFile, ErrorCode); bMoveSuccess = IFileManager::Get().Copy(*DestFilename, *SrcFilename, true, true) == COPY_OK; ErrorCode = FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(); if (!bMoveSuccess) { GWarn->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: ERROR: Failed to copy file %s (%d), retying after 0.5 sec"), *ConstructionFile, ErrorCode); FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.5f); --MoveRetries; bMoveSuccess = IFileManager::Get().Move(*DestFilename, *SrcFilename, true, true); ErrorCode = FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(); } else { IFileManager::Get().Delete(*SrcFilename, false, true, false); } } if (!bMoveSuccess) { GWarn->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: ERROR: Failed to move file %s"), *FPaths::GetCleanFilename(ConstructionFile)); FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError(EBuildPatchInstallError::MoveFileToInstall); } else { FilesInstalled.Add(ConstructionFile); BuildProgress.SetStateProgress(EBuildPatchProgress::MovingToInstall, FileIndexFloat / NumConstructionFilesFloat); } } bMoveSuccess = bMoveSuccess && (FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() == false); if (bMoveSuccess) { BuildProgress.SetStateProgress(EBuildPatchProgress::MovingToInstall, 1.0f); } } GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: Relocation complete %d"), bMoveSuccess?1:0); return bMoveSuccess; }
/** * Mimics Windows WER format */ void GenerateWindowsErrorReport(const FString & WERPath, bool bReportingNonCrash) { FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*WERPath); if (ReportFile != NULL) { // write BOM static uint16 ByteOrderMarker = 0xFEFF; ReportFile->Serialize(&ByteOrderMarker, sizeof(ByteOrderMarker)); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("<WERReportMetadata>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<OSVersionInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<WindowsNTVersion>0.0</WindowsNTVersion>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Build>No Build</Build>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Product>Linux</Product>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Edition>No Edition</Edition>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<BuildString>No BuildString</BuildString>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Revision>0</Revision>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Flavor>No Flavor</Flavor>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Architecture>Unknown Architecture</Architecture>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<LCID>0</LCID>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</OSVersionInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<ParentProcessInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessId>%d</ParentProcessId>"), getppid())); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessPath>C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe</ParentProcessPath>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessCmdLine>C:\\Windows\\Explorer.EXE</ParentProcessCmdLine>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</ParentProcessInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<ProblemSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<EventType>APPCRASH</EventType>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter0>UE4-%s</Parameter0>"), FApp::GetGameName())); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter1>%d.%d.%d</Parameter1>"), FEngineVersion::Current().GetMajor(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetMinor(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetPatch())); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter2>0</Parameter2>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter3>Unknown Fault Module</Parameter3>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter4></Parameter4>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter5>00000000</Parameter5>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter6>00000000</Parameter6>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter7>0000000000000000</Parameter7>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter8>!%s!</Parameter8>"), FCommandLine::Get())); // FIXME: supply valid? Only partially valid WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter9>%s!%s!%s!%d</Parameter9>"), *FApp::GetBranchName(), FPlatformProcess::BaseDir(), FPlatformMisc::GetEngineMode(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetChangelist())); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</ProblemSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<DynamicSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter1>6.1.7601.</Parameter1>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter2>1033</Parameter2>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<DeploymentName>%s</DeploymentName>"), FApp::GetDeploymentName())); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<IsEnsure>%s</IsEnsure>"), bReportingNonCrash ? TEXT("1") : TEXT("0"))); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</DynamicSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<SystemInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<MID>11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555</MID>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<SystemManufacturer>Unknown.</SystemManufacturer>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<SystemProductName>Linux machine</SystemProductName>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<BIOSVersion>A02</BIOSVersion>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</SystemInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("</WERReportMetadata>")); ReportFile->Close(); delete ReportFile; } }
void FBuildPatchChunkCache::ReserveChunkInventorySlotForce( const FGuid& ChunkGuid ) { // If already reserved, return immediate if( ChunkCache.HasReservation( ChunkGuid ) || ChunkCache.Contains( ChunkGuid ) ) { return; } // Begin by checking if any slots can be freed ChunkCache.PurgeUnreferenced(); // Try to add the reservation bool bReservationAccepted = ChunkCache.TryAddReservation( ChunkGuid ); // If we couldn't reserve, we need to boot out a chunk for this required one if( bReservationAccepted == false ) { // We create a unique ref array from the use order so that chunks not needed // for longer times end up nearer the bottom of the array TArray< FGuid > ChunkPriorityList; ChunkInfoLock.Lock(); for( int32 ChunkUseOrderStackIdx = ChunkUseOrderStack.Num() - 1; ChunkUseOrderStackIdx >= 0 ; --ChunkUseOrderStackIdx ) { ChunkPriorityList.AddUnique( ChunkUseOrderStack[ ChunkUseOrderStackIdx ] ); } ChunkInfoLock.Unlock(); // Starting at the bottom of the list, we look for a chunk that is contained in the cache for( int32 ChunkPriorityListIdx = ChunkPriorityList.Num() - 1; ChunkPriorityListIdx >= 0 && !bReservationAccepted; --ChunkPriorityListIdx ) { const FGuid& LowPriChunk = ChunkPriorityList[ ChunkPriorityListIdx ]; BuildProgress->WaitWhilePaused(); // Check if there were any errors while paused, like canceling if( FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() ) { return; } if( ChunkCache.Contains( LowPriChunk ) ) { GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "FBuildPatchChunkCache: Booting chunk %s" ), *LowPriChunk.ToString() ); // Save chunk to disk so we don't have to download again bool bSuccess = true; const FString NewChunkFilename = FBuildPatchUtils::GetChunkOldFilename( ChunkCacheStage, LowPriChunk ); FChunkFile* LowPriChunkFile = ChunkCache.Get( LowPriChunk ); FChunkHeader* LowPriChunkHeader; uint8* LowPriChunkData; LowPriChunkFile->GetDataLock( &LowPriChunkData, &LowPriChunkHeader ); FArchive* FileOut = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *NewChunkFilename ); bSuccess = FileOut != NULL; const int32 LastError = FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(); if( bSuccess ) { // Setup Header *FileOut << *LowPriChunkHeader; LowPriChunkHeader->HeaderSize = FileOut->Tell(); LowPriChunkHeader->StoredAs = FChunkHeader::STORED_RAW; LowPriChunkHeader->DataSize = FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize; // This would change if compressing/encrypting // Write out file FileOut->Seek( 0 ); *FileOut << *LowPriChunkHeader; FileOut->Serialize( LowPriChunkData, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ); FileOut->Close(); delete FileOut; } LowPriChunkFile->ReleaseDataLock(); // Setup new chunk origin if( bSuccess ) { ChunkOrigins[ LowPriChunk ] = EChunkOrigin::Harddisk; } else { // Queue download if save failed ChunkOrigins[ LowPriChunk ] = EChunkOrigin::Download; FBuildPatchDownloader::Get().AddChunkToDownload( LowPriChunk ); FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, NewChunkFilename, LastError, TEXT( "ChunkBooting" ), TEXT( "Chunk Save Failed" ) ); } // Boot this chunk ChunkCache.Remove( LowPriChunk ); // Try get the reservation again! bReservationAccepted = ChunkCache.TryAddReservation( ChunkGuid ); // Count the boot NumChunksCacheBooted.Increment(); } } // We must have been able to make room check( bReservationAccepted ); } }
// cooked package asset registry saves information about all the cooked packages and assets contained within for stats purposes // in json format bool FChunkManifestGenerator::SaveCookedPackageAssetRegistry( const FString& SandboxCookedRegistryFilename, const bool Append ) { bool bSuccess = false; for ( const auto& Platform : Platforms ) { TSet<FName> CookedPackages; // save the file const FString CookedAssetRegistryFilename = SandboxCookedRegistryFilename.Replace(TEXT("[Platform]"), *Platform->PlatformName()); FString JsonOutString; JsonWriter Json = TJsonWriterFactory<TCHAR, TPrettyJsonPrintPolicy<TCHAR> >::Create(&JsonOutString); Json->WriteObjectStart(); Json->WriteArrayStart(TEXT("Packages")); for ( const auto& Package : AllCookedPackages ) { Json->WriteObjectStart(); // unnamed package start const FName& PackageName = Package.Key; const FString& SandboxPath = Package.Value; CookedPackages.Add( PackageName ); FString PlatformSandboxPath = SandboxPath.Replace(TEXT("[Platform]"), *Platform->PlatformName()); FDateTime TimeStamp = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp( *PlatformSandboxPath ); Json->WriteValue( "SourcePackageName", PackageName.ToString() ); Json->WriteValue( "CookedPackageName", PlatformSandboxPath ); Json->WriteValue( "CookedPackageTimeStamp", TimeStamp.ToString() ); Json->WriteArrayStart("AssetData"); for (const auto& AssetData : AssetRegistryData) { // Add only assets that have actually been cooked and belong to any chunk if (AssetData.ChunkIDs.Num() > 0 && (AssetData.PackageName == PackageName)) { Json->WriteObjectStart(); // save all their infos Json->WriteValue(TEXT("ObjectPath"), AssetData.ObjectPath.ToString() ); Json->WriteValue(TEXT("PackageName"), AssetData.PackageName.ToString() ); Json->WriteValue(TEXT("PackagePath"), AssetData.PackagePath.ToString() ); Json->WriteValue(TEXT("GroupNames"), AssetData.GroupNames.ToString() ); Json->WriteValue(TEXT("AssetName"), AssetData.AssetName.ToString() ); Json->WriteValue(TEXT("AssetClass"), AssetData.AssetClass.ToString() ); Json->WriteObjectStart("TagsAndValues"); for ( const auto& Tag : AssetData.TagsAndValues ) { Json->WriteValue( Tag.Key.ToString(), Tag.Value ); } Json->WriteObjectEnd(); // end tags and values object Json->WriteObjectEnd(); // end unnamed array object } } Json->WriteArrayEnd(); Json->WriteObjectEnd(); // unnamed package } if ( Append ) { FString JsonInString; if ( FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(JsonInString, *CookedAssetRegistryFilename) ) { // load up previous package asset registry and fill in any packages which weren't recooked on this run JsonReader Reader = TJsonReaderFactory<TCHAR>::Create(JsonInString); TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> JsonObject; bool shouldRead = FJsonSerializer::Deserialize(Reader, JsonObject) && JsonObject.IsValid() && JsonObject->HasTypedField<EJson::Array>(TEXT("Packages")); if ( shouldRead ) { TArray<TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>> PackageList = JsonObject->GetArrayField(TEXT("Packages")); for (auto PackageListIt = PackageList.CreateConstIterator(); PackageListIt && shouldRead; ++PackageListIt) { const TSharedPtr<FJsonValue>& JsonValue = *PackageListIt; shouldRead = JsonValue->Type == EJson::Object; if ( shouldRead ) { const TSharedPtr<FJsonObject>& JsonPackage = JsonValue->AsObject(); // get the package name and see if we have already written it out this run FString CookedPackageName; verify( JsonPackage->TryGetStringField(TEXT("SourcePackageName"), CookedPackageName) ); const FName CookedPackageFName(*CookedPackageName); if ( CookedPackages.Contains(CookedPackageFName)) { // don't need to process this package continue; } // check that the on disk version is still valid FString SourcePackageName; check( JsonPackage->TryGetStringField( TEXT("SourcePackageName"), SourcePackageName) ); // if our timestamp is different then don't copy the information over FDateTime CurrentTimeStamp = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp( *CookedPackageName ); FString SavedTimeString; check( JsonPackage->TryGetStringField(TEXT("CookedPackageTimeStamp"), SavedTimeString) ); FDateTime SavedTimeStamp; FDateTime::Parse(SavedTimeString, SavedTimeStamp); if ( SavedTimeStamp != CurrentTimeStamp ) { continue; } CopyJsonValueToWriter(Json, FString(), JsonValue); // read in all the other stuff and copy it over to the new registry /*Json->WriteObjectStart(); // open package // copy all the values over for ( const auto& JsonPackageValue : JsonPackage->Values) { CopyJsonValueToWriter(Json, JsonPackageValue.Key, JsonPackageValue.Value); } Json->WriteObjectEnd();*/ } } } else { UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Warning, TEXT("Unable to read or json is invalid format %s"), *CookedAssetRegistryFilename); } } } Json->WriteArrayEnd(); Json->WriteObjectEnd(); if (Json->Close()) { FArchive* ItemTemplatesFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*CookedAssetRegistryFilename); if (ItemTemplatesFile) { // serialize the file contents TStringConversion<FTCHARToUTF8_Convert> Convert(*JsonOutString); ItemTemplatesFile->Serialize(const_cast<ANSICHAR*>(Convert.Get()), Convert.Length()); ItemTemplatesFile->Close(); if ( !ItemTemplatesFile->IsError() ) { bSuccess = true; } else { UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Error, TEXT("Unable to write to %s"), *CookedAssetRegistryFilename); } delete ItemTemplatesFile; } else { UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Error, TEXT("Unable to open %s for writing."), *CookedAssetRegistryFilename); } } else { UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Error, TEXT("Error closing Json Writer")); } } return bSuccess; }
bool FBuildPatchChunkCache::RecycleChunkFromBuild( const FGuid& ChunkGuid ) { // Must never double acquire check( ChunkCache.Contains( ChunkGuid ) == false ); // Debug leaving any files open bool bSuccess = true; // Get the app manifest that this chunk can be sourced from FBuildPatchAppManifestPtr ChunkSourceAppManifest = InstallationInfo.GetManifestContainingChunk(ChunkGuid); if (!ChunkSourceAppManifest.IsValid()) { return false; } // Get the install directory for this manifest const FString ChunkSourceInstallDir = InstallationInfo.GetManifestInstallDir(ChunkSourceAppManifest); if(ChunkSourceInstallDir.Len() <= 0) { return false; } // We need to generate an inventory of all chunk parts in this build that refer to the chunk that we require TMap< FGuid, TArray< FFileChunkPart > > ChunkPartInventory; TArray< FGuid > Array; Array.Add( ChunkGuid ); ChunkSourceAppManifest->EnumerateChunkPartInventory(Array, ChunkPartInventory); // Attempt construction of the chunk from the parts FArchive* BuildFileIn = NULL; FString BuildFileOpened; int64 BuildFileInSize = 0; // We must have a hash for this chunk or else we cant verify it uint8 HashType = 0; uint64 ChunkHash = 0; FSHAHashData ChunkShaHash; if (InstallManifet->GetChunkShaHash(ChunkGuid, ChunkShaHash)) { HashType = FChunkHeader::HASH_SHA1; } else if (ChunkSourceAppManifest->GetChunkHash(ChunkGuid, ChunkHash)) { HashType = FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING; } TArray< FFileChunkPart >* FileChunkPartsPtr = ChunkPartInventory.Find( ChunkGuid ); bSuccess = (FileChunkPartsPtr != NULL && HashType != 0); if( bSuccess ) { const TArray< FFileChunkPart >& FileChunkParts = *FileChunkPartsPtr; TArray< uint8 > TempArray; TempArray.AddUninitialized( FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ); uint8* TempChunkConstruction = TempArray.GetData(); FMemory::Memzero( TempChunkConstruction, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ); bSuccess = FileChunkParts.Num() > 0; for( auto FileChunkPartIt = FileChunkParts.CreateConstIterator(); FileChunkPartIt && bSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++FileChunkPartIt ) { const FFileChunkPart& FileChunkPart = *FileChunkPartIt; FString FullFilename = ChunkSourceInstallDir / FileChunkPart.Filename; // Close current build file ? if( BuildFileIn != NULL && BuildFileOpened != FullFilename ) { BuildFileIn->Close(); delete BuildFileIn; BuildFileIn = NULL; BuildFileOpened = TEXT( "" ); BuildFileInSize = 0; } // Open build file ? if( BuildFileIn == NULL ) { BuildFileIn = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *FullFilename ); bSuccess = BuildFileIn != NULL; if( !bSuccess ) { BuildFileOpened = TEXT( "" ); FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, FileChunkPart.Filename, FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(), TEXT( "ChunkRecycle" ), TEXT( "Source File Missing" ) ); GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchChunkConstruction: Warning: Failed to load source file for chunk. %s" ), *FullFilename ); } else { BuildFileOpened = FullFilename; BuildFileInSize = BuildFileIn->TotalSize(); } } // Grab the section of the chunk if( BuildFileIn != NULL ) { // Make sure we don't attempt to read off the end of the file const int64 LastRequiredByte = FileChunkPart.FileOffset + FileChunkPart.ChunkPart.Size; if( BuildFileInSize >= LastRequiredByte ) { BuildFileIn->Seek( FileChunkPart.FileOffset ); BuildFileIn->Serialize( TempChunkConstruction + FileChunkPart.ChunkPart.Offset, FileChunkPart.ChunkPart.Size ); } else { bSuccess = false; FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, FileChunkPart.Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "ChunkRecycle" ), TEXT( "Source File Too Small" ) ); GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchChunkConstruction: Warning: Source file too small for chunk position. %s" ), *FullFilename ); } } } // Check no other fatal errors were registered in the meantime bSuccess = bSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); // Check chunk hash if( bSuccess ) { FSHAHashData ShaHashCheck; switch (HashType) { case FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING: bSuccess = FRollingHash< FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize >::GetHashForDataSet(TempChunkConstruction) == ChunkHash; break; case FChunkHeader::HASH_SHA1: FSHA1::HashBuffer(TempChunkConstruction, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize, ShaHashCheck.Hash); bSuccess = ShaHashCheck == ChunkShaHash; break; default: bSuccess = false; } if( !bSuccess ) { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, TEXT( "" ), INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "ChunkRecycle" ), TEXT( "Chunk Hash Fail" ) ); GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchChunkConstruction: Warning: Hash check failed for recycled chunk %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() ); } } // Save the chunk to cache if all went well if( bSuccess ) { // It was added asynchronously!! check( ChunkCache.Contains( ChunkGuid ) == false ); // Create the ChunkFile data structure FChunkFile* NewChunkFile = new FChunkFile( GetRemainingReferenceCount( ChunkGuid ), true ); // Lock data FChunkHeader* ChunkHeader; uint8* ChunkData; NewChunkFile->GetDataLock( &ChunkData, &ChunkHeader ); // Copy the data FMemoryReader MemReader( TempArray ); MemReader.Serialize( ChunkData, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ); // Setup the header ChunkHeader->Guid = ChunkGuid; ChunkHeader->StoredAs = FChunkHeader::STORED_RAW; ChunkHeader->DataSize = FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize; // This would change if compressing/encrypting ChunkHeader->HashType = HashType; ChunkHeader->RollingHash = ChunkHash; ChunkHeader->SHAHash = ChunkShaHash; // Release data NewChunkFile->ReleaseDataLock(); // Count chunk NumChunksRecycled.Increment(); // Add it to our cache. ChunkCache.Add( ChunkGuid, NewChunkFile ); } // Close any open file if( BuildFileIn != NULL ) { BuildFileIn->Close(); delete BuildFileIn; BuildFileIn = NULL; } } return bSuccess; }
bool FBuildPatchChunkCache::ReadChunkFromDriveCache( const FGuid& ChunkGuid ) { bool bSuccess = true; // Get the chunk filename const FString Filename = FBuildPatchUtils::GetChunkOldFilename( ChunkCacheStage, ChunkGuid ); // Read the chunk FArchive* FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *Filename ); bSuccess = FileReader != NULL; if( bSuccess ) { // Get file size const int64 FileSize = FileReader->TotalSize(); // Create the ChunkFile data structure FChunkFile* NewChunkFile = new FChunkFile( GetRemainingReferenceCount( ChunkGuid ), true ); // Lock data FChunkHeader* ChunkHeader; uint8* ChunkData; NewChunkFile->GetDataLock( &ChunkData, &ChunkHeader ); // Read the header *FileReader << *ChunkHeader; // Check header magic bSuccess = ChunkHeader->IsValidMagic(); if ( bSuccess ) { // Check the right data size bSuccess = ChunkHeader->DataSize == FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize; if( bSuccess ) { // Check Header and data size bSuccess = ( ChunkHeader->HeaderSize + ChunkHeader->DataSize ) == FileSize; if( bSuccess ) { // Read the data FileReader->Serialize( ChunkData, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ); // Verify the data hash FSHAHashData ShaHashCheck; switch (ChunkHeader->HashType) { case FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING: bSuccess = ChunkHeader->RollingHash == FRollingHash< FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize >::GetHashForDataSet(ChunkData); break; case FChunkHeader::HASH_SHA1: FSHA1::HashBuffer(ChunkData, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize, ShaHashCheck.Hash); bSuccess = ShaHashCheck == ChunkHeader->SHAHash; break; default: bSuccess = false; } if( !bSuccess ) { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "DriveCache" ), TEXT( "Hash Check Failed" ) ); GLog->Logf( TEXT( "FBuildPatchChunkCache: ERROR: ReadChunkFromDriveCache chunk failed hash check %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() ); } else { // Count loads NumDriveCacheChunkLoads.Increment(); GLog->Logf( TEXT( "FBuildPatchChunkCache: ReadChunkFromDriveCache loaded chunk %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() ); } } else { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "DriveCache" ), TEXT( "Incorrect File Size" ) ); GLog->Logf( TEXT( "FBuildPatchChunkCache: ERROR: ReadChunkFromDriveCache header info does not match file size %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() ); } } else { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "DriveCache" ), TEXT( "Datasize/Hashtype Mismatch" ) ); GLog->Logf( TEXT( "FBuildPatchChunkCache: ERROR: ReadChunkFromDriveCache mismatch datasize/hashtype combination %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() ); } } else { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "DriveCache" ), TEXT( "Corrupt Header" ) ); GLog->Logf( TEXT( "FBuildPatchChunkCache: ERROR: ReadChunkFromDriveCache corrupt header %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() ); } // Release data NewChunkFile->ReleaseDataLock(); // Add the newly filled data to the cache if successful if( bSuccess ) { ChunkCache.Add( ChunkGuid, NewChunkFile ); } // If there was a problem, remove from cache and reservation else { ChunkCache.Remove( ChunkGuid ); } // Close the file FileReader->Close(); delete FileReader; } else { FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, Filename, FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(), TEXT( "DriveCache" ), TEXT( "Open File Fail" ) ); GLog->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchServices: ERROR: GetChunkData could not open chunk file %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() ); } return bSuccess; }
/** * Mimics Windows WER format */ void GenerateWindowsErrorReport(const FString & WERPath) { FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*WERPath); if (ReportFile != NULL) { // write BOM static uint16 ByteOrderMarker = 0xFEFF; ReportFile->Serialize(&ByteOrderMarker, sizeof(ByteOrderMarker)); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("<WERReportMetadata>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<OSVersionInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<WindowsNTVersion>6.1</WindowsNTVersion>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Build>7601 Service Pack 1</Build>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Product>(0x30): Windows 7 Professional</Product>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Edition>Professional</Edition>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<BuildString>7601.18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431</BuildString>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Revision>1130</Revision>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Flavor>Multiprocessor Free</Flavor>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Architecture>X64</Architecture>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<LCID>1033</LCID>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</OSVersionInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<ParentProcessInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessId>%d</ParentProcessId>"), getppid())); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessPath>C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe</ParentProcessPath>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessCmdLine>C:\\Windows\\Explorer.EXE</ParentProcessCmdLine>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</ParentProcessInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<ProblemSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<EventType>APPCRASH</EventType>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter0>UE4-%s</Parameter0>"), FApp::GetGameName())); WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter1>1.0.%d.%d</Parameter1>"), ENGINE_VERSION_HIWORD, ENGINE_VERSION_LOWORD)); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter2>528f2d37</Parameter2>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter3>KERNELBASE.dll</Parameter3>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter4>6.1.7601.18015</Parameter4>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter5>50b8479b</Parameter5>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter6>00000001</Parameter6>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter7>0000000000009E5D</Parameter7>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter8>!!</Parameter8>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter9>UE4!D:/ShadowArtSync/UE4/Engine/Binaries/Win64/!Editor!0</Parameter9>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</ProblemSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<DynamicSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter1>6.1.7601.</Parameter1>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter2>1033</Parameter2>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</DynamicSignatures>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<SystemInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<MID>11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555</MID>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<SystemManufacturer>Unknown.</SystemManufacturer>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<SystemProductName>Linux machine</SystemProductName>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<BIOSVersion>A02</BIOSVersion>")); // FIXME: supply valid? WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</SystemInformation>")); WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("</WERReportMetadata>")); ReportFile->Close(); delete ReportFile; } }
void FCrashInfo::GenerateReport( const FString& DiagnosticsPath ) { FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *DiagnosticsPath ); if( ReportFile != NULL ) { FString Line; WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( TEXT( "Generating report for minidump" ) ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile ); if ( EngineVersion.Len() > 0 ) { Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Application version %s" ), *EngineVersion ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); } else if( Modules.Num() > 0 ) { Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Application version %d.%d.%d" ), Modules[0].Major, Modules[0].Minor, Modules[0].Patch ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); } Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( " ... built from changelist %d" ), BuiltFromCL ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); if( LabelName.Len() > 0 ) { Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( " ... based on label %s" ), *LabelName ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); } WriteLine( ReportFile ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "OS version %d.%d.%d.%d" ), SystemInfo.OSMajor, SystemInfo.OSMinor, SystemInfo.OSBuild, SystemInfo.OSRevision ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Running %d %s processors" ), SystemInfo.ProcessorCount, GetProcessorArchitecture( SystemInfo.ProcessorArchitecture ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Exception was \"%s\"" ), *Exception.ExceptionString ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Source context from \"%s\"" ), *SourceFile ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<SOURCE START>" ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); for( int32 LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < SourceContext.Num(); LineIndex++ ) { Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s" ), *SourceContext[LineIndex] ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); } Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<SOURCE END>" ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<CALLSTACK START>" ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); for( int32 StackIndex = 0; StackIndex < Exception.CallStackString.Num(); StackIndex++ ) { Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s" ), *Exception.CallStackString[StackIndex] ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); } Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "<CALLSTACK END>" ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%d loaded modules" ), Modules.Num() ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); for( int32 ModuleIndex = 0; ModuleIndex < Modules.Num(); ModuleIndex++ ) { FCrashModuleInfo& Module = Modules[ModuleIndex]; FString ModuleDirectory = FPaths::GetPath(Module.Name); FString ModuleName = FPaths::GetBaseFilename( Module.Name, true ) + FPaths::GetExtension( Module.Name, true ); FString ModuleDetail = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%40s" ), *ModuleName ); FString Version = FString::Printf( TEXT( " (%d.%d.%d.%d)" ), Module.Major, Module.Minor, Module.Patch, Module.Revision ); ModuleDetail += FString::Printf( TEXT( " %22s" ), *Version ); ModuleDetail += FString::Printf( TEXT( " 0x%016x 0x%08x" ), Module.BaseOfImage, Module.SizeOfImage ); ModuleDetail += FString::Printf( TEXT( " %s" ), *ModuleDirectory ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *ModuleDetail ) ); } WriteLine( ReportFile ); // Write out the processor debugging log WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Report ) ); Line = FString::Printf( TEXT( "Report end!" ) ); WriteLine( ReportFile, TCHAR_TO_UTF8( *Line ) ); ReportFile->Close(); delete ReportFile; } }
void USetupDefinition::ProcessCopy( FString Key, FString Value, UBOOL Selected, FInstallPoll* Poll ) { guard(USetupDefinition::ProcessCopy); BYTE Buffer[4096]; if( Selected && Key==TEXT("File") ) { // Get source and dest filenames. FFileInfo Info(*Value); if( Info.Lang==TEXT("") || Info.Lang==UObject::GetLanguage() ) { if( Info.Dest==TEXT("") ) Info.Dest = Info.Src; if( !LocateSourceFile(Info.Src) ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("MissingInstallerFile"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *Info.Src ); FString FullDest = DestPath * Info.Dest; FString FullSrc = Info.Ref==TEXT("") ? Info.Src : GetFullRef(*Info.Ref); FString FullPatch = FullDest + TEXT("_tmp"); // Update uninstallation log. UninstallLogAdd( TEXT("File"), *Info.Dest, 0, 1 ); // Make destination directory. if( !GFileManager->MakeDirectory( *BasePath(FullDest), 1 ) ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedMakeDir"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest ); // Status display. if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,0,0,RunningBytes,TotalBytes) ) DidCancel(); // Copy SrcAr -> DestAr. INT CalcOldCRC = 0; guard(CopyFile); FString ThisDest = Info.Ref==TEXT("") ? FullDest : FullPatch; debugf( TEXT("Copying %s to %s"), *FullSrc, *ThisDest); FArchive* SrcAr = GFileManager->CreateFileReader( *FullSrc ); if( !SrcAr ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc ); INT Size = SrcAr->TotalSize(); FArchive* DestAr = GFileManager->CreateFileWriter( *ThisDest, FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly ); if( !DestAr ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest ); if( FullSrc.Right(3).Caps() == TEXT(".UZ") && ThisDest.Right(3).Caps() != TEXT(".UZ")) { INT Signature; FString OrigFilename; *SrcAr << Signature; if( Signature != 5678 ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc ); else { *SrcAr << OrigFilename; FCodecFull Codec; Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecRLE); Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecBWT); Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecMTF); Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecRLE); Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecHuffman); Codec.Decode( *SrcAr, *DestAr ); if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,Size,Size,RunningBytes+=Size,TotalBytes) ) { delete SrcAr; delete DestAr; DidCancel(); } } } else { for( SQWORD Pos=0; Pos<Size; Pos+=sizeof(Buffer) ) { INT Count = Min( Size-Pos, (SQWORD)sizeof(Buffer) ); SrcAr->Serialize( Buffer, Count ); if( SrcAr->IsError() ) { delete SrcAr; delete DestAr; LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedReadingSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc ); } if( Info.Ref!=TEXT("") ) { CalcOldCRC = appMemCrc( Buffer, Count, CalcOldCRC ); } DestAr->Serialize( Buffer, Count ); if( DestAr->IsError() ) { delete SrcAr; delete DestAr; LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest ); } if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,Pos,Size,RunningBytes+=Count,TotalBytes) ) { delete SrcAr; delete DestAr; DidCancel(); } } } delete SrcAr; if( !DestAr->Close() ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedClosingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest ); delete DestAr; unguard; // Patch SrcAr + DeltaFile -> DestAr. if( Info.Ref!=TEXT("") ) { guard(PatchFile); BYTE Buffer[4096]; // Open files. FString ThisSrc = FullPatch; FArchive* SrcAr = GFileManager->CreateFileReader( *ThisSrc ); if( !SrcAr ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *ThisSrc ); INT Size = SrcAr->TotalSize(); FArchive* DestAr = GFileManager->CreateFileWriter(*FullDest,FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly); if( !DestAr ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest ); // Load delta file. TArray<BYTE> Delta; FString DeltaName = Info.Src; if( !appLoadFileToArray( Delta, *DeltaName ) ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedLoadingUpdate"), TEXT("AdviseBadDownload"), *Info.Src ); debugf( TEXT("Patching %s to %s with %s"), *ThisSrc, *FullDest, *DeltaName ); // Decompress variables. INT PrevSpot=0, CountSize=0, CRC=0; INT Magic=0, OldSize=0, OldCRC=0, NewSize=0, NewCRC; FBufferReader Reader( Delta ); Reader << Magic << OldSize << OldCRC << NewSize << NewCRC; // Validate. if( Magic!=0x92f92912 ) appErrorf( LineFormat(LocalizeError("PatchCorrupt")), *DeltaName, LocalizeError("AdviseBadDownload") ); if( OldSize!=Size || OldCRC!=CalcOldCRC ) appErrorf( LocalizeError("CdFileMismatch"), *Info.Ref, *LocalProduct ); // Delta decode it. INT OldCountSize=0; while( !Reader.AtEnd() ) { INT Index; Reader << AR_INDEX(Index); if( Index<0 ) { CRC = appMemCrc( &Delta(Reader.Tell()), -Index, CRC ); DestAr->Serialize( &Delta(Reader.Tell()), -Index ); if( DestAr->IsError() ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest ); Reader.Seek( Reader.Tell() - Index ); CountSize -= Index; } else { INT CopyPos; Reader << AR_INDEX(CopyPos); CopyPos += PrevSpot; check(CopyPos>=0); check(CopyPos+Index<=Size); SrcAr->Seek( CopyPos ); for( INT Base=Index; Base>0; Base-=sizeof(Buffer) ) { INT Move = Min(Base,(INT)sizeof(Buffer)); SrcAr->Serialize( Buffer, Move ); if( SrcAr->IsError() ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedReadingSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadDownload"), *ThisSrc ); CRC = appMemCrc( Buffer, Move, CRC ); DestAr->Serialize( Buffer, Move ); if( DestAr->IsError() ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest ); } CountSize += Index; PrevSpot = CopyPos + Index; } if( ((CountSize^OldCountSize)&~(sizeof(Buffer)-1)) || Reader.AtEnd() ) { if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,CountSize,Info.Size,RunningBytes+=(CountSize-OldCountSize),TotalBytes) ) { delete SrcAr; delete DestAr; DidCancel(); } OldCountSize = CountSize; } } if( NewSize!=CountSize || NewCRC!=CRC ) appErrorf( LineFormat(LocalizeError("PatchCorrupt")), *DeltaName, LocalizeError("AdviseBadDownload") ); delete SrcAr; if( !DestAr->Close() ) LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedClosingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest ); delete DestAr; GFileManager->Delete( *ThisSrc ); unguard; } } } unguard; }